These parameter entities offer a place where you can easily add new elements to the DocBook mixtures.
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.admon.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Caution | Important | Note |
Tip | Warning |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.bibliocomponent.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.component.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
BiblioDiv | Bibliography | BlockQuote |
Callout | Glossary | GlossDiv |
Index | ListItem | MsgExplan |
MsgText | Procedure | SetIndex |
Step |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.cptr.char.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Action | Command | ComputerOutput |
Database | Filename | FuncParams |
FuncSynopsisInfo | Function | Hardware |
Interface | InterfaceDefinition | KeyCap |
Literal | Option | Optional |
Parameter | Property | SystemItem |
UserInput |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.divcomponent.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Appendix | Article | Chapter |
PartIntro | Preface | Sect1 |
Sect2 | Sect3 | Sect4 |
Sect5 | Section | SimpleSect |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.docinfo.char.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.example.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Example | InformalExample |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.figure.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Figure | InformalFigure |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.footnote.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
Footnote |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.glossdef.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
GlossDef |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.highlights.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
Highlights |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.indexdivcomponent.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
IndexDiv |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.legalnotice.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Dedication | LegalNotice |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.mediaobject.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
InlineMediaObject | MediaObject |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.ndxterm.char.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Primary | PrimaryIE | Secondary |
SecondaryIE | See | SeeAlso |
SeeAlsoIE | SeeIE | Tertiary |
TertiaryIE |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.para.char.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.para.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
Para |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.partcontent.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
Part |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.person.ident.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.qandaset.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Answer | QandADiv | QandASet |
Question |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.refclass.char.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
RefClass |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.refcomponent.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
RefSect1 | RefSect2 | RefSect3 |
RefSynopsisDiv |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.refinline.char.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
RefPurpose |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.refname.char.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
RefDescriptor | RefName |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.sidebar.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
Sidebar |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.smallcptr.char.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.tabentry.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following element:
entry |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.textobject.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Caption | Colophon | TextObject |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.title.char.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
BridgeHead | SegTitle | Subtitle |
Title | TitleAbbrev |
The replacement text for this entity is empty.
%local.word.char.mix; contributes to the declaration of the following elements:
Abbrev | Acronym | FirstTerm |
Label | ManVolNum | WordAsWord |
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HIVE: All information for read only. Please respect copyright! |