Question ::= (Label?, (CalloutList|GlossList|ItemizedList|OrderedList|SegmentedList| SimpleList|VariableList|LiteralLayout|ProgramListing| ProgramListingCO|Screen|ScreenCO|ScreenShot|Synopsis| CmdSynopsis|FuncSynopsis|FormalPara|Para|SimPara|Address| BlockQuote|Graphic|GraphicCO|MediaObject|MediaObjectCO| InformalEquation|InformalExample|InformalFigure|InformalTable| Equation|Example|Figure|Table|Procedure|Anchor|BridgeHead| Comment|Highlights|IndexTerm)+)
Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.
A Question in a QandAEntry poses a question or states a problem that is addressed by the following Answer(s). Answers are optional (some questions have no answers) and may be repeated (some questions have more than one answer).
Questions are frequently introduced with a label, such as "Q:". Several attributes control the generation of the label text.
If the DefaultLabel attribute on the nearest ancestor QandASet is not "label," then the Label attribute on Question is ignored. Otherwise, the value of the Label attribute is used as the label for the Question.
The following elements occur in Question: Address, Anchor, BlockQuote, BridgeHead, CalloutList, CmdSynopsis, Comment, Equation, Example, Figure, FormalPara, FuncSynopsis, GlossList, Graphic, GraphicCO, Highlights, IndexTerm, InformalEquation, InformalExample, InformalFigure, InformalTable, ItemizedList, Label, LiteralLayout, MediaObject, MediaObjectCO, OrderedList, Para, Procedure, ProgramListing, ProgramListingCO, Screen, ScreenCO, ScreenShot, SegmentedList, SimPara, SimpleList, Synopsis, Table, VariableList.
In some contexts, the following elements are allowed anywhere: BeginPage, IndexTerm.
In some contexts, the following elements are excluded: Equation, Example, Figure, IndexTerm, InformalTable, Table.
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