BiblioMSet ::= ((Abbrev|Abstract|Address|ArtPageNums|Author|AuthorGroup| AuthorInitials|BiblioMisc|BiblioSet|Collab|ConfGroup| ContractNum|ContractSponsor|Copyright|CorpAuthor|CorpName|Date| Edition|Editor|InvPartNumber|ISBN|ISSN|IssueNum|OrgName| OtherCredit|PageNums|PrintHistory|ProductName|ProductNumber| PubDate|Publisher|PublisherName|PubsNumber|ReleaseInfo| RevHistory|SeriesVolNums|Subtitle|Title|TitleAbbrev|VolumeNum| CiteTitle|Honorific|FirstName|Surname|Lineage|OtherName| Affiliation|AuthorBlurb|Contrib|IndexTerm|BiblioMSet|#PCDATA)+)
Name | Type | Default |
Relation | CDATA | None |
Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.
BiblioMSet is a "cooked" wrapper for a collection of bibliographic information.
The purpose of this wrapper is to assert the relationship that binds the collection. For example, in a BiblioMixed entry for an article in a journal, you might use two BiblioMSets to wrap the fields related to the article and the fields related to the journal.
Formatted as a displayed block.
BiblioMSets are "cooked." In addition to named fields, they can contain interspersed #PCDATA to provide punctuation and other formatting information.
The processing system is generally expected to present each and every element in the set, all interspersed #PCDATA, in the order in which it occurs.
AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed from the inline content of BiblioMSet in DocBook V4.0. A new wrapper element will be created to associate this information with authors, editors, and other contributors.
BiblioSet will be removed from the content model of BiblioMSet. Allowing a "raw" container inside a "cooked" one confuses processing expectations.
The following elements occur in BiblioMSet: Abbrev, Abstract, Address, Affiliation, ArtPageNums, Author, AuthorBlurb, AuthorGroup, AuthorInitials, BiblioMisc, BiblioMSet, BiblioSet, CiteTitle, Collab, ConfGroup, ContractNum, ContractSponsor, Contrib, Copyright, CorpAuthor, CorpName, Date, Edition, Editor, FirstName, Honorific, IndexTerm, InvPartNumber, ISBN, ISSN, IssueNum, Lineage, OrgName, OtherCredit, OtherName, PageNums, PrintHistory, ProductName, ProductNumber, PubDate, Publisher, PublisherName, PubsNumber, ReleaseInfo, RevHistory, SeriesVolNums, Subtitle, Surname, Title, TitleAbbrev, VolumeNum.
In some contexts, the following elements are excluded: IndexTerm.
Relation identifies the relationship between the various elements in the BiblioMSet.
<!DOCTYPE bibliomixed PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> <bibliomixed> <bibliomset relation=article> <surname>Walsh</surname>, <firstname>Norman</firstname>. <title role=article>Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets</title>. </bibliomset> <bibliomset relation=journal> <title>The World Wide Web Journal</title> <volumenum>2</volumenum><issuenum>1</issuenum>. <publishername>O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.</publishername> and <corpname>The World Wide Web Consortium</corpname>. <pubdate>Winter, 1996</pubdate></bibliomset>. </bibliomixed>
For additional examples, see also Bibliography.
Copyright © 1999 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.
HIVE: All information for read only. Please respect copyright! |