

ClassName -- The name of a class, in the object-oriented programming sense


Mixed Content Model

ClassName ::=


Common attributes

Tag Minimization

Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.

Parameter Entities



The ClassName tag is used to identify the name of a class. This is likely to occur only in documentation about object-oriented programming systems, languages, and architectures.

DocBook does not contain a complete set of inlines appropriate for describing object-oriented programming environments. (While it has ClassName, for example, it has nothing suitable for methods.) This will be addressed in a future version of DocBook.

Processing expectations

Formatted inline.


These elements contain ClassName: Action, Application, Attribution, BiblioMisc, BridgeHead, Citation, CiteTitle, Command, Comment, ComputerOutput, Database, Emphasis, entry, Filename, ForeignPhrase, FuncParams, FuncSynopsisInfo, Function, GlossSee, GlossSeeAlso, GlossTerm, Hardware, Interface, InterfaceDefinition, KeyCap, LineAnnotation, Link, Literal, LiteralLayout, LoTentry, Member, MsgAud, OLink, Option, Optional, Para, Parameter, Phrase, Primary, PrimaryIE, ProductName, ProgramListing, Property, Quote, RefDescriptor, RefEntryTitle, RefName, RefPurpose, Screen, ScreenInfo, Secondary, SecondaryIE, See, SeeAlso, SeeAlsoIE, SeeIE, Seg, SegTitle, SimPara, Subtitle, Synopsis, SystemItem, Term, Tertiary, TertiaryIE, Title, TitleAbbrev, ToCback, ToCentry, ToCfront, Trademark, ULink, UserInput.


The following elements occur in ClassName: IndexTerm, InlineGraphic, InlineMediaObject, Replaceable.

In some contexts, the following elements are allowed anywhere: BeginPage, IndexTerm.

In some contexts, the following elements are excluded: IndexTerm.

See Also

Interface, InterfaceDefinition, Property, StructField, StructName, Symbol, Token, Type


<!DOCTYPE para PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">
All user-interface components must be descendants of the
<classname>Widget</classname> class.

All user-interface components must be descendants of the Widget class.

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