PEAR Справочное руководство

Под редакцией

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Авторские права

Авторские права на это руководство принадлежат PEAR Documentation Group (2001-2003). Это руководство может распространяться при условии соблюдения условий Open Publication License, версии 1.0 или более поздней (последняя версия лицензии доступна по адресу

Распространение существенно модифицированных версий этого документа без прямого разрешения правообладателя запрещено.

Распространение работ или производных работ в любой обычной (бумажной) форме без прямого разрешения правообладателя запрещено.

PEAR Documentation Group состоит из всех людей, которые принимали участие в составлении документации к PEAR. Официальные представители перечислены на первой странице. Если вы хотите связаться с группой - вам следует написать по адресу

Об этом руководстве
Структура руководства
Authors and Contributors
1. Введение
2. Установка
3. Техническая поддержка
4. Стандарты кодирования PEAR
5. Как принять участие в проекте PEAR
6. ЧаВО - Частозадаваемые вопросы
7. PEAR Group Administrative Documents
II. New Maintainers' Guide
8. Introduction
9. When to contribute (and when not to contribute)
10. Getting started with the community
11. The formal proposal process
12. Taking over an unmaintained package
III. Руководство разработчика
13. Введение
14. Значение PEAR для разработчиков
15. Добавление вашего кода
16. Файл описания пакета - package.xml
17. The package definition file package.xml, version 2.0
18. Публикация пакета
19. Supporting PEAR development
20. Recommendations
21. Writing documentation
IV. New features in PEAR 1.4
22. Introduction
23. Channels
24. Custom File Roles
25. Custom File Tasks
26. Post-installation Scripts
V. PEAR Компоненты ядра
27. Базовые классы PEAR
28. Классы PPM
VI. PEAR Пакеты программ
29. Аутентификация
30. Тестирование
31. Кэширование
32. Конфигурация
33. Консоль
34. Базы данных
35. Дата и время
36. Шифрование
37. Event
38. Форматы файлов
39. Файловая система
40. Gtk
41. Gtk2
42. HTML
43. HTTP
44. Изображения
45. Internationalization
46. Logging
47. Почта
48. Математика
49. Сеть
50. Числа
51. Финансовые транзакции
52. PEAR
53. PHP
54. QA Tools
55. Наука
56. Streams
57. Structures
58. System
59. Текст
60. Tools and Utilities
61. Validate
62. Web Services
63. XML
VII. PECL Пакеты программ
I. Imagick
III. Radius
IV. Net_Gopher
V. PostScript document creation
VI. Satellite CORBA client extension
VII. PostgreSQL Session Save Handler
VIII. SPPLUS Payment System
IX. Net_Gopher
X. oggvorbis


Об этом руководстве

Это руководство создано с помощью XML с использованием DocBook XML DTD и DSSSL (Document Style and Semantics Specification Language) для форматирования. Утилиты, использовавшиеся для форматирования HTML и PDF версий: Jade, который создал James Clark и The Modular DocBook Stylesheets, которые создал Norman Walsh.

Руководство основывается на большом объеме работы, которую в свое время сделали участники PHP Documentation Group. Подробнее читайте здесь - About the PHP manual.

Структура руководства

Здесь вы сможете найти описание обшей структуры, разметки и соглашений, которые используются в руководстве по PEAR. Руководство разделено на 5 основных частей:

  • О PEAR

    Эта секция содержит небольшой вступление на тему что такое PEAR и что он может предложить. В нее также включена общая информация об установке и использовании PEAR, вариантах поддержки и ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы о PEAR.

  • Основные компоненты

    Эта секция содержит документацию по базовым классам PEAR. Эти классы являются базовыми для каждого класса PEAR, понимание их основ позволит вам использовать PEAR. Обсуждаемые темы включают: базу PEAR, администрирование PEAR, обработку ошибок с помощью PEAR_Error и команды системы. Эти классы поставляются вместе с релизами PHP.

  • Пакеты

    Существует много пакетов PEAR и их количество растет день ото дня. Почти каждый пакет документирован и почти каждый не ставится по умолчанию. Информацию об установке классов PEAR на вашей системе вы можете найти в главе Установка.

    Каждый документированный класс содержит основную документацию о функциях, которые он предоставляет. Может быть, также, дополнительная информация в виде введения, списка констант и примеров использования пакета. Дополнительная информация может присутствовать в исходниках пакета.

    Описание каждой функции может содержать некоторые или все из нижеперечисленных частей:

    • Обзор

      Содержит описание структуры и прототип функции.

    • Описание

      Содержит описание того, что делает эта функция.

    • Параметр

      Описывает каждый параметр функции с указанием имен и типов каждого из них. Перечислены обязательные и опциональные параметры.

    • Возвращаемое значение

      Описывает возвращаемое значение, если функция не завершается ошибкой.

    • Throws

      Описывает объекты класса PEAR_Error, возвращаемые в случае завершении функции с ошибкой.

    • Заметка

      Дополнительные заметки и информация о функции. Содержит пример, если фукнция может быть вызвана статически.

    • См. также

      Ссылки на другие функции и разделы руководства.

    • Пример

      Пример использование функции или класса.

  • Пакеты PECL

    Пакеты PECL - это обычные модули PHP, написанные на C. Структура документации аналогична описанной выше.

  • Участие в PEAR

    Содержит информацию о написании и добавлении в PEAR своих собственных пакетов.

Authors and Contributors

The following is a list of people that are helping to maintain this documentation. If you would like to contact one of them, please write to

  • Lorenzo Alberton

  • Gregory Beaver

  • Daniel Convissor

  • David Costa

  • Thomas V.V. Cox

  • Christophe GeschИ

  • Martin Jansen

  • Alan Knowles

  • Clay Loveless

  • Alexander Merz

  • Stefan Neufeind

  • Jon Parise

  • Tobias Schlitt

  • Stephan Schmidt

  • Mika Tuupola

  • Michael Wallner

  • Christian Weiske

(In alphabetic order.)


Глава 1. Введение

PEAR посвящается

PEAR посвящается Malin Bakken, родившейся 21 ноября 1999 года (первые строки PEAR были написаны всего за два часа до её рождения).

Что это такое: PEAR?

PEAR - это аббревиатура от "PHP Extension and Application Repository" (Репозиторий приложений и модулей PHP).

PEAR - это:

Структурированная библиотека PHP-кода

Код в PEAR разделен на так называемые "пакеты". Каждый пакет - это отдельный проект со своей командой разработчиков, номером версии, циклом разработки, документацией и определенным отношением к остальным пакетам (включая возможные зависимости). Пакеты распространяются в виде архивов *.TAR.GZ, которые включают в себя описание пакета, и устанавливаются на вашей системе с помощью инсталлятора PEAR.

Есть два типа пакетов: пакеты исходного кода (содержат, соответственно, только исходники) и бинарные пакеты (содержат платформозависимые бинарные файлы и, возможно, их исходный код). Естественно, что установка пакетов, которые содержат код на C, из исходников требует присутствия среды для компиляции C-кода.

В PEAR существует определенное дерево пакетов, в котором каждой ветвью является часть имени пакета. Ветви разделяются по темам, их названия в именах пакетов разделяются символом подчеркивания. Например, "MP3_Id", "Archive_Tar" и "HTTP_Post".

Пакеты могут находиться в зависимости друг от друга, однако не существует какой-либо обязательной зависимости между пакетом и его "родителем" в дереве пакетов (например, "HTTP_Post" не зависит от "HTTP").

Несколько ветвей высшего уровня называются "суб-репозиториями" и выполняют специальные функции. На данный момент это: PECL, Gtk и App. Каждый из них достоин отдельной темы, поэтому за дополнительной информацией лучше обратиться в соответствующие разделы настоящей документации.

Руководство по стилю написания кода, Стандарт кодирования PEAR (или коротко - PCS), существует для облегчения совместной работы разработчиков PEAR, для повышения качества и портабельности, а также для того, чтобы помочь разработчикам в создании cтандартизированных программных интерфейсов. В пакетах, которые входят в PFC (The PHP Foundation Classes), стандарт кодирования соблюдается особо строго, для других - менее.

Распространение кода и управление пакетами

Все пакеты PEAR регистрируются и загружаются в центральную базу данных, которая доступна на Сторонние пакеты с открытыми исходниками так же могут быть зарегистрированы и загружены. Пакеты с закрытыми исходниками PEAR предназначена только для кода с открытыми исходниками. предоставляет два варианта интерфейсов к базе данных PEAR: дружественный для пользователя интерфейс (HTML) и интерфейс для машины (на данный момент это XML-RPC). Загрузка пакетов осуществляется с помощью HTTP. Также, выполняет и другие функции:

Пакеты распространяются в виде архивов *.TAR.GZ с описанием в формате XML. Описание содержит информацию о пакете, список файлов и их предназначений, а также список зависимостей.

Базовые классы PHP

Базовые классы (The PHP Foundation Classes, PFC) - это подмножество PEAR, основными целями которого являются качество, универсальность, многофункциональность и совместимость. В том случае, если PHP и далее будет поставляться вместе с пакетами PEAR и установщиком, то этими пакетами непременно будут базовые классы.

Повышенное качество этих пакетов означает то, что ни один пакет с уровнем ниже "stable" не будет допущен в PFC.

Универсальность означает, что пакеты не должны без особых на то причин зависеть от любого вида внешнего окружения (например, формата вывода, операционной системы, веб-сервера, SAPI и др.)

Многофункциональность пакетов означает, что их удобно использовать в других пакетах, они имеют стабильный и стандартизированный API, предпочитают использовать устоявшиеся компоненты, а также не зависят от внешней среды (версии PHP, SAPI, операционной системы и др.)

Совместимость - это не просто поддержка синтаксиса и семантики предыдущих версий, это также заблаговременное планирование. Проектирование кода таким образом, что добавление новой функциональности не требует больших усилий, делает код "совместимым с будущими версиями".

Пакеты Gtk


Пакеты Gtk - это пакеты, которые используют функциональность проекта PHP-GTK. Код в этом суб-репозитории следует стандарту кодирования PEAR.

На данный момент еще нет определенного плана о том, как они будут распространяться.

Глава 2. Установка

Эта глава описывает процесс установки пакетов PEAR.


В этой главе предполагается, что вы уже знакомы со структурой PEAR.

Базовая установка, которая поставляется вместе с дистрибутивом PHP как часть базовых классов, содержит инструменты, необходимые для запуска установки PEAR. Если у вас установлен один из последних дистрибутивов PHP4 - можете быть спокойны, базовая инсталляция PEAR уже установлена в вашей системе, если только вы не конфигурировали PHP с флагом '--without-pear'.

Пакеты, которые не входят в число базовых, могут быть установлены с помощью менеджера пакетов PEAR, который является подобием "apt-get" в Debian. Еще раз повторим: если у вас установлена одна из последних версий PHP (> 4.3.0pre1), то вы можете пропустить следующий параграф. Если же вы используете PHP 4.2.* или более раннюю версию, то вам придется установить менеджер пакетов вручную.

Кроме установки пакетов, менеджер пакетов PEAR также выполняет некоторые другие задачи: он может создавать новые пакеты на вашей машине, управлять реестром установленных пакетов, проверять зависимости и общаться со службой XML-RPC на для выполнения некоторых других задач.

Установка из командной строки


Нижеследующее описание относится к последней версии менеджера пакетов PEAR.

Установка из командной строки - это самый простой способ установить пакеты PEAR в вашей системе: установщик соединяется с сервером PEAR через обычное HTTP-соединение, загружает пакет на вашу машину и устанавливает в указанное место.

Полуавтоматическая установка

Если вы загрузили пакет с в виде *.tar.gz, то вы так же можете установить его локально. Для этого, выполните следующую команду в шелле:

$ pear install <file>.tgz

Эта команда автоматически установит пакет без использования соединения с удаленным сервером. <file>.tgz - это имя пакета, который вы загрузили и хотите установить.

Глава 3. Техническая поддержка

В этой главе описываются способы получения технической поддержки в том случае, если у вас есть вопросы, касающиеся PEAR.

Списки рассылки


В большинстве проектов с открытыми исходниками поддержка осуществляется с помощью списков рассылки. В случае PEAR, имеются пять списков рассылки:

Первые четыре списка рассылки предназначены для того, чтобы помочь вам, если у вас имеются какие-то вопросы. Пожалуйста, дочитайте эту главу до конца, чтобы понять какой из них подходит именно вам. Рассылка изменений в CVS предназначена для разработчиков PEAR: все добавления и изменения в системе контроля версий (CVS) отражаются в этом списке рассылки.

Вы можете подписаться на списки рассылки PEAR здесь.

Рассылка для пользователей PEAR

Рассылка для пользователей PEAR - это список рассылки, где вы можете задать вопрос, касающийся установки PEAR, использования конкретных пакетов и т.п.

Этот список рассылки не предназначен для вопросов по использования PHP. Для этого, пожалуйста, используйте

Рассылка для тех, кто занимается документацией

Этот список рассылки предназначен для обсуждения вопросов, которые касаются документации по PEAR.

Если вы хотите помочь в документировании пакетов PEAR - пишите сюда.

Глава 4. Стандарты кодирования PEAR

Замечание: Стандарты кодирования PEAR используються в коде, который в итоге стает частью PEAR, который в свою очередь поставляеться с дистрибутивом PHP или доступен для скачивания через утилиты инсталяции PEAR.


Комментарии внутри кода классов должны соответствовать синтаксису комментариев PHPDoc, который напоминает Javadoc. За дополнительной информацией о PHPDoc обращайтесь сюда:

Дополнительные комментарии, кроме тех, что предусмотрены PHPDoc, только приветствуются. Основное правило в данном случае - каждая часть кода повышенной сложности должна быть прокомментирована до того, как вы забыли как она работает.

Подходят комментарии в стилях C (/* */) и C++ (//). Использование комментариев в стиле Perl/shell (#) не рекомендуется.

Блок комментариев в заголовке

Все базовые файлы исходного кода в PEAR должны содержать следующий ниже блок комментариев в заголовке:
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP version 4                                                        |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group                                |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the PHP license,       |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
// |                                 |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
// | so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Original Author <>                        |
// |          Your Name <>                                 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id$

Нет четкого правила, которое определяет момент, когда новый разработчик должен быть добавлен в список авторов данного файла. В общем случае, его внос в изменения этого файла должен относиться к категории "значительных" (т.е. около 10%-20% процентов кода). Исключения могут быть в случае переписывания функций или добавления новой логики.

Простая реорганизация кода и исправление ошибок не приводит к добавлению нового участника в список авторов.

Файлы, которые не входят в базовую часть PEAR должны такой же блок комментариев в заголовке, включая авторские права, лицензию и список авторов. Комментарии должны быть отформатированы для того, чтобы сохранять свою целостность.

Использование CVS

Эта часть касается только пакетов, использующих CVS на

Включайте ключевое слово CVS - $Id$ в каждый файл. Добавьте эту метку в каждый файл, если там ее еще нет или исправьте уже существующую запись "Last Modified:" и т.п.).

В оставшейся части этой главы предполагается, что вы имеете представление о тэгах CVS и ветках (branches).

Тэги CVS предназначены для того, чтобы пометить файлы, которые принадлежат к конкретному релизу. Ниже приводится список необходимых и рекомендуемых тэгов:

Обязательным является только тэг RELEASE, остальные рекомендуются для вашего же удобства.

Пример того, как пометить тэгом релиза 1.2 пакет "Money_Fast":

Сделав так, вы получаете возможность использовать веб-сайт PEAR для дальнейшего процесса выпуска релизов.

Пример создания ветки для QA:

Тэг "QA_2_0_BP" - это тэг ветки. Рекомендуется всегда выделять ветки этим тэгом. Служебные ветви (MAINT branches) могут быть отмечены как релиз и без использования этого тэга.

Соглашения об именах

В общем случае, имена классов, функций и переменных всегда должны быть "говорящими" для того, чтобы читатель мог сразу понять для чего они используются.

Глава 5. Как принять участие в проекте PEAR

Этот раздел расказывает о том, каким образом вы можете принять участие в проекте PEAR.

Предложение патчей

Если вы модифицировали пакет и расширили таким образом его функциональность или исправили ошибку, вам следует предоставить ваши изменения общественности (некоторые лицензии принуждают вас к этому, кроме того, это считается хорошим тоном).

Перед созданием патча, вы должны скачать самую последнюю версию пакета с CVS. Для этого вам нужно выполнить следующие команды (в примере используется пакет Foo_Bar):
cvs login
password is "phpfi"

cvs -z3 co Foo_Bar
Теперь у вас есть самая последняя версия исходников и вы можете вносить изменения в соответствующие файлы. Удостоверьтесь, что при написании патча вы учли
Стандарты кодирования PEAR.

После того, как вы закончили добавление/изменение кода - протестируйте его. Мы не примем код, который не был протестирован. Когда будете абсолютно уверены, что ваш код не содержит новых ошибок, создайте унифицированный diff-файл командой:
cd pear/Foo_Bar
cvs diff -u >Foo_Bar.diff
Файл .diff, который получится в результате, содержит ваш патч. С этим diff'ом нам будет значительно проще понять что вы изменили.

Следующий шаг - это предложение патча. Напишите письмо по адресу и пошлите копию (Cc) письма разработчикам пакета. Тема письма должна начинаться с '[Patch]' для того, чтобы было ясно, что вы предлагает патч. Пожалуйста, включите в письмо развернутое объяснение изменений, которые вы предлагаете внести с помощью этого патча. И не забудьте приложить .diff к письму. Разработчики пакеты обычно перечислены в заголовке каждого файла исходников пакета. Кроме этого, их адреса электронной почты можно найти на странице пакета на

Замечание: Если вы используете Outlook или Outlook Express, пожалуйста, измените расширение файла с .diff на .txt. Определение MIME-типа в Outlook'е зависит от расширения файла и сработает неверно. Письма, содержащие аттачменты, у которых MIME-тип отличается от text/plain будут отвергнуты программным обеспечением рассылки.

Замечание: Если ваш патч ломает обратную совместимость, то очень велики шансы, что разработчики не будут очень рады ему. Поэтому, старайтесь исправлять ошибки так, чтобы не вносить серъезных изменений в API. Но если это абсолютно невозможно и/или ваш патч предоставляет действительно необходимые изменения, то изменения API допустимы.

Сообщения об ошибках

Если вы считаете, что вы нашли ошибку в пакете PEAR - пожалуйста, проверьте, что вы используете последнюю версию пакета и ваша система соответствует требованиям пакета.

Если ошибка все еще проявляется даже с последней версией пакета - не стесняйтесь сообщить о ней по адресу При этом вам следует выбрать категорию "PEAR related" для вашего рапорта. Разработчики PEAR будут извещены о вашем рапорте.

Подробная информация и советы по поводу составления рапортов об ошибках могут быть найдены здесь -

Если вы исправили ошибку, которую нашли в пакете - пожалуйста, прочтите это.

Writing & Translating Documentation

Good documentation is essential for users to fully understand any software. Several PEAR packages lack documentation or have docs which need improvement. Writing documentation provides more information about helping out on this front.

Translating documentation is another important task. Not only does new documentation need to be translated into the existing languages, additional languages are welcome. Also, existing translations need to be brought up to date because the English versions have been changed. Help on how to perform the translation process is in the Revision Tracking section of the manual.

Списки пожеланий

Некоторые разработчики PEAR имеют списки пожеланий на сайте Amazon или других подобных сервисах. Если вы хотите отблагодарить конкретного разработчика - вы можете купить ему что-то из его списка пожеланий. Чтобы выяснить есть ли у разработчика такой список, зайдите в список эккаунтов, посмотрите детали разработчика и вы увидите есть ли у него список пожеланий. Покупка предметов из списков иногда может даже увеличить скорость разработки и уменьшить время, за которое исправляются ошибки =)

Глава 6. ЧаВО - Частозадаваемые вопросы

Я написал модуль PHP на C. Что нужно сделать, чтобы он был добавлен в PEAR?

Отвечают Stig Bakken и Martin Jansen.

Если вы хотите сделать обычный модуль, которы не соответствует стандартам кодирования PEAR, то вы можете просто добавить его в pear/PECL/extname (это именно то место, куда будут перемещаться модули из PHP). Если же вы хотите создать модуль, который будет соответствовать соглашениям PEAR, то добавьте его в pear/Foo_Bar, подставив вместо Foo_Bar имя вашего модуля.

Допускаются ли пакеты/классы с похожей функциональностью?

Никаких проблем с конкурирующими пакетами не возникает, однако мы бы хотели избежать появления 10-ти классов шаблонов, 7-ми различных классов по работе с почтой и 3-х врапперов для баз данных, которые будут выполнять одни и те же действия, отличаясь только именами функций.

Для начала, задайте себе вопрос: "Почему я хочу добавить новый пакет?". Самые плохие варианты ответа это: "Хочу увидеть мое имя в списке участников PEAR" и "Я не понимаю API уже существующего пакета".

Обычно, причиной добавления нового пакета является отсутствие функциональности, особенности поведения или проблемы со скоростью/эффективностью у существующего пакета. В этом случае, вы должны удостовериться в том, что расширить или улучшить этот класс/пакет невозможно. Если это действительно так, то вам действительно следует добавить новый пакет. "Действительно невозможно" означает, что нет никакой возможности добавить новую функциональность без изменения основ класса/пакета.

Если вы все-таки решили создать новый класс - старайтесь поддерживать совместимость API со старыми классами настолько, насколько это возможно. Если это невозможно в принципе - попробуйте сделать враппер для поддержания совместимости. И неважно, что этот враппер может требовать значительных ресурсов - так или иначе, но он значительно упростит процесс миграции.

Добавление конкурирующего класса обязательно должно быть согласовано в листе разработчиков PEAR!

У меня есть вопрос, который касается PEAR. Где я могу его задать?

Информация о подписке на эти списки рассылки находится здесь.

Официальным языком всех этих рассылок является английский и постарайтесь быть повежливей =).

Какие лицензии используют пакеты, размещенные в PEAR/PECL?

Отвечают Jan Lehnardt, Tomas V.V. Cox и Rasmus Lerdorf.

Любую из лицензий ПО с открытыми исходниками или свободного ПО. Cм. список лицензий ПО с открытыми исходниками здесь и список лицензий, который были приняты Фондом Свободного ПО - здесь. Выберите любую из этих двух списков. Однако, это не должна быть GPL-совместимая лицензия. Вот примерный список подходящих лицензий: Apache License, Artistic license, BSD license, Common Public License, GPL, IBM Public License, Intel Open Source License, Jabber Open Source License, LGPL, MIT license, Mozilla Public License, PHP License, Python license, Python Software Foundation License, QPL, Sleepycat License, Sun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL), Sun Public License, W3C license, zlib/libpng license, Zope Public license.

Рекомендуется использовать лицензии PHP, LGPL или BSD.

Учтите: если модули из PECL собираются вместе с PHP, то их лицензия должна быть совместима с лицензий PHP. Это означает, что модули PECL с лицензией GPL не могут быть использованы вместе с PHP, т.к. это будет нарушать лицензию GPL. Аналогичная проблема возникает, если ваш модуль использует библиотеку с GPL-лицензией - лицензия будет нарушаться. Если использование такой библиотеки необходимо - попросите разрешения у её автора.

Для того, чтобы распространять пакет из PEAR/PECL под определенной лицензией, добавьте её в начало каждого файла исходного кода, а так же добавьте ее тип в тэг <license> файла описания пакета (package.xml).

Почему стандарт кодирования PEAR настаивает на использовании пробелов вместо табуляций?

Отвечает Stig Bakken.

Использование пробелов вместо табуляций - это единственное решение, которое позволяет быть уверенным в том, что код отображается одинаково во всех редакторах и просмотрщиках. Большое количество редакторов использует длину табуляции, равную 4-м пробелам, но значительно количество терминалов и утилит использует для этого 8 пробелов. Пример:


Здесь "$arg" предваряют 7 пробелов. Если бы этот код был написан в редакторе с табуляциями из 4-х пробелов, то он был бы сохранен как одна табуляция и три пробела. Теперь представьте себе: другой разработчик редактирует тот же самый файл в редакторе с табуляциями из 8-ми пробелов. Код будет выглядеть так:


И наоборот:

    if ($foo &&
       $bar) {

В редакторе с табуляциями из 4-х пробелов этот код будет выглядеть так:

    if ($foo &&
   $bar) {

В обществе, подобном PEAR, где состоит большое количество людей, использующих различные системы и редакторы, использование табуляций просто бессмысленно. Участники будут бесконечно изменять файлы для того, чтобы сохранить нормальное форматирование в их редакторе, изменяя его при этом для всех остальных. И только пробелы могут позволить коду выглядеть одинаково везде.

Jamie Zawinski тоже об этом как-то написал, см. здесь.

Существует также утилита Astyle, которая создана для конвертации кода в соответствующий вид.

Is there a tool to help PEAR manual translators to track files changes?

Working on the translations is not just translating an English file and commiting the results. Much of the work is needed to update the already translated ones, to get in sync with the content of the English files. To follow the modifications in the English tree, you should subscribe to the PEAR documentation mailing list to get CVS commit messages, or read the archives. If you never update your files, the translations can get useless.

Updating a foreign language file can get difficult, as you may not know when and who translated that file, so you may not know where you should look for the updates needed. We have one system for tracking the revisions and modification dates of the files in peardoc.

The Revision Comments

Instead of storing all responsibilities in a central file, the revision comment system stores them in the files they provide information about. Information about translator, revision numbers, and status information is stored in the revision comment. Let's see what would be in the header of the example file bookinfo.xml file in this case:
<!-- EN-Revision: 1.16 Maintainer: jane Status: ready -->

We can see the revision number for the last english file used to update the translation (EN-Revision: 1.16), the translator cvs account name. But we can also add some other status information in the case it is needed (eg. "partial" for incomplete translations). This revision comment system is basically about storing the information in the XML files, and not in a central place. This is extremely convenient now, as there are more than 2400 files in the English tree.

Currently, all three fields (English revision, Maintainer, Status) are needed. Maintainer is intended to be a CVS user name, or some nickname without a space, status can be anything without a space. Note, that this header is not updated by CVS (in contrast with $Revision, which is updated automatically). This is only updated when you edit the contents of the comment yourself.

You may see this as a good thing, but using these comments, you lose the quick look on the whole list of your files. No, you do not lose this, but get much more! If you would like to build a full list of you files, you can go to the /peardoc/ directory and run:
./scripts/revcheck_pear.php xx > revcheck.html
Here xx is the imaginary language code. After running this script you'll get a revcheck.html in the same directory. You can find revision comparisions and links to diffs for all the files in this language. You can also add a further restriction parameter, the maintainer name, so the script will only list the files corresponding to the given maintainer.

There are some optional extensions introduced for this script, to be available in this generated HTML page. This is why the translation.xml files are introduced. Here comes a simple translation.xml file for the imaginary xx language :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE translation SYSTEM "../dtds/translation.dtd">


  This is some introductory text for the xx language translators
  about who is the manager of the translation, and where to find
  more information. This paragraph is printed on the top of the
  generated revcheck.html page.
  <person name="Joe Doe"     email=""
   nick="joedoe" cvs="yes" editor="yes"/>
  <person name="Jane Smith"  email=""
   nick="jane"   cvs="yes"/>
  <person name="Joe Forever" email=""
   nick="joefo"  cvs="no"/>
  <file name="appendices/aliases.xml" person="joedoe"
  <file name="functions/dbx.xml"      person="joefo"

In this file, you can add users without a CVS account, and can assign ready documents or work-in-progress files to them. The biggest advantage of using this addon is that all this information is used to generate dynamic tables of translators and files in the revcheck.html file. All translators are linked to from the individual files they are assigned to, and there is a nice table showing the state of files for all the translators. Assigning ready files may be needed if a time consuming update is in progress on that file.

There are two optional parameters you can add to a <file>, if you would like to record it: the date and revision. Date is assumed to be the date when the work was started, revision is the checked out revision of the English file used to start the work (denoted as CO-Revision in the generated table). There is currently no fixed format for the date parameter.

Another addon to this system is just to give credit to all people who worked on one file, and not just the current maintainer. To achieve this goal, we added the credit comments. One credit comment in eg. history.xml may look like this (in case Joe Doe translated the file initially, but Jane followed him to be the maintainer):
<!-- CREDITS: joedoe -->
The credits comment can contain a comma-separated list. These comments only affect the display of the translators table in revcheck.html.

Why does my browser show strange warnings when logging in to the website?

You are seeing the warnings because uses a SSL key that is signed by CAcert, whose root certificate is unfortunately not bundled with most browser.

If you are using a Mozilla browser, you can import the certificate on this site by clicking on the link "Root Certificate (PEM Format)". When asked if you want to trust the new Certificate Authority, you need to check at least the "Trust this CA to identify web sites." box and click "Ok".

People using Internet Explorer may find help here.

Mac OS X users must download the above mentioned PEM file. The certificate can then be imported with the "Keychain Access" utility via "Import" in the "File" menu.

Глава 7. PEAR Group Administrative Documents

One of the jobs of the PEAR Group is to issue administrative documents about diverse topics in PEAR. This chapter contains all of them.

Package Directory Structure

Let's assume we have a package The_Package_Name that contains one or more sub-classes (eg. The_Package_Name_Module), with some documentation (perhaps a README, copies of RFCs, etc.), a battery of test scripts (unit tests, regression tests, etc.), and it uses some data files (localization strings, etc.), the dir tree would look like:

|-- Name (contains Module.php)
|-- data
|-- docs
|   `-- examples
|-- misc
|-- scripts
`-- tests

Name refers to the last part of the The_Package_Name, all subclasses of the main class, should be put in there or subdirectories of it. You can refer to - the directory Lite as an example (this basically documents what we currently do anyway).

The data and misc directories are optional, because it will not make sense to have them for every single package in PEAR.

The directories that are required are docs/examples and tests. A package may have no extra documentation, but it should have at least one example. There must also be some basics test to be able to verify that the package is working. The preferred type of testing script system to use is PHPUnit or .phpt. But for now we would be content with any sort of test script.

Files in scripts will be installed into a directory available in $PATH, such as /usr/local/bin.

Anything that does not fit any of the above categories is placed into the misc directory.

Maintainers are expected to modify their existing packages to match this new standard.

License Announcement

The PEAR Group would like to announce the following refinement of the current license FAQ entry.

Vote result: 5 (+1), 0 (-1), 3 (+0)

The current list allows a great number of licenses which vary greatly. This means that users may have to learn the in's and out's of alot of licenses. Also some of the license choices impose comparitively high restrictions to the standard PHP license (GPL, QPL ..). As PEAR aims to extend the functionality provided by PHP users of PHP should fairly safely be able to also use any PEAR package without licensing worries, be it for commercial or non commercial, closed or opensource use.

Therefore with this announcement the license choices are reduced to the following short list:

  • PHP License

  • Apache License

  • LGPL

  • BSD style

  • MIT License

Other licenses may be accepted on a case by case basis, but will have to fit the above criterias. This decision has been made to simplify the current situation, and as with all decisions is open to be refined in the future using the RFC proposal methodology.

All packages, which are already part of PEAR as of now, which use other licenses, do not need to follow this regulation.

Замечание: In the meantime the FAQ entry linked above has also been updated to reflect the decisions from this document.

New guidelines for BC breaking releases

The goal is to make it possible to be able to run multiple major versions in one script.

For this reason new major versions (BC break or when the maintainer feels it makes sense as a result of dramatic feature additions or rewrites) require a new package using the following naming convention in the following order of preference (where 'Foo' is the package name and 'X' the major version number):

  1. FooX

  2. FoovX

  3. Foo_vX

The choice should be made based on preventing current and future misleading or ambiguous names. This means good care should be taken in making the right choice for the package. Obviously the first two allow for some ambiguity (is DB2 a package for IBM's DB2 or just the major version 2 of DB? - is IPv4 a package for IPv4 or is it the 4th major release if IP?). They don't break the idea of "_" mapping to directories (the class DB_NestedSet implies that there is a nestedset.php in the DB dir). The last one prevents any ambiguity but it's the least visually pleasing and also breaks the '_' to directory mapping and is therefore the last choice.

We also came to the conclusion that the pear installer should not be clever about the relationship between two major releases aside from printing out notices about the fact that there is a newer major version when a user installs an earlier one. However all major versions of a package will be listed on one package home. This is especially important in order to not break tutorials that cover older major releases (tutorial xyz for major version 1 simply says 'pear install Foo' - if the system would then install 'Foo2' the user might be in for an unpleasant surprise).

Therefore, new major versions are for all intents and purposes new packages with the above mentioned exceptions. The names of these new packages are derived using one of the above mentioned naming conventions.

Orphaned Packages


QA team

Refers to the whole QA team (core and mailing list members)

QA core

Refers to the 6 elected QA team members

Orphaned PEPr Proposals

II. New Maintainers' Guide

Глава 8. Introduction

If you are planning to contribute a new package to the PEAR project, this guide will provide you with the necessary information to get you started The Right Way (tm).

We will start by describing the cases in which it makes sense to contribute and in which not. After we have ensured that the package you want to contribute fits into PEAR, we will describe how to get started with the community. Once you are confident about the inner workings of the PEAR developer community, we will explain how to start the formal process of proposing a new package and we will give some tips for making your first package as successful as possible.

Глава 9. When to contribute (and when not to contribute)

In this chapter we describe the cases in which it makes sense to contribute code to PEAR and in which it does not. This description is by no means complete. If you are unsure, if your contribution could be included into PEAR, contact the developers mailing list.

Cases in which it makes sense to contribute

As you may have already noticed while browsing the list of existing packages, the PEAR packages provide a (often abstract) solution for a general problem. Thus your code will most likely fit into PEAR if it solves a problem that will not only occur in one (e.g. your) specific application, but that occurs in a lot of (web) applications. Examples are:

  • Support for Network protocols

  • Object oriented wrappers that provide easy access to otherwise complicated or less intuitive PHP extensions.

  • Parsing different XML dialects.

    The PEAR packages that provide XML parsing functionalities can be found in the category browser.

No matter which area is covered by a package, the API should be as abstract as possible (while not becoming too complex), so that it can be utilized painlessly in as much use cases as possible.

Глава 10. Getting started with the community

Upon determining your code fits into PEAR, you should get started with the PEAR community. In this chapter we will provide several ways, in which you can establish a first contact with the other PEAR developers, which will hopefully be your future open source fellows. Additionally we will tell you the different places, where you can find more information about the inner workings and rules of PEAR.

Communication with other PEAR developers

Mailing lists naturally are the most important way to communicate in projects like PEAR. We are running a number of public mailing lists, which are listed on the PEAR website. For starters the PEAR developers mailing list is of major importance for you: This mailing list is the place where the maintainers get together to discuss various aspects of their packages and this list is also the place where new packages are discussed.

If you would like to get started with maintaining packages in PEAR, you are expected to be subscribed to this mailing list. (Subscription instructions)

Замечание: During your first steps in the PEAR community, you may stumble across the term "pear-dev", which is the abbreviation for the developers mailing list in PEAR's lingo.

Some people enjoy communicating via IRC channels. We are running the channel #pear in the server network of EFnet. At this channel some of the most active PEAR developers hang out regularly. However for serious inquiries or discussions, you should mail to the developers mailing list.

More written information

  • The PEAR Group occasionally publishes so called Administrative Documents, which describe the Group's decisions. You are expected to read those documents before starting serious contributions to PEAR, because they contain important information about the inner workings of PEAR. The developers mailing list will be informed, when new documents are added, so you do not need to visit the site frequently.

  • This manual contains the Developer Guide, which provides valueable information as well.

  • The Coding Standards describe the standards which PEAR code must adhere to.

Глава 11. The formal proposal process

In the early times of PEAR, all new packages were proposed by an informal email to the PEAR developers mailing list. Over the time, the number of new proposals increased quite dramatically, making it hard to keep track of all the proposals.

A web-based proposal handling system was established to solve these problems. The system is called PEPr. It is pronounced like the spice and stands for "PEAR Proposal system".

This chapter describes the requirements and the workflow for a PEPr-based proposal. After that we will provide you with information, on how to actually start a proposal. Finally, you will learn what to do once the proposal is finished.

After reading this chapter, you will will be able to start a proposal for your code right away.

Step 1: Requirements for a proposal

The following enumeration lists the most important things that need to be done or be made available before starting a new proposal.

Step 2: Initiating a discussion

For every package you should start a proposal in PEPr as a draft to initiate dicussion on the developers mailing list.

By discussing the package with the PEAR developers you will easily be able to find out if:

  • there are technical issues with the package/code

  • a package with similar functionality already exists

  • there are people working on something similar, so you can join forces

  • etc.

By reading between the lines, you should also be able to find out if you will be able to gather enough positive votes in the formal proposal process.

Be aware that people will scrutinize your code, so be prepared for criticism (both positive and negative) and save everybody a bunch of time by making sure your scripts adhere to the Coding Standards.

Please note that PEAR is an international project. People come from different cultural backgrounds where english may not be their native tongue. Misunderstandings may happen because of that, so assume the person is trying to do good. Do not worry if your English is not perfect but do try to be as clear as possible and do not hesitate to ask for advice.

Step 3: Using PEPr

To be able to use the proposal tool (PEPr), you have to apply for a PEAR website account. This account will usually be granted within one or two days. After that you can open a new proposal using the "New Package Proposal" interface.

The package proposal process is divided into 4 stages: "Draft", "Proposal", "Call for Votes" and "Finished". Every proposal has to run through all of these stages. During each stage (except for the draft stage) an email is send to you (the proposer) and the PEAR developers mailing list for any action.

Changing a proposal

In general you may not edit or delete your proposal after it has left the Proposal stage. In urgent cases you can contact the PEAR community via the developers mailing list to reach a PEAR website administrator to do a change. This is heavily discouraged however! You should have made everything clear to the community during the Proposal stage to ensure a hassle free voting process. Even if the voting has a negative result, this is no reason to delete it.

Глава 12. Taking over an unmaintained package

If you want to become the new lead maintainer of a package that is marked as unmaintained on the PEAR website, the following section will explain to you the necessary steps for this to happen.

  1. The first thing is to inform the PEAR Quality Assurance mailing list about your intention. If you have not been involved in PEAR prior to that, it is a good idea to write a few words about you and your motivations.

  2. The QA team will then state whether you can take over the package or not, eventually explaining why. You can then apply for an account for the PEAR website unless you already have one. The PEAR Group will have to grant this account, and afterwards the QA team will assign you as the new lead maintainer for the package.

  3. If the sources of the package are kept in the PHP CVS repository, you will also need an account for this. You can sign up for it on the PHP website. Please mention in the purpose field of the request form that the PEAR QA team has told you to get an account, so that your request can be processed faster. CVS accounts are managed by the PHP Group, so PEAR unfortunately has only limited influence on this process.

    Замечание: In case you already have a CVS account for, it is only necessary for you to get additional "karma" for the module where the package resides. You can request this karma by sending an email to the PEAR Group. (Please also mention in this mail that you have already talked to the QA team.)

  4. If everything has worked out well, you should by now be the lead maintainer of the previously unmaintained package. If not, don't hesitate to ask the people on the QA mailing list for help.

III. Руководство разработчика

Глава 14. Значение PEAR для разработчиков

Код высокого качества

PEAR состоит из кода только высокого качества, который соответствует стандартам кодирования PEAR. Для вас это значит, то вы используете код с cоответствующим API, который основан на стандартных компонентах и который использует один и тот же механизм управления ошибками везде.

Учтите, что это не относится к коду, который находится в PECL: в PECL весь код соответствует стандартам кодирования PHP.

Глава 15. Добавление вашего кода

Требования к новому коду

Есть несколько требований, которые должны соблюдаться для того, чтобы ваш код был добавлен в PEAR:

  1. Соответствие стандартам кодирования

    Если вы хотите добавить ваш код в PEAR, то он обязательно должен соответствовать стандартам кодирования. В свое время, после множества дискуссий о том, нужны стандарты или нет, было принято решение - необходимы. Пожалуйста, не пытайтесь продолжить споры на эту тему.

  2. Должна быть возможность расширения кода и добавления новой функциональности ("forward-compatible" code).

    Помните: ваш код должен легко расширяться, добавление новой функциональности не должно вызывать никаких проблем. Если у вас никак не получается сделать подобный код без изменения принципов работы кода, то вам, видимо, еще рано добавлять код в PEAR, попробуйте перепроектировать код.

  3. Документация в соответствующих форматах (plain text, docbook)

    Ваш код должен поставляться с соответствующей документацией в одном из следующих форматов:

    Если вы создадите документацию в формате Docbook XML и разметка будет соответствовать всем правилам, то документация будет сразу же добавлена в официальное справочное руководство по PEAR, которое вы читаете в данный момент.

    Замечание: Существуют планы реализовать автоматическую систему конвертации формата phpDocumentor в формат Docbook XML, который уже будет добавляться в официальное руководство автоматически. Но пока вам придется писать документацию вручную.

  4. Автор кода ("вы") должен иметь желание и возможность поддерживать в будущем свой пакет (или пакеты) и выпускать новые версии для исправления ошибок.

    Если у вас нет желания поддерживать ваш код, это значит, что добавлять его в PEAR нет смысла. Поддержка кода - это в первую очередь оказание помощи другим разработчикам, которые используют ваш пакет, в основном с помощью листов рассылки, а также выпуск новых релизов кода, исправление ошибок и улучшение функциональности.


    Код может быть удален из PEAR, если его автор не желает более заниматься его поддержкой и никто другой такого желания не проявляет.

Как добавить свой код в PEAR

  1. Присвоение новому пакету правильного имени

    Одна из самых важных задач при добавлении вашего кода в PEAR - это нахождение наиболее подходящего имени для вашего пакета.

    Общие правила наименования пакетов таковы: <Категория>_<Имя>. Имя <Категории> должно быть выбрано из уже существуеющего списка категорий PEAR (например, "HTTP", "Net", "HTML"). Вторая часть имени - это имя самого пакета (например, "Upload", "Portscan", "Table").

    Если вы считаете, что ваш пакет не подходит ни к одной из существующих категорий, вы можете попросить создать новую. Однако, мы стараемся сохранить как можно более простую структуру категорий.

    В качестве исключений из общих правил, имя пакета может содержать более одного имени категории. Например, пакет HTML_Template_PHPLIB : множество категорий в имени пакет означает, что пакет PHPLIB является частью категории Template, которая, в свою очередь, принадлежит к категории HTML. В данном случае имя формируется именно по такому принципу потому, что в PEAR могут существовать шаблонные системы, которые не будут работать с HTML, а будут предназначены для использования с другими технологиями.

    Если вы хотите получить совет или нуждаетесь в помощи при выборе имени пакета - спросите в листе разработчиков.

  2. Представление кода разработчикам PEAR

    Второй шаг, который вам необходимо выполнить для добавления вашего пакета в PEAR - это представление пакета в рассылке разработчиков. Обычно такое представление вызывает порождает обсуждение и небольшое голосование, в котором разработчики будут отдавать свои голоса "за" или "против" вашего предложения. Конечно, вам стоит поучаствовать в этой дискуссии. Получение от разработчика "+1" означает, что ему нравится ваше предложение, получение "-1" - наоборот, это голос "против". При получении более пяти "+1" вы можете перейти к следующему шагу.

  3. Получение эккаунтов

    На данный момент можно отличить два вида эккаунтов, которые относятся к PEAR:

    1. учетная запись

      Эта учетная запись нужна вам для того, чтобы вы могли добавлять релизы вашего пакета. С этим эккаунтом вы сможете получить доступ к необходимым страницам на для загрузки новых релизов.

    2. учетная запись на сервере CVS

      Если вы хотите управлять вашим кодом с помощью CVS, то вы можете получить эккаунт на CVS для получения доступа к модулю pear на Это значительно облегчит участие других разработчиков в разработке вашего пакета.

      Если у вас уже есть репозиторий CVS где-то в другом месте (например, на SourceForge) или вы не хотите управлять своим кодом с помощью CVS, то CVS-эккаунт вам не нужен.

    Для того, чтобы получить эккаунт на, зайдите на страницу запроса эккаунта в PEAR и заполните форму. Администраторы PEAR получат ваш запрос и создадут вам учетную запись, если найдут причины для этого достаточными. Вам сообщат о конечном результате по е-мэйлу. Учтите, что вам не нужен эккаунт для того, чтобы загружать себе пакеты с

    Для того, чтобы получить CVS-эккаунт, зайдите сюда и заполните соответствующие поля. Вопрос о создании вам эккаунта будет решаться участниками PHP Group.

  4. Процедура выпуска релизов

    Для начала, чтобы получить возможность добавить ваш пакет в PEAR, вы должны получить эккаунт на

    Перед выпуском первого релиза вашего пакета, вам следует зарегистрировать сам пакет. Для этого вы должны зайти сюда и заполнить соответствующие поля формы. Пожалуйста, выбирайте имя пакета, которое будет соответстовать пункту первому этой главы.

    После регистрации пакета, вы сможете выпустить первую версию пакета.

    Перед этим необходимо создать файл описания пакета. Этот файл в формате XML, с именем package.xml должен находиться в корневой директории исходников пакета.

    Дополнительная информация о файлах описаний пакетов находится здесь.

    После того, как вы создали этот файл, запустите
         $ pear package
    в корневой директории пакета. Эта команда создаст файл .tgz в той же директории. В нашем примере это будет файл с именем Money_Fast-1.0.tgz.

    Теперь заходите на эту страницу и загружайте tgz-файл на сервер. После этого выпуск версии 1.0 пакета уже можно считать состоявшимся.

Глава 16. Файл описания пакета - package.xml


Файл описания пакета, package.xml, как становится понятно из его имени - это XML-файл, который содержит всю информацию о пакете из PEAR.

В этой главе описываются элементы, которые могут присутствовать в файле описания пакета, а также обсуждаются способы создания такого файла для вашего пакета.

Допустимые элементы

Корневым элементом файла package.xml является элемент <package version="1.0">. Допускаются следующие вложенные элементы:

  • <name>: Имя пакета.

  • <summary>: Краткое описание пакета.

  • <description>: Полное описание пакета.

  • <license>: Лицензия (PHP License, LGPL и т.п.). Более подробная информация о допустимых лицензиях в PEAR содержится в FAQ.

  • <maintainers>: Информация о создателях пакета.

    • <maintainer>: Информация о каждом создателе отдельно (может присутствовать несколько раз, для каждого разработчика).

      • <user>: Имя аккаунта разработчика.

      • <role>: Роль разработчика в процессе создания пакета. Может принимать значения: lead, developer, contributor, helper.)

      • <name>: Настоящее имя разработчика.

      • <email>: Адрес электронной почты.

  • <release>: Информация о текущем релизе.

    • <version>: Номер версии релиза.

    • <state>: Статус релиза. (Может быть alpha, beta, stable, devel или snapshot)

    • <date>: Дата релиза.

    • <notes>: Комментарии к релизу

    • <filelist>

      • <file role="xxx">: Имя файла

      • <dir name="xxx" [role="xxx"]>: Имя поддиректории. Поддиректория, в свою очередь, может содержать другие элементы <file role="xxx">.

    • <deps>: Список зависимостей пакета.

      • <dep type="xxx" rel="yyy" optional="yes">name</dep> : Более подробную информацию о зависимостях можно найти ниже.

  • <changelog>: Changelog(история изменений) пакета.

    • <release>

      • <version>: Версия конкретного релиза.

      • <state>: Статус конкретного релиза.

      • <date>: Дата конкретного релиза.

      • <notes>: Комментарии к релизу.

Создание файла описания пакета

Этот файл package.xml может послужить вам шаблоном, т.к. он уже содержит все необходимые поля. В большинстве случаев, вам нужно будет всего лишь поменять текст между тэгами, чтобы использовать пример в вашем пакете.

В этом примере демонстрируется очень удобный прием: когда в какой-то из ваших директорий содержатся файлы только одного типа, вы можете использовать атрибут "role" у элемента <dir> вместо того, чтобы добавлять его у каждому элементу <file>.

После прочтения данной главы вы уже можете создавать файл описания пакета. Если у вас все еще есть вопросы по этому поводу - задавайте их в листе рассылки.

Определение зависимостей

PEAR Package Manager или менеджер пакетов позволяет задавать различные требования к системе. Вы можете определить зависимости от этих требований с помощью элемента <dep>:

Атрибут rel

Атрибут rel определяет отношение между существующей возможностью и требованием.

Has используется, если не определено других значений. Стоит отметить, что rel обязателен для PEAR 1.4.0 и выше.

Глава 17. The package definition file package.xml, version 2.0

A quick and dirty guide to version 2.0 of the package definition file package.xml

The package definition file package.xml is, as the name already implies, a well-formed XML file that contains all information about a PEAR package. Version 2.0 contains several important enhancements over version 1.0, including

For those of you with an existing package.xml version 1.0, you can create an approximate equivalent package using the

$ pear convert

command. Note that as of version 1.6.0a1, PEAR_PackageFileManager supports package.xml 2.0 with the PEAR_PackageFileManager2 class.

PECL developers: for more information on pecl-specific features, read here.

An example file with all elements

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package version="2.0" xmlns=""
 <summary>Any one-line summary</summary>
 <description>any static long description.
 This text should not change very much between releases, use the "notes" tag
 for release notes
  <name>Greg Beaver</name>
 <time>20:30:13</time> <-- note: <time> is optional -->
 <license uri="">PHP License</license>
 Put release notes here.
 They can be multi-line
  <dir name="/">
   <dir name="PEAR">
    <dir name="ChannelFile">
     <file name="Parser.php" role="php" />
    </dir> <!-- /PEAR/ChannelFile -->
    <file name="Dependency2.php" role="php">
     <tasks:replace from="@PEAR-VER@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
   </dir> <!-- /PEAR -->
   <dir name="scripts" baseinstalldir="/">
    <file name="pear.bat" role="script">
     <tasks:replace from="@bin_dir@" to="bin_dir" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
    <file name="pecl.bat" role="script">
     <tasks:replace from="@bin_dir@" to="bin_dir" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
    <file name="" role="script">
     <tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@php_dir@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@pear_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
     <tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
    <file name="" role="script">
     <tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@php_dir@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@pear_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
     <tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
    <file name="pearcmd.php" role="php">
     <tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@php_dir@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@pear_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
     <tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
    <file name="peclcmd.php" role="php">
     <tasks:replace from="@php_bin@" to="php_bin" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@php_dir@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
     <tasks:replace from="@pear_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
     <tasks:replace from="@include_path@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
   </dir> <!-- /scripts -->
   <file name="package.dtd" role="data" />
   <file name="postinstall.php" role="php">
   <file name="template.spec" role="foo" />
  </dir> <!-- / -->
  <group name="remoteinstall" hint="adds the ability to install packages to a remote ftp server">
  <group name="webinstaller" hint="PEAR's web-based installer">
  <group name="gtkinstaller" hint="PEAR's PHP-GTK-based installer">
   <install as="pear.bat" name="scripts/pear.bat" />
   <install as="pecl.bat" name="scripts/pecl.bat" />
   <install as="pearcmd.php" name="scripts/pearcmd.php" />
   <install as="peclcmd.php" name="scripts/peclcmd.php" />
   <ignore name="scripts/" />
   <ignore name="scripts/" />
   <install as="pear" name="scripts/" />
   <install as="pecl" name="scripts/" />
   <install as="pearcmd.php" name="scripts/pearcmd.php" />
   <install as="peclcmd.php" name="scripts/peclcmd.php" />
   <ignore name="scripts/pear.bat" />
   <ignore name="scripts/pecl.bat" />
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
 * fix Bug #3505: pecl can't install PDO
 * enhance pear run-tests dramatically
 * fix Bug #3506: pear install should export the pear version into the environment

   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
  This is a major milestone release for PEAR.  In addition to several killer features,
  every single element of PEAR has a regression test, and so stability is much higher
  than any previous PEAR release, even with the alpha label.

  New features in a nutshell:
  * full support for channels
  * pre-download dependency validation
  * new package.xml 2.0 format allows tremendous flexibility while maintaining BC
  * support for optional dependency groups and limited support for sub-packaging
  * robust dependency support
  * full dependency validation on uninstall
  * support for binary PECL packages
  * remote install for hosts with only ftp access - no more problems with
    restricted host installation
  * full support for mirroring
  * support for bundling several packages into a single tarball
  * support for static dependencies on a url-based package

  Specific changes from 1.3.5:
  * Implement request #1789: SSL support for xml-rpc and download
  * Everything above here that you just read

Special information for PECL developers

extsrcrelease and extbinrelease changes for PECL developers

extsrcrelease and extbinrelease changes for PECL developers -- PECL-specific details of package.xml 2.0

Detailed Tag Reference for package.xml version 2.0

<channel> -- What is a channel?
<uri> -- When should I use <uri>?
<lead>, <developer>, <contributor>, and <helper> -- Developer documentation for a release
<version> -- versioning in package.xml 2.0
<stability> -- specifying release and API stability
<license> -- specifying software license and optional reference to license text
<contents> -- specifying the contents of a release
<dir> -- documenting a directory in the <contents> tag
<file> -- documenting a file in the <contents> tag
tasks for <file>s -- specialized file installation and manipulation
<compatible> -- Alleviating strict versioning with <compatible>
<dependencies> -- Dependency Specification in package.xml 2.0
<usesrole> -- documenting custom file roles used in <contents>
<usestask> -- documenting custom tasks used in <contents>
<phprelease>, <extbinrelease>, <extsrcrelease>, <bundle> -- specifying the content type of a release

Each tag that needs further explanation is documented here (unfinished)


<channel> -- What is a channel?

Quick introduction to channels

Channels are new in PEAR 1.4.0. Channels are a systemized way of differentiating between different download sources. One such download source is, another is, and there are several third party channels slowly springing up around the net.

The <channel> tag should contain the full channel name, not any alias (don't use "pear", use "".

A good rule of thumb to use when determining what channel name to use is "where do I upload my releases to?" If the answer is, that is your package's channel. If the answer is, then that is your channel.

If you aren't running a channel server and wish to serve your packages as well as allow other packages to remotely depend on your package, the new uri-based package distribution method is the best choice, see the <uri> tag documentation link below.

See also:



<uri> -- When should I use <uri>?

When to use <uri> instead of <channel>

If you do not have a channel server and wish to serve your packages so that others can depend on them, use <uri>. This should contain a static uri that links to a single package version's downloadable .tgz

If you do not need to allow external remote dependencies, then simply use the channel as your package's channel.

For instance, if you wish to serve package Foo version 1.1.0 from, use the uri "". Note that the uri must contain the full path MINUS THE EXTENSION. Provide both Foo-1.1.0.tgz and Foo-1.1.0.tar for users without gzip.

See also:


<lead>, <developer>, <contributor>, and <helper>

<lead>, <developer>, <contributor>, and <helper> -- Developer documentation for a release

Documenting who develops a package

In package.xml 1.0, a developer was documented using the <maintainer> tag inside of a redundant <maintainers> container tag. This has been simplified in package.xml 2.0 both to slightly speed parsing and to make validation of the xml simpler. Now, the contents of the <role> tag has been extracted as 4 tags to describe the maintainers of a package.

In addition, a new internal tag <active> has been added, so that you can honor retired developers' work without having to remove them altogether from package.xml.

WARNING: tag order is important. List leads followed by developers followed by contributors and finally helpers.


<version> -- versioning in package.xml 2.0

Documenting release version and API version

In package.xml 1.0, the version was simply the version. package.xml 2.0 splits the concept of versioning into two components, release and api.

The release version is the same familiar versioning concept from package.xml 1.0. This version is validated very carefully by the packager.

The API version is informational only - the installer does not use it. It can be used for a package-time replacement by the installer. This can be very useful when implementing a reflective method such as getApiVersion(). In addition, the API version is very loosely validated, and only requires a version_compare()-compatible version number.


<stability> -- specifying release and API stability

Documenting release stability and API stability

In package.xml 1.0, stability was known as "state" which is not the most accurate description. package.xml 2.0 introduces the term stability and like version splits the concept of stability into two components, release and api.

The release stability is the same familiar state from package.xml 1.0. It can be one of:

  1. snapshot - a frozen picture of development at a particular moment

  2. devel - a very new non-production release. Devel should be used for extremely new, practically untested code.

  3. alpha - a new non-production release. Alpha should be used for new code that has an unstable API or untested code.

  4. beta - a non-production release. Beta should be used for code that has a stable API and is nearing a fully stable release. Regresion tests and documentation should exist or soon follow to qualify as a beta release. Release candidates should use the beta stability.

  5. stable - a production release. Stable releases must have a stable API, and must have regression tests and documentation.

The API stability is informational only - the installer does not use it.


<license> -- specifying software license and optional reference to license text

Documenting release license

In package.xml 1.0, the license tag only contained the name of the license. In package.xml 2.0, there are two optional attributes, "uri" and "filesource". "uri" contains a uri that identifies the text of a license, such as "" for the PHP License. "filesource" can be used to specify a LICENSE file within an actual package that contains the text of the license.


<contents> -- specifying the contents of a release

Documenting release contents

In package.xml 1.0, the contents tag was <filelist>. The purpose of the tag changed dramatically in package.xml 2.0, warranting a name change. Now, <filelist> can be found in the release section of the package.xml.

<contents> is used to describe the contents of a tarball. Nothing further. All files in the contents tag will be placed into the tarball regardless of whether they eventually get installed by the PEAR installer. This fact can be used to create a very versatile tarball, one that can be directly unzipped and work out of the box as well as be installed by the PEAR installer and work out of the box.

For most release types, contents contains a single <dir> tag that then either contains nested dir tags and/or <file> tags.


<dir> -- documenting a directory in the <contents> tag

Documenting directories

The <dir> tag is identical to package.xml 1.0. Required attributes are name and optional attributes are baseinstalldir (the relative location where all files and subdirectories will be installed)

Note that all files must be contained in a single top-level <dir> tag. For simple packages, simply use <dir name="/"> as the directory name


<file> -- documenting a file in the <contents> tag

Documenting files

The <file> tag is almost identical to package.xml 1.0. Required attributes are name and role. Optional attributes are baseinstalldir and md5sum. Optional attributes platform and install-as have been replaced by the release tags. Specifically, <install> is used to specify install-as, and the <ignore> tag can be used in conjunction with <installconditions> to exclude packages from being installed on particular platforms.

For those familiar with the platform attribute, the way to handle this example:

<file name="scripts/foo.bat" role="script" install-as="foo.bat" platform="windows">

is to in fact create two release sections. The file tag would then look like:

<file name="scripts/foo.bat" role="script">

and the release section would look like this:

<phprelease> <installconditions> <os>windows</os> </installconditions> <install name="scripts/foo.bat" as="foo.bat"/> </phprelease> <phprelease> <ignore name="scripts/foo.bat"/> </phprelease>

Note that the second <phprelease> tag could just as easily have had an <installconditions> tag containing <os>unix</os>, but this is unnecessary, as the second release will be processed on any system that is not a windows system.

tasks for <file>s

tasks for <file>s -- specialized file installation and manipulation

Using tasks to customize file installation

Tasks provide a flexible and customizable way to manipulate file contents or to perform complex installation tasks (hence the name "tasks"). By default, PEAR comes with 4 tasks, but customized tasks can be added simply by adding a file into the PEAR/Tasks directory that follows the conventions of existing tasks. This page does not describe how to create a custom task, only how to use them in package.xml.

There are 3 basic tasks and 1 complex task distributed with PEAR. The basic tasks are "tasks:replace", "tasks:windowseol", and "tasks:unixeol". The complex task is "tasks:postinstallscript". "tasks:replace" is nearly identical to the old <replace> tag from package.xml 1.0, and does a text search-and-replace of a file's contents. "tasks:windowseol" and "tasks:unixeol" manipulate the line endings of a file to ensure that the correct line endings are in place for critical files like DOS .bat batch files and unix shell scripts. "tasks:postinstallscript" allows users to choose to run a script to perform further installation functions.

<tasks:replace> - customizing file contents

The replace task has 3 required attributes:

  1. type - This must be either package-info or pear-config. package-info replacements extract information from package.xml itself to use as the replacement text. pear-config replacements use the value of a configuration variable (as displayed by
    pear config-show
    ) as the text for replacement.

  2. from - Text to search for in a file. Traditionally, this text is enclosed in "@" to differentiate it from normal text, as in from="@version@"

  3. to - Abstract item to use as a replacement for all occurences of "from". package-info replacements can be one of version, release_date, release_state, release_license, release_notes, apiversion, name, summary, description, notes, time, date, and for some packages extends, srcpackage, srcuri, and providesextension.

Note that package-info replacements are performed at packaging time, so files contain package-info replacements inside a .tgz/.tar release. pear-config replacements can only occur on the installation system, and are performed at install-time.

<tasks:windowseol> - converting line endings to \r\n

This task can be used to enable packaging of windows-specific files (like DOS batch files) on a non-windows system, such as unix systems that convert line endings to \n. Note that this task is performed at package-time, as well as at install-time, so files will contain the correct line endings inside a .tgz/.tar release.

<tasks:unixeol> - converting line endings to \n

This task can be used to enable packaging of unix-specific files (like sh shell scripts) on a non-unix system, such as windows systems that convert line endings to \r\n. Note that this task is performed at package-time, as well as at install-time, so files will contain the correct line endings inside a .tgz/.tar release.

<tasks:postinstallscript> - extreme customization

The postinstallscript task informs the installer that the file it references is a post-installation script.

For security reasons, post-install scripts must be manually executed by the users, and as such the installer has special code that is separate from other tasks.

The <postinstallscript> tag may define parameters that are used by the installer to retrieve user input. In order to support both the web installer and the command-line installer, all processing of input is performed by PEAR and passed to the post-install script in a strict format. All you need to do is define the parameters using xml inside the <postinstallscript> tag.

Here is the xml representing a simple post-install script with parameters:

   <tasks:prompt>Testing Thingy</tasks:prompt>

Note that the only type recognized at this stage is "string" but others will follow. A more complex example follows:

  <tasks:instructions>The first group of questions relates
   primarily to your favorite color.  Answer wisely.
   <tasks:prompt>Testing Thingy</tasks:prompt>
   <tasks:prompt>Testing Thingy 2</tasks:prompt>
   <tasks:prompt>Testing Thingy a</tasks:prompt>
   <tasks:prompt>Testing Thingy b</tasks:prompt>

This post-installation script has two parameter groups. The first parameter group has special instructions that are displayed to the user to assist in answering the required prompts. After the first group is processed, the second group is processed (naturally). However, in this case, the second group is a conditional parameter group. A conditional parameter group examines the user input from previous parameter groups and only displays its parameter prompts if a single parameter fits a test. The condition is defined by three tags, <tasks:name>, <tasks:conditiontype>, and <tasks:value>. Note that all three tags are required or xml validation will fail.

<tasks:name> is the parameter name from a previous parameter group. The format of name is groupID::parameterName, so as you see above, "first::test" refers to the <tasks:param> test from the <tasks:paramgroup> first.

<tasks:conditiontype> determines how the parameter input function will process the value of the parameter specified in <tasks:name>, and can be one of three values, "=" "!=" or "preg_match".

  • =: This (obviously) tests whether the parameters value is equal to the <tasks:value> tag

  • !=: This (obviously) tests whether the parameters value is not equal to the <tasks:value> tag

  • preg_match: This uses the content of the <tasks:value> tag as if it were the stuff between / and / in a preg_match() function call. Do NOT include // brackets in the regular expression. In the <tasks:paramgroup> second, the value "g+" will become:
    preg_match('/g+/', first::test value)


<compatible> -- Alleviating strict versioning with <compatible>

Working with <recommended> dependency versions and <compatible>

The <compatible> tag is designed to be used with a <package> dependency that contains a <recommended> version tag from package version 1.3.0 like so:


The above dependency can be translated into English as follows: "Use the package, but only versions 1.0.0 or newer. If is not installed, install version 1.5.2. If is installed and is not version 1.5.2, fail unless --force is specified, or is compatible with me."

That last clause "...or is compatible with me." is controlled by the <compatible> tag. If package Foo version 1.5.3's package.xml has a <compatible> like so:


This will instruct the installer that version 1.5.3 is compatible with versions 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 inclusive, but is not compatible with 1.2.9.

It is very important to note that only existing versions that have been tested with the package should be mentioned in the <compatible> tag. Future versions of should simply upgrade the <recommended> tag.

<compatible> may contain three versioning tags. The required <min> and <max> are used to define the range of tested and compatible versions, and <exclude> is used to exclude any versions within the range. In the example above, 1.3.0 and 1.2.0 are the highest and lowest versions that may be excluded. There can be an unlimited number of <compatible> tags inside a package.xml.


<dependencies> -- Dependency Specification in package.xml 2.0

Introduction to dependencies in package.xml 2.0

Dependencies are the most difficult aspect of programming. Using code written by other people can be a nightmare without simple ways to control bugs and API changes. Arguably, the handling of dependencies is PEAR's greatest strength, although there are many other nice features. Regardless of your personal opinion of the importance of dependencies, it is crucial to understand how to specify a dependency, and the different ways to ensure that your package is only used on systems that support it.

In package.xml 1.0, dependencies were relatively simple, but at the cost of usefulness. Specifying a dependency on a package for applications was actually dangerous. If you wished to limit an installed version of a package to a single version, it would mean preventing upgrade at any cost. package.xml 2.0 provides a simple way to enforce stricter dependency versioning without making upgrades onerous.

In package.xml 1.0, dependencies on PHP extensions like PECL extensions was near to a disaster. Extensions had to be present in the php.ini and loaded in memory in order to validate as being installed. This is often impossible, as a different php.ini is used for a production website versus the php.ini used for the pear installer. With package.xml 2.0, dependencies on a PECL-like extension is simple and straightforward, and only requires that the package be installed, and not that the extension be present in memory, although an older style extension dependency is also supported.

package.xml 1.0 supports two kinds of dependencies, required and optional. package.xml 2.0 also supports these two dependency types, but introduces a new kind of dependency concept: an optional dependency group. Dependency groups define a feature set. Instead of thinking "This package optionally depends on Net_FTP and optionally depends on Log" think "To remotely install packages, I need the remoteinstall feature, which needs Net_FTP and the Log package". This grouping allows defining sets of packages and extensions that comprise a feature and must be installed all at once for the feature to function properly.

package.xml 1.0 only supported php, package, and extension dependencies. package.xml 2.0 supports dependencies on php, package, extension, os, architecture, and PEAR installer. In addition, package.xml 2.0 supports depending on a static package located at a url, and depending on a package that provides an extension to PHP like PECL packages.

The PEAR installer dependency is not a dependency on the PEAR package, but a dependency on the currently running PEAR installer, and is more similar to a PHP dependency in that it requires the specified version to be running in memory. This is very useful for circumventing difficult bugs in the PEAR installer that render a package install useless.

Structure of <dependencies>

The <dependencies> tag re-organizes dependencies into groups and "extracts" attributes into tags. It also un-abbreviates words for clarity and human-readability. The following excerpt of a package.xml version 1.0:

 <dep type="pkg" rel="ge" version="1.3.1">Archive_Tar</dep>
 <dep type="php" rel="ge" version="4.2.0"/>
 <dep type="pkg" rel="has" optional="yes">PEAR_Frontend_Web</dep>

Approximately translates into this format in package.xml 2.0:


These changes were made to simplify xml validation and parsing. Note that unlike package.xml 1.0, the <pearinstaller> and <php> dependencies are required in all package.xml. In addition the <min> tag is required in both <pearinstaller> and <php> dependencies.

<pearinstaller> dependencies

The <pearinstaller> dependency defines the minimum version of PEAR that can properly parse and install the package.xml containing it. As with all dependency tags that support versioning, these 4 tags are supported to define versioning:

  • <min> - minimum version of PEAR required to install this package.xml. This tag is required in all package.xml <pearinstaller> dependencies.

  • <max> - maximum version of PEAR installer supported. Use with caution! This tag will prevent the package from being installed by anyone with a newer version of PEAR!

  • <recommended> - recommended version of PEAR installer. This tag is used for strict version control. The installer will refuse to install a package without the --force option unless the version exactly matches recommended. This can be used to provide a level of extra security, as a package can be set to install using a version that is known to work without limiting future upgrades.

  • <exclude> - incompatible versions of PEAR installer. Use this to prevent the package from being installed by any PEAR version that cannot properly install the package. Multiple <exclude> tags may be used to exclude more than one version.

<php> dependencies

As with all dependency tags that support versioning, these 4 tags are supported to define versioning:

  • <min> - minimum version of PHP required to install this package.xml. This tag is required in all package.xml <php> dependencies.

  • <max> - maximum version of PHP supported.

  • <exclude> - incompatible versions of PHP. Use this to prevent the package from being installed by any PHP version that cannot properly work with the package. Multiple <exclude> tags may be used to exclude more than one version.

<subpackage> dependencies

Subpackage dependencies share the same xml format as package dependencies. The subpackage dependency should only be used if a package is split into more than one package. In other words, if the child package contains the same files as any earlier version of the parent package, the child package would normally conflict with the parent package because it would be attempting to overwrite the parent package's files with its own files.

A simple example should make this clear. Package Foo 1.0.0 contains Foo.php and Foo/Bar.php. Package Foo's developers decide to split Foo into two packages: Foo and Foo_Bar. Foo 1.1.0 contains foo.php, and Foo_Bar 0.1.0 contains Foo/Bar.php. Foo_Bar 0.1.0 conflicts directly with Foo 1.0.0, as both contain the file Foo/Bar.php.

If Foo has a subpackage dependency on Foo_Bar, then the installer will ignore the conflict between Foo 1.0.0's Foo/Bar.php and Foo_Bar 0.1.0's Foo/Bar.php just as it ignores the conflict between Foo 1.0.0's Foo.php and Foo 1.1.0's Foo.php.

<package> dependencies

Understandably, the <package> dependency is PEAR's most complex dependency. PEAR 1.4.0 supports 3 different kinds of package dependencies:

  1. Normal, traditional channel server-based package dependencies (same idea as package.xml 1.0).

  2. Dependencies on packages that provide PHP extensions (like PECL packages). (These can be both server-based and uri-based dependencies)

  3. Static, non-traditional uri-based package dependencies.

channel-based <package> depedendencies

The most common kind of package dependency is a channel-based dependency. This dependency from package.xml version 1.0:

 <dep type="pkg" rel="has">PEAR</dep>

translates to this dependency in package.xml version 2.0:

<!-- ... -->

Note that <channel> is a required tag for all typical package dependencies. Use for all packages that were packaged using package.xml 1.0, regardless of where they are downloaded from.

As with all dependency tags that support versioning, all standard versioning tags are supported (min, max, recommended, exclude). In addition, the <conflicts> tag is supported to create a negative dependency.

  • <min> - minimum version of a dependency. If the dependency package is installed, and is older than this version, installation will fail.

  • <max> - maximum version of a dependency. If the dependency package is installed, and is newer than this version, installation will fail.

  • <recommended> - recommended version of a dependency. This tag is used for strict version control. The installer will refuse to install a package without the --force option unless the version exactly matches recommended. This can be used to provide a level of extra security, as a package can be set to install using a version that is known to work without limiting future upgrades.

    Note that use of the <compatible> tag in the dependency's package.xml can be used to circumvent the installer's strictness. In essence, the <compatible> tag tells the installer that a dependent package is compatible with the current package, even though it is not the recommended version.

  • <exclude> - incompatible versions of a package. Multiple <exclude> tags may be used to exclude more than one version of a dependency.

  • <conflicts> - Negates the dependency. If the package is installed, it cannot satisfy the requirements of the dependency or installation will fail.

Here is a rough chart describing how to convert from package.xml 1.0 "rel" attributes to a package.xml 2.0 equivalent.

uri-based <package> dependencies

Let's look at uri-based package dependencies. Here is a simple example:


This dependency tells the installer to fetch or (both must be available!) if the package Foo is not installed. All uri packages must contain a <uri> tag rather than a <channel> tag and will automatically belong to the pseudo-channel "__uri", but that is not important to the discussion of how to format the xml to create the uri-based package dependency.

uri-based package dependencies cannot contain any versioning information, as this is irrelevant: there is only one version possible with a static uri. uri-based dependencies can contain the <conflicts/> tag to specify an absolute conflict with the package, and the <providesextension> tag to specify an extension provided by the static package.

PEAR-style <package> dependencies vs. PECL-style <package> dependencies

package.xml 2.0 supports differentiating release types, and as such also supports dependencies on PECL-style packages that use the extbinrelease or extsrcrelease type.

To specify a dependency on a PHP extension that can be distributed as a PECL package, but could also be bundled with PHP by default, such as the PDO extension, use this dependency style:


The magic is in the <providesextension> tag. This tag tells the installer to take this process when validating the dependency:

  1. Is the extension "PDO" present in memory? If so, is it version 0.3.1 or higher?

  2. If not, is the user also installing at the same time as this package? If so, is it version 0.3.1 or higher?

  3. If not, is installed, and is the version 0.3.1 or higher?

If any of the three conditions above validate in the order specified, the dependency will be satisfied and installation will continue. This system allows users to use a different php.ini to install PHP extensions and also provides a fail-safe system to depend on extensions.


<providesextension>, like all other extension-related functions in PHP, is case-sensitive. Do not use "pdo" for the "PDO" extension, or your dependency will always fail.

<extension> dependencies

As with all dependency tags that support versioning, all standard versioning tags are supported (min, max, recommended, exclude). In addition, the <conflicts> tag is supported to create a negative dependency.

  • <min> - minimum version of PHP extension to install this package.xml.

  • <max> - maximum version of PHP extension supported.

  • <recommended> - recommended version of PHP extension. This tag is used for strict version control. The installer will refuse to install a package without the --force option unless the version exactly matches recommended. This can be used to provide a level of extra security, as a package can be set to install using a version that is known to work without limiting future upgrades.

  • <exclude> - incompatible versions of PHP extension. Multiple <exclude> tags may be used to exclude more than one version.

  • <conflicts> - Negates the dependency. If the extension is present, it cannot satisfy the requirements of the dependency or installation will fail.

<os> dependencies

The OS dependency is used to restrict a package to both a particular class of OSes (like unix) and to a specific OS (like darwin, or freebsd). Here is an example:


To specify that a package can be installed on every OS except the one specified, use the <conflicts/> tag:


Possible OS values are:

  • windows

  • unix

  • linux

  • freebsd

  • darwin (use for Mac OS X)

  • sunos

  • irix

  • hpux

  • aix

In addition, any esoteric OS that supports the php_uname() function can be used. Note that the "unix" OS is defined as any of linux, freebsd, darwin, sunos, irix, hpux, or aix.

<arch> dependencies

The arch dependency is used to restrict a package to a specific os and processor architecture. Here is an example:


To specify that a package can be installed on every architecture except the one specified, use the <conflicts/> tag:


The arch pattern is defined by the OS_Guess->matchSignature() method, and is as follows: sysname[-release[-cpu[-extra]]]. All segments within [] are optional, and the wildcard "*" can be used in all segments instead of a value. In addition, the "?" wildcard can be used to specify a single character that can match any value. i?86 will match i386, i686, i586 and so on.

sysname is the same as the os dependency, except unix is not supported.

release is the version of the operating system.

cpu is the specific cpu, and is typically i?86, sparc, powerpc.

extra is any other stuff on the end of php_uname(), including the glibc version


<usesrole> -- documenting custom file roles used in <contents>

Documenting custom file roles

Standard file roles provided by default with PEAR are:

  • php

  • data

  • doc

  • test

  • script

  • src

  • ext

If your package chooses to use a role provided by a third party that implements some more advanced file installation handling, all you need to do is specify the role in the xml for the <file> tag that contains it like so:

<file role="foo"/>

However, if a user does not have the package installed that provides the custom role "foo", then the error message on installation will simply say "unknown role 'foo'", which is not very helpful.

The <usesrole> tag instead prompts the installer to tell the user "this package uses the custom role 'foo', install package to use"


Note that static URI packages (channel-less packages) are also supported:



<usestask> -- documenting custom tasks used in <contents>

Documenting custom file tasks

Standard file tasks provided by default with PEAR are documented in this location.

If your package chooses to use a task provided by a third party, all you need to do is specify the task as part of the xml for the <file> tag that contains it like so:

<file role="php">

However, if a user does not have the package installed that provides the custom task "foo", then the error message on installation will simply say "unknown task 'foo'", which is not very helpful.

The <usestask> tag instead prompts the installer to tell the user "this package uses the custom task 'foo', install package to use"


Note that static URI packages (channel-less packages) are also supported:


<phprelease>, <extbinrelease>, <extsrcrelease>, <bundle>

<phprelease>, <extbinrelease>, <extsrcrelease>, <bundle> -- specifying the content type of a release

Documenting release type

In package.xml 1.0, there was one release type. package.xml 2.0 provides much finer control over the kind of release in order to provide three new release types: extension binary release, extension source release, and package bundle release.

All of the normal release tags (phprelease, extsrcrelease, extbinrelease) may contain two optional sections, <installconditions> and <filelist>. The purpose of these sections is to allow specification of different file install groups based on the target OS for installation, or other common install conditions.

To be clear: in package.xml, there was 1 <release> tag. package.xml 2.0 allows several adjacent release tags, each specifying a different install set. This actually simplifies complex installation filesets by separating the contents listing of the tarball from how the installer should manipulate this listing. Debugging installation file sets should be much simpler with this change.

The <filelist> tag can contain only two possible tags, <install> and <ignore>. install has two required attributes, "name" and "as". The install tag is used in the same manner as package.xml's install-as attribute for the <file>, to specify a new installation location for a file in the contents list. The ignore tag is used to completely ignore a file.

The <installconditions> tag can contain 4 tags whose format can be found in the <dependencies> section: <php>, <extension>, <os>, and <arch>. Each tag can appear exactly once except for the extension tag, which can appear limitless times.

The php tag is used to specify a php version or range of versions that an install set should be valid with.

The extension tag is used to specify extensions that must be present for an install set to be valid.

The os tag is used to specify an OS that must be present for an install set to be valid. Note that unix can be used to match all flavors, and linux can be used to match all linux-based OSes. Darwin should be used for Mac OS X, and * can be used to match all operating systems.

The arch tag is used to specify a uname string or portion of a uname string that must match in order for the install set to be valid.


The phprelease release type is designed for PEAR-style PHP script package releases. It causes a few specific validation changes. First of all, the <contents> tag must contain <file> and <dir> tags. The only valid roles for files are role="php", role="data", role="doc", and role="test" plus any custom roles that the user has installed for use in php releases.


The extsrcrelease release type is for PECL-style PHP extension releases that must be compiled in order to be useable. It causes a few specific validation changes. First of all, the <contents> tag must contain <file> and <dir> tags. The only valid roles for files are role="src", role="data", role="doc", and role="test" plus any custom roles that the user has installed for use in extension source releases.

In addition, the <providesextension> tag must be present in order to document the name of the extension this package provides must be in the package.xml as well.


The extbinrelease release type is for PECL-style PHP Extension binary releases that are pre-compiled. It causes a few specific validation changes. First of all, the <contents> tag must contain <file> and <dir> tags. The only valid roles for files are role="ext", role="data", role="doc", and role="test" plus any custom roles that the user has installed for use in extension binary releases.

In addition, the <srcpackage> or <srcuri> and the <providesextension> tags must be present in order to document the package that provides extension source for this binary release, and the name of the extension this package provides must be in the package.xml as well.


The bundle release type is designed to allow packaging several other package releases into a single bundle of packages that will all be installed at the same time. This can be used to distribute a complete application as one tarball, or to distribute a library of packages in a single tarball.

Unlike the other release types, a bundle release's <contents> tag must contain only the <bundledpackage> tag. The contents of the bundledpackage should be release names like "Foo-1.2.3.tgz"

In addition, the <bundle/> tag must be empty.

Глава 18. Публикация пакета

Шаги, которые необходимо выполнить мэйнтейнеру для публикации пакета.


Первый шаг, который вы должны выполнить - это проверить, что при написании пакеты вы учли Стандарты кодирования PEAR. После этого вам следует получить разрешение на публикацию пакета от сообщества PEAR (на данный момент это означает, что вам нужно 5 голосов "за" (+1)).

После того, как вы получили достаточное количество голосов "за" и ваш пакет соответствует стандартам, вам следует обратиться за получением учетной записи на сайте PEAR. Для этого вы можете использовать форму запроса учетной записи - После получения учетной записи вы можете переходить к следующему шагу.

Создание tar-архива релиза

Теперь, когда у вас уже есть файл описания пакета, вы можете создать tar-архив релиза. В командной строке смените текущую директорию на директорию пакета и выполните команду: pear package <package definition XML file> В результате создастся tar-архив релиза пакета (сжатый с помощью gzip, если будет найдена zlib). Этот файл в дальнейшем будет ипользован для публикации пакета.

Далее вам следует установить пакет локально, выполнив команду: pear install <file> (file - это tar-архив, который вы только что создали). Это необходимо для того, чтобы удостовериться в том, что файл описания пакета содержит не только правильный XML, но и правильные данные. Вы должны вручную проверить, что каждый файл установился в соответствующее место. Если ваш пакет содержит тестовые скрипты (что настойчиво рекомендуется) - выполните их.

Если на этом этапе происходят какие-либо ошибки, вам следует их исправить и проделать всю процедуру создания пакета сначала. Когда все будет в порядке - переходите к следующему шагу.

Публикация пакета с помощью веб-интерфейса

Для начала, вы должны зайти на сайт PEAR, используя пароль и логин, которые были вам выданы (см. первый шаг).

Если это первый релиз вашего пакета, то вы должны зарегистрировать его. Регистрация осуществляется с помощью формы, которая расположена здесь: Если вы сомневаетесь к какой категории должен относиться ваш пакет - проконсультируйтесь у сообщества PEAR (с помощью рассылки pear-dev).

Теперь, наконец, вы можете опубликовать пакет. Делается это с помощью соответствующего веб-интерфейса. Используйте форму:

Всё! Ваш пакет был выпущен; анонс был разослан в списки рассылки; все довольны, все смеются =)

Глава 19. Supporting PEAR development

How to support the PEAR community

There are numerous ways to support the PEAR project, that are described in this part of the guide.

Глава 20. Recommendations

Why recommendations?

The following recommendations describe topics which were discussed and agreed upon by the PEAR developers on the developers mailinglist. They aren't strict rules, which you need to follow (like Coding Stardards), but are intended as guidelines for a common API scheme and easier package interoperability. Please consider following them in your packages where possible.

Color Representation inside PEAR Packages

In case a package has to deal with colors, it is recommended that developers store and use an array representation of the color values in their PEAR packages. All values are in the range of 0..255.

Conversion to/between the color-representations

The PEAR-package Image_Color will (hopefully soon) contain all needed functions to convert arbitrary color formats to the internal RGBA representation and convert different color representations.

Status: Currently Image_Color already offers functions to convert color-names (e.g. "green") and hex-representations-strings (e.g. "#339900") to the PEAR-RGBA-format. We are working to get alpha- channel support added hopefully soon and will later add funtions for CYMK-conversion as well.

Глава 21. Writing documentation

This chapter provides a detailed description how to write documentation using one of the supported formats. It is aimed at both PEAR developers that are already maintaining packages in PEAR and at people who are planning to contribute a new package.

The DocBook XML format

DocBook is an XML dialect that is used by a wide range of projects to maintain their documentation. Examples for DocBook usage in OpenSource projects are the documentations of KDE and PHP. PEAR has opted for using DocBook, because we believe that it provides a solid foundation for the technical documentation for PEAR packages.

The trade-off for using DocBook is that it is relatively hard to use. Testing documentation requires a number of tools to be installed and one needs to learn a (not very complicated) XML dialect. Once one is familiar with how DocBook works, they will enjoy writing documentation with it though.

The book [DocBook: The Definitive Guide], written by Norman Walsh and Leonard Muellner and published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., is available online and it makes up a great resource for people interested in learning DocBook.

Definitely check out the book's "DocBook Element Reference" section. This portion provides detailed information about each element, including which elements can (and must) be used as parents and children.

Required software

Even if DocBook XML can (like any other XML file) be written using a normal text editor, it is optimal for users to install some software on their machine in order to test the validity of the documenting efforts. A list of the required software and a installation instruction can be found in the PHP Documentation HOWTO. Apart from providing information about the software, this HOWTO also provides a ton of other useful information that goes far beyond this chapter. One is encouraged to completely read it. (Chapter II can be skipped, because it only contains information that is very PHP specific.)

Installation on OS X: The PHP Documentation HOWTO advises users of Mac OS X to use packages provided by Fink. Alternatively packages from the MacPorts project can be used. After installing MacPorts, the toolchain can be installed using the following command:

Unfortunately, installing that software can be difficult under some circumstances. If you are unable to get it working, don't use that as an excuse for not writing documentation. There are two test servers that automatically download peardoc from CVS and build the manual. Any parsing errors your changes cause will show up in the logs the next time the build happens:

Build from Mika Tuupola (log) (time zone: EET = UTC+2, EEST = UTC+3, updated every two hours)
Build from TAKAGI Masahiro (log) (updated daily at 06:00 JST = 21:00 UTC)

These automatic builds also give you an idea of what your changes will look like in the actual manual. This is helpful because the manual on the PEAR website is only built once per week (Sundays ~12:00 UTC).


The manual on the PEAR website is built only once per week. Any XML validation errors will cause the build to fail. If the main build fails, the old version remains in place, meaning the manual will be out of date. Therefore, always check the test build logs to ensure your changes are valid. More importantly, do not commit updates shortly before the main build happens (Sundays ~12:00 UTC).

Once the necessary software is in place, one has to get the latest version of the XML sources from PEAR's CVS repository:

$ cvs -d :pserver:<user> login
$ cvs -d :pserver:<user> co peardoc

If you do not own an account for, please choose cvsread as the username. When asked for the password, type phpfi.

After that the directory ./peardoc will contain a local copy ("sandbox") of the latest sources. If you are not yet familiar with CVS, then the online book "Open Source Development with CVS" will provide you with all the necessary information.

Writing documentation

Instead of a long and boring description for writing documentation using DocBook, we would like to point you to a bunch of "reference documents", from which you should be able to learn quickly:

  • peardoc/en/authoring

    The CVS tree has a complete set of DocBook XML templates. These files provide the standard of how PEAR documentation should look.

    The simplest way to utilize them is to copy them to your working directory, rename them accordingly, edit the contents to match the reality of your program and then upload them to your package's directory in the repository.

  • HTTP Request

    The documentation for HTTP_Request, which is a relatively small package, only consists of a bunch of end-user documentation, which describes all of the basic features of the package. Each feature description includes at least one example. For small packages with only a handful of methods this documentation type is absolutely enough.

  • XML Beautifier

    XML_Beautifier is a package that is also relatively compact, but which supports different configuration options. These options are described in the documentation Additionally the documentation gives usage examples and (unlike HTTP_Request) also includes API documentation for its methods.

  • DB

    DB is a large PEAR package and has excellent documentation, including usage examples. The DB docs carefully adhere to the formatting specified in peardoc/authoring. The link above goes to the DocBook source code in the CVS repository. It might be helpful to examine the HTML generated therefrom.

In addition to the examples above, you will find much more documentation examples by browsing the peardoc directory, which contains your local version of the CVS tree. Especially the directory peardoc/en/packages/ should be of interest for you. You can also browse the CVS module using the web interface, including the raw XML for the file you are presently reading.

Testing documentation

Using xmllint

Alternatively one can use the xmllint program that is part of the libxml2 toolkit. This is especially useful for systems where the DSSSL/make setup does not work properly.

In addition to testing the well-formedness of the DocBook sources, xmllint can also check the semantical correctness with the help of RELAX NG schemas. The schema files for DocBook are available as a ZIP package from After unzipping the package into the directory relaxng/ inside the peardoc source folder, one can run xmllint from the root folder of the PEAR documentation as follows:

xmllint --valid --noout --relaxng relaxng/ manual.xml

Partial builds

The build process (not the test builds, which are reasonably quick) actually takes a very long time which makes debugging and testing a very hard task. In order to increase build performance, the script make-partial.php in the root directory of the documentation module may be used. This is an interactive command line script that will enable to you to selectively include the different parts of the manual. In the following example a version of the manual is generated which only contains a certain part of the Developer's Guide and the documentation for the HTTP packages. Using these partial builds reduces the build time dramatically.

peardoc$ ./make-partial.php
Include about-pear? [NO] 
Include guide-newmaint? [NO] 
Include guide-developers? [NO] y
Include guide.developers.intro? [NO] 
Include guide.developers.meaning? [NO] 
Include guide.developers.contributing? [NO] 
Include guide.developers.packagedef? [NO] 
Include guide.developers.release? [NO] 
Include guide.developers.supporting? [NO] 
Include guide.developers.recommendations? [NO] 
Include guide.developers.documentation? [NO] y
Include core? [NO] 
Include packages? [NO] y
Include package.authentication? [NO] 
Include package.benchmarking? [NO] 
Include package.caching? [NO] 
Include package.configuration? [NO] 
Include package.console? [NO] 
Include package.database? [NO] 
Include package.datetime? [NO] 
Include package.encryption? [NO] 
Include package.fileformats? [NO] 
Include package.filesystem? [NO] 
Include package.gtk? [NO] 
Include package.html? [NO] 
Include package.http? [NO] y
Include package.images? [NO] 
Include package.internationalization? [NO] 
Include package.logging? [NO] 
Include package.mail? [NO] 
Include package.math? [NO] 
Include package.networking? [NO] 
Include package.numbers? [NO] 
Include package.payment? [NO] 
Include package.pear? [NO] 
Include package.php? [NO] 
Include [NO] 
Include package.streams? [NO] 
Include package.structures? [NO] 
Include package.system? [NO] 
Include package.text? [NO] 
Include [NO] 
Include package.xml? [NO] 
Include package.webservices? [NO] 
Include pecl? [NO] 
CONFIG_FILES=manual.xml CONFIG_HEADERS= ./config.status
creating manual.xml
/usr/bin/jade -wno-idref  -d html.dsl -V use-output-dir -t sgml ./phpdocxml.dcl manual.xml

Tips for good documentation

This section of the chapter does not deal with the specifics of organizing documentation in the peardoc standard, but instead with how to organize documentation logically.

  1. First, every package solves a problem. What is this problem? Try to figure out what assumptions your end-users might not have about the problem (they may not realize that this is a problem that needs solving). For instance, a template package solves the problem of both separating design from code, and separating business logic from display logic. If possible, explain the problem in terms that even a novice programmer can understand.

  2. Next, how does the package uniquely solve the problem? This is something that most documentation lacks. For example, there are many template engines. All of them solve the same problem, but none of them do it in the same way. A block-based template engine does not have any logic at all, whereas a template like Smarty defines a whole new template language. Some template engines compile their templates, others don't. What is unique about your package? Can someone who has never seen the code get a good idea of how it solves the problem?

  3. Provide examples! Start right away with simple examples that shows the basic feature set -- they will show users how to quickly start using the package. More complex examples will help the users in understanding advanced ways of using the package.

  4. If your package exposes complex interfaces or multiple constants that can't be fully explained in one or two examples (which is very likely), do not miss to explain them thoroughly in the documentation. Document any interfaces that users must use, such as a database DSN, command-line arguments for applications, configuration file contents, or any other non-code element.

  5. Last, proofread your documentation. If possible, have someone else who is not as familiar with your project take a look at the documentation. They will catch assumptions that you have missed.

IV. New features in PEAR 1.4

Глава 22. Introduction

The debut of PEAR 1.4.0 is very exciting. This chapter documents all of the differences between PEAR 1.3.x and the new features introduced in PEAR 1.4.

The most significant change in PEAR 1.4 is the addition of channels, a simple and effective method of distributing application development. This change has driven most of the other changes to PEAR, and in fact full application support is a major goal of this release.

In addition to channels, support for customization of the install process has been seriously enhanced with the addition of three essential features for application development:

Глава 23. Channels

PEAR Channels provide a robust and effective way of distributing development. The addition of channel support to the PEAR installer as of version 1.4.0 means that it is now simpler to distribute any PHP code project using the PEAR installer than it ever was. PEAR Channels allow developers of applications to effectively depend upon packages from and any other source that provides a channel server. For users of these applications, this eliminates the complexity of installation and configuration. Now, all the user will need to do is to type a single pear install channel/Packagename command and go!

Before PEAR 1.4.0, the only solution to depending on code from several sources is to bundle the code. This has several bad side effects, the most obvious of which is that code size increases dramatically, and makes upgrading for a minor bug fix a complicated download for the user.

Channels allow an application developer to depend on packages from, a package from, and others. The user will only need to install/upgrade from a single source using the pear installer. With the current state of affairs, the pear installer is only really useful for installing, well, PEAR packages. Because of this difficulty (among others), traditionally very few packages are available as PEAR packages that can be installed with the PEAR installer.

PEAR 1.4.0+ aims to eliminate this and other barriers to application development.

Incomplete documentation

Documentation is not yet complete


channel.xml -- The channel definition file

How to describe a channel

Discovery of a channel's capabilities is extremely flexible. The XSD schema defining channel.xml can be found at Channel.xml defines:

  1. the channel name

  2. an optional suggested user alias for the channel

  3. a brief summary of the channel's purpose

  4. an optional package to perform custom validation of packages on both download and packaging

  5. a list of protocols supported by a channel (XML-RPC, SOAP, and REST are supported)

  6. a list of mirrors and the protocols they support.

Here is a sample channel.xml with all elements:

<channel version="1.0"
 <summary>Example channel.xml</summary>
 <validatepackage version="1.3.4">Foo_Validate</validatepackage>
  <primary port="8080" ssl="yes">
   <xmlrpc> <!-- default path is xmlrpc.php -->
    <function version="1.0">logintest</function>
    <function version="1.0">package.listLatestReleases</function>
    <function version="1.0">package.listAll</function>
    <function version="1.0"></function>
    <function version="1.0">package.getDownloadURL</function>
    <function version="1.1">package.getDownloadURL</function>
    <function version="1.0">package.getDepDownloadURL</function>
    <function version="1.1">package.getDepDownloadURL</function>
    <function version="1.0"></function>
    <function version="1.0">channel.listAll</function>
   <rest> <!-- no default path, all must be defined in baseurl -->
    <baseurl type="package"></baseurl>
    <baseurl type="category"></baseurl>
   <soap path="soapy.php"> <!-- default path is soap.php -->
    <function version="1.0">package.listAll</function>
  <mirror server="">
   <xmlrpc path="mirrorxmlrpc.php"> <!-- default path is xmlrpc.php -->
    <function version="1.0">package.listLatestReleases</function>
    <function version="1.0">package.listAll</function>
    <function version="1.0"></function>
    <function version="1.0">package.getDownloadURL</function>
    <function version="1.1">package.getDownloadURL</function>
    <function version="1.0">package.getDepDownloadURL</function>
    <function version="1.1">package.getDepDownloadURL</function>
    <function version="1.0"></function>
   <rest> <!-- no default path, all must be defined in baseurl -->
    <baseurl type="package"></baseurl>


A channel's name should be the name of the server that users would browse to in order to learn more about the packages being offered. For instance, PEAR packages are located in the channel. PECL packages are located in the channel. Note that for backwards compatibility, all existing packages based on package.xml version 1.0 are in the channel.

The benefit that comes from using the server name as the channel name is that auto-discovery becomes a real possibility, as well as ease of locating packages increases dramatically.

A channel need not be located in the document root, a channel can contain a path. This is a perfectly valid channel name: Note that users would have to type:

$ pear install

Unless you provide a <suggestedalias>.

The channel's definition file "channel.xml" must be placed in the root channel directory. If a channel is "", the channel.xml must be located in "". If the channel is "", then the channel.xml must be located in ""


<suggestedalias> defines a shorter, more friendly name to use when installing packages from a channel. For instance, the channel's suggested alias is "pear". The best aliases for a channel will be no more than 6 characters long - remember, a user must type them often when installing or upgrading, and this can be tedious for longer aliases.

Rather than call this tag <alias>, as it was originally named, the tag is named <suggestedalias> in order to provide the user some latitude. If the user does not like the alias suggested by the channel owners, he or she can easily re-alias a channel through the channel-alias command.


This tag provides a short description of what packages the user should expect to find on this channel. The summary is what users will see when the use the list-channels command.


Most channels will be satisfied with the restrictions placed upon package naming, versioning, and so on that PEAR provides by default. However, for some channels, the validation will be too strict, and others, too relaxed. The <validatepackage> tag provides the next level of customization.

If omitted, the installer assumed that the PEAR_Validate class should be used. Note that a looser version validation is provided by the PEAR_Validate_PECL class, for channels like that do not wish to deal with PEAR's warnings on version transgressions.

<validatepackage> requires a version attribute and text content. The text content must be the name of a package that can be installed via:

$ pear install

as in:

$ pear install

for the sample channel.xml at the beginning of this section. In addition, the package must provide a single class named after the package in a file using the PEAR naming conventions (all underscores "_" converted into path separators "/" so that Foo_Validate is located in Foo/Validate.php), and this class should extend PEAR_Validate. Methods beginning with "validate" like validateVersion() are intended to be overridden by validation classes for use in extending existing validation functionality.

<servers>: <primary> and <mirror>

Mirroring is explicitly supported in channel.xml and in the PEAR installer. Users can choose their favorite mirror via the default_channel configuration option, and channel.xml can list all the possible mirrors using the (surprise) <mirror> tag.

The <primary> tag is used to define the location of protocols, and to list the protocols that are supported by the main channel server. Optional attributes can be used to modify how the PEAR installer will attempt to connect to the server. The "port" attribute can be used to define how the installer will connect to XML-RPC and SOAP services. REST services are always controlled by the individual <baseurl> tags.

<xmlrpc>, <soap>, <rest>

channel.xml knows about the XML-RPC, SOAP, and REST protocols for web services. However, the PEAR installer only supports XML-RPC currently, and may support REST shortly. No support for SOAP is planned for the near future. However, should it ever be implemented, channel.xml is ready.

The <xmlrpc> and <soap> tags have identical formats. Both tags can contain an optional attribute "path" that tells the PEAR installer which URL to query. By default, the path is protocol.php, as in xmlrpc.php or soap.php. In other words, to access XML-RPC functions for the channel defined in the sample channel.xml, the installer would query for XML-RPC functions, but would query for SOAP functions.

The <rest> tag reflects the design concept behind REST: each resource is defined by a base URL in tag <baseurl> that is then used by the installer along with hyperlinks to glean the same information that XML-RPC or SOAP would provide. Required attribute "type" tells the installer what kind of information is provided by the base URL, and how to parse that information.


The <function> tag is quite simple. A required version attribute informs the installer what the API is, and the text content informs the installer what the name of the function is. Note that multiple functions with different versions can co-exist peacefully, as in:
<function version="1.0">package.getDownloadURL</function>
<function version="1.1">package.getDownloadURL</function>
If a newer API is backwards-compatible, always define every possible API version in order to prevent older installer versions from giving up.

Why not use a standard such as wsdl?

Some of you may be asking "why create another standard for web services discovery?" The answer is simple: channel.xml does not supplant the role that WSDL has for java, or XML-RPC introspection occupies. channnel.xml is a layer on top of these technologies. The point is to quickly list the remote protocols that are supported, not to describe what they do.

The PEAR installer is specialized enough that a generic listing of parameters and return values is entirely unnecessary: the installer knows exactly what xml-rpc function version 1.0 requires and what it returns. Any other information simply adds wasted bandwidth and disk space.

XML-RPC functions

XML-RPC functions -- XML-RPC function API documentation

What XML-RPC functions are available in a standard channel?

A standard PEAR channel should support this list of XML-RPC functions:

Channels can also implement channel.listAll, but we recommend that this only be implemented by and channels, as the command is utilized by the update-channels command to retrieve an official list of channels.


The logintest xml-rpc function is called by the login command, and should return a boolean TRUE


false|struct packageinfo

an array of format:

        'channel' => channel name,
        'package' => package name,
        ['version' => specific version to retrieve,]
        ['state' => specific state to retrieve,]

if both version and state are set, the version index should be ignored.

string preferred_state = stable

The client-side preferred_state. This should be used to exclude releases that are too unstable.

string installed_version = false

The current installed version of the package on the client-side. This will either be a version string, or false if the package is not installed. Use this to ensure that older versions are never returned (as defined by version_compare(possible_version, installed_version, "<")).

The package.getDownloadURL function should return an array with either two or three indices.

  • "version" => version of the release returned

  • "info" => the complete package.xml contents from the release

  • "url" => a URL from which to download this release. If no releases exist that fit the constraints defined by preferred_state, installed_version, and the version/state indices of packageinfo, then do not return this index, and instead return the version and package.xml of the latest release.

    The url entry should NOT append .tgz or .tar, but should be something like "" instead of ""

Note that version 1.0 of package.getDownloadURL did not have the installed_version parameter. Version 1.1 of package.getDownloadURL does - that is the only difference between the two versions.


string xsdversion

This should be either '1.0' or '2.0', and should match the version attribute from the top-level <package version="X.0"> tag. This should be used to determine how to process the second parameter.

struct dependency

if the first parameter xsdversion is '1.0', this should be an array of format:

        'name' => package name
        'type' => 'pkg' - anything else is an error
        'rel' => 'has', 'ge', 'le', 'lt', 'le', 'not', 'ne'
        ['version' => specific version to retrieve,]

if xsdversion is '2.0', this should be an array of format:

        'name' => package name
        'channel' => package channel - see notes below
        ['min' => minimum version (inclusive),]
        ['max' => maximum version (inclusive),]
        ['exclude' => single version to exclude (string),
                      or array of versions to exclude,]

Note that you must always verify that the channel matches your channel. If your channel server is not at or, you must reject all xsdversion='1.0' requests, and all xsdversion='2.0' requests where the channel is not your channel.

struct parentpackage

This is information on the parent package, and is an array of format:

        'channel' => channel name,
        'package' => package name,
        'version' => specific version to retrieve,

string preferred_state = stable

The client-side preferred_state. This should be used to exclude releases that are too unstable.

string installed_version = false

The current installed version of the dependency on the client-side. This will either be a version string, or false if the package is not installed. Use this to ensure that older versions are never returned (as defined by version_compare(possible_version, installed_version, "<")).

Like package.getDownloadURL, package.getDepDownloadURL should return an array with either two or three indices.

  • "version" => version of the release returned

  • "info" => the complete package.xml contents from the release

  • "url" => a URL from which to download this release. If no releases exist that fit the constraints defined by preferred_state, installed_version, and the version/state indices of packageinfo, then do not return this index, and instead return the version and package.xml of the latest release.

    The url entry should NOT append .tgz or .tar, but should be something like "" instead of ""

Note that version 1.0 of package.getDepDownloadURL did not have the installed_version parameter. Version 1.1 of package.getDepDownloadURL does - that is the only difference between the two versions.

string package

Package name to retrieve information about

string field = null

specific field to retrieve information about. If null, this should return an array with this indices, although others could be set as well:

    'name' => 'package name',
    'category' => 'category name',
    'license' => 'package license',
    'summary' => 'package summary',
    'description' => 'package description',
    'releases' =>
    array( // all releases indexed by version
        '0.1' =>
          'license' => 'release license',
          'summary' => 'release summary',
          'description' => 'release description',
          'releasedate' => 'date of release',
          'releasenotes' => 'release notes',
          'state' => 'release stability',
          // the next index is optional
          'deps' =>
            array( // release dependencies of latest release
              'type' => 'dep type from package.xml <dep>',
              'relation' => 'rel from package.xml <dep>',
              'version' => 'version from package.xml <dep>, or empty string',
              'name' => 'name from package.xml <dep>',
              'optional' => 'yes or no',
            // and so on with all deps
        // and so on with all releases
        // releases should be ordered by releasedate DESC

The second parameter, if set, must be one of these choices:

  • authors - a current list of package maintainers in format:

        'handle1' =>
          'name' => 'Maintainer Name',
          'email' => '',
          'role' => 'role from package.xml (lead, developer, contributor, helper)',
        'handle2' =>
          'name' => 'Maintainer Name 2',
          'email' => '',
          'role' => 'role from package.xml (lead, developer, contributor, helper)',
        // etc.

  • category - the category this package is in

  • description - the description of the latest release

  • license - package license of latest release

  • notes - release notes of the latest release

  • releases - an array of the format documented above, containing information on all releases

  • summary - summary from latest release

Глава 24. Custom File Roles


As of PEAR version 1.4.3, the required format for custom file roles has been changed due to a minor security vulnerability. All custom file roles must now define a Role.xml file in order to properly declare a custom file role. See the example below for more information.

One of the programming features that the PEAR installer enforces is the separation of files into separate categories, and the important idea that files of a similar category are always installed into the same location, or at least handled the same way, as in the case of role="src" for PECL packages.

This has been quite successful for smaller library-style packages, but complete applications cannot function without customized installation locations. For instance, some files may be intended for use in a public web frontend, others for library location. PEAR 1.4 introduces the possibility of defining custom installation roles to fill this void.

Using a customized role in a package.xml

To use a custom installation role that another programmer has written, there are three steps that are necessary. First, the <usesrole> tag should be used to define each custom role that is used in the package.xml. Next, the role should simply be used for the files it pertains to. Finally, a dependency on the package that provides the custom role should be added to the package.xml, just for completeness.

Pretty simple!

Defining a customized role for use in a package.xml

To define a custom role, you need to create a package containing a single file. Here is a sample package.xml that could be a custom role:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package version="2.0" xmlns=""
 <summary>Chiarafoo role</summary>
  The chiarafoo role installs files into your customized Foo directory
  <name>Greg Beaver</name>
 <license uri="">PHP License</license>
  Provides the chiarafoo file role
  <dir name="/" baseinstalldir="PEAR/Installer/Role">
   <file name="Chiarafoo.xml" role="php"/>
   <file name="Chiarafoo.php" role="php">
    <tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
  </dir> <!-- / -->

The XML file Chiarafoo.xml should be similar to this file:

<role version="1.0">
 <unusualbaseinstall />
 <executable />
 <phpextension />
   <doc>directory where foo files are installed</doc>
   <prompt>PHP foo directory</prompt>
   <group>File Locations</group>

The script in Chiarafoo.php is incredibly simple:

 * PEAR_Installer_Role_Chiarafoo
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
 * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
 *  If you did not receive a copy of
 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
 * send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
 * @category   pear
 * @package    Chiarafoo
 * @author     Greg Beaver <>
 * @copyright  2005 Greg Beaver
 * @license  PHP License 3.0
 * @version    CVS: $Id: customroles.xml,v 1.4 2005/11/03 05:06:52 cellog Exp $
 * @link
 * @since      File available since Release 0.1.0

 * @category   pear
 * @package    Chiarafoo
 * @author     Greg Beaver <>
 * @copyright  2005 Greg Beaver
 * @license  PHP License 3.0
 * @version    Release: @package_version@
 * @link
 * @since      Class available since Release 0.1.0
class PEAR_Installer_Role_Chiarafoo extends PEAR_Installer_Role_Common
     * @param PEAR_Installer
     * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v2
     * @param array file attributes
     * @param string relative path to file in package.xml
    function setup(&$installer, $pkg, $atts, $file)
        // do something special with the installer

Since PEAR 1.4.3, nothing else is necessary for a successful implementation of a file role.

The contents of the role's XML file must contain these tags:

The optional <config_vars> tag

This tag is used to define configuration variables that should be added to the installer by this custom file role. Note that the installer will not allow a custom file role to create more than 3 configuration variables. To define configuration variables, create tags with the name of the configuration variable, and then sub-tags defining information about the configuration variable.

These tags are transformed into the PHP array format expected by the PEAR_Config class using an adapted version of Stephan Schmidt's excellent XML_Unserializer class (from the XML_Serializer package). As such, it is easiest to understand the XML format by examining existing configuration variables.

        'password' => array(
            'type' => 'password',
            'default' => '',
            'doc' => '(maintainers) your PEAR account password',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR password (for maintainers)',
            'group' => 'Maintainers',
        // Advanced
        'verbose' => array(
            'type' => 'integer',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_VERBOSE,
            'doc' => 'verbosity level
0: really quiet
1: somewhat quiet
2: verbose
3: debug',
            'prompt' => 'Debug Log Level',
            'group' => 'Advanced',
        'preferred_state' => array(
            'type' => 'set',
            'doc' => 'the installer will prefer releases with this state when installing packages without a version or state specified',
            'valid_set' => array(
                'stable', 'beta', 'alpha', 'devel', 'snapshot'),
            'prompt' => 'Preferred Package State',
            'group' => 'Advanced',

These sample configuration values from the actual PEAR_Config class would translate into this XML:

  <default />
  <doc>(maintainers) your PEAR account password'</doc>
  <prompt>PEAR password (for maintainers)</prompt>
  <doc>verbosity level
0: really quiet
1: somewhat quiet
2: verbose
3: debug</doc>
  <prompt>Debug Log Level</prompt>
  <doc>the installer will prefer releases with this state when installing packages without a version or state specified</doc>
  <prompt>Preferred Package State</prompt>

Note that the simple array defining the set converts each value into a separate <valid_set> tag for the preferred_state configuration variable.

The <default> tag's value can accept either a simple string, or three different kinds of tags:

For instance, this example default value:

<default><text0>hi there </text0><constant>PHP_OS</constant><text1> user, your default php_dir is </text1><php_dir/></default>

might convert into something like "hi there Linux user, your default php_dir is /usr/local/lib/php/pear".

Our example Chiarafoo role's foo_dir default value:

might convert into something like "/usr/local/lib/php/Foo" or "C:\php5\pear\Foo".

Note that in order to use multiple <constant> or <text> tags, you must append a numbered suffix as in the <text0> <text1> example above. Only one PEAR configuration variable may be used per default value.

Note that if you use <type>integer</type>, no matter what default value is specified, it will be casted into an integer by PEAR_Config.

Глава 25. Custom File Tasks

For many small library packages, very little customization is needed. Just install and go. package.xml 1.0 is very good at this task. As packages grow in size and complexity, it is often necessary to make slight changes to the contents of files, and occasionally to external components such as databases.

package.xml 1.0 provides a single undocumented system of customizing file contents through the <replace> tag, like so:

<file name="blah.php" role="php">
 <replace from="@token@" to="version" type="package-info"/>
 <replace from="@anothertoken@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config"/>

This example above would scan the blah.php file at installation, and then use str_replace() to replace all occurences of the string @token@ with the package's version number. Then, it would replace all occurences of the string @anothertoken@ with the value of the user's php_dir configuration variable.

Although powerful, the replace tag is the only customization tag available in package.xml version 1.0. When developing package.xml version 2.0, the replace tag and innovative work of other projects such as Phing became the inspiration for an expanded kind customization called a "task".

Tasks are defined by xml children of a <file> tag. Tasks are implemented by extending the PEAR_Task_Common task.

Creating customized tasks in PHP

Creating a custom task involves creating a class that validates xml, and performs the task when called upon. Tasks can be invoked in two situations: at package-time and at install-time. Each task can control whether it should be called at package-time, install-time, or at both times.

There are two kinds of tasks: simple and multiple. Most tasks are simple tasks. Simple tasks are self-contained: all customization is limited to that file. Multiple tasks are collected during installation and processed fully as a unit after files have been committed to disk, allowing more complex processing.

All simple tasks must define 3 methods, all multiple task must define 4 methods. These are:


This method is called upon package.xml validation and should be used to validate the task's xml content. Upon error, a simple array of format array(CODE, message) must be returned. The code must be one of the following constants, as defined in PEAR/Task/Common.php:

  • PEAR_TASK_ERROR_NOATTRIBS - Attributes were expected, but none were present.

  • PEAR_TASK_ERROR_MISSING_ATTRIB - A specific attribute is not present.

  • PEAR_TASK_ERROR_WRONG_ATTRIB_VALUE - The value of an attribute is incorrect.

  • PEAR_TASK_ERROR_INVALID - Any other error in validation.

The error message should include the file name as defined by $fileAttributes['name'], and include as much useful information about the location of the validation error as possible.

PEAR_PackageFile_v2 $pkg

This is the package.xml object that contains the task.

string|array $xml

The raw parsed content of the task's xml as parsed from package.xml. Tags like <tasks:windowseol> that have no attributes or child elements will be passed an empty string ''. Otherwise, simple text content will be a string, and nested tags/attributes will be passed in as an array. Here is a list of sample xml and their parsed values:

  • <tasks:blah/>


  • <tasks:blah>hello


  • <tasks:blah>hello

    array('_content' => 'hello', 'tasks:boo' => string(''))

  • <tasks:blah foo="one">

    array('attribs' => array('foo' => 'one'), 'tasks:boo' => string(''))

PEAR_Config $config

This is the current configuration object

array $fileAttributes

The parsed attributes of the <file> tag that encloses this tag. This is guaranteed to contain indices name, specifying the file name, and role, specifying the file role. Other attributes like baseinstalldir may be present but are not required, and so will not be guaranteed to be present for every file.


The init() function is called immediately prior to the startSession() method, and should be used for initialization that is not directly related to file modification. This method may move to another location in the installation process at any time. The logical separation of initialization from task action is important and the order of execution can be depended upon.

string|array $xml

The raw parsed content of the task's xml as parsed from package.xml. Tags like <tasks:windowseol> that have no attributes or child elements will be passed an empty string ''. Otherwise, simple text content will be a string, and nested tags/attributes will be passed in as an array. Here is a list of sample xml and their parsed values:

  • <tasks:blah/>


  • <tasks:blah>hello


  • <tasks:blah>hello

    array('_content' => 'hello', 'tasks:boo' => string(''))

  • <tasks:blah foo="one">

    array('attribs' => array('foo' => 'one'), 'tasks:boo' => string(''))

array $fileAttributes

The parsed attributes of the <file> tag that encloses this tag. This is guaranteed to contain indices name, specifying the file name, and role, specifying the file role. Other attributes like baseinstalldir may be present but are not required, and so will not be guaranteed to be present for every file.

string|null $lastVersion

This will be set to the string representing the version of the last installed version of this package. This is useful for determining whether the package is being upgraded or is a fresh installation. If the package is being installed for the first time, NULL will be passed in.

Глава 26. Post-installation Scripts

Incomplete documentation

Documentation is not yet complete

The XML format for defining a post-install script in package.xml is documented here. This document describes the required elements for the PHP post-install script itself.

Structure of a post-install script

The post-install script class must contain two methods, one named init(), and the other named run(). The init() method is called at the same time as all other post-install scripts. The run() method is called at the conclusion of each parameter group in order to process the user's responses to queries.

The init() method

PEAR_Config $xml

The current configuration used for installation.

PEAR_PackageFile_v2 $self

The package.xml contents as abstracted by this object.

string|NULL $lastInstalledVersion

The last version of this package that was installed. This is a very important parameter, as it is the only way to determine whether a package is being installed from scratch, or upgraded from a previous version. Using this parameter, it is possible to determine what incremental changes, if any, need to be performed.

V. PEAR Компоненты ядра

Глава 27. Базовые классы PEAR

Центральная часть руководства рассказывает о базовых классах PEAR.


Введение --  Как использовать базовый класс PEAR (деструкторы, обработка ошибок)
Константы -- Преопределенные константы
PEAR::PEAR() -- constructor (для разработчиков)
PEAR::_PEAR() -- Deconstructor (для разработчиков)
PEAR::getStaticProperty() -- эмулирует статические атрибуты (для разработчиков)
PEAR::registerShutdownFunc() -- назначает функцию для статического класса, которая выполнится при завершении обработки запроса (для разработчиков)
PEAR::isError() -- проверяет является ли входящий параметр объектом PEAR_Error
PEAR::raiseError() -- Create a new PEAR_Error object and optionally specify error-handling instructions
PEAR::setErrorHandling() -- управляет обработкой ошибок в пакетах PEAR
PEAR::expectError() --  добавляет код ошибки для того, чтобы временно включить обработку ошибок
PEAR::popExpect() --  извлекает последний код ошибки из списка ожидаемых ошибок
PEAR::loadExtension() -- OS independant PHP extension load

PEAR предоставляет функции для обработки ошибок и варианты поведения в случае ошибки. Все это дает возможность разработчикам пакетов значительно упростить свою жизнь.


Введение --  Как использовать базовый класс PEAR (деструкторы, обработка ошибок)


Базовый класс PEAR предоставляет стандартную функциональность, которая может быть использована большинством классов PEAR. Обычно не требуется создавать объект этого класса, для этого используется наследование от него.

Главные особенности базового класса PEAR:

  • "деструкторы" объектов, срабатывающие при завершении обработки запроса

  • обработка ошибок

"деструкторы" PEAR

Если ваш класс ClassName наследует класс PEAR, то вы можете объявить метод _ClassName (имя класса с префиксом в виде подчеркивания), которые будет вызван по окончанию обработки запроса. Этот метод не является деструктором в том смысле, что вы можете "удалить" объект с его помощью, это метод объекта, который вызывается при завершении работы РНР. См. пример.


Для того, чтобы обеспечить работу деструкторов, вы должны создавать объект вашего класса с помощью оператора "=& new". Вот так: this:
$obj =& new MyClass();

Если вы будете использовать "= new", то объект, который будет зарегистрирован - будет его копией на тот момент, когда будет вызван конструктор. Соответственно, "деструктор" будет вызван именно у копии вашего объекта.

Обработка ошибок в PEAR

Базовый класс PEAR также предоставляет инструмент для обработки ошибок более сложных, чем возврат значений true/false или числовых кодов. Ошибка в PEAR - это объект, который является экземпляром класса PEAR_Error или класса, который наследует PEAR_Error.

Один из основных принципов обработки ошибок в PEAR гласит, что ошибки не должны автоматически приводить к выводу на экран пользователя, ошибки должны обрабатываться вообще без какого-либо вывода на экран, если это требуется. Это позволяет обрабатывать ошибки "вежливо", кроме того, это позволяет избежать нежелательного вывода тогда, когда вы используете не HTML, а, например, XML или WML.

Класс ошибок позволяет настроить себя так, что при возникновении ошибки (т.е. при создании экземпляра этого класса) могут выполняться различные действия. Например, вывод сообщения об ошибке, вывод сообщения и прекращение выполнения программы, вывод сообщения с помощью функции trigger_error(), вызов заранее назначенной функции или ничего из вышеперечисленного. Обычно эти параметры указываются в конструкторе PEAR_Error, но все эти параметры являются опциональными и вы можете использовать установки по умолчанию для ошибок, которые используются в классах, наследующих класс PEAR. См. примеры ошибок PEAR и документацию по PEAR_Error для более полной информации.


Пример, приведенный ниже, показывает как использовать "деструкторы для бедных" PEAR для того, чтобы создать объект, содержимым которого является файл; объект позволяет добавлять данные в конец и записывает их при окончании обработки запроса:

Замечание: "Деструкторы" PEAR используют функцию register_shutdown_function() в PHP, и в PHP < 4.1 вы не можете выводить ничего в этот момент, если PHP работает с веб-сервером. Поэтому любой вывод в деструкторе будет просто потерян, если PHP используется не в командной строке. В PHP 4.1 и выше уже возможен вывод в деструкторе.

Кроме этого, обратите внимаение на предупреждение о том как следует создавать экземпляр объекта, если вы хотите использовать деструктор.

Следующие примеры иллюстрируют различные пути использования механизма обработки ошибок PEAR.

В примере используется враппер для fsockopen(), который при возникновении ошибки возвращает её код и текст в виде объекта PEAR_Error. Заметьте, что PEAR::isError() используется для того, чтобы определить является ли ошибкой возвращаемое значение.

PEAR_Error в этом примере работает в режиме, при котором ошибка просто возвращается, а её обработка ложится на плечи программиста. Это поведение является поведением по умолчанию.

В следующем примере мы покажем вам как использовать поведение по умолчанию:

Здесь мы сначала меняем поведение по умолчанию на PEAR_ERROR_DIE, а потом, т.к. мы не указываем режим работы в raiseError() (это должно было бы быть 3-м параметром), raiseError() использует поведение по умолчанию и прекращает выполнение скрипта при завершении fsockopen() с ошибкой.

Использование глобальных переменных

Класс PEAR использует несколько глобальных переменных для установок по умолчанию, а список объектов используется для работы "деструкторов". Все глобальные переменные, которые использует класс PEAR носят имя с префиксом _PEAR_.


Если не установлен режим по умолчанию, то этот режим будет использован. Должен быть равен PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, PEAR_ERROR_PRINT, PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, PEAR_ERROR_DIE или PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK.

Не меняйте значение это переменной напрямую, используйте PEAR::setErrorHandling()для этого:


Если используется режим работы PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, то должна иметь значение E_USER_NOTICE, E_USER_WARNING или E_USER_ERROR.

Не меняйте значение это переменной напрямую, используйте PEAR::setErrorHandling() для этого:


Если при возврате ошибки не был указан параметр options и используется режим обработки ошибок PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, то значение этой переменной используется как имя функции, которая будет вызвана при появлении ошибки. Это означает, что вы можете временно переключить режим обработки ошибок без повторного указания имени функции-обработчика. Может иметь ст Here is an example of how you can switch back and forth without specifying the callback function again: роковое значение с именем функции или двухэлементный массив с объектом по индексу 0 и с именем метода по индексу 1.

Еще раз повторим: не меняйте значение этой переменной напрямую, используйте PEAR::setErrorHandling() для этого:

Следующий пример показывает как можно переключаться между режимами обработки ошибок без повторного указания функции-обработчика:


Константы -- Преопределенные константы


Касается обработки ошибок PEAR.

См. PEAR_Error, setErrorHandling()


Касается обработки ошибок PEAR.

См. PEAR_Error, setErrorHandling()


Касается обработки ошибок PEAR.

См. PEAR_Error, setErrorHandling()


Касается обработки ошибок PEAR.

См. PEAR_Error, setErrorHandling()


Касается обработки ошибок PEAR.

См. PEAR_Error, setErrorHandling()


PEAR::PEAR() -- constructor (для разработчиков)


Если вы хотите использовать функциональность деструкторов PEAR, то вам необходимо вызвать метод $this->PEAR() в конструкторе вашего класса.


  • string $errorClass - имя класса ошибок, который будет использоваться.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


PEAR::_PEAR() -- Deconstructor (для разработчиков)


Does nothing right now, but is included for forward compatibility, so subclass destructors should always call it.


PEAR::getStaticProperty() -- эмулирует статические атрибуты (для разработчиков)


Если ваш класс является статическим, то вам, вероятно, понадобятся статические атрибуты. Вы можете эмулировать их с помощью этого метода примерно так:
$myVar = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('myVar');
Использовать ссылку обязательно, иначе атрибут не будет статическим!


  • string $class - имя вашего класса, в котором вы вызываете getStaticProperty()

  • string $var - имя статического атрибута

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - ссылку на атрибут. Если атрибут не был инициализирован, то ему автоматически будет присвоено значение NULL.


PEAR::registerShutdownFunc() -- назначает функцию для статического класса, которая выполнится при завершении обработки запроса (для разработчиков)


Указанная функция вызывается перед тем, как интерпретатор заканчивает работу.


  • array $func - имя класса и его метод.

  • array $var - аргументы вызываемой функции. Параметры передаются функции в том порядке, в котором они входят в массив.


PEAR::isError() -- проверяет является ли входящий параметр объектом PEAR_Error


isError() проверяет является ли переменная объектом PEAR_Error.


  • mixed $data - переменная, которая проверяется.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - возвращает TRUE, если переменная является объектом PEAR_Error


PEAR::raiseError() -- Create a new PEAR_Error object and optionally specify error-handling instructions




string $message

Error message string or PEAR_Error object. The default message is unknown error if left blank.

integer $code

Error code. It is recommended to use an error code for even the simplest errors, in order to simplify error handling and processing.

integer $mode

Error mode. This is one of PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, PEAR_ERROR_PRINT, PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, PEAR_ERROR_DIE, PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, or PEAR_ERROR_EXCEPTION. See setErrorHandling() for detailed information and examples of the meaning of these constants.

mixed $options

Error options. This depends on the value of $mode, and is documented in setErrorHandling().

mixed $userinfo

Optional user information. This can be used to store any error-specific information, and has an unspecified format.

string $error_class

Error class name to use as the error object. The default error class is PEAR_Error. Use this parameter to specify another class to use, such as a custom class extending PEAR_Error

boolean $skipmsg

Use this parameter if you are using a custom class that does not accept an error message in its constructor. Never use this parameter without the $error_class parameter - it will not work.

Возвращаемое значение

A PEAR_Error object is returned, unless PEAR_ERROR_DIE terminates execution or a PEAR_ERROR_EXCEPTION is never handled.


PEAR::setErrorHandling() -- управляет обработкой ошибок в пакетах PEAR


setErrorHandling() может быть вызвана статически и как метод объекта. При статическом вызове setErrorHandling() устанавливает поведение по умолчанию для всех объектов PEAR. При вызове метода объекта setErrorHandling() устанавливает поведение по умолчанию только для этого объекта.


  • integer $mode - имеет значение, равное одной из следующих констант:

    • PEAR_ERROR_RETURN если происходит ошибка, то возвращается объект PEAR_Error.

    • PEAR_ERROR_PRINT похожа на PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, но при этом выводится сообщение об ошибке.

    • PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER похожа на PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, но при этом дополнительно вызывается функция trigger_error().

    • PEAR_ERROR_DIE - выполнение прерывается и выводится сообщение об ошибке.

    • PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK - при возникновении ошибки вызывается указанная функция-обработчик. Функция должна принимать объект класса PEAR_Error в качестве параметра.

  • mixed $options - значения опций зависят от параметра $mode

    • PEAR_ERROR_PRINT и PEAR_ERROR_DIE поддерживают опциональный параметр - строку для функции printf(), для форматирования вывода ошибки.

    • PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER требует указания уровня ошибки: ( E_USER_NOTICE, E_USER_WARNING или E_USER_ERROR).

    • PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK требует указания имени функции, которая будет вызвана.


PEAR::expectError() --  добавляет код ошибки для того, чтобы временно включить обработку ошибок


Этот метод используется для того, чтобы указать какие ошибки вы ожидаете получить. Ожидаемые ошибки всегда возвращаются в режиме PEAR_ERROR_RETURN. Ожидаемые коды ошибок хранятся в стеке, а этот метод заносит в него новый элемент. Список ожидаемых ошибок используется до тех пор, пока они не извлечены из стека методом popExpect().


  • mixed $errorCode - ожидаемый код ошибки PEAR_Error или массив кодов. Если указано значение '*' - ожидается любая ошибка.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - размер стека кодов ошибок.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



PEAR::popExpect() --  извлекает последний код ошибки из списка ожидаемых ошибок


Этот метод извлекает последний элемент из стэка кодов ожидаемых ошибок.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - код ошибки, который был извлечен или массив кодов, которые были извлечены


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



PEAR::loadExtension() -- OS independant PHP extension load


Loads an extension by name


string $ext

The case-sensitive name of the PHP extension without filename suffix or php_ prefix.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - returns TRUE, if extension could be loaded


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


PEAR_Error::addUserInfo() -- добавляет пользовательскую информацию
PEAR_Error::getCallback() -- получает имя функции, вызываемой при ошибке
PEAR_Error::getCode() -- получает код ошибки
PEAR_Error::getMessage() -- получает текст ошибки
PEAR_Error::getMode() -- получает режим обработки ошибок
PEAR_Error::getDebugInfo() -- получает отладочную информацию
PEAR_Error::getType() -- получает тип ошибки
PEAR_Error::getUserInfo() -- получает дополнительную пользовательскую информацию
PEAR_Error::PEAR_Error() -- constructor
PEAR_Error::toString() -- превращает объект в строку

PEAR_Error - это объект, которые создается каждой функцией PEAR в случае возникновения ошибки. Он предоставляется информацию о том, почему функция завершилась с ошибкой.

Как именно вы получаете объект - зависит от PEAR::SetErrorHandling()


PEAR_Error::addUserInfo() -- добавляет пользовательскую информацию


Добавляет пользовательскую информацию в объект ошибки.


  • string - пользовательская информация


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Error::getCallback() -- получает имя функции, вызываемой при ошибке


Возвращает имя функции, которая вызывается при возврате объекта PEAR_Error.

Возвращаемое значение

string - имя функции


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Error::getCode() -- получает код ошибки


Возвращает код ошибки, который указан в объекте PEAR_Error.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - код ошибки


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Error::getMessage() -- получает текст ошибки


Возвращает текст ошибки,который указан в объекте PEAR_Error.

Возвращаемое значение

string - текст ошибки


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Error::getMode() -- получает режим обработки ошибок


Возвращает режим обработки ошибок, который учитывается при создании объекта PEAR_Error.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - режим обработки ошибок


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Error::getDebugInfo() -- получает отладочную информацию


Возвращает отладочную информацию об ошибке

Возвращаемое значение

string - отладочная информация об ошибке


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Error::getType() -- получает тип ошибки


Возвращает имя класса объекта ошибки.

Возвращаемое значение

string - имя класса


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Error::getUserInfo() -- получает дополнительную пользовательскую информацию


Возвращает дополнительную информацию об ошибке

Возвращаемое значение

string - информация об ошибке


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Error::PEAR_Error() -- constructor




  • string $message - текст ошибки. Короткое описание возникшей проблемы.

  • string $code - код ошибки.

  • integer $mode - режим обработки ошибок.

  • mixed $options - дополнительные опции режима обработки ошибок

  • string $userinfo - строка с дополнительной инфорамацией об ошибке


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


PEAR_Error::toString() -- превращает объект в строку


Возвращает строковое представление объекта.

Возвращаемое значение

string - строка с содержанием объекта ошибки


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction to using PEAR_ErrorStack for advanced error handling --  Using PEAR_ErrorStack to do both simple and advanced error handling
constructor PEAR_ErrorStack::PEAR_ErrorStack() -- Set up a new error stack instance
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessage() -- Standard error message generation callback
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessageTemplate() -- Standard Error Message Template generator from error code
PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrors() -- Retrieve all errors since last purge
PEAR_ErrorStack::getFileLine() -- Standard file/line number/function/class context callback
PEAR_ErrorStack::getMessageCallback() -- Get an error code => error message mapping callback
PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors() -- Determine whether there are any errors on the stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::pop() -- Pop an error off of the error stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::popCallback() -- Remove a callback from the error callback stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::push() -- Add an error to the stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::pushCallback() -- Set an error Callback If set to a valid callback, this will be called every time an error is pushed onto the stack. The return value will be used to determine whether to allow an error to be pushed or logged.
PEAR_ErrorStack::raiseError() -- emulate PEAR::raiseError()
PEAR_ErrorStack::setContextCallback() --  Set a callback that generates context information (location of error) for an error stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback() --  Sets a default callback to be used by all error stacks
PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultLogger() --  Set up a PEAR::Log object for all error stacks that don't have one
PEAR_ErrorStack::setErrorMessageTemplate() -- Set the Error Message Template array
PEAR_ErrorStack::setLogger() --  Set up a PEAR::Log object for this error stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::setMessageCallback() --  Set an error code => error message mapping callback
PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton() -- Return a single error stack for this package.
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticGetErrors() --  Get a list of all errors since last purge, organized by package
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticHasErrors() --  Determine whether there are any errors on any error stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPop() --  Static version of pop()
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPopCallback() -- Remove a callback from every error callback stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPush() --  Static version of push()
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPushCallback() --  Set an error Callback for every package's error stack
PEAR_ErrorStack::_log() -- Log an error using PEAR::Log
Package PEAR_ErrorStack Constants -- Constants defined in and used by PEAR_ErrorStack

PEAR_ErrorStack is an experimental error raising and handling implementation for PEAR that is designed to replace PEAR_Error when it has stabilized. PEAR_ErrorStack is both backwards compatible with PEAR_Error and forward compatible with PHP 5's PEAR_Exception class. There are many other features, all described in the Introduction.

1      // global error stack
2      $global_stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('MyPackage');
3      // local error stack
4      $local_stack = new PEAR_ErrorStack('MyPackage');

Introduction to using PEAR_ErrorStack for advanced error handling

Introduction to using PEAR_ErrorStack for advanced error handling  --  Using PEAR_ErrorStack to do both simple and advanced error handling


This class is available as part of the PEAR package. Features include:

  • Fully unit-tested and documented

  • blazingly fast - blows PEAR_Error out of the water

  • Package-specific errors

  • Error levels (notice/warning/error/exception)

  • Error context data is saved separate from error message

  • Error cascading - parent errors can be specified

  • Dynamic error message generation allows generation of multiple and distinct error messages from the same error object

  • Sophisticated callbacks are available for error message generation, error context generation, and error handling functionality, see Error Context Display, Custom Error Message Generation, and controlling error generation

PEAR_ErrorStack implements error raising and handling using a stack pattern. This has tremendous advantages over the PEAR_Error Implementation. PEAR_Error centralizes all error creation and handling in the constructor of the PEAR_Error object. Once an object has been created, all handling must have been completed, either through checking the return value of a method, or through a single global callback. In addition, it is nearly impossible to determine the source of an error, and the baggage of all of the PEAR base class's bulky, slow methods accompanies every error creation.

// traditional PEAR_Error usage
require_once 'PEAR.php';
class myobj
    // there is no way to know where $err comes from
    function errorCallback($err)

    function log($msg)
        error_log($msg, 3, 'somefile.log')

    function display($msg)
        echo $msg . '<br />';

$myobj = new myobj;

// using a callback
PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array(&$myobj, 'errorCallback'));

$ret = SomePackage::doSomething();
if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
    // do some handling - this error is also displayed and logged

$ret = SomePackage::doSomething();
if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
    // do some handling - this error is not displayed or logged

The PEAR_ErrorStack class has built in knowledge of the Log package, can easily differentiate and even automatically re-package errors with little to no difficulty.

// PEAR_ErrorStack error handling
require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
require_once 'Log.php';
class myobj
    var $_stack;
    function myobj()
        $this->_stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('MyPackage');

    function errorCallback($err)
            case 'MyPackage':
                // tell the error stack to log the error only
                // it will not be pushed onto the stack
                return PEAR_ERRORSTACK_LOG;
            case 'InternalDbPackage':
                // re-package these errors as a mypackage error fit
                // for enduser consumption
                $this->_stack->push(MYPACKAGE_ERROR_DBERROR, 'error',
                    array('dbmessage' => $err['message'],
                          'dbcode' => $err['code'],
                          'We are having Connection problems, please' .
                          'try again in a few moments'),
                    '', $err); // include the error as re-packaged
                // tell the internal DB error stack to ignore this error,
                // as if it never happened
                return PEAR_ERRORSTACK_IGNORE;
        } // switch

$myobj = &new myobj;
// separate error stacks for my package, and the internal DB package
$dbstack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('InternalDbPackage');
$mystack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('MyPackage');
// set up a file log using PEAR::Log
$log = &Log::Factory('file', 'somefile.log', 'MyPackage error log');
// set up a default log to use for all error stacks

// any errors returned by MyPackage are logged
$ret = SomePackage::doSomething();

// Note that $ret need not be checked for any error condition - errors are
// totally separate from code
if ($dbstack->hasErrors()) {

// sets a default callback for all errors
PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback(array(&$myobj, 'errorCallback'));

// any db errors are transparently repackaged as
// user-friendly MyPackage errors now
$ret = SomePackage::doSomething();


Why write a new error-handling routine when PEAR_Error already exists? There are several problems with PEAR_Error. Although an error message is present in an error class, processing this error message automatically is excessively difficult for computers. In addition, the error message cannot easily be translated once it has been placed into the PEAR_Error. There is also no standard facility for storing error-related data in the error class. On top of error message-related issues, there is no way to automatically determine which package a PEAR_Error object comes from, or the severity of an error. Fatal errors look exactly the same as non-fatal errors.

The largest flaw with PEAR_Error object is the single-error type design. Every PEAR_Error object is just a PEAR_Error object. There is no differentiating between the severity of an error, or its origin. The only way to determine the severity is to use PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER and E_USER_NOTICE/E_USER_WARNING/E_USER_ERROR constants from php's trigger_error. But using this functionality does not justify 900 lines of code, simply because trigger_error() is built into PHP itself!

Now, to start using your newly created error objects, change all of your PEAR::raiseError() or PEAR::throwError() calls from this...

require_once 'PEAR.php';
// old way:
$error_specific_info = 'bad';
$e = PEAR::raiseError("error message - very " . $error_specific_info .
    " way to do things", MYPACKAGE_ERROR_FOO);
// another old way:
$e = PEAR::throwError("error message - very " . $error_specific_info .
    " way to do things", MYPACKAGE_ERROR_FOO);
?> something like this:

require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
// new way
// version 1: stack instance access
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('MyPackage');
$stack->push(MYPACKAGE_ERROR_DBERROR, 'error',
    array('query' => $query, 'dsn' => $dsn),
    'Critical Database Error: Contact Administrator immediately');
// version 2: static singleton access (slightly slower)
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPush('MyPackage', MYPACKAGE_ERROR_DBERROR, 'error',
    array('query' => $query, 'dsn' => $dsn),
    'Critical Database Error: Contact Administrator immediately');

For basic use, this is all that is needed to use the PEAR_ErrorStack package in place of PEAR_Error.

Advanced Features

Error Context Display

In some cases, you may want to customize error generation. For instance, for many exceptions, it is useful to include file, line number, and class/function context information in order to trace an error. A default option is available which will be sufficient for most cases, and that is PEAR_ErrorStack::getFileLine().

Not all package errors occur in the PHP source file. For instance, compiling template engines errors can occur in the template source files. Database errors can occur in the text of a query, or internal to the database server. Internet package errors can occur on another server. All of this information can be included in an error message using a context grabbing callback.

require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
class DatabaseClass
    var $_dbError;
    var $_dbErrorMsg;
    var $_dbQuery;
    var $_dbPos;
     * Context grabber for the Database package
     * @param integer Error Code
     * @param array   Error parameters passed into {@link PEAR_ErrorStack::push()}
     * @param array   Output of debug_backtrace() (not used in this callback)
    function getErrorContext($code, $params, $backtrace)
        $context = array(
            'errorcode' => $this->_dbError,
            'errormsg' => $this->_dbErrorMsg,
            'query' => $this->_dbQuery,
            'pos' => $this->_dbPos,
        return $context;
$db = new DatabaseClass;
PEAR_ErrorStack::staticSetContextCallback('Database', array(&$db, 'getErrorContext'));

The context information is formatted to be easily processed by an external application. If you wish context information to be in the error message, the error message callback should be used to add the information in a human-readable format to the error message, as described in the next section.

Custom Error Message Generation

There are three methods of PEAR_ErrorStack designed for use with generating error messages efficiently. To use them, you must do one of three things:

  • Call PEAR_ErrorStack::setErrorMessageTemplate(), and set an array mapping error codes to error message templates, like so:

    define('ERROR_ONE', 1);
    define('ERROR_TWO', 2);
    define('ERROR_THREE', 3);
    define('ERROR_FOUR', 4);
    require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
    $stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');
    $messages = array(
        ERROR_ONE => 'The gronk number %num% dropped a %thing%',
        ERROR_TWO => 'The %list% items were missing',
        ERROR_THREE => 'I like chocolate, how about %you%?',
        ERROR_FOUR => 'and a %partridge% in a pear %tree%',

    Substitution is done using str_replace, and is very simple. Basically, if a variable name is enclosed in percent signs (%), it will be replaced with the value passed in the associative array. If an array
    array('varname' => 'value');
    is passed to either method, all occurrences of %varname% will be replaced by value.

    In addition, if values are objects, the methods will search for a method named "__toString()" and if found, will use that to convert the object to a string. If an array of strings is passed in, they will be joined by commas.
    array('varname' => array('first', 'second', 'third'));
    // this will become 'first, second, third'

  • Call PEAR_ErrorStack::setMessageCallback(), and set a custom error message generating function or method. This is probably the best option for the majority of complex situations, as it allows users to override or even extend the existing error message callback using PEAR_ErrorStack::getMessageCallback(). For example:
    require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
    class foo
        var $_oldcallback;
        function callback(&$stack, $err)
            $message = call_user_func_array($this->_oldcallback, array(&$stack, $err));
            $message .= "File " . $err['context']['file'];
            return $message;
    $a = new foo;
    $stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('otherpackage');
    $a->_oldcallback = $stack->getMessageCallback('otherpackage');
    $stack->setMessageCallback(array(&$a, 'callback'));

  • Extend PEAR_ErrorStack with your own class, and override PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessageTemplate() or PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessage(). To guarantee that this class will be used by other packages/applications, use this code right after the class declaration:

    PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage', false, null, 'MyPEAR_ErrorStack');

Controlling error generation

There are many scenarios in which fine-grained control over error raising is absolutely necessary. A generic error handling callback means that every single error raised will be handled in the same error callback. Although PEAR_ErrorStack is designed to operate with independent callbacks for each package, generic error handling is possible through the PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPushCallback() method. This is no different from PEAR_Error's PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK error handling mode.

PEAR_ErrorStack's real strength comes from the callback itself. PEAR_Error's callback has no actual effect on the error message - all error handling must happen in the callback method or function itself. PEAR_ErrorStack's callback can influence the error through the use of three constants:

PEAR_ERRORSTACK_IGNORE informs the stack to ignore the error, as if it never occurred. The error will be neither logged, nor pushed on the stack. It will, however, be returned from PEAR_ErrorStack::push()

PEAR_ERRORSTACK_PUSH informs the stack to push the error onto the error stack, but not to log the error.

PEAR_ERRORSTACK_LOG informs the stack not to push the error onto the error stack, but only to log the error.

require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
require_once 'Log.php';
function somecallback($err)
        case ERROR_CODE_ONE:
                return PEAR_ERRORSTACK_IGNORE;
        case ERROR_CODE_TWO:
                return PEAR_ERRORSTACK_PUSH;
        case ERROR_CODE_THREE:
                return PEAR_ERRORSTACK_LOG;
    } // switch
$log = &Log::factory('display');
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');

// simulate PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, with specific callback for mypackage
// every other package will only log errors, only mypackage's errors
// are pushed on the stack, conditionally
class myclass {
    function acallback($err)
        return PEAR_ERRORSTACK_LOG;
$stack2 = PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('anotherpackage');
$stack3 = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('thirdpackage');
PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback(array('myclass', 'acallback'));

Repackaging errors from one package to another

The most obvious usage for an error callback involves a common scenario in many user-level applications that use system-level packages. If you write a Content Management System (CMS) with the PEAR DB package, it is usually a bad idea to display database-level errors when a user clicks on a link to add a message to a forum. PEAR_ErrorStack can be used to repackage this error as a MyPackage error.

require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
function repackage($err)
    if ($err['package'] == 'DB') {
        $mystack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');
        $mystack->push(MYPACKAGE_ERROR_DBDOWN, 'error', array('olderror' => $err));
        // ignore the DB error, but save it in the mypackage error, for logging

Emulating the @ operator

One of the difficult-to-use strengths of PEAR_Error involves the PEAR::expectError() method. With regular PHP errors, it is possible to silence them using the @ operator like so:


Emulating this behavior with PEAR_ErrorStack is simple.

require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
function silence($err)
    // ignore all errors
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');

PEAR_ErrorStack can take this one step further, and only log errors or only put errors on the error stack, using the other two constants. Finally, particular errors can be singled out, and all others ignored.

require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
function silenceSome($err)
    if ($err['package'] != 'somepackage') {
        // ignore all errors from other packages
        return PEAR_ERROR_IGNORE;
    if ($err['code'] != SOMEPACKAGE_ERROR_THING) {
        // ignore all other error codes
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');

Backwards compatibility with PEAR_Error, Forward compatibility with PHP 5 Exception and PEAR_Exception

PEAR_ErrorStack can also be programmed to automatically raise a PEAR_Error using PEAR::raiseError(), simply pass in true to the PEAR_Error compatibility like so:

require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage', false, false, true);

PEAR_ErrorStack can coordinate with the new PEAR_Exception class to convert into an exception with this code: You can set the exception class name that will be returned using the following code:

require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';
require_once 'PEAR/Exception.php';
$stack = &PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton('mypackage');
$stack->push(1, 'test error');
throw new PEAR_Exception('did not work', $stack->pop());

constructor PEAR_ErrorStack::PEAR_ErrorStack()

constructor PEAR_ErrorStack::PEAR_ErrorStack() -- Set up a new error stack instance

Backwards Compatibility Warning


As of PEAR 1.3.2, PEAR_ErrorStack no longer instantiates and returns an Exception object in PHP5, and the last parameter has been removed. Code that relies upon this behavior will break.


Creates a new private PEAR_ErrorStack. To access a universal stack, use PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton()


string $package

name of the package this error stack represents

callback $msgCallback

callback used for error message generation

callback $contextCallback

callback used for context generation, defaults to getFileLine()

boolean $throwPEAR_Error

string $exceptionClass

exception class to instantiate if in PHP 5


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessage() -- Standard error message generation callback


This method may also be called by a custom error message generator to fill in template values from the params array, simply set the third parameter to the error message template string to use

The special variable %__msg% is reserved: use it only to specify where a message passed in by the user should be placed in the template, like so:

Error message: %msg% - internal error

If the message passed like so:

$stack->push(ERROR_CODE, 'error', array(), 'server error 500');

The returned error message will be "Error message: server error 500 - internal error"


PEAR_ErrorStack &$stack

array $err

string|false $template

Pre-generated error message template


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrorMessageTemplate() -- Standard Error Message Template generator from error code


Standard Error Message Template generator from error code


mixed $code


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrors() -- Retrieve all errors since last purge


Retrieve all errors since last purge, or filter all errors and only return errors of a particular error level, leaving the rest on the stack.


boolean $purge

set in order to empty the error stack

string $level

Level name to check for a particular severity. Use this to determine whether only a particular class of errors has occurred, such as whether any warnings have occurred (errors will be ignored)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::getFileLine() -- Standard file/line number/function/class context callback


This function uses a backtrace generated from debug_backtrace and so will not work at all in PHP < 4.3.0. The frame should reference the frame that contains the source of the error.


array $code

Results of debug_backtrace()

unused $params

integer $backtrace

backtrace frame.

Возвращаемое значение

returns either array('file' => file, 'line' => line, 'function' => function name, 'class' => class name) or if this doesn't work, then false


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::getMessageCallback() -- Get an error code => error message mapping callback


This method returns the current callback that can be used to generate error messages

Возвращаемое значение

returns Callback function/method or false if none


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors() -- Determine whether there are any errors on the stack


Determine whether there are any errors on the stack


string $level

Level name to check for a particular severity. Use this to determine whether only a particular class of errors has occurred, such as whether any warnings have occurred (errors will be ignored)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::pop() -- Pop an error off of the error stack


Pop an error off of the error stack


throws no exceptions thrown


since 0.4alpha it is no longer possible to specify a specific error level to return - the last error pushed will be returned instead.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::popCallback() -- Remove a callback from the error callback stack


Remove a callback from the error callback stack


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see PEAR_ErrorStack::pushCallback()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::push() -- Add an error to the stack

Backwards Compatibility Warning


As of PEAR 1.3.2, PEAR_ErrorStack no longer instantiates and returns an Exception object in PHP5. Code that relies upon this behavior will break.


If the message generator exists, it is called with 2 parameters.

  • the current Error Stack object

  • an array that is in the same format as an error. Available indices are 'code', 'package', 'time', 'params', 'level', and 'context'

Next, if the error should contain context information, this is handled by the context grabbing method. Finally, the error is pushed onto the proper error stack


integer $code

Package-specific error code

string $level

Error level. This is NOT spell-checked

array $params

associative array of error parameters

string $msg

Error message, or a portion of it if the message is to be generated

array $repackage

If this error re-packages an error pushed by another package, place the array returned from pop() in this parameter

array $backtrace

Protected parameter: use this to pass in the that should be used to find error context.

Возвращаемое значение

returns if compatibility mode is on, a PEAR_Error is also thrown. If the class Exception exists, then one is returned to allow code like:
1      throw ($stack->push(MY_ERROR_CODE, 'error', array('username' => 'grob')));

The errorData property of the exception class will be set to the array that would normally be returned. If a PEAR_Error is returned, the userinfo property is set to the array

Otherwise, an array is returned in this format:
1      array(
2         'code' => $code,
3         'params' => $params,
4         'package' => $this->_package,
5         'level' => $level,
6         'time' => time(),
7         'context' => $context,
8         'message' => $msg,
9      //['repackage' => $err] repackaged error array
10     );


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::pushCallback() -- Set an error Callback If set to a valid callback, this will be called every time an error is pushed onto the stack. The return value will be used to determine whether to allow an error to be pushed or logged.


The return value must be one of the PEAR_ERRORSTACK_* constants.

This functionality can be used to emulate PEAR's pushErrorHandling, and the PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK mode, without affecting the integrity of the error stack or logging


string|array $cb


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::raiseError() -- emulate PEAR::raiseError()


See PEAR::raiseError()


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::setContextCallback()  --  Set a callback that generates context information (location of error) for an error stack


This method sets the callback that can be used to generate context information for an error. Passing in NULL will disable context generation and remove the expensive call to debug_backtrace()


mixed $contextCallback

A valid callback as defined by is_callable()


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultCallback()  --  Sets a default callback to be used by all error stacks


This method sets the callback that can be used to generate error messages for a singleton


array|string $callback

Callback function/method


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::setDefaultLogger()  --  Set up a PEAR::Log object for all error stacks that don't have one


Set up a PEAR::Log object for all error stacks that don't have one


Log &$log


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::setErrorMessageTemplate()  -- Set the Error Message Template array


The array format must be: array(error code => 'message template',...)

Error message parameters passed into push() will be used as input for the error message. If the template is 'message %foo% was %bar%', and the parameters are array('foo' => 'one', 'bar' => 'six'), the error message returned will be 'message one was six'


mixed $template


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::setLogger()  --  Set up a PEAR::Log object for this error stack


Set a PEAR::Log object to use for a specific error stack instance


Log &$log


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::setMessageCallback()  --  Set an error code => error message mapping callback


This method sets the callback that can be used to generate error messages for any PEAR_ErrorStack instance


mixed $msgCallback


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton() -- Return a single error stack for this package.


require_once 'PEAR/ErrorStack.php';

PEAR_ErrorStack & PEAR_ErrorStack::singleton (string $package [, callback $msgCallback = FALSE [, callback $contextCallback = FALSE [, boolean $throwPEAR_Error = FALSE, string [$stackClass = 'PEAR_ErrorStack']]]])

Backwards Compatibility Warning


As of PEAR 1.3.2, PEAR_ErrorStack no longer instantiates and returns an Exception object in PHP5, and the second-to-last parameter has been removed. Code that relies upon this behavior will break.


Note that all parameters are ignored if the stack for package $package has already been instantiated


string $package

name of the package this error stack represents

callback $msgCallback

callback used for error message generation

callback $contextCallback

callback used for context generation, defaults to getFileLine()

boolean $throwPEAR_Error

If TRUE, then PEAR::raiseError() will be called and a PEAR_Error object will be returned from calls to PEAR_ErrorStack::push()

string $stackClass

class to instantiate


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::staticGetErrors() --  Get a list of all errors since last purge, organized by package

Backwards Compatibility Warning


As of PEAR 1.3.2, the second parameter is a new parameter $level. Any code that relies on $merge being the second parameter will break.


Static version of PEAR_ErrorStack::getErrors() , returns all errors from all singleton stacks.


boolean $purge

Set to purge the error stack of existing errors

string $level

Level name to check for a particular severity. Use this to determine whether only a particular class of errors has occurred, such as whether any warnings have occurred (errors will be ignored)

boolean $merge

Set to return a flat array, not organized by package

array $sortfunc

Function used to sort a merged array - default sorts by time, and should be good for most cases


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::staticHasErrors()  --  Determine whether there are any errors on any error stack


Static version of PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors(). Returns TRUE if any singleton stack has any errors pending. Since PEAR 1.3.2, If $package is specified, it will call PEAR_ErrorStack::hasErrors for the singleton error stack of that package. If level is specified, hasErrors will ignore any errors not conforming to the error level specified. Use this to simulate error_reporting(E_NOTICE), for example


string|FALSE $package

Package name to retrieve error information from, or false to retrieve error information from all singleton stacks

string $level

Level name to check for a particular severity. Use this to determine whether only a particular class of errors has occurred, such as whether any warnings have occurred (errors will be ignored)


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPop()  --  Static version of pop()


Pop an error off of the error stack, static method


string $package

Package name to retrieve error message from

Возвращаемое значение

returns if compatibility mode is on, a PEAR_Error is also thrown.


since PEAR 1.5.0a1


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPopCallback() -- Remove a callback from every error callback stack


Pop a callback from every Error Stack. No check is made to determine whether this is a good idea, so use with discretion.


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPush()  --  Static version of push()



string $package

Package name this error belongs to

integer $code

Package-specific error code

string $level

Error level. This is NOT spell-checked

array $params

associative array of error parameters

string $msg

Error message, or a portion of it if the message is to be generated

array $repackage

If this error re-packages an error pushed by another package, place the array returned from pop() in this parameter

array $backtrace

Protected parameter: use this to pass in the debug_backtrace that should be used to find error context

Возвращаемое значение

returns if compatibility mode is on, a PEAR_Error is also thrown.


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::staticPushCallback()  --  Set an error Callback for every package's error stack


Set an error callback for every package's singleton error stack.


string|array $cb


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_ErrorStack::_log() -- Log an error using PEAR::Log


This is a protected function, and should only be called by child classes that extend PEAR_ErrorStack


array $err

Error array

array $levels

Error level => Log constant map


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Package PEAR_ErrorStack Constants

Package PEAR_ErrorStack Constants -- Constants defined in and used by PEAR_ErrorStack


Введение -- Общая информация
System::rm -- удаляет файлы
System::mkDir -- создает директории
System::&cat -- объединение и вывод содержимого файлов
System::mktemp -- создает временные файлы и директории
System::tmpdir -- получает путь к директории для временных файлов
System::which -- показывает полный путь к системной утилите

Функции для работы с комадной строкой

System предоставляет API для написания кроссплатформенных программ, работающих с командной строкой.


Введение -- Общая информация

Командная строка

Функции класса System называются так же, как и утилиты командной строки
if (!System::rm('-r file1 dir1')) {
	print "Could not delete all the files";
Аргументы функциям могут передаваться в виде строки или массива:
System::rm(array('-r', 'file1', 'dir1'));
Методы System работают так же, как обычные функции PHP и возвращают FALSE, если операция не может быть выполнена. При этом выполнение операции не остановится в случае ошибки, а будет продолжаться. Например, если вы пытаетесь удалить три файла и первый не может быть удален, то следующие два будут удалены, но функция вернет FALSE.

Ошибки будут выведены с помощью функции trigger_error()(), для их отключения следует использовать префикс '@' (например: @System::mkdir('-p dir1/dir2/dir3');).


Класс System предоставляет интерфейс к функциям файловой системы. Они носят те же имена, что и утилиты для работы с файловой системой в Unix и поддерживают те же опции независимо от вашей операционной системы.

На данный момент функции были протестированы под Linux и Windows. Сообщения о поддержке других систем приветствуются.


На ранних версиях PHP 4 unlink() может завершаться с ошибкой на Windows. Эта ошибка уже исправлена в новых версиях.


Это справочное руководство описывает параметры функций класса System, обычно представляющие из себя строки. Аргументы и опции конкретных команд не описываются здесь. Подробности ищите в мануале по конкретной команде на системах *nix:
man имякоманды
Если мануал на вашей системе недоступен - посетите сборник мануалов по командам Unix онлайн


System::rm -- удаляет файлы


Команда rm удаляет файлы. Поддерживается удаление нескольких файлов и рекурсивное удаление директорий.


  • string $args - аргументы для rm

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - TRUE при успешном завершении


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


System::mkDir -- создает директории


Создает директории.


  • string $args - имя директории/директорий, которые надо создать

Возвращаемое значение

bool - TRUE в случае успеха


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


System::&cat -- объединение и вывод содержимого файлов


Объединяет и выводит файлы. Использует fopen(), должна работать и с удаленными файлами.


  • string $args - аргументы

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE при нормальном завершении


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


System::mktemp -- создает временные файлы и директории


Создает временные файлы и директории. Эта функция удалит все созданные ей файлы во время завершения работы скрипта.


  • string $args - Аргументы

    • prefix - строка, которой будут префиксированы имена временных файлов (по умолчанию - tmp).

    • -d - будет создана директория, а не файл.

    • -t - директория, в которой будет создан временный файл или директория. Если этот параметр не указан, то используется переменная окружения TMP на Windows или TMPDIR на Unix. Если эти переменные тоже отсутствуют, то используются c:\windows\temp или /tmp соответственно.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - полный путь к создаваемому файлу или директории; или FALSE в случае неудачи.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


System::tmpdir -- получает путь к директории для временных файлов


Получает из переменных окружения путь к директории для временных файлов, установленный в системе.

Возвращаемое значение

string - директория для временных файлов в системе


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

В php.ini-recommended убран по умолчанию параметр E из директивы variables_order, что делает недоступным массив $_ENV.


System::which -- показывает полный путь к системной утилите


Показывает полный путь к системной утилите.


  • string $program - искомая утилита

  • boolean $fallback - значение, которое возвращается в случае, если утилита не была найдена

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - строка, содержащая полный путь или FALSE в случае неудачи


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

Глава 28. Классы PPM

Классы PPM предоставляют интерфейс для администрирования и управления пакетами PEAR.


PEAR_Autoloader::addAggregateObject() -- Add an aggregate object to object.
PEAR_Autoloader::addAutoload() -- Add one or more autoload entries
PEAR_Autoloader::removeAggregateObject() -- Remove an aggregate object
PEAR_Autoloader::removeAutoload() -- Remove an autoload entry
PEAR_Autoloader::__call() -- Overloaded object call handler

Этот класс предназначен для объектов, из которых вы хотите вынести часть кода в отдельные классы. Это может быть полезно в том случае, если у вас есть класс, который не очень часто используется и вы бы не хотели, чтобы он парсился при каждом запросе.

Дерево классов для PEAR_Autoloader

  • PEAR

    • PEAR_Autoloader


PEAR_Autoloader::addAggregateObject() -- Add an aggregate object to object.


Add an aggregate object to this object. If the specified class is not defined, loading it will be attempted following PEAR's file naming scheme. All the methods in the class will be aggregated, except private ones (name starting with an underscore) and constructors.


string $classname

what class to instantiate for the object.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Autoloader::addAutoload() -- Add one or more autoload entries


Add one or more autoload entries.


string $method

which method to autoload

string $classname

which class to find the method in. If the $method parameter is an array, this parameter may be omitted (and will be ignored if not), and the $method parameter will be treated as an associative array with method names as keys and class names as values.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Autoloader::removeAggregateObject() -- Remove an aggregate object


Remove an aggregate object.


string $classname

the class of the object to remove

Возвращаемое значение

bool Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Autoloader::removeAutoload() -- Remove an autoload entry


Remove an autoload entry.


string $method

which method to remove the autoload entry for

Возвращаемое значение

bool Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Autoloader::__call() -- Overloaded object call handler


Overloaded object call handler, called each time an undefined/aggregated method is invoked. This method repeats the call in the right aggregate object and passes on the return value.


string $method

which method that was called

string $args

An array of the parameters passed in the original call

mixed &$retval

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - The return value from the aggregated method, or a PEAR_Error if the called method was unknown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Builder::PEAR_Builder() -- constructor
PEAR_Builder::build() -- Build an extension from source
PEAR_Builder::log() -- 
PEAR_Builder::phpizeCallback() -- Message callback function when running phpize

Класс для создания (компиляции) модулей

Дерево классов для PEAR_Builder

  • PEAR_Common

    • PEAR_Builder


PEAR_Builder::PEAR_Builder() -- constructor


PEAR_Builder constructor


object &$ui

user interface object (instance of PEAR_Frontend_*)


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


PEAR_Builder::build() -- Build an extension from source


Build an extension from source. Runs phpize in the source directory, but compiles in a temporary directory (/var/tmp/pear-build-USER/PACKAGE-VERSION).


string $descfile

path to XML package description file

mixed $callback

callback function used to report output

Возвращаемое значение

array - an array of associative arrays with built files, format:
array( array( 'file' => '/path/to/',
                    'php_api' => YYYYMMDD,
                    'zend_mod_api' => YYYYMMDD,
                    'zend_ext_api' =>; YYYYMMDD ),
       ... )

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Builder::log() -- 


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


mixed $level

mixed $msg


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Builder::phpizeCallback() -- Message callback function when running phpize


Message callback function used when running the phpize program. Extracts the API numbers used. Ignores other message types than "cmdoutput".


string $what

the type of message

mixed $data

the message


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Command::factory() -- get object for executing a command.
PEAR_Command::getCommands() -- get list of currently supported commands
PEAR_Command::getDescription() -- get description for a command
PEAR_Command::getGetoptArgs() -- compiles arguments for getopt
PEAR_Command::getHelp() -- get help for command
PEAR_Command::getShortcuts() -- get list of command shortcuts.
PEAR_Command::registerCommands() -- scan the command directory

Командный класс PEAR, простейшая фабрика для административных команд


PEAR_Command::factory() -- get object for executing a command.


Get the right object for executing a command.


string $command

The name of the command

object &$config

Instance of PEAR_Config object

Возвращаемое значение

object the command object


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Command::getCommands() -- get list of currently supported commands


Get the list of currently supported commands, and what classes implement them.

Возвращаемое значение

array command => implementing class


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Command::getDescription() -- get description for a command


Get description for a command.


string $command

Name of the command

Возвращаемое значение

string command description


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Command::getGetoptArgs() -- compiles arguments for getopt


Compiles arguments for getopt.


string $command

command to get optstring for

string &$short_args

(reference) short getopt format

array &$long_args

(reference) long getopt format


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Command::getHelp() -- get help for command


Get help for command.


string $command

Name of the command to return help for

Возвращаемое значение

string help text


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Command::getShortcuts() -- get list of command shortcuts.


Get the list of command shortcuts.

Возвращаемое значение

array shortcut => command


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Command::registerCommands() -- scan the command directory


Scan through the Command directory looking for classes and see what commands they implement.


boolean $merge

if FALSE (default), the new list of commands should replace the current one. If TRUE, new entries will be merged with old.

string $dir

where (what directory) to look for classes, defaults to the Command subdirectory of the directory from where this file (__FILE__) is included.

Возвращаемое значение

bool TRUE on success


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::PEAR_Common() -- PEAR_Common constructor
PEAR_Common::addTempFile() -- register a temporary file or directory
PEAR_Common::analyzeSourceCode() -- analyze the source code of the given PHP file
PEAR_Common::buildProvidesArray() -- Build a array
PEAR_Common::downloadHttp() -- Download a file through HTTP
PEAR_Common::infoFromAny() -- Returns package information from different sources
PEAR_Common::infoFromDescriptionFile() -- Returns information about a package file
PEAR_Common::infoFromString() -- Returns information about a package file
PEAR_Common::infoFromTgzFile() -- Returns information about a package file
PEAR_Common::log() -- Logging method
PEAR_Common::mkDirHier() -- Create a directory and necessary parent directories
PEAR_Common::mkTempDir() -- Create and register a temporary directory.
PEAR_Common::setFrontendObject() -- Set object representing frontend to use.
PEAR_Common::validatePackageInfo() -- Validate XML package definition file
PEAR_Common::validPackageName() -- Test whether a string is a valid package name
PEAR_Common::xmlFromInfo() -- Return an XML document based on the package info

Класс, предоставляющий основную функциональность для административных классов PEAR

Дерево классов для PEAR_Common()

  • PEAR

    • PEAR_Common


PEAR_Common::PEAR_Common() -- PEAR_Common constructor


PEAR_Common constructor


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


PEAR_Common::addTempFile() -- register a temporary file or directory


Register a temporary file or directory. When the destructor is executed, all registered temporary files and directories are removed.


string $file

name of file or directory


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


PEAR_Common::analyzeSourceCode() -- analyze the source code of the given PHP file


Analyze the source code of the given PHP file


string $file

Filename of the PHP file

Возвращаемое значение

array - hash list of declared_classes, declared_methods, declared_functions and used_classes


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


PEAR_Common::buildProvidesArray() -- Build a array


Build a "provides" array from data returned by analyzeSourceCode(). The format of the built array is like this:
        'class;MyClass' => 
           'type' => 'class',
           'name' => 'MyClass'


array $srcinfo

array with information about a source file as returned by the analyzeSourceCode() method.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::downloadHttp() -- Download a file through HTTP


Download a file through HTTP. Considers suggested file name in Content-disposition: header and can run a callback function for different events. The callback will be called with two parameters: the callback type, and parameters. The implemented callback types are:

  • 'setup' - called at the very beginning, parameter is a UI object that should be used for all output

  • 'message' - the parameter is a string with an informational message

  • 'saveas' - may be used to save with a different file name, the parameter is the filename that is about to be used. If a 'saveas' callback returns a non-empty string, that file name will be used as the filename instead. Note that $save_dir will not be affected by this, only the basename of the file.

  • 'start' - download is starting, parameter is number of bytes that are expected, or -1 if unknown

  • 'bytesread' - parameter is the number of bytes read so far

  • 'done' - download is complete, parameter is the total number of bytes read

  • 'connfailed' - if the TCP connection fails, this callback is called with

  • 'writefailed' - if writing to disk fails, this callback is called with

If an HTTP proxy has been configured (http_proxy PEAR_Config setting), the proxy will be used.


string $url

the URL to download

object &$ui

PEAR_Frontend_* instance

string $save_dir

directory to save file in

mixed $callback

function/method to call for status updates

object $config

PEAR_Config instance

Возвращаемое значение

string - Returns the full path of the downloaded file or a PEAR error on failure. If the error is caused by socket-related errors, the error object will have the fsockopen error code available through getCode().


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::infoFromAny() -- Returns package information from different sources


Returns package information from different sources. This method is able to extract information about a package from a .tgz archive or from a XML package definition file.


string $info

Filename of the source ('package.xml', '<package>.tgz')

Возвращаемое значение

string - Package information


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::infoFromDescriptionFile() -- Returns information about a package file


Returns information about a package file. Expects the name of a package xml file as input.


string $descfile

name of package xml file

Возвращаемое значение

array - array with package information


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::infoFromString() -- Returns information about a package file


Returns information about a package file. Expects the contents of a package xml file as input.


string $data

content of package xml file

Возвращаемое значение

array - array with package information


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::infoFromTgzFile() -- Returns information about a package file


Returns information about a package file. Expects the name of a gzipped tar file as input.


string $file

name of .tgz file

Возвращаемое значение

array - array with package information


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::log() -- Logging method


Logging method.


integer $level

log level (0 is quiet, higher is noisier)

string $msg

message to write to the log


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::mkDirHier() -- Create a directory and necessary parent directories


Wrapper to System::mkDir(), creates a directory as well as any necessary parent directories.


string $dir

directory name

Возвращаемое значение

bool - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::mkTempDir() -- Create and register a temporary directory.


Create and register a temporary directory.


string $tmpdir

Directory to use as tmpdir. Will use system defaults (for example /tmp or c:\windows\temp) if not specified.

Возвращаемое значение

string name of created directory


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::setFrontendObject() -- Set object representing frontend to use.


Set object that represents the frontend to be used.


object $ui

Reference of the frontend object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::validatePackageInfo() -- Validate XML package definition file


Validate XML package definition file.


string $info

Filename of the package archive or of the package definition file

array $errors

Array that will contain the errors

array $warnings

Array that will contain the warnings

string $dir_prefix

directory where source files may be found, or empty if they are not available

Возвращаемое значение

bool - TRUE if valid


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::validPackageName() -- Test whether a string is a valid package name


Test whether a string contains a valid package name.


string $name

the package name to test

Возвращаемое значение

bool - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Common::xmlFromInfo() -- Return an XML document based on the package info


Return an XML document based on the package info (as returned by the PEAR_Common::infoFrom*() methods).


array $pkginfo

package info

Возвращаемое значение

string - XML data


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::PEAR_Config() -- Constructor
PEAR_Config::definedBy() -- Tells what config layer that gets to define a key
PEAR_Config::get() -- Returns a configuration value
PEAR_Config::getDocs() -- Get the documentation for a config value
PEAR_Config::getGroup() -- Get the parameter group for a config key
PEAR_Config::getGroupKeys() -- Get the list of the parameters in a group
PEAR_Config::getGroups() -- Get the list of parameter groups
PEAR_Config::getKeys() -- Get all the current config keys
PEAR_Config::getLayers() -- Returns the layers defined
PEAR_Config::getPrompt() -- Get short documentation for a config value
PEAR_Config::getSetValues() -- Get the list of allowed set values for a config value
PEAR_Config::getType() -- Get the type of a config value
PEAR_Config::isDefined() -- Tells whether a key exists as config value
PEAR_Config::isDefinedLayer() -- Tells whether a config layer exists
PEAR_Config::mergeConfigFile() -- Merges data into a config layer from a file
PEAR_Config::readConfigFile() -- Reads configuration data from a file
PEAR_Config::remove() -- Remove a config key from a config layer
PEAR_Config::removeLayer() -- Temporarily remove an entire config layer
PEAR_Config::set() -- Set config value in specific layer
PEAR_Config::singleton() -- Return a reference of a PEAR_Config object
PEAR_Config::store() -- Stores configuration data in a layer
PEAR_Config::toDefault() -- Revert value of config key to the system-defined one
PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile() -- Write data into config layer from file

Дерево классов для PEAR_Config()

  • PEAR

    • PEAR_Config


PEAR_Config::PEAR_Config() -- Constructor




string $user_file

file to read user-defined options from

string $system_file

file to read system-wide defaults from


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::definedBy() -- Tells what config layer that gets to define a key


Tells what config layer that gets to define a key.


string $key

config key

Возвращаемое значение

string - the config layer, or an empty string if not found


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::get() -- Returns a configuration value


Returns a configuration value, prioritizing layers as per the layers property.


string $key

config key

mixed $layer

layer key

Возвращаемое значение

mixed the config value, or NULL if not found


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::getDocs() -- Get the documentation for a config value


Get the documentation for a config value.


string $key

config key

Возвращаемое значение

string - documentation string


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::getGroup() -- Get the parameter group for a config key


Get the parameter group for a config key.


string $key

config key

Возвращаемое значение

string - parameter group


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::getGroupKeys() -- Get the list of the parameters in a group


Get the list of the parameters in a group.


string $group

parameter group

Возвращаемое значение

array list of parameters in $group


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::getGroups() -- Get the list of parameter groups


Get the list of parameter groups.

Возвращаемое значение

array - list of parameter groups


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::getKeys() -- Get all the current config keys


Get all the current config keys

Возвращаемое значение

array - simple array of config keys


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::getLayers() -- Returns the layers defined


Returns the layers defined, except the 'default' one

Возвращаемое значение

array the defined layers


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::getPrompt() -- Get short documentation for a config value


Get the short documentation for a config value.


string $key

config key

Возвращаемое значение

string short documentation string


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::getSetValues() -- Get the list of allowed set values for a config value


Get the list of allowed set values for a config value. Returns NULL for config values that are not sets.


string $key

config key

Возвращаемое значение

array - enumerated array of set values, or NULL if the config key is unknown or not a set


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::getType() -- Get the type of a config value


Get the type of a config value.


string $key

config key

Возвращаемое значение

string - type, one of "string", "integer", "file", "directory", "set" or "password".


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::isDefined() -- Tells whether a key exists as config value


Tells whether a given key exists as a config value.


string $key

config key

Возвращаемое значение

bool - whether $key exists in this object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::isDefinedLayer() -- Tells whether a config layer exists


Tells whether a given config layer exists.


string $layer

config layer

Возвращаемое значение

bool - whether $layer exists in this object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::mergeConfigFile() -- Merges data into a config layer from a file


Merges data into a config layer from a file. Does the same thing as readConfigFile(), except it does not replace all existing values in the config layer.


string $file

file to read from

boolean $override

whether to overwrite existing data

string $layer

config layer to insert data into ('user' or 'system')

Возвращаемое значение

bool - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::readConfigFile() -- Reads configuration data from a file


Reads configuration data from a file. All existing values in the config layer are discarded and replaced with data from the file.


string $file

file to read from, if NULL or not specified, the last-used file for the same layer (second param) is used

string $layer

config layer to insert data into ('user' or 'system')

Возвращаемое значение

bool - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::remove() -- Remove a config key from a config layer


Remove a config key from a specific config layer.


string $key

config key

string $layer

config layer

Возвращаемое значение

bool - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::removeLayer() -- Temporarily remove an entire config layer


Temporarily remove an entire config layer. USE WITH CARE!


string $layer

config key

Возвращаемое значение

bool - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::set() -- Set config value in specific layer


Set a config value in a specific layer (defaults to 'user'). Enforces the types defined in the configuration_info array. An integer config variable will be cast to int, and a set config variable will be validated against its legal values.


string $key

config key

string $value

config value

string $layer

config layer

Возвращаемое значение

bool - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::singleton() -- Return a reference of a PEAR_Config object


If you want to keep only one instance of this class in use, this method will give you a reference to the last created PEAR_Config object if one exists, or create a new object.


string $user_file

file to read user-defined options from

string $system_file

file to read system-wide defaults from

Возвращаемое значение

object - an existing or new PEAR_Config instance


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::store() -- Stores configuration data in a layer


Stores configuration data in a layer.


string $layer

config layer to store

Возвращаемое значение

bool - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::toDefault() -- Revert value of config key to the system-defined one


Unset the user-defined value of a config key, reverting the value to the system-defined one.


string $key

config key

Возвращаемое значение

bool - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile() -- Write data into config layer from file


Writes data into a config layer from a file.


string $file

file to read from

boolean $layer

whether to overwrite existing data

Возвращаемое значение

bool - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Dependency::PEAR_Dependency() -- constructor
PEAR_Dependency::callCheckMethod() -- Maps the xml dependency definition
PEAR_Dependency::checkExtension() -- Check Extension dependency
PEAR_Dependency::checkOS() -- Check Operating system dependency
PEAR_Dependency::checkPackage() -- check Package dependency
PEAR_Dependency::checkPHP() -- Check PHP version
PEAR_Dependency::checkProgram() -- Check external program
PEAR_Dependency::checkSAPI() -- Check SAPI backend
PEAR_Dependency::checkZend() -- Check Zend version

Контролирует зависимости между классами


PEAR_Dependency::PEAR_Dependency() -- constructor




object &$registry

a PEAR_Registry instance


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Dependency::callCheckMethod() -- Maps the xml dependency definition


This method maps the xml dependency definition to the PEAR_Dependency one.


mixed &$errmsg

this variable will contains an error message, if check fail

array $opts

An Array with all Dependency entries from the parsed XML package definition, ie:
$opts => Array
       ['type'] => 'pkg',
       ['rel'] => 'ge',
       ['version'] => '3.4',
       ['name'] => 'HTML_Common'

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - FALSE if all dependencies could be resolved successfully(!); or an PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependencies.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Dependency::checkExtension() -- Check Extension dependency


Extension dependencies check method


mixed &$errmsg

this variable will contains an error message, if check fail

string $name

Name of the extension to test

string $req

Required extension version to compare with

string $relation

How to compare versions with eachother

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of an unresolved dependency.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Dependency::checkOS() -- Check Operating system dependency


Operating system dependencies check method


string &$errmsg

this variable will contains an error message, if check fail

string $os

Name of the operating system

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Dependency::checkPackage() -- check Package dependency


Package dependencies check method


string &$errmsg

this variable will contains an error message, if check fail

string $name

Name of the package to test

string $req

Required package version to compare with

string $relation

How to compare versions with eachother

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Dependency::checkPHP() -- Check PHP version


PHP version check method


mixed &$errmsg

this variable will contains an error message, if check fail

string $req

which version to compare

string $relation

how to compare the version

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Dependency::checkProgram() -- Check external program


External program check method. Looks for executable files in directories listed in the PATH environment variable.


mixed &$errmsg

this variable will contains an error message, if check fail

string $program

which program to look for

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Dependency::checkSAPI() -- Check SAPI backend


SAPI backend check method. Version comparison is not yet available here.


mixed &$errmsg

this variable will contains an error message, if check fail

string $name

name of SAPI backend

string $req

which version to compare (currently unused)

string $relation

how to compare versions (currently hardcoded to 'has')

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Dependency::checkZend() -- Check Zend version


Zend version check method


mixed &$errmsg

this variable will contains an error message, if check fail

string $req

which version to compare

string $relation

how to compare the version

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - FALSE if dependency could be resolved successfully(!); or an PEAR_DEPENDENCY_* constant in case of unresolved dependency.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Административный класс, используемый для установки пакетов PEAR и поддержания базы установленных пакетов.

Дерево классов для PEAR_Installer()

  • PEAR_Common

    • PEAR_Installer


PEAR_Installer::PEAR_Installer() -- constructor


PEAR_Installer constructor.


object &$ui

user interface object (instance of PEAR_Frontend_*)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Installer::install() -- Installs package files


Installs the files within the package file specified.


string $pkgfile

path to the package file

array $options

installating options, to enable an option use the option name as array key and TRUE or 1 as value.

  • $options['force'] = 1 - force installation

  • $options['register-only'] = 1 - update registry but don't install files

  • $options['upgrade'] = 1 - upgrade existing install

  • $options['soft'] = 1 - fail silently

Возвращаемое значение

array package info if successful


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Административный класс, используемый для создания релизов пакетов PEAR.

Дерево классов для PEAR_Packager

  • PEAR_Common

    • PEAR_Packager


PEAR_Packager::PEAR_Packager() -- constructor




Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


PEAR_Packager::package() -- Create Package archive


Creates a Package archive from package definition file and package files


string $pkgfile

path to package definition file

boolean $compress

if TRUE package archive will be compessed using gzip

Возвращаемое значение

string - name of the created package archive


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::PEAR_Registry() -- constructor
PEAR_Registry::addPackage() -- Registers a package to the registry
PEAR_Registry::checkFileMap() -- Test whether a file belongs to a package
PEAR_Registry::deletePackage() -- Remove Package from registry
PEAR_Registry::listPackages() -- List all registered Packages
PEAR_Registry::packageExists() -- Check for Package
PEAR_Registry::packageInfo() -- Get Package information
PEAR_Registry::rebuildDepsFile() -- Rebuild dependencies file
PEAR_Registry::rebuildFileMap() -- Rebuild file map
PEAR_Registry::removePackageDep() -- Remove dependency information of a Package
PEAR_Registry::setPackageDep() -- Update or insert dependencies of a Package
PEAR_Registry::updatePackage() -- Update Package information

Административный класс, используемый для поддержания базы установленных пакетов.

Дерево классов для PEAR_Registry

  • PEAR

    • PEAR_Registry


PEAR_Registry::PEAR_Registry() -- constructor




string $pear_install_dir

PEAR install directory (for .php files)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::addPackage() -- Registers a package to the registry


Adds a Package entry to the registry


string $package

Package name

array $info

additional information for the package entry

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - FALSE if Package is already registered;


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::checkFileMap() -- Test whether a file belongs to a package


Test whether a file belongs to a package.


string $path

file path, absolute or relative to the pear install dir

Возвращаемое значение

string - name of the package the file belongs to, or an empty string if the file does not belong to an installed package


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::deletePackage() -- Remove Package from registry


Removes a Package entry from the registry.


string $package

Package name

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::listPackages() -- List all registered Packages


List all Packages registered in the registry.

Возвращаемое значение

array - list of package names


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::packageExists() -- Check for Package


Checks wether a Package is registered in the registry or not.


string $package

Package name

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE if package is registered


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::packageInfo() -- Get Package information


Returns (specific) information stored in the registry about a Package.


string $package

Package name

string $key

the name of a specific information to get

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - an array with all information, or a key specific information, if $key was used; NULL if Package or specific information does not exist


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::rebuildDepsFile() -- Rebuild dependencies file


Rebuilds the dependencies file of the registry. Use this function if had trouble while installing Packages or a damaged registry.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::rebuildFileMap() -- Rebuild file map


Rebuilds the registry filemap. Use this function if had trouble while installing Packages or a damaged registry.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::removePackageDep() -- Remove dependency information of a Package


Removes the dependency information of a Package from the registry.


string $package

Package name

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - TRUE if successful; or an array with a list of Packages depending on this Package


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::setPackageDep() -- Update or insert dependencies of a Package


Update or insert a the dependencies of a package, prechecking that the package won't break any dependency in the process. (Dependencies of type 'pkg' only.


string $package

Package name

string $new_version

Version of the Package

array $rel_deps

Package dependencies

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - TRUE if no dependencies found; or array with names of missing or outdated Packages


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Registry::updatePackage() -- Update Package information


Updates the existing information of a Package in the registry.


string $package

Package name

array $info

information to update

mixed $merge

if FALSE the old informations will be deleted completly an replaced with the new; if TRUE update only - unchanged values will remain.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Remote::PEAR_Remote() -- constructor
PEAR_Remote::call() -- Execute a server function

Класс для осуществления удаленных операция с сервером пакетов PEAR.

Дерево классов для PEAR_Remote()

  • PEAR

    • PEAR_Remote


PEAR_Remote::PEAR_Remote() -- constructor




object &$config

an instance of PEAR_Config


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Remote::call() -- Execute a server function


Sends a remote procedure call to a package server and returns the result.


string $method

Name of the server method

mixed $args,...

server method specific parameters

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - result of the executed server method


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

VI. PEAR Пакеты программ

Глава 29. Аутентификация

Предоставляет пакеты, позволяющие сделать свою систему аутентификации.


Introduction -- A usage example
Storage drivers -- Introduction
Logging -- Introduction
Auth_Container_Array -- Authenticate against an array of usernames and passwords
Auth_Container_DB -- Authenticate against a database using DB
Auth_Container_DBLite -- Authenticate against a database using DB
Auth_Container_File -- Authenticate a password file using File_Passwd
Auth_Container_IMAP -- Authenticate against an IMAP server
Auth_Container_KADM5 -- Authenticate against a Kerberos 5 server
Auth_Container_LDAP -- Authenticate against an LDAP server
Auth_Container_MDB -- Authenticate against a database using MDB
Auth_Container_MDB2 -- Authenticate against a database using MDB2
Auth_Container_Multiple -- Authenticate against multiple Auth_Containers
Auth_Container_PEAR -- Authenticate against the PEAR website
Auth_Container_POP3 -- Authenticate against a POP3 server
Auth_Container_RADIUS -- Authenticate against a RADIUS server
Auth_Container_SAP -- Authenticate against a SAP server
Auth_Container_SMBPasswd -- Authenticate a SAMBA smbpasswd file using File_SMBPasswd
Auth_Container_SOAP -- Authenticate against a SOAP service
Auth_Container_SOAP5 -- Authenticate against a SOAP service
Auth_Container_vpopmail -- Authenticate against a vpopmail service
Custom Auth_Container -- Build a custom storage container
Auth_Frontend_HTML -- Default login form
Константы -- предопределенные константы
Auth::Auth() -- constructor
Auth::addUser() -- add a new user
Auth::attachLogObserver() -- Attach a log observer instance to the internal Log object
Auth::changePassword() -- change the password of a user
Auth::checkAuth() --  check if a session with valid authentication information exists
Auth::getAuth() -- check for an authenticated user
Auth::getAuthData() -- retrieve extra information stored within the auth session
Auth::getStatus() -- get the current status of the auth session
Auth::getUsername() -- get the username of the authenticated user
Auth::listUsers() -- list available users
Auth::logout() -- logout an authenticated user
Auth::removeUser() -- remove a user account
Auth::setAdvancedSecurity() -- Enables advanced security features. Turned off by default
Auth::setAllowLogin() -- Controls if the user will be allowed to login. Turned on by default
Auth::setAuth() -- set a specific user to be marked as logged in
Auth::setAuthData() -- store extra information with the Auth session
Auth::setCheckAuthCallback() -- set a callback to run when ever session validity is checked
Auth::setExpire() -- set expiration time for authentication
Auth::setFailedLoginCallback() -- set a callback for failed login attempts
Auth::setIdle() -- set maximum idle time for authentication
Auth::setLoginCallback() -- set a callback for successful login attempts
Auth::setLogoutCallback() -- set a callback for successful logout attempts
Auth::setSessionName() -- set a custom session name
Auth::setShowLogin() -- controls if the login form will be displayed. Turned on by default
Auth::sessionValidThru() --  get the time up to the session is valid
Auth::start() -- start authentication

Provides a framework for user authentication.


Introduction -- A usage example

Auth tutorial

Our goal during this "mini tutorial" is to set up a system that secures your site with an easy to use authentication mechanism.

At the top of the site to secured, place the following code snippet:

Пример 29-1. Typical usage example for PEAR::Auth

require_once "Auth.php";

// Takes three arguments: last attempted username, the authorization
// status, and the Auth object. 
// We won't use them in this simple demonstration -- but you can use them
// to do neat things.
function loginFunction($username = null, $status = null, &$auth = null)
     * Change the HTML output so that it fits to your
     * application.
    echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"test.php\">";
    echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"username\">";
    echo "<input type=\"password\" name=\"password\">";
    echo "<input type=\"submit\">";
    echo "</form>";

$options = array(
  'dsn' => "mysql://user:password@localhost/database",
$a = new Auth("DB", $options, "loginFunction");


if ($a->checkAuth()) {
     * The output of your site goes here.

This few lines of code instantiate the authentication system.

The first line in the above script includes the file from your PEAR directory. It contains all the necessary code to run PEAR::Auth. Next, we define a function to display the login form which the visitor of your page has to use to enter his login data. You can change all the HTML formatting in this function.

Since we want to use a database to verify the login data, we now create the variable $dsn, it contains a valid DSN string that will be used to connect to the database via PEAR::DB. For the default database table schema or to use a different storage container, please see below for more information.

After that we create the authentication object. The first parameter defines the name of the storage container. Because we want to use a database driven storage container, we pass "DB" here. The second parameter is the connection parameter for the container driver. We use the previously defined DSN string. The third parameter is the name of our function that we defined at the beginning of the script. It prints the login form.

Now our authentication object is initialized and we need to check if the user is logged in. This is done via the method checkAuth(). If it returns TRUE, we can pass the content of our page to the user.

In the following passages we cover more detailed information about the functions of PEAR::Auth.

This SQL statement creates a table usable under the default database authentication scheme using MySQL:

   username VARCHAR(50) default '' NOT NULL,
   password VARCHAR(32) default '' NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (username),
   KEY (password)

These are the table and field names necessary for working authentication. When hashing the passwords with the MD5 algorithm, which is the default encryption method in PEAR::Auth, the password column must be at least 32 characters long. When using another encryption method like DES ("UNIX crypt"), the column size has to be changed correspondingly.

Storage drivers

Storage drivers -- Introduction


PEAR::Auth uses a number of so called storage containers to store the login data. The following passages describe all of them. If the containers that come with the package don't fit your needs, it is easy to create custom ones, also.

Available Containers


Storage container using a PHP Array.


Storage container using PEAR DB.


A simplified version of the DB container that only provides user authentication. No user management functions are provided.


Storage container using PEAR File_Passwd.


Storage container for use against IMAP servers.


Storage container for use against Kerberos V servers.


Storage container for use against LDAP servers.


Storage container using PEAR MDB.


Storage container using PEAR MDB2.


Storage container for using multiple Auth_Containers in a fall through manner.


Storage container for use against the PEAR website.


Storage container for use against a POP3 server.


Storage container for use against a RADIUS server.


Storage container for use against a SAP server.


Storage container using PEAR File_SMBPasswd.


Storage container for use against a SOAP service using PEAR SOAP as the client.


Storage container for use against a SOAP service using PHP5 SOAP as the client.


Storage container using vpopmail.


Instructions on creating a custom storage container.


Logging -- Introduction


Since version 1.5.0 PEAR::Auth provides a facility for retrieving logs of its internal behaviour. This is implemented using PEAR::Log and its log observer components.

Auth provides two levels of log messages which map to the Log priority levels PEAR_LOG_INFO and PEAR_LOG_DEBUG.

PEAR_LOG_INFO messages provide basic information about Auth's decisions, for example user authentication successful/failed, rendering login screen.

PEAR_LOG_DEBUG messages provide detailed information about what is happening within the internals of Auth, for example which functions are called, logic tracking for the Authentication method, what SQL queries are being run against the database backends.


Пример 29-1. Typical usage example for accessing the logs from PEAR::Auth

require_once "Auth.php";
require_once 'Log.php';
require_once 'Log/observer.php';

// Callback function to display login form
function loginFunction($username = null, $status = null, &$auth = null)
	 * Change the HTML output so that it fits to your
	 * application.
	echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">";
	echo "Username: <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\"><br/>";
	echo "Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\"><br/>";
	echo "<input type=\"submit\">";
	echo "</form>";

class Auth_Log_Observer extends Log_observer {

	var $messages = array();

	function notify($event) {

		$this->messages[] = $event;



$options = array(
		'enableLogging' => true,
		'cryptType' => 'md5',
		'users' => array(
			'guest' => md5('password'),
$a = new Auth("Array", $options, "loginFunction");

$infoObserver = new Auth_Log_Observer(PEAR_LOG_INFO);


$debugObserver = new Auth_Log_Observer(PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);



if ($a->checkAuth()) {
	 * The output of your site goes here.
	print "Authentication Successful.<br/>";

print '<h3>Logging Output:</h3>'
	.'<b>PEAR_LOG_INFO level messages:</b><br/>';

foreach ($infoObserver->messages as $event) {
	print $event['priority'].': '.$event['message'].'<br/>';

print '<br/>'
	.'<b>PEAR_LOG_DEBUG level messages:</b><br/>';

foreach ($debugObserver->messages as $event) {
	print $event['priority'].': '.$event['message'].'<br/>';

print '<br/>';

To enable logging pass the option "enableLogging" with the value TRUE in the options array in the second parameter to the Auth constructor.

To retrieve the log messages from Auth create a new subclass of Log_Observer that implements a notify() function to perform whatever actions you want on the log messages.

Once defined pass an instance of your new Log_Observer instance to Auth::attachLogObserver().

To limit the types of messages you receive in the Log_Observer pass either PEAR_LOG_INFO or PEAR_LOG_DEBUG as the first parameter to the Log_Observer. The default is PEAR_LOG_INFO. For more information on this filtering see the Log Documentation.

$observer = new My_Log_Observer(PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);


This container has only been available since version 1.5.0.


Auth_Container_Array -- Authenticate against an array of usernames and passwords


Auth_Container_DB -- Authenticate against a database using DB


Auth_Container_DBLite -- Authenticate against a database using DB


Auth_Container_File -- Authenticate a password file using File_Passwd


Auth_Container_IMAP -- Authenticate against an IMAP server


Auth_Container_KADM5 -- Authenticate against a Kerberos 5 server


Auth_Container_LDAP -- Authenticate against an LDAP server

LDAP Container

This storage container makes use of the ldap extension to load user data from an LDAP server.

The storage-specific argument for the Auth constructor() is an array of options.

Таблица 29-1. Available Options

OptionData TypeDefault valueDescription
"host" string "localhost" The host name or IP-adress to access
"port" integer 389 The port of the LDAP server to access
"url" string "" A fully qualified URL for specifying the protocol, url and port to connect to. It is useful for specifying ldaps://. Takes precedence over "host" and "port" options. Only works if PHP has been compiled against OpenLDAP 2+ libraries.
"version" integer 2 LDAP version to use, ususally 2 (default) or 3, must be an integer!
"referrals" boolean TRUE If set, determines whether the LDAP library automatically follows referrals returned by LDAP servers or not.
"binddn" string "" If set, searching for user will be done after binding as this user, if not set the bind will be anonymous. This is reported to make the container work with MS Active Directory, but should work with any server that is configured this way. This has to be a complete dn for now (basedn and userdn will not be appended).
"bindpw" string "" The password to use for binding with binddn.
"basedn" string "" The base DN of your server.
"userdn" string "" Gets prepended to basedn when searching for users.
"userscope" string "sub" Scope for user searching: one, sub (default), or base.
"userattr" string "uid" Defines the attribute to search for.
"userfilter" string "(objectClass=posixAccount)" Filter that will be added to the search filter this way: (&(userattr=username)(userfilter)).
"attributes" array array('') Array of additional attributes to fetch from entry. These will added to auth data and can be retrieved via Auth::getAuthData() . An empty array will fetch all attributes, array('') will fetch no attributes at all (default). If you add 'dn' as a value to this array, the user's DN that was used for binding will be added to auth data as well.
"attrformat" string "AUTH"

The returned format of the additional data defined in the 'attributes' option. Two formats are available.

LDAP returns data formatted in a multidimensional array where each array starts with a 'count' element providing the number of attributes in the entry, or the number of values for attributes. When set to this format, the only way to retrieve data from the Auth object is by calling getAuthData('attributes'). This was the default format before version 1.3.0.

AUTH returns data formatted in a structure more compliant with other Auth Containers, where each attribute element can be directly called by getAuthData() method from Auth. This became the default as of 1.3.0.

"groupdn" string "" Gets prepended to basedn when searching for group.
"groupattr" string "cn" The group attribute to search for.
"groupfilter" string "(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)" Filter that will be added to the search filter when searching for a group: (&(groupattr=group)(memberattr=username)(groupfilter)).
"memberattr" string "uniqueMember" The attribute of the group object where the user dn may be found.
"memberisdn" boolean TRUE Whether the memberattr is the dn of the user (default) or the value of userattr (usually uid).
"group" string "" The name of the group users have to be a member of to authenticate successfully.
"groupscope" string "sub" Scope for group searching: one, sub (default), or base.
"start_tls" boolean "false" Enable/disable the use of START_TLS encrypted connection.
"try_all" boolean FALSE If multiple entries are returned by the search attempt to authenticate against each entry in order or just the first one (default).
"debug" boolean FALSE Enable debug output.

When talking to a Microsoft ActiveDirectory server you have to use 'samaccountname' as the 'userattr' and follow special rules to translate the ActiveDirectory directory names into 'basedn'. The 'basedn' for the default 'Users' folder on an ActiveDirectory server for the ActiveDirectory Domain (which is not related to its DNS name) "" would be: "CN=Users, DC=win2000, DC=example, DC=org" where every component of the domain name becomes a DC attribute of its own. If you want to use a custom users folder you have to replace "CN=Users" with a sequence of "OU" attributes that specify the path to your custom folder in reverse order. So the ActiveDirectory folder "\Custom\Accounts" would become "OU=Accounts, OU=Custom, DC=win2000, DC=example, DC=org"

It seems that binding anonymously to an Active Directory is not allowed, so you have to set binddn and bindpw for user searching.

LDAP Referrals need to be set to false for AD to work sometimes.

Note also that if you want an encrypted connection to an MS LDAP server, then, on your webserver, you must specify "TLS_REQCERT never" in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf or in the webserver user's ~/.ldaprc (which may or may not be read depending on your configuration).


Auth_Container_MDB -- Authenticate against a database using MDB


Auth_Container_MDB2 -- Authenticate against a database using MDB2


By default, MDB2's default portability setting of MDB2_PORTABILITY_ALL is used. This setting may cause unexpected behaviour, such as field names being converted to lowercase regardless of their definition in the database schema. The "db_options" option can be used to override this, as shown in the following example.


Auth_Container_Multiple -- Authenticate against multiple Auth_Containers


This container provides a facility to attempt to authenticate against multiple Auth_Containers in order.

If a container's getAuthData() returns true Auth_Container_Multiple will return true.

When a container's getAuthData() returns false Auth_Container_Multiple will continue on through the list of available containers until a successful login is found or the list of containers is expired.

On receipt of an error from getAuthData() Auth_Container_Multiple will abort checking further containers and return the error.

The storage-specific argument for the Auth constructor() is an array of container configurations. Each container configuration has the following options:

Пример 29-1. Example usage of Auth_Container_Multiple

require_once "Auth.php";
require_once 'Log.php';
require_once 'Log/observer.php';

// Callback function to display login form
function loginFunction($username = null, $status = null, &$auth = null)
	 * Change the HTML output so that it fits to your
	 * application.
	echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\">";
	echo "Username: <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\"><br/>";
	echo "Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\"><br/>";
	echo "<input type=\"submit\">";
	echo "</form>";

class Auth_Log_Observer extends Log_observer {

	var $messages = array();

	function notify($event) {

		$this->messages[] = $event;



$options = array(
	'enableLogging' => true,
		'type' => 'Array',
		'options' => array(
			'cryptType' => 'md5',
			'users' => array(
				'guest' => md5('password'),
		'type' => 'Array',
		'options' => array(
			'cryptType' => 'md5',
			'users' => array(
				'admin' => md5('password'),
$a = new Auth("Multiple", $options, "loginFunction");

$infoObserver = new Auth_Log_Observer(PEAR_LOG_INFO);


$debugObserver = new Auth_Log_Observer(PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);



if ($a->checkAuth()) {
	 * The output of your site goes here.
	print "Authentication Successful.<br/>";

print '<h3>Logging Output:</h3>'
	.'<b>PEAR_LOG_INFO level messages:</b><br/>';

foreach ($infoObserver->messages as $event) {
	print $event['priority'].': '.$event['message'].'<br/>';

print '<br/>'
	.'<b>PEAR_LOG_DEBUG level messages:</b><br/>';

foreach ($debugObserver->messages as $event) {
	print $event['priority'].': '.$event['message'].'<br/>';

print '<br/>';


This container has only been available since version 1.5.0.


Auth_Container_PEAR -- Authenticate against the PEAR website

PEAR Container

This container provides authentication services against the PEAR website ( and it's developer accounts.

This container does not take an storage specific options.


Auth_Container_POP3 -- Authenticate against a POP3 server


Auth_Container_RADIUS -- Authenticate against a RADIUS server

RADIUS Container

You need Auth_RADIUS and the PECL radius in order to get this container to work.

The storage-specific argument for the Auth constructor() is an array of options.

Таблица 29-1. Available Options

OptionData TypeDefault valueDescription
"servers" array array("localhost", 0, "testing123", 3, 3)

Array of RADIUS servers, containing: host, port, shared secret, timeout, maxtries.

The host parameter specifies the server host, either as a fully qualified domain name or as a dotted-quad IP address in text form.

The port parameter specifies the UDP port to contact on the server. If port is given as 0, the library looks up the radius/udp entry in the network services database, and uses the port found there. If no entry is found, the library uses the standard RADIUS port for authentication (1812).

The shared secret for the server host is passed to the secret parameter. The RADIUS protocol ignores all but the leading 128 bytes of the shared secret.

The timeout for receiving replies from the server is passed to the timeout parameter, in units of seconds.

The maximum number of repeated requests to make before giving up is passed into the maxtries parameter.

At most 10 servers may be specified. When multiple servers are given, they are tried in round-robin fashion until a valid response is received, or until each server's maxtries limit has been reached.

"authtype" string "PAP"

The authentication method for validating the request. Possible values are: PAP, CHAP_MD5, MSCHAPv1, MSCHAPv2.

There are dependencies for the different methods. For all authentication methods except PAP you need the Crypt_CHAP package, when you are using MS-CHAP you need also the mhash extension.


Auth_Container_SAP -- Authenticate against a SAP server

SAP Container

This container allows authentication against a SAP server using the SAPRFC extension available at

The storage-specific argument for the Auth constructor() is an array of options which are passed directly to the SAPRFC extension. None of the options are used internally, for more details see the SAPRFC's documentation.


Auth_Container_SMBPasswd -- Authenticate a SAMBA smbpasswd file using File_SMBPasswd

SMBPasswd Container

This storage container provides authentication against SAMBA smbpasswd files. It makes use of the PEAR File_SMBPasswd package.

The storage-specific argument for the Auth constructor() is a string containing the filename of the SAMBA smbpasswd file to use.


Auth_Container_SOAP -- Authenticate against a SOAP service


Auth_Container_SOAP5 -- Authenticate against a SOAP service

SOAP5 Container

This container makes use of the PHP SOAP extension's client to provide authentication against a SOAP service.

The storage-specific argument for the Auth constructor() is an array of options. In addition to the below options all options for the PHP SOAP Client can be passed in this array and they will be passed onto the client.


Auth_Container_vpopmail -- Authenticate against a vpopmail service

vpopmail Container

This container uses an existing vpopmail service to validate the username and the password.

It does not require any storage-specific argument.

Custom Auth_Container

Custom Auth_Container -- Build a custom storage container


Auth_Frontend_HTML -- Default login form


PEAR::Auth_Frontend_HTML provides a generic default login page for use with PEAR::Auth. When building your own login page it is a reasonable place to start as it includes all the required elements of the login form.


Константы -- предопределенные константы



Returned if a session exceeds its idle time.



Returned if a session has expired.



Returned if the Auth Container in use is unable to validate the username/password pair supplied.



Returned if the requested function is not implemented by the Auth Container in use.



Returned if the advanced security checking detects a breach.



Returned if the checkAuth callback function aborted the session.


Auth::Auth() -- constructor


Constructor for the authentication system.

The constructor will ensure that the PHP session management is started by calling session_start(). This is done as Auth requires a session to be active to operate correctly.


string $storageDriver

Name of the storage driver that should be used, alternatively you can pass a custom Auth_Container object.

mixed $options

The options that are passed to the storage container.

string $loginFunction

The name of a user-defined function that prints the login screen. This function is passed three parameters when called $username, $status, &$auth. These are in order the previously attempted username, the status code that caused the previous auth attempt to fail and a reference to the Auth object itself.

boolean $showLogin

Defines if the login is optional or not.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


This example shows you how you can specifiy alternative names for the database table and the column names. In our example, we use the table myAuth, select the username from the field myUserColumn and the password from the field myPasswordColumn. The default values for this fields are auth, username and password. Note that you can also specify an existing DB object with the dsn parameter instead of a DSN.

This feature is necessary if you want to use PEAR::Auth with a database layout that is different from the one PEAR::Auth uses by default.


This example shows you how you can pass your own storage container to Auth.

If the storage containers supplied with Auth are not capable of fulfilling your requirements, you can easliy create your own storage container. Read the storage containers section for more info Introduction - The storage drivers


Auth::addUser() -- add a new user


Add a new user to the Auth Container.


string $username

the username of the new user

string $password

the password of the new user

mixed $additional = ''

additional options to be passed to the creation of the new user. Each Auth_Container has different options for these, please see the containers documentation for what is supported.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - TRUE on success, a PEAR Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Not all Auth Containers implement this functionality.


Auth::attachLogObserver() -- Attach a log observer instance to the internal Log object


Attach an instance of a Log_Observer to the internal Log object. This allows the internal logs to be accessed and used as you wish within your application.


object &$observer

The instance of the Log_Observer to attach to the internal Log object.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

This function has only been available since version 1.5.0.


Auth::changePassword() -- change the password of a user


Change the password of a user within the Auth Container.


string $username

the username of the user

string $password

the new password for the user

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - TRUE on success, a PEAR Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Not all Auth Containers implement this functionality.


Auth::checkAuth() --  check if a session with valid authentication information exists


Checks if a session exists that contains valid authentication information.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - If a session with valid authentication information exists, the function return TRUE. Otherwise it returns FALSE.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::getAuth() -- check for an authenticated user


Check if the user has been authenticated.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - If the user has already been authenticated, the function returns TRUE. Otherwise it returns FALSE.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::getAuthData() -- retrieve extra information stored within the auth session


This function retrieves the value of a previously registered data field.


string $name

the name of the data field


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::getStatus() -- get the current status of the auth session


Get the current status of the authentication session.

Возвращаемое значение

int - An Auth constant representing the current session state.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также

"Auth Constants".


Auth::getUsername() -- get the username of the authenticated user


Get the username of the logged in user.

Возвращаемое значение

string - The username of the logged in user.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::listUsers() -- list available users


List all the users currently available within the current Auth Container.

Возвращаемое значение

array - An array of user details. Currently no consistency, see each Auth Container for details on how and what they return.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Not all Auth Containers implement this functionality.


Auth::logout() -- logout an authenticated user


Logout any currently logged in user.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::removeUser() -- remove a user account


Remove a user from the Auth Container.


string $username

the username of the user to remove

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - TRUE on success, a PEAR Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Not all Auth Containers implement this functionality.


Auth::setAdvancedSecurity() -- Enables advanced security features. Turned off by default


Enables advanced security features to make man in the middle attacks and session hijacking much harder. Cookies and java script must be enabled on the client browser for some of these features to function correctly.

Enables the following security features of auth

  • Detection of client ip address change or User-Agent header change if such a change is detected the user will be logged out

  • Each client request a special unique cookie is given to the client. He must present this cookie on his next request. This cookie changes on every request. If client does not present the valid cookie he will be logged out.

  • Enables challenge responce for the default login screen of auth. The user password will be hashed with javascript before sent back to the server. Prevents the user password being stolen using password sniffing tools. Password is hashed with a random key so the md5 hash is not subject to brute force password cracking. This will only work for storage containers which support challenge responce password authenthication. Currently only the DB, MDB and MDB2 containers support this for md5 and clear text passwords

Замечание: This method is available since 1.3.0


boolean $flag

TRUE if you want to enable advanced security features FALSE if you want to disable them.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::setAllowLogin() -- Controls if the user will be allowed to login. Turned on by default


Controls if auth will process the post variables and attempt to login the user from those pages. For better security of your application it is recomended to disable login in all pages except your login page.


boolean $allowLogin

If you want to allow login set this to TRUE otherwise set it to FALSE.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

This method is available since 1.3.0


Auth::setAuth() -- set a specific user to be marked as logged in


Mark the session up to indicate that the username supplied has successfully logged in. Although normally used for internal purposes this function can be used to fake a login.


string $name

the name of the data field


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

This function will also call session_regenerate_id() so as to prevent session fixation attacks.


Auth::setAuthData() -- store extra information with the Auth session


This function allows the registration of extra information to be stored allowing with the authentication data.


string $name

the name of the data field

mixed $value

the value of the data field

boolean $overwrite

whether to overwrite the value of the data field if it already exists.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::setCheckAuthCallback() -- set a callback to run when ever session validity is checked


This function sets a callback function which is called whenever the validity of a logged in session is checked. This callback can be used to perform actions like checking the authentication source to see if the logged in user is still enabled.

The callback function will be passed two parameters, the username that successfully logged in and a reference to the Auth object. The callback function should return a boolean depending upon whether the session should continue or not. TRUE to allow the session to continue, FALSE to abort the session.

If the session is aborted by this callback the status will be set to AUTH_CALLBACK_ABORT.


string $checkAuthCallback

the call back function to use


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::setExpire() -- set expiration time for authentication


With this function you can set the maximum expire time that is used by auth to a new value.


integer $time

expiration time, number of seconds

boolean $add

if TRUE $time is added to the existing expiration time, if FALSE the exitsing time value will be replaced.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Auth uses PHP's session mechanism to recognize users between http calls. Setting Auth's expiry time larger than the session timeout will still expire the session to the time the php session expires.


Auth::setFailedLoginCallback() -- set a callback for failed login attempts


This function sets a callback function which is called upon failed login of a user account.

The callback function will be passed two parameters, the username that failed to login and a reference to the Auth object.


string $loginFailedCallback

the call back function to use


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::setIdle() -- set maximum idle time for authentication


With this function one can set the maximum idle time to a new value. The term "idle time" describes the maximum time interval (in seconds) between two actions by the user. If the maximum idle time is reached, the user will be automatically logged out. If on the other hand the user performs any action within the maximum idle time interval, the idle time is reset.


integer $time

idle time in seconds

boolean $add

if TRUE $time is added to the existing idle time, if FALSE the existing time value will be replaced.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::setLoginCallback() -- set a callback for successful login attempts


This function sets a callback function which is called upon successful login of a user account.

The callback function will be passed two parameters, the username that successfully logged in and a reference to the Auth object.


string $loginCallback

the call back function to use


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::setLogoutCallback() -- set a callback for successful logout attempts


This function sets a callback function which is called upon successful logout of a user account.

The callback function will be passed two parameters, the username that successfully logged out and a reference to the Auth object.


string $loginCallback

the call back function to use


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::setSessionName() -- set a custom session name


This function can set a customized name for the session that is created during the login process. The default for this session name is "PHPSESSID".


string $name

the session name to use


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

You have to use setSessionName(), if you are running two or more different applications with Auth on the same domain. If you don't use this function, a user who has once logged in at one of the applications can also use the other applications without logging in again!


Auth::setShowLogin() -- controls if the login form will be displayed. Turned on by default


Controls if the login page will be displayed to the user. Normally you might need to display the login form only on a certain page of your web application.


boolean $showLogin

true if you want to display the login form and false if you want to hide it.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

This is equivalent to the 4th paramether of Auth::Auth()


Auth::sessionValidThru() --  get the time up to the session is valid


This method returns the time in seconds after which the idle time of the current authentication session has reached its limit, which will cause the user to be logged out automatically. If no maximum idle time is set, which is the default configuration of PEAR::Auth, this method will return 0.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth::start() -- start authentication


Start the authentication process. To do this Auth checks for an existing session and checks it's validity. If there is no existing session or the previous session has been ended for some reason then the login form is generated either via the specified callback or using the default form implemented in Auth_Frontend_HTML.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction -- to HTTP based authentication
Auth_HTTP::Auth_HTTP() -- constructor
Auth_HTTP Example -- Example: A simple password protected page
Auth_HTTP Example 2 -- Example: A password protected page with multiple rows fetch and md5 password
Auth_HTTP::getAuth() -- check for an authenticated user
Auth_HTTP::getStatus() -- returns informations about the current authentication status
Auth_HTTP::start() -- start authentication

Provides a framework for user authentication (aka an "User-Login") based on the HTTP


Introduction -- to HTTP based authentication

Instead of generating an HTML driven form like PEAR::Auth does, this class sends header commands to the clients which cause them to present a login box like they are e.g. used in Apache's .htaccess mechanism.

Starting with Auth_HTTP 2.1.0, HTTP Digest Authentication (RFC2617) is experimentally supported.


Auth_HTTP::Auth_HTTP() -- constructor


Constructor for the authentication system


string $storageDriver

name of the storage driver that should be used

mixed $options

a string containing some login information or an array containing a bunch of options for the storage driver


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Auth_HTTP Example

Auth_HTTP Example -- Example: A simple password protected page



// example of Auth_HTTP basic implementation 


// setting the database connection options
$AuthOptions = array(
'table'=>"testable",                            // your table name 
'usernamecol'=>"username",			// the table username column
'passwordcol'=>"password",			// the table password column
'cryptType'=>"none",				// password encryption type in your db

$a = new Auth_HTTP("DB", $AuthOptions);

$a->setRealm('yourrealm');			// realm name
$a->setCancelText('<h2>Error 401</h2>');        // error message if authentication fails
$a->start();					// starting the authentication process

if($a->getAuth())				// checking for autenticated user 
	echo "Hello $a->username welcome to my secret page";


Auth_HTTP Example 2

Auth_HTTP Example 2 -- Example: A password protected page with multiple rows fetch and md5 password


// example of Auth_HTTP implementation with encrypted password and multiple columns fetch


// setting the database connection options
$AuthOptions = array(
'table'=>"testable",                            // your table name 
'usernamecol'=>"username",			// the table username column
'passwordcol'=>"password",			// the table password column
'cryptType'=>"md5",				// password encryption type in your db
'db_fields'=>"*",				// enabling fetch for other db columns

$a = new Auth_HTTP("DB", $AuthOptions);

$a->setRealm('yourrealm');			// realm name
$a->setCancelText('<h2>Error 401</h2>');        // error message if authentication fails
$a->start();					// starting the authentication process

if($a->getAuth())				// checking for autenticated user 
	echo "Hello $a->username welcome to my secret page <BR>";
	echo "Your details on file are: <BR>";
	echo $a->getAuthData('userid');		// retriving other details from the database row
	echo $a->getAuthData('telephone');      // in this example the user id, telephone number
	echo $a->getAuthData('email');		// and email address


Auth_HTTP::getAuth() -- check for an authenticated user


Check if the user has been authenticated.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - If the user has already been authenticated, the function returns TRUE. Otherwise it returns FALSE.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth_HTTP::getStatus() -- returns informations about the current authentication status


This function returns the current status of PEAR::Auth. The return values are constants that are defined by PEAR Auth.

Возвращаемое значение

string - possible values are AUTH_IDLED, AUTH_EXPIRED, AUTH_EXPIRED


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Auth_HTTP::start() -- start authentication


Start the authentication process.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Глава 30. Тестирование

Предоставляет пакеты для тестирования и профилирования

Глава 31. Кэширование

Предоставляет пакеты для создания кэширования.


Introduction -- Introduction to Cache_Lite
constructor Cache_Lite::Cache_Lite() -- Constructor
Cache_Lite::get() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it
Cache_Lite::save() -- Save some data in a cache file
Cache_Lite::remove() -- Remove a cache file
Cache_Lite::clean() -- Clean the cache
Cache_Lite::setToDebug() -- Set to debug mode
Cache_Lite::setLifeTime() -- Set a new life time
Cache_Lite::saveMemoryCachingState() -- 
Cache_Lite::getMemoryCachingState() -- 
Cache_Lite::lastModified() -- Return the cache last modification time
Cache_Lite::raiseError() -- Trigger a PEAR error
Cache_Lite::extendLife() -- Extend the life of a valid cache file
constructor Cache_Lite_Output::Cache_Lite_Output() -- Constructor
Cache_Lite_Output::start() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it to the browser. Else, the output buffering is activated.
Cache_Lite_Output::end() -- Stop the output buffering started by the start() method and store the output to a cache file
constructor Cache_Lite_Function::Cache_Lite_Function() -- Constructor
Cache_Lite_Function::call() -- Calls a cacheable function or method (or not if there is already a cache for it)
Cache_Lite_Function::drop() -- Drop a cache file
constructor Cache_Lite_File::Cache_Lite_File() -- Constructor
Cache_Lite_File::get() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it

Cache_Lite provides a fast, light and safe cache system. It's optimized for file containers and protected against cache corruptions (because it uses file locking and/or hash tests).


Introduction -- Introduction to Cache_Lite


PEAR::Cache_Lite is a little cache system. It's optimized for high traffic websites so it is really fast and safe (because it uses file locking and/or anti-corruption tests).

Note : An independant documentation of Cache_Lite is available in chinese on this page.

Goals and technical details


Before all, PEAR::Cache_Lite has to be extremely fast. That returns the use of PEAR possible on sites with high traffic without falling in hi-level hardware solutions.

You can find more details about cache_lite technical choices on the this document. but the main idea is to include PEAR.php file ONLY when an error occurs (very rare).


Because the cache system is often embedded in the application layer, PEAR::Cache_Lite kernel has to be small and flexible with an adapted licence (LGPL). Advanced functionnalities can be found in files that extends the core.


On high traffic websites, the cache system has to be really protected against cache files corruptions (because of concurrent accesses in read/write mode). Very few cache systems offer a protection against this problem.

File locking is not a perfect solution because it is useless with NFS or multithreaded servers. So in addition to it, PEAR::Cache_Lite offers two fully transparent mechanisms (based on hash keys) to guarantee the security of the data in all circumstances. Just have a look at the link given in the previous paragraph for more details.


general usage

Every module of Cache_Lite follows the same philosophy.

Parameters (others than default ones) are passed to the constructor by using an associative array.

A cache file is identified by a cache ID (and eventually a group). For obvious flexibility reasons, the logic of IDs choice is left to the developer.

In the following, we will use the term "group" as a pool of cache files and the term "block" as a piece of an HTML page.


Let's start with a simple example : the page is built then recovered in an unique variable (string):

// Include the package

// Set a id for this cache
$id = '123';

// Set a few options
$options = array(
    'cacheDir' => '/tmp/',
    'lifeTime' => 3600

// Create a Cache_Lite object
$Cache_Lite = new Cache_Lite($options);

// Test if thereis a valide cache for this id
if ($data = $Cache_Lite->get($id)) {

    // Cache hit !
    // Content is in $data
    // (...)

} else { // No valid cache found (you have to make the page)

    // Cache miss !
    // Put in $data datas to put in cache
    // (...)



If you wish use a cache per block and not a global cache, take as example the following script:

$options = array(
    'cacheDir' => '/tmp/',
    'lifeTime' => 3600

// Create a Cache_Lite object
$Cache_Lite = new Cache_Lite($options);

if ($data = $Cache_Lite->get('block1')) {
} else {
    $data = 'Data of the block 1';

echo('<br><br>Non cached line !<br><br>');

if ($data = $Cache_Lite->get('block2')) {
} else {
    $data = 'Data of the block 2';



However, it is not always possible to recover all the contents of a page in a single string variable. Thus Cache_Lite_Output comes to our help :


$options = array(
    'cacheDir' => '/tmp/',
    'lifeTime' => 10

$cache = new Cache_Lite_Output($options);

if (!($cache->start('123'))) {
    // Cache missed...
    for($i=0;$i<1000;$i++) { // Making of the page...


The idea is the same for a per block usage :


$options = array(
    'cacheDir' => '/tmp/',
    'lifeTime' => 10

$cache = new Cache_Lite_Output($options);

if (!($cache->start('block1'))) {
    // Cache missed...
    echo('Data of the block 1 !');

echo('Non cached line !');

if (!($cache->start('block2'))) {
    // Cache missed...
    echo('Data of the block 2 !');



For a maximum efficiency with Cache_Lite, do not systematically include every package the page needs. ONLY load the modules you need when the page is not in the cache (and has to be recomputed) by using a conditionnal inclusion.

The BAD way :
   // (...)
   $cache = new Cache_Lite();
   if ($data = $Cache_Lite->get($id)) { // cache hit !
   } else { // page has to be (re)constructed in $data
       // (...)

Here is the good way (often more than twice faster) :
   // (...)
   $cache = new Cache_Lite();
   if ($data = $Cache_Lite->get($id)) { // cache hit !
   } else { // page has to be (re)constructed in $data
       // (...)


To go further with Cache_Lite, have a look at examples and technical details bundled with the package.

constructor Cache_Lite::Cache_Lite()

constructor Cache_Lite::Cache_Lite() -- Constructor


The constructor of the Cache_Lite core class. You can give an associative array as an argument to set a lot of options.


array $options

associative array to set a lot of options

Таблица 31-1.

OptionData TypeDefault ValueDescription
cacheDir string /tmp/ directory where to put the cache file (with a trailing slash at the end)
caching boolean TRUE enable / disable caching
lifeTime integer 3600 cache lifetime in seconds (since 1.6.0beta 1, you can use a null value for an eternal cache lifetime)
fileLocking boolean TRUE enable / disable fileLocking. Can avoid cache corruption under bad circumstances.
writeControl boolean TRUE enable / disable write control. Enable write control will lightly slow the cache writing but not the cache reading. Write control can detect some corrupt cache files but maybe it's not a perfect control.
readControl boolean TRUE enable / disable read control. If enabled, a control key is embeded in cache file and this key is compared with the one calculated after the reading
readControlType string crc32 Type of read control (only if read control is enabled). Must be 'md5' (for a md5 hash control (best but slowest)), 'crc32' (for a crc32 hash control (lightly less safe but faster)) or 'strlen' (for a length only test (fastest))
pearErrorMode integer CACHE_LITE_ERROR_RETURN pear error mode (when raiseError is called) (CACHE_LITE_ERROR_RETURN for just returning a PEAR_Error object or CACHE_LITE_ERROR_DIE for immediate stop of the script (good for debug) )
fileNameProtection boolean TRUE file Name protection (if set to true, you can use any cache id or group name, if set to false, it can be faster but cache ids and group names will be used directly in cache file names so be carefull with special characters...)
automaticSerialization boolean FALSE enable / disable automatic serialization (it can be used to save directly datas which aren't strings but it's slower)
memoryCaching boolean FALSE enable / disable "Memory Caching" (NB : there is no lifetime for memory caching, only the end of the script)
onlyMemoryCaching boolean FALSE enable / disable "Only Memory Caching" (if enabled, files are not used anymore)
memoryCachingLimit integer 1000 max number of records to store into memory caching
automaticCleaningFactor integer 0 Disable / Tune the automatic cleaning process. The automatic cleaning process destroy too old (for the given life time) cache files when a new cache file is written. 0 means "no automatic cache cleaning", 1 means "systematic cache cleaning" (slow), x>1 means "automatic cleaning randomly 1 times on x cache writes". A value between 20 and 200 is maybe a good start.
hashedDirectoryLevel integer 0 Set the hashed directory structure level. 0 means "no hashed directory structure", 1 means "one level of directory", 2 means "two levels"... This option can speed up Cache_Lite only when you have many thousands of cache file. Only specific benchs can help you to choose the perfect value for you. Maybe, 1 or 2 is a good start.
errorHandlingAPIBreak boolean FALSE If set to true, it introduces a little API break but the error handling is better in CACHE_LITE_ERROR_RETURN mode (specially with the save() method which can return a PEAR_Error object).


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::get() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it


One of the main method of Cache_Lite : test the validity of a cache file and return it if it's available (FALSE else)


string $id

cache id

string $group

name of the cache group

boolean $doNotTestCacheValidity

if set to TRUE, the cache validity won't be tested

Возвращаемое значение

returns data of the cache (or false if no cache available)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::save() -- Save some data in a cache file


save the given data (which has to be a string if automaticSerialization is set to FALSE (default)).


string $data

data to put in a cache file (can be another type than strings if automaticSerialization is TRUE).

string $id

cache id

string $group

name of the cache group

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if no problem


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::remove() -- Remove a cache file


remove the given cache file (specified with its id and group)


string $id

cache id

string $group

name of the cache group

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if no problem


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::clean() -- Clean the cache


if no group is specified all cache files will be destroyed ; else only cache files of the specified group will be destroyed


string $group

name of the cache group

string $mode

flush cache mode : 'old' (clean too old cache files for the current lifetime), 'ingroup' (clean all cache files for the given group), 'notingroup' (clean all the cache files except for the given group), [since 1.5.0 beta] 'callback_myFunc' (call the function 'myFunc' with the complete path file and the group in parameters, if the callback return 'true', the cache file is deleted).

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if no problem


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::setToDebug() -- Set to debug mode


when an error is found, the script will stop and the message will be displayed (in debug mode only) ; same effect than pearErrorMode option in the constructor


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::setLifeTime() -- Set a new life time


change the cache life time


integer $newLifeTime

new life time (in seconds)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::saveMemoryCachingState() -- 


save the current state of the memory caching array into a classical cache file


string $id

cache id

string $group

name of the cache group


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::getMemoryCachingState() -- 


load a previously saved state of a memory caching array from a classical cache file


string $id

cache id

string $group

name of the cache group

boolean $doNotTestCacheValidity

if set to TRUE, the cache validity won't be tested


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::lastModified() -- Return the cache last modification time


[ONLY FOR CACHE_LITE HACKERS] return the cache last modification time

Возвращаемое значение

returns last modification time


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::raiseError() -- Trigger a PEAR error


include dynamically the PEAR.php file and trigger a PEAR error

To improve performances, the PEAR.php file is included dynamically. The file is so included only when an error is triggered. So, in most cases, the file isn't included and perfs are much better.


string $msg

error message

integer $code

error code


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite::extendLife() -- Extend the life of a valid cache file


[since Cache_Lite-1.7.0beta2] Extend the life of an existent cache file. The cache file is "touched", so it starts a new lifetime period. See this feature request for more details.


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

constructor Cache_Lite_Output::Cache_Lite_Output()

constructor Cache_Lite_Output::Cache_Lite_Output() -- Constructor


The constructor of the Cache_Lite_Output class. You can give an associative array as an argument to set a lot of options.


array $options

associative array to set a lot of options (see Cache_Lite constructor for details)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite_Output::start() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it to the browser. Else, the output buffering is activated.


Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it to the browser. Else, the output buffering is activated.


string $id

cache id

string $group

name of the cache group

boolean $doNotTestCacheValidity

if set to TRUE, the cache validity won't be tested

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if the cache is hit (false else)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite_Output::end() -- Stop the output buffering started by the start() method and store the output to a cache file


Stop the output buffering started by the start() method and store the output to a cache file


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

constructor Cache_Lite_Function::Cache_Lite_Function()

constructor Cache_Lite_Function::Cache_Lite_Function() -- Constructor


The constructor of the Cache_Lite_Output class. You can give an associative array as an argument to set a lot of options.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite_Function::call() -- Calls a cacheable function or method (or not if there is already a cache for it)


call the given function with given arguments only if there is no cache about it ; else, the output of the function is read from the cache then send to the browser and the return value if read also from the cache and returned.

Возвращаемое значение

returns result of the function/method


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite_Function::drop() -- Drop a cache file


[since Cache_Lite 1.6.0beta1] Drop the cache file of the corresponding function call with given arguments.

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if ok


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

constructor Cache_Lite_File::Cache_Lite_File()

constructor Cache_Lite_File::Cache_Lite_File() -- Constructor


The constructor of the Cache_Lite_File class. You can give an associative array as an argument to set a lot of options.


array $options

associative array to set a lot of options (see Cache_Lite constructor for details). Be carefull, with Cache_Lite_File, there is an additional "mandatory option" described on the following table.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Cache_Lite_File::get() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it


test the validity of a cache file and return it if it's available (FALSE else)


string $id

cache id

string $group

name of the cache group

Возвращаемое значение

returns data of the cache (or false if no cache available)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Глава 32. Конфигурация

Предоставляет пакеты для управления конфигурациямию


Introduction --  What Config can do
Editing a configuration --  How to manipulate your configuration content
Available Containers --  Supported formats
Config::Config() -- constructor
Config::getRoot() -- Return root container for config object
Config::isConfigTypeRegistered() -- Returns TRUE if container is registered
Config::parseConfig() -- Parse datasource contents
Config::registerConfigType() -- Registers a custom Config container
Config::setRoot() -- Set content of root Config_container object
Config::writeConfig() -- Write container content to datasource
Config_Container::Config_Container() -- Constructor
Config_Container::addItem() -- Add item to this item.
Config_Container::countChildren() -- Count children of container
Config_Container::createBlank() -- Add blank line to item
Config_Container::createComment() -- Add comment to item
Config_Container::createDirective() -- Add directive to item
Config_Container::createItem() -- Create new child for section item
Config_Container::createSection() -- Add section to item
Config_Container::getAttribute() -- Get attribute value of item
Config_Container::getAttributes() -- Get item attributes
Config_Container::getChild() -- Return child object at specified index.
Config_Container::getContent() -- Get item content
Config_Container::getItem() -- Tries to find specific items
Config_Container::getItemIndex() -- Return item index in its parent children array
Config_Container::getItemPosition() -- Return item rank in its parent children array
Config_Container::getName() -- Get item name
Config_Container::getParent() -- Return item parent object
Config_Container::getType() -- Get item type
Config_Container::isRoot() -- Check for root item
Config_Container::removeItem() -- Deletes an item from the object
Config_Container::searchPath() -- Finds a node using XPATH like format
Config_Container::setAttributes() -- Set item attributes
Config_Container::setContent() -- Set item content
Config_Container::setDirective() -- Set child directive content or create new directive
Config_Container::setName() -- Set item name
Config_Container::setType() -- Set item type
Config_Container::toArray() -- Return key/value pair array of container and its children
Config_Container::toString() -- Return string representation
Config_Container::updateAttributes() -- Update item attributes
Config_Container::writeDatasrc() -- Write item to file

The Config package provides methods for configuration manipulation.


Introduction --  What Config can do


Config helps you manipulate your configuration whether they are stored in XML files, PHP arrays or other kind of datasources. It supports these features:

  • Parse different configuration formats.

  • Manipulate sections, directives, comments, blanks the way you want.

  • Write them back to a datasource in your preferred format.

The Config object acts as a container for other Config_Container objects. It doesn't do much but makes handling IO operations easier. It contains the root Config_Container object which in turn contains a child Config_Container object. Config_Container objects store references to their parent and have an array of children. This structure makes it easy to access the different containers and their contents.

A Config_Container object can be of different type:

  • Section: a section contains other Config_Container objects.

  • Directive: a directive does not contain any other object but has content and a name. See them as key-value pairs.

  • Comment: just like directives, comments have content but they don't have a name. They are rendered in a special way according to the configuration type you choosed.

  • Blank: they don't have neither content or name but are used to indicate blank lines if your renderer uses them.

When using the Config package, most of the work is done with Config_Container objects.

The above example illustrates how Config and Config_Container can interact. There are other ways. You could have for example first created the Config object and then used $config->getRoot() to add sections and directives to the returned object reference.

For more information, You can read API doc, sample of package, tests of package, and a great tutorial of DevShed about the Config package.

Editing a configuration

Editing a configuration --  How to manipulate your configuration content

Create configuration content

There are many ways to create content in your Config object. You can simply pass it an array like it is shown in the example below:

You can also ask Config to look for a file on your filesystem and try to parse it. You would then do it like this. This example assumes you have a valid XML file:
At the moment, Config can parse XML, PHP arrays, ini files, Apache conf and other generic type of configurations with comments and key-value pairs.

Of course, it is also possible to create the configuration from scratch as shown in the previous section example.

Available Containers

Available Containers --  Supported formats

Available Containers


Parses and saves Apache configuration files. No options are provided by this container.


Generic configuration files. The equals, comment start and new line characters in the parser can be customised to match your prefered configuration format.


Parses standard INI files, maintaining comments within the file. No options are available for this container.


Parse standard INI files using PHP's in built parse_ini_file(). Does not read in comments. No options are available for this container.


Parses PHP Array structures. Can read from a PHP Source file or from an in memory array. Due to technical limitations, this container does not parse blank lines or comments when reading from a configuration file, therefore any information contained within PHP comments will be lost.


Since config files containing php arrays are just included using the standard php methods, code comments and structure will be lost when saving.


Parses a set of PHP define() from a PHP source file. Comments are maintained by this container, although blank lines will be lost. There are no options for this container.


Parses a XML file using XML_Parser.


Config::Config() -- constructor


The Config constructor, it creates a root Config_Container.


Config::getRoot() -- Return root container for config object


This method returns a reference to the root Config_Container object in the Config object. Use the returned Config_Container object reference to manipulate your configuration data.

Возвращаемое значение

object - a reference to config's root container object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config::isConfigTypeRegistered() -- Returns TRUE if container is registered


This method checks if the required container type exists in $GLOBALS['CONFIG_TYPES'].


string $configType

Type of config (php array, xml, inifile...)

Возвращаемое значение

bool - TRUE if registered, FALSE otherwise.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config::parseConfig() -- Parse datasource contents


This method will parse the datasource given and fill the root Config_Container object with other Config_Container objects. It will return a reference to the root Config_Container object or a PEAR_Error if something went wrong.


mixed $datasrc

Datasource to parse. For most containers, it is a file path. For the PHP array parser, it can be an array too.

string $configType

Type of configuration to parse

array $options

Options for the parser

Возвращаемое значение

object - a reference to Config_Container object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config::registerConfigType() -- Registers a custom Config container


This method registers a new container type with the Config class.


string $configType

The name of the configuration type.

array $configInfo

An array defining the file containing the container's class definition and the class name. The format for this array is as follows:
$configInfo = array('path/to/Name.php',             // The path to the source file for the class.
                    'Config_Container_Class_Name'   // The name of the container class.

If omitted, the default values are:
$configInfo = array("Config/Container/$configType.php",

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Config::setRoot() -- Set content of root Config_container object


This method will replace the current child of the root Config_Container object by the given object.


object $rootContainer

Container to be used as the first child of root

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config::writeConfig() -- Write container content to datasource


This method will call the root Config_Container::writeDatasrc() method which in turn will try to write the Config contents to the datasource.


mixed $datasrc

Datasource to write to

string $configType

Type of configuration for writer

array $options

Options for writer

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::Config_Container() -- Constructor


Creates a new Config_Container and returns it by reference.


string $type

Type of container object, should be something among 'section', 'comment', 'directive', 'blank'.

string $name

Name of container object. The name is required for sections and directives, not for blanks or comments.

string $content

Content of container object. The content is used in directives and comments.

array $attributes

Array of attributes for container object. Optionally, you can add attributes to your container. These can be used by the chosen parser.

Возвращаемое значение

object - A reference to the created object.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::addItem() -- Add item to this item.


This method will add a Config_Container child to the current container children. Thus, addItem() can only be called one a section type container. If a position is specified, the object will be added at this position. If 'before' or 'after' are specified as position, a target object is required. The object will then be added before or after the target object position in the current container.


object &$item

a container object

string $where

choose a position 'bottom', 'top', 'after', 'before'

object $target

needed if you choose 'before' or 'after' in $where. $target must be one of this container's children. ZendEngine2 will accept references with default. It will then be possible to have &$target instead.

Возвращаемое значение

object - A reference to the added object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::countChildren() -- Count children of container


This method will return the number of children this container has. If either $name or $type, it will affine its search just to return the number of children corresponding to these parameters.


string $type

Type of children to count.

string $name

Name of children to count.

Возвращаемое значение

int - number of children found


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::createBlank() -- Add blank line to item


The current item must be a section. This is a helper method that calls createItem()


string $where

Where to create the new item ('top', 'bottom', 'before', 'after')

object $target

Required only if 'before' or 'after' is used for $where

Возвращаемое значение

object - reference to new item


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::createComment() -- Add comment to item


The current item must be a section. This is a helper method that calls createItem()


string $content

Comment content

string $where

Where to create the new item ('top', 'bottom', 'before', 'after')

object $target

Required only if 'before' or 'after' is used for $where

Возвращаемое значение

object - reference to new item


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::createDirective() -- Add directive to item


The current item must be a section. This is a helper method that calls createItem()


string $name

Name of new directive

string $content

Content of new directive

mixed $attributes

Directive attributes

string $where

Where to create the new item ('top', 'bottom', 'before', 'after')

object $target

Required only if 'before' or 'after' is used for $where

Возвращаемое значение

object - reference to new item


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::createItem() -- Create new child for section item


This method must be called on a section, the created item can be anything. It adds a new child to the current item. If a position is specified, the child will be created at there. It is recommended to use the helper methods instead of calling this method directly.


string $type

type of item: directive, section, comment, blank...

mixed $item

item name

string $content

item content

array $attributes

item attributes

string $where

choose a position 'bottom', 'top', 'after', 'before'

object $target

needed if you choose 'before' or 'after' for $where

Возвращаемое значение

object - reference to new item


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::createSection() -- Add section to item


Must be called on a section. This is a helper method that calls createItem()


string $name

Name of new section

array array $attributes

Section attributes

string $where

Where to create the new item ('top', 'bottom', 'before', 'after')

object $target

Required only if 'before' or 'after' is used for $where

Возвращаемое значение

object - reference to new item


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::getAttribute() -- Get attribute value of item


This method returns the value associated with the key attribute. To get all attributes, see method getAttributes().


string $attribute

Attribute key

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - item's attribute value


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::getAttributes() -- Get item attributes


This method returns an array containing the attributes of this container.

Возвращаемое значение

array - item's attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::getChild() -- Return child object at specified index.


Children are stored in an array. This method returns the Config_Container object at the specified index.


integer $index

Child index

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - returns reference to child object or FALSE if child does not exist


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::getContent() -- Get item content


Accessor method. Returns the item content.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - item's content


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::getItem() -- Tries to find specific items


This method tries to find the items that respond to the specified parameters.

This method can only be called on an object of type 'section'. Note that root is a section. This method is not recursive and tries to keep the current structure.


string $type

type of item: directive, section, comment, blank...

string $name

item name

mixed $content

find item with this content

array $attributes

find item with attribute set to the given value

integer $index

index of the item in the returned object list. If it is not set, will try to return the last item with this name.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - reference to item found or FALSE when not found


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::getItemIndex() -- Return item index in its parent children array


Children Config_Container objects are stored in an array. This method will return the index of this item in its parent array.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - returns int or NULL if root object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::getItemPosition() -- Return item rank in its parent children array


Returns the item rank in its parent children array according to other items with same type and name.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - returns int or NULL if root object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::getName() -- Get item name


Return the name of this item.

Возвращаемое значение

string - item's name


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::getParent() -- Return item parent object


Returns the item parent object.

Возвращаемое значение

object - reference to parent object or NULL if root object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::getType() -- Get item type


Gets this item's type.

Возвращаемое значение

string - item type


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::isRoot() -- Check for root item


There is only one root item. It has no parent, no name, no content and is of type 'section'. The root item is not used in the parsers, only its children.

Возвращаемое значение

bool - TRUE if item is the root item


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::removeItem() -- Deletes an item from the object


This method removes the current item. References to its children are removed as well. This method does not accept parameters yet.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE if object was removed, FALSE if not, or PEAR_Error if root


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::searchPath() -- Finds a node using XPATH like format


This method tries to find an item by following a given path from the current container.

This method can only be called on an object of type 'section'. Note that root is a section. This method is recursive.

This method takes as many parameters as is needed to define your path to the requested item. The format is array (item1, item2, ..., itemN). Items can be strings or arrays. Strings will match the item name, while arrays will match 'name' and/or 'attributes' properties of the requested item.


mixed $args

Strings or arrays of item to match in the order they will be matched, separated by commas

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - reference to item found or FALSE when not found


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::setAttributes() -- Set item attributes


Attributes are stored in an array. They are used in some containers like PHP Array, XML, Apache. In IniFile or IniCommented containers, attributes are not used. See examples in getAttributes() method to have an idea of the attributes output. This method will replace existing attributes. Use updateAttributes() if you just want to change some of them.


array $attributes

Array of attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::setContent() -- Set item content


Set this item's content.


mixed mixed $content

Item's content


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::setDirective() -- Set child directive content or create new directive


This is an helper method that will first try to find the item with the desired name using getItem(). If the item is found, it will call its setContent() method. If not, it will just create a new directive at the bottom with the given name and content.


string $name

Name of the directive to look for

mixed $content

New content, usually a string

integer $index

Index of the directive to set, in case there are more than one directive with the same name

Возвращаемое значение

object - Newly set directive


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::setName() -- Set item name


Set this item's name.


string $name

Item name


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::setType() -- Set item type


Set this item's type.


string $type

item type


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::toArray() -- Return key/value pair array of container and its children


This method returns an array representation of the Config tree. The format is
$section[directive][index] = value
If the container has attributes, it will use '@' as key for attributes and '#' for values. index is here because multiple directives and sections can have the same name, the toArray() method takes care of that.

Возвращаемое значение

array - an array representation of the Config_Container tree


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::toString() -- Return string representation


This method will call the toString() method in the choosen config type. It will return a string representation of the Config_Container and its children.


string $configType

Type of configuration used to generate the string

array $options

Specify special options used by the parser

Возвращаемое значение

string - the generated string


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::updateAttributes() -- Update item attributes


If the specified attributes are already set, they are overwritten. New attributes are set. The ones that are not set in the given parameter array are left untouched.


array $attributes

Array of attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Config_Container::writeDatasrc() -- Write item to file


By default, this method will write a new string generated with the toString() method to a file. If a writeDatasrc() method exists in the chosen config type, this method will be called instead. This allows for more flexibility and makes it possible to add your own save handlers.


mixed $datasrc

Info on datasource such as path to the configuraton file or dsn...

string $configType

Type of configuration

array $options

Options for writer

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE on success


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Глава 33. Консоль

Представляет пакеты для приложений, использующих консоль, как pear инсталятор.


Introduction - Options -- Defining and processing options
Console_Getopt::getopt -- fetch the command-line options
Console_Getopt::readPHPArgv -- read the predefined $argv array

Console_Getopt provides functions for easily fetching and processing command-line arguments.

Introduction - Options

Introduction - Options -- Defining and processing options

The returned options array

The return value is an array of two elements: the list of parsed options and the list of non-option command-line arguments. Each entry in the list of parsed options is a pair of elements - the first one specifies the option, and the second one specifies the option argument, if there was one, else the value is NULL.


Console_Getopt::getopt -- fetch the command-line options


Parses the command-line options and returns them.


  • array $args - an array of command-line arguments

  • string $shortoptions - specifies the list of allowed short options. See the "Options" section for more information.

  • array $longoptions - specifies the list of allowed long options. Default is NULL. See the "Options" section for more information.

Возвращаемое значение

array - two-element array containing the list of parsed options and the non-option arguments or a PEAR_Error.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Console_Getopt::readPHPArgv -- read the predefined $argv array


Reads the $argv PHP array across different PHP configurations. Will take care of the register_globals and register_argc_argv ini directives.

Возвращаемое значение

array - array containing the options and parameters or PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Глава 34. Базы данных

Предоставляет пакеты для работы с базами данных.


Introduction - DSN -- The Data Source Name
Introduction - Connect -- Connecting and disconnecting a database
Introduction - Query -- Performing queries
Introduction - Results -- Obtaining data from query results
Introduction - Prepare & Execute -- Prepare and execute SQL statements
Introduction - autoPrepare & autoExecute -- Automatically prepare and execute SQL statements
Introduction - Portability -- Database portability features
Introduction - Sequences -- Sequences and auto-incrementing
DB -- Main class
DB::connect() -- Connects to a database
DB::isError() -- Determines if a variable is a DB_Error object
DB_common -- Interface for database access
DB_common::affectedRows() -- Finds number of rows affected by a data changing query
DB_common::autoCommit() -- Turns auto-commit on or off
DB_common::autoExecute() --  Prepares and runs an INSERT or UPDATE query based on variables you supply
DB_common::autoPrepare() --  Prepares an INSERT or UPDATE statement based on variables you supply
DB_common::commit() -- Commits the current transaction
DB_common::createSequence() -- Creates a new sequence
DB_common::disconnect() -- Disconnects from a database
DB_common::dropSequence() -- Deletes a sequence
DB_common::escapeSimple() -- Escapes a string according to the current DBMS's standards
DB_common::execute() -- Executes a prepared SQL statment
DB_common::executeMultiple() -- Runs a prepared SQL statment for each element of an array
DB_common::freePrepared() -- Releases resources associated with a prepared SQL statement
DB_common::getAll() -- Runs a query and returns all the data as an array
DB_common::getAssoc() -- Runs a query and returns the data as an array
DB_common::getCol() -- Runs a query and returns the data from a single column
DB_common::getListOf() -- Views database system information
DB_common::getOne() -- Runs a query and returns the first column of the first row
DB_common::getOption() --  Determines current state of a PEAR DB configuration option
DB_common::getRow() -- Runs a query and returns the first row
DB_common::limitQuery() -- Sends a LIMIT query to the database
DB_common::nextId() -- Returns the next number from a sequence
DB_common::nextQueryIsManip() -- Informs the DB driver that the next query is a manipulation query
DB_common::prepare() -- Prepares a SQL statement for later execution
DB_common::provides() -- Checks if the DBMS supports a particular feature
DB_common::query() -- Sends a query to the database
DB_common::quote() -- DEPRECATED: Quotes a string
DB_common::quoteIdentifier() -- Formats a string so it can be safely used as an identifier
DB_common::quoteSmart() -- Formats input so it can be safely used as a literal
DB_common::rollback() -- Rolls back the current transaction
DB_common::setFetchMode() -- Sets the default fetch mode
DB_common::setOption() -- Sets run-time configuration options for PEAR DB
DB_common::tableInfo() -- Gets info about columns in a table or a query result
DB_result -- DB result set
DB_result::fetchInto() -- Fetches a row of a result set into a variable
DB_result::fetchRow() -- Fetches a row from a result set
DB_result::free() -- Releases a result set
DB_result::nextResult() -- Gets result sets from multiple queries
DB_result::numCols() -- Gets number of columns in a result set
DB_result::numRows() -- Gets number of rows in a result set
DB_Error -- DB Error object

A unified API for accessing SQL databases

Introduction - DSN

Introduction - DSN -- The Data Source Name


To connect to a database through PEAR::DB, you have to create a valid DSN - data source name. This DSN consists in the following parts:

phptype: Database backend used in PHP (i.e. mysql , odbc etc.)
dbsyntax: Database used with regards to SQL syntax etc. When using ODBC as the phptype, set this to the DBMS type the ODBC driver is connecting to. Examples: access, db2, mssql, navision, solid, etc.
protocol: Communication protocol to use ( i.e. tcp, unix etc.)
hostspec: Host specification (hostname[:port])
database: Database to use on the DBMS server
username: User name for login
password: Password for login
proto_opts: Maybe used with protocol
option: Additional connection options in URI query string format. options get separated by &

The format of the supplied DSN is in its fullest form:

Most variations are allowed:

The currently supported database backends are:
dbase  -> dBase
fbsql  -> FrontBase (functional since DB 1.7.0)
ibase  -> InterBase (functional since DB 1.7.0)
ifx    -> Informix
msql   -> Mini SQL (functional since DB 1.7.0)
mssql  -> Microsoft SQL Server (NOT for Sybase. Compile PHP --with-mssql)
mysql  -> MySQL (for MySQL <= 4.0)
mysqli -> MySQL (for MySQL >= 4.1) (requires PHP 5) (since DB 1.6.3)
oci8   -> Oracle 7/8/9
odbc   -> ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
pgsql  -> PostgreSQL
sqlite -> SQLite
sybase -> Sybase

With an up-to-date version of DB, you can use a second DSN format

If your database, option values, username or password contain characters used to delineate DSN parts, you can escape them via URI hex encodings:
: = %3a   / = %2f   @ = %40
+ = %2b   ( = %28   ) = %29
? = %3f   = = %3d   & = %26


Please note, that some features may be not supported by all database backends. Please refer to the PEAR DB extensions status document located at: /pear/base/dir/DB/doc/STATUS to get a detailed list about what features are supported by which backend.

Introduction - Connect

Introduction - Connect -- Connecting and disconnecting a database


To connect to a database you have to use the function connect(), which requires a valid DSN as the first parameter. This parameter can either be a string or an array. If using an array, the array used gets merged with the default information:
$dsn = array(
    'phptype'  => false,
    'dbsyntax' => false,
    'username' => false,
    'password' => false,
    'protocol' => false,
    'hostspec' => false,
    'port'     => false,
    'socket'   => false,
    'database' => false,
Any elements you set override the defaults and the remainder stay at their defaults.

The second parameter is the optional $options array that can contain runtime configuration settings for this package. See setOption() for more information on the available settings.

In case of success you get a new instance of the database class. It is strongly recommened to check this return value with isError().

To disconnect use the method disconnect() from your database class instance.

Introduction - Query

Introduction - Query -- Performing queries


PEAR DB provides several methods for querying databases. The most direct method is query(). It takes a SQL query string as an argument. There are three possible returns: a new DB_result object for queries that return results (such as SELECT queries), DB_OK for queries that manipulate data (such as INSERT queries) or a DB_Error object on failure.

query() can be used instead of prepare() and execute(), if you set the $params parameter and your query uses placeholders.

Introduction - Results

Introduction - Results -- Obtaining data from query results


Formats of Fetched Rows

The data from the row of a query result can be placed into one of three constructs: an ordered array (with column numbers as keys), an associative array (with column names as keys) or an object (with column names as properties).

    [0] => 28
    [1] => hi

    [a] => 28
    [b] => hi

stdClass Object
    [a] => 28
    [b] => hi

NOTE: When a query contains the same column name more than once (such as when joining tables which have duplicate column names) and the fetch mode is DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC or DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT, the data from the last column with a given name will be the one returned. There are two immediate options to work around this issue:

Use aliases in your query, for example People.Name AS PersonName
Change the fetch mode to DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED

TIP: If you are running into this issue, it likely indicates poor planning of the database schema. Either data is needlessly being duplicated or the same names are being used for different kinds of data.

Fetch Rows by Number

The PEAR DB fetch system also supports an extra parameter to the fetch statement. So you can fetch rows from a result by number. This is especially helpful if you only want to show sets of an entire result (for example in building paginated HTML lists), fetch rows in an special order, etc.

Getting Entire Result Sets

The DB_common object provides several methods that make data retrieval easy by combining the processes of running of the query string you provide, putting the returned information into a PHP data structure and freeing the results. These methods include getOne(), getRow(), getCol(), getAssoc() and getAll().

Getting More Information From Query Results

With DB there are four ways to retrieve useful information about the query result sets themselves:

Пример 34-6. numRows() tells how many rows are in a SELECT query result

// Once you have a valid DB object named $db...
$res =& $db->query('SELECT * FROM phptest');
echo $res->numRows();

Пример 34-7. numCols() tells how many columns are in a SELECT query result

// Once you have a valid DB object named $db...
$res =& $db->query('SELECT * FROM phptest');
echo $res->numCols();

Пример 34-8. affectedRows() tells how many rows were altered by a data change query (INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE)

// remember that this statement won't return a result object
$db->query('DELETE * FROM clients');
echo 'I have deleted ' . $db->affectedRows() . ' clients';

Пример 34-9. tableInfo() returns an associative array with information about the columns in a SELECT query result

// Once you have a valid DB object named $db...
$res =& $db->query('SELECT * FROM phptest');

// That usage works for DB 1.6.0 or later.
// Below is the syntax for earlier versions:

Checking for Errors

Don't forget to use isError() to check if your actions return a DB_Error object.

Introduction - Prepare & Execute

Introduction - Prepare & Execute -- Prepare and execute SQL statements



prepare() and execute*() give you more power and flexibilty for query execution. Prepare/execute mode is helpful when you have to run the same query several times but with different values in it, such as adding a list of addresses into a database.

Another place prepare/execute is useful is supporting databases which have different SQL syntaxes. Imagine you want to support two databases with different INSERT syntax:
db1: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col1, col2) VALUES (expr1, expr2)
db2: INSERT INTO tbl_name SET col1=expr1, col2=expr2
Correspondending to create multi-lingual scripts you can create a array with queries like this:
$statement['db1']['INSERT_PERSON'] = 'INSERT INTO person
    (surname, name, age) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';

$statement['db2']['INSERT_PERSON'] = 'INSERT INTO person
    SET surname=?, name=?, age=?';


To use the features above, you have to do two steps. Step one is to prepare the statement and the second is to execute it.

To start out, you need to prepare() a generic SQL statment. Create a generic statment by writing the SQL query as usual:
SELECT surname, name, age
    FROM person
    WHERE name = 'name_to_find' AND age < age_limit
Then substitute "placeholders" for the literal values which will be provided at run time:
SELECT surname, name, age
    FROM person
    WHERE name = ? AND age < ?
Then pass this SQL statement to prepare(), which returns a statement handle to be used when calling execute().

prepare() can handle different types of placeholders (a.k.a. wildcards).

? - (recommended) stands for a scalar value like strings or numbers. The value will be automatically escaped and quoted according to the current DBMS's requirements.
! - stands for a scalar value and will inserted into the statement "as is".
& - requires an existing filename, the content of this file will be included into the statment (i.e. for saving binary data of a graphic file in a database)

Use backslashes to escape placeholder characters if you don't want them to be interpreted as placeholders:
UPDATE foo SET col=? WHERE col='over \& under'


After preparing the statement, you can execute the query. This means to assign the variables to the prepared statement. To do this, execute() requires two arguments: the statement handle returned by prepare() and a scalar or array with the values to assign.

When a prepared statement has multiple placeholders, you must use an array to pass the values to execute(). The first entry of the array represents the first placeholder, the second the second placeholder, etc. The order is independent of the type of placeholder used.


The values passed in $data must be literals. Do not submit SQL functions (for example CURDATE()). SQL functions that should be performed at execution time need to be put in the prepared statement. Similarly, identifiers (i.e. table names and column names) can not be used because the names get validated during the prepare phase.


DB contains a process for executing several queries at once. So, rather than having to execute them manually, like this:
which would issue four queries:
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES ('1', 'one', 'en')
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES ('2', 'two', 'to')
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES ('3', 'three', 'tre')
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES ('4', 'four', 'fire')
you can use executeMultiple() to avoid the explicit foreach in the eample above:

The result is the same. If one of the records failed, the unfinished records will not be executed.

execute*() has three possible returns: a new DB_result object for queries that return results (such as SELECT queries), DB_OK for queries that manipulate data (such as INSERT queries) or a DB_Error object on failure

Introduction - autoPrepare & autoExecute

Introduction - autoPrepare & autoExecute -- Automatically prepare and execute SQL statements



autoPrepare() and autoExecute() reduce the need to write boring INSERT or UPDATE SQL queries which are difficult to maintain when you add a field for instance.

Imagine you have a 'user' table with 3 fields (id, name and country). You have to write sql queries like:
INSERT INTO table (id, name, country) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
UPDATE table SET id=?, name=?, country=? WHERE ...
If you add a field ('birthYear' for example), you have to rewrite your queries which is boring and can lead to bugs (if you forget one query for instance).


With autoPrepare(), you don't have to write your insert or update queries. For example:
// Once you have a valid DB object named $db...
$table_name   = 'user';
$table_fields = array('id', 'name', 'country');

$sth = $db->autoPrepare($table_name, $table_fields,

if (PEAR::isError($sth)) {
In this example, autoPrepare() will build the following SQL query:
INSERT INTO user (id, name, country) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
And then, it will call prepare() with it.

To add records, you have to use execute() or executeMultiple() like:
// ... contining from the example above...
$table_values = array(1, 'Fabien', 'France');

$res =& $db->execute($sth, $table_values);

if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
So, you don't have to write any SQL INSERT queries! And it works with UPDATE queries too. For flexibility reasons, you have only to write the WHERE clause of the query. For instance:
// Once you have a valid DB object named $db...
$table_name   = 'user';
$table_fields = array('name', 'country');
$table_values = array('Bob', 'USA');

$sth = $db->autoPrepare($table_name, $table_fields,
                        DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE, 'id = 1');

if (PEAR::isError($sth)) {

$res =& $db->execute($sth, $table_values);

if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
autoPrepare() will build the following query:
UPDATE user SET name=?, country=? WHERE id=1
Then, it will call prepare() with it.

Be careful, if you don't specify any WHERE clause, all the records of the table will be updated.


Using autoExecute() is the easiest way to do insert or update queries. It is a mix of autoPrepare() and execute().

You only need an associative array (key => value) where keys are fields names and values are corresponding values of these fields. For instance:
// Once you have a valid DB object named $db...
$table_name = 'user';

$fields_values = array(
    'id'      => 1,
    'name'    => 'Fabien',
    'country' => 'France'

$res = $db->autoExecute($table_name, $fields_values,

if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
And that's all! The following query is built and executed:
INSERT INTO user (id, name, country)
  VALUES (1, 'Fabien', 'France')

And it's the same thing for UPDATE queries:
// Once you have a valid DB object named $db...
$table_name = 'user';

$fields_values = array(
    'name'    => 'Fabien',
    'country' => 'France'

$res = $db->autoExecute($table_name, $fields_values,
                        DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE, 'id = 1');

if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
which prepares and executes the following query:
UPDATE user SET name='Fabien', country='France'
  WHERE id = 1

Be careful, if you don't specify any WHERE statement, all the records of the table will be updated.


The values passed in $data must be literals. Do not submit SQL functions (for example CURDATE()). SQL functions that should be performed at execution time need to be put in the prepared statement.

Introduction - Portability

Introduction - Portability -- Database portability features


Each database management system (DBMS) has it's own behaviors. For example, some databases capitalize field names in their output, some lowercase them, while others leave them alone. These quirks make it difficult to port your scripts over to another server type. PEAR DB strives to overcome these differences so your program can switch between DBMS's without any changes.

You control which portability modes are enabled by using the portability configuration option. Configuration options are set via connect() and setOption().

The portability modes are bitwised, so they can be combined using | and removed using ^. See the examples section below on how to do this.

Backwards Compatibility

Some of this functionality used to be handled by the now deprecated optimize option. For backwards compatibility, when this option is set to portability, the following databases get these portability modes turned on:


  • fbsql, mysql, mysqli, sqlite: DB_PORTABILITY_DELETE_COUNT

When the optimize option gets set to performance the portability mode is switched to DB_PORTABILITY_NONE.

Introduction - Sequences

Introduction - Sequences -- Sequences and auto-incrementing


Sequences are a way of offering unique IDs for data rows. If you do most of your work with e.g. MySQL, think of sequences as another way of doing AUTO_INCREMENT.

It's quite simple, first you request an ID, and then you insert that value in the ID field of the new row you're creating. You can have more than one sequence for all your tables, just be sure that you always use the same sequence for any particular table. To get the value of this unique ID use nextId(), if a sequence doesn't exists, it will be created automatically.

The sequence is automatically incremented each time nextId() is called.



When using PEAR DB's sequence methods, we strongly advise using these methods for all procedures, including the creation of the sequences. Do not use PEAR DB's methods to access sequences that were created directly in the DBMS.

If you have a compelling reason to ignore this advice, be aware that the $seq_name argument given to all of PEAR DB's sequence methods are modified before DB calls the underlying DBMS.

$seq_name is passed through PHP's sprintf() function using the value from the seqname_format option as sprintf()'s format argument. The default seqname_format is %s_seq. So, for example, if you use person_id_sequence as the $seq_name, PEAR DB will change that name to person_id_sequence_seq when querying the DBMS about creating/accessing/updating the sequence.

The seqname_format can be modified when connect()'ing or via setOption().


DB -- Main class


The main DB class is simply a container class with some static methods for creating DB objects.


DB::connect() -- Connects to a database


Creates a new DB connection object and connect to the specified database


string or array $dsn

Data Source Name. String formats are described in the DSN section while array formats are covered in the "Intro - Connect" section.

array $options

An optional argument can contain runtime configuration settings for this package. See setOption() for more information on the available settings.

Возвращаемое значение

object - a new DB object or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


DB::isError() -- Determines if a variable is a DB_Error object


Checks whether a result code from a DB method is a DB_Error object or not.

You're generally better off using PEAR::isError() instead of the DB specific isError().


mixed $value

Variable to check

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE if $value is a DB_Error object


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


DB_common -- Interface for database access


DB_common is an interface class; that provides all methods to query a specific database. An instance of a database specific class will be returned by the connect() method.


DB_common::affectedRows() -- Finds number of rows affected by a data changing query


Number of rows affected by a data manipulation query (for example INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE). Returns 0 for SELECT queries.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - number of rows or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::autoCommit() -- Turns auto-commit on or off


Turns auto-commit on or off.


boolean $onoff

TRUE to turn auto-commit on. FALSE to turn auto-commit off.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - DB_OK on success or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

When using MySQL as your DBMS, transactions can only be used when the tables in question use the InnoDB format.

См. также

commit(), rollback()


DB_common::autoExecute() --  Prepares and runs an INSERT or UPDATE query based on variables you supply


Automatically prepares and executes INSERT or UPDATE queries.

This method builds a SQL statement using autoPrepare() and then executes the statement using execute() with it.


string $table

name of the table

array $fields_values

assoc (key => value), keys are fields names, values are values of these fields

Values are automatically escaped and quoted according to the current DBMS's requirements.

integer $mode


string $where

a string to be used in the WHERE clause. This is only used when $mode is DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE. The string is put directly into the query, so you must escape and quote literals according to the DBMS's standards.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - DB_OK on success or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


The values passed in $data must be literals. Do not submit SQL functions (for example CURDATE()). SQL functions that should be performed at execution time need to be put in the prepared statement.


DB_common::autoPrepare() --  Prepares an INSERT or UPDATE statement based on variables you supply


Automatically builds an INSERT or UPDATE SQL statement so it can later be used by execute() or executeMultiple().


string $table

name of the table

array $table_fields

ordered array containing the fields names

Be aware that these fields are assigned ? placeholders, therefore the data you pass to them in the execute() will be automatically escaped and quoted according to the current DBMS's requirements.

integer $mode


string $where

a string to be used in the WHERE clause. This is only used when $mode is DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE. The string is put directly into the query, so you must escape and quote literals according to the DBMS's standards.

Возвращаемое значение

resource - resource handle for the query or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::commit() -- Commits the current transaction


Commits the current transaction.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - DB_OK on success or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

When using MySQL as your DBMS, transactions can only be used when the tables in question use the InnoDB format.

См. также

rollback(), autoCommit()


DB_common::createSequence() -- Creates a new sequence


See "Intro - Sequences"


string $seq_name

name of the new sequence to create

To avoid problems with various database systems, sequence names should start with a letter and only contain letters, numbers and the underscore character.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - DB_OK or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


When using PEAR DB's sequence methods, we strongly advise using these methods for all procedures, including the creation of the sequences. Do not use PEAR DB's methods to access sequences that were created directly in the DBMS. See the warning on the "Intro - Sequences" page complete information.


DB_common::disconnect() -- Disconnects from a database


Disconnects from a database

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::dropSequence() -- Deletes a sequence


See "Intro - Sequences"


string $seqName

name of the sequence to delete

Возвращаемое значение

integer - DB_OK or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


When using PEAR DB's sequence methods, we strongly advise using these methods for all procedures, including the creation of the sequences. Do not use PEAR DB's methods to access sequences that were created directly in the DBMS. See the warning on the "Intro - Sequences" page complete information.


DB_common::escapeSimple() -- Escapes a string according to the current DBMS's standards


Escape a string according to the current DBMS's standards.


string $str

the input to be escaped

Возвращаемое значение

string - the escaped string


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Function available since: Release 1.6.0


DB_common::execute() -- Executes a prepared SQL statment


Merges the SQL statment you submitted to prepare() with the information in $data and then sends the query to the database.


resource $stmt

query handle from prepare()

mixed $data

array, string or numeric data to be added to the prepared statement. Quantity of items passed must match quantity of placeholders in the prepared statement: meaning 1 placeholder for non-array parameters or 1 placeholder per array element.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - a new DB_result object for queries that return results (such as SELECT queries), DB_OK for queries that manipulate data (such as INSERT queries) or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


The values passed in $data must be literals. Do not submit SQL functions (for example CURDATE()). SQL functions that should be performed at execution time need to be put in the prepared statement.


DB_common::executeMultiple() -- Runs a prepared SQL statment for each element of an array


Automatically passes the information in $data (a multi-dimensional array) to execute(), which then runs the SQL statment you submitted to prepare().


resource $stmt

query handle from prepare()

array $data

a numeric array containing the data to insert into the query

Возвращаемое значение

integer - DB_OK on success or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


If an error occurs during execution, the function will be stopped. Possible remaining data will be unprocessed.


The values passed in $data must be literals. Do not submit SQL functions (for example CURDATE()). SQL functions that should be performed at execution time need to be put in the prepared statement.


DB_common::freePrepared() -- Releases resources associated with a prepared SQL statement


Removes the memory occupied by the internal notations that keep track of prepared SQL statements. Does not delete the DB_result object itself.


resource $stmt

statement resource identifier returned from prepare()

boolean $free_resource

should the PHP resource be freed too? Use false if you need to get data from the result set later.

Parameter available since Release 1.7.0.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::getAll() -- Runs a query and returns all the data as an array


Runs the query provided and puts the entire result set into a nested array then frees the result set.


string $query

the SQL query or the statement to prepare

array $params

array to be used in execution of the statement. Quantity of array elements must match quantity of placeholders in query.

If supplied, prepare()/ execute() is used.


This method does not allow scalars to be used for this argument.

integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use. The default is DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, which tells this method to use DB's current fetch mode. The current fetch mode can be changed using setFetchMode(). Potential values include:






Возвращаемое значение

array - a nested array or a DB_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.



DB_common::getAssoc() -- Runs a query and returns the data as an array


Runs the query provided and puts the entire result set into an associative array then frees the result set.

If the result set contains more than two columns, the value will be an array of the values from column 2 to n. If the result set contains only two columns, the returned value will be a scalar with the value of the second column (unless forced to an array with the $force_array parameter).


string $query

the SQL query or the statement to prepare

boolean $force_array

used only if the query returns exactly two columns. If TRUE, the values of the returned array will be one-element arrays instead of scalars.

mixed $params

array, string or numeric data to be added to the prepared statement. Quantity of items passed must match quantity of placeholders in the prepared statement: meaning 1 placeholder for non-array parameters or 1 placeholder per array element.

If supplied, prepare()/ execute() is used.

integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use. The default is DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, which tells this method to use DB's current fetch mode. DB's current default fetch mode can be changed using setFetchMode(). Potential values include:




boolean $group

if TRUE, the values of the returned array is wrapped in another array. If the same key value (in the first column) repeats itself, the values will be appended to this array instead of overwriting the existing values.

Возвращаемое значение

array - associative array with the query results or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


All of the examples use the following data set:
INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('Juan', 5, '1991-01-11 21:31:41');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('Kyu', 10, '1992-02-12 22:32:42');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('Kyu', 15, '1993-03-13 23:33:43');

Result sets having two columns

When using getAssoc() for results which have two columns and $force_array = FALSE (the default) changing $fetchmode has no impact on the format of the resulting array.

Result sets having more than two columns


DB_common::getCol() -- Runs a query and returns the data from a single column


Runs the query provided and puts the first column of data into an array then frees the result set.


string $query

the SQL query or the statement to prepare

mixed $col

which column to return (integer [column number, starting at 0] or string [column name])

mixed $params

array, string or numeric data to be added to the prepared statement. Quantity of items passed must match quantity of placeholders in the prepared statement: meaning 1 placeholder for non-array parameters or 1 placeholder per array element.

If supplied, prepare()/ execute() is used.

Возвращаемое значение

array - an ordered array containing data from a result set column or a DB_Error object on failure. The array's index starts at 0.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.



DB_common::getListOf() -- Views database system information


Retrieves information about database users, avaible databases, views and functions.


string $type

type of requested info, valid values for $type are database dependent, ie: tables, databases, users, view, functions

Возвращаемое значение

array - an ordered array containing the requested data or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::getOne() -- Runs a query and returns the first column of the first row


Runs the query provided and returns the data from the first column of the first row then frees the result set.


string $query

the SQL query or the statement to prepare

mixed $params

array, string or numeric data to be added to the prepared statement. Quantity of items passed must match quantity of placeholders in the prepared statement: meaning 1 placeholder for non-array parameters or 1 placeholder per array element.

If supplied, prepare()/ execute() is used.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the first column's data or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::getOption() --  Determines current state of a PEAR DB configuration option


Determines current state of a PEAR DB configuration option


string $option

name of the option to examine

Возвращаемое значение

mixed the option's value


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::getRow() -- Runs a query and returns the first row


Runs the query provided and puts the first row of data into an array then frees the result set.


string $query

the SQL query or the statement to prepare

array $params

array to be used in execution of the statement. Quantity of array elements must match quantity of placeholders in query.

If supplied, prepare()/ execute() is used.


This method does not allow scalars to be used for this argument.

integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use. The default is DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, which tells this method to use DB's current fetch mode. DB's current default fetch mode can be changed using setFetchMode(). Potential values include:




Возвращаемое значение

array - the first row's data in an array or a DB_Error object on failure. The array may be ordered or associative depending on $fetchmode. The column index starts at 0 for orderd arrays.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.



DB_common::limitQuery() -- Sends a LIMIT query to the database


Executes a SQL query, but fetches only the the specificed count of rows. It is an emulation of the MySQL LIMIT option.


string $query

the SQL query

integer $from

the row to start to fetch. Note that 0 returns the first row, 1 returns the second row, etc.

integer $count

the numbers of rows to fetch

mixed $params

array, string or numeric data to be added to the prepared statement. Quantity of items passed must match quantity of placeholders in the prepared statement: meaning 1 placeholder for non-array parameters or 1 placeholder per array element.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - a new DB_result object for queries that return results (such as SELECT queries), DB_OK for queries that manipulate data (such as INSERT queries) or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Depending on the database you will not really get more speed compared to query(). The advantage of limitQuery() is the deleting of unneeded rows in the resultset, as early as possible. So this can decrease memory usage.

См. также



DB_common::nextId() -- Returns the next number from a sequence


Returns the next available number from a sequence. The sequence is automatically incremented each time this method is called.

See "Intro - Sequences" for a more complete discusion.


string $seq_name

name of the sequence

To avoid problems with various database systems, sequence names should start with a letter and only contain letters, numbers and the underscore character.

boolean $onDemand

When TRUE, the sequence is automatically created if it does not exist yet.

The on demand creation process necessitates the database user specified in the script having the database permissions needed to create a table or sequence. The exact privileges involved depends on the DBMS being used.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - a free id number or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


When using PEAR DB's sequence methods, we strongly advise using these methods for all procedures, including the creation of the sequences. Do not use PEAR DB's methods to access sequences that were created directly in the DBMS. See the warning on the "Intro - Sequences" page complete information.


DB_common::nextQueryIsManip() -- Informs the DB driver that the next query is a manipulation query


Informs the DB driver that the next query that is called will manipulate data within the database and will not return a result set, irrespective of the usual detection performed within DB.


boolean $manip

When TRUE, the next query will always be treated as not returning a result set. When FALSE, the normal behaviour will be used, which will result in DB attempting to automatically detect whether the query will return a result set or not.

Возвращаемое значение

void - nothing is returned


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::prepare() -- Prepares a SQL statement for later execution


Gets a SQL statement ready so it can be run by execute().


string $query

the query to prepare

Возвращаемое значение

resource - the query handle or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::provides() -- Checks if the DBMS supports a particular feature


Checks if a feature is available for the chosen database type.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE if the feature is supported


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


The provided information are only hints. Check the documentation of your database system for the real supported features. I.e. MySQL supports transactions, but not for every table type.


DB_common::query() -- Sends a query to the database


Runs a query

Can be used instead of prepare() and execute(), if you set the $params parameter and your query uses placeholders. See "Intro - Prepare & Execute" for more information on this mode.


string $query

the SQL query or the statement to prepare

mixed $params

array, string or numeric data to be added to the prepared statement. Quantity of items passed must match quantity of placeholders in the prepared statement: meaning 1 placeholder for non-array parameters or 1 placeholder per array element.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - a new DB_result object for queries that return results (such as SELECT queries), DB_OK for queries that manipulate data (such as INSERT queries) or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::quote() -- DEPRECATED: Quotes a string


Quotes a string database-dependent, so it can be safely used in a query

This method has been deprecated. Use quoteSmart() or escapeSimple() instead.


string $string

the input string to quote

Возвращаемое значение

string - the quoted string.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Deprecated in release 1.6.0.


DB_common::quoteIdentifier() -- Formats a string so it can be safely used as an identifier


Format input so it can be safely used as a delimited identifier in a query. Identifiers are objects such as table or column names.

The format returned depends on the database type being used.

Delimited identifiers are known to generally work correctly under the following drivers:


InterBase doesn't seem to be able to use delimited identifiers via PHP 4. They work fine under PHP 5.


string $str

the input to be quoted

Возвращаемое значение

string - the formatted string


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Function available since: Release 1.6.0


Just because you CAN use delimited identifiers doesn't mean you SHOULD use them. In general, they end up causing way more problems than they solve.

Portability is broken by using the following characters inside delimited identifiers:

backtick (`) -- due to MySQL
double quote (") -- due to Oracle
brackets ([ or ]) -- due to Access


DB_common::quoteSmart() -- Formats input so it can be safely used as a literal


Format input so it can be safely used as a literal in a query. Literals are values such as strings or numbers which get utilized in places like WHERE, SET and VALUES clauses of SQL statements.

The format returned depends on the PHP data type of input and the database type being used.


mixed $in

the input to be quoted

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the formatted data

The format of the results depends on the input's PHP type:

  • input -> returns

  • NULL -> the string NULL

  • integer or float -> the unquoted number

  • boolean -> output depends on the driver in use

    Most drivers return integers: 1 if true or 0 if false. Some return strings: TRUE if true or FALSE if false. Finally one returns strings: T if true or F if false. Here is a list of each DBMS, the values returned and the suggested column type:

    • dbase -> T/F (Logical)

    • fbase -> TRUE/FALSE (BOOLEAN)

    • ibase -> 1/0 (SMALLINT) [1]

    • ifx -> 1/0 (SMALLINT) [1]

    • msql -> 1/0 (INTEGER)

    • mssql -> 1/0 (TINYINT)

    • mysql -> 1/0 (TINYINT(1))

    • mysqli -> 1/0 (TINYINT(1))

    • oci8 -> 1/0 (NUMBER(1))

    • odbc -> 1/0 (SMALLINT) [1]

    • pgsql -> TRUE/FALSE (BOOLEAN)

    • sqlite -> 1/0 (INTEGER)

    • sybase -> 1/0 (TINYINT)

    [1] Accommodate the lowest common denominator because not all versions of have BOOLEAN.

  • other (including strings and numeric strings) -> a string which has been escaped in a DBMS specific way (using escapeSimple()) and then surrounded by single quotes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Function available since: Release 1.6.0


DB_common::rollback() -- Rolls back the current transaction


Rolls back the current transaction.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - DB_OK on success or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

When using MySQL as your DBMS, transactions can only be used when the tables in question use the InnoDB format.

См. также

commit(), autoCommit()


DB_common::setFetchMode() -- Sets the default fetch mode


Sets the default fetch mode used by fetch*() and get*() methods.


integer $fetchmode


See the Examples section, below, for more information.

string $object_class

This parameter is for use when $fetchmode is set to DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.

You can set this parameter to DB_row, which then causes the resulting data to populate a new instance of a DB_row object.

Возвращаемое значение

void - nothing is returned on success or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.



DB_common::setOption() -- Sets run-time configuration options for PEAR DB


Sets run-time configuration options for PEAR DB.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - DB_OK on success or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_common::tableInfo() -- Gets info about columns in a table or a query result


Get information about columns in a table or a query result.


mixed $result

DB_result object from a query or a string containing the name of a table

If the name of the table needs to be delimited (ie: the name is a reserved word or has spaces in it), use the quoteIdentifier() method on the table name when passing it.

This can also be a query result resource identifier, but doing so is deprecated.

integer $mode

one of the tableInfo mode constants

Возвращаемое значение

array - an associative array of the table's information or a DB_Error object on failure

The array's contents depends on the $mode parameter.

The names of tables and columns will be lowercased if the DB_PORTABILITY_LOWERCASE portability mode is enabled.

The flags element contains a space separated list of extra information about the column. If the DBMS is able to report a column's default value, the value is passed through rawurlencode() to avoid problems caused by potential spaces in the value.

Most DBMS's only provide the table and flags elements if $result is a table name. Only fbsql and mysql provide full information from queries.

The type element contains the type returned by the DBMS. It varies from DBMS to DBMS.

tableInfo Modes

This section describes the format of the returned array and how it varies depending on which $mode was used when the function was called.

The sample output below is based on this query:
SELECT tblFoo.fldID, tblFoo.fldPhone, tblBar.fldId
  FROM tblFoo
  JOIN tblBar ON tblFoo.fldId = tblBar.fldId;

NULL or 0

[0] => Array (
  [table] => tblFoo
  [name] => fldId
  [type] => int
  [len] => 11
  [flags] => primary_key not_null
[1] => Array (
  [table] => tblFoo
  [name] => fldPhone
  [type] => string
  [len] => 20
  [flags] =>
[2] => Array (
  [table] => tblBar
  [name] => fldId
  [type] => int
  [len] => 11
  [flags] => primary_key not_null


In addition to the information found in the default output, a notation of the number of columns is provided by the num_fields element while the order element provides an array with the column names as the keys and their location index number (corresponding to the keys in the default output) as the values.

If a result set has identical field names, the last one is used.

[num_fields] => 3
[order] => Array (
  [fldId] => 2
  [fldTrans] => 1


Similar to DB_TABLEINFO_ORDER but adds more dimensions to the array in which the table names are keys and the field names are sub-keys. This is helpful for queries that join tables which have identical field names.

[num_fields] => 3
[ordertable] => Array (
  [tblFoo] => Array (
      [fldId] => 0
      [fldPhone] => 1
  [tblBar] => Array (
      [fldId] => 2


Contains the information from both DB_TABLEINFO_ORDER and DB_TABLEINFO_ORDERTABLE

The tableInfo mode constants are bitwised, so they can be combined using |.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

tableInfo() is not portable because not all drivers have this method, many DBMS's are unable to determine table names from query results and the metadata returned by each database system varies dramatically.


DB_result -- DB result set


DB_result contains the result set of a SQL query. An instance of this class will be returned by a number of DB_common methods.


DB_result::fetchInto() -- Fetches a row of a result set into a variable


Places a row of data from a result set into a variable you provide then moves the result pointer to the next row. The data can be formatted as an array or an object.


mixed $arr

reference to a variable to contain the row

integer $fetchMode

the fetch mode to use. The default is DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, which tells this method to use DB's current fetch mode. DB's current default fetch mode can be changed using setFetchMode(). Potential values include:




integer $rowNum

the row number to fetch. Note that 0 returns the first row, 1 returns the second row, etc.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - DB_OK if a row is processed, NULL when the end of the result set is reached or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_result::fetchRow() -- Fetches a row from a result set


Returns a row of data from a result set then moves the result pointer to the next row. The data can be formatted as an array or an object.


integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use. The default is DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, which tells this method to use DB's current fetch mode. DB's current default fetch mode can be changed using setFetchMode(). Potential values include:




integer $rownum

the row number to fetch

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - an array or object containing the row's data, NULL when the end of the result set is reached or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_result::free() -- Releases a result set


Deletes the result set and frees the memory occupied by the result set. Does not delete the DB_result object itself.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_result::nextResult() -- Gets result sets from multiple queries


Some database backends supports executing more then one query at the same time. With nextResult() you can go through the result sets.


This function has nothing to do with with executeMultiple().

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE if DB_result contains the next result set, FALSE if there is no further result set to fetch


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_result::numCols() -- Gets number of columns in a result set


Get the number of columns of the rows in a result set.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - number of columns or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также

numRows(), affectedRows()


DB_result::numRows() -- Gets number of rows in a result set


Get the number of rows in a result set.


For ibase, ifx and oci8, this method only works if the DB_PORTABILITY_NUMROWS portability option is enabled. In addition, for ibase and ifx, PEAR DB must be at version 1.7.0 or greater.

Does not work for Microsoft Access.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - number of rows or a DB_Error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также

numCols(), affectedRows()


DB_Error -- DB Error object


In case of failure, most of the DB functions return a DB_Error object which contains information about the error. DB_Error offers the same functions as PEAR_Error.

The text messages returned by DB_Error::getMessage() are consistent between each DBMS.

The error code integers returned by DB_Error::getCode() are also consistent between each DBMS. The integers returned are based on the DB_ERROR_* constants defined in DB.php.

DB_Error::getDebugInfo() and DB_Error::getUserInfo() return complete native DBMS error reports.


Introduction --  What DB_DataObject can do
Configuration Options --  Setting the defaults for database access
Auto Building and Database Schema --  creating the base Classes and Database schema
DB_DataObject::factory() -- Autoload and instantate class based on table name.
->get() --  Simple Get (Select) request
DB_DataObject::staticGet() -- Simple Get (Select) request, abbreviated and Autoload.
{Child Class}::staticGet() -- Simple Get (Select) request, abbreviated (autogenerated)
->find() -- find results
->fetch() -- fetch next row
->count() -- Perform a select count() request
->insert() -- Insert current objects variables into database
->update() -- Update objects variables into database
->delete() -- Delete items from table
Selecting Specific data (SELECT) --  Advanced Filters - ::query(), ::SelectAdd(), ::whereAdd(), ::Limit(), ::OrderBy(), ::GroupBy(),
->query() -- send a raw query
->free() -- Free resources
->selectAdd() -- Add selected columns
->whereAdd() -- Add WHERE statement
->escape() -- Escape a string for use with Like queries
->limit() -- Set limit
->orderBy() -- Add an order by condition
->groupBy() -- Add group by condition
Automatic Table Linking and Joins --  Automatic Table Linking - ::getLink(), ::getLinks(), ::joinAdd(), ::selectAs()
->getLink() -- fetch and return a related object
->getLinks() -- load related objects
->selectAs() -- Build the select component of a query (usually for joins)
->joinAdd() -- add another dataobject to build a create join query
->set*() and ->get*() -- Automatic Setters and Getters using overload
->setFrom() -- Copy items from Array or Object (for form posting)
->toArray() -- Get an array of the current result
->validate() -- check object data, and call objects validation methods.
->tableName() -- Get or set the table name of an object
->database() -- Get or set the database the object uses
->table() -- Get or set the table schema
->keys() -- Get or set the table keys
->getDatabaseConnection() -- Get the PEAR Database Object
->getDatabaseResult() -- Get the PEAR Database Result Object
DB_DataObject::debugLevel -- set the amount of debugging output
->debug() -- output debug information.
DB_DataObject::raiseError -- throw an error
Casting - Dates, Blobs and Null --  DB_DataObject_Cast ::date(), ::blob(), ::sql()

SQL Builder and Data Modeling Layer

This chapter describes how to use the DB_DataObject SQL Builder and Data Modeling layer


Introduction --  What DB_DataObject can do



Zend Optimizer: due to a bug in the optimizer, you will have to either reduce the optimization level, or define the constant DB_DATAOBJECT_NO_OVERLOAD = 0 otherwise PHP may segfault

Pass by Reference, due to a unfixable bug in PHP4, you can not use overload with pass-by-reference arguments (It works OK in PHP5), If you need pass-by-reference, define the constant DB_DATAOBJECT_NO_OVERLOAD = 0

DB_DataObject is a SQL Builder and Data Modeling Layer built on top of PEAR::DB. Its main purpose is to

  • Build SQL and execute statements based on the objects variables.

  • Group source code around the data that they relate to.

  • Provide a simple consistent API to access and manipulate that data.

So what does that mean in english? Well, if you look around at some of the better written PHP applications and frameworks out there, you will notice a common approach to using classes to wrap access to database tables or groups. The prime example of this is the person object, which would frequently look something like this.

The key benifit of this approach is that you are grouping similar actions on a single table in one place, and are more likely to spot duplicated code (eg. two methods that do similar things). You will also notice the global $db variable used here - the fact is that most of the time you will use a common database connection for all your classes, so how should this be dealt with?

The next step on this road is to use the objects variables as a storage mechanism.

As you can see, the current row of data is now stored in the Data Container, and additional methods can be added to manipulate the data in the object or even call other related objects (eg. tables relationships in databases)

As a next step, why not utilize the member variables to perform searches or gets on the database.

As you can see, by assigning values to the object before the find method is called, you can set conditions for the query. DB_DataObjects behaves in a similar way to this, however, you can also add more conditions with the whereAdd() method, or restrict the selection using the selectAdd() method.

Obviously you can carry on down this road and create lots of little containers for each table in your database, and all the code will nicely relate to each table. However, you can see from the examples above that all classes are likely to end up with a common set of methods.

  • to fetch data, like get, find, fetch

  • to update, insert and delete from the data store

  • to automate fetching related objects

So to improve on this, DB_DataObject was born, it started life as an common answer to the issues above, however as most problems grow in complexity as the problem is examined in finer detail, so has DataObjects. It has grown to include

  • A common simple configuration method (for setting database connections)

  • A fast and simple store for database descriptions, so primary keys can be used to locate data quickly

  • a debugger that enables you to see what exactly it is doing.

  • basic data validation - so the strings and integers can be checked.

  • Posibility to build complex joins or get related data by secondary calls (links) .

  • Ability to create and update your Table specific classes with the current database table variables (see autobuilding)

  • Simple to integrate with other packages, with setFrom() and toArray() methods

So what do my classes look like?

Пример 34-4. At last some real DataObject Code..

// this is the common configuration code - place in a general site wide include file.
    // this  the code used to load and store DataObjects Configuration. 
    $options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject','options');
    // the simple examples use parse_ini_file, which is fast and efficient.
    // however you could as easily use wddx, xml or your own configuration array.
    $config = parse_ini_file('example.ini',TRUE);
    // because PEAR::getstaticProperty was called with and & (get by reference)
    // this will actually set the variable inside that method (a quasi static variable)
    $options = $config['DB_DataObject'];

     // this is normally contained in your DataObjects file (autogenerated by the generator)

    require_once 'DB/DataObject.php';
    // by extending the base class DB_DataObject - you inherit all the common methods defined in it.
    class DataObjects_Person extends  DB_DataObject {
        var $id; // this is a primary id (it's specified in a config file - explained later)
        var $name;
        var $friend;
        // this is a simple function to get the persons friends..?
        function getFriends()
            $personObject = $this->factory('person');
            // look for all people with their friend number matching this persons id.
            $personObject->friend = $this->id;
            // do the select query.
            $array = array();
            // fetch the results into the object.
            while ($personObject->fetch()) {
                // use the clone to copy - not really needed but get used to it for PHP5

                $array[] = clone($personObject);
            // return the results.
            return $array;
    // and this goes on your display code 
    // create a new person class..
    $person = DB_DataObject::Factory('person');
    // get the person using the primary key.
    // get the friends.
    $friends = $person->getFriends();
    //  DB_DataObjects is designed to make print_r useable to debug your applications.

The above example illustrates the components of the DB_DataObject, by setting the options, all the core objects will be able to auto load the data definitions from a generated ini file, and know how to access the database. (multiple databases are supported - see section on configuration)

The class definition illustrates how you only need to define the data specific code in your class, ignoring all the common methods, along with showing one of the methods for retrieveing multiple rows of data.

The later half illustrates how to query and get the result for a single row. The $person->get() would connect to the database, perform the query, fetch the result and assign the objects variables to the data returned from the query.

As a general rule of thumb method names are usually the same as the SQL statement they relate to.

Configuration Options

Configuration Options --  Setting the defaults for database access

Configuration Options - Required

database DSN

This is the default DSN to connect to your database

schema_location directory

The directory where the DB_DataObject database schema file is store.

DB_DataObject stores the description of the database (Tables and Columns) in an .ini file, in this directory. This information is used to determine if the column is a string and needs quotes, or should be a number (and is checked) at SQL building time. It is quite common to store the schema in the same directory as your DataObject Classes.

require_prefix directory

The Path absolute, or relative to your default include path(s), where your extended classes can be found.

This is used by the staticGet() method and the getLinks() method to auto load classes,

class_prefix string

All the generated Classes are named {class_prefix}ucfirst($table_name). Use this to alter the prefixed name, this is used by the staticGet() and getLinks() methods

Configuration Options - Optional

sequence_{table} string

To Hard code the key (autoincrement/nextval() for a table to a specific key ,overriding anything in the keys definition of the file. Normally used on databases that are not able to be queried correctly for their structure

ignore_sequence_keys string

If you do not want to use pear's nextval(), for automatically filling in sequences, this can disable it for "ALL", or a list of tables "person,cart,group"

debug integer

The default debugging level (default 0=off), 1= basic sql logging,2=result logging, 3=everything

debug_ignore_updates boolean

default FALSE, if set, then updates on the database are disabled.

dont_die boolean

default FALSE, The standard behaviour of dataobjects is to issue a PEAR_ERROR_DIE (eg. exiting PHP), when a fatal error occurs, like database connection failure or sending an invalid object type to a method. However if you need to run it on a live server you will probably want to set this to TRUE and define a PEAR error handler to catch these errors and show a nice friendly 'sorry we are down for maintenence' message page.

quote_identifiers boolean

To force the quotation of identifiers in the SQL statements, set this to 1

proxy string

This enables the building of classes and ini classes on the fly, rather than forcing you to generate the code forhand. (currently the only value supported is "full", which will generate both schema data and default classes when using factory)

Configuration Options - Multiple Databases (optional)

database_* string

When you have multiple databases you can use the database_* to specify the DSN for each database

table_* string

When you have multiple databases you can use the table_* configuration variables to map individual tables to different databases, for example

Configuration Options - Builder

class_location directory

The Directory where your DataObject extended Classes are.

Used by the Class Auto Builder when updating/writing to your class definitions.

extends string

The Name of your Base Class (usually DB_DataObject) is located.

If you wish to add a common layer of useful methods for all classes, you can set the extends_location and extends settings to a different class. the default is 'DB_DataObject'

extends_location directory

The Directory where your Base Class (usually DB_DataObject) is located.

If you wish to add a common layer of useful methods for all classes, you can set the extends_location and extends settings to a different class. the default is 'DB/DataObject.php'

generator_class_rewrite boolean

Normally when you recreate a class from the database, it will only alter the variables, and staticGet, - with this set, it will also update the extends field

build_views boolean

Postgres (and maybe some others), allow you to treat views just like normal tables (eg. insert/update/delete etc. work on them), you can use this option to generate files for all the views in the database.

Note: You will have to specify keys manually in the generated classes (eg. define the methods keys() and sequenceKey(), as the generator can not guess which ones are likely to be the key.

generator_include_regex string

If you only want to generate classes and ini entries for specific tables, you can use this to build a regex, only tables with names matching the regex will be generated, for example /mytables_.*/

generator_exclude_regex string

If you only want to explicitly prevent the generation of classes and ini entries for specific tables, you can use this to build a regex, any tables that match the regex, will not be generated, for example /private_tables_.*/

generator_strip_schema boolean

postgresql has a wierd concept of schemas which end up prefixed to the list of tables. - this makes a mess of class/schema generation setting this to 1, makes the generator strip the schema from the table name

generator_novars boolean

If True, the generator does not write a private or var's definition for the columns so you can overload get/set.

generator_add_validate_stubs boolean

If True, the generator will insert / (or add to existing files) stubs for validate methods.

Auto Building and Database Schema

Auto Building and Database Schema --  creating the base Classes and Database schema

What the Auto Builder (createTables.php) does

One of the essential features of an SQL building tool is to to have some understanding of the database structure, So that Integers can be checked, and strings can be escaped. There a few ways that Querying the database for the table structure could be accomplished

  • on every SQL query

  • At the initialization of every web page.

  • Once, while setting up the application, and store it in a file

DB_DataObject uses the last of these normally (see the section below on Alternatives), it utilizes the parse_ini_file function to read the file, so it should be reasonably fast. However this does involve a stage of setting up DB_DataObject prior to use.

The other key concept of DB_DataObject is that you work with extended classes of DB_DataObject, which do all the 'table' related work. Setting up these classes for a large database can be time consuming, so the createTables.php file will automatically build the skeletons for all these class files.

To start the auto builder simply go to the pear/DB/DataObject/ directory, and type c:\php4\php.exe createTables.php myconfig.ini this will read your configuration file and generate all the base classes, along with the data definition file.

As of Version 1.5, you can use the option "proxy = full", which will cause DataObjects to create classes and schema on the fly, rather than using an ini file or prebuilt classes.

Default Class Definition

The default generated class looks like this.

The class defines the table name, and comments some of table columns for your reference, It also adds the staticGet() method, which can be used to quickly get single rows as Objects. You should add your table related code after the ###END_AUTOCODE.

Prior to version 1.6 a method __clone was created, since PHP5 changed to use $x = clone($y);, this method has been removed. DataObjects now creates a dummy function clone (if necessary), to enable forward compatibilty

Database Schema File

The default generated database definition file looks like this, it is located in the directory set by the "schema_location" configuration option, and is named the same as the database.

If you rename the database, you will either have to regenerate the file or copy it to match the same name.

If you change the database schema (eg. add a column or change the type), you will have to regenerate the schema file, using createTables.php, At present, this is not done automatically (although this may be added in the future..)

You should not edit this file by hand (as any changes will be lost when regenerating it). You can override the keys of a table by using a configuration option "sequence_{table} = key", or by defining the sequenceKey() method in your extended class.

The blocks indicate either tables and the type of field with binary addition (1=integer,2=string,128=not null, so 129=integer and not null), or a list of keys for each table. You should not need to edit file.

Alternatives to using a Schema File

It is possible to use DataObjects without a schema file, this can be achieved in 2 ways

  • by defining the table() and keys() methods in an extended class

  • by passing an array to table() and keys() when you have an instance of dataobjects

The second of this is demonstrated on the keys() and tables() page.

Below is a hand coded class which does not use a schema.ini file.

It was designed to be a return value from a method, rather than an object variable, so that the output of print_r(), would not include extra information (and would be smaller when dumping a large result set.


DB_DataObject::factory() -- Autoload and instantate class based on table name.


This is the recommended way to autoload a class, and instantate it. The class is loaded based on the configuration settings (class_location and class_prefix) for table to class naming.


  • string $table - the table you want to load ([From Version 1.7.2] if blank, and called on an an instance of a dataobject, it will create a new instance of that object)

Возвращаемое значение

object mixed - FALSE or the object


This method can be called statically or dynamically.


->get() --  Simple Get (Select) request


Get a result using key, value. Returns Number of rows located (usually 1) for success, and puts all the table columns into this classes variables. If only one parameter is used, it is assumed that first parameter is a value and get() will use the primary key.


  • mixed $key or $value - column (or value if only one parameter)

  • mixed $value - value

Возвращаемое значение

int - Number of rows


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

You should avoid calling get on the same object instance twice, as this will result in unexpected results.


DB_DataObject::staticGet() -- Simple Get (Select) request, abbreviated and Autoload.



This method is depreciated, it is recommended to use ::factory() and ->get()

The static method is a combination of factory and get(). staticGet() will cache the returned data in a global variable for quick access within the same request (any data modification query will clear the cache).


  • string $class - class name

  • string $key - column (or value if only 2 paramaters are given)

  • mixed $value - value

Возвращаемое значение

object mixed - FALSE or the object


This method must be called statically.

{Child Class}::staticGet()

{Child Class}::staticGet() -- Simple Get (Select) request, abbreviated (autogenerated)


The static method is similar to the get request, however it does not require the initial instantiation of the class. staticGet() can optionally cache the results. (see the configuration section)


  • string $key - column or value if only one parameter is given

  • mixed $value - value

Возвращаемое значение

object mixed - FALSE or the object


This method must be called statically.


->find() -- find results


The find method builds and executes the current Query, based on the object variables and any WhereAdd() conditions , If the AutoFetch is TRUE, then it will also call the fetch method automatically.


  • boolean $autoFetch - fetch first result

Возвращаемое значение

int - number of rows found, only if the database backend supports the numRows() method. Otherwise 1 (or in versions after 1.7.13, true will returned)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->fetch() -- fetch next row


The fetch method gets the next row and sets the objects variables to the rows data. It returns TRUE if data has been collected, and FALSE when there is no more data.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Fetch is called by staticGet and get calls, so you can override this method in your classes, to add extra data to your object (like formated dates etc)


->count() -- Perform a select count() request


It performs a select count() request on the tables key column and returns the number of resulting rows. The default condition applied to the count() is a combination of the object variables and whereAdd settings. If the constant DB_DATAOBJECT_WHEREADD_ONLY is passed in as the first parameter then only the whereAdd settings will be used.


  • string $countWhat - by default count will count on the primary key, if you need to count something else, if you just say DISTINCT, it will count the primiary key prefixed with distinct, or put your own value in (dont forget to escape it if necessary)

  • boolean $useWhereAddOnly - use only the whereAdd conditions (by default, count will only use both the object settings and the whereAdd conditions)

Возвращаемое значение

int|false - number of results or false on an error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->insert() -- Insert current objects variables into database


Insert the data into the database, based on the variable values of the current object and returns the ID of the inserted element if sequences or primary keys are being used. The values are correctly quoted, and some limited type checking is done.

With mysql, the mysql_next_id() method is used, on other databases, PEAR DB sequence method is used.

Note, insert() may not return the ID correctly in quite a few situations:

  • If the database backend does not support it.

  • The generator did not correctly flag the correct column as autoincrement/nextval

  • An error occured (turn on debugging to see it)

  • The insert failed or '0' rows where affected.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Id or key


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->update() -- Update objects variables into database


Updates current objects variables into the database. if you supply it with a dataObject, as an argument, it will only update the differences between the new and old.

if called with DB_DATAOBJECT_WHEREADD_ONLY as the argument, the update request is built based on the whereAdd values, rather than the primary key. This enables global updates to be performed, rather than single row ones.


  • DataObject $original - if provided the update query will be built from the difference between the current and original dataobject.

Возвращаемое значение

int number of rows affected or FALSE on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->delete() -- Delete items from table


Deletes data from the database, either using primary key or based on a whereAdd() method call. By default the delete will base it's query on the set variables, however if you wish to use the whereAdd() method you should set the $useWhere parameter to DB_DATAOBJECT_WHEREADD_ONLY.


  • boolean $use_where - use the whereAdd() conditions (by default, delete will only use primary keys)

Возвращаемое значение

int number of rows affected or FALSE on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Selecting Specific data (SELECT)

Selecting Specific data (SELECT) --  Advanced Filters - ::query(), ::SelectAdd(), ::whereAdd(), ::Limit(), ::OrderBy(), ::GroupBy(),

More advanced Querying

The basic features allow most simple queries to be done very quickly, however building more complex queries can be done using the methods listed below, which append or set conditions that build the query. You will find that there is a fine balance between using these builder methods and just using raw SQL.

The DB_DataObject can now handle JOIN queries, however please read the introduction to linking and Joining before jumping in and using the Join feature, as you may be trading the use of a cool feature, against the readibility of your code.


->query() -- send a raw query


Sends a raw query to database. Often you may consider that using a large number of whereAdd's and orderBy method calls are not neccessary, and it would be simpler to just write the query, to make the code clearer and shorter.


  • string $string - SQL Query


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->free() -- Free resources


DataObjects stores result set's as a private global variable, normally this is free'ed after you have run through the results, or at the end of the request. However in some situations, like running queries directly, inserting data, some data is unnecessarly cached.

Using this method will Free All results sets! (so be carefull) it may break running fetch() loops..

You normally only need to use this if you are doing a large number of inserts or queries.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->selectAdd() -- Add selected columns


Adds a selected columns. By default a select query will request all items (eg. SELECT * FROM table), to change this behavior you can first call selectAdd() without any arguments to clear the current request and then add the specific items you require.

You can also set up a default selection query by adding SelectAdd() method calls in the object constructor method (the one with the same name as the class)


  • resource $key - table column name


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->whereAdd() -- Add WHERE statement


Adds items to the where part of a SQL query. Calling this without any arguments clears the where condition. The default behavior is to add 'AND' to the existing conditions, use the $logic parameter to append OR conditions.


  • string $cond - condition to add, or blank to reset the conditions

  • string $logic - optional logic "OR" (defaults to "AND")


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также


->escape() -- Escape a string for use with Like queries


Similar to Pear DB's quote it will escape a value, without the quotes, so it can be used with a LIKE query.


  • string $value - the string you want to escape


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->limit() -- Set limit


Sets the limit for a query. (this only works on databases that support the LIMIT clause), without parameters, it will clear the current limit.


  • int $from - limit start (or number), or blank to reset

  • int $number - limit results to number


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Since postgres and mysql only really support limit directly - calling this on an unsupported database will emit a PEAR::Error and die.


->orderBy() -- Add an order by condition


Adds a order by condition. Calling this without any arguments clears the current order condition.


  • string $order - Order


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->groupBy() -- Add group by condition


Adds a group by condition. Calling this without any arguments clears the Group Condition


  • string $group - Grouping condition


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Automatic Table Linking and Joins

Automatic Table Linking and Joins --  Automatic Table Linking - ::getLink(), ::getLinks(), ::joinAdd(), ::selectAs()

Automating the collection of related data

When designing a database, often some tables are related to others - a membership table would contain a reference to a person's id and the group id that they are a member of. Using the Link methods, you can automatically fetch objects into the parents variables.

Automated links are supported by a databasename.links.ini file. which stores the relations ship between tables, maping one tables column to anothers. This databasename.links.ini file is used by the getLinks() and joinAdd() Method, to either retrieve related information of a primary object, or quickly build complex multitable queries.

The other way of using linking is via the getLink() method, which you can manually use without a database.links.ini file to specify a column, and how it relates to another table and column.

The goal of getlinks and joinAdd is to make connecting two tables as simple and fast as possible, while still ensuring that the code is reasonably comprehensable. In the example below, It is demostrated how getlinks() can be used to fetch more data about an object after the initial fetch, and it can also be used to test the links file prior to building a full blown join Query.

Пример 34-1. A simple introduction to links and joins

// just loop and fetch more information

$person = new DataObjects_Person;
$person->eyeColour = 'red';
while ($person->fetch()) {
    // this will look up in the cars table for the id matching the person->car value.

    $car = $person->getLink('car','cars','id');

    echo "{$person->name} has red eyes and owns a {$car->type}\n";

// now if you create a database.links.ini file with the car example
// the example would look like this.

$person = new DataObjects_Person;
$person->eyeColour = 'red';
while ($person->fetch()) {

    // use the links.ini file to automatically load
    // the car object into $person->_car

    echo "{$person->name} has red eyes and owns a {$person->_car->type}\n";

// and finally the most complex, using SQL joins and select as.
// the example would look like this.

$person = new DataObjects_Person;
$person->eyeColour = 'red';

// first, use selectAs as to make the select clauses match the column names.

// now lets create the related element
$car = new DataObjects_Car;

// and for fun.. lets look for red eys and red cars..
$car->colour = 'red';

// add them together.

// since both tables have the column id in them, we need to reformat the query so
// that the car columns have a different name.


while ($person->fetch()) {

    echo "{$person->name} has red eyes and owns a {$person->car_type}\n";

Using link ini files for table links

DB_DataObject Version 0.3 introduced the ability to create link ini files so you can map column to other database columns using an ini file this ini file should have the name 'databasename.links.ini', and be placed in the same folder as the database schema ini file 'databasename.ini' file that is created automatically by createTables.php

The databasename.links.ini file contains a section for each table, then the column that is linked equal to the table and column that it should locate the column from. It assumes the relationships are non-primary id to primary id, as the example below shows, the person.owner is linked to This indicates that running getLinks() on the person object, will fetch a single bit of data from 3 tables - colurs,grp,attachments.

If you use a 'full stop' in the key (link from column), getLinks() will look up in the table with the column name matching the string to the left of the 'full stop', and replace the 'full stop' with and underscore and assign the object variable to that name. Or you may wish to use the selectAs() method to decide how you want columns from different objects to be returned (when using joinAdd())

It is also possible to create joins on keys consisting of more than one column. Use the following syntax:

This will lead to the following select statement (here using the INNER JOIN syntax):


->getLink() -- fetch and return a related object


Fetch a related object. This should be used in conjunction with a <dbname>.links.ini file configuration (see the introduction on linking for details on this).

You may also use this with all parameters to specify, the column, and related table and column.


  • string $column - either column or column.xxxxx

  • string $table - name of table to look up value in

  • string $link - name of column in other table to match

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - object on success or FALSE on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->getLinks() -- load related objects


Loads the all the related objects into the main object, by using the links.ini relationships, and sets the calling objects variables with the row name prefixed with an underscode (_) to the resulting objects.

Using this with the earlier column naming convention is depreciated, and links.ini files should be used.


Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE on success and FALSE on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Пример 34-2. Two Example Tables

| Field         | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id            | mediumint(9)  |      | PRI | 0       | auto_increment |
| first_name    | varchar(80)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| last_name     | varchar(80)   |      | MUL |         |                |
| middle_name   | varchar(80)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| badge_number  | smallint(6)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| street        | varchar(80)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| city          | varchar(80)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| state         | varchar(80)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| zip           | varchar(15)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| phone         | varchar(15)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| reg_type      | varchar(80)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| judge         | varchar(10)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| staff         | varchar(10)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| volunteer     | varchar(10)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| rpga_number   | mediumint(9)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| total_fee     | float(10,2)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| email_address | varchar(80)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| country       | varchar(30)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| convention_id | int(11)       |      |     | 0       |                |
| last_modified | timestamp(14) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

| Field                | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id                   | int(11)       |      | PRI | 0       | auto_increment |
| name                 | varchar(50)   |      |     |         |                |
| sponsor_organization | varchar(50)   |      |     |         |                |
| rpga_convention_code | varchar(20)   |      |     |         |                |
| web_site_url         | varchar(200)  |      |     |         |                |
| last_modified        | timestamp(14) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| room_id              | int(11)       |      |     |         |                |

| Field                | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| room_id              | int(11)       |      | PRI | 0       | auto_increment |
| name                 | varchar(50)   |      |     |         |                |

Пример 34-5. Resulting Output

Object:dataobjects_person Object
    [_DB_DataObject_version] => 1.0
    [__table] => person
    [_database_dsn] =>
    [_database_dsn_md5] => 3974043abbccdd6412fb156a1d10b98377
    [_database] => testing
    [_condition] =>
    [_group_by] =>
    [_order_by] =>
    [_limit] =>
    [_data_select] => *
    [_link_loaded] => 1
    [_lastError] => pear_error Object
            [error_message_prefix] =>
            [mode] => 1
            [level] => 1024
            [code] => -3
            [message] => getLink:Could not find class for row last_modified, table last
            [userinfo] =>
            [callback] =>

    [id] => 1079
    [N] => 1
    [_DB_resultid] => 2
    [first_name] => Tim
    [last_name] => White
    [middle_name] =>
    [badge_number] => 123
    [street] => 334411 N Washington
    [city] => Texas
    [state] => CO
    [zip] => 12345
    [phone] => 343412323232
    [reg_type] => Staff
    [judge] =>
    [staff] => CHECKED
    [volunteer] =>
    [rpga_number] => 1232323
    [total_fee] => 0.00
    [email_address] =>
    [country] => USA
    [convention_id] => 1
    [last_modified] => 20020711084539
    [_first_name] =>
    [_last_name] =>
    [_middle_name] =>
    [_badge_number] =>
    [_reg_type] =>
    [_rpga_number] =>
    [_total_fee] =>
    [_email_address] =>
    [_convention_id] => dataobjects_convention Object
            [_DB_DataObject_version] => 1.0
            [__table] => convention
            [_database_dsn] =>
            [_database_dsn_md5] => 3974043abbcc86412fb156a1d10b98377
            [_database] => testing
            [_condition] =>
            [_group_by] =>
            [_order_by] =>
            [_limit] =>
            [_data_select] => *
            [_link_loaded] =>
            [_lastError] =>
            [id] => 1
            [N] => 1
            [_DB_resultid] => 3
            [name] => ABCD XYZ
            [sponsor_organization] => some sponser
            [rpga_convention_code] => ABCD_XYZ
            [web_site_url] =>
            [last_modified] => 20020703143828
            [room_id] => 1

    [_last_modified] =>

** Note,  This error: [message] => getLink:Could not find class for row last_modified, table last

is caused by the original link code using {tablename}_{colname} for guessing links, this automated
linking should be ignored, and not used, as it is depreciated.


->selectAs() -- Build the select component of a query (usually for joins)


Auto creates select items based on either the current objects column names, the supplied object, or an array.

This is primarily used in conjunciton with joinAdd, to enable the renaming of columns into a fixed format when they are likely to have naming conflicts (like both tables have an 'id' column).

Sending no arguments to selectAs, will reset the current select (usually removing the default *), and build a select list based on the current objects column names.


  • object | array $column_or_object - a dataobject or array of column names

  • string $format - the format the columns will appear, using sprintf format, the %s is replaced with the column name so car_%s would result in the SQL ' as car_name' being generated.

  • string $tableName - this is used either when use send an array as the first argument, or when you are joining a table 'as' another name,


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Пример 34-1. Using selectAs()

// ok lets see what is going on..
$person = new DataObjects_Person;

// to generate " as id , as name ......."

// to generate a restricted list.. "person.age as age , as name"

// using another object. 
$car = new DataObjects_Car;

// this is the first car (
$car->use = 'first';

// using the joinadd add the car..

// now add all the select columns for the car eg. " as car_id, as car_name ...."
$person->selectAs($car, 'car_%s');

// select only a few columns from the car table.
// note you have to use the table name at the end..
$person->selectAs(array('color','topspeed'), 'car_%s','car');

// now the user can have a second car....
$secondcar = new DataObjects_Car;
$secondcar->use = 'second';

// now since we alreay have one car, the sql statement would get messy 
// so we are joining this as the second car "FROM person INNER JOIN car ..... , car as secondcar WHERE .....

// and we can now add all the columns
// " as secondcar_id, as secondcar_name ........
// note that you must use the last field as the SECONDCAR.ID format uses the 'AS' name, rather than the 
// objects real table name 'car'
$person->selectAs($secondcar, 'secondcar_%s','secondcar');


// ok fire of a query...
while ($person->fetch()) {



->joinAdd() -- add another dataobject to build a create join query


Builds a Join Query, by adding another dataobject to this one. Be careful when using this, raw queries may be clearer than using joinAdd.

Thanks to Stijn de Reede for the implementation of this.


  • object $obj - joining object (no value resets the join)

  • string $joinType - "LEFT" | "INNER " | "RIGHT" | ""

    INNER is default, "" indicates just select ... from a,b,c with no join and links are added as where items.

    Note: 'LEFT' is the same as LEFT OUTER.

  • string $joinAs - if you want to select the table as anther name useful when you want to select multiple columns from a secondary table.

  • string $joinCol - The column on This objects table to match,needed if this table links to the child object in multiple places eg.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

The Examples below are not tested, use DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1), to see what exactly is going on when you use this, and send the author some better examples..

->set*() and ->get*()

->set*() and ->get*() -- Automatic Setters and Getters using overload


From version PHP 4.3.2RC2 onwards, DB_DataObject is automatically overloaded, providing access to all variables using $object->set{ColumnName}() and $object->set{ColumnName}($value) even if you have not defined the method.

It is assumed that set methods return strings as errors or TRUE, so that it can interact with setFrom and return array's of error strings.

The get Methods are used by toArray(), if defined they can be used to alter the appearance of columns ,like making dates human readable

The logic is very simple, if you call $object->setXXX() and it is not defined, it will just set the value, if you define a method setXXXX, that will be called instead of the default handler, same applies to getXXX().

Due to the naming conflict possiblity of a column named from, the associated method for column 'from' is set_from, rather than setFrom()


  • mixed $value - on setters only (the value to assign to the column), on getters you may like to implement date formating or sprintf formating as the argument.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - setters will return TRUE from the default method, in your implementations of setters. It is expected that setXXX($value) will return a string (the error) if it is invalid or TRUE on success. getXXX may return the value or a formated value, remember though it affects $object->toArray().


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Warning: This is experimental, its behavour may change slightly in the future.


->setFrom() -- Copy items from Array or Object (for form posting)


Copies items that are in the table definitions from an array or object into the current object (It will not override key values). This can be used to process form posts (if the field names match the database), or cloning similar objects.

you can not set the value of a key column using setFrom, It is silently ignored for security reasons. (you can still assign it manually)

setFrom will attempt to call the setters set{columnname} methods if they exist, It will also call fromValue(), which formats dates correctly.

You may realize that this method overlaps the overloaded method for the column name from, due to this, the associated methods for the column name 'from' are set_from and getFrom.


  • array or Object $from - what to copy from

  • string $format - the format of the array or object variables and how they relate to this object. for example if your input array is in the format prefix_COLNAME, then you can use 'prefix_%s'.

Возвращаемое значение

array or boolean - TRUE on success or an array of set*() return values in PHP4.3.2 upwards


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->toArray() -- Get an array of the current result


Allows the fetching of an associate array (with optional key formating) for use with other packages, like HTML_QuickForms.

From PHP4.2.3RC2 onwards, The values of each column are retrieved using getXXXX() methods so you can change the formating of a row by defining a getter method.


  • string $format - a sprintf string eg. 'form[%s]'


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->validate() -- check object data, and call objects validation methods.


Check all the objects variables to see if they are valid, by default this means is a column an integer or string, if you define methods like validateEmail(), in your extended class then it will be called to validate the row called 'email'. This may be useful if called prior to an update or insert.., to generate error messages.

override this to set up your validation rules.

Возвращаемое значение

array - of validation results or TRUE


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

the examples below utilize the PEAR validation package


->tableName() -- Get or set the table name of an object


Without any argument, it returns the table name that the object deals with. With a string, it will set the table name for the instance of the object.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->database() -- Get or set the database the object uses


Without any argument, it returns the database that the object deals with. With a string, it will set the database for the instance of the object.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->table() -- Get or set the table schema


Without any argument, it returns the table schema that the object deals with. With an array, it will set the table schema for the instance of the object.

The default schema is normally stored in the database.ini file described in the Autobuilding section.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->keys() -- Get or set the table keys


Without any argument, it returns the keys used by the object (the generator builds these and guess'es them based on finding things like primary key, unique, or nextval() in the description. Calling it with a value , or mulitple values, sets it for the current instance of the object.

The default keys are is normally stored in the database.ini file described in the Autobuilding section.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->getDatabaseConnection() -- Get the PEAR Database Object


Fetch the pear database connection that the object uses - so you can find information or send queries directly to it.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


->getDatabaseResult() -- Get the PEAR Database Result Object


Fetch the pear database result object - so you can use it with things like the Pager or HTML_Select classes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DB_DataObject::debugLevel -- set the amount of debugging output


Sets and returns debug level. So you can see the queries and connections being built and executed.


  • integer $level - level, without any parameters it will disable the debugging output. 1 give a general output, 5 includes things like passwords for connections.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



->debug() -- output debug information.


Debugger - you can use this in your extended classes to output debugging information. Uses DB_DataObject::DebugLevel(x) to turn it on, and can be completly turned off by using the production setting in the configuration file


  • string $message - message to output

  • integer $logtype - A bold prefix string

  • integer $level - output level, 1 is general, 5 tends to reveal things like database connection passwords..


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


In production mode, the debugger is disabled

См. также



DB_DataObject::raiseError -- throw an error


Default error handling is to create a PEAR::Error, but never return it. If you need to handle errors you should look at setting the PEAR_Error callback this is due to the fact it would wreck havoc on the internal methods!


  • int $message - message

  • resource $type - type

  • resource $behaviour - behaviour (die or continue!);

Возвращаемое значение

object [unknown] -


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Casting - Dates, Blobs and Null

Casting - Dates, Blobs and Null --  DB_DataObject_Cast ::date(), ::blob(), ::sql()

Dealing with Casting, (everything except strings and numbers)


This is experimental!, although it is documented, it currently only supports a limited amount of databases (send me fixes if you want it to support your favorite database), and the internal operations/API may change in the future..

DataObjects is a very easy way to work with databases that are focused on numbers and strings. You can also use it on date fields (although you must format your strings correctly), and you can use it with other types by using raw SQL query(), and the string value "null" is automatically converted to NULL in the database.

In an effort to provide a cleaner way to code to the richer database types, the DB_DataObject_Cast object was created. It's purpose is to simply create an object to represent some of the more unusual types. Below is an example of using it to create a few simple types.

Cast Objects can be used in both building queries, and assigning values

As you can see, This component is in it"s infancy, so if you have any feature requests, ideas, please do not hesitate to contact me at alan_k at php dot net.

The date type

Most dates are stored in a database in ISO standard format, this method, allows you to create date types, from either Year,month,day, Human readable day/month/year, or standard iso format year-month-day. It fills in the remaining values based on simple rules.


Introduction --  A package for building HTML forms from DataObject classes

A package for building HTML forms from DataObject classes.

For now, detailed documentation is available here.

You can view a presentation about FormBuilder here.


Introduction --  A package for building HTML forms from DataObject classes

DB_DataObject_FormBuilder Description

DB_DataObject_FormBuilder will aid you in rapid application development using the packages DB_DataObject and HTML_QuickForm. For having a quick but working prototype of your application, simply model the database, run DataObject createTable script over it and write a script that passes one of the resulting objects to the FormBuilder class. The FormBuilder will automatically generate a simple but working HTML_QuickForm object that you can use to test your application. It also provides a processing method that will automatically detect if an insert() or update( )command has to be executed after the form has been submitted. If you have set up DataObject links.ini file correctly, it will also automatically detect if a table field is a foreign key and will populate a selectbox with the linked tables entries. There are many optional parameters that you can place in your DataObjects.ini or in the properties of your derived classes, that you can use to fine-tune the form-generation, gradually turning the prototypes into fully-featured forms, and you can take control at any stage of the process. Basic usage:
$do =& new MyDataObject();
// Insert "$do->get($some_id);" here to edit an 
// existing object instead of making a new one
$fg =& DB_DataObject_FormBuilder::create($do);
$form =& $fg->getForm();
if ($form->validate()) {
    $form->process(array(&$fg,'processForm'), false);


Introduction --  An OO-interface for easily retreiving and modifying data in a DB

This package is an OO-abstraction to the SQL-Query language, it provides methods such as setWhere, setOrder, setGroup, setJoin, etc. to easily build queries.


Introduction --  An OO-interface for easily retreiving and modifying data in a DB

DB_QueryTool Description

This package is an OO-abstraction to the SQL-Query language, it provides methods such as setWhere, setOrder, setGroup, setJoin, etc. to easily build queries. It also provides an easy to learn interface that interacts nicely with HTML-forms using arrays that contain the column data, that shall be updated/added in a DB. This package bases on an SQL-Builder which lets you easily build SQL-Statements and execute them.

You can find some useful usage examples and docs in the MDB_QueryTool documentation. Everything there holds true for DB_QueryTool too, except for the class name, of course.


Introduction --  DB_Table is an object-oriented interface to a database table.

DB_Table is an object-oriented interface to a database table.


Introduction --  DB_Table is an object-oriented interface to a database table.

DB_Table Description

DB_Table is an object-oriented interface to a database table. As a wrapper for the PEAR DB class, it provides methods to help you build automated create, insert, update, delete, and select functionality, and methods to automatically build input forms with HTML_QuickForm.

The full online documentation is available here


Introduction - DSN -- The Data Source Name
Introduction - Connect -- Connecting and disconnecting a database
Introduction - Query -- Performing a query against a database.
Introduction - Fetch -- Fetching rows from the query
Introduction - Sequences -- Database sequences
Introduction - Execute -- Prepare & Execute/ExecuteMultiple
MDB -- Main class
MDB::connect() -- connects to database
MDB::isError() -- checks for an error
MDB_Common -- Interface for database access
MDB_Common::affectedRows() -- Number of affected rows
MDB_Common::createSequence() -- create a new sequence
MDB_Common::currId() -- returns the current free id of a sequence
MDB_Common::disconnect() -- disconnect from a database
MDB_Common::dropSequence() -- deletes a sequence
MDB_Common::execute() -- executes a prepared SQL statment
MDB_Common::executeQuery() -- executes a prepared SQL statment
MDB_Common::executeMultiple() -- repeated execution of a prepared SQL statment
MDB_Common::fetchAll() -- fetch result set as a nested array
MDB_Common::fetchCol() -- Fetch a single column
MDB_Common::fetchOne() -- fetch the first column of the first row
MDB_Common::fetchRow() -- fetch the first row
MDB_Common::fetchInto() -- fetch a row into a variable
MDB_Common::freeResult() -- delete the result set
MDB_Common::getAll() -- Fetch all rows
MDB_Common::getAssoc() -- fetch result set as associative array
MDB_Common::getCol() -- Fetch a single column
MDB_Common::getOne() -- fetch the first column of the first row
MDB_Common::getRow() -- fetch the first row
MDB_Common::getTextValue() -- quotes a string
MDB_Common::limitQuery() -- send a limited query to the database
MDB_Common::nextId() -- returns the next free id of a sequence
MDB_Common::numCols() -- get number of columns
MDB_Common::numRows() -- get number of rows
MDB_Common::prepareQuery() -- prepares a SQL statment
MDB_Common::query() -- send a query to the database
MDB_Common::queryAll() -- fetch result set as a nested array
MDB_Common::queryCol() -- Fetch a single column
MDB_Common::queryOne() -- fetch the first column of the first row
MDB_Common::queryRow() -- fetch the first row
MDB_Common::setFetchMode() -- sets the default fetch mode
MDB_Common::tableInfo() -- get table info from a query
MDB_Error -- MDB Error object

A unified API for accessing databases, based on user provided meta data.

Introduction - DSN

Introduction - DSN -- The Data Source Name


To connect to a database through PEAR::MDB, you have to create a valid DSN - data source name. This DSN consists in the following parts:

phptype: Database backend used in PHP (i.e. mysql , odbc etc.)
dbsyntax: Database used with regards to SQL syntax etc.
protocol: Communication protocol to use ( i.e. tcp, unix etc.)
hostspec: Host specification (hostname[:port])
database: Database to use on the DBMS server
username: User name for login
password: Password for login
proto_opts: Maybe used with protocol

The format of the supplied DSN is in its fullest form:
Most variations are allowed:
The currently supported database backends are:
mysql  -> MySQL
pgsql  -> PostgreSQL
ibase  -> InterBase
mssql  -> Microsoft SQL Server
oci8   -> Oracle 7/8/8i
fbsql  -> FrontBase

With an up-to-date version of MDB, you can use a second DSN format


Please note, that some features may be not supported by all database backends. Please refer to the PEAR MDB extensions status document located at: <pear base dir>/MDB/STATUS to get a detailed list about what features are supported by which backend.

Introduction - Connect

Introduction - Connect -- Connecting and disconnecting a database

Introduction - Query

Introduction - Query -- Performing a query against a database.


To perform a query against a database, you have to use the function query(), that takes the query string as an argument. On failure you get a MDB_Error object. Be sure to check it with MDB::isError(). On success, you get MDB_OK or when you set a SELECT-statment a result resource handle

Introduction - Fetch

Introduction - Fetch -- Fetching rows from the query


Fetch rows by number

The PEAR MDB fetch system also supports an extra parameter to the fetch statement. So you can fetch rows from a result by number. This is especially helpful if you only want to show sets of an entire result (for example in building paginated HTML lists), fetch rows in an special order, etc.

Freeing the result set

It is recommended to finish the result set after processing in order to to save memory. Use freeResult() to do this.

Quick data retrieving

MDB provides some special ways to retrieve information from a query without the need of using fetch*() and loop throw results.

queryOne() retrieves the first result of the first column from a query
$numrows = $db->queryOne('select count(id) from clients');

queryRow() returns the first row and returns it as an array.
$sql = 'select name, address, phone from clients where id=1';
if (is_array($row = $db->queryRow($sql))) {
    list($name, $address, $phone) = $row;

queryCol() returns an array with the data of the selected column. It accepts the column number to retrieve as the second parameter.
$all_client_names = $db->queryCol('SELECT name FROM clients');
The above sentence could return for example:
$all_client_names = array('Stig', 'Jon', 'Colin');

getAll() fetches all the rows returned from a query. This method also has some advanced parameters still will also enable you to return the data as an associative array using the first column as the key.
$data = getAll('SELECT id, text, date FROM mytable');
Will return:
   1 => array('4', 'four', '2004'),
   2 => array('5', 'five', '2005'),
   3 => array('6', 'six', '2006')

The query*() family methods will do all the dirty job for you, this is: launch the query, fetch the data and free the result. Please note that as all PEAR MDB functions they will return a MDB_Error object on errors.

Getting more information from query results

With MDB you have many ways to retrieve useful information from query results. These are:

  • numRows() : Returns the total number of rows returned from a "SELECT" query.
    // Number of rows
    echo $db->numRows($res);

  • numCols() : Returns the total number of columns returned from a "SELECT" query.
    // Number of cols
    echo $db->numCols($res);

  • affectedRows() : Returns the number of rows affected by a data manipulation query ("INSERT", "UPDATE" or "DELETE").
    // remember that this statement won't return a result object
    $db->query('DELETE * FROM clients');
    echo 'I have deleted ' . $db->affectedRows() . ' clients';

  • tableInfo() : Returns an associative array with information about the returned fields from a "SELECT" query.
    // Table Info

Don't forget to check if the returned result from your action is a MDB_Error object. If you get a error message like "MDB_Error: database not capable", means that your database backend doesn't support this action.

Introduction - Sequences

Introduction - Sequences -- Database sequences


Sequences are a way of offering unique IDs for data rows. If you do most of your work with e.g. MySQL, think of sequences as another way of doing AUTO_INCREMENT. It's quite simple, first you request an ID, and then you insert that value in the ID field of the new row you're creating. You can have more than one sequence for all your tables, just be sure that you always use the same sequence for any particular table. To get the value of this unique ID use nextId() , if a sequence doesn't exists, it will be created automaticlly.

Introduction - Execute

Introduction - Execute -- Prepare & Execute/ExecuteMultiple



prepareQuery() and executeQuery*() give you more power and flexibilty for query execution. You can use them, if you have to do more than one equal query (i.e. adding a list of adresses to a database) or if you want to support different databases, which have different implementations of the SQL standard.

Imagine you want to support two databases with different INSERT syntax:
db1 : INSERT INTO tbl_name ( col1, col2 ... ) VALUES ( expr1, expr2 ... )
db2 : INSERT INTO tbl_name SET col1=expr1, col2=expr2 ...
Corresponding to create multi-lingual scripts you can create a array with queries like this:
$statement['db1']['INSERT_PERSON'] = "INSERT INTO person ( surname, name, age ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )" ;
$statement['db2']['INSERT_PERSON'] = "INSERT INTO person SET surname=?, name=?, age=?" ;


To use the features above, you have to do two steps. Step one is to prepareQuery the statement and the second is to executeQuery it.

Prepare() has to be called with the generic statement at least once. It returns a handle for the statement.

To create a generic statement is simple. Write the SQL query as usual, i.e.
SELECT surname, name, age FROM person
   WHERE name = 'name_to_find' AND age < 'age_limit'
Now check which parameters should be replaced while script runtime. Substitute this parameters with a placeholder.
SELECT surname, name, age FROM person WHERE name = ? AND age < ?
So, thats all! Now you have a generic statement, required by prepareQuery() .

prepareQuery() can handle different types of placeholders or wildcards.

? - (recommended) stands for a scalar value like strings or numbers, the value will be quoted depending of the database
! - stands for a scalar value and will inserted into the statement "as is".
& - requires an existing filename, the content of this file will be included into the statement (i.e. for saving binary data of a graphic file in a database)

Execute/ ExecuteMultiple

After preparing the statement, you can execute the query. This means to assign the variables to the prepared statement. To do this, executeQuery() requires two arguments, the statement handle of prepareQuery() and an array with the values to assign. The array has to be numerically ordered. The first entry of the array represents the first wildcard, the second the second wildcard etc. The order is independent from the used wildcard char.
In the example the query is done four times:
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES( '1', 'one', 'en')
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES( '2', 'two', 'to')
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES( '3', 'three', 'tre')
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES( '4', 'four', 'fire')
executeMultiple() works in the same way, but requires a two dimensional array. So you can avoid the explicit foreach in the eample above.
The result is the same. If one of the records failed, the unfinished records will not be executed.

If executeQuery*() fails a MDB_Error, else MDB_OK will returned.


MDB  -- Main class


The main MDB class is simply a container class with some static methods for creating MDB objects.


MDB::connect() -- connects to database


Creates a new MDB connection object and connect to the specified database


string $dsn

Data Source Name. See the "DSN" section for further information.

boolean $options

If $options is TRUE the connection will be persistent (requires support by database driver). Default is FALSE. In future releases, this parameter will be an array and take different options depending on the database.

Возвращаемое значение

object - the created MDB connection object, or a MDB_Error object on error.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


MDB::isError() -- checks for an error


Checks whether a result code from a MDB method is a MDB_Error object or not.


mixed $value

Variable to check

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE, if $value is a MDB_Error object


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common  -- Interface for database access


MDB_Common is an interface class; that provides all methods to query a specific database. An instance of a database specific class will be returned by the MDB::connect() method.


MDB_Common::affectedRows() -- Number of affected rows


Number of affected rows by a query

Возвращаемое значение

integer - number of rows or MDB_Error when fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



MDB_Common::createSequence() -- create a new sequence


See "Introduction - Sequences"


string $seq_name

name of the new sequence to create

integer $start

starting value of the sequence

Возвращаемое значение

integer - MDB_OK or MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::currId() -- returns the current free id of a sequence


See "Introduction - Sequences"


string $seq_name

name of the sequence

Возвращаемое значение

resource - a free id or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::disconnect() -- disconnect from a database


Disconnects from a database

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::dropSequence() -- deletes a sequence


See "Introduction - Sequences"


string $seqName

name of the sequence to delete

Возвращаемое значение


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::execute() -- executes a prepared SQL statment


execute() joins the prepared SQL statment from prepareQuery() with the given data and executes the SQL query.


resource $stmt

query handle from prepareQuery()

array $types

if supplied, the types of the columns in the result set will be set for fetching

array $params

a numeric array containing the data to insert into the query

array $param_types

if supplied, the values in $param will automatically be set to the passed datatypes

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - a resource id/MDB_OK or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::executeQuery() -- executes a prepared SQL statment


executeQuery() joins the prepared SQL statment from prepareQuery() with the data that was set using one of the setParam() methods and executes the SQL query.


resource $stmt

query handle from prepareQuery()

array $types

if supplied, the types of the columns in the result set will be set for fetching

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - a resource id/MDB_OK or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

See Introduction - Execute for general using and an example.


MDB_Common::executeMultiple() -- repeated execution of a prepared SQL statment


executeMultiple() joins the prepared SQL statment from prepareQuery() with the given data and does the SQL query for every "row" in the $data array.


resource $stmt

query handle from prepareQuery()

array $types

if supplied, the types of the columns in the result set will be set for fetching

array $params

if supplied, prepareQuery()/ executeQuery() will be used with this array as execute parameters

array $param_types

if supplied, the values in $param will automatically set to the passed datatypes

array array $data

a numeric array containing the data to insert into the query

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - a resource id/MDB_OK or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


If an error occurs during execution, the function will be stopped. Possible remaining data will be unprocessed.

See Introduction - Execute for general using and an example.


MDB_Common::fetchAll() -- fetch result set as a nested array


Fetch the entire result set of a result set and return it into a nested array and free the result set.


resource $result

a valid resource returned by query() or executeQuery()

integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use

boolean $rekey

if set to TRUE the array result be modified as follows: If the result set contains more than two columns, the value will be an array of the values from column 2 to n. If the result set contains only two columns, the returned value will be a scalar with the value of the second column (unless forced to an array with the $force_array parameter).

boolean $force_array

used only if the query returns exactly two columns. If TRUE, the values of the returned array will be one-element arrays instead of scalars.

boolean boolean $group

if TRUE, the values of the returned array is wrapped in another array. If the same key value (in the first column) repeats itself, the values will be appended to this array instead of overwriting the existing values.

Возвращаемое значение

array - an nested array or a MDB_Error, if fail.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::fetchCol() -- Fetch a single column


Fetch a single column from a result set of a result set and free the result set.


resource $result

a valid resource returned by query() or executeQuery()

array $params

if supplied, prepareQuery()/ executeQuery() will be used with this array as execute parameters

mixed $colnum

which column to return (integer [column number, starting at 0] or string [column name])

Возвращаемое значение

array - the first row of results as an array indexed from 0 or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::fetchOne() -- fetch the first column of the first row


Fetch the first column of the first row of data returned from a result set and free the result set.


resource $result

a valid resource returned by query() or executeQuery()

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the returned value or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::fetchRow() -- fetch the first row


Fetch the first row of data returned from a result set and free the result set.


resource $result

a valid resource returned by query() or executeQuery()

integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use, default is MDB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT

integer $rownum

the row number to fetch

Возвращаемое значение

array - the first row of results as an array indexed from 0 or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::fetchInto() -- fetch a row into a variable


Fetch a row and return data in an array.


resource $result

result identifier

integer $fetchMode

format of fetched row

integer $rownum

the row number to fetch

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - an array or NULL, if no more rows


MDB_Common::freeResult() -- delete the result set


Deletes the result set and frees the memory occupied by the result set.


resource $result

A valid resource returned by query() or executeQuery()

Возвращаемое значение

  • boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::getAll() -- Fetch all rows


Fetch the entire result set of a query and return it into a nested array. The function takes care of doing the query and freeing the results when finished.


string $query

the SQL query

array $types

if supplied, the types of the columns in the result set will be set for fetching

array $params

if supplied, prepareQuery()/ executeQuery() will be used with this array as execute parameters

array $param_types

if supplied, the values in $param will automatically set to the passed datatypes

integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use, default is MDB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT

Возвращаемое значение

  • array - an nested array or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::getAssoc() -- fetch result set as associative array


Fetch the entire result set of a query and return it as an associative array using the first column as the key. The function takes care of doing the query and freeing the results when finished. If the result set contains more than two columns, the value will be an array of the values from column 2 to n. If the result set contains only two columns, the returned value will be a scalar with the value of the second column (unless forced to an array with the $force_array parameter).


string $query

the SQL query

array $types

if supplied, the types of the columns in the result set will be set for fetching

array $params

if supplied, prepareQuery()/ executeQuery() will be used with this array as execute parameters

array $param_types

if supplied, the values in $param will automatically set to the passed datatypes

integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use

boolean $force_array

used only if the query returns exactly two columns. If TRUE, the values of the returned array will be one-element arrays instead of scalars.

boolean boolean $group

if TRUE, the values of the returned array is wrapped in another array. If the same key value (in the first column) repeats itself, the values will be appended to this array instead of overwriting the existing values.

Возвращаемое значение

array - associative array with results from the query.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::getCol() -- Fetch a single column


Fetch a single column from a result set of a query. The function takes care of doing the query and freeing the results when finished.


string $query

the SQL query

string $type

if supplied, the type of the column in the result set will be set for fetching

array $params

if supplied, prepareQuery()/ executeQuery() will be used with this array as execute parameters

array $param_types

if supplied, the values in $param will automatically set to the passed datatypes

mixed $colnum

which column to return (integer [column number, starting at 0] or string [column name])

Возвращаемое значение

array - the first row of results as an array indexed from 0 or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::getOne() -- fetch the first column of the first row


Fetch the first column of the first row of data returned from a query. The function takes care of doing the query and freeing the results when finished.


string $query

the SQL query or the statement to prepare

string $type

if supplied, the type of the column in the result set will be set for fetching

array $params

if supplied, prepareQuery()/ executeQuery() will be used with this array as execute parameters

array $param_types

if supplied, the values in $param will automatically set to the passed datatypes

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the returned value or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::getRow() -- fetch the first row


Fetch the first row of data returned from a query. The function takes care of doing the query and freeing the results when finished.


string $query

the SQL query

array $types

if supplied, the types of the columns in the result set will be set for fetching

array $params

if supplied, prepareQuery()/ executeQuery() will be used with this array as execute parameters

array $param_types

if supplied, the values in $param will automatically set to the passed datatypes

integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use, default is MDB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT

Возвращаемое значение

array - the first row of results as an array indexed from 0 or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::getTextValue() -- quotes a string


Quotes a string database-dependent, so it can be safely used in a query


string $string

the input string to quote

Возвращаемое значение

string - the quoted string.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::limitQuery() -- send a limited query to the database


Executes a SQL query, but fetches only the the specificed count of rows. It is an emulation of the MySQL LIMIT option.


string $query

the SQL query

array $types

if supplied, the types of the columns in the result set will be set for fetching

integer $from

the row to start to fetch

integer $count

the numbers of rows to fetch

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - a new a resource id/MDB_OK or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Этот модуль является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫМ. Это означает, что поведение его функций, имена функций и ВСЕ остальное может быть изменено в будущем без каких-либо уведомлений. Вы можете использовать этот модуль только на свой страх и риск.

Depending on the database you will not really get more speed compared to query() . The advantage of limitQuery() is the deleting of unneeded rows in the resultset, as early as possible. So this can decrease memory usage.

См. также



MDB_Common::nextId() -- returns the next free id of a sequence


See "Introduction - Sequences"


string $seq_name

name of the sequence

boolean $onDemand

when TRUE the sequence is automatic created, if it not exists.

Возвращаемое значение

resource - a free id or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::numCols() -- get number of columns


Get the number of columns of the rows in a result set.


resource $result

a valid resource returned by query() or executeQuery()

Возвращаемое значение

integer - number of columns


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



MDB_Common::numRows() -- get number of rows


Get the number of rows in a result set.


resource $result

a valid resource returned by query() or executeQuery()

Возвращаемое значение

integer - number of rows


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



MDB_Common::prepareQuery() -- prepares a SQL statment


Prepares a query for execution with executeQuery() .


string $query

the query to prepareQuery

Возвращаемое значение

resource - the query handle


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

See Introduction - Execute for general using and an example.


MDB_Common::query() -- send a query to the database


Executes a SQL query


string $query

the SQL query

array $types

if supplied, the types of the columns in the result set will be set for fetching

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - a new a resource id/MDB_OK or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::queryAll() -- fetch result set as a nested array


Fetch the entire result set of a query and return it into a nested array. The function takes care of doing the query and freeing the results when finished.


string $query

the SQL query

array $types

if supplied, the types of the columns in the result set will be set for fetching

integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use

boolean $rekey

if set to TRUE the array result be modified as follows: If the result set contains more than two columns, the value will be an array of the values from column 2 to n. If the result set contains only two columns, the returned value will be a scalar with the value of the second column (unless forced to an array with the $force_array parameter).

boolean $force_array

used only if the query returns exactly two columns. If TRUE, the values of the returned array will be one-element arrays instead of scalars.

boolean boolean $group

if TRUE, the values of the returned array is wrapped in another array. If the same key value (in the first column) repeats itself, the values will be appended to this array instead of overwriting the existing values.

Возвращаемое значение

array - an nested array or a MDB_Error, if fail.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::queryCol() -- Fetch a single column


Fetch a single column from a result set of a query. The function takes care of doing the query and freeing the results when finished.


string $query

the SQL query

string $type

if supplied, the type of the column in the result set will be set for fetching

array $params

if supplied, prepareQuery()/ executeQuery() will be used with this array as execute parameters

array $param_types

if supplied, the values in $param will automatically set to the passed datatypes

mixed $colnum

which column to return (integer [column number, starting at 0] or string [column name])

Возвращаемое значение

array - the first row of results as an array indexed from 0 or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::queryOne() -- fetch the first column of the first row


Fetch the first column of the first row of data returned from a query. The function takes care of doing the query and freeing the results when finished.


string $query

the SQL query or the statement to prepare

string $type

if supplied, the type of the cell in the result set will be set for fetching

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the returned value or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::queryRow() -- fetch the first row


Fetch the first row of data returned from a query. The function takes care of doing the query and freeing the results when finished.


string $query

the SQL query

array $types

if supplied, the types of the columns in the result set will be set for fetching

integer $fetchmode

the fetch mode to use, default is MDB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT

integer $rownum

the row number to fetch

Возвращаемое значение

array - the first row of results as an array indexed from 0 or a MDB_Error, if fail


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::setFetchMode() -- sets the default fetch mode


Sets the fetch mode used by default on queries for the connection.


integer $fetchmode

MDB_FETCHMODE_ORDEREDor MDB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, all possibly bit-wise OR'ed with MDB_FETCHMODE_FLIPPED. See "Introduction - Fetch" for further information.

Возвращаемое значение

void - NULL, if ok(!)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Common::tableInfo() -- get table info from a query


Fetch table information from result query.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns an associative array of table and field information.


Эта функция не документирована на данный момент.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MDB_Error  -- MDB Error object


In case of failure, most of the MDB functions return a MDB_Error object which contains information about the error. MDB_Error offers the same functions as PEAR_Error.


Introduction -- A feature overview
DSN -- The Data Source Name
Connecting -- Connecting and disconnecting a database
Querying -- Performing queries
Quoting and escaping -- Quote values in a suitable format to compose a query.
Datatypes -- An overview of datatype handling
Results -- Obtaining data from query results
Prepare & Execute -- Prepare and execute SQL statements
Transactions -- Performing transactions
Modules -- Loading and calling modules
autoPrepare & autoExecute -- Automatically prepare and execute SQL statements
Portability -- Database portability features
Sequences -- Sequences and auto-incrementing
FAQ -- Frequently asked questions

A unified API for accessing databases and constructing SQL in a portable way.


Introduction -- A feature overview

MDB2 Description

PEAR MDB2 is a merge of the PEAR DB and Metabase php database abstraction layers.

It provides a common API for all support RDBMS. The main difference to most other database abstraction packages is that MDB2 goes much further to ensure portability. Among other things MDB2 features:

  • An OO-style query API

  • A DSN (data source name) or array format for specifying database servers

  • Datatype abstraction and on demand datatype conversion

  • Portable error codes

  • Sequential and non sequential row fetching as well as bulk fetching

  • Ability to make buffered and unbuffered queries

  • Ordered array and associative array for the fetched rows

  • Prepare/execute (bind) emulation

  • Sequence emulation

  • Replace emulation

  • Limited Subselect emulation

  • Row limit support

  • Transactions support

  • Large Object support

  • Index/Unique support

  • Module Framework to load advanced functionality on demand

  • Table information interface

  • RDBMS management methods (creating, dropping, altering)

  • Full integration into the PEAR Framework

  • PHPDoc API documentation

Currently supported RDBMS:

  • MySQL

  • MySQLi (PHP5 only)

  • PostgreSQL

  • Oracle

  • Frontbase (unmaintained)

  • Querysim

  • Interbase/Firebird (PHP5 only)


  • SQLite

External support resources


DSN -- The Data Source Name


To connect to a database through PEAR::MDB2, you have to create a valid DSN - data source name. This DSN consists in the following parts:

phptype: Database backend used in PHP (i.e. mysql , pgsql etc.)
dbsyntax: Database used with regards to SQL syntax etc.
protocol: Communication protocol to use ( i.e. tcp, unix etc.)
hostspec: Host specification (hostname[:port])
database: Database to use on the DBMS server
username: User name for login
password: Password for login
proto_opts: Maybe used with protocol
option: Additional connection options in URI query string format. options get separated by &. The Following table shows a non complete list of options:

The DSN can either be provided as an associative array or as a string. The string format of the supplied DSN is in its fullest form:

Most variations are allowed:

The currently supported database backends are:
fbsql  -> FrontBase
ibase  -> InterBase / Firebird (requires PHP 5)
mssql  -> Microsoft SQL Server (NOT for Sybase. Compile PHP --with-mssql)
mysql  -> MySQL
mysqli -> MySQL (supports new authentication protocol) (requires PHP 5)
oci8   -> Oracle 7/8/9/10
pgsql  -> PostgreSQL
querysim -> QuerySim
sqlite -> SQLite 2

A second DSN format is supported

If your database, option values, username or password contain characters used to delineate DSN parts, you can escape them via URI hex encodings:
: = %3a   / = %2f   @ = %40
+ = %2b   ( = %28   ) = %29
? = %3f   = = %3d   & = %26


Please note, that some features may be not supported by all database backends.


Connecting -- Connecting and disconnecting a database


To instantiate a database object you have several methods available using MDB2.

To connect to a database you have to use the function factory(), connect() or singleton(), which require a valid DSN as the first parameter. This parameter can either be a string or an array. If using an array, the array used gets merged with the default information:
$dsn = array(
    'phptype'  => false,
    'dbsyntax' => false,
    'username' => false,
    'password' => false,
    'protocol' => false,
    'hostspec' => false,
    'port'     => false,
    'socket'   => false,
    'database' => false,
    'new_ink'  => false,
Any elements you set override the defaults and the remainder stay at their defaults.

The second parameter is the optional $options array that can contain runtime configuration settings for this package.

Таблица 34-2. List of options

sslboolean determines if ssl should be used for connections
field_caseinteger CASE_LOWER|CASE_UPPER: determines what case to force on field/table names
disable_queryboolean determines if queries should be executed
result_classstring class used for result sets
buffered_result_classstring class used for buffered result sets, default is MDB2_Result_Common
result_wrap_classstring class used to wrap result sets into, default is MDB2_Result_Common
result_bufferingboolean should results be buffered or not?
fetch_classstring class to use when fetch mode object is used
persistentboolean persistent connection?
debuginteger numeric debug level
debug_handlerstring function/method that captures debug messages
debug_expanded_outputboolean BC option to determine if more context information should be send to the debug handler
default_text_field_lengthinteger default text field length to use
lob_buffer_lengthinteger LOB buffer length
log_line_breakstring line-break format
idxname_formatstring pattern with '%s' for index name
seqname_formatstring pattern with '%s' for sequence name
savepoint_formatstring pattern with '%s' for auto generated savepoint names
seqcol_namestring sequence column name
quote_identifierboolean if identifier quoting should be done when check_option is used
use_transactionsboolean if transaction use should be enabled
decimal_placesinteger number of decimal places to handle
portabilityinteger portability constant
modulesarray short to long module name mapping for __call()
emulate_preparedboolean force prepared statements to be emulated
datatype_maparray map user defined datatypes to other primitive datatypes
'datatype_map_callbackarray callback function/method that should be called

In case of success you get a new instance of the database class. It is strongly recommened to check this return value with PEAR::isError() (will detect PEAR_Error or any subclass) or the MDB2_Driver_Common specific isError().

To disconnect use the method disconnect() from your database class instance.


Querying -- Performing queries


PEAR MDB2 provides several methods for querying databases. The most direct method is query(). It takes a SQL query string as an argument. There are two possible returns: A new MDB2_Result object for queries that return results (such as SELECT queries), or a MDB2_Error object on failure. It should not be used with statements that manipulate data (such as INSERT queries)

exec() should be used for manipulation queries. There are two possible returns: An integer denoting the number of affected rows for statements that manipulate data (such as INSERT queries), or a MDB2_Error object on failure. It should not be used with statements that return results (such as SELECT queries)

Data types

MDB2 supports a number of data types across all drivers. These can be set for result sets in all relevant methods. You can find an overview of the supported data types and their format here.

Limiting rows and reading from an offset

In order to read/write to only a limited number of rows from a result set and/or to start reading from a specific offset the setLimit() can be called prior to issueing the query. The limit and offset will only affected the next method call that will issue a query or prepare a statement and will automatically be reset after issueing the query. This also applies to any internal queries issues inside MDB2. Note that limit may not work with DML statements on RDBMS that emulate limit support and no error will be raised.

Quoting and escaping

Quoting and escaping -- Quote values in a suitable format to compose a query.


MDB2 provides a quote() method to quote a value into a DBMS specific format that is suitable to compose query statements. It has four parameters (only the first one is required): the value to be quoted, its datatype, whether or not to quote the value, and whether or not to escape the wildcards in the value. If you don't provide the datatype, it will be guessed from the value.

With the third parameter of the quote() you can specify whether or not the above fields should be individually quoted:

The above example will quote the fields and the resulting SQL will look as such:
INSERT INTO sometable FIELDS (textfield1, boolfield2, datefield3) VALUES ('blah', 1, '2006-02-21')
where the values defined were the values inserted accordingly. You will notice that the "boolfield2" is unquoted as we specified FALSE in the quote() method.

NB: If you use prepared statements, then quoting will be done automatically, you don't need to do it yourself.


You can quote the db identifiers (table and field names) with quoteIdentifier(). The delimiting style depends on which database driver is being used. NOTE: just because you CAN use delimited identifiers, it doesn't mean you SHOULD use them. In general, they end up causing way more problems than they solve. Anyway, it may be necessary when you have a reserved word as a field name (in this case, we suggest you to change it, if you can).

Some of the internal MDB2 methods generate queries. Enabling the "quote_identifier" option of MDB2 you can tell MDB2 to quote the identifiers in these generated queries. For all user supplied queries this option is irrelevant.

Portability is broken by using the following characters inside delimited identifiers:

  • backtick (`) -- due to MySQL

  • double quote (") -- due to Oracle

  • brackets ([ or ]) -- due to Access

Delimited identifiers are known to generally work correctly under the following drivers:

  • mssql

  • mysql

  • mysqli

  • oci8

  • pgsql

  • sqlite

Firebird/InterBase doesn't seem to be able to use delimited identifiers via PHP 4. They work fine under PHP 5.

Quoting options

Within the MDB2 API there are a number of options to set the quoting options, one of which simply quotes the identifiers within the abstraction, the other quotes the field values on insert/update etc. when using the prepared statements methods.

When using the quoteIdentifiers option, all of the field identifiers will be automatically quoted in the resulting SQL statements:
$mdb2->setOption('quote_identifiers', true);
will result in a SQL statement that all the field names are quoted with the backtick '`' operator (in MySQL).
SELECT * FROM `sometable` WHERE `id` = '123';
as opposed to:
SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE id='123';


If you want to escape a value, without surrounding it with quotes, you can use the escape() method. If you also want to escape the wildcards (_ and %), set the second parameter to TRUE

If you just want to escape the wildcards in a value, you can use the escapePattern() method.


Datatypes -- An overview of datatype handling


All DBMS provide multiple choice of data types for the information that can be stored in their database table fields. However, the set of data types made available varies from DBMS to DBMS.

To simplify the interface with the DBMS supported by MDB2, it was defined a base set of data types that applications may access independently of the underlying DBMS.

The MDB2 applications programming interface takes care of mapping data types when managing database options. It is also able to convert that is sent to and received from the underlying DBMS using the respective driver.

The following data type examples should be used with MDB2's createTable() method. The example array at the end of the data types section may be used with createTable() to create a portable table on the DBMS of choice (please refer to the main MDB2 documentation to find out what DBMS back ends are properly supported). It should also be noted that the following examples do not cover the creation and maintenance of indices, this chapter is only concerned with data types and the proper usage thereof.

"Global" table type modifiers

Within the MDB2 API there are a few modifiers that have been designed to aid in optimal table design. These are:

  • The notnull modifiers

  • The length modifiers

  • The default modifiers

  • unsigned modifiers for some field definitions, although not all DBMS's support this modifier for integer field types.

  • fixed length modifiers for some field definitions.

Building upon the above, we can say that the modifiers alter the field definition to create more specific field types for specific usage scenarios. The notnull modifier will be used in the following way to set the default DBMS NOT NULL Flag on the field to true or false, depending on the DBMS's definition of the field value: In PostgreSQL the "NOT NULL" definition will be set to "NOT NULL", whilst in MySQL (for example) the "NULL" option will be set to "NO". In order to define a "NOT NULL" field type, we simply add an extra parameter to our definition array (See the examples in the following section)
'sometime' = array(
    'type'    = 'time',
    'default' = '12:34:05',
    'notnull' = true,
Using the above example, we can also explore the default field operator. Default is set in the same way as the notnull operator to set a default value for the field. This value may be set in any character set that the DBMS supports for text fields, and any other valid data for the field's data type. In the above example, we have specified a valid time for the "Time" data type, '12:34:05'. Remember that when setting default dates and times, as well as datetimes, you should research and stay within the epoch of your chosen DBMS, otherwise you will encounter difficult to diagnose errors!

The above example will create a character varying field of length 12 characters in the database table. If the length definition is left out, MDB2 will create a length of the maximum allowable length for the data type specified, which may create a problem with some field types and indexing. Best practice is to define lengths for all or most of your fields.

Text data type

The text data type is available with two options for the length: one that is explicitly length limited and another of undefined length that should be as large as the database allows.

The length limited option is the most recommended for efficiency reasons. The undefined length option allows very large fields but may prevent the use of indexes, nullability and may not allow sorting on fields of its type.

The fields of this type should be able to handle 8 bit characters. Drivers take care of DBMS specific escaping of characters of special meaning with the values of the strings to be converted to this type.

By default MDB2 will use variable length character types. If fixed length types should be used can be controlled via the fixed modifier.

Boolean data type

The boolean data type represents only two values that can be either 1 or 0. Do not assume that these data types are stored as integers because some DBMS drivers may implement this type with single character text fields for a matter of efficiency. Ternary logic is possible by using null as the third possible value that may be assigned to fields of this type.

Integer data type

The integer data type may store integer values as large as each DBMS may handle. Fields of this type may be created optionally as unsigned integers but not all DBMS support it. Therefore, such option may be ignored. Truly portable applications should not rely on the availability of this option.

Decimal data type

The decimal data type may store decimal numbers accurately with a fixed number of decimal places. This data type is suitable for representing accurate values like currency amounts.

Some DBMS drivers may emulate the decimal data type using integers. Such drivers need to know in advance how many decimal places that should be used to perform eventual scale conversion when storing and retrieving values from a database. Despite this, applications may use arithmetic expressions and functions with the values stored on decimal type fields as long as any constant values that are used in the expressions are also converted with the respective MDB2 conversion functions.

The number of places that are used to the left and the right of the decimal point is pre-determined and fixed for all decimal values stored in the same database. By default, MDB2 uses 2 places to the right of the decimal point, but this may be changed when setting the database connection. The number of places available to the right of the decimal point depend on the DBMS.

It is not recommended to change the number places used to represent decimal values in database after it is installed. MDB2 does not keep track of changes in the number of decimal places. The number of decimal places can be set using the setOption() method.

Float data type

The float data type may store floating point decimal numbers. This data type is suitable for representing numbers within a large scale range that do not require high accuracy. The scale and the precision limits of the values that may be stored in a database depends on the DBMS that it is used.

Date data type

The date data type may represent dates with year, month and day. DBMS independent representation of dates is accomplished by using text strings formatted according to the IS0-8601 standard.

The format defined by the ISO-8601 standard for dates is YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY is the number of the year (Gregorian calendar), MM is the number of the month from 01 to 12 and DD is the number of the day from 01 to 31. Months or days numbered below 10 should be padded on the left with 0.

Some DBMS have native support for date formats, but for others the DBMS driver may have to represent them as integers or text values. In any case, it is always possible to make comparisons between date values as well sort query results by fields of this type.

Time data type

The time data type may represent the time of a given moment of the day. DBMS independent representation of the time of the day is also accomplished by using text strings formatted according to the ISO-8601 standard.

The format defined by the ISO-8601 standard for the time of the day is HH:MI:SS where HH is the number of hour the day from 00 to 23 and MI and SS are respectively the number of the minute and of the second from 00 to 59. Hours, minutes and seconds numbered below 10 should be padded on the left with 0.

Some DBMS have native support for time of the day formats, but for others the DBMS driver may have to represent them as integers or text values. In any case, it is always possible to make comparisons between time values as well sort query results by fields of this type.

Timestamp data type

The timestamp data type is a mere combination of the date and the time of the day data types. The representation of values of the time stamp type is accomplished by joining the date and time string values in a single string joined by a space. Therefore, the format template is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS. The represented values obey the same rules and ranges described for the date and time data types

Large object (file) data types

The large object data types are meant to store data of undefined length that may be too large to store in text fields, like data that is usually stored in files.

MDB2 supports two types of large object fields: Character Large OBjects (CLOBs) and Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs). CLOB fields are meant to store only data made of printable ASCII characters. BLOB fields are meant to store all types of data.

Large object fields are usually not meant to be used as parameters of query search clause (WHERE) unless the underlying DBMS supports a feature usually known as "full text search"

Putting it all together

The above example will create a database table as such:

Custom Data Types and Further reading

Custom data types can be defined. This will be explored soon. For now you can refer to this blog post.

Further reading should be done at the following URL's: getTypeDeclaration, getDeclaration.


Results -- Obtaining data from query results


Fetching Individual Rows From Query Results

The MDB2_Result_Common object provides two methods for fetching data from rows of a result set: fetchOne(), fetchRow(), fetchCol() and fetchAll().

fetchRow() and fetchOne() read an entire row or a single field from a column respectively. The result pointer gets moved to the next row each time these methods are called. NULL is returned when the end of the result set is reached.

fetchAll() and fetchCol() read all rows in the result set and therefore move the result pointer to the end. While fetchAll() reads the entire row data, fetchCol() only reads a single column.

MDB2_Error is returned if an error is encountered.

Formats of Fetched Rows

The data from the row of a query result can be placed into one of three constructs: an ordered array (with column numbers as keys), an associative array (with column names as keys) or an object (with column names as properties).

    [0] => 28
    [1] => hi

    [a] => 28
    [b] => hi

stdClass Object
    [a] => 28
    [b] => hi

NOTE: When a query contains the same column name more than once (such as when joining tables which have duplicate column names) and the fetch mode is MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC or MDB2_FETCHMODE_OBJECT, the data from the last column with a given name will be the one returned. There are two immediate options to work around this issue:

Use aliases in your query, for example People.Name AS PersonName
Change the fetch mode to MDB2_FETCHMODE_ORDERED

TIP: If you are running into this issue, it likely indicates poor planning of the database schema. Either data is needlessly being duplicated or the same names are being used for different kinds of data.

Fetch Rows by Number

The PEAR MDB2 fetch system also supports an extra parameter to the fetch statement. So you can fetch rows from a result by number. This is especially helpful if you only want to show sets of an entire result (for example in building paginated HTML lists), fetch rows in an special order, etc.

Getting Entire Result Sets

The MDB2_Result_Common object provides several methods to read entire results sets: fetchCol() and fetchAll().

Getting the native result resource

If whatever data you need to read from a result set is not yet implemented in MDB2 you can get the native result resource using the getResource() method and then call the underlying PHP extension directly (though this would of course require that it is now up to you to make this sufficiently portable).

Getting More Information From Query Results

With MDB2 there are four ways to retrieve useful information about the query result sets themselves:

Пример 34-7. numRows() tells how many rows are in a SELECT query result

// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$res =& $mdb2->query('SELECT * FROM phptest');
if ($mdb2->getOption('result_buffering')) {
    echo $res->numRows();
} else {
    echo 'cannot get number of rows in the result set when "result_buffering" is disabled';

Пример 34-8. numCols() tells how many columns are in a SELECT query result

// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$res =& $mdb2->query('SELECT * FROM phptest');
echo $res->numCols();

Пример 34-9. rowCount() tells which row number the internal result row pointer currently points to

// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$res =& $mdb2->query('SELECT * FROM phptest');
// returns 2 if the result set contains at least 2 rows
echo $res->rowCount();


Пример 34-10. getColumnNames() returns an associative array with the names of the column of the result set as keys and the position inside the result set as the values

// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$res =& $mdb2->query('SELECT * FROM phptest');


Пример 34-11. seek() allows to seek to a specific row inside a result set. Note that seeking to previously read rows is only possible if the 'result_buffering' option is left enabled, otherwise only forward seeking is supported.

// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$res =& $mdb2->query('SELECT * FROM phptest');
// Seek to the 10th row in the result set


Пример 34-12. nextResult() allows iterate over multiple results returned by a multi query.

// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$multi_query = $this->db->setOption('multi_query', true);
// check if multi_query can be enabled
if (!PEAR::isError($multi_query)) {
    $res =& $mdb2->query('SELECT * FROM phptest; SELECT * FROM phptest2;');
    $data1 = $res->fetchAll();
    // move result pointer to the next result
    $data2 = $res->fetchAll();
} else {
    echo 'multi_query option is not supported';


Пример 34-13. bindColumn() allows to bind a reference to a user variable to a specific field inside the result set. This means that when fetching the next row, this variable is automatically updated.

// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$name = $address = null;
$res =& $mdb2->query('SELECT id, name, address FROM clients', array('id' => 'integer'));
$res->bindColumn('id', $id);
// provide a type for the column not included in the query() call
$res->bindColumn('name', $name, 'text');
// but specifying a type is as always optional in MDB2
$res->bindColumn('address', $address);
while ($res->fetchRow()) {
    echo "The address of '$name' (user id '$id') is '$address'\n";

Data types

MDB2 supports a number of data types across all drivers. These can be set for result sets at query or prepare time or using the setResultTypes() method. You can find an overview of the supported data types and their format here.

Checking for Errors

Don't forget to use isError() to check if your actions return a MDB2_Error object.

Prepare & Execute

Prepare & Execute -- Prepare and execute SQL statements



prepare() and execute() give you more power and flexibilty for query execution. Prepare/execute mode is helpful when you have to run the same query several times but with different values in it, such as adding a list of addresses into a database.

Another place prepare/execute is useful is supporting databases which have different SQL syntaxes. Imagine you want to support two databases with different INSERT syntax:
db1: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col1, col2) VALUES (expr1, expr2)
db2: INSERT INTO tbl_name SET col1=expr1, col2=expr2
Corresponding to create multi-lingual scripts you can create a array with queries like this:
$statement['db1']['INSERT_PERSON'] = 'INSERT INTO person
    (surname, name, age) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';

$statement['db2']['INSERT_PERSON'] = 'INSERT INTO person
    SET surname=?, name=?, age=?';
Furthermore it is also possible to use named placeholders as inspired by Oracle. Using named placeholders also allows using the same placeholder name multiple times inside a single statement:
$statement['db1']['INSERT_PERSON'] = 'INSERT INTO person
    (surname, name, age) VALUES (:surname, :lastname, :age)';

$statement['db2']['INSERT_PERSON'] = 'INSERT INTO person
    SET surname=:surname, name=:lastname, age=:age';
NB: we don't recommend using non-standard SQL syntax. The example above is just meant to show what you can do with prepared statements, but if you use MDB2 because you heart portability, then be sure you're using a standard SQL syntax (hint: the db1 INSERT is correct).


To use the features above, you have to do two steps. Step one is to prepare the statement which returns an instance of the MDB2_Statement_Common class. The second step is to execute it.

To start out, you need to prepare() a generic SQL statment. Create a generic statment by writing the SQL query as usual:
SELECT surname, name, age
    FROM person
    WHERE name = 'name_to_find' AND age < age_limit
Then substitute "placeholders" for the literal values which will be provided at run time:
SELECT surname, name, age
    FROM person
    WHERE name = ? AND age < ?
Then pass this SQL statement to prepare(), which returns a statement class instance to be used when calling execute().

prepare() can handle different types of placeholders (a.k.a. wildcards). By default all placeholders are handled as strings. However passing an array of data types as the second parameter makes it possible to set a specific type for each placeholder.

Since DML (data manipulation language - INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) statements have different return values than data fetches the prepare() accepts a third parameter. This parameter should be set to MDB2_PREPARE_MANIP for DML statements. For data reads it should either be set to MDB2_PREPARE_RESULT, an array of data types for each of the columns in the result set or TRUE in order to automatically detect the data types in the result set.


After preparing the statement, you can execute the query. This means to assign the variables to the prepared statement. To do this, execute() requires one argument a scalar or array with the values to assign.

When a prepared statement has multiple placeholders, you must use an array to pass the values to execute(). The first entry of the array represents the first placeholder, the second the second placeholder, etc. The order is independent of the type of placeholder used.

When using named placeholders the data array needs to be an associative array with the keys matching the placeholder names.

When using named placeholders the data array needs to be an associative array with the keys matching the placeholder names.


The values passed in $data must be literals. Do not submit SQL functions (for example CURDATE()). SQL functions that should be performed at execution time need to be put in the prepared statement. Similarly, identifiers (i.e. table names and column names) can not be used because the names get validated during the prepare phase.


MDB2 contains a process for executing several queries at once. So, rather than having to execute them manually, like this:
which would issue four queries:
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES ('1', 'one', 'en')
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES ('2', 'two', 'to')
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES ('3', 'three', 'tre')
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES ('4', 'four', 'fire')
you can use executeMultiple() to avoid the explicit foreach in the example above:

The result is the same. If one of the records failed, the unfinished records will not be executed.

execute() has three possible returns: a new MDB2_Result_Common object for queries that return results (such as SELECT queries), integer for queries that manipulate data (such as INSERT queries) or a MDB2_Error object on failure

Data types

MDB2 supports a number of data types across all drivers. These can be set for prepared placeholders as well as result sets in all relevant methods. You can find an overview of the supported data types and their format here.

Freeing Prepared Statements

Once you finish using prepared statements, if your script continues for a while, it's a good idea to save memory by freeing the prepared statement set via Use free().

Limiting rows and reading from an offset

In order to read/write to only a limited number of rows from a result set and/or to start reading from a specific offset, the setLimit() can be called prior to calling prepare(). The limit and offset will only affect the next method call that will issue a query or prepare a statement and will automatically be reset after issuing the query. This also applies to any internal queries issued inside MDB2. Note that limit may not work with DML statements on RDBMS that emulate limit support and no error will be raised.


Transactions -- Performing transactions


PEAR MDB2 default to auto commiting all queries. However using the beginTransaction() one can open a new transaction and with the commit() and rollback() a transaction is finished. All of these three methods optionally accept a string name of a savepoint to set, release or rollback to respectively. The method inTransaction() may be used to check if a transaction is currently open.


PEAR MDB2 does not emulate transactions or savepoints. This means that it depends on the underlying RDBMS (and in the case of MySQL the storage engines used) if transactions will be available in MDB2. Also note that some RDBMS implicitly commit transactions when executing DDL statements (notably exceptions are Oracle and PostgreSQL).

MDB2 also supports "nested" transactions using the beginNestedTransaction() method. Actually these are not true nested transactions as they are natively supported in Interbase for example. MDB2 maintains a counter of opened nested transactions. The transaction is finished once that counter is decremented back to 1 with completeNestedTransaction() calls. If the RDBMS supports savepoints then MDB2 will automatically set a savepoint on every call of the beginNestedTransaction() method after the initial call and will return the name. These savepoints are automatically released by the completeNestedTransaction() method. The name of these automatic savepoints are determined by the "savepoint_format" (default: 'MDB2_SAVEPOINT_%s') option and the nested transaction counter.

If after initial opening of the nested transaction an unexpected PEAR error is raised on the MDB2 instance the transaction is rolled back, otherwise it is commited at this point. Using the getNestedTransactionError() method it is possible to check if there has been an error inside the transaction. Alternatively an rollback can be forced using the the failNestedTransaction(). This method optionally accepts a mixed parameter which will set the error to return if the getNestedTransactionError() method is called as well as a second boolean parameter that optionally forces an immidiate rollback.

Finally MDB2 supports setting of the transaction isolation level as per the SQL 92 standard using the setTransactionIsolation() method. If a given RDBMS does not support a given isolation level but supports a higher more strict isolation level, then MDB2 silently uses that higher transaction level. Some RDBMS support additional options which are silently ignored if they are not supported.


Modules -- Loading and calling modules


MDB2 follows a modular concept to provide functionality beyond the basic ability to send queries to the database and fetch result sets. Currently the following modules are available:

  • Datatype module - handles datatype abstraction via the MDB2_Datatype_Common class

  • Extended module - provides numerous high-level methods via the MDB2_Extended class

  • Function module - handles SQL function abstraction via the MDB2_Function_Common class

  • Manager module - handles data definition language (DDL) abstraction and schema listing via the MDB2_Manager_Common class

  • Native module - handles RDBMS specific functions via the MDB2_Native_Common class

  • Reverse module - handles schema reverse engineering abstraction via the MDB2_Reverse_Common class

A module is loaded using the loadModule() method. This method returns the module instance, but also stores the instance in a property. The name of the property is either the lowercased name of the module passed in as the first parameter, or optionally the non null value of the second parameter. The optional third parameter is used to differentiate modules that depend on a specific RDBMS (like the Datatype module) and those that do not (like the Extended module). The method can also be used to load custom modules that are installed.


The third parameter is automatically detected if it is not set. On hosts that have 'safe_mode' enabled automatic detection does however require silenced falls to fopen(). Error handling and error handlers should be configured accordingly.

On PHP5 users can also rely on overloading to load and call modules.

autoPrepare & autoExecute

autoPrepare & autoExecute -- Automatically prepare and execute SQL statements



autoPrepare() and autoExecute() reduce the need to write boring INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or SELECT SQL queries which are difficult to maintain when you add a field for instance. It requires the use of the Extended module

Imagine you have a 'user' table with 3 fields (id, name and country). You have to write sql queries like:
INSERT INTO table (id, name, country) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
UPDATE table SET id=?, name=?, country=? WHERE ...
If you add a field ('birthYear' for example), you have to rewrite your queries which is boring and can lead to bugs (if you forget one query for instance).


With autoPrepare(), you don't have to write your insert, update, delete or select queries. For example:
// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$table_name   = 'user';
$table_fields = array('id', 'name', 'country');
$types = array('integer', 'text', 'text');

$sth = $mdb2->extended->autoPrepare($table_name, $table_fields,
                        MDB2_AUTOQUERY_INSERT, null, $types);

if (PEAR::isError($sth)) {
In this example, autoPrepare() will build the following SQL query:
INSERT INTO user (id, name, country) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
And then, it will call prepare() with it.

To add records, you have to use execute() or executeMultiple() like:
// ... continuing from the example above...
$table_values = array(1, 'Fabien', 'France');

$res =& $sth->execute($table_values);

if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
So, you don't have to write any SQL INSERT queries! And it works with UPDATE and DELETE queries too. For flexibility reasons, you have only to write the WHERE clause of the query. For instance:
// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$table_name   = 'user';

$sth = $mdb2->extended->autoPrepare($table_name, null,
                        MDB2_AUTOQUERY_DELETE, 'id = '.$mdb2->quote(1, 'integer'));

if (PEAR::isError($sth)) {

$res =& $sth->execute($table_values);

if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
autoPrepare() will build the following query:
UPDATE user SET name=?, country=? WHERE id=1
Then, it will call prepare() with it.

Be careful, if you don't specify any WHERE clause, all the records of the table will be updated.


Using autoExecute() is the easiest way to do insert, update, delete or select queries. It is a mix of autoPrepare() and execute().

You only need an associative array (key => value) where keys are fields names and values are corresponding values of these fields. This is only relevant for insert and update queries. For instance:
// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$table_name = 'user';

$fields_values = array(
    'id'      => 1,
    'name'    => 'Fabien',
    'country' => 'France'
$types = array('integer', 'text', 'text');

$affectedRows = $mdb2->extended->autoExecute($table_name, $fields_values,
                        MDB2_AUTOQUERY_INSERT, null, $types);

if (PEAR::isError($affectedRows)) {
And that's all! The following query is built and executed:
INSERT INTO user (id, name, country)
  VALUES (1, 'Fabien', 'France')

And it's the same thing for UPDATE queries:
// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$table_name = 'user';

$fields_values = array(
    'name'    => 'Fabien',
    'country' => 'France'
$types = array('text', 'text');

$affectedRows = $mdb2->extended->autoExecute($table_name, $fields_values,
                        MDB2_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE, 'id = '.$mdb2->quote(1, 'integer'), $types);

if (PEAR::isError($affectedRows)) {
which prepares and executes the following query:
UPDATE user SET name='Fabien', country='France'
  WHERE id = 1

Be careful, if you don't specify any WHERE statement, all the records of the table will be updated.

Here is an example for a DELETE queries:
// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$table_name = 'user';

$affectedRows = $mdb2->extended->autoExecute($table_name, null,
                        MDB2_AUTOQUERY_DELETE, 'id = '.$mdb2->quote(1, 'integer'));

if (PEAR::isError($affectedRows)) {

which prepares and executes the following query:

Finally an example for a SELECT queries:
// Once you have a valid MDB2 object named $mdb2...
$table_name = 'user';

// if left as a non array all fields of the table will be fetched using '*'
// in that case this variable can be set to true, to autodiscover the types
$result_types = array(
    'name'    => 'text',
    'country' => 'text'

$res = $mdb2->extended->autoExecute($table_name, null,
                        MDB2_AUTOQUERY_SELECT, 'id = '.$mdb2->quote(1, 'integer'),
                        null, true, $result_types);

if (PEAR::isError($res)) {

$row = $res->fetchRow();

which prepares and executes the following query:
SELECT name, country FROM user WHERE id = 1


The values passed in $data must be literals. Do not submit SQL functions (for example CURDATE()). SQL functions that should be performed at execution time need to be put in the prepared statement.

См. также

"Intro - Modules"


Portability -- Database portability features


Each database management system (DBMS) has it's own behaviors. For example, some databases capitalize field names in their output, some lowercase them, while others leave them alone. These quirks make it difficult to port your scripts over to another server type. PEAR MDB2 strives to overcome these differences so your program can switch between DBMS's without any changes.

You control which portability modes are enabled by using the portability configuration option. Configuration options are set via factory() and setOption().

The portability modes are bitwised, so they can be combined using | and removed using ^. See the examples section below on how to do this.

Portability Mode Constants


Sequences -- Sequences and auto-incrementing


Sequences are a way of offering unique IDs for data rows. If you do most of your work with e.g. MySQL, think of sequences as another way of doing AUTO_INCREMENT.

It's quite simple, first you request an ID, and then you insert that value in the ID field of the new row you're creating. You can have more than one sequence for all your tables, just be sure that you always use the same sequence for any particular table. To get the value of this unique ID use nextID(), if a sequence doesn't exists, it will be created automatically.

The sequence is automatically incremented each time nextID() is called.



When using PEAR MDB2's sequence methods, we strongly advise using these methods for all procedures, including the creation of the sequences. Do not use PEAR MDB2's methods to access sequences that were created directly in the DBMS.

If you have a compelling reason to ignore this advice, be aware that the $seq_name argument given to all of PEAR MDB2's sequence methods are modified before MDB2 calls the underlying DBMS.

$seq_name is passed through PHP's sprintf() function using the value from the seqname_format option as sprintf()'s format argument. The default seqname_format is %s_seq. So, for example, if you use person_id_sequence as the $seq_name, PEAR MDB2 will change that name to person_id_sequence_seq when querying the DBMS about creating/accessing/updating the sequence.

Also note that the default table layout for sequences emulated in PEAR DB is slightly different in PEAR MDB2. Where PEAR DB calls the column "id" PEAR MDB2 instead calls it "sequence" to make its purpose more clear. For backward compatibility this can be controlled via the seqcol_name option.

The seqname_format and seqcol_name can be modified when connecting or via setOption().

Getting the last inserted ID

If you prefer using AUTO_INCREMENT you can alternatively use the lastInsertID() method to retrieve the last generated value. This method alternatively also supports getting the current ID from a sequence using the format defined in PostgreSQL's SERIAL data type. MDB2 can emulate this behaviour for RDBMS that do not support autoincrement at table creation time when using the createTable() method.


FAQ -- Frequently asked questions

I get an error!

If you get a PEAR_Error (or a MDB2_Error object), try using getMessage() and getUserInfo(). They do often give you more information about the cause of the error.

"MDB2 Error: not found"

If you get this error after creating the MDB2 instance it means that you don't have any MDB2 database driver installed. Since most people use only one database system, it is unnecessary to install 15 driver files.

If SQLite is the database of your choice, do a pear install MDB2_Driver_sqlite and it should work.

Also search for MDB2 drivers in the PEAR package list.

"pear/MDB2_Driver_XXX requires php extension XXX"

If you get this error when trying to install a driver it means that the php.ini loaded in the given installer does not see the "XXX" extension. Either you forgot to install the extension all together or you need to make sure that the extension is actived in all relevant php.ini files. Note that there are usually separate php.ini files for the CLI and your other SAPIs.

If all else failes do pear install -nodeps MDB2_Driver_XXX and it should work.


Introduction --  An OO-interface for easily retreiving and modifying data in a DB
Object --  An introduction to the usage of Objects with MDB_QueryTool
Quick API reference --  A quick overview of the available methods. Please refer to the full API docs for a detailed documentation.

This package is an OO-abstraction to the SQL-Query language, it provides methods such as setWhere, setOrder, setGroup, setJoin, etc. to easily build queries.


Introduction --  An OO-interface for easily retreiving and modifying data in a DB

MDB_QueryTool Description

This package is an OO-abstraction to the SQL-Query language, it provides methods such as setWhere, setOrder, setGroup, setJoin, etc. to easily build queries. It also provides an easy to learn interface that interacts nicely with HTML-forms using arrays that contain the column data, that shall be updated/added in a DB. This package bases on an SQL-Builder which lets you easily build SQL-Statements and execute them. It supports all the db engines supported by MDB.

Since it's a 1:1 port of DB_QueryTool, it has the same API, the only difference being the class name (and the constructor name, of course). Unfortunately, complete documentation is not available at the moment.

Example 1 - Arrays

The best way to use MDB_QueryTool is creating a class that extends it. Here's a sample usage:
require_once 'MDB/QueryTool.php';
define('TABLE_CARS', 'cars');
$dsn = 'mysql://user:pass@host/dbname';

 * Let's suppose the "car" table has the following fields:
 * (id, model, hp, color, clima, price)
class Car extends MDB_QueryTool
    var $table        = TABLE_CARS;
    var $sequenceName = TABLE_CARS;

    // this is default, but to demonstrate it here ...
    var $primaryCol =   'id';

     * This table spec assigns a short name to a table name
     * this short name is needed in case the table name changes
     * i.e. when u put the application on a provider's db, where you have to
     * prefix each table, and you dont need to change the entire application to
     * where you refer to joined table columns, for that joined results the
     * short name is used instead of the table name
    var $tableSpec = array(
        array('name'  => TABLE_CARS, 'shortName' =>  'cars'),
        //array('name'  => TABLE_TIME, 'shortName' =>  'time'),

//instanciate an object of the Car class
$car = new Car($dsn);

//get the car #3
$car->reset();     // reset the query-builder, so no where, order, etc. are set
$res = $car->get(3);

//get all the cars
$car->reset();     // reset the query-builder, so no where, order, etc. are set
$res = $car->getAll();

// get the first 10 cars
$car->reset();     // reset the query-builder, so no where, order, etc. are set
$res = $car->getAll(0, 10);

//get all the red cars with clima, sorted by price
$res = $car->getAll();

//add a new car to the database
$data = array(
    'model' => 'Super Trooper',
    'hp'    => 140,
    'color' => 'black',
    'clima' => 0,
    'price' => 19000
$newCarId = $car->save($data);

//update an existing car
$data = array(
    'id'    => $newCarId,
    'clima' => 1,
    'price' => 20000,
$res = $car->save($data);   //equivalent to $car->update($data);

//remove the car from the database
$res = $car->remove($newCarId);

Example 2 - Classes

MDB_QueryTool also offers working with classes. Here's a sample usage:
require_once 'MDB/QueryTool.php';
define('TABLE_CARS', 'cars');
$dsn = 'mysql://user:pass@host/dbname';

 * Let's suppose the "car" table has the following fields:
 * (id, model, hp, color, clima, price)
class Car extends MDB_QueryTool
    var $table        = TABLE_CARS;
    var $sequenceName = TABLE_CARS;

    // this is default, but to demonstrate it here ...
    var $primaryCol =   'id';

     * This table spec assigns a short name to a table name
     * this short name is needed in case the table name changes
     * i.e. when u put the application on a provider's db, where you have to
     * prefix each table, and you dont need to change the entire application to
     * where you refer to joined table columns, for that joined results the
     * short name is used instead of the table name
    var $tableSpec = array(
        array('name'  => TABLE_CARS, 'shortName' =>  'cars'),
        //array('name'  => TABLE_TIME, 'shortName' =>  'time'),

//instanciate an object of the Car class
$car = new Car($dsn);

//get the car #3
$car->reset();     // reset the query-builder, so no where, order, etc. are set
$res = $car->get(3)->fetchRow();

//get all the cars
$car->reset();     // reset the query-builder, so no where, order, etc. are set
$cars = $car->getAll();
while ($res = $cars->getNext()) {

// get the first 10 cars
$car->reset();     // reset the query-builder, so no where, order, etc. are set
$cars = $car->getAll(0, 10);
while ($res = $cars->getNext()) {

//get all the red cars with clima, sorted by price
$cars = $car->getAll();
while ($res = $cars->getNext()) {

//add a new car to the database
$newCar = $car->newEntity();
$newCar->model = 'Super Trooper';
$newCar->hp    = 140;
$newCar->color = 'black';
$newCar->clima = 0;
$newCar->price = 19000;

$newCarId = $newCar->save();

//update an existing car
$res        = $car->get($newCarId)->fetchRow();
$res->clima = 1;
$res->price = 20000;

//remove the car from the database
$res = $car->get($newCarId)->fetchRow();


Object --  An introduction to the usage of Objects with MDB_QueryTool

MDB_QueryTool Object Description

It is possible to use Objects as result. A comprehensive example may be seen in the intro.

But using objects is not a simple alternative to using arrays as result. It is also possible to register an own Class to be resulted instead of the default MDB_QueryTool_Result_Row. The new resulting class has to be child of the MDB_QueryTool_Result_Row class.

Example 1 - Change the default result class

To change the resulting class the method setReturnClass is used.
require_once 'MDB/QueryTool.php';
require_once 'MDB/QueryTool/Result/Object.php';
define('TABLE_CARS', 'cars');
$dsn = 'mysql://user:pass@host/dbname';

 * Let's suppose the "cars" table has the following fields:
 * (id, model, hp, color, clima, price)
class Car extends MDB_QueryTool
    public $table = TABLE_CARS;

class CarEntity extends MDB_QueryTool_Result_Row

//instanciate an object of the Car class
$car = new Car($dsn);

Controlling class variable access

This can now be used to implement getter and setter and thus regulate the accessability to the values. In order to block the access to the class variables from outside they have to be declared as protected. Declaring them as private would result in also blocking the parent class, which gets the data, of accessing them. Of course when doing so corresponding methods have to be implemented to access the variables again.

Example 2 - Restricting class variable access

To keep the example short only methods for dealing with model, hp and clima have been implemented.
require_once 'MDB/QueryTool.php';
require_once 'MDB/QueryTool/Result/Object.php';
define('TABLE_CARS', 'cars');
$dsn = 'mysql://user:pass@host/dbname';

 * Let's suppose the "cars" table has the following fields:
 * (id, model, hp, color, clima, price)
class Car extends MDB_QueryTool
    public $table = TABLE_CARS;

class CarEntity extends MDB_QueryTool_Result_Row
    protected $id;
    protected $model;
    protected $hp;
    protected $color;
    protected $clima;
    protected $price;
    public function getModel() {
        return $this->model;
    public function setModel($model) {
        $this->model = $model;
    public function getHp() {
        return $this->hp;
    public function setHp($hp) {
        $this->hp = $hp;
        public function getClima() {
        if ($this->clima) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    public function setClima($clima) {
        if ($clima) {
            $this->clima = 1;
        } else {
            $this->clima = 0;

//instantiate an object of the Car class
$car = new Car($dsn);


This example only demonstrates a very basic feature. But it enables for example the implementation of Decorators. Every feature of modern OOP is now possible to implement.

Quick API reference

Quick API reference --  A quick overview of the available methods. Please refer to the full API docs for a detailed documentation.

MDB_QueryTool available methods

MDB_QueryTool provides the following methods:

  • autoJoin($tables)

    Join the given tables, using the column names, to find out how to join the tables; i.e., if table1 has a column named "table2_id", this method will join "WHERE". All joins made here are only concatenated via AND.

  • getDbInstance

    Return a PEAR::DB object

  • setDbInstance

    Pass an existing PEAR::DB object to MDB_QueryTool

  • get($id, $column)

    Get the data of a single entry. If the second parameter is only one column, the result will be returned directly, not as an array!

  • getMultiple($ids, $column)

    Same as get(), but for all the elements in the $ids array.

  • getAll()

    Get all the entries from the db.

  • getCol($column)

    This method only returns one column, so the result will be a one dimensional array. This does also mean that using setSelect() should be set to *one* column, the one you want to have returned. A common use case for this could be:
    $ids = $table->getCol();
    $ids = $table->getCol('id');
    so ids will be an array with all the id's.

  • getCount()

    Get the number of entries.

  • getDefaultValues()

    return an empty element where all the array elements do already exist corresponding to the columns in the DB

  • getQueryString()

    Render the current query and return it as a string.

  • save($data)

    Save data, calls either update() or add(). If the primaryCol is given in the data this method knows that the data passed to it are meant to be updated (call update()), otherwise it will call the method add(). If you dont like this behaviour simply stick with the methods add() and update() and ignore this one here. This method is very useful when you have validation checks that have to be done for both adding and updating, then you can simply overwrite this method and do the checks in here, and both cases will be validated first.

  • update($data)

    Update the member data of a data set.

  • add($data)

    Add a new member in the db.

  • addMultiple($data)

    Adds multiple new members in the db.

  • remove($data, $whereCol)

    Removes a member from the db. data is the value of the column that shall be removed (integer/string); if an array is used, it must contain multiple columns that shall be matched (in this case, the second parameter will be ignored); $whereCol: the column to match the data against, only if data is not an array

  • removeAll()

    Empty a table.

  • removeMultiple($ids, $colName)

    Remove the datasets with the given ids. If colName is set, it is used as the primary key column name.

  • removePrimary($ids, $colName, $atLeastOneObject)

    Removes a member from the db and calls the remove() methods of the given objects so all rows in another table that refer to this table are erased too.

  • setLimit($from=0, $count=0)

    Set the limits for the following query.

  • getLimit()

    Get the limits for the following query.

  • setWhere($whereCondition)

    Sets the where condition which is used for the current instance.

  • getWhere()

    Gets the where condition which is used for the current instance.

  • addWhere($whereCondition, $condition)

    Adds a string to the where clause. The default condition is AND.

  • addWhereSearch($column, $stringToSearch, $condition)

    Add a where-like clause which works like a search for the given string; i.e. calling it like this:
    $this->addWhereSearch('name', 'otto hans')
    produces a where clause like this one
    UPPER(name) LIKE "%OTTO%HANS%"
    so the search finds the given string.

  • setOrder($orderCondition, $desc=FALSE)

    Sets the order condition which is used for the current instance.

  • getOrder()

    Gets the order condition which is used for the current instance.

  • addOrder($orderCondition, $desc=FALSE)

    Adds an order parameter to the query.

  • setHaving($havingCondition)

    Sets the having condition which is used for the current instance.

  • getHaving()

    Gets the having condition which is used for the current instance.

  • addHaving($what, $connectString)

    Adds an having parameter to the query.

  • setJoin($table, $where, $joinType)

    Sets the join condition which is used for the current instance.

  • setLeftJoin($table, $where)

    Sets a left join on $this->table.

  • addLeftJoin($table, $where, $type)

    Adds a left join to the query.

  • setRightJoin($table, $where)

    Sets a right join on $this->table.

  • getJoin($what)

    Gets the join-condition.

  • addJoin($table, $where, $type)

    adds a table and a where clause that shall be used for the join instead of calling
    setJoin(array(table1, table2), '<where clause1> AND <where clause2>');
    you can also call
    setJoin(table1,'<where clause1>');
    addJoin(table2,'<where clause2>');

  • setTable($table)

    Sets the table this class is currently working on.

  • getTable()

    Gets the table this class is currently working on.

  • setGroup($group)

    Sets the group-by condition.

  • getGroup()

    Gets the group-by condition.

  • setSelect($what)

    Limit the result to return only the columns given in what.

  • addSelect($what, $connectString)

    Add a string to the select-part of the query and connects it to an existing string using the connectString, which by default is a comma. ("SELECT xxx FROM..." xxx is the select-part of a query)

  • getSelect()

    Gets the select-part of the query.

  • setDontSelect($what)

    Exclude some columns from the resultset.

  • getDontSelect()

    Gets the columns excluded from the resultset.

  • reset($what)

    Reset all the set* settings, with no parameter given it resets them all.

  • setOption($option, $value)

    Set mode the class shall work in. The 'raw' mode does not quote the data before building the query

  • getOption($option)

    Get the given option.

  • debug($string)

    override this method and i.e. print the queryString to see the final query.

  • getTableShortName($table)

    Gets the short name for a table.

  • execute($query, $method)

    Execute a query (the current query is executed when query is null.

  • writeLog($text)

    Write events to the logfile. It does some additional work, like time measuring etc. to see some additional info.

  • returnResult($result)

    Return the chosen result type

  • setIndex($key)

    Format the result to be indexed by key. NOTE: be careful, when using this you should be aware, that if you use an index which's value appears multiple times you may loose data since a key can't exist multiple times! The result for a result to be indexed by a key(=columnName) (i.e. 'relationtoMe') which's values are 'brother' and 'sister' or alike normally returns this:
    $res['brother'] = array('name' => 'xxx');
    $res['sister']  = array('name' => 'xxx');
    but if the column 'relationtoMe' contains multiple entries for 'brother' then the returned dataset will only contain one brother, since the value from the column 'relationtoMe' is used and which 'brother' you get depends on a lot of things, like the sort order, how the db saves the data, and whatever else. You can also set indexes which depend on 2 columns, simply pass the parameters like ',' it will be used as a string for indexing the result and the index will be built using the 2 values given, so a possible index might be '1,2' or '2108,29389' this way you can access data which have 2 primary keys. Be sure to remember that the index is a string!

  • getIndex()

    Gets the index.

  • useResult($type)

    Choose the type of the returned result ('array', 'object', 'none')

  • setErrorCallback($param)

    Set both callbacks.

  • setErrorLogCallback($param)

    Set the error log callback.

  • setErrorSetCallback($param)

    Set the error set callback.

Глава 35. Дата и время

Предоставляет пакеты для работы с датой и временными данными.

Глава 36. Шифрование

Предоставляет пакеты для шифрования.


Introduction -- encryption
Crypt_CHAP::generateChallenge() -- Generates a new random challenge.
Crypt_CHAP_MD5::Crypt_CHAP_MD5() -- constructor
Crypt_CHAP_MD5::challengeResponse() -- Generates the challenge-response paket.
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1() -- constructor
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::challengeResponse() -- Generates the Challenge-Response paket.
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::lmChallengeResponse() -- Generates the Challenge-Response paket using the LAN-Manager Hash.
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::ntChallengeResponse() -- Generates the Challenge-Response paket using the NT-Hash.
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::ntPasswordHash() -- Generates the NT-Hash from the given plaintext-password.
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::lmPasswordHash() -- Generates the LAN-Manager-Hash from the given plaintext-password.
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::str2unicode() -- Converts a string to unicode.
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::response() -- Generates the response-packet.
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv2::Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv2() -- constructor
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv2::challengeHash() -- Generates the Challenge-Hash.
Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv2::ntPasswordHashHash() -- Generates an MD4 Hash from the NT-Hash.

Classes for generating packets for various CHAP Protocols


Introduction -- encryption

CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

CHAP is a part usualy of PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) software, implemented in the authentication subsystem. CHAP avoid's sending plaintext passwords over an insecure link. The traditional CHAP-MD5 needs the plaintext password stored on the server. MS-CHAP doesen't need this, but also needs the password either as NT-Hash and/or as LAN-Manager-Hash. LAN-Manager-Hashes are weak and shouldn't be used anymore.

This package provides 3 classes:

Crypt_CHAP::Crypt_CHAP_MD5() - for generating CHAP-MD5 (RFC 1994) compliant pakets
Crypt_CHAP::Crypt_MSCHAPv1() - for generating MS-CHAPv1 (RFC 2433) compliant pakets
Crypt_CHAP::Crypt_MSCHAPv2() - for generating MS-CHAPv2 (RFC 2759) compliant pakets

Crypt_CHAP::Crypt_CHAP is an abstract base class.

In order to get the MS-CHAP* to work you need the mhash extension.


Crypt_CHAP::generateChallenge() -- Generates a new random challenge.


This method generates a new random challenge and stores it in the given property, the default size of the challenge is 8 bytes.


  • string $varname - name of the property for storing the challenge

  • int $size - the size of the challenge

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing the challenge


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Crypt_CHAP_MD5::Crypt_CHAP_MD5() -- constructor


Generates a new Object for generating CHAP-MD5 compliant pakets.


Crypt_CHAP_MD5::challengeResponse() -- Generates the challenge-response paket.


This method generates the challenge-response paket, by doing: md5(ID + Password + Challenge).

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing the challenge-response paket


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1() -- constructor


Generates a new Object for generating MS-CHAPv1 compliant pakets.


You need the mhash extension in order to get this class to work.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::challengeResponse() -- Generates the Challenge-Response paket.


This method generates the Challenge-Response paket.

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing the challenge-response paket


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::lmChallengeResponse() -- Generates the Challenge-Response paket using the LAN-Manager Hash.


This method generates the Challenge-Response using the LAN-Manager Hash.

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing the challenge-response


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::ntChallengeResponse() -- Generates the Challenge-Response paket using the NT-Hash.


This method generates the Challenge-Response using the NT-Hash.

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing the challenge-response


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::ntPasswordHash() -- Generates the NT-Hash from the given plaintext-password.


This method generates NT-Hash from the given plaintext-password or from the password property. The NT-Hash is computed like this: md4(str2unicode(plaintext))


  • string $password - the password to be hashed

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing the NT-Hash


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::lmPasswordHash() -- Generates the LAN-Manager-Hash from the given plaintext-password.


This method generates LAN-Manager-Hash from the given plaintext-password or from the password property.


  • string $password - the password to be hashed

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing the LAN-Manager-Hash


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

LAN-Manager Hash are weak and should not be used anymore.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::str2unicode() -- Converts a string to unicode.


This method generates converts the given string to unicode.


  • string $str - the string to be unicoded

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing unicode representation of the given string


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv1::response() -- Generates the response-packet.


This method generates the response paket, containing the NT-Challenge-Response and/or the LM-Challenge-Response. By default the LM-Challenge-Response is not included.


  • bool $lm - wether including the LM-Challenge-Response

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing the paket


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv2::Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv2() -- constructor


Generates a new Object for generating MS-CHAPv2 compliant pakets. This version of CHAP uses also a Peer-Challenge, LM-Hashes are not used anymore. The Constructor generates automatically a Peer-Challenge and the Authenticator-Challenge.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv2::challengeHash() -- Generates the Challenge-Hash.


This method generates the (SHA1) Challenge-Hash containing the authenticator and the peer challenge and the username.

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing the Challenge-Hash


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Crypt_CHAP_MSCHAPv2::ntPasswordHashHash() -- Generates an MD4 Hash from the NT-Hash.


This method generates an MD4 Hash from the given NT-Hash.


  • string $nthash - the NT-Hash to be hashed

Возвращаемое значение

string - a String containing the NT-Hash


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Глава 37. Event

Provides packages for event based development.


Introduction -- Introduction to Event_Dispatcher
Examples -- Examples for the usage of Event_Dispatcher
Event_Dispatcher::getInstance() -- Create a new Event_Dispatcher object
Event_Dispatcher::getName() -- Get the name of the dispatcher.
Event_Dispatcher::addObserver() -- Add a new observer.
Event_Dispatcher::removeObserver() -- Remove an observer.
Event_Dispatcher::setNotificationClass() -- Set the class that is used as notification.
Event_Dispatcher::post() -- Post a notification.
Event_Dispatcher::addNestedDispatcher() -- Add a nested dispatcher.
Event_Dispatcher::removeNestedDispatcher() -- Remove a nested dispatcher.
Event_Notification -- Container class for notifications.
Event_Notification::Event_Notification() -- Create a new notification object.
Event_Notification::getNotificationName() -- Get the name of the notification.
Event_Notification::getNotificationObject() -- Get the object that sent the notification.
Event_Notification::getNotificationInfo() -- Get additional information from the notification.
Event_Notification::getNotificationCount() -- Get number of observers notified.
Event_Notification::cancelNotification() -- Cancel the notification.
Event_Notification::isNotificationCancelled() -- Check, whether notification has been cancelled.

Dispatch notifications using PHP callbacks


Introduction -- Introduction to Event_Dispatcher

Introduction to Event_Dispatcher

Event_Dispatcher acts as a notification dispatch table. It is used to notify other objects of interesting things. This information is encapsulated in Event_Notification objects.

Client objects register themselves with the Event_Dispatcher as observers of specific notifications posted by other objects. When an event occurs, an object posts an appropriate notification to the Event_Dispatcher. The Event_Dispatcher dispatches a message to each registered observer, passing the notification as the sole argument.

Event_Dispatchers allows you to use event bubbling similar to JavaScript's event management. If an event is not handled by the dispatcher that triggered the event, it may bubble up to the next dispatcher.


Examples -- Examples for the usage of Event_Dispatcher

Examples usage of Event_Dispatcher

The following examples show you how to use Event_Dispatcher to create more flexible applications.


Event_Dispatcher::getInstance() -- Create a new Event_Dispatcher object


Create a new Event_Dispatcher object.

As Event_Dispatcher uses the singleton pattern, you must not use the new operator to create a new instance of Event_Dispatcher, but use getInstance() instead.

If you need more than one instance of Event_Dispatcher, pass different names to the method.


  • string $name = '__default'

Возвращаемое значение

object Event_Dispatcher Event_Dispatcher instance


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


Event_Dispatcher::getName() -- Get the name of the dispatcher.


Get the name of the dispatcher.

The name of the dispatcher is used as a unique identifier. This is important for the methods getInstance() and removeNestedDispatcher().

Возвращаемое значение

string name of the dispatcher


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Dispatcher::addObserver() -- Add a new observer.


Adds a new observer to the dispatcher.

Observers are PHP callbacks. That means you may either pass a function name as a string or an array containing an object or class and a method to call.

The callback is used as a signature for the observer, which allows you to remove it by passing the exact same parameters to removeObserver().


  • mixed $callback

    Callback to notity, may either be a string containing the name of a global function or an array containing class or object and the name of the method to call.


    Acts as a filter: notify the observer only if the notification name matches the name passed in this parameter. Use EVENT_DISPATCHER_GLOBAL if the observer should be notified regardles of the notification name.

  • string $class = ''

    Acts as a filter: notify the observer only if the sender of the notification matches the class passed in this parameter.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Dispatcher::removeObserver() -- Remove an observer.


Remove an observer from dispatcher.

To remove an observer, specify the same parameters as used in the call to addObserver().


  • mixed $callback

    Callback to notity, may either be a string containing the name of a global function or an array containing class or object and the name of the method to call.


    Acts as a filter: notify the observer only if the notification name matches the name passed in this parameter. Use EVENT_DISPATCHER_GLOBAL if the observer should be notified regardles of the notification name.

  • string $class = ''

    Acts as a filter: notify the observer only if the sender of the notification matches the class passed in this parameter.

Возвращаемое значение

bool TRUE if the observer could be removed, FALSE otherwise


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Dispatcher::setNotificationClass() -- Set the class that is used as notification.


Set the name of the class that will be used as a notification object when post() is called.

You may call this method on an object to change it for a single dispatcher or statically, to set the default for all dispatchers that will be created.


  • string $class

    Name of the class that is used as a notification container when the post() method is called. Make sure the class is loaded before using it as notification class.

Возвращаемое значение

This method always returns true.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Event_Dispatcher::post() -- Post a notification.


Post a new notification to all observers.


  • object &$object

    Reference to the object that posts the notification (the sender). May be used to filter notifications in the callbacks.

  • string $nName

    Name of the notification.

  • mixed $info = array()

    Additional information about the notification.

  • bool $pending = TRUE

    Notifications are by default added to a pending notification list. This way, if an observer is not registered by the time they are posted, it will still be notified when it is added as an observer.

    This behaviour can be turned off in order to make sure that only the registered observers will be notified.

  • bool $bubble = TRUE

    Notifications are by default added broadcasted to any nested dispatchers that have been added using addNestedDispatcher().

    This behaviour can be turned off in order to make sure that only the observers added the the posting dispatcher will be notified. This allows you to differentiate between global and local notifications.

Возвращаемое значение

object Event_Notification The notification object.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Dispatcher::addNestedDispatcher() -- Add a nested dispatcher.


Adds a nested dispatcher to the dispatcher.

Nested dispatchers allow you to create event bubbling like it is implemented in Javascript. After an event has been posted to all observers of the dispatcher, it will be broadcasted to all nested dispatchers.

If you have one dispatcher that dispatches events of a component in your framework and one dispatcher that dispatches global events that are triggered by the framework itself it could make sense that you nest these dispatchers, so that events posted by the component dispatcher will also be broadcasted to the global dispatcher.


  • object Event_Dispatcher &$dispatcher

    Dispatcher that should be added as a nested dispatcher to the current dispatcher.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Dispatcher::removeNestedDispatcher() -- Remove a nested dispatcher.


Removes a nested dispatcher from the dispatcher.

To remove a dispatcher from the list of nested dispatcher, just pass the same object to removeNestedDispatcher().


  • object Event_Dispatcher &$dispatcher

    Dispatcher that should be removed from the list of nested dispatchers.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean TRUE if the dispatcher could be removed, FALSE otherwise.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Notification -- Container class for notifications.


The Event_Notification class acts as a container for event information. It provides some setters and getters to access the contained information.

If you need to store additional information about the events or provide additional features, you may change the class that is used by Event_Dispatcher, but it is recommended to extend Event_Notification.


Event_Notification::Event_Notification() -- Create a new notification object.


Constructor of the Event_Notification class.

In most cases, you will not need to create the notification objects yourself, as this is done automatically by the Event_Dispatcher::post() method..


  • object &$object

    Reference to the object that posts the notification (the sender). May be used to filter notifications in the callbacks.

  • string $nName

    Name of the notification.

  • mixed $info = array()

    Additional information about the notification.

Возвращаемое значение

string name of the notification


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Notification::getNotificationName() -- Get the name of the notification.


Get the name of the notification.

Возвращаемое значение

string name of the notification


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Notification::getNotificationObject() -- Get the object that sent the notification.


Get a reference to the object that sent the notification.

Возвращаемое значение

object sender of the notification


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Notification::getNotificationInfo() -- Get additional information from the notification.


Get additional information that has been stored in the notification.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed additional information.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Notification::getNotificationCount() -- Get number of observers notified.


Retrieves the amount of observers that have been notified by the notification.

Возвращаемое значение

int number of observers notified.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Notification::cancelNotification() -- Cancel the notification.


Cancels the notification.

If a notification is cancelled, no more observers will be notified by this notification.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Event_Notification::isNotificationCancelled() -- Check, whether notification has been cancelled.


Checks, whether the notification has been cancelled.

Возвращаемое значение

bool TRUE if the notification has been cancelled, FALSE otherwise.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Глава 38. Форматы файлов

Предоставляет пакеты для работы с разными форматами файлов.


Introduction --  Build (create) and fetch vCard 2.1 and 3.0 text blocks.
Usage --  How to use Contact_VCard_Build

Build (create) and fetch vCard 2.1 and 3.0 text blocks.

Please read About Contact_Vcard first.


Introduction --  Build (create) and fetch vCard 2.1 and 3.0 text blocks.

Contact_Vcard_Build Description

Allows you to programmatically create a vCard, version 2.1 or 3.0, and fetch the vCard text.

Differences Between vCard 2.1 and vCard 3.0

The 2.1 specification uses CRLF to terminate lines (\r\n). It allows the following components and parameters:

  • Parameters:




    • CHARSET of any ISO charset specification.

    • LANGUAGE is very lenient, basically anything so long as it uses only the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and dash (-).

  • Components and methods

    • VERSION (setVersion())

    • FN (setFormattedName())

    • N (setName())

    • PHOTO (setPhoto())

    • BDAY (setBirthday())

    • ADR (addAddress())

    • LABEL (addLabel())

    • TEL (addTelephone())

    • EMAIL (addEmail())

    • MAILER (setMailer())

    • TZ (setTZ())

    • GEO (setGeo())

    • TITLE (setTitle())

    • ROLE (setRole())

    • LOGO (setLogo())

    • AGENT (setAgent())

    • ORG (addOrganization())

    • NOTE (setNote())

    • REV (setRevision())

    • SOUND (setSound())

    • URL (setURL())

    • KEY (setKey())

The 3.0 specification uses LF to terminate lines (\n). It allows the following components and parameters:

  • Parameters:

    • TYPE of any of the 2.1 TYPE values, or any other value so long as it uses only the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and dash (-).

    • ENCODING of 8BIT and B ("binary").


  • Components and Methods:

    • VERSION (setVersion())

    • FN (setFormattedName())

    • N (setName())

    • NAME (setSourceName())

    • SOURCE (setSource())

    • NICKNAME (addNickname())

    • PHOTO (setPhoto())

    • BDAY (setBirthday())

    • ADR (addAddress())

    • LABEL (addLabel())

    • TEL (addTelephone())

    • EMAIL (addEmail())

    • MAILER (setMailer())

    • TZ (setTZ())

    • GEO (setGeo())

    • TITLE (setTitle())

    • ROLE (setRole())

    • LOGO (setLogo())

    • AGENT (setAgent())

    • ORG (addOrganization())

    • CATEGORIES (addCategories())

    • NOTE (setNote())

    • PRODID (setProductID())

    • REV (setRevision())

    • SORT-STRING (setSortString())

    • SOUND (setSound())

    • UID (setUniqueID())

    • URL (setURL())

    • CLASS (setClass())

    • KEY (setKey())


Usage --  How to use Contact_VCard_Build


The basic use of Contact_Vcard_Build is straightforward: instantiate a builder object, add values and parameters, then fetch the resulting vCard.


To create an instance of a Contact_Vcard_Build ("builder") object, include the class file and issue a new directive:

    require_once 'Contact_Vcard_Build.php';
    $vcard =& new Contact_Vcard_Build();

By default, this creates a builder object that will allow you to fetch a version 3.0 vCard. If you want to build a version 2.1 vCard, pass '2.1' as the only constructor argument:

    $vcard =& new Contact_Vcard_Build('2.1');

How To Set A Component Value

There are two ways to set the value of a component: use the method specifically for the component you want to add, or use the generic setValue() and addValue() methods. While the generic methods allow you direct control over every individual component, iteration, structured part, and value repetition, the component-specific methods are often easier to use.

Замечание: You must set the FN (formatted name) and N (personal name) components; these are required by both 2.1 and 3.0 version vCards.

For example, if you want to add two ADR components to the vCard, you can do it with the ADR-specific method...

    // add first address iteration
    $vcard->addAddress($pobox0, $extend0, $street0, $city0, 
        $state0, $zip0, $country0);

    // add second address iteration
    $vcard->addAddress($pobox1, $extend1, $street1, $city1, 
        $state1, $zip1, $country1);

...or you can use the generic methods:

    // add first address (iteration = 0)
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 0, VCARD_ADR_POB,      $pobox0);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 0, VCARD_ADR_EXTEND,   $extend0);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 0, VCARD_ADR_STREET,   $street0);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 0, VCARD_ADR_LOCALITY, $city0);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 0, VCARD_ADR_REGION,   $state0);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 0, VCARD_ADR_POSTCODE, $zip0);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 0, VCARD_ADR_COUNTRY,  $country0);

    // add second address (iteration = 1)
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 1, VCARD_ADR_POB,      $pobox1);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 1, VCARD_ADR_EXTEND,   $extend1);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 1, VCARD_ADR_STREET,   $street1);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 1, VCARD_ADR_LOCALITY, $city1);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 1, VCARD_ADR_REGION,   $state1);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 1, VCARD_ADR_POSTCODE, $zip1);
    $vcard->addValue('ADR', 1, VCARD_ADR_COUNTRY,  $country1);

Please see the Contact_Vcard_Build.php inline comments for descriptions of how to use each component-specific method.

How To Set A Parameter Value

There is only one way to add a parameter: use the addParam() method. Unlike with adding values, there are no component-specifc methods to add parameters.

In general, you should add the parameters of a component immediately after you add the complete value of a component, because the builder object keeps track of what was the last component value added. (This is why there are no component-specific add-parameter methods.)

For example, we can set the params for the ADR components as in the above code:

    // add first address iteration
    $vcard->addAddress($pobox0, $extend0, $street0, $city0, 
        $state0, $zip0, $country0);

    // add parameters to the first address
    $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'HOME');
    $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'PREF');

    // add second address iteration
    $vcard->addAddress($pobox1, $extend1, $street1, $city1, 
        $state1, $zip1, $country1);

    // add parameters to the second address
    $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'WORK');

Thus, the first address will have TYPE=HOME,PREF and the second will have TYPE=WORK as their parameters.

Alternatively, you can add parameters directly using the same addParam() method, with some additional arguments:

    // add parameters to the first address iteration
    // (component = ADR, iteration = 0)
    $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'HOME', 'ADR', 0);
    $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'PREF', 'ADR', 0);

    // add parameters to the second address iteration
    // (component = ADR, iteration = 1)
    $vcard->addParam('TYPE', 'WORK', 'ADR', 1);

This does the same thing as the earlier addParam() code.

Замечание: Although the version 2.1 specification optionally allows parameter values to be indicated without without specified types (i.e, "HOME" instead of "TYPE=HOME") the Contact_Vcard_Build class is not so lenient. With Contact_Vcard_Builder, you must set both the parameter kind and parameter value.

How To Fetch A vCard

After you have added all the values and parameters that you want, you get back the vCard using the fetch() method. This will return the components, parameters, and values (including BEGIN:VCARD and END:VCARD) in proper format for the vCard version.

    $text = $vcard->fetch();

Замечание: If you set values and parameters for components that are not part of the selected vCard version, they will not be included in the fetched vCard text.

Замечание: You must have set the FN (formatted name) and N (personal name) components, or the fetch() method will return a PEAR_Error object. The FN and N components are required by both 2.1 and 3.0 version vCards.


Introduction --  Build (create) and fetch vCard 2.1 and 3.0 text blocks.
How Data Is Returned --  Getting data from the file
Known issues --  Problems you might encounter

Parse vCard 2.1 and 3.0 files.

Please read About Contact_Vcard first.


Introduction --  Build (create) and fetch vCard 2.1 and 3.0 text blocks.


Here are some quick instructions for the impatient. :-)

  • Download and un-compress Contact_Vcard_Parse from the PEAR archive.

  • Include Contact_Vcard_Parse.php in your PHP script.

  • Instantiate a new Contact_Vcard_Parse object.

  • Use the fromFile() method to parse any file which may have one or more vCards in it; try the sample.vcf file for a start. Contact_Vcard_Parse should work with both 2.1 and 3.0 vCard files.

  • Use print_r() to view the resulting array of data from the parsed file.

  • Do what you want with the data, such as insert into a table.

How Data Is Returned

How Data Is Returned --  Getting data from the file


Contact_Vcard_Parse reads a file or block of text for vCard data, then converts that data into a series of nested arrays. I used to present a detailed prose explanation of the array, but I think it's easier to just give a generic outline of the array:

$parse_result = array (
    [int_cardnumber] => array (
        [string_datatype] => array (
            ["param"] => array (
                [string_paramname] => array (
                    [int_repetitionnumber] => string_paramtext
            ["value"] => array (
                [int_partnumber] => array (
                    [int_repetitionnumber] => string_valuetext

By way of example, let's take a look at the vCard of my friend Bolivar Shagnasty.

FN:Bolivar Shagnasty
ADR;TYPE=HOME,WORK:;;123 Main,Apartment 101;Beverly Hills;CA;90210

This is a pretty simple vCard: my buddy Bolivar's name, one address (looks like Bolivar works from home), two email addresses (one for work and home, and one as his "preferred" address). This simple vCard, when it gets parsed, looks like this:

    [0] => Array
            [VERSION] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [param] => Array

                            [value] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => 3.0




            [N] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [param] => Array

                            [value] => Array
                                    [0] => Array // family
                                            [0] => Shagnasty

                                    [1] => Array // first
                                            [0] => Bolivar

                                    [2] => Array // additional or middle
                                            [0] => Odysseus

                                    [3] => Array // honorifix prefix
                                            [0] => Mr.

                                    [4] => Array // honorifix suffix
                                            [0] => III
                                            [1] => B.S.




            [FN] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [param] => Array

                            [value] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => Bolivar Shagnasty




            [ADR] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [param] => Array
                                    [TYPE] => Array
                                            [0] => HOME
                                            [1] => WORK


                            [value] => Array
                                    [0] => Array // p.o. box
                                            [0] => 

                                    [1] => Array // extended
                                            [0] => 

                                    [2] => Array // street
                                            [0] => 123 Main
                                            [1] => Apartment 101

                                    [3] => Array // locality or city
                                            [0] => Beverly Hills

                                    [4] => Array // region, state, or province
                                            [0] => CA

                                    [5] => Array // postal code
                                            [0] => 90210

                                    [6] => Array // country
                                            [0] => 




            [EMAIL] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [param] => Array
                                    [TYPE] => Array
                                            [0] => HOME
                                            [1] => WORK


                            [value] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] =>



                    [1] => Array
                            [param] => Array
                                    [TYPE] => Array
                                            [0] => PREF


                            [value] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] =>






Sweet Jebus! That's an ugly mess. But it retains every bit of info about the vCard so you can do what you like with it. It keeps (separately) every element and component so you can see the underlying structure of the vCard.

Yes, I know it's a deeply-nested array set, and is ugly and probably inefficient. The problem (or genius?) of the vCard format is that just about every part of a vCard element can have multiple values. While this makes the vCard format very flexible, it makes it a little difficult to parse and interpret in a simple fashion. The easiest way I could think of was a series of nested arrays. An object-oriented approach might be better, but even then you're going to have nested objects or nested arrays within the vCard object to represent multiple values of a vCard data element.

Known issues

Known issues --  Problems you might encounter


When I wrote this parser, my primary goal was to be able to read vCard files produced by the Mac OS X Address Book application. However, it looks like Address Book puts some weird character after every single text character in the output, in addition to some weird line endings. If you want to use .vcf files generated by the Mac OS X Address Book, you might need to massage the file in BBEdit or TextWrangler first; turn on "show invisibles" to see the offending characters, then do a search-and-replace to delete them all at once (or perhaps "Zap Gremlins").

UPDATE: David Weingart writes, "That's probably Unicode. In my extremely limited testing, it looks like in some cases you get plain vanilla ISO Latin 1, but if there are any high ascii characters in the entry, they export UTF 16 (double-byte) Unicode." Thanks, David. (Contact_Vcard_Parse does not do Unicode at this time.)

Contact_Vcard_Parse does not validate the information or formatting in the vCard (although it does decode quoted-printable text). In the spirit of "be lenient in what you accept and strict in what you produce", Contact_Vcard_Parse should be able to read just about anything from a vCard file, but it's up to you as the programmer to make sense of the data.

Contact_Vcard_Parse should work on file with any kind of line endings (Mac \r, Unix \n, and DOS \r\n) automatically. It also unfolds lines automatically, so data elements spread across multiple lines should come through OK.

If you discover a new bug or want to contribute code to Contact_Vcard_Parse, contact Paul M. Jones at pjones at ciaweb dot net; the subject line should start with [VCARD].


Introduction -- using File_DICOM
File_DICOM::File_DICOM() -- Constructor.
File_DICOM::parse() -- Parse a DICOM file.
File_DICOM::write() -- Write current contents to a DICOM file.
File_DICOM::getValue() -- Gets the value for a DICOM element.
File_DICOM::setValue() -- Sets the value for a DICOM element.
File_DICOM::dumpImage() -- Dumps the contents of the image inside the DICOM file (element 0x0010 from group 0x7FE0) to a PGM (Portable Gray Map) file.

Package for reading and modifying DICOM files


Introduction -- using File_DICOM

What is DICOM?

File_DICOM allows reading and modifying of DICOM files. DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine, and is a standard for creating, storing and transfering digital images (X-rays, tomography) and related information used in medicine. This package in particular does not support the exchange/transfer of DICOM data, nor any network related functionality. More information on the DICOM standard can be found at the NEMA site.

Please be aware that any use of the information produced by this package for diagnosing purposes is strongly discouraged by the author. See here for more information.


File_DICOM::File_DICOM() -- Constructor.


It creates a File_DICOM object.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_DICOM::parse() -- Parse a DICOM file.


Parse a DICOM file and get all of its header members.


string $infile

The DICOM file to parse

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_DICOM::write() -- Write current contents to a DICOM file.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $outfile

The name of the file to write. If not given it assumes the name of the file parsed. If no file was parsed and no name is given returns a PEAR_Error

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_DICOM::getValue() -- Gets the value for a DICOM element.


Gets the value for a DICOM element of a given group from the parsed DICOM file


mixed $group_or_name

The group the DICOM element belongs to (integer), or its name (string)

integer $element

The identifier for the DICOM element (unique inside a group). Optional

Возвращаемое значение

returns The value for the DICOM element on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_DICOM::setValue() -- Sets the value for a DICOM element.


Sets the value for a DICOM element. Only works with strings now.


integer $gp

The group the DICOM element belongs to

integer $el

The identifier for the DICOM element (unique inside a group)

mixed $value


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_DICOM::dumpImage() -- Dumps the contents of the image inside the DICOM file (element 0x0010 from group 0x7FE0) to a PGM (Portable Gray Map) file.


Use with Caution!!. For a 8.5MB DICOM file on a P4 it takes 28 seconds to dump it's image.


string $filename

The file where to save the image

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction --  Introduction to File_Fstab.
Entries --  Working with entries
Saving --  Saving your changes

This package reads and writes fstab files, or other files sharing their format, such as /proc/mounts on Linux systems.


Introduction --  Introduction to File_Fstab.


This package allows you to read, manipulate, and write fstab-format files, such as /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab, and /proc/mounts.


Entries --  Working with entries

Entry overview

The File_Fstab_Entry class represents all the information available about a particular entry in a Fstab file.

Entry properties

The entry has a number of properties which represent the information in the fstab file.


This is the path to the block device for this entry. $device, $uuid, and $label are mutually exclusive; only one of the three may be set.


The UUID of the device.


The label for this device.


The directory this device is mounted on.


The type of filesystem on $device.


Array of mount options for this device.


How often / if this filesystem should be backed up by dump.


Order of / if this device should be checked by fsck when the system boots.

You may want to read fstab(5) for more information about what these fields mean.

Finding entries

There are a number of ways of finding a specific entry from the fstab. You may find based on device, mountpoint, filesystem label, or UUID.

Finding by device

To find by device, you want to use the getEntryForDevice() function. The single argument this function accepts is the path to the block device for an entry.

Finding by path (mountpoint)

You may want to find a device based on the path it is mounted on; for example, you may want to get the entry for /cdrom, without caring if the CD device is /dev/hdb, /dev/cdrom, or some other device. To do this, use the getEntryForPath() function.

Finding by UUID

Some systems use a filesystem UUID to specify the device to mount. A UUID may look like this: b46ad2ee-01f3-4041-96ca-91d35d059417. The getEntryForUUID() function handles this.

Finding by label

Some filesystems allow you to specify a textual label to a filesystem. For example, you may label your root device rootdev, the device you mount on /home could be named homedirs and so forth. File_Fstab supports getting entries based on the device label. This is accomplished by using the getEntryForLabel() function.


Saving --  Saving your changes


Package to manage passwd-style files



Introduction -- 

New File_Passwd Facilities

The new File_Passwd package provides facilities to manage many different kinds of password files.

Currently supported password file formats: Unix, CVS, SMB, AuthUserFile, AuthDigestFile and custom formatted passwd files.


passwd-style means, the file has a format like this:

The delimiting character is usually the colon.

With the new File_Passwd_Custom class you can choose your delimiting character, but be aware that any column of your passwd file MUST NOT contain the delimiter!


File_Passwd Constants -- Constants used by File_Passwd
File_Passwd::apiVersion() -- Get API version
File_Passwd::factory() -- Factory for extensions
File_Passwd::staticAuth() -- Fast authentication

The File_Passwd class provides a factory for all special purpose classes, static authentication and common encryption methods.

File_Passwd Constants

File_Passwd Constants -- Constants used by File_Passwd



File_Passwd::apiVersion() -- Get API version


Returns API version of the File_Passwd package.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string API version (currently 1.0.0).


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


File_Passwd::factory() -- Factory for extensions


Load the desired worker class (extension).

  • Unix - for standard Unix passwd files

  • CVS - for CVS pserver passwd files

  • SMB - for SMB server passwd files

  • Authbasic - for AuthUserFiles

  • Authdigest - for AuthDigestFiles

  • Custom - for custom formatted passwd files


string $class

the desired extension of File_Passwd

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object File_Passwd extension or PEAR_Error on failure.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd::staticAuth() -- Fast authentication


Static user autentication.

Though this approach should be reasonable fast, it is NOT with APR compatible MD5 encryption used for htpasswd style password files encrypted in MD5.

Generating one MD5 password takes about 0.25 seconds!

Depending on $type, $opt should be:

  • Smb:

    encryption method (NT or LM)

  • Unix:

    encryption method (des or md5)

  • Authbasic:

    encryption method (des, sha or md5)

  • Authdigest:

    the realm the user is in

  • Cvs:

    n/a (empty)

  • Custom:

    array of 2 elements: encryption function and delimiter


string $type

Unix, Cvs, Smb, Authbasic or Authdigest

string $file

path to passwd file

string $user

the user to authenticate

string $pass

the plaintext password

mixed $opt

  • Smb:

    nt | lm

  • Unix:

    des | md5

  • Authbasic:

    des | sha | md5

  • Authdigest:

    the realm the user is in

  • Cvs:

    n/a (empty)

  • Custom:

    array of 2 elements: encryption function and delimiter


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


Childs -- Classes that extend File_Passwd_Common and their inherited methods
File_Passwd_Common::delUser() -- Delete a certain user
File_Passwd_Common::listUser() -- List user
File_Passwd_Common::userExists() -- Check if user exists
File_Passwd_Common::getFile() -- Get path of passwd file
File_Passwd_Common::setFile() -- Set path to passwd file
File_Passwd_Common::load() -- Loads the file
File_Passwd_Common::parse() -- Parse the content of the file
File_Passwd_Common::save() -- Apply changes and rewrite passwd file
File_Passwd_Common::_auth() -- Base method for File_Passwd::staticAuth()
File_Passwd_Common::_open() -- Open a file
File_Passwd_Common::_close() -- Closes a prior opened and locked file handle
File_Passwd_Common::_save() -- Save the modified content to the passwd file
File_Passwd_Common::__construct() -- Constructor (ZE2)

Base class for worker class extensions.


Childs -- Classes that extend File_Passwd_Common and their inherited methods


File_Passwd_Common::delUser() -- Delete a certain user


Delete a certain user.


string $user


Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::listUser() -- List user


List one user's properties or all users.


string $user

the user to list or all users if empty

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array of user(s) or PEAR_Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::userExists() -- Check if user exists


Check if a certain user already exists.


string $user

the name of the user to check if already exists

Возвращаемое значение

Returns boolean whether user already exists.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::getFile() -- Get path of passwd file


Get the path of the passwd file.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string path of passwd file.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::setFile() -- Set path to passwd file


Set path to passwd file.


string $file

path to passwd file


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::load() -- Loads the file


Loads the passwd file and calls the parse() method of the extending child class.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::parse() -- Parse the content of the file


This is kinda abstract method which only returns a PEAR_Error, so it is to be overwritten in the extending child class.

You must overwrite this method in your File_Passwd_* class.

(для разработчиков)

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::save() -- Apply changes and rewrite passwd file


This is kinda abstract method which only returns a PEAR_Error, so it is to be overwritten in the extending child class.

You must overwrite this method in your File_Passwd_* class.

(для разработчиков)

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::_auth() -- Base method for File_Passwd::staticAuth()


Base method for File_Passwd_*::staticAuth()

(для разработчиков)


string $file

path to passwd file

string $id

user_id to search for


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::_open() -- Open a file


Opens a file, locks it exclusively and returns the filehandle.

(для разработчиков)


string $mode

the mode to open the file with

string $file

path to passwd file


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::_close() -- Closes a prior opened and locked file handle


Closes a prior with File_Passwd_Common::_open() opened and locked file handle.

(для разработчиков)


resource &$file_handle

the file handle to operate on


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::_save() -- Save the modified content to the passwd file


Save content to file.

(для разработчиков)


string $content

file content


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Common::__construct() -- Constructor (ZE2)


Implemented for Zend Engine 2 compatibility.

(для разработчиков)


string $file

path to passwd file

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object File_Passwd_* - new instance of an File_Passwd_* object.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Manipulate custom formatted passwd files. (inherited methods)


File_Passwd_Custom::staticAuth() -- Fast authentication


Static user authentication.


string $file

path to passwd file

string $user

user to authenticate

string $pass

plaintext password

array $opts

A two element array containing the encryption function to use and the delimiting character: e.g. array('md5', '|')


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Custom::File_Passwd_Custom() -- Constructor


Initialize a new File_Passwd_Custom object with the specified path to passwd file.


string $file

path to passwd file

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object File_Passwd_Custom.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Custom::parse() -- Parse passwd file


Parse the custom passwd file. (для разработчиков)

This usually happens in File_Passwd_Custom::load() .

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.

Returns PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_INVALID_FORMAT, if passwd file has illegal format.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Custom::save() -- Save changes


Apply changes and rewrite passwd file.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Custom::addUser() -- Add an user


The username must start with an alphabetical character and must NOT contain any other characters than alphanumerics, the underline and dash.

The username MUST NOT contain the custom delimiter!

If you use the 'name map' you should also use these naming in the supplied extra array, because your values would get mixed up if they are in the wrong order, which is always true if you DON'T use the 'name map'!

So be warned and USE the 'name map'!


string $user

the name of the user to add

string $pass

the password of the user to add

array $extra

extra properties of user to add


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Custom::modUser() -- Modify user


You shouldn't modify the password of the user with this method, use File_Passwd_Custom::changePasswd() instead.

You should use this method only if the 'name map' is used, too.


string $user

the user to modify

array $properties

an associative array of properties to modify


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Custom::changePasswd() -- Change password


Change the password of a certain user.


string $user

the user whose password should be changed

string $pass

the new plaintext password

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Custom::verifyPasswd() -- Verify password


Verify the password of a certain user.


string $user

the user whose password should be verified

string $pass

the password to verify


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Custom::useMap() -- Whether to use the 'name map'


Whether to use the 'name map' of the extra properties or not.

You first must supply a 'name map' to use it.


boolean $bool

whether to use the 'name map' or not

Возвращаемое значение

Returns boolean TRUE if you set a value, or the actual value if called without param.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Custom::getMap() -- Get 'name map'


Get the 'name map' which is used for the extra properties of the user.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array 'name map'.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Custom::setMap() -- Set 'name map'


Set the 'name map' to use with the extra properties of the user.

This map is used for naming the associative array of the extra properties.


array $map

the 'name map'

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.

Returns PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_PARAM_MUST_BE_ARRAY, if the supplied 'name map' was not of type array.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::staticAuth() -- Fast authentication
File_Passwd_Unix::File_Passwd_Unix() -- Constructor
File_Passwd_Unix::parse() -- Parse passwd file
File_Passwd_Unix::save() -- Save changes
File_Passwd_Unix::addUser() -- Add an user
File_Passwd_Unix::modUser() -- Modify user
File_Passwd_Unix::changePasswd() -- Change password
File_Passwd_Unix::verifyPasswd() -- Verify password
File_Passwd_Unix::useMap() -- Whether to use the 'name map'
File_Passwd_Unix::getMap() -- Get 'name map'
File_Passwd_Unix::setMap() -- Set 'name map'
File_Passwd_Unix::getMode() -- Get actual encryption mode
File_Passwd_Unix::setMode() -- Set encryption mode
File_Passwd_Unix::listModes() -- Get supported encryption modes
File_Passwd_Unix::isShadowed() -- Check if passwd file is shadowed
File_Passwd_Unix::generatePassword() -- Generate password

Manipulate standard Unix passwd files. (inherited methods)


File_Passwd_Unix::staticAuth() -- Fast authentication


Static user authentication.


string $file

path to passwd file

string $user

user to authenticate

string $pass

plaintext password

string $mode

des or md5


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::File_Passwd_Unix() -- Constructor


Initialize a new File_Passwd_Unix object with the specified path to passwd file.


string $file

path to passwd file

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object File_Passwd_Unix.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::parse() -- Parse passwd file


Parse the unix passwd file. (для разработчиков)

This usually happens in File_Passwd_Unix::load() .

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.

Returns PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_INVALID_FORMAT, if passwd file has illegal format.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::save() -- Save changes


Apply changes and rewrite passwd file.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::addUser() -- Add an user


The username must start with an alphabetical character and must NOT contain any other characters than alphanumerics, the underline and dash.

If you use the 'name map' you should also use these naming in the supplied extra array, because your values would get mixed up if they are in the wrong order, which is always true if you DON'T use the 'name map'!

So be warned and USE the 'name map'!

If the passwd file is shadowed, the user will be added though, but with an 'x' as password, and a PEAR_Error will be returned, too.


string $user

the name of the user to add

string $pass

the password of the user to add

array $extra

extra properties of user to add


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::modUser() -- Modify user


You shouldn't modify the password of the user with this method, use File_Passwd_Unix::changePasswd() instead.

You should use this method only if the 'name map' is used, too.


string $user

the user to modify

array $properties

an associative array of properties to modify

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::changePasswd() -- Change password


Change the password of a certain user.


string $user

the user whose password should be changed

string $pass

the new plaintext password


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::verifyPasswd() -- Verify password


Verify the password of a certain user.


string $user

the user whose password should be verified

string $pass

the password to verify


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::useMap() -- Whether to use the 'name map'


Whether to use the 'name map' of the extra properties or not.

Default Unix passwd files look like: user:password:user_id:group_id:gecos:home_dir:shell

The default 'name map' for properties except user and password looks like:

  • uid

  • gid

  • gecos

  • home

  • shell

If you want to change the naming of the standard map use File_Passwd_Unix::setMap().


boolean $bool

whether to use the 'name map' or not

Возвращаемое значение

Returns boolean TRUE if you set a value, or the actual value if called without param.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::getMap() -- Get 'name map'


Get the 'name map' which is used for the extra properties of the user.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array 'name map'.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::setMap() -- Set 'name map'


Set the 'name map' to use with the extra properties of the user.

This map is used for naming the associative array of the extra properties.


array $map

the 'name map'

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.

Returns PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_PARAM_MUST_BE_ARRAY, if the supplied 'name map' was not of type array.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::getMode() -- Get actual encryption mode


Get actual encryption mode (des|md5).

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string actual encryption mode.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::setMode() -- Set encryption mode


Set encryption mode to use.

Supported encryption modes are 'des' and 'md5'.

You can use the constants FILE_PASSWD_MD5 and FILE_PASSWD_DES for this purpose.


string $mode

encryption mode to use

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.

Returns PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_INVALID_ENC_MODE, if supplied encryption mode is not supported.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::listModes() -- Get supported encryption modes


List the supported encryption modes.

<pre> array + md5 + des </pre>

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array supported encryption modes.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::isShadowed() -- Check if passwd file is shadowed


Check if the passwords of this passwd file are shadowed in another file.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns boolean whether passwords of this passwd file are shadowed in another file.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Unix::generatePassword() -- Generate password


Generate a "Un*x" style password.

The encryption mode can be of any type File_Passwd provides, although FILE_PASSWD_MD5 and FILE_PASSWD_DES are the most common.


string $pass

the plaintext password to encrypt

string $mode

the encryption mode to use

string $salt

the salt to use for encryption (usually empty)

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string encrypted password, or PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_INVALID_ENC_MODE if encryption mode is not supported.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


Manipulate CVS pserver passwd files. (inherited methods)


File_Passwd_Cvs::staticAuth() -- Fast authentication


Static user authentication.


string $file

path to passwd file

string $user

user to authenticate

string $pass

plaintext password


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Cvs::File_Passwd_Cvs() -- Constructor


Initialize a new File_Passwd_Cvs object with the given path to passwd file.


string $file

path to passwd file

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object File_Passwd_Cvs.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Cvs::parse() -- Parse file


Parse the CVS passwd file. (для разработчиков)

This usually happens in File_Passwd_Cvs::load() .

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.

Returns PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_INVALID_FORMAT, if passwd file has invalid format.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Cvs::save() -- Save changes


Apply changes and rewrite CVS passwd file.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Cvs::addUser() -- Add an user


The username must start with an alphabetical character and must NOT contain any other characters than alphanumerics, the underline and dash.


string $user

the name of the user to add

string $pass

the password of the user tot add

string $system_user

the systemuser this user maps to


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Cvs::changeSysUser() -- Change syste user


Change the corresponding system user of a certain cvs user.


string $user

the user to change the system user for

string $system

the new system user name

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Cvs::changePasswd() -- Change password


Change the password of a certain user.


string $user

the user whose password should be changed

string $pass

the new plaintext password

Возвращаемое значение


Returns PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_EXISTS_ALREADY, if user already exists.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Cvs::verifyPasswd() -- Verify password


Verify the password of a certain user.


string $user

user whose password should be verified

string $pass

the plaintext password that should be verified

Возвращаемое значение

Returns TRUE if passwords equal, FALSE if the don't or PEAR_Error on failure.

Returns PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_EXISTS_NOT, if user doesn't exist.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Cvs::generatePassword() -- Generate password


Generate a "CVS" pserver style password.


string $pass

the plaintext password to encrypt

string $salt

the salt to use for encryption (usually empty)

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string encrypted password.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


Manipulate SMB server passwd files. (inherited methods)


File_Passwd_Smb::staticAuth() -- Fast authentication


Static user authentication.


string $file

path to passwd file

string $user

user to authenticate

string $pass

plaintext password

string $mode

encryption mode ('nt'|'lm') NTHASH or LMHASH


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Smb::File_Passwd_Smb() -- Constructor


Initialize a new File_Passwd_Smb object with the given path to passwd file.


string $file

path to SMB passwd file

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object File_Passwd_Smb.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Smb::parse() -- Parse file


Parse the SMB passwd file. (для разработчиков)

This usually happens in File_Passwd_Smb::load() .

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.

Returns PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_INVALID_FORMAT, if passwd file has invalid format.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Smb::save() -- Save changes


Apply changes and rewrite SMB passwd file.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Smb::addUser() -- Add an user


Add an SMB user/machine account.


string $user

the user/machine to add

string $pass

the new plaintext password

array $params

additional properties of account:

  • userid

  • flags

  • lct

  • comment

boolean $isMachine

whether to add an machine account


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Smb::modUser() -- Modify a user


Modify a certain user.

You shouldn't modify the password with this method, use File_Passwd_Smb::changePasswd() instead.


string $user

the user to modify

array $params

an associative array of properties to change

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Smb::changePasswd() -- Change password


Change the passwd of a certain user.


string $user

the user whose passwd should be changed

string $pass

the new plaintext passwd

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.

Returns PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_EXISTS_NOT, if user doesn't exist.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Smb::verifyPasswd() -- Verify password


Verifies an account with the given plaintext password.


string $user


string $pass

the plaintext password

Возвращаемое значение

Returns TRUE if passwds equal, FALSE if they don't or PEAR_Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Smb::verifyEncryptedPasswd() -- Verify encrypted password


Verify the encrypted password of an user/machine.

We prefer NT-Hash instead of weak LAN-Manager-Hash.


string $user


string $nthash

NT-Hash in hex

string $lmhash

LAN-Manager-Hash in hex

Возвращаемое значение

Returns TRUE if passwds equal, FALSE if they don't or PEAR_Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Smb::generatePassword() -- Generate password


Generate a "Samba" server style password.

The encryption mode can either be FILE_PASSWD_NT or FILE_PASSWD_LM.


string $pass

the plaintext password to encrypt

string $mode

the encryption mode to use

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string encrypted password.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


Manipulate AuthUserFiles. (inherited methods)


File_Passwd_Authbasic::staticAuth() -- Fast authentication


Static user authentication.


string $file

path to passwd file

string $user

user to authenticate

string $pass

plaintext password

string $mode

des, sha or md5


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authbasic::File_Passwd_Authbasic() -- Constructor


Initialise a new File_Passwd_Authbasic object with the given path to the passwd file.


string $file

path to AuthUserFile

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object File_Passwd_Authbasic.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authbasic::parse() -- Parse the AuthUserFile


Parse the AuthUserFile. (для разработчиков)

This usually happens in File_Passwd_Authbasic::load() .

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authbasic::save() -- Save changes


Apply changes and rewrite AuthUserFile.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authbasic::addUser() -- Add an user


The username must start with an alphabetical character and must NOT contain any other characters than alphanumerics, the underline and dash.


string $user


string $pass

plaintext password


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authbasic::changePasswd() -- Change password


Change the password of a certain user.


string $user

the user whose password should be changed

string $pass

the new plaintext password

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authbasic::verifyPasswd() -- Verify password


Verify the password of a certain user.


string $user

the user whose password should be verified

string $pass

the plaintext password to verify


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authbasic::getMode() -- Get actual encryption mode


Get the actual encryption mode.

Возвращаемое значение

string - actual encryption mode


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authbasic::setMode() -- Set the encryption mode


You can choose one of md5, sha or des.

ATTN: DES encryption not available on Win32!

Returns a PEAR_Error if a specific encryption mode is not supported.


string $mode

the encryption mode to use

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authbasic::listModes() -- Get supported encryption modes


Returns an array of supported encryption modes.

<pre> array + md5 + sha + des </pre>

ATTN: DES encryption not available on Win32!

Возвращаемое значение

array - supported encryption modes.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authbasic::generatePassword() -- Generate password


Generate a password usable for "AuthBasic" authentication.

The encryption mode can either be FILE_PASSWD_DES, FILE_PASSWD_SHA or FILE_PASSWD_MD5.


string $pass

the plaintext password to encrypt

string $mode

the encryption mode to use

string $salt

the salt to use for encryption (usually empty)

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string encrypted password, or PEAR_Error FILE_PASSWD_E_INVALID_ENC_MODE if encryption mode is not supported.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


Manipulate AuthDigestFiles. (inherited methods)


File_Passwd_Authdigest::staticAuth() -- Fast authentication


Static user authentication.


string $file

path to passwd file

string $user

user to authenticate

string $pass

plaintext password

string $realm

the realm the user should be in


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authdigest::File_Passwd_Authdigest() -- Constructor


Initialize a new object of File_Passwd_Authdigest with the specified path to the AuthDigestFile.


string $file

path to AuthDigestFile

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object File_Passwd_Authdigest.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authdigest::parse() -- Parse the AuthDigestFile


Parse the AuthDigestFile. (для разработчиков)

This usually happens in File_Passwd_Authdigest::load() .

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authdigest::save() -- Save changes


Apply changes and rewrite AuthDigestFile.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authdigest::addUser() -- Add an user


Add an user to the AuthDigestFile.

$user and $realm must start with an alphabetical charachter and must NOT contain any other characters than alphanumerics, the underline and dash.


string $user

the user to add

string $realm

the realm the user should be in

string $pass

the plaintext password


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authdigest::changePasswd() -- Change password


Change the password of a certain user in a specific realm.

This method in fact adds the user whith the new password after deleting the user.


string $user

the user whose password should be changed

string $realm

the realm the user is in

string $pass

the new plaintext password


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authdigest::verifyPasswd() -- Verifiy password


Verify the password of an user in a certain realm.


string $user

the user whose password should be verified

string $realm

the realm the user is in

string $pass

the plaintext password to verify

Возвращаемое значение

Retruns TRUE if passwords equal, FALSE if they don't, or PEAR_Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authdigest::delUserInRealm() -- Delete a user


Delete a certain user in a specific realm.


string $user

the user to remove

string $inRealm

the realm the user should be in

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authdigest::listUserInRealm() -- List user


List all user af either one specific or all realms.


string $inRealm

the realm to list users of

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array:

  • associative array of users of ONE realm if $inRealm was supplied <pre> realm1 + user1 =&gt; pass + user2 =&gt; pass + user3 =&gt; pass </pre>

  • associative array of all realms with all users <pre> array + realm1 =&gt; array + user1 =&amp;gt; pass + user2 =&amp;gt; pass + user3 =&amp;gt; pass + realm2 =&gt; array + user3 =&amp;gt; pass + realm3 =&gt; array + user1 =&amp;gt; pass + user2 =&amp;gt; pass </pre>


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authdigest::userInRealm() -- Ckeck if a certain user is in a specific realm


Ckeck if a certain user is in a specific realm.


string $user

the user to check

string $realm

the realm the user shuold be in

Возвращаемое значение

Returns TRUE if user is in realm, FALSE if not or PEAR_Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_Passwd_Authdigest::generatePassword() -- Generate password


Generate a password usable for "AuthDigest" authentication.


string $user

the username

string $realm

the realm the user is in

string $pass

the plaintext password

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string encrypted password.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


Constants -- Constants defined in and used by MP3_Id
MP3_Id::MP3_Id() -- constructor
MP3_Id::copy() -- copy the tags of another instance
MP3_Id::genres() -- get Genre list
MP3_Id::getGenre() -- return genre name by number
MP3_Id::getGenreNo() -- get number of genre
MP3_Id::getTag() -- get the value of a tag
MP3_Id::read() -- reads and parses file
MP3_Id::remove() -- remove tags
MP3_Id::setTag() -- sets a tag content
MP3_Id::study() -- does extra work to get the MPEG frame info
MP3_Id::write() -- save changed tags

This package offers methods for reading and writing IDv1-information tags of MP3 files.


Constants -- Constants defined in and used by MP3_Id


MP3_Id::MP3_Id() -- constructor




boolean $study

Enables an in-deep look in the file (increase execution time!)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MP3_Id::copy() -- copy the tags of another instance


Sets the ID3 tags to the same as the tags in $from


string $from

Name of the variable storing an other instance of MP3_Id


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MP3_Id::genres() -- get Genre list


Returns a list of genre numbers and names

Возвращаемое значение

array - list of genres


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MP3_Id::getGenre() -- return genre name by number


Return the name of a genre number, if no genre number is specified the genre number found in the file will be used.


integer $genreno

Number of the genre

Возвращаемое значение

mixed FALSE, if no genre found, else string


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MP3_Id::getGenreNo() -- get number of genre


Get the number of a genre.


string $genre

Name of the genre

integer $default

The value to return in case of genre not found


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MP3_Id::getTag() -- get the value of a tag


Get the value of a tag


string $name

the name of the tag to get

mixed $default

returned, if the tag not exists

Возвращаемое значение

mixed The value of the field

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MP3_Id::read() -- reads and parses file


Reads the given file and parses it.


string $file

the name of the file to parse


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MP3_Id::remove() -- remove tags


Removes all tags from a file.


boolean $id3v1

TRUE to remove tags

boolean $id3v2



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MP3_Id::setTag() -- sets a tag content


mixed $name

Name of the tag to set or hash with the key as fieldname

mixed $value

the value to set


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MP3_Id::study() -- does extra work to get the MPEG frame info


Does extra work to get the MPEG frame info.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


MP3_Id::write() -- save changed tags


Updates the tags on the file.


boolean $v1

if TRUE update/create an Version 1-tag on the file


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction -- how to generate Excel files
Formatting Tutorial -- how to format cells in a spreadsheet
Workbook::close -- Calls finalization methods for the workbook
Workbook::&addWorksheet -- Add a new worksheet to the Excel workbook.
Workbook::&addFormat -- Add a new format to the Excel workbook.
Workbook::&setTempDir -- Sets the temp dir used for storing the OLE file.
Workbook::setCustomColor -- Change the RGB components of the elements in the colour palette.
Worksheet::getName -- Retrieve the worksheet name. This is usefull when creating worksheets
Worksheet::setInputEncoding -- Allow writing for different charsets.
Worksheet::select -- Set this worksheet as a selected worksheet, i.e. the worksheet has its tab
Worksheet::activate -- Set this worksheet as the active worksheet, i.e. the worksheet that is
Worksheet::setFirstSheet -- Set this worksheet as the first visible sheet. This is necessary
Worksheet::protect -- Set the worksheet protection flag
Worksheet::setColumn -- Set the width of a single column or a range of columns.
Worksheet::setSelection -- Set which cell or cells are selected in a worksheet
Worksheet::freezePanes -- Set panes and mark them as frozen.
Worksheet::thawPanes -- Set panes and mark them as unfrozen.
Worksheet::setPortrait -- Set the page orientation as portrait.
Worksheet::setLandscape -- Set the page orientation as landscape.
Worksheet::setPaper -- Set the paper type. Ex. 1 = US Letter, 9 = A4
Worksheet::setHeader -- Set the page header caption and optional margin.
Worksheet::setFooter -- Set the page footer caption and optional margin.
Worksheet::centerHorizontally -- Center the page horizontally.
Worksheet::centerVertically -- Center the page vertically.
Worksheet::setMargins -- Set all the page margins to the same value in inches.
Worksheet::setMargins_LR -- Set the left and right margins to the same value in inches.
Worksheet::setMargins_TB -- Set the top and bottom margins to the same value in inches.
Worksheet::setMarginLeft -- Set the left margin in inches.
Worksheet::setMarginRight -- Set the right margin in inches.
Worksheet::setMarginTop -- Set the top margin in inches.
Worksheet::setMarginBottom -- Set the bottom margin in inches.
Worksheet::repeatRows -- Set the rows to repeat at the top of each printed page.
Worksheet::repeatColumns -- Set the columns to repeat at the left hand side of each printed page.
Worksheet::printArea -- Set the area of each worksheet that will be printed.
Worksheet::hideGridlines -- Set the option to hide gridlines on the printed page.
Worksheet::printRowColHeaders -- Set the option to print the row and column headers on the printed page.
Worksheet::fitToPages -- Store the vertical and horizontal number of pages that will define the
Worksheet::setHPagebreaks -- Store the horizontal page breaks on a worksheet (for printing).
Worksheet::setVPagebreaks -- Store the vertical page breaks on a worksheet (for printing).
Worksheet::setZoom -- Set the worksheet zoom factor.
Worksheet::setPrintScale -- Set the scale factor for the printed page.
Worksheet::write -- Map to the appropriate write method acording to the token recieved.
Worksheet::writeNumber -- Write a double to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
Worksheet::writeString -- Write a string to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
Worksheet::writeNote -- Writes a note associated with the cell given by the row and column.
Worksheet::writeBlank -- Write a blank cell to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
Worksheet::writeFormula -- Write a formula to the specified row and column (zero indexed).
Worksheet::writeUrl -- Write a hyperlink. This is comprised of two elements: the visible label and
Worksheet::setRow -- This method is used to set the height and XF format for a row.
Worksheet::mergeCells -- This is an Excel97/2000 method. It is required to perform more complicated
Worksheet::insertBitmap -- Insert a 24bit bitmap image in a worksheet. The main record required is
Worksheet::setOutline -- This method sets the properties for outlining and grouping
Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer -- The constructor. It just creates a Workbook
Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer::send -- Send HTTP headers for the Excel file.
Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer::rowcolToCell -- Utility function for writing formulas.
Format::setAlign -- Set cell alignment.
Format::setVAlign -- Set cell alignment.
Format::setHAlign -- Set cell alignment.
Format::setMerge -- This is an alias for the unintuitive setAlign('merge')
Format::setBold -- Sets the boldness of the text.
Format::setBottom -- Sets the width for the bottom border of the cell
Format::setTop -- Sets the width for the top border of the cell
Format::setLeft -- Sets the width for the left border of the cell
Format::setRight -- Sets the width for the right border of the cell
Format::setBorder -- Set cells borders to the same style
Format::setBorderColor -- Sets all the cell's borders to the same color
Format::setBottomColor -- Sets the cell's bottom border color
Format::setTopColor -- Sets the cell's top border color
Format::setLeftColor -- Sets the cell's left border color
Format::setRightColor -- Sets the cell's right border color
Format::setFgColor -- Sets the cell's foreground color
Format::setBgColor -- Sets the cell's background color
Format::setColor -- Sets the color of a cell's content
Format::setPattern -- Sets the fill pattern attribute of a cell
Format::setUnderline -- Sets the underline of the text
Format::setItalic -- Sets the font style as italic
Format::setSize -- Sets the font size
Format::setTextWrap -- Sets text wrapping
Format::setTextRotation -- Sets the orientation of the text
Format::setNumFormat -- Sets the numeric format.
Format::setStrikeOut -- Sets font as strikeout.
Format::setOutLine -- Sets outlining for a font.
Format::setShadow -- Sets font as shadow.
Format::setScript -- Sets the script type of the text
Format::setFontFamily -- Sets the font family.

Package for generating Excel spreadsheets


Introduction -- how to generate Excel files

What is Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer?

Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer is a tool for creating Excel files without the need for COM components. The files generated by the current version of Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer correspond to the Excel 5 (BIFF5) format, so all functionality until that version of Excel (but not beyond) should be available.

Using it

The most common use for Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer will be spitting out large (or not so large) amounts of information in the form of a spreadsheet, which is easy to manipulate with a fairly ubiquitous spreadsheet program such as Excel (or OpenOffice).

So let's cut to the chase and see how this is done:

The first thing you should notice, is that we created a workbook before any worksheets. All worksheets are contained within a workbook, and a workbook may contain several worksheets.

Another important thing, which you should have in mind when programming with Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, is that ampersand sign (&) that appears when we created our worksheet. That ampersand means we are referencing a Worksheet object instead of copying it. If you don't know what that means, don't worry, all you have to remember is to always use ampersands when calling addWorksheet() for creating a worksheet, or addFormat() for creating a format.

Saving to a regular file

You may have noticed also the following line:
// sending HTTP headers
What that means is that we are sending our spreadsheet to a browser. But what if we just want to save the spreadsheet in our machine? Well, you just have to omit that line and give a valid file path to the workbook constructor.

For example, if we wanted to save the same spreadsheet we created in our first example to a file named 'test.xls', we would do it like so:

More tutorials

If you would like to learn about formatting (fonts, cell color, text alignment, etc...) with Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, you can check the formatting tutorial here.

Formatting Tutorial

Formatting Tutorial -- how to format cells in a spreadsheet

What is a format?

A format is an object of type Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format. This format can be applied to cells inside a spreadsheet so that these cells inherit the properties of the format (text alignment, background color, border colors, etc...).

Using it

Formats can't be created directly by a new call. You have to create a format using the addFormat() method from a Workbook, which associates your Format with this Workbook (you can't use the Format with another Workbook).

Let's see how addFormat() is used:

There, we just created a bold format. Notice the ampersand sign (&) that appears when we created our format. If you don't create your format like that it will appear as if all the format's properties you set are ignored.

Making something useful

Well, we just created our first format, but we didn't use it. Not very smart. So let's do something useful with a format.

Let's say you want to make your regular data filled spreadsheet. Only this time, when you proudly present your beautiful creation to your boss, the thing you most dread happens:

Pointy haired boss - Mmmmhhh, seems OK.

You - Yes, I added those totals as you requested.

Pointy haired boss - Mmmmhhh, you know, there's going to be a lot of customers using this spreadsheet...

You - So...

Pointy haired boss - Mmmmhhh, what do you think of changing the style for those headers there?

You - ...

Of course it won't be just those headers: "why don't we center this title here?", "Could you merge those cells over there?", "what do you think of using the company's colors for those titles?".

There are a number of ways for dealing with this situation, but in this tutorial we will stick to the one which will keep your job.

So let's begin work on the spreadsheet for

There. Now all of those VC's out there are going to be calling like crazy asking for an oportunity to invest on Wait a minute. These are not regular VC's we are talking about. These are very selective guys who wouldn't trust their money to the first start-up they happen to see on the internet. I know! Let's put the company's colors in there!

Merging cells

If you just tested the previous example you might have noticed that the title would need several cells to be seen correctly, but the format we applied only works for the first cell. So our title does not look very nice.

What can we do to fix that? Well, you could tell your boss that the title looks ok to you, and that he really needs to visit an ophthalmologist. Or you could use cell merging in order to make the title spread over several cells.

For this you have to use the setAlign() method with 'merge' as argument, and create some empty cells so the title can 'use' them as a sort of background (there will be a better way to do this in a future version of Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer).

Applying merging to our example script, we would have this:


Workbook::close -- Calls finalization methods for the workbook


Calls finalization methods for the workbook. This method should always be the last one to be called on every workbook.

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Workbook::&addWorksheet -- Add a new worksheet to the Excel workbook.


Add a new worksheet to the Excel workbook. If no name is given the name of the worksheet will be Sheeti with i in [1..].


  • string $name - the optional name of the worksheet. Can not be longer than 31 characters.

Возвращаемое значение

returns a reference to a worksheet object on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Workbook::&addFormat -- Add a new format to the Excel workbook.


Add a new format to the Excel workbook. Also, pass any properties to the Format constructor. Valid properties are:

  • Align

  • Bold

  • Bottom

  • Top

  • Left

  • Right

  • Border

  • BorderColor

  • BottomColor

  • TopColor

  • RightColor

  • LeftColor

  • FgColor

  • BgColor

  • Color

  • Pattern

  • Underline

  • TextRotation

  • Size

  • NumFormat

  • Script


  • array $properties - array with properties for initializing the format.

Возвращаемое значение

object reference - to an Excel Format


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Workbook::&setTempDir -- Sets the temp dir used for storing the OLE file.


Sets the temp dir used for storing the OLE file. Use this method if you don't have the right to write in the default temporary dir.


  • string $dir - The dir to be used as temp dir

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE if given dir is valid, FALSE otherwise


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Workbook::setCustomColor -- Change the RGB components of the elements in the colour palette.


Change the RGB components of the elements in the colour palette. The new color, defined by the given RGB components, will "overwrite" the color previously defined for the given index.


  • integer $index - colour index

  • integer $red - red RGB value [0-255]

  • integer $green - green RGB value [0-255]

  • integer $blue - blue RGB value [0-255]

Возвращаемое значение

integer - The palette index for the custom color


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Worksheet::getName -- Retrieve the worksheet name. This is usefull when creating worksheets


Retrieve the worksheet name. This is usefull when creating worksheets without a name.

Возвращаемое значение

string - The worksheet's name


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setInputEncoding -- Allow writing for different charsets.


It allows writing for different charsets by setting the worksheet's "current" charset. It has been tested for UTF-8, ISO-8859-7. It requires iconv for any charset other than UTF-16LE.


  • string $encoding - The encoding. It suports all encodings supported by php's iconv() function.


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Worksheet::select -- Set this worksheet as a selected worksheet, i.e. the worksheet has its tab


Set this worksheet as a selected worksheet, i.e. the worksheet has its tab highlighted.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::activate -- Set this worksheet as the active worksheet, i.e. the worksheet that is


Set this worksheet as the active worksheet, i.e. the worksheet that is displayed when the workbook is opened. Also set it as selected.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setFirstSheet -- Set this worksheet as the first visible sheet. This is necessary


Set this worksheet as the first visible sheet. This is necessary when there are a large number of worksheets and the activated worksheet is not visible on the screen.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::protect -- Set the worksheet protection flag


Set the worksheet protection flag to prevent accidental modification and to hide formulas if the locked and hidden format properties have been set.


  • string $password - The password to use for protecting the sheet.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setColumn -- Set the width of a single column or a range of columns.


Set the width of a single column or a range of columns.


  • integer $firstcol - first column on the range

  • integer $lastcol - last column on the range

  • float $width - width to set

  • mixed $format - The optional XF format to apply to the columns

  • integer $hidden - The optional hidden atribute


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setSelection -- Set which cell or cells are selected in a worksheet


Set which cell or cells are selected in a worksheet


  • integer $first_row - first row in the selected quadrant

  • integer $first_column - first column in the selected quadrant

  • integer $last_row - last row in the selected quadrant

  • integer $last_column - last column in the selected quadrant


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::freezePanes -- Set panes and mark them as frozen.


Set panes and mark them as frozen. One can use this method to mark certain regions in the worksheet so that they are "frozen" in the sense that when scrolling through the worksheet these regions are not affected by the scrolling and remain where they are on the screen. This is the same functionality as provided by Microsoft Excel through the Window+Freeze Panes menu command.


  • array $panes - This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following: 0 => Vertical split position, 1 => Horizontal split position 2 => Top row visible 3 => Leftmost column visible 4 => Active pane


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::thawPanes -- Set panes and mark them as unfrozen.


Set panes and mark them as unfrozen.


  • array $panes - This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following: 0 => Vertical split position, 1 => Horizontal split position 2 => Top row visible 3 => Leftmost column visible 4 => Active pane


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setPortrait -- Set the page orientation as portrait.


Set the page orientation as portrait.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setLandscape -- Set the page orientation as landscape.


Set the page orientation as landscape.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setPaper -- Set the paper type. Ex. 1 = US Letter, 9 = A4


Set the paper type. Ex. 1 = US Letter, 9 = A4


  • integer $size - The type of paper size to use


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setHeader -- Set the page header caption and optional margin.


Set the page header caption and optional margin.


  • string $string - The header text

  • float $margin - optional head margin in inches.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setFooter -- Set the page footer caption and optional margin.


Set the page footer caption and optional margin.


  • string $string - The footer text

  • float $margin - optional foot margin in inches.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::centerHorizontally -- Center the page horizontally.


Center the page horizontally.


  • integer $center - the optional value for centering. Defaults to 1 (center).


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::centerVertically -- Center the page vertically.


Center the page vertically.


  • integer $center - the optional value for centering. Defaults to 1 (center).


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setMargins -- Set all the page margins to the same value in inches.


Set all the page margins to the same value in inches.


  • float $margin - The margin to set in inches


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setMargins_LR -- Set the left and right margins to the same value in inches.


Set the left and right margins to the same value in inches.


  • float $margin - The margin to set in inches


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setMargins_TB -- Set the top and bottom margins to the same value in inches.


Set the top and bottom margins to the same value in inches.


  • float $margin - The margin to set in inches


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setMarginLeft -- Set the left margin in inches.


Set the left margin in inches.


  • float $margin - The margin to set in inches


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setMarginRight -- Set the right margin in inches.


Set the right margin in inches.


  • float $margin - The margin to set in inches


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setMarginTop -- Set the top margin in inches.


Set the top margin in inches.


  • float $margin - The margin to set in inches


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setMarginBottom -- Set the bottom margin in inches.


Set the bottom margin in inches.


  • float $margin - The margin to set in inches


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::repeatRows -- Set the rows to repeat at the top of each printed page.


Set the rows to repeat at the top of each printed page.


  • integer $first_row - First row to repeat

  • integer $last_row - Last row to repeat. Optional.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::repeatColumns -- Set the columns to repeat at the left hand side of each printed page.


Set the columns to repeat at the left hand side of each printed page.


  • integer $first_col - First column to repeat

  • integer $last_col - Last column to repeat. Optional.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::printArea -- Set the area of each worksheet that will be printed.


Set the area of each worksheet that will be printed.


  • integer $first_row - First row of the area to print

  • integer $first_col - First column of the area to print

  • integer $last_row - Last row of the area to print

  • integer $last_col - Last column of the area to print


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::hideGridlines -- Set the option to hide gridlines on the printed page.


Set the option to hide gridlines on the printed page.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::printRowColHeaders -- Set the option to print the row and column headers on the printed page.


Set the option to print the row and column headers on the printed page.


  • integer $print - Whether to print the headers or not. Defaults to 1 (print).


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::fitToPages -- Store the vertical and horizontal number of pages that will define the


Store the vertical and horizontal number of pages that will define the maximum area printed. It doesn't seem to work with OpenOffice.


  • integer $width - Maximun width of printed area in pages

  • integer $height - Maximun heigth of printed area in pages


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setHPagebreaks -- Store the horizontal page breaks on a worksheet (for printing).


Store the horizontal page breaks on a worksheet (for printing). The breaks represent the row after which the break is inserted.


  • array $breaks - Array containing the horizontal page breaks


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setVPagebreaks -- Store the vertical page breaks on a worksheet (for printing).


Store the vertical page breaks on a worksheet (for printing). The breaks represent the column after which the break is inserted.


  • array $breaks - Array containing the vertical page breaks


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setZoom -- Set the worksheet zoom factor.


Set the worksheet zoom factor.


  • integer $scale - The zoom factor


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setPrintScale -- Set the scale factor for the printed page.


Set the scale factor for the printed page. It turns off the "fit to page" option


  • integer $scale - The optional scale factor. Defaults to 100


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::write -- Map to the appropriate write method acording to the token recieved.


Map to the appropriate write method acording to the token recieved.


  • integer $row - The row of the cell we are writing to

  • integer $col - The column of the cell we are writing to

  • mixed $token - What we are writing

  • mixed $format - The optional format to apply to the cell


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::writeNumber -- Write a double to the specified row and column (zero indexed).


Write a double to the specified row and column (zero indexed). An integer can be written as a double. Excel will display an integer. $format is optional. Returns 0 : normal termination -2 : row or column out of range


  • integer $row - Zero indexed row

  • integer $col - Zero indexed column

  • float $num - The number to write

  • mixed $format - The optional XF format


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::writeString -- Write a string to the specified row and column (zero indexed).


Write a string to the specified row and column (zero indexed). NOTE: there is an Excel 5 defined limit of 255 characters. $format is optional. Returns 0 : normal termination -1 : insufficient number of arguments -2 : row or column out of range -3 : long string truncated to 255 chars


  • integer $row - Zero indexed row

  • integer $col - Zero indexed column

  • string $str - The string to write

  • mixed $format - The XF format for the cell


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::writeNote -- Writes a note associated with the cell given by the row and column.


Writes a note associated with the cell given by the row and column. NOTE records don't have a length limit.


  • integer $row - Zero indexed row

  • integer $col - Zero indexed column

  • string $note - The note to write


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::writeBlank -- Write a blank cell to the specified row and column (zero indexed).


Write a blank cell to the specified row and column (zero indexed). A blank cell is used to specify formatting without adding a string or a number. A blank cell without a format serves no purpose. Therefore, we don't write a BLANK record unless a format is specified. This is mainly an optimisation for the write_row() and write_col() methods. Returns 0 : normal termination (including no format) -1 : insufficient number of arguments -2 : row or column out of range


  • integer $row - Zero indexed row

  • integer $col - Zero indexed column

  • mixed $format - The XF format


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Пример 38-1. Using writeBlank()

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();
$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();
// we can set set all properties on instantiation
$upper_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'top' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
// or set all properties one by one
$upper_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat();

$lower_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
$lower_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('left' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                     'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                     'fgcolor' => 'red'));

$worksheet->setColumn(0, 20, 6);

// Sky
$sky =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'cyan', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++)
    for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++) {
        $worksheet->writeBlank($i, $j, $sky);

// Cloud
$cloud =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'white', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 7, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(6, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 10, $cloud);

// Bricks
for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++)
    for ($i = 5; $i <= 11; $i++)
        if (($i + $j)%2 == 1) // right side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_right_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_right_side_brick);
        else // left side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_left_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_left_side_brick);

// hide gridlines so they don't mess with our Excel art.



Worksheet::writeFormula -- Write a formula to the specified row and column (zero indexed).


Write a formula to the specified row and column (zero indexed). In case of error it will write the error message (instead of the formula) in the corresponding row and column.


  • integer $row - Zero indexed row

  • integer $col - Zero indexed column

  • string $formula - The formula text string

  • mixed $format - The optional XF format

Возвращаемое значение

integer - 0 for normal termination, -1 for an error in the formula, -2 for row or column out of range.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Formulas must start with an equal sign ('=').

Arguments given to an Excel function should be separated by comas (','), not by semicolons (';').


Worksheet::writeUrl -- Write a hyperlink. This is comprised of two elements: the visible label and


Write a hyperlink. This is comprised of two elements: the visible label and the invisible link. The visible label is the same as the link unless an alternative string is specified. The label is written using the writeString() method. Therefore the 255 characters string limit applies. $string and $format are optional and their order is interchangeable. The hyperlink can be to a http, ftp, mail, internal sheet, or external directory url. Returns 0 : normal termination -1 : insufficient number of arguments -2 : row or column out of range -3 : long string truncated to 255 chars


  • integer $row - Row

  • integer $col - Column

  • string $url - URL string

  • string $string - Alternative label

  • mixed $format - The cell format


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setRow -- This method is used to set the height and XF format for a row.


This method is used to set the height and XF format for a row. Writes the BIFF record ROW.


  • integer $row - The row to set

  • integer $height - Height we are giving to the row. Use NULL to set XF without setting height

  • mixed $format - XF format we are giving to the row


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::mergeCells -- This is an Excel97/2000 method. It is required to perform more complicated


This is an Excel97/2000 method. It is required to perform more complicated merging than the normal setAlign('merge'). It merges the area given by its arguments.


  • integer $first_row - First row of the area to merge

  • integer $first_col - First column of the area to merge

  • integer $last_row - Last row of the area to merge

  • integer $last_col - Last column of the area to merge


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::insertBitmap -- Insert a 24bit bitmap image in a worksheet. The main record required is


Insert a 24bit bitmap image in a worksheet. The main record required is IMDATA but it must be proceeded by a OBJ record to define its position.


  • integer $row - The row we are going to insert the bitmap into

  • integer $col - The column we are going to insert the bitmap into

  • string $bitmap - The bitmap filename

  • integer $x - The horizontal position (offset) of the image inside the cell.

  • integer $y - The vertical position (offset) of the image inside the cell.

  • integer $scale_x - The horizontal scale

  • integer $scale_y - The vertical scale


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Worksheet::setOutline -- This method sets the properties for outlining and grouping


This method sets the properties for outlining and grouping. The defaults correspond to Excel's defaults.


  • bool $visible -

  • bool $symbols_below -

  • bool $symbols_right -

  • bool $auto_style -


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer::Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer -- The constructor. It just creates a Workbook


The constructor. It just creates a Workbook


  • string $filename - The optional filename for the Workbook.

Возвращаемое значение

object The - Workbook created


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer::send -- Send HTTP headers for the Excel file.


Send HTTP headers for the Excel file.


  • string $filename - The filename to use for HTTP headers


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer::rowcolToCell -- Utility function for writing formulas.


Utility function for writing formulas. Converts a cell's coordinates to the A1 format.


  • integer $row - Row for the cell to convert (0-indexed).

  • integer $col - Column for the cell to convert (0-indexed).

Возвращаемое значение

returns The cell identifier in A1 format on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Format::setAlign -- Set cell alignment.


Set cell alignment.


  • string $location - alignment for the cell

    Horizontal Alignments (pick one): left, center, right, fill, justify, merge, equal_space.

    Vertical Alignments (pick one): top, vcenter, bottom, vjustify, vequal_space.

    To implement a combination of Horizontal and Vertical Alignments, call this method two times.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setVAlign -- Set cell alignment.


Set cell alignment. This is an alternative to setAlign()


  • string $location - alignment for the cell

    top, vcenter, bottom, vjustify, vequal_space.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setHAlign -- Set cell alignment.


Set cell alignment. This is an alternative to setAlign()


  • string $location - alignment for the cell

    left, center, right, fill, justify, merge, equal_space.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setMerge -- This is an alias for the unintuitive setAlign('merge')


This is an alias for the unintuitive setAlign('merge')


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setBold -- Sets the boldness of the text.


Sets the boldness of the text. Bold has a range 100..1000. 0 (400) is normal. 1 (700) is bold.


  • integer $weight - Weight for the text, 0 maps to 400 (normal text) 1 maps to 700 (bold text). Valid range is: 100-1000 It's Optional, default is 1 (bold).


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setBottom -- Sets the width for the bottom border of the cell


Sets the width for the bottom border of the cell


  • integer $style - style of the cell border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Пример 38-1. Using setBottom()

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();
$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();
// we can set set all properties on instantiation
$upper_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'top' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
// or set all properties one by one
$upper_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat();

$lower_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
$lower_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('left' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                     'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                     'fgcolor' => 'red'));

$worksheet->setColumn(0, 20, 6);

// Sky
$sky =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'cyan', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++)
    for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++) {
        $worksheet->writeBlank($i, $j, $sky);

// Cloud
$cloud =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'white', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 7, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(6, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 10, $cloud);

// Bricks
for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++)
    for ($i = 5; $i <= 11; $i++)
        if (($i + $j)%2 == 1) // right side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_right_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_right_side_brick);
        else // left side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_left_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_left_side_brick);

// hide gridlines so they don't mess with our Excel art.



Format::setTop -- Sets the width for the top border of the cell


Sets the width for the top border of the cell


  • integer $style - style of the cell top border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Пример 38-1. Using setTop()

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();
$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();
// we can set set all properties on instantiation
$upper_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'top' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
// or set all properties one by one
$upper_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat();

$lower_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
$lower_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('left' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                     'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                     'fgcolor' => 'red'));

$worksheet->setColumn(0, 20, 6);

// Sky
$sky =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'cyan', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++)
    for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++) {
        $worksheet->writeBlank($i, $j, $sky);

// Cloud
$cloud =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'white', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 7, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(6, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 10, $cloud);

// Bricks
for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++)
    for ($i = 5; $i <= 11; $i++)
        if (($i + $j)%2 == 1) // right side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_right_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_right_side_brick);
        else // left side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_left_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_left_side_brick);

// hide gridlines so they don't mess with our Excel art.



Format::setLeft -- Sets the width for the left border of the cell


Sets the width for the left border of the cell


  • integer $style - style of the cell left border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Пример 38-1. Using setLeft()

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();
$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();
// we can set set all properties on instantiation
$upper_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'top' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
// or set all properties one by one
$upper_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat();

$lower_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
$lower_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('left' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                     'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                     'fgcolor' => 'red'));

$worksheet->setColumn(0, 20, 6);

// Sky
$sky =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'cyan', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++)
    for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++) {
        $worksheet->writeBlank($i, $j, $sky);

// Cloud
$cloud =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'white', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 7, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(6, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 10, $cloud);

// Bricks
for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++)
    for ($i = 5; $i <= 11; $i++)
        if (($i + $j)%2 == 1) // right side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_right_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_right_side_brick);
        else // left side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_left_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_left_side_brick);

// hide gridlines so they don't mess with our Excel art.



Format::setRight -- Sets the width for the right border of the cell


Sets the width for the right border of the cell


  • integer $style - style of the cell right border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Пример 38-1. Using setRight()

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();
$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();
// we can set set all properties on instantiation
$upper_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'top' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
// or set all properties one by one
$upper_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat();

$lower_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
$lower_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('left' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                     'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                     'fgcolor' => 'red'));

$worksheet->setColumn(0, 20, 6);

// Sky
$sky =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'cyan', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++)
    for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++) {
        $worksheet->writeBlank($i, $j, $sky);

// Cloud
$cloud =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'white', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 7, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(6, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 10, $cloud);

// Bricks
for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++)
    for ($i = 5; $i <= 11; $i++)
        if (($i + $j)%2 == 1) // right side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_right_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_right_side_brick);
        else // left side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_left_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_left_side_brick);

// hide gridlines so they don't mess with our Excel art.



Format::setBorder -- Set cells borders to the same style


Set cells borders to the same style


  • integer $style - style to apply for all cell borders. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setBorderColor -- Sets all the cell's borders to the same color


Sets all the cell's borders to the same color


  • mixed $color - The color we are setting. Either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

    Please see the "Using colors" section of the manual for more information.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Пример 38-1. Using setBorderColor()

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();
$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();
// we can set set all properties on instantiation
$upper_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'top' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
// or set all properties one by one
$upper_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat();

$lower_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
$lower_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('left' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                     'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                     'fgcolor' => 'red'));

$worksheet->setColumn(0, 20, 6);

// Sky
$sky =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'cyan', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++)
    for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++) {
        $worksheet->writeBlank($i, $j, $sky);

// Cloud
$cloud =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'white', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 7, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(6, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 10, $cloud);

// Bricks
for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++)
    for ($i = 5; $i <= 11; $i++)
        if (($i + $j)%2 == 1) // right side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_right_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_right_side_brick);
        else // left side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_left_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_left_side_brick);

// hide gridlines so they don't mess with our Excel art.



Format::setBottomColor -- Sets the cell's bottom border color


Sets the cell's bottom border color


  • mixed $color - either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

    Please see the "Using colors" section of the manual for more information.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setTopColor -- Sets the cell's top border color


Sets the cell's top border color


  • mixed $color - either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

    Please see the "Using colors" section of the manual for more information.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setLeftColor -- Sets the cell's left border color


Sets the cell's left border color


  • mixed $color - either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

    Please see the "Using colors" section of the manual for more information.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setRightColor -- Sets the cell's right border color


Sets the cell's right border color


  • mixed $color - either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

    Please see the "Using colors" section of the manual for more information.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setFgColor -- Sets the cell's foreground color


Sets the cell's "foreground color".

The term "foreground color" is misleading. Here, "foreground" means the top layer of a cell's background. To set the color of a cell's contents, use the setColor() method.

The color actually seen may depend on the pattern and background color being used.

The example entitled "How background and foreground colors interact with patterns" is very helpful.


  • mixed $color - either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

    See the "Using colors" section, below, for more information.

Using colors

The following colors can be defined by name: black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, magenta and cyan.

To learn what the other indexed colors look like, read Color Palette and the 56 Excel ColorIndex Colors. Beware that the color indexes listed there are displaced by 1 with respect to those used by Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer.

If the predifined colors don't meet your requirements, use the setCustomColor() method.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setBgColor -- Sets the cell's background color


Sets the cell's "background color".

The term "background color" is misleading. Here, "background" means the bottom layer of a cell's background.

This method only comes into play when creating patterns via the setPattern() method. In general, chances are you are more interested in using the setFgColor() method.

The example entitled "How background and foreground colors interact with patterns" is very helpful.


  • mixed $color - either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

    Please see the "Using colors" section of the manual for more information.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setColor -- Sets the color of a cell's content


Sets the color of a cell's content


  • mixed $color - either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

    Please see the "Using colors" section of the manual for more information.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также

setFgColor(), setBgColor()


Format::setPattern -- Sets the fill pattern attribute of a cell


Sets the fill pattern attribute of a cell. Use in combination with the setBgColor() and setFgColor() methods.

The example entitled "How background and foreground colors interact with patterns" is very helpful.


  • integer $arg - Optional. Defaults to 1. Meaningful values are: 0-18. 0 = no background. 1 = solid "background" using the color set by setFgColor().


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setUnderline -- Sets the underline of the text


Sets the underline of the text


  • integer $underline - The value for underline. Possible values are 1 => underline, 2 => double underline.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setItalic -- Sets the font style as italic


Sets the font style as italic


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setSize -- Sets the font size


Sets the font size


  • integer $size - The font size (in pixels I think).


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Пример 38-1. Using setSize()

require_once 'Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php';

$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();
$worksheet =& $workbook->addWorksheet();
// we can set set all properties on instantiation
$upper_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'top' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
// or set all properties one by one
$upper_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat();

$lower_right_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('right' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                      'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                      'fgcolor' => 'red'));
$lower_left_side_brick =& $workbook->addFormat(array('left' => 5, 'bottom' => 5, 'size' => 15,
                                                     'pattern' => 1, 'bordercolor' => 'blue',
                                                     'fgcolor' => 'red'));

$worksheet->setColumn(0, 20, 6);

// Sky
$sky =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'cyan', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++)
    for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++) {
        $worksheet->writeBlank($i, $j, $sky);

// Cloud
$cloud =& $workbook->addFormat(array('fgcolor' => 'white', 'pattern' => 1, 'size' => 15));
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 7, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(6, 8, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(4, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 9, $cloud);
$worksheet->writeBlank(5, 10, $cloud);

// Bricks
for ($j = 0; $j < 20; $j++)
    for ($i = 5; $i <= 11; $i++)
        if (($i + $j)%2 == 1) // right side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_right_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_right_side_brick);
        else // left side of brick
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i, $j, $upper_left_side_brick);
            $worksheet->writeBlank(2*$i + 1, $j, $lower_left_side_brick);

// hide gridlines so they don't mess with our Excel art.



Format::setTextWrap -- Sets text wrapping


Sets text wrapping


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setTextRotation -- Sets the orientation of the text


Sets the orientation of the text


  • integer $angle - The rotation angle for the text (clockwise). Possible values are: 0, 90, 270 and -1 for stacking top-to-bottom.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setNumFormat -- Sets the numeric format.


Sets the numeric format. It can be date, time, currency, etc... The following table lists possible values for $num_format and the corresponding types that a numeric format expects as arguments.

Таблица 38-1. Numeric formats and types

0DecimalThe amount of zeros specifies the amount of digits that will be shown
0.00DecimalThe amount of zeros after the decimal dot specifies the amount of decimal digits that will be shown
#.##DecimalThe amount of sharp signs after the decimal dot specifies the maximum amount of decimal digits that will be shown
0%PercentThe amount of zeros specifies the amount of digits that will be shown.
0.000%PercentThe amount of zeros after the decimal dot specifies the amount of decimal digits that will be shown.
$#.#;[Red]($#.#)CurrencyZeros and sharp signs have the same meaning as in other formats.
??/??FractionThe amount of question signs in the denominator determines its precision (maximum amount of digits in the denominator).
# ??/??FractionA fraction with an integer part. Zeros and sharp signs are used for defining the integer part, and they have the same meaning as in other formats.
0.00E+#ScientificIn scientific notation base and exponent are formated according to the same rules applied to decimals. For scientific notation zeros and sharp signs appear to be equivalent.
D-MMM-YYDateA date represented in the given notation. Month can be a one or two digits month, or a three letter month. Year can have 2 or 4 digits. The argument to be formated as a date is considered to be the number of days since December 30 1899 (Excel's day zero). For dates preceding day zero, negative numbers can be used.
D/M/YYYY h:mm:ssDate/TimeA date represented in the given notation. The argument to be formated as a date is considered to be the number of days since Excel's day zero.
h:mm:ss AM/PMTimeA time represented in the given notation. Be careful, the argument to be formated as a time has to be given in days. For example an argument of 0.5 would be presented as '12:00:00 PM'.

The information here presented comes from's Documentation of the Microsoft Excel File Format (


  • integer $num_format - The numeric format.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setStrikeOut -- Sets font as strikeout.


Sets font as strikeout.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setOutLine -- Sets outlining for a font.


Sets outlining for a font.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setShadow -- Sets font as shadow.


Sets font as shadow.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setScript -- Sets the script type of the text


Sets the script type of the text


  • integer $script - The value for script type. Possible values are 1 => superscript, 2 => subscript.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Format::setFontFamily -- Sets the font family.


Sets the font family.


  • string $font_family - The font family name. Possible values are: 'Times New Roman', 'Arial', 'Courier'.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Глава 39. Файловая система

Предоставляет пакеты для работы с файлами и файловой системой.


Archive_Tar::Archive_Tar() -- constructor
Archive_Tar::add() -- add files or directories
Archive_Tar::addModify() -- add files or directories
Archive_Tar::create() -- create archive file
Archive_Tar::createModify() -- create a new archive
Archive_Tar::extract() -- extract files
Archive_Tar::extractList() -- extract a list files
Archive_Tar::extractModify() -- extract files to a new dir
Archive_Tar::listContent() -- list files and directories in archive
Archive_Tar::extractInString() -- extract one file and return it as a string
Archive_Tar::addString() -- add a string in the archive

Archive_Tar provides an API for handling (compressed) Tar archives.


Archive_Tar::Archive_Tar() -- constructor


The constructor declares a new Archive_Tar object, identifying it by the name of the tar file.


  • string $tarname - the name of the tar archive to work with

  • mixed $compress - if TRUE, indicates that the archive is compressed (using gzip). if NULL the archive is not compressed, if 'gz' or 'bz2', indicates that the archive is compressed with gzip or bz2. For compatibility reason the boolean value TRUE means 'gz'.


Archive_Tar::add() -- add files or directories


This method adds files and directories to an existing archive. If the archive does not exist, it attempts to create it. The files and directories listed are added at the end of the archive, even if a file with the same name is already archived.


  • mixed $filelist - an array of filenames and directory names, or a single string with names separated by a single blank space. For each directory added in the archive, the files and sub-directories are also added.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Archive_Tar::addModify() -- add files or directories


This methods add files and directories listed in filelist at the end of the existing archive.

If the archive does not exists it attempts to create it. If a file or directory is already in the archive it will only be added at the end of the archive. There is no update of the existing archived file or directory. However while extracting the archive, the last file will replace the first one. This results in a none optimization of the archive size. If a file or directory does not exists, it is ignored.


  • mixed $filelist - an array of filenames and directory names, or a single string with names separated by a single blank space.

  • string $add_dir - a string which contains a path to be added to the memorized path of each element in the list.

  • string $remove_dir - a string which contains a path to be removed from the memorized path of each element in the list, when relevant.

    The path indicated in add_dir will be added at the beginning of the memorized path of each file/directory listed. However it can be set to empty ''. The adding of a path is done after the removing of path. The path add/remove ability enables the user to prepare an archive for extraction in a different path than the original path.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


On Windows system, Windows path format can be used. However if the files are using a Windows path, the $remove_dir parameter must also be in Windows path format. The $add_dir parameter can be in Windows or Unix path format.


Archive_Tar::create() -- create archive file


This method creates the archive file and adds the listed files or directories.

If a file with the same tar name exists and is writable, it is replaced by the new tar archive (it is not an 'add', but a 'create'). If a file exists and is write-protected or is a folder, the method raises a PEAR_Error.


  • mixed $filelist - an array of filenames and directory names, or a single string with names separated by a single blank space. For each directory added in the archive, the files and sub-directories are also added.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Archive_Tar::createModify() -- create a new archive


This method creates the archive file and adds the listed files or directories.

If the file already exists and is writable, it is replaced by the new tar. It is a 'create' and not a 'add'. If the file exists and is read-only or is a directory, it is not replaced.


  • mixed $filelist - an array of filenames and directory names, or a single string with names separated by a single blank space.

  • string $add_dir - contains a path to be added to the memorized path of each element in the list.

  • string $remove_dir - contains a path to be removed from the memorized path of each element in the list, when relevant. Default is an empty string.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Archive_Tar::extract() -- extract files


Extracts the files from the archive into the given path.

While extracting a file: If the file already exists it is replaced without looking for last modification date. If the file already exists and is write protected, the extraction is aborted. If a directory with the same name already exists, the extraction is aborted.

However the result can be a partial extraction that may need to be manually cleaned.


  • string $path - the destination path to extract

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Таблица 39-1. Возможные значения PEAR_Error

Error codeError messageReasonSolution
NULL " Unable to open in read mode archive " The file is exclusively locked by another application. Check for other applications working on the file. This can not be caused by a competive processing the archive with Archive_Tar
NULL " Unable to open in write mode archive " The file is locked by another application. Check for other applications working on the file. This maybe caused by a competive processing the archive with Archive_Tar
NULL " Invalid extract mode mode " Implementation error Should not occur, please set up a bug report.
NULL " Directory name already exists as a file " A file is marked up as directory in the archive. Maybe a corrupted archive.
NULL " File name already exists as a directory " A directoy is marked up as file in the archive. Maybe a corrupted archive.
NULL " File name already exists and is write protected. " The archive contains a file which already exists in the destination dir and can not be overwritten. Extract the archive to an empty directory.
NULL " Unable to create path for name " One or more new nested directories could not be created in the destination directory. Ensure that the destination directory and all nested directories have the required permissions.
NULL " Unable to create directory name " A directory could not be created in the destination directory. Ensure that the destination directory has the required permissions.
NULL " Error while opening name in write binary mode " The file could not be created. The file is possibly locked.
NULL " Extracted file filename does not have the correct file size filesize (size expected). Archive may be corrupted. " Read the message. Read the message.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Archive_Tar::extractList() -- extract a list files


This method extracts only the files from the archive that are indicated in the $filelist. These files are extracted in the current directory or in the directory indicated by the optional $path parameter.


  • string $filelist - an array of filenames and directory names, or a single string with names separated by a single blank space.

  • string $path - the path of the directory where the files and/or directory need to by extracted.

  • string $remove_path - part of the memorized path that can be removed if present at the beginning of the files or directories path.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Таблица 39-1. Возможные значения PEAR_Error

Error codeError messageReasonSolution
NULL " Unable to open in read mode archive " The file is exclusively locked by another application. Check for other applications working on the file. This can not be caused by a competive processing the archive with Archive_Tar
NULL " Unable to open in write mode archive " The file is locked by another application. Check for other applications working on the file. This maybe caused by a competive processing the archive with Archive_Tar
NULL " Invalid extractlist mode mode " Implementation error Should not occur, please set up a bug report.
NULL " Directory name already exists as a file " A file is marked up as directory in the archive. Maybe a corrupted archive.
NULL " File name already exists as a directory " A directoy is marked up as file in the archive. Maybe a corrupted archive.
NULL " File name already exists and is write protected. " The archive contains a file which already exists in the destination dir and can not be overwritten. Extract the archive to an empty directory.
NULL " Unable to create path for name " One or more new nested directories could not be created in the destination directory. Ensure the destination directory and all nested directories have the required permissions.
NULL " Unable to create directory name " A directory could not be created in the destination directory. Ensure the destination directory has the required permissions.
NULL " Error while opening name in write binary mode " The file could not be created. The file is maybe locked.
NULL " Extracted file filename does not have the correct file size filesize (size expected). Archive may be corrupted. " Read the message. Read the message.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Archive_Tar::extractModify() -- extract files to a new dir


This method extracts all the content of the archive in the directory indicated by path. When relevant the memorized path of the files or directories can be modified by removing the remove_path path at the beginning of the file or directory path.

While extracting a file: If the file already exists it is replaced without looking for last modification date. If the file already exists and is write protected, the extraction is aborted. If a directory with the same name already exists, the extraction is aborted.

While extracting a directory, if a file with the same name already exists, the extraction is aborted. While extracting a file/directory if the destination directory exist and is write protected, or does not exist but can not be created, the extraction is aborted. If after extraction an extracted file does not show the correct stored file size, the extraction is aborted.


  • string $path - the path of the directory where the files and/or directories need to by extracted.

  • string $remove_path - part of the memorized path that can be removed if present at the beginning of the files or directories path.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Таблица 39-1. Возможные значения PEAR_Error

Error codeError messageReasonSolution
NULL " Unable to open in read mode archive " The file is exclusive locked by another application. Check for other applications working on the file. This can not be caused by a competive processing the archive with Archive_Tar
NULL " Unable to open in write mode archive " The file is locked by another application. Check for other applications working on the file. This maybe caused by a competive processing the archive with Archive_Tar
NULL " Invalid extractmodify mode mode " Implementation error Should not occur, please set up a bug report.
NULL " Directory name already exists as a file " A file is marked up as directory in the archive. Maybe a corrupted archive.
NULL " File name already exists as a directory " A directoy is marked up as file in the archive. Maybe a corrupted archive.
NULL " File name already exists and is write protected. " The archive contains a file which already exists in the destination dir and can not be overwritten. Extract the archive to an empty directory.
NULL " Unable to create path for name " One or more new nested directories could not be created in the destination directory. Ensure the destination directory and all nested directories have the required rights.
NULL " Unable to create directory name " A directory could not be created in the destination directory. Ensure the destination directory has the required rights.
NULL " Error while opening name in write binary mode " The file could not be created. The file is maybe locked.
NULL " Extracted file filename does not have the correct file size filesize (size expected). Archive may be corrupted. " Read the message. Read the message.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Archive_Tar::listContent() -- list files and directories in archive


Lists the files and the directories of the archive.

Возвращаемое значение

array - each array entry represents a file or folder. The array is not sorted, so the index shows the position of the file or directory in the archive.

Each entry contains the following information:

  • $file['filename'] - Name and path of the file/dir.

  • $file['mode'] - File permissions (result of fileperms())

  • $file['uid'] - user id

  • $file['gid'] - group id

  • $file['size'] - filesize

  • $file['mtime'] - Last modification time (result of filemtime())

  • $file['typeflag'] - empty for file, "5" for directory


Таблица 39-1. Возможные значения PEAR_Error

Error codeError messageReasonSolution
NULL " Unable to open in read mode archive " The file is exclusively locked by another application. Check for other applications working on the file. This can not be caused by a competive processing the archive with Archive_Tar
NULL " Invalid listcontent mode mode " Implementation error Should not occur, please set up a bug report.
NULL " Directory name already exists as a file " A file is marked up as directory in the archive. Maybe a corrupted archive.
NULL " File name already exists as a directory " A directoy is marked up as file in the archive. Maybe a corrupted archive.
NULL " File name already exists and is write protected. " The archive contains a file which already exists in the destination dir and can not be overwritten. Extract the archive to an empty directory.
NULL " Unable to create path for name " One or more new nested directories could not be created in the destination directory. Ensure the destination directory and all nested directories have the required rights.
NULL " Unable to create directory name " A directory could not be created in the destination directory. Ensure the destination directory has the required rights.
NULL " Error while opening name in write binary mode " The file could not be created. The file is maybe locked.
NULL " Extracted file filename does not have the correct file size filesize (size expected). Archive may be corrupted. " Read the message. Read the message.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Archive_Tar::extractInString() -- extract one file and return it as a string


This method extracts the file identified by path from the archive and returns it as a string. It does not use temporary files.


  • string $path - the path of the file to extract

Возвращаемое значение

string - the content of the extracted file


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Archive_Tar::addString() -- add a string in the archive


This method adds the string content in the archive like a file with full filename filename.

If the archive does not exists it attempts to create it.


  • string $filename - the path and filename that will be associated with the added string in the archive.

  • string $content - the string to add in the archive as a file.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction --  Introduction to the File class
Constants -- Predefined Constants
File::buildpath() -- build a path from given parts array
File::close() -- closes an open file pointer
File::getTempDir() -- retrieves the system's temporary directory
File::getTempFile() -- returns a path to a temporary file
File::isAbsolute() -- checks wether the given path is an absolute path
File::read() -- read bytes from a file
File::readAll() -- reads a complete file
File::readChar() -- reads a single character from a file
File::readLine() -- reads a single line from a file
File::rewind() -- rewinds a file pointer
File::skipRoot() -- strips the root directory from a given path
File::stripLeadingSeparators() -- strip leading separators from a path
File::stripTrailingSeparators() -- strips trailing separators from a path
File::unlock() -- unlocks a locked file pointer
File::write() -- writes bytes to a file
File::writeChar() -- writes a single character to a file
File::writeLine() -- writes a single line to a file

Common file and directory routines


Introduction --  Introduction to the File class


File provides an easy interface to PHP's builtin file and directory functions, plus some functions to deal with paths.


Constants -- Predefined Constants


The default number of bytes to read from a file.


Using this mode, opened files will be truncated first and then new data will be written to them.


Using this mode, new data will be appended to the end of opened files.


File::buildpath() -- build a path from given parts array



Возвращаемое значение





Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::close() -- closes an open file pointer



Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::getTempDir() -- retrieves the system's temporary directory



Возвращаемое значение





Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::getTempFile() -- returns a path to a temporary file



Возвращаемое значение





Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::isAbsolute() -- checks wether the given path is an absolute path


This method checks whether the supplied path is an absolute path (eg. "/foo/bar" or "C:\foo\bar").


string $path - the path the will be checked.

Возвращаемое значение

This method returns TRUE if the path is absolute, FALSE otherwise.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


File::read() -- read bytes from a file


File::read() reads a specific amount of bytes from a specified file and returns them to the user.


  • string $filename - the file to read from

  • int $size - the number of bytes to read from the file (defaults to FILE_DEFAULT_READSIZE)

  • mixed $lock - lock type to use, FALSE if none

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - this function returns the requested bytes from the file if there were no errors, FALSE if it reached EOF or a PEAR_Error object if an error has occured during reading from file.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


File::readAll() -- reads a complete file



Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::readChar() -- reads a single character from a file



Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::readLine() -- reads a single line from a file



Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::rewind() -- rewinds a file pointer



Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::skipRoot() -- strips the root directory from a given path


This method strips the root directory from $path.


string $path - the path to be processed.

Возвращаемое значение

If the path is absolute, this method returns the processed path, otherwise, it returns the path untouched.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также



File::stripLeadingSeparators() -- strip leading separators from a path


This method removes the leading directory separator (like "/" on *nix) from a path name.


  • string $path - the path name where the leading separator should be removed from.

  • string $separator - optional string that defines the separator. This parameter defaults to the value of the constant DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR that is pre-defined by PHP.

Возвращаемое значение

This methods returns the given path name without a leading directory separator.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


File::stripTrailingSeparators() -- strips trailing separators from a path


This method removes the trailing directory separator (like "/" on *nix) from a path name.


  • string $path - the path name where the trailing separator should be removed from.

  • string $separator - optional string that defines the separator. This parameter defaults to the value of the constant DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR that is pre-defined by PHP.

Возвращаемое значение

This methods returns the given path name without a trailing directory separator.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


File::unlock() -- unlocks a locked file pointer



Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::write() -- writes bytes to a file



Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::writeChar() -- writes a single character to a file



Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


File::writeLine() -- writes a single line to a file



Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также


Search methods --  Types of methods what can be used in search functions
File_Find::glob() -- find matches for a pattern in a directory
File_Find::maptree() -- create a view map for a directory
File_Find::mapTreeMultiple() -- create a recursive view map for a directory
File_Find::search() -- find matches for a pattern in a directory

Commonly needed functions to search for files and directories

Search methods

Search methods --  Types of methods what can be used in search functions

Search methods and their patterns

All search functions use $pattern parameter to specify match for filenames. Format of the $pattern depends on value of another parameter - $pattern_type.

  • If value of $pattern_type is 'php', then the pattern is case-sensitive string which follows the conventions of the ereg_*-functions.

  • In case of 'perl' pattern type it must follow the preg_*-functions pattern format. It is recommended to use 'perl', because it is faster.

  • The last 'shell' mode is most simple and should be familiar to everybody with basic computer skills. It is as easy as windows approach, but has some additional concepts borrowed from the FAR Manager software. The text of the following chapter is copy/paste from it's documentation.

'shell' search mode file masks

File masks are used to select single files and folders or groups of them. Masks may contain common valid file name symbols, wildcards ('*' and '?') and special expressions:

*any number of characters;
?any single character;
[c,x-z]any character enclosed by the brackets. Both separate characters and character intervals are allowed.

For example, files ftp.exe, fc.exe and f.ext may be selected using mask f*.ex?, mask *co* will select both color.ini and, mask [c-f,t]*.txt can select config.txt, demo.txt, faq.txt and tips.txt.

You may enter several file masks separated with commas or semicolons. For example, to select all the documents, you can specify *.doc,*.txt,*.wri in search pattern.

You may use exclude masks. An exclude mask is one or multiple file masks that must not be matched by the files matching the mask. The exclude mask is delimited from the main mask by the character '|'.

Usage examples of exclude masks:

  1. *.cpp

    All files with the extension cpp.

  2. *.*|*.bak,*.tmp

    All files except for the files with extensions bak and tmp.

  3. *.*|

    This mask has an error - the character | is entered, but the mask itself is not specified.

  4. *.*|*.bak|*.tmp

    Also an error - the character | may not be contained in the mask more than once.

  5. |*.bak

    The same as *|*.bak

The comma (or semicolon) is used for separating file masks from each other, and the '|' character separates include masks from exclude masks.

'shell' match mode is available from version 1.2.0 of File_Find


File_Find::glob() -- find matches for a pattern in a directory


Search the directory to find matches for the specified pattern.


  • $pattern - a string containing the pattern to search the directory for.

  • $dirpath - a string containing the directory path to search.

  • $pattern_type - a string containing the type of pattern matching functions to use (can either be 'php', 'perl' or 'shell').

    The format of the $pattern depends on the $pattern_type-value. For more information see search methods

Возвращаемое значение

array - an array contains all filenames and name of subdirectories, which matches the pattern. Or a PEAR_Error.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


File_Find::maptree() -- create a view map for a directory


Map the directory tree given by the directory_path parameter.


  • string $directory - contains the directory path that you want to map

Возвращаемое значение

array - a two element array, the first element containing a list of all the directories, the second element containing a list of all the files.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


File_Find::mapTreeMultiple() -- create a recursive view map for a directory


Map the directory tree given by the directory_path parameter. Depending on maxrecursion you get the content of the directory and the content of the subdirectories too.


  • string $directory - contains the directory path that you want to map

  • integer $maxrecursion - defines the deep of recursive mapping of subdirectories

  • integer $count - can be ignored - internal parameter to track recursion level

Возвращаемое значение

array - a multidimensional array containing all subdirectories and their files


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


File_Find::search() -- find matches for a pattern in a directory


Search the directory to find matches for the specified pattern.


  • $pattern - a string containing the pattern to search the directory for.

  • $dirpath - a string containing the directory path to search.

  • $pattern_type - a string containing the type of pattern matching functions to use (can either be 'php', 'perl' or 'shell').

    The format of the $pattern depends on the $pattern_type-value. For more information see search methods

  • $fullpath - whether the string should be matched against the full path or only against the filename

  • $match - can be either 'files', 'directories' or 'both' to specify the kind of list to return

Возвращаемое значение

array - an array containing all filenames


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

См. также



Introduction -- file format
File_SMBPasswd::File_SMBPasswd() -- constructor
File_SMBPasswd::load() -- load the contents of an existing smbpasswd file
File_SMBPasswd::getFile() -- get the value of the file property
File_SMBPasswd::getAccounts() -- get the value of the accounts property
File_SMBPasswd::addAccountEncrypted() -- adds a new account with pre-encrypted passwords.
File_SMBPasswd::addAccount() -- add a new account with the given plaintext-password.
File_SMBPasswd::addUser() -- add a new user with the given plaintext-password.
File_SMBPasswd::addMachine() -- add a new maschine-account with the given plaintext-password.
File_SMBPasswd::modAccountEncrypted() -- modify an existing account with the given encrypted password.
File_SMBPasswd::modAccount() -- modify an exsting account with the given plaintext-password.
File_SMBPasswd::modUser() -- modify an exsting account with the given plaintext-password.
File_SMBPasswd::delAccount() -- deletes an existing account.
File_SMBPasswd::delUser() -- deletes an existing user.
File_SMBPasswd::verifyAccountEncrypted() -- Verifies the given account with the given encrypted passwords.
File_SMBPasswd::verifyAccount() -- Verifies the given account with the given plaintext passwords.
File_SMBPasswd::lock() -- lock the smbpasswd file
File_SMBPasswd::unlock() -- unlock the smbpasswd file
File_SMBPasswd::save() -- saves the smbpasswd file
File_SMBPasswd::printAccounts() -- prints the contents of an existing smbpasswd file

Provides an API for managing SAMBA passwd-style files


Introduction -- file format

SAMBA passwd-style files

SAMBA is a free implementation of CIFS/SMB. The password encryption on Unix and Windows is different, therefore SAMBA must have his own file where the passwords are encrypted either as NT-Hash and/or as LAN-Manager-Hash. LAN-Manager-Hashes are weak and shouldn't be used anymore, NT-Hashes are based on MD4, but no salt is used, therefore users with the same passwords have the same NT-Hash. In this file are also stored machine accounts, if the SAMBA server acts as PDC, such entries ends with $.


File_SMBPasswd::File_SMBPasswd() -- constructor


Creates a new File_SMBPasswd object and bind it to the given file.


  • string $file - SAMBA password file to read


File_SMBPasswd::load() -- load the contents of an existing smbpasswd file


Load the contents of smbpasswd file.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SMBPasswd::getFile() -- get the value of the file property


Get the value of file property. This property contains the filename of the current smbpasswd file.

Возвращаемое значение

string containing the filename.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SMBPasswd::getAccounts() -- get the value of the accounts property


Get the value of accounts property. This property contains all accounts of the current smbpasswd file.

Возвращаемое значение

array containing all accounts.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SMBPasswd::addAccountEncrypted() -- adds a new account with pre-encrypted passwords.


Modifies an existing account. The passwords must be already encrypted.


  • string $user - username to be added

  • int $userid - userid of the user

  • string $lmhash - LAN-Manager-Hash

  • string $nthash - NT-Hash

  • string $comment - comment

  • string $flags - flags

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Note that the user to be added must already exist in the systems password file.


File_SMBPasswd::addAccount() -- add a new account with the given plaintext-password.


This method works in the same way as File_SMBPasswd::addAccountEncrypted() , except the password has to be given as plaintext. The encryption is done internaly.


  • string $user - username to be added

  • int $userid - userid of the user

  • string $pass - plaintext-password

  • string $comment - comment

  • string $flags - flags

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Note that the user to be added must already exist in the system password file.


File_SMBPasswd::addUser() -- add a new user with the given plaintext-password.


This method works in the same way as File_SMBPasswd::addAccount() , except the flags are forced representing a user-account.


  • string $user - username to be added

  • int $userid - userid of the user

  • string $pass - plaintext-password

  • string $comment - comment

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Note that the user to be added must already exist in the system password file.


File_SMBPasswd::addMachine() -- add a new maschine-account with the given plaintext-password.


This method works in the same way as File_SMBPasswd::addAccount() , except the flags are forced representing a machine-account, a $ is implicitely added to the machinename.


  • string $machine - machinename to be added

  • int $userid - userid of the user

  • string $comment - comment

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Note that the machine to be added must already exist in the system password file.


File_SMBPasswd::modAccountEncrypted() -- modify an existing account with the given encrypted password.


Modifies an existing account using pre-encrypted passwords.


  • string $user - username to be added

  • int $userid - userid of the user

  • string $nthash - new NT-Hash

  • string $lmhash - new LM-Hash

  • string $comment - comment

  • string $flags - flags

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Note that the user to be added must already exist in the system password file.


File_SMBPasswd::modAccount() -- modify an exsting account with the given plaintext-password.


This method works in the same way as File_SMBPasswd::modAccountEncrypted() , except the password has to be given as plaintext. The encryption is done internaly.


  • string $user - username to be modified

  • int $userid - userid of the user

  • string $pass - plaintext-password

  • string $comment - comment

  • string $flags - flags

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SMBPasswd::modUser() -- modify an exsting account with the given plaintext-password.


This method modifies an existing user, using a plaintext-password.


  • string $user - username to be added

  • int $userid - userid of the user

  • string $pass - plaintext-password

  • string $comment - comment

  • string $flags - flags

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Note that the user to be added must already exist in the system password file.


File_SMBPasswd::delAccount() -- deletes an existing account.


This method deletes an existing account.


  • string $name - account name to be deleted (username or machinename)

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


File_SMBPasswd::delUser() -- deletes an existing user.


This method deletes an existing user.


  • string $user - username to be deleted

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


File_SMBPasswd::verifyAccountEncrypted() -- Verifies the given account with the given encrypted passwords.


This method verifies the given username and passwords against the entry in the loaded smbpasswd file. The given passwords must already be a valid NT-Hash or LM-Hash, whereas the LM-Hash is optional.


  • string $user - username to be verified

  • string $nthash - the NT-Hash

  • string $lmhash - the LM-Hash

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


File_SMBPasswd::verifyAccount() -- Verifies the given account with the given plaintext passwords.


This method verifies the given username and plaintext-password against the entry in the loaded smbpasswd file.


  • string $user - username to be verified

  • string $pass - the plaintext password

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


File_SMBPasswd::lock() -- lock the smbpasswd file


lock the smbpasswd file.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SMBPasswd::unlock() -- unlock the smbpasswd file


unlock the smbpasswd file.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SMBPasswd::save() -- saves the smbpasswd file


Saves the contents of File_SMBPasswd object as a corresponding smbpasswd file on the disc. Save implicitely locks the file.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SMBPasswd::printAccounts() -- prints the contents of an existing smbpasswd file


Print all accounts of the loaded smbpasswd file.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction -- HowTo s'n'r in files
File_SearchReplace::File_SearchReplace() -- constructor
File_SearchReplace::getNumOccurences() -- return number of replaces
File_SearchReplace::doSearch() -- execute search&replace
File_SearchReplace::setDirectories() -- set file location
File_SearchReplace::setFiles() -- set the files to scan
File_SearchReplace::setFind() -- set pattern to find
File_SearchReplace::setIncludeSubdir() -- allow scan in sub directories
File_SearchReplace::setReplace() -- set replace string
File_SearchReplace::setSearchFunction() -- set search function to use

Provides an API for replacing text in files


Introduction -- HowTo s'n'r in files

Types of search functions

File_SearchReplace supports different kinds of search functions. The type directly influence the format of the required $find-parameter

normal - default, the only type supporting the $IgnoreLines-parameter
quick - use str_replace()
preg - use preg_replace()
ereg - use ereg_replace()

To set the type, call setSearchFunction() before doSearch().


File_SearchReplace::File_SearchReplace() -- constructor




  • mixed $find - the string/regex or array of strings/regexes to find

  • mixed $replace - the string/regex or array of strings/regexes to replace $find

  • array $files - the file(s) to perform this operation on.

  • array $directories - the directories to perform this operation on.

  • boolean $include_subdir - if performing on directories, whether to traverse subdirectories.

  • array $ignore_lines - ignore lines beginning with any of the strings in this array. This feature only works with the "normal" search.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


File_SearchReplace::getNumOccurences() -- return number of replaces


Returns the the number replaced strings after a File_SearchReplace::doSearch() call.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - the number of occurences


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SearchReplace::doSearch() -- execute search&replace


Starts searching for the patterns and replaces them, if found.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SearchReplace::setDirectories() -- set file location


Set the directories where the files to scan reside.


  • string $directories - the directories to perform


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SearchReplace::setFiles() -- set the files to scan


Set the files to scan.


  • array $files - the file(s) to scan


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SearchReplace::setFind() -- set pattern to find


Set the pattern for the string to find.


  • mixed $find - the string/regex or arrays of them to find


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SearchReplace::setIncludeSubdir() -- allow scan in sub directories


Enable or disable look up in sub directories for files to scan.


  • boolean $inlude_subdir - Whether to traverse subdirectories or not.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SearchReplace::setReplace() -- set replace string


Set the replacment string.


  • mixed $replace - the string/regex or arrays of them to replace found string/regex with.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_SearchReplace::setSearchFunction() -- set search function to use


Function to determine which search function is used.


  • $search_function - The search function that should be used. Possible values: "normal", "quick", "preg", "ereg"


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction -- what are .htaccess files
File_HtAccess::file_htaccess() -- constructor
File_HtAccess::load() -- load the contents of existing .htaccess file
File_HtAccess::save() -- saves the .htaccess file
File_HtAccess::setRequire() -- set the value of require property
File_HtAccess::addRequire() -- add a value into require property
File_HtAccess::delRequire() -- remove a value from require property
File_HtAccess::getRequire() -- get the value(s) of require property
File_HtAccess::setProperties() -- set the values of objects properties
File_HtAccess::setAuthUserFile() -- set the value of authuserfile property
File_HtAccess::setAuthGroupFile() -- set the value of authgroupfile property
File_HtAccess::setAuthType -- set the value of authtype property
File_HtAccess::setAuthDigestFile -- set the value of authdigestfile property

Provides methods to create and manipulate .htaccess files.


Introduction -- what are .htaccess files

What is File_HtAccess?

File_HtAccess provides common methods to create and manipulate Apache / NCSA style .htaccess files. These files together with accompanying password files are used to protect webserver directories. Since File_HtAccess does not provide any means to manipulate or create password files you should use it together with File_Passwd.

What are .htaccess files?

The most common and the original purpose of .htaccess files is to create per-directory password protection of resources. With modern webservers there is vast amount of other things .htaccess files can do. These include: custom error pages, ip based access control, redirecting users automatically, denying directory listing and using different files as an index file.

File_HtAccess concentrates only to password protection of directories, although it is possible to use it to control other things mentioned above too.

A .htaccess file is built from the following basic directives. They differ a bit whether youre using Basic or Digest authentication.

File_HtAccess provides method accessor methods with corresponding names for each of these directives, such as getAuthType() and setAuthType().

A typical .htaccess file looks like this:
AuthName "Protected"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/conf/users.dat
require valid-user

What is Basic authentication

When a client requests resource protected with basic authentication webserver responds with a 401 Authentication Required header. When client receives 401 header it asks the user for username and password. If authentication succeeds, the protected resource will be sent to the client. Otherwise the access will be denied.

What is Digest authentication

Even though the passwords are stored encrypted on serverside they are sent cleartext between client and server when using Basic authentication. With Digest authentication the passwords are never sent cleartext but as a MD5 digest instead. The caveat is, most browsers do not support Digest authentication.


File_HtAccess::file_htaccess() -- constructor


Creates an instance of a File_HtAccess object.


  • string $file - filename to use. Defaults to .htaccess

  • array $params - a array of parameters which can be:

    • $params['authname'] - authname

    • $params['authtype'] - authtype

    • $params['authuserfile'] - authuserfile

    • $params['authgroupfile'] - authgroupfile

    • $params['require'] - require

    • $params['additional'] - additional

Возвращаемое значение

object - instance of File_HtAccess


File_HtAccess::load() -- load the contents of existing .htaccess file


Load the contents of .htaccess file.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_HtAccess::save() -- saves the .htaccess file


Saves the contents of File_HtAccess object as a corresponding .htaccess file on the disc.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_HtAccess::setRequire() -- set the value of require property


Sets the value of require property.This overwrites the previous value. If you need to add a value (user) to require use File_HtAccess::addRequire() instead. Using this method you can control which users will be able to access the protected resources.


  • mixed $require - value the requre property to be set to. Can be given as a string or an array. If given as a string separate multiple values with a space.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_HtAccess::addRequire() -- add a value into require property


Adds a value (user) into require property. Using this method you can control which users will be able to access the protected resources.


  • string $require - value (user) to be added to require property.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_HtAccess::delRequire() -- remove a value from require property


Remove a value (user) from require property. Using this method you can control which users will be able to access the protected resources.


  • string $require - value (user) to be added to require property.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_HtAccess::getRequire() -- get the value(s) of require property


Get the value(s) of require property as an array. Require property contains the usernames or groups users who are allowed to access protected resources. Value valid-user means all users listed in password file are allowed to access.


  • string $type - if 'string' return value will be a string with usernames separated by a space character. Otherwise return value will be an array(). Defaults to an array.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed string or array depending on $type parameter.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_HtAccess::setProperties() -- set the values of objects properties


Set the values of objects properties as defined by hash given as a parameter. You can use this method as an alternative to passing property values in constructor .


  • $params['authname'] - authname

  • $params['authtype'] - authtype

  • $params['authuserfile'] - authuserfile

  • $params['authgroupfile'] - authgroupfile

  • $params['require'] - require

  • $params['additional'] - additional

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_HtAccess::setAuthUserFile() -- set the value of authuserfile property


Sets the value of authuserfile property. AuthUserFile is the password file which contains username:password pairs for Basic authentication. You must give full path to the password file in order for it to work.


  • string $file - absolute pathname to the password file.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_HtAccess::setAuthGroupFile() -- set the value of authgroupfile property


Sets the value of authgroupfile property. AuthGroupFile a file containing names of the groups and usernames belonging to the group. You must give full path to the group file in order for it to work.


  • string $file - absolute pathname to the group file.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_HtAccess::setAuthType -- set the value of authtype property


Sets the value of authtype property. Almost allways you will be using Basic authentication. Since most browsers don't yet support Digest authentication you should only use Digest if you can control what browsers will be accessing the resources.


  • string $type - authentication type to use. Should be Basic os Digest. Defaults to Basic.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


File_HtAccess::setAuthDigestFile -- set the value of authdigestfile property


Sets the value of authdigestfile property. AuthDigestFile is the password file which contains username:realm:password pairs for Digest authentication. You must give full path to the password file in order for it to work.


  • string $file - absolute pathname to the password file.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Глава 40. Gtk

Provides useful packages for the PHP-Gtk extension.


Introduction --  Why using Gtk_FileDrop?
Widget support --  Drops handled on different widget types
Example --  How to use Gtk_FileDrop

Setting up GtkWidgets to accept files via Drag'n'Drop in a very easy way.


Introduction --  Why using Gtk_FileDrop?


  • Christian Weiske


Gtk_FileDrop provides an easy interface to set up GtkWidgets to receive files via Drag'n'Drop. Widgets can be told to accept a number of MIME-Types as well as a number of file extensions. Values of widgets can automatically be set when drops with valid files occur, or a callback function can be specified which is invoked in this case.

Now one may think that the whole setup process is really simple and would not need a class like this to make widgets accept files. That is right. The setup for making widgets accept drops is an ease - but there are two more steps to do:

  1. Make the widget accept only some types of files

  2. Convert the dropped filenames to usable filenames

The first item is not so hard to implement; we do this by either checking the file extension, or using the MIME_Type package to get the mime type. (Note: * is supported).

The second item is the main problem as all applications seem to ignore the standard for file name exchange and cook their own soup (so using their own format) when passing the file names. This package knows the differences and converts the dropped strings into usable local filenames, regardless of the format the source application uses. For a deeper insight in this topic you should read the PHP-Gtk FileDrop tutorial.

Замечание: A note about Mozilla/Firefox: Mozilla provides file names only with mime type text/plain only instead of text/uri-list. If we would accept this type as well, the problem arises that every text could be dropped - if it is a file or not. That's why the decision was made not to accept drops from Mozilla.

Widget support

Widget support --  Drops handled on different widget types


Example --  How to use Gtk_FileDrop

Using Gtk_FileDrop

Замечание: When a file is dropped over a widget which accepts directories only, the directory of the filename is used.


Introduction --  Getting started with Gtk_Scrollinglabel?
Gtk_ScrollingLabel::getFullText -- Returns the full text of the label.
Gtk_ScrollingLabel::getHiddenText -- Returns all of the text that is not currently visible.
Gtk_ScrollingLabel::getScrollingLabel -- Returns a GtkEventBox with the scrolling label inside.
Gtk_ScrollingLabel::getStyle -- Gets the label's style widget
Gtk_ScrollingLabel::getVisibleLength -- Returns the length of the visible area in characters.
Gtk_ScrollingLabel::pause -- Stops the label from scrolling without reseting the label text
Gtk_ScrollingLabel::setBounce -- Sets the text to bounce between the borders of the label
Gtk_ScrollingLabel::setStartSignal --  Connects the startScroll() method to a given event.
Gtk_ScrollingLabel::startScroll -- Begins scrolling the text from the start of the string.
Gtk_ScrollingLabel::unPause -- Begins scrolling the label from its current position

A class that creates a scrolling marquee.


Introduction --  Getting started with Gtk_Scrollinglabel?


  • Scott Mattocks


Gtk_ScrollingLabel is a class that creates a pseudo-widget which makes scrolling text within a label easy. The text within the label can be set to scroll from left to right, right to left, or bounce within the boundries of the label. The speed of the scrolling text can also be controlled. There are also built in methods to make the text pause or stop when the user moves the mouse over the label and start up again when the mouse leaves the label space.

Getting started with Gtk_ScrollingLabel is easy. All you need to do is instantiate the class, add it to a window, and start the scrolling. Take at look at the example below.


Gtk_ScrollingLabel::getFullText -- Returns the full text of the label.


Returns the full text of the label. The full text is the text that was set on construction or with setFullText() not just what is currently visible.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the full text of the label.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk_ScrollingLabel::getHiddenText -- Returns all of the text that is not currently visible.


Returns the portion of the full label text that is currently not being shown.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the label text that is not visible.

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk_ScrollingLabel::getScrollingLabel -- Returns a GtkEventBox with the scrolling label inside.


Returns the GtkEventBox that contains the scrolling label.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the GtkEventBox containing the scrolling label.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk_ScrollingLabel::getStyle -- Gets the label's style widget


Returns the label's style widget. This lets you make changes to the style to alter the look and feel of the widget. You can change the font of the display, the color of the background, etc.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the GtkStyle widget for the label.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk_ScrollingLabel::getVisibleLength -- Returns the length of the visible area in characters.


Returns the length of the visible area in characters. The length of the visible area is the maximum number of characters that are visible at one time.

Возвращаемое значение

integer the maximum number of characters that are visible at one time.

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk_ScrollingLabel::pause -- Stops the label from scrolling without reseting the label text


Stops the label from scrolling but does not reset the label text to the begining. If you want the label to stop scrolling and return to its original position (blank), use stopScroll().

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if the scrolling has stopped.

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk_ScrollingLabel::setBounce -- Sets the text to bounce between the borders of the label


If $bounce is true, the text will scroll to the left until the first character hits the left edge of the visible window then it will scroll back to the right. When the last character hits the right edge of the visible window the text will scroll back to the left again.

If all of the scrolling text cannot be viewed at once, making the text bounce will have an undesired result. Therefore it is suggested that the length of the text always be at least one character less than the maximum viewable string length.


  • boolean $bounce - Whether or not the text should change direction when it hits a label edge.

Возвращаемое значение

returns Whether or not the text is set to bounce


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk_ScrollingLabel::setStartSignal --  Connects the startScroll() method to a given event.


setStartSignal() will make the event box listen for the signal $signal and will envoke startScroll() when ever it is heard. The signal should be a signal that GtkEventBox listens for normally or a button press event.


  • string $signal - The Gtk signal to connect to startScroll().

Возвращаемое значение

returns The handler id for the connection.

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk_ScrollingLabel::startScroll -- Begins scrolling the text from the start of the string.


startScroll() will make the text begin scrolling in the direction given by calling setDirection(). If the text is scrolling left to right (GTK_SCROLLINGLABEL_RIGHT), the current character position is set to the end of the text. This means that the last character of the label will be the first character shown. If the text is scrolling right to left (GTK_SCROLLINGLABEL_LEFT), the current character position is set to zero. This means that first character shown will be a blank space.

This method is best used when connected to an event.

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if the text has started scrolling. false otherwise.

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk_ScrollingLabel::unPause -- Begins scrolling the label from its current position


Begins scrolling the label from its current position. unPause() is different from startScroll() in that it does not reset the label to the begining of the text.

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if the text has started scrolling.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Глава 41. Gtk2

Provides useful packages for the PHP-Gtk2 extension.


Introduction -- About Gtk2_EntryDialog
constructor Gtk2_EntryDialog() -- Create a entry dialog instance.
Gtk2_EntryDialog::new_simple() -- Simplified constructor with not so much parameters.
Gtk2_EntryDialog::get() -- Show the dialog and retrieve the text
Gtk2_EntryDialog::run() -- Show the dialog and block until a button has been pressed.
Gtk2_EntryDialog::get_text() -- Returns the text input by the user.
Gtk2_EntryDialog::set_text() -- Sets the text for the entry
Gtk2_EntryDialog::set_default_response() -- Set the default response.

The package provides a simple dialogbox for text input.


Introduction -- About Gtk2_EntryDialog

About Gtk2_EntryDialog

Gtk2_EntryDialog provides a dialog with a message and one single text input field, and some buttons like OK and Cancel. The class tries to make it as easy as possible to get the text from the user with only a few lines of code, while keeping the full power of the GtkDialog class.

The most easy way to retrieve the text with one line of code is using the get() static method.

constructor Gtk2_EntryDialog()

constructor Gtk2_EntryDialog()  -- Create a entry dialog instance.


Creates a new entry dialog instance. After creating it, you can modify it and finally use the run() to show it and await the input.

You might want to use a more simple constructor, e.g. get() or new_simple()

require_once 'Gtk2/EntryDialog.php';

$id = new Gtk2_EntryDialog(
    null,                       //parent window
    0,                          //flags (GtkDialogFlags)
    Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION,      //type of message
    Gtk::BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL,     //which buttons shall be there
    'What\'s your name?',       //the message
    'Don\'t know'               //The default text

$answer = $id->run();
if ($answer == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) {
    echo 'The name is: ';
} else {
    echo "You cancelled\r\n";


GtkWindow $parent

Parent window (can be null).

GtkDialogFlags $flags

Dialog flags (use 0 as default)

GtkMessageType $type

Message type (e.g. Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION)

GtkButtonsType $buttons

Buttons to show (e.g. Gtk::BUTTONS_OK)

string $message

Message to display.

string $default

Default text for the entry.


Gtk2_EntryDialog::new_simple()  -- Simplified constructor with not so much parameters.


Simplified constructor with not so much parameters.

Message type is Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION, the flags will be Gtk::DIALOG_MODAL if the parent is set. Only one button, OK, will be visible.

require_once 'Gtk2/EntryDialog.php';

$id = Gtk2_EntryDialog::new_simple(
    'What\'s your name?',       //the message
    'Don\'t know'               //The default text

$answer = $id->run();
if ($answer == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) {
    echo 'The name is: ';
} else {
    echo "You cancelled\r\n";


string $message

Message to display.

string $default

Default text for the entry.

GtkWindow $parent

Parent window (can be null).


Gtk2_EntryDialog::get()  -- Show the dialog and retrieve the text


Creates a dialog with the given parameters, runs it, and returns the text set. If the user cancelled the dialog, this method returns FALSE. In any other case (even when the text is empty), the a string with the text is returned.

require_once 'Gtk2/EntryDialog.php';

$text = Gtk2_EntryDialog::get(
    'What\'s your name?',       //the message
    'Don\'t know'               //The default text

if ($text !== false) {
    echo 'The name is: ';
} else {
    echo "You cancelled\r\n";


string $message

Message to display.

string $default

Default text for the entry.

GtkWindow $parent

Parent window (can be null).

Возвращаемое значение

returns False if the user cancelled input, the text (string) otherwise.


Gtk2_EntryDialog::run()  -- Show the dialog and block until a button has been pressed.


Show the dialog and block until a button has been pressed.

Возвращаемое значение

returns The response id of the pressed button.


Gtk2_EntryDialog::get_text()  -- Returns the text input by the user.


Retrieves the text from the entry.

Возвращаемое значение

returns The input from the user.


Gtk2_EntryDialog::set_text()  -- Sets the text for the entry


Sets the text for the entry.


Gtk2_EntryDialog::set_default_response()  -- Set the default response.


Set the default response.

The button with the id will be the default one, allowing you to just press return to activate it.


int $response_id

Response code


Introduction -- Using Gtk2_ExceptionDump
Re-using Gtk2_ExceptionDump -- Embedding it in own applications

Catches and displays PHP errors, notices and warnings as well as PEAR Errors and uncaught exceptions.


Introduction -- Using Gtk2_ExceptionDump

About Gtk2_ExceptionDump

Gtk2_ExceptionDump catches and displays common errors and warnings that can be produced in a PHP scripts: PHP errors, notices and warnings as well as PEAR Errors and uncaught exceptions. They are displayed in a Gtk2 window with a tree view, providing the error message and the backtrace with passed parameters.

The most easy thing to do is letting the class handle everything automatically. You can decide which errors should be catched: All, PHP errors, PEAR errors or uncaught exceptions. The following methods need to be called statically to set up error handling:

  • setupExceptionHandler()

  • setupPearErrorHandler()

  • setupPhpErrorHandler()

  • setupAllHandlers()

Handling exceptions by hand

If you don't want to let Gtk2_ExceptionDump handle errors automatically, you can display the window by hand, e.g. in a catch() statement.

More examples

As usually, the package has more examples in the doc directory: /path/to/pear/docs/Gtk2_ExceptionDump/examples/.

Re-using Gtk2_ExceptionDump

Re-using Gtk2_ExceptionDump -- Embedding it in own applications

Re-using Gtk2_ExceptionDump

You can make use of the brain power that went into the development of Gtk2_ExceptionDump by embedding the stack trace treeview into your own application.

There class you want is Gtk2_ExceptionDump_Stack. It's a subclass of GtkTreeView and should be embedded in a GtkScrolledWindow if you use it. The constructor takes the exception object, but it can be omitted and set later by using setException().


Introduction --  Why using Gtk2_FileDrop?
Widget support --  Drops handled on different widget types
Example --  How to use Gtk2_FileDrop

Setting up GtkWidgets to accept files via Drag'n'Drop in a very easy way.


Introduction --  Why using Gtk2_FileDrop?


  • Christian Weiske


Gtk2_FileDrop provides an easy interface to set up GtkWidgets to receive files via Drag'n'Drop. Widgets can be told to accept a number of MIME-Types as well as a number of file extensions. Values of widgets can automatically be set when drops with valid files occur, or a callback function can be specified which is invoked in this case.

Now one may think that the whole setup process is really simple and would not need a class like this to make widgets accept files. That is right. The setup for making widgets accept drops is an ease - but there are two more steps to do:

  1. Make the widget accept only some types of files

  2. Convert the dropped filenames to usable filenames

The first item is not so hard to implement; we do this by either checking the file extension, or using the MIME_Type package to get the mime type. (Note: * is supported).

The second item is the main problem as all applications seem to ignore the standard for file name exchange and cook their own soup (so using their own format) when passing the file names. This package knows the differences and converts the dropped strings into usable local filenames, regardless of the format the source application uses. For a deeper insight in this topic you should read the PHP-Gtk FileDrop tutorial.

Замечание: A note about Mozilla/Firefox: Mozilla provides file names only with mime type text/plain only instead of text/uri-list. If we would accept this type as well, the problem arises that every text could be dropped - if it is a file or not. That's why the decision was made not to accept drops from Mozilla.

Замечание: Gtk2_FileDrop is the port of Gtk_FileDrop to PHP-Gtk2 and PHP5. Thus, it has identical methods and behaves the same.

Widget support

Widget support --  Drops handled on different widget types


Example --  How to use Gtk2_FileDrop

Using Gtk2_FileDrop

Замечание: When a file is dropped over a widget which accepts directories only, the directory of the filename is used.


Simple example -- To get started easily
Conquering Glade combo boxes -- How to use glade combos with this class
Gtk2_IndexedComboBox -- The main class
Gtk2_IndexedComboBox_Model -- Model class behind the scenes

Gtk2_IndexedComboBox is meant to be as easy to use as possible, and to have an API similar to the combo boxes created with GtkComboBox::new_text(). You can directly add key/value pairs to the widget instead of using the model (which is possible, too). Retrieving the currently selected key can be done with a single method call.

Both keys and values can be strings, thus allowing integers implicitly. This is very useful if you need a widget to select some row ID from a database, but want to display some descriptive string. By default, a single GtkCellRendererText is used as cell renderer.

Simple example

Simple example -- To get started easily

Simple example

In this example, we will create a combo box, add an array of key/value pairs and display the currently selected pair in a label.

At first, we create a new combo widget object. You already could pass the array of data in the constructor if you wanted to, but here we use the set_array() method to do this. After providing the data, entry with id 2 is made active/pre-selected.

Whenever the selection changes, the example displays the selected key and value in a label below the combo box. We use get_active_key() to retrieve the key, and get_active_text() to retrieve the value.

Conquering Glade combo boxes

Conquering Glade combo boxes -- How to use glade combos with this class

Conquering Glade combo boxes

While designing your user interface with Glade is really convenient and easy, it doesn't allow you to use custom classes as this combo here. Thanks to the MVC model in Gtk2, you still can use this class's power by using the same model as Gtk2_IndexedComboBox uses internally: Gtk2_IndexedComboBox_Model.

The important thing to remember is that you need to setup your own cell renderer, and tell it which column in the model shall be displayed. Beside that, you just do the normal model-creation-and-setting via set_model().

All data manipulation methods of Gtk2_IndexedComboBox you saw in the previous example are available in the model, Gtk2_IndexedComboBox_Model. Only get_active_key() and get_active_text() cannot be used on the model, since this doesn't know anything about selections. Retrieve the selected GtkTreeIter by combining the calls of get_active() and get_iter(), and pass this iter object to get_key() and get_text().


Gtk2_IndexedComboBox -- The main class


Gtk2_IndexedComboBox automatically creates the model and sets up the cell renderer when instantiating the widget. You may pass an array of key/value pairs to the constructor if you like to, but also can set them later.

The currently selected (active) key can be retrieved via get_active_key(), the selected (active) value by using get_active_text(). You can preselect a certain key with set_active_key().

If you don't like the renderer or want to change it or its attributes, use get_cell_renderer() and set_cell_renderer().

All other methods to retrieve/store data are convenience methods that act as proxy to the model. For example, Gtk2_IndexedComboBox' method set_array() internally calls the same method on the model, Gtk2_IndexedComboBox_Model. This allows you to quickly add some data to the combo without getting the model first and acting on it.


Gtk2_IndexedComboBox_Model -- Model class behind the scenes


The model class is the data storage for your key/value pairs. It contains two columns, both are of type Gtk::TYPE_STRING and can hold text and numbers. The first is used for the keys, the values are stored in the second column.

The class has several method that allow you to store data in the model: The classis set_array() takes an associative array of key/value pairs. Once set, you can use append_array() and prepend_array() to add new data after or before the current values. You also have the possibility to use insert_array() that takes the position as first, and the data array as second parameter.

Beside the *_array methods, you can add single key/value pairs by using append() and prepend() which take the key as first, and the value as second parameter. insert() wants an additional position number as first parameter, and key/value as second and third.

To delete data from the model, use remove_key(). After finishing your data manipulation, you can retrieve the full associative array of key/value pairs via get_array().

To obtain the key or value of a certain GtkTreeIter (that you got e.g. from the model by using get_iter()), use get_key() and get_text().


Introduction -- About Gtk2_PHPConfig
Usage -- Using Gtk2_PHPConfig

Provides a simple GUI to enable the user to edit php.ini values.


Introduction -- About Gtk2_PHPConfig


This package will be useful for PHP-GTK 2 based applications which require the user to make changes to php.ini. The class can parse any existing ini file, or create new ones. Parsing of existing files is currently a little inefficient, suggestions for improvement are welcome. New files and files previously generated by Gtk2_PHPConfig are parsed at a good speed though.

The interface displays all available configuration sections on the left pane, and their corresponding options in the top right pane. The bottom right pane displays the description of the option selected and the facility to change the value of that option.


Usage -- Using Gtk2_PHPConfig


Introduction --  Getting started with Gtk2_Scrollinglabel
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel -- Create a new Scrolling label.
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getFullText -- Returns the full text of the label.
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getHiddenText -- Returns all of the text that is not currently visible.
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getScrollingLabel -- Returns a GtkEventBox with the scrolling label inside.
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getStyle -- Gets the label's style widget
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getVisibleLength -- Returns the length of the visible area in characters.
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::pause -- Stops the label from scrolling without reseting the label text
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setBounce -- Sets the text to bounce between the borders of the label
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setStartSignal --  Connects the startScroll() method to a given event.
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::startScroll -- Begins scrolling the text from the start of the string.
Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::unPause -- Begins scrolling the label from its current position

A class that creates a scrolling marquee.


Introduction --  Getting started with Gtk2_Scrollinglabel


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel is a class that creates a pseudo-widget which makes scrolling text within a label easy. The text within the label can be set to scroll from left to right, right to left, or bounce within the boundries of the label. The speed of the scrolling text can also be controlled. There are also built in methods to make the text pause or stop when the user moves the mouse over the label and start up again when the mouse leaves the label space.

Getting started with Gtk2_ScrollingLabel is easy. All you need to do is instantiate the class, add it to a window, and start the scrolling. Take at look at the example below.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel -- Create a new Scrolling label.


Class constructor


  • string $text - The text to scroll


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getFullText -- Returns the full text of the label.


Returns the full text of the label. The full text is the text that was set on construction or with setFullText() not just what is currently visible.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the full text of the label.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getHiddenText -- Returns all of the text that is not currently visible.


Returns the portion of the full label text that is currently not being shown.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the label text that is not visible.

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getScrollingLabel -- Returns a GtkEventBox with the scrolling label inside.


Returns the GtkEventBox that contains the scrolling label.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the GtkEventBox containing the scrolling label.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getStyle -- Gets the label's style widget


Returns the label's style widget. This lets you make changes to the style to alter the look and feel of the widget. You can change the font of the display, the color of the background, etc.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the GtkStyle widget for the label.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::getVisibleLength -- Returns the length of the visible area in characters.


Returns the length of the visible area in characters. The length of the visible area is the maximum number of characters that are visible at one time.

Возвращаемое значение

integer the maximum number of characters that are visible at one time.

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::pause -- Stops the label from scrolling without reseting the label text


Stops the label from scrolling but does not reset the label text to the begining. If you want the label to stop scrolling and return to its original position (blank), use stopScroll().

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if the scrolling has stopped.

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setBounce -- Sets the text to bounce between the borders of the label


If $bounce is true, the text will scroll to the left until the first character hits the left edge of the visible window then it will scroll back to the right. When the last character hits the right edge of the visible window the text will scroll back to the left again.

If all of the scrolling text cannot be viewed at once, making the text bounce will have an undesired result. Therefore it is suggested that the length of the text always be at least one character less than the maximum viewable string length.


  • boolean $bounce - Whether or not the text should change direction when it hits a label edge.

Возвращаемое значение

returns Whether or not the text is set to bounce


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::setStartSignal --  Connects the startScroll() method to a given event.


setStartSignal() will make the event box listen for the signal $signal and will envoke startScroll() when ever it is heard. The signal should be a signal that GtkEventBox listens for normally or a button press event.


  • string $signal - The Gtk signal to connect to startScroll().

Возвращаемое значение

returns The handler id for the connection.

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::startScroll -- Begins scrolling the text from the start of the string.


startScroll() will make the text begin scrolling in the direction given by calling setDirection(). If the text is scrolling left to right (GTK2_SCROLLINGLABEL_RIGHT), the current character position is set to the end of the text. This means that the last character of the label will be the first character shown. If the text is scrolling right to left (GTK2_SCROLLINGLABEL_LEFT), the current character position is set to zero. This means that first character shown will be a blank space.

This method is best used when connected to an event.

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if the text has started scrolling. false otherwise.

См. также



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Gtk2_ScrollingLabel::unPause -- Begins scrolling the label from its current position


Begins scrolling the label from its current position. unPause() is different from startScroll() in that it does not reset the label to the begining of the text.

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if the text has started scrolling.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction -- About Gtk2_VarDump
Re-using Gtk2_VarDump -- Embedding it in own applications

Provides a simple GUI to examine PHP variables, for example complex arrays or objects.


Introduction -- About Gtk2_VarDump

About Gtk2_VarDump

Gtk2_VarDump is a simple GUI to examine PHP variables, for example complex arrays or objects. It displays the variable and all sub-variables/array keys/sub-objects in the left pane (a GtkTreeView), and the actual values in a list view on the right side.

The class is very easy to use: Just include the file, and call the static display method with the variable you want to have dumped.

Re-using Gtk2_VarDump

Re-using Gtk2_VarDump -- Embedding it in own applications

Re-using Gtk2_VarDump

Gtk2_VarDump consists of two main parts: A tree on the left, displaying the structure of the variable-to-dump, and a list on the right side, showing the keys and their values. They are arranged on a pane, which itself is contained in the main window.

Now you might want to dump some variables yourself, but integrate this display directly into your own application - without opening a new window for that. Gtk2_VarDump is prepared for that; you can re-use the existing classes.


Gtk2_VarDump_Pane is the container for both tree and list. You can use instantiate it, add it to your interface and call the setVariable() method to display the contents of the variable. The method takes the variable as first parameter, and a user-definable title as optional second parameter.


Gtk2_VarDump_Tree is an descendant of GtkTreeView, and as usual without any scrollbars. Remember to add it to a GtkScrolledWindow. The class has, as Gtk2_VarDump_Pane does, a setVariable() method that takes the variable to be displayed and an optional title that is used for the root element.

The tree has another method: setList() is used to set the list widget that shall display the values. Be sure that the list widget also provides a setVariable() method. Whenever the selection in the tree changes, the list's setVariable() method is called.


Gtk2_VarDump_List is a descendant of GtkTreeView and simply displays plain key-value pairs. It has, like the other two classes, a setVariable() method that takes the variable to display as first parameter, and an optional title as second parameter.

Глава 42. HTML

Предоставляет пакеты для создания и работы с HTML.


Introduction -- Generating HTML forms.
Usage examples -- Using HTML_Form.

This is a simple HTML form generator. It supports all the HTML form element types including file uploads, may return or print the form, just individual form elements or the full form in "table mode" with a fixed layout.


Introduction -- Generating HTML forms.

What is HTML_Form?

This is a simple HTML form generator. It supports all the HTML form element types including file uploads, may return or print the form, just individual form elements or the full form in "table mode" with a fixed layout.

Range of use

Generally one can use HTML_Form in HTML based projects of any form. But especially when using the package in "table mode" one may soon run into design problems, because the table that is created by HTML_Form cannot be equipped with CSS or other ways to control their look. Thus the main usage area of HTML_Form are sites where design does not play the most important role but where it is necessary to get fast results while keeping the code clean at the same time. (Examples are back office websites or places like, where the package is used at a lot of places.)

Simple usage example

The above example code creates a HTML form that only contains a single textfield with the name "name" and with the label "What's your name" and a submit button labeled "Go, Go".

Supported tags

The following HTML form tags are supported by HTML_Form: textfields, password fields, checkboxes, textareas, submit buttons, reset buttons, select fields, radio buttons, image fields, hidden fields, file upload fields. Additionally one can add blank spaces and plain text to the form.

Usage examples

Usage examples -- Using HTML_Form.

Creating the form in "table mode"

Creating a form in "table mode" means that the package returns the complete form in a fixed width table. Whilst this does not work very well for most frontend websites, it is a very convenient way to create forms during development phase or for backend systems where the design does not matter (much).

This will display a table where the left column holds the labels of the different fields. In the right column the different fields are placed.

Displaying single form tags

Apart from retrieving the table as a whole, one can also use the API of HTML_Form to directly display single form tags.

The above example will print the HTML markup being necessary to render a text input field. It will not print the surrounding <form /> tag or something else!

Returing single form tags

Similar to displaying form tags with the display*() functions HTML_Form can also return the tag instead of printing it.

The variable $str now contains HTML markup like <input type="password" name="password" />.


Introduction -- Menu structure and supported output modes
constructor HTML_Menu::HTML_Menu() -- Initializes the menu, sets the type and menu structure.
HTML_Menu::forceCurrentUrl() -- Forces the given URL to be "current"
HTML_Menu::get() -- Returns the HTML menu.
HTML_Menu::getCurrentURL() -- Returns the URL of the currently selected page.
HTML_Menu::getPath() -- Returns the path of the current page in the menu 'tree'.
HTML_Menu::render() -- Renders the menu.
HTML_Menu::setMenu() -- Sets the menu structure.
HTML_Menu::setMenuType() -- Sets the type of the menu.
HTML_Menu::setURLEnvVar() -- Sets the environment variable to use to get the current URL.
HTML_Menu::setURLPrefix() -- Sets the prefix for the URLs in the menu
HTML_Menu::show() -- Prints the HTML menu.
Class Summary HTML_Menu_Renderer -- An abstract base class for HTML_Menu renderers (для разработчиков)
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishLevel() -- Finish the tree level (for types 'tree' and 'sitemap') (для разработчиков)
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishMenu() -- Finish the menu (для разработчиков)
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishRow() -- Finish the row in the menu (для разработчиков)
HTML_Menu_Renderer::renderEntry() -- Renders the element of the menu (для разработчиков)
HTML_Menu_Renderer::setMenuType() -- Sets the type of the menu being rendered
Class Summary HTML_Menu_DirectRenderer -- The renderer that generates HTML for the menu all by itself.
DirectRenderer::setEntryTemplate() -- Sets the template for menu entry.
DirectRenderer::setMenuTemplate() -- Sets the menu template (HTML that wraps around rows)
DirectRenderer::setRowTemplate() -- Sets the row template (HTML that wraps around entries)
DirectRenderer::toHtml() -- returns the HTML generated for the menu
Class Summary HTML_Menu_DirectTreeRenderer -- The "direct" renderer for 'tree' and 'sitemap' menu types where level is represented by tags nesting.
DirectTreeRenderer::setEntryTemplate() -- Sets the template for menu entry.
DirectTreeRenderer::setItemTemplate() -- Sets the item template (HTML that wraps around entries)
DirectTreeRenderer::setLevelTemplate() -- Sets the level template (HTML that wraps around the submenu)
DirectTreeRenderer::toHtml() -- returns the HTML generated for the menu
Class Summary HTML_Menu_ArrayRenderer -- The renderer that creates an array of visible menu entries.
ArrayRenderer::toArray() -- returns the resultant array
Class Summary HTML_Menu_SigmaRenderer -- The renderer that uses HTML_Template_Sigma instance for menu output.
constructor HTML_Menu_SigmaRenderer() -- Class constructor.
Class Summary HTML_Menu_SigmaTreeRenderer -- HTML_Template_Sigma-based renderer for 'tree' and 'sitemap' type menus, where menu level is represented by tag nesting.
constructor HTML_Menu_SigmaTreeRenderer() -- Class constructor.
Class Summary HTML_MenuBrowser -- Simple filesystem browser that can be used to generated menu (3) hashes based on the directory structure.
constructor HTML_MenuBrowser::HTML_MenuBrowser() -- Creates the object and optionally sets the directory to scan.
HTML_MenuBrowser::addFileInfo() -- Adds further informations to the menu hash gathered from the files in it
HTML_MenuBrowser::browse() -- Recursive function that does the scan and builds the menu (3) hash.
HTML_MenuBrowser::exploreFile() -- Returns additional menu informations decoded in the file that appears in the menu.
HTML_MenuBrowser::getMenu() -- Returns a hash to be used with menu(3)'s setMenu().
HTML_MenuBrowser::setDirectory() -- Sets the directory to scan.
HTML_MenuBrowser::setIDPrefix() -- Sets the prefix for every id in the menu hash.
Package HTML_Menu Constants -- Constants defined in and used by HTML_Menu

With the HTML_Menu class one can easily create and maintain a navigation structure for websites, configuring it via a multidimensional hash structure. Different modes for the HTML output are supported.


Introduction -- Menu structure and supported output modes

Menu hash structure

The menu structure is defined by a multidimensional hash. This makes it quite easy to generate and traverse:
Each entry should have at least 'url' and 'title' keys and may also have 'sub' key containing the children of this entry. Note that keys in the entry arrays serve as node identifiers and should be unique.

The menu entries can also contain custom keys. If such keys are present, then they will be used by renderers in creating the output (this usually means that the content of such a key will be assigned to the template placeholder with the same name).

Supported output modes

HTML_Menu supports five output modes: 'tree' (default), 'rows', 'urhere', 'prevnext' and 'sitemap'. Lets use the array defined above as menu structure assuming that element 'Menu item 1.2' is currently active and try each menu type.

constructor HTML_Menu::HTML_Menu()

constructor HTML_Menu::HTML_Menu() -- Initializes the menu, sets the type and menu structure.


Initializes the menu, sets the menu structure, type and variable to use for determining the current URL. All parameters are optional and can be set later by corresponding methods.


array $menu

Menu structure

string $type

Menu type: 'tree', 'rows', 'urhere', 'prevnext', 'sitemap'

string $urlEnvVar

Environment variable to use for determining the current URL.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu::forceCurrentUrl() -- Forces the given URL to be "current"


Use this if you do not want to extract current URL from some environment variable (e.g. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) but rather use some custom logic to determine it.


string $url

Url to use


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu::get() -- Returns the HTML menu.


This method uses HTML_Menu_DirectRenderer for its work. The renderer is used with default templates, you should use the render() method if you want to customize the output.


string $menuType

Menu type: 'tree', 'rows', 'urhere', 'prevnext', 'sitemap'

Возвращаемое значение

returns HTML of the menu


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see HTML_Menu::show(), HTML_Menu::render().


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu::getCurrentURL() -- Returns the URL of the currently selected page.


The returned string is used for all test against the URL's in the menu structure hash.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu::getPath() -- Returns the path of the current page in the menu 'tree'.


'Path' here means the sequence of entry IDs leading to the current menu entry.

Возвращаемое значение

returns path to the selected menu item


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu::render() -- Renders the menu.


All logic to actually create the output is contained in the renderer. render() just calls the appropriate method to traverse the menu structure.


object HTML_Menu_Renderer &$renderer

Renderer to use

string $menuType

type of the menu


throws PEAR_Error. If the renderer is not designed to handle this type of menu, it will throw an error.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu::setMenu() -- Sets the menu structure.


The menu structure is defined by a multidimensional hash.


array $menu


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu::setMenuType() -- Sets the type of the menu.


Available types are: 'tree', 'rows', 'urhere', 'prevnext', 'sitemap'.


string $menuType

type name


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu::setURLEnvVar() -- Sets the environment variable to use to get the current URL.


The default variable name is 'PHP_SELF', which means 'current script name'.


string $urlEnvVar

environment variable for current URL


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu::setURLPrefix() -- Sets the prefix for the URLs in the menu


This is useful if you have relative URLs in the menu description structure. This prefix will be appended to the URLs from this structure and the result will be compared to "current" URL.


string $prefix

menu URL prefix


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu::show() -- Prints the HTML menu.


This method uses HTML_Menu_DirectRenderer for its work. The renderer is used with default templates, you should use the render() method if you want to customize the output.


string $menuType

Menu type: 'tree', 'rows', 'urhere', 'prevnext', 'sitemap'


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see HTML_Menu::get(), HTML_Menu::render().


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_Menu_Renderer

Class Summary HTML_Menu_Renderer -- An abstract base class for HTML_Menu renderers (для разработчиков)


This class defines methods that should be implemented by child classes to provide necessary output logic. You only need to read its description if you intend to write your own renderer.


HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishLevel() -- Finish the tree level (for types 'tree' and 'sitemap') (для разработчиков)


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


integer $level

current depth in the tree structure


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishMenu() -- Finish the menu (для разработчиков)


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


integer $level

current depth in the tree structure


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishRow() -- Finish the row in the menu (для разработчиков)


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


integer $level

current depth in the tree structure


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu_Renderer::renderEntry() -- Renders the element of the menu (для разработчиков)


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


array $node

Element being rendered

integer $level

Current depth in the tree structure

integer $type

Type of the element (one of HTML_MENU_ENTRY_* constants)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Menu_Renderer::setMenuType() -- Sets the type of the menu being rendered


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $menuType

menu type


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_Menu_DirectRenderer

Class Summary HTML_Menu_DirectRenderer -- The renderer that generates HTML for the menu all by itself.


This renderer directly generates the menu HTML, thus the name. It is loosely based on HTML_Menu 1.0 code, but while it was needed to subclass HTML_Menu to customize its output, HTML_Menu_DirectRenderer has built-in methods for changing menu appearance.

Class Trees for HTML_Menu_DirectRenderer

HTML_Menu_DirectRenderer Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_Menu_Renderer

Method NameSummary
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishLevel()Finish the tree level (for types 'tree' and 'sitemap')
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishMenu()Finish the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishRow()Finish the row in the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::renderEntry()Renders the element of the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::setMenuType()Sets the type of the menu being rendered.


DirectRenderer::setEntryTemplate() -- Sets the template for menu entry.


The template should contain at least the {title} placeholder, can also contain {url} and {indent} placeholders, depending on entry type. Default templates are:
    HTML_MENU_ENTRY_INACTIVE    => '<td>{indent}<a href="{url}">{title}</a></td>',
    HTML_MENU_ENTRY_ACTIVE      => '<td>{indent}<b>{title}</b></td>',
    HTML_MENU_ENTRY_ACTIVEPATH  => '<td>{indent}<b><a href="{url}">{title}</a></b></td>',
    HTML_MENU_ENTRY_PREVIOUS    => '<td><a href="{url}">&lt;&lt; {title}</a></td>',
    HTML_MENU_ENTRY_NEXT        => '<td><a href="{url}">{title} &gt;&gt;</a></td>',
    HTML_MENU_ENTRY_UPPER       => '<td><a href="{url}">^ {title} ^</a></td>',
    HTML_MENU_ENTRY_BREADCRUMB  => '<td><a href="{url}">{title}</a> &gt;&gt; </td>'


mixed $type

either type (one of HTML_MENU_ENTRY_* constants) or an array 'type' => 'template'

string $template

template for this entry type if $type is not an array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DirectRenderer::setMenuTemplate() -- Sets the menu template (HTML that wraps around rows)


These are the strings that will be prepended and appended to HTML generated for menu rows on each call to finishMenu(). Defaults are
'<table border="1">'


string $prepend

this will be prepended to the rows HTML

string $append

this will be appended to the rows HTML


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DirectRenderer::setRowTemplate() -- Sets the row template (HTML that wraps around entries)


These are the strings that will be prepended and appended to HTML generated for menu entries on each call to finishRow(). Defaults are


string $prepend

this will be prepended to the entries HTML

string $append

this will be appended to the entries HTML


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DirectRenderer::toHtml() -- returns the HTML generated for the menu


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_Menu_DirectTreeRenderer

Class Summary HTML_Menu_DirectTreeRenderer -- The "direct" renderer for 'tree' and 'sitemap' menu types where level is represented by tags nesting.


The renderer is designed to output only the menus of type 'tree' and 'sitemap'. It shows the level of the menu by tags nesting, not by outputting some indentation and is able to output e.g. nested HTML lists:
    <li>Menu item 1
            <li>Menu item 1.1</li>
            <li>Menu item 1.2</li>
    <li>Menu item 2</li>

Idea and initial code contributed by Uwe Mindrup.

Class Trees for HTML_Menu_DirectTreeRenderer

HTML_Menu_DirectTreeRenderer Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_Menu_Renderer

Method NameSummary
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishLevel()Finish the tree level (for types 'tree' and 'sitemap')
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishMenu()Finish the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishRow()Finish the row in the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::renderEntry()Renders the element of the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::setMenuType()Sets the type of the menu being rendered.


DirectTreeRenderer::setEntryTemplate() -- Sets the template for menu entry.


The template should contain at least the {title} placeholder, can also contain {url} placeholder. Default templates are:
    HTML_MENU_ENTRY_INACTIVE    => '<a href="{url}">{title}</a>',
    HTML_MENU_ENTRY_ACTIVE      => '<strong>{title}</strong>',
    HTML_MENU_ENTRY_ACTIVEPATH  => '<a href="{url}"><em>{title}</em></a>'
If custom keys are present in the original menu structure, they will be assigned to the corresponding placeholders.


mixed $type

either type (one of HTML_MENU_ENTRY_* constants) or an array 'type' => 'template'

string $template

template for this entry type if $type is not an array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DirectTreeRenderer::setItemTemplate() -- Sets the item template (HTML that wraps around entries)


These are the strings that will be prepended and appended to HTML generated for menu entries. Defaults are


string $prepend

this will be prepended to the entries HTML

string $append

this will be appended to the entries HTML


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DirectTreeRenderer::setLevelTemplate() -- Sets the level template (HTML that wraps around the submenu)


These are the strings that will be prepended and appended to HTML generated for menu level. Defaults are


string $prepend

this will be prepended to the rows HTML

string $append

this will be appended to the rows HTML


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


DirectTreeRenderer::toHtml() -- returns the HTML generated for the menu


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_Menu_ArrayRenderer

Class Summary HTML_Menu_ArrayRenderer -- The renderer that creates an array of visible menu entries.

Output array

The resultant array can be used with e.g. a template engine to produce a completely custom menu look.

All menu types except 'rows' are "rendered" into a one-dimensional array of entries:
while 'rows' produce a two-dimensional array:
    array('entry 1 for row 1', ..., 'entry M_1 for row 1'),
    array('entry 1 for row N', ..., 'entry M_N for row 1')

Here entry is
    'url'    => url element of menu entry
    'title'  => title element of menu entry
    'level'  => entry's depth in the tree structure
    'type'   => type of entry, one of HTML_MENU_ENTRY_* constants
A list of the above mentioned HTML_MENU_ENTRY_* constants can be found here.

Class Trees for HTML_Menu_ArrayRenderer

HTML_Menu_ArrayRenderer Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_Menu_Renderer

Method NameSummary
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishLevel()Finish the tree level (for types 'tree' and 'sitemap')
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishMenu()Finish the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishRow()Finish the row in the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::renderEntry()Renders the element of the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::setMenuType()Sets the type of the menu being rendered.


ArrayRenderer::toArray() -- returns the resultant array


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_Menu_SigmaRenderer

Class Summary HTML_Menu_SigmaRenderer -- The renderer that uses HTML_Template_Sigma instance for menu output.


This renderer uses HTML_Template_Sigma for actual HTML generation. This will allow you to easily plug HTML_Menu into your site's structure if you are using this template engine.

The renderer offers more possibilites for output customization than HTML_Menu_DirectRenderer.

The renderer may also work with HTML_Template_IT instance, but as menu templates tend to have lots of blocks, HTML_Template_Sigma's cache feature will give a significant performance improvement.

Template structure

This minimal template will allow output of any available menu type:
<!-- BEGIN mu_menu_loop -->
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1">
    <!-- BEGIN mu_row_loop -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_entry_loop -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_inactive -->
        <td><!-- BEGIN mu_inactive_indent -->&nbsp;&nbsp;<!-- END mu_inactive_indent --><a href="{mu_url}">{mu_title}</a></td>
        <!-- END mu_inactive -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_active -->
        <td><!-- BEGIN mu_active_indent -->&nbsp;&nbsp;<!-- END mu_active_indent --><strong>{mu_title}</strong></td>
        <!-- END mu_active -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_activepath -->
        <td><!-- BEGIN mu_activepath_indent -->&nbsp;&nbsp;<!-- END mu_activepath_indent --><a href="{mu_url}"><strong>{mu_title}</strong></a></td>
        <!-- END mu_activepath -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_previous -->
        <td><a href="{mu_url}">&lt;&lt;&lt; {mu_title}</a></td>
        <!-- END mu_previous -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_next -->
        <td><a href="{mu_url}">{mu_title} &gt;&gt;&gt;</a></td>
        <!-- END mu_next -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_upper -->
        <td><a href="{mu_url}">^ {mu_title} ^</a></td>
        <!-- END mu_upper -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_breadcrumb -->
        <td><a href="{mu_url}">{mu_title}</a> &gt;&gt;&gt;</td>
        <!-- END mu_breadcrumb -->
        <!-- END mu_entry_loop -->
    <!-- END mu_row_loop -->
<!-- END mu_menu_loop -->
A more complete example showing possible customizations can be found in the package archive.

Note that blocks and placeholders in the template have mu_ prefix. This is done to prevent name conflicts with existing blocks and placeholders, mu_ is the default prefix, another prefix can be passed to class constructor.

Blocks in the template (without prefix)


If present, this block will be parse()'d after outputting the current menu or (in case of 'rows' type) current menu level. If menu type is 'rows' and %level%_menu_loop block is present, it will be parse()'d instead.


If present, this block will be parse()'d after outputting the current menu row. If menu type is 'rows' and %level%_row_loop block is present, it will be parse()'d instead.


This block should always be present and should be a parent for all menu entries' blocks. It is used to implement "flow", to render entries one after another.

If menu type is 'rows' and %level%_entry_loop block is present, it will be used instead.

inactive, active, activepath, previous, next, upper, breadcrumb

These blocks are used to output menu entries, they correspond to possible entry types. Each block should contain a {title} placeholder and may also contain {url} placeholder and indent block

If menu type is either of 'tree', 'sitemap' or 'rows' and %level%_%entry type% block exists, it will be used instead.

inactive_indent, active_indent, activepath_indent

If present, these blocks are used to indent the entries inside tree-type menus ('tree' and 'sitemap').

Class Trees for HTML_Menu_SigmaRenderer

HTML_Menu_SigmaRenderer Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_Menu_Renderer

Method NameSummary
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishLevel()Finish the tree level (for types 'tree' and 'sitemap')
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishMenu()Finish the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishRow()Finish the row in the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::renderEntry()Renders the element of the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::setMenuType()Sets the type of the menu being rendered.

constructor HTML_Menu_SigmaRenderer()

constructor HTML_Menu_SigmaRenderer() -- Class constructor.


Sets the template object to use and sets prefix for template blocks and placeholders. We use prefix to avoid name collisions with existing template blocks and it is customisable to allow output of several menus into one template.


object HTML_Template_Sigma &$tpl

template object to use for output

string $prefix

prefix for template blocks and placeholders


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_Menu_SigmaTreeRenderer

Class Summary HTML_Menu_SigmaTreeRenderer -- HTML_Template_Sigma-based renderer for 'tree' and 'sitemap' type menus, where menu level is represented by tag nesting.


The renderer generates outpu similar to that of HTML_Menu_DirectTreeRenderer but offers more possibilites for output customization.

The renderer may also work with HTML_Template_IT instance, but as menu templates tend to have lots of blocks, HTML_Template_Sigma's cache feature will give a significant performance improvement.

Template structure

This is the minimal template for HTML_Menu_SigmaTreeRenderer, containing all the required blocks:
<!-- BEGIN mu_tree_loop -->
    <!-- BEGIN mu_level_open -->
    <!-- END mu_level_open -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_entry_open -->
        <!-- END mu_entry_open -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_active -->
        <!-- END mu_active -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_inactive -->
    <a href="{mu_url}">{mu_title}</a>
        <!-- END mu_inactive -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_activepath -->
    <a href="{mu_url}"><em>{mu_title}</em></a>
        <!-- END mu_activepath -->
        <!-- BEGIN mu_entry_close -->
        <!-- END mu_entry_close -->
    <!-- BEGIN mu_level_close -->
    <!-- END mu_level_close -->
<!-- END mu_tree_loop -->
A more complete example showing possible customizations can be found in the package archive.

Note that blocks and placeholders in the template have mu_ prefix. This is done to prevent name conflicts with existing blocks and placeholders, mu_ is the default prefix, another prefix can be passed to class constructor.

Blocks in the template (without prefix)


This block should always be present and should be a parent for all other blocks. It is used to implement "flow", to render entries one after another.

level_open, level_close

These blocks will be used on start and end of each menu level. If level-specific blocks %level%_level_open and %level%_level_close are present, they will be used instead.

entry_open, entry_close

These blocks will be used on start and end of each menu entry. If level-specific blocks %level%_entry_open and %level%_entry_close are present, they will be used instead.

inactive, active, activepath

These blocks are used to output menu entries, they correspond to possible entry types. Each block should contain a {title} placeholder and may also contain {url} placeholder. As usual, if other keys are present in original menu array they will be assigned to corresponding placeholders in the template.

If level-specific block %level%_%entry type% exists, it will be used instead.

Class Trees for HTML_Menu_SigmaTreeRenderer

HTML_Menu_SigmaTreeRenderer Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_Menu_Renderer

Method NameSummary
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishLevel()Finish the tree level (for types 'tree' and 'sitemap')
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishMenu()Finish the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::finishRow()Finish the row in the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::renderEntry()Renders the element of the menu
HTML_Menu_Renderer::setMenuType()Sets the type of the menu being rendered.

constructor HTML_Menu_SigmaTreeRenderer()

constructor HTML_Menu_SigmaTreeRenderer() -- Class constructor.


Sets the template object to use and sets prefix for template blocks and placeholders. We use prefix to avoid name collisions with existing template blocks and it is customisable to allow output of several menus into one template.


object HTML_Template_Sigma &$tpl

template object to use for output

string $prefix

prefix for template blocks and placeholders


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_MenuBrowser

Class Summary HTML_MenuBrowser -- Simple filesystem browser that can be used to generated menu (3) hashes based on the directory structure.

Simple filesystem browser that can be used to generated menu (3) hashes based on the directory structure.

Together with menu (3) and the (userland) cache you can use this browser to generate simple fusebox like applications / content systems.

Let the menubrowser scan your document root and generate a menu (3) structure hash which maps the directory structure, pass it to menu's setMethod() and optionally wrap the cache around all this to save script runs. If you do so, it looks like this:

// document root directory define('DOC_ROOT', '/home/server/');

// instantiate the menubrowser $browser = new menubrowser(DOC_ROOT);

// instantiate menu (3) $menu = new menu($browser->getMenu());

// output the sitemap $menu->show('sitemap');

Now, use e.g. simple XML files to store your content and additional menu informations (title!). Subclass exploreFile() depending on your file format.

Class Trees for HTML_MenuBrowser

  • HTML_MenuBrowser

constructor HTML_MenuBrowser::HTML_MenuBrowser()

constructor HTML_MenuBrowser::HTML_MenuBrowser() -- Creates the object and optionally sets the directory to scan.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $dir

Directory to scan

string $index

Filename of index pages

string $file_suffix

Suffix for files containing the additional data


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see HTML_MenuBrowser::$dir


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_MenuBrowser::addFileInfo() -- Adds further informations to the menu hash gathered from the files in it


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


mixed $menu

Возвращаемое значение

returns Modified menu hash with the new informations


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_MenuBrowser::browse() -- Recursive function that does the scan and builds the menu (3) hash.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $dir

directory to scan

integer $id

entry id - used only for recursion

boolean $noindex

??? - used only for recursion


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_MenuBrowser::exploreFile() -- Returns additional menu informations decoded in the file that appears in the menu.


You should subclass this method to make it work with your own file formats. I used a simple XML format to store the content.


string $file



throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_MenuBrowser::getMenu() -- Returns a hash to be used with menu(3)'s setMenu().


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $dir

directory to scan

string $prefix

id prefix


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_MenuBrowser::setDirectory() -- Sets the directory to scan.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $dir

directory to scan


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_MenuBrowser::setIDPrefix() -- Sets the prefix for every id in the menu hash.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $prefix


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Package HTML_Menu Constants

Package HTML_Menu Constants -- Constants defined in and used by HTML_Menu


The PEAR::HTML_QuickForm package provides methods for creating, validating, processing HTML forms.


QuickStart -- A tutorial for HTML_QuickForm
QuickHelp -- Answers to most Frequently Asked Questions
QuickForm element types -- What elements can be added to QuickForm
Migration to version 3.2 -- API changes to observe
Subpackages -- An overview about subpackages and packages that use QuickForm

QuickForm is a convenience library for dealing with HTML forms. It provides Javascript and server-side form validation, and is customizable and extensible in many ways. QuickForm consists of multiple files. The main file is QuickForm.php and should be installed in your pear/HTML directory. The other important files are element.php, which handles all methods relative to form elements, and group.php, which deals with methods relative to groups of elements in the form. Both are located in your HTML/QuickForm directory along with the other form objects. input.php contains a common class for all the elements of input type (text, password...). QuickForm has objects for all the common form elements: select, text, password, checkbox, file, submit, reset, button, image, radio, hidden, textarea. QuickForm provides the possibility to create your own elements as long as you comply with the common API.


QuickStart -- A tutorial for HTML_QuickForm


The purpose of this tutorial is to give the new users of QuickForm an overview of its features and usage patterns. It describes a small subset of available functionality, but points to the parts of the documentation that give a more in-depth overview.

There also exists a somewhat bigger tutorial on QuickForm usage made by Keith Edmunds.

Your first form

Lets review this example step by step.

Building the form

The line
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('firstForm');
creates a HTML_QuickForm object that will contain the objects representing elements and all the other necessary information. We only pass the form's name to the constructor, which means that default values will be used for other parameters. In particular, the form's method will default to POST and the form's action to the current file. When using QuickForm, it is easier to keep all the form related logic in one file.

You might guess that
    'name' => 'Joe User'
sets the default value for name element to 'Joe User'. QuickForm has the concept of default values (set via setDefaults() method) and constant ones (set via setConstants()). The difference between them is that user's input overrides default values but not constant ones.

Our form will consist of three elements:
$form->addElement('header', null, 'QuickForm tutorial example');
$form->addElement('text', 'name', 'Enter your name:', array('size' => 50, 'maxlength' => 255));
$form->addElement('submit', null, 'Send');
The first one is not the 'real' element, it is just a heading to improve presentation. The second one actually is a text input box and the third is a submit button. Note that parameters for addElement() method have different meanings for different elements. That is so because they are actually passed to these elements' constructors.

Checking input

The line
$form->applyFilter('name', 'trim');
defines a filter for the 'name' element value - the function that will be applied to it after form submit. In this case it is a builtin trim() function, but can be any valid callback. Thus we will strip all whitespace from the name, as we do not actually need it and as we want to be sure that a name was entered, not just some spaces.

Next we define a rule for the name field:
$form->addRule('name', 'Please enter your name', 'required', null, 'client');
This means that QuickForm will display an error message if the name was not entered. The 'client' modifier is here to switch on client-side JavaScript validation in addition to server-side one. Note also that QuickForm will automatically mark required fields in the form.

Validating and processing

We now have the form built and rules defined and need to decide whether to process it or display:
if ($form->validate()) {
    // Do some stuff
The validate() method will consider the form valid (i.e. return TRUE) if some data was actually submitted and all the rules defined for the form were satisfied. In our case this means that 'name' element was not empty.

If the form is validated we need to process the values
echo '<h1>Hello, ' . htmlspecialchars($form->exportValue('name')) . '!</h1>';
This is an example, in your scripts you'll usually want to store the values somewhere and to redirect to some other page to prevent a duplicate submit. The process() and exportvalues() methods may be of interest here.

The last line is pretty easy:
If the form is not valid, which means that it either was not yet submitted or that there were errors, it will be displayed. Error messages (if any) will be displayed near the corresponding elements.

Advanced features

You now should have an understanding of basic QuickForm functionality, but there are many more features in the package, each of them deserving a separate tutorial. This section will give a short overview of them and point you to the complete documentation.

Groups allow to combine several individual elements into one entity and to use it as one element. This is also used to create pseudo-elements like date and hierselect.

QuickForm offers a lot of possibilities to customize form layout and appearance. Form output is done via renderers - special classes containing necessary logic. There are renderers that directly output HTML and those that use template engines for this.

And finally, you can extend QuickForm by adding your own element types, rules and renderers.


QuickHelp -- Answers to most Frequently Asked Questions


This document is based on questions asked on PEAR general mailing list. You are encouraged to search the list archives to find more verbose answers and examples.

HTML_QuickForm FAQ

1. The forms I generate with HTML_QuickForm cannot be submitted. When I look at the page's HTML source, I see something like <formArray>.
2. When I pass some GET parameters to the script containing a form, QuickForm thinks that the form was already submitted, displaying validation errors.
3. How do I set default/constant values for 'date' element?
4. I receive weird "Call to a member function on a non-object" or "Undefined function" errors, especially when dealing with groups.
5. QuickForm generates code which does not validate as XHTML Strict!
6. The 'required' rule does not work for my elements!
7. How do I change * denotes required field and Invalid information entered. / Please correct these fields. validation messages?

1. The forms I generate with HTML_QuickForm cannot be submitted. When I look at the page's HTML source, I see something like <formArray>.

Recent versions of HTML_QuickForm package require HTML_Common package version 1.2.1 (CVS revision 1.8 in HTML/Common.php) to work properly. If (and only if) an older version of HTML_Common is loaded, these symptoms occur.

Please note that

$ pear list
command may tell you that you have HTML_Common 1.2.1 installed. In this case you also have an older version of HTML_Common somewhere and are including it instead of the proper one. Check your include_path setting in php.ini and/or use PHP's get_included_files() function to find out which file you are really including.

2. When I pass some GET parameters to the script containing a form, QuickForm thinks that the form was already submitted, displaying validation errors.

Constructor of HTML_QuickForm accepts a $trackSubmit parameter. Setting this to TRUE will make QuickForm check whether the form was actually submitted. This also helps if you have several forms defined on one page.

3. How do I set default/constant values for 'date' element?

Date element is essentially a group of selects, you define the structure of this group in the 'format' option when creating the element:
$form->addElement('date', 'foo', 'The date:', array('format' => 'Y m d'));
Thus you pass the defaults as an array, just like you do with any other group:
    'foo' => array('Y' => 2004, 'm' => 9, 'd' => 29)

To ease using it with database-backed applications, date element also accepts Unix timestamps (generated by mktime()) and strings. The strings are processed by strtotime() functions, so consider its limitations.

4. I receive weird "Call to a member function on a non-object" or "Undefined function" errors, especially when dealing with groups.

These errors tend to appear when you have something which is not a HTML_QuickForm_element in the $elements array passed to addGroup(). This "something" is usually either a PEAR_Error instance (check for these or setup a handler) or, if register_globals is switched on in php.ini, some submitted values (clear the array before adding elements to it).

5. QuickForm generates code which does not validate as XHTML Strict!

QuickForm does add a 'name' attribute to the <form> tag, which is invalid in XHTML Strict. Quickform does not depend on that attribute since release 3.2.2, and it's only kept for backwards compatibility. If you desire XHTML Strict compliance and your code does not depend on said attribute, you can remove it via removeAttribute() method.

6. The 'required' rule does not work for my elements!

  • If your element is a file upload, you should use 'uploadedfile' rule instead.

  • If your element is a group, you should use addGroupRule() method instead of addRule(). This applies to group-based elements like 'date' and 'hierselect' as well.

7. How do I change * denotes required field and Invalid information entered. / Please correct these fields. validation messages?

You should use setRequiredNote() and setJsWarnings() methods, respectively.

QuickForm element types

QuickForm element types -- What elements can be added to QuickForm

Elements overview

As of release 3.2.5, HTML_QuickForm knows 23 element types that can be created via createElement() and added to the form via addElement(). These can be divided into two big groups: standard HTML elements and custom elements.

Standard HTML elements


Class for <input type="button" /> elements, HTML_QuickForm_button


Class for <input type="checkbox" /> elements, HTML_QuickForm_checkbox


Class for <input type="file" /> elements, HTML_QuickForm_file


Class for <input type="hidden" /> elements, HTML_QuickForm_hidden


Class for <input type="image" /> elements, HTML_QuickForm_image


Class for <input type="password" /> elements, HTML_QuickForm_password


Class for <input type="radio" /> elements, HTML_QuickForm_radio


Class for <input type="reset" /> elements, HTML_QuickForm_reset


Class for <select> elements, HTML_QuickForm_select. The class allows loading of <option> elements from array or database.


Class for <input type="submit" /> elements, HTML_QuickForm_submit


Class for <input type="text" /> elements, HTML_QuickForm_text


Class for <textarea> elements, HTML_QuickForm_textarea


Class for <button> elements, HTML_QuickForm_xbutton

Custom element types


Class for an advanced checkbox type field, HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox. Basically this fixes a problem that HTML has had where checkboxes can only pass a single value (the value of the checkbox when checked).


Class for a text field with autocompletion feature, HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete. The element looks like a normal HTML input text element that at every keypressed javascript event, searches the array of options for a match and autocompletes the text in case of match.


Class for a group of elements used to input dates (and times), HTML_QuickForm_date


Class for a form element group, HTML_QuickForm_group. QuickForm allows grouping of several elements into one entity and using this entity as a new element.


Class for adding headers to the form, HTML_QuickForm_header


This class, HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect, behaves as a select element, but instead of creating a <select> it creates hidden elements for all values already selected with setDefaults() or setConstants().


Class to dynamically create "chained" HTML <select> elements, HTML_QuickForm_hierselect. Choosing an option in the first <select> changes the available options of the second select and so on.


Deprecated. A pseudo-element used for adding raw HTML to form, HTML_QuickForm_html. Intended for use with the default renderer only, template-based ones may (and probably will) completely ignore this.


Class for a link type field, HTML_QuickForm_link


Class for static data, HTML_QuickForm_static

Migration to version 3.2

Migration to version 3.2 -- API changes to observe

Why these changes?

HTML_QuickForm has improved a lot since version 2.x. With the addition of a new renderer layer, a lot of methods that were located in the main QuickForm class were actually duplicates of methods in the renderers. Those methods were kept to give user time to adjust their code. With release 3.2 they will be removed, making QuickForm class much lighter and consistent.

At the same time, file upload validation was moved to the file element as this is a more appropriate place.

Removed methods

  • QuickForm related

    • HTML_QuickForm::getAttributesString()

    • HTML_QuickForm::addElementGroup()

    • HTML_QuickForm::addHeader()

    • HTML_QuickForm::addData()

  • Renderer related

    • HTML_QuickForm::setElementTemplate()

    • HTML_QuickForm::setHeaderTemplate()

    • HTML_QuickForm::setFormTemplate()

    • HTML_QuickForm::setRequiredNoteTemplate()

    • HTML_QuickForm::clearAllTemplates()

    • HTML_QuickForm_group::setElementTemplate()

    • HTML_QuickForm_group::setGroupTemplate()

  • File upload related

    • HTML_QuickForm::isUploadedFile()

    • HTML_QuickForm::getUploadedFile()

    • HTML_QuickForm::moveUploadedFile()

How to adjust your code

QuickForm related


will return the same value by using HTML_Common::getAttributes() method.


Arguments order was changed to conform to the way elements are usually added to QuickForm by addElement(). Use HTML_QuickForm::addGroup() instead and swap the element label with the element name.


A header is now considered like any other element. There is a new HTML_QuickForm_header element that extends HTML_QuickForm_static. Just use
$form->addElement('header', $header_name, $header_text);
This will also allow you to customize the header rendering based on its name.


If you absolutely need this feature, use
$form->addElement('html', $data)
or consider using some template-based renderer.

Renderer related

Those methods are now handled by the renderers. How to use these methods depends on your choice of renderer. With QuickForm default renderer, you can use these methods like that:
$form =& new HTML_QuickForm('myform');

$renderer =& $form->defaultRenderer();
$renderer->setHeaderTemplate('<tr><td colspan="2"><b>{header}</b></td></tr>');
$renderer->setGroupElementTemplate('<td>{element}<br /><!-- BEGIN required -->*<!-- END required -->{label}</td>');
defaultRenderer()will return a reference to QuickForm integrated renderer. You can of course use any other renderer available in QuickForm such as Sigma, ITX, Smarty, Flexy and so on. Have a look at their documentation to see which methods are available for them.

File upload related

File-related methods and rules have been moved to the file element HTML_QuickForm_file because it makes more sense this way and you don't have to include upload-related code if you are not using uploads. You have access to these methods like that:
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('myform');
$file =& $form->addElement('file', 'myfile', 'Your file:');
$form->addRule('myfile', 'Cannot exceed 1776 bytes', 'maxfilesize', 1776);
if ($file->isUploadedFile()) {
    $file->moveUploadedFile('/tmp', 'testfile.txt');
or like that:
$file =& $form->getElement('myfile');
if ($file->isUploadedFile()) {
     $fileInfo = $file->getValue();


Subpackages -- An overview about subpackages and packages that use QuickForm

Subpackages for HTML_QuickForm

This section describes the available subpackages for HTML_QuickForm, e.g. custom elements or renderers.


A custom element that emulates via two select boxes a select box that allows selecting of multiple options.


If you use the Tableless renderer (see below, HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless), this subpackage replaces the default client-side validation with a JavaScript alert window by dynamic (using DHTML) error messages that are printed directly above each erroneous element. (documentation)


This is another custom element. It creates an HTML input text element that at every keypressed javascript event, returns a list of options in a dynamic dropdown select box (especially useful to emulate a select box with a huge number of options). This element uses the AJAX technology.


This is a replacement for the default renderer of HTML_QuickForm that uses only XHTML and CSS but no table tags, and generates fully valid XHTML output. (documentation)


Another custom element that is used to define dynamic filters on the client-side for select elements.

More subpackages

There are some more subpackages available that were not yet proposed as PEAR packages. An example is a DHTMLRules subpackage for forms using the default renderer by Justin Patrin that was not yet proposed as a PEAR package.

Packages that use HTML_QuickForm

This section describes some packages that makes working with HTML_QuickForm easier, either in the case of working with databases or in the case of forms that have multiple pages.


FormBuilder aids in rapid application development using the packages DB_DataObject and HTML_QuickForm. (documentation)


This is a package that builds on PEAR DB and MDB2 to abstract datatypes and automate table creation, data validation, insert, update, delete, and select. It combines these with HTML_QuickForm to automatically generate input forms that match the table column definitions. (documentation)


If you want to create forms with multiple pages, this is the right package for you. It is an implementation of a PageController pattern. (documentation)

More packages

You can find more packages that have optional or required dependencies on HTML_QuickForm on the package site.

Creating a basic form

constructor HTML_QuickForm::HTML_QuickForm() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm::addElement() -- Adds an element into the form
HTML_QuickForm::apiVersion() -- Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm::createElement() -- Creates a new form element of the given type
HTML_QuickForm::elementExists() -- Checks if element is in the form
HTML_QuickForm::errorMessage() -- Returns an error message for error code
HTML_QuickForm::getElementType() -- Returns the type of an element
HTML_QuickForm::getElement() -- Returns a reference to the element
HTML_QuickForm::getMaxFileSize() -- Returns the value of MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden element
HTML_QuickForm::getRegisteredTypes() -- Returns registered element types
HTML_QuickForm::insertElementBefore() -- Inserts a new element right before the other element
HTML_QuickForm::isError() -- Tells whether a result is an error
HTML_QuickForm::isTypeRegistered() -- Checks whether the form element type is supported
HTML_QuickForm::registerElementType() -- Registers a new element type
HTML_QuickForm::removeElement() -- Removes an element
HTML_QuickForm::setMaxFileSize() -- Sets the value of MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden element
HTML_QuickForm::updateElementAttr() -- Updates Attributes for one or more elements

To be written.

constructor HTML_QuickForm::HTML_QuickForm()

constructor HTML_QuickForm::HTML_QuickForm() -- Class constructor


Constructor, sets <form> tag attributes and loads submitted values.


string $formName

Form's name.

string $method

(optional) Form's method

string $action

(optional) Form's action

string $target

(optional) Form's target

mixed $attributes

(optional) Extra attributes for <form> tag

boolean $trackSubmit

(optional) Whether to track if the form was submitted by adding a special hidden field. If the name of such field is not present in the $_GET or $_POST values, the form will be considered as not submitted.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::addElement() -- Adds an element into the form


Adds an element into the form. If $element is a string representing an element type, then this method accepts variable number of parameters, their meaning and count depending on element type.

Parameters starting from second will be passed to the element's constructor, consult the docs for the appropriate element to find out which parameters to pass.


mixed $element

element object or type of element to add (text, textarea, file...)

Возвращаемое значение

return reference to added element


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::apiVersion() -- Returns the current API version


Returns the current API version


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTML_QuickForm::createElement() -- Creates a new form element of the given type


Creates a new form element of the given type. This method accepts variable number of parameters, their meaning and count depending on $elementType.

Parameters starting from second will be passed to the element's constructor, consult the docs for the appropriate element to find out which parameters to pass.


string $elementType

type of element to create (text, textarea, file...)

Возвращаемое значение

return object, descendant of HTML_QuickForm_element


since 1.0

Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTML_QuickForm::elementExists() -- Checks if element is in the form


Returns TRUE if element is in the form, FALSE otherwise.


string $element

form name of element to check


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::errorMessage() -- Returns an error message for error code


Returns a textual error message for QuickForm error code.


integer $value

int error code

Возвращаемое значение

return error message


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getElementType() -- Returns the type of an element


Returns the type of the given element.


string $element

Name of form element

Возвращаемое значение

return element type or FALSE if element is not found


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getElement() -- Returns a reference to the element


Returns a reference to the form element.


string $element

Element name

Возвращаемое значение

return reference to element


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getMaxFileSize() -- Returns the value of MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden element


Returns the value of MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden element (used for file uploads).

Возвращаемое значение

return max file size in bytes


throws no exceptions thrown


since 3.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getRegisteredTypes() -- Returns registered element types


Returns an array of registered element types.




since 1.0

Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTML_QuickForm::insertElementBefore() -- Inserts a new element right before the other element


Inserts a new element right before the other element.

It is not possible to check whether the $element is already added to the form, therefore if you want to move the existing form element to a new position, you'll have to use removeElement():
$form->insertElementBefore($form->removeElement('foo', false), 'bar');


object &$element

Element to insert (instance of HTML_QuickForm_element)

string $nameAfter

Name of the element before which the new one is inserted

Возвращаемое значение

return reference to inserted element.


since 3.2.4

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::isError() -- Tells whether a result is an error


Tells whether a result is an error (i.e. whether $value is an instance of HTML_QuickForm_Error).


mixed $value

result of some QuickForm function

Возвращаемое значение

return whether $value is an error


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTML_QuickForm::isTypeRegistered() -- Checks whether the form element type is supported


Returns whether or not the form element type is supported. New types are added via HTML_QuickForm::registerElementType().


string $type

Form element type


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTML_QuickForm::registerElementType() -- Registers a new element type


Registers a new element type. After that, elements of this type may be created via createElement() and added to form via addElement().


string $typeName

Name of element type

string $include

Include path for element type

string $className

Element class name


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTML_QuickForm::removeElement() -- Removes an element


Removes an element from the form.


string $elementName

The element name

boolean $removeRules

TRUE if rules for this element are to be removed too

Возвращаемое значение

return reference to element being removed.


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::setMaxFileSize() -- Sets the value of MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden element


Sets the value of MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden element (used for file uploads).


integer $bytes

Size in bytes


throws no exceptions thrown


since 3.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::updateElementAttr() -- Updates Attributes for one or more elements


Updates Attributes for one or more elements


This may not work for groups and group-based elements (date, hierselect). To ensure proper behaviour, you should update attributes of grouped elements manually.


mixed $elements

Array of element names/objects or string of elements to be updated

mixed $attrs

Array or string of html attributes


throws no exceptions thrown


since 2.10

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Classes representing form elements

To be written

Base classes

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_element -- Base class for form elements
constructor HTML_QuickForm_element() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept() -- Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion() -- Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue() -- Returns a 'safe' element's value (для разработчиков)
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze() -- Freezes the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml() -- Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel() -- Returns the label for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName() -- Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType() -- Returns the element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue() -- Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen() -- Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent() -- Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element (для разработчиков)
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel() -- Sets a label for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName() -- Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze() -- Sets whether element value should persist on freeze()
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue() -- Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze() -- Unfreezes the element
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_input -- Base class for input form elements
constructor HTML_QuickForm_input() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType() -- Sets the element type

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_element

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_element -- Base class for form elements


This is a base class for all QuickForm elements. It defines the API that is implemented by all the child classes representing actual form elements. You should use these elements, there is no need to directly instantiate HTML_QuickForm_element.

If you would like to create your own element to use with QuickForm, you should extend this class or one of its descendants and make sure to implement all methods defined here. There is also toHtml() method defined in HTML_Common that should be implemented.

constructor HTML_QuickForm_element()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_element() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

Name of the element

mixed $elementLabel

Label(s) for the element

mixed $attributes

Associative array of tag attributes or HTML attributes name="value" pairs


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setName(), setLabel()


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::accept() -- Accepts a renderer


This method rarely needs to be called directly, it is usually called from HTML_QuickForm::accept() method.


object HTML_QuickForm_Renderer &$renderer

an instance of HTML_QuickForm_Renderer subclass

boolean $required

Whether an element is required

string $error

An error message associated with an element


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion() -- Returns the current API version


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue() -- Returns a 'safe' element's value (для разработчиков)


This method is not intended to be called directly. It is called by HTML_QuickForm::exportValue() and HTML_QuickForm::exportValues() methods.

The method first tries to find a value for itself in a passed array, if such a value is not found it takes the display value via getValue(). It then filters out the values that cannot possibly be submitted by this element and returns the result.


array &$submitValues

array of submitted values to search

boolean $assoc

whether to return the value as associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze() -- Freezes the element


When the element is displayed after the call to freeze(), only its value is displayed without the input tags, thus the element cannot be edited. If persistant freeze is set, then hidden field containing the element value will be output, too.

Замечание: This method makes sense only with the elements that actually are editable in the first place. It has no effect on buttons, images, hidden fields, static content and the like.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml() -- Returns the value of field without HTML tags


This method returns the HTML for the element in frozen state. There is rarely a need to call it directly.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see isFrozen(), setPersistantFreeze(), freeze().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel() -- Returns the label for the element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setLabel().


since 1.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::getName() -- Returns the element name


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setName().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::getType() -- Returns the element type


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue() -- Returns the value of the form element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen() -- Returns whether or not the element is frozen


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see freeze().


since 1.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent() -- Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element (для разработчиков)


Замечание: This method is not intended to be called directly.

If you are creating your own element, you should override this method and create handlers for each of available QuickForm events.

QuickForm events


This event is sent by HTML_QuickForm::addElement() method when adding a new element to the form. Its handler should usually send 'createElement' and 'updateValue' events.


This event is sent by HTML_QuickForm::createElement() method after the element object is instantiated. Its handler should usually call class constructor using the contents of $arg as parameters.


The event is sent by HTML_QuickForm_group::setValue() method to each of the grouped elements. The handler generally should set the element's value to $arg.


The event is sent by QuickForm when the element is added to the form and when form default and constant values are set. The handler for this event is the most complex one: it should search for element's value within form's constant, submit (if applicable) and default values (in that order) and set the element's value to the found one.


string $event

Name of event

mixed $arg

event arguments

object &$caller

calling object


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel() -- Sets a label for the element


Label is a description text that will be displayed near the element. Some renderers can handle multiple labels for the element.


mixed $label

Display text for the element


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getLabel().


since 1.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::setName() -- Sets the input field name


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $name

Input field name attribute


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getName().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze() -- Sets whether element value should persist on freeze()


Sets whether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not.


boolean $persistant

True if persistant value


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see freeze(), getFrozenHtml().


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue() -- Sets the value of the form element


This sets the display value for the element. It can be different from its submit value.


mixed $value

Default value of the form element


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getValue().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze() -- Unfreezes the element


Unfreezes the element so that it becomes editable again.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_input

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_input -- Base class for input form elements


Since <input> elements have very similar HTML representations, they have this common base class. You don't need to instantiate it directly, use one of the child classes.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_input

HTML_QuickForm_input Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_input()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_input() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

Input field name attribute

mixed $elementLabel

Label(s) for the input field

mixed $attributes

Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_input::setType() -- Sets the element type


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $type

Element type


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Standard HTML elements

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_button -- HTML class for a button type element
constructor HTML_QuickForm_button() -- Class constructor
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_checkbox -- HTML class for a checkbox type field
constructor HTML_QuickForm_checkbox() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::getChecked() -- Returns whether a checkbox is checked
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::getText() -- Returns the checkbox text
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::setChecked() -- Sets whether a checkbox is checked
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::setText() -- Sets the checkbox text
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_file -- HTML class for a file type element
constructor HTML_QuickForm_file() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_file::getSize() -- Returns size of file element
HTML_QuickForm_file::getValue() -- Returns information about the uploaded file
HTML_QuickForm_file::isUploadedFile() -- Checks if the element contains an uploaded file
HTML_QuickForm_file::moveUploadedFile() -- Moves an uploaded file into the destination
HTML_QuickForm_file::setSize() -- Sets size of file element
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_hidden -- HTML class for a hidden type element
constructor HTML_QuickForm_hidden() -- Class constructor
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_image -- HTML class for a image type element
constructor HTML_QuickForm_image() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_image::setAlign() -- Sets alignment for image element
HTML_QuickForm_image::setBorder() -- Sets border size for image element
HTML_QuickForm_image::setSource() -- Sets source for image element
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_password -- HTML class for a password type field
constructor HTML_QuickForm_password() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_password::setMaxlength() -- Sets maxlength of password element
HTML_QuickForm_password::setSize() -- Sets size of password element
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_radio -- HTML class for a radio type element
constructor HTML_QuickForm_radio() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_radio::getChecked() -- Returns whether radio button is checked
HTML_QuickForm_radio::getText() -- Returns the radio text
HTML_QuickForm_radio::setChecked() -- Sets whether radio button is checked
HTML_QuickForm_radio::setText() -- Sets the radio text
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_reset -- HTML class for a reset type element
constructor HTML_QuickForm_reset() -- Class constructor
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_select -- Class to dynamically create an HTML SELECT
constructor HTML_QuickForm_select() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_select::addOption() -- Adds a new OPTION to the SELECT
HTML_QuickForm_select::getMultiple() -- Returns the select mutiple attribute
HTML_QuickForm_select::getPrivateName() -- Returns the element name (possibly with brackets appended)
HTML_QuickForm_select::getSelected() -- Returns an array of the selected values
HTML_QuickForm_select::getSize() -- Returns the select field size
HTML_QuickForm_select::load() -- Loads options from different types of data sources
HTML_QuickForm_select::loadArray() -- Loads the options from an associative array
HTML_QuickForm_select::loadDbResult() -- Loads the options from DB_result object
HTML_QuickForm_select::loadQuery() -- Queries a database and loads the options from the results
HTML_QuickForm_select::setMultiple() -- Sets the select mutiple attribute
HTML_QuickForm_select::setSelected() -- Sets the default values of the select box
HTML_QuickForm_select::setSize() -- Sets the select field size, only applies to 'multiple' selects
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_submit -- HTML class for a submit type element
constructor HTML_QuickForm_submit() -- Class constructor
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_text -- HTML class for a text field
constructor HTML_QuickForm_text -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_text::setMaxlength() -- Sets maxlength of text field
HTML_QuickForm_text::setSize() -- Sets size of text field
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_textarea -- HTML class for a textarea type field
constructor HTML_QuickForm_textarea() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_textarea::setCols() -- Sets width in cols for textarea element
HTML_QuickForm_textarea::setRows() -- Sets height in rows for textarea element
HTML_QuickForm_textarea::setWrap() -- Sets wrap type for textarea element
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_xbutton -- Class for HTML 4.0 <button> element
constructor HTML_QuickForm_xbutton() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_xbutton::setContent() -- Sets the contents of the element

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_button

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_button -- HTML class for a button type element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_button

HTML_QuickForm_button Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_button()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_button() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Input field name attribute

string $value

(optional)Input field value

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_checkbox

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_checkbox -- HTML class for a checkbox type field


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_checkbox

HTML_QuickForm_checkbox Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-3. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_checkbox()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_checkbox() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Input field name attribute

string $elementLabel

(optional)Input field label

string $text

(optional)Checkbox display text

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::getChecked() -- Returns whether a checkbox is checked


Returns TRUE if checkbox has a "checked" attribute, FALSE otherwise. getValue() is an alias for this method. Thus the only value checkbox element can have in QuickForm is TRUE.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setChecked().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::getText() -- Returns the checkbox text


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setText().


since 1.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::setChecked() -- Sets whether a checkbox is checked


This sets or removes the element's "checked" attribute based on $checked value. setValue() is an alias for this method.


boolean $checked

Whether the field is checked or not


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getChecked().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::setText() -- Sets the checkbox text


This means the text that would be displayed with the checkbox, automatically enclosed in <label> tags. The label in QuickForm's sense is set via setLabel().


string $text


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getText().


since 1.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_file

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_file -- HTML class for a file type element


Alongside the usual element's methods, the class has special methods for working with uploaded files. When the class is included it also registers rules for validating the uploaded files.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_file

HTML_QuickForm_file Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_file()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_file() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

Input field name attribute

string $elementLabel

Input field label

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_file::getSize() -- Returns size of file element


This means 'size' attribute of the <input /> element, not size of the uploaded file.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setSize().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_file::getValue() -- Returns information about the uploaded file


Returns the information about the file upload, as in the $_FILES array. Note that while there exists a setValue() method, the method does nothing at all. The file element does not have a value if the form was not submitted.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 3.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_file::isUploadedFile() -- Checks if the element contains an uploaded file


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if file has been uploaded, false otherwise


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_file::moveUploadedFile() -- Moves an uploaded file into the destination


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $dest

Destination directory path

string $fileName

New file name (if not given, original file name will be used).

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if file has been moved successfully, false otherwise.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_file::setSize() -- Sets size of file element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


integer $size

Size of file element


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getSize().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_hidden

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_hidden -- HTML class for a hidden type element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_hidden

HTML_QuickForm_hidden Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_hidden()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_hidden() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Input field name attribute

string $value

(optional)Input field value

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_image

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_image -- HTML class for a image type element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_image

HTML_QuickForm_image Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_image()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_image() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Element name attribute

string $src

(optional)Image source

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_image::setAlign() -- Sets alignment for image element


This is just a shortcut for
$element->updateAttributes(array('align' => $align));


string $align

alignment for image element


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_image::setBorder() -- Sets border size for image element


This is just a shortcut for
$element->updateAttributes(array('border' => $border));


string $border

border for image element


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_image::setSource() -- Sets source for image element


This is just a shortcut for
$element->updateAttributes(array('src' => $src));


string $src

source for image element


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_password

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_password -- HTML class for a password type field


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_password

HTML_QuickForm_password Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_password()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_password() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Input field name attribute

string $elementLabel

(optional)Input field label

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array




since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_password::setMaxlength() -- Sets maxlength of password element


This is just a shortcut for
$element->updateAttributes(array('maxlength' => $maxlength));


string $maxlength

Maximum length of password field


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_password::setSize() -- Sets size of password element


This is just a shortcut for
$element->updateAttributes(array('size' => $size));


string $size

Size of password field


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_radio

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_radio -- HTML class for a radio type element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_radio

HTML_QuickForm_radio Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_radio()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_radio() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

Input field name attribute

mixed $elementLabel

Label(s) for a field

string $text

Text to display near the radio

string $value

Input field value

mixed $attributes

Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_radio::getChecked() -- Returns whether radio button is checked


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setChecked().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_radio::getText() -- Returns the radio text


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setText().


since 1.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_radio::setChecked() -- Sets whether radio button is checked


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


boolean $checked

Whether the field is checked or not


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getChecked().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_radio::setText() -- Sets the radio text


This means the text that would be displayed with the radio, automatically enclosed in <label> tags. The label in QuickForm's sense is set via setLabel().


string $text

Text to display near the radio button


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getText().


since 1.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_reset

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_reset -- HTML class for a reset type element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_reset

HTML_QuickForm_reset Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_reset()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_reset() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Input field name attribute

string $value

(optional)Input field value

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_select

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_select -- Class to dynamically create an HTML SELECT


The highlight of this class is that it allows populating the options from associative array or from the database.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_select

HTML_QuickForm_select Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_select()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_select() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

Select name attribute

mixed $elementLabel

Label(s) for the select

mixed $options

Data to be used to populate options

mixed $attributes

Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see load().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::addOption() -- Adds a new OPTION to the SELECT


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $text

Display text for the OPTION

string $value

Value for the OPTION

mixed $attributes

Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::getMultiple() -- Returns the select mutiple attribute


This method returns TRUE if a multiple attribute is present in the select, FALSE otherwise.

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if multiple select, false otherwise


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setMultiple().


since 1.2

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::getPrivateName() -- Returns the element name (possibly with brackets appended)


If select has a multiple attribute present, then this method returns the name with brackets appended, else the result is identical to getName().


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getName(), getMultiple().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::getSelected() -- Returns an array of the selected values


This function is an alias to getValue().

Возвращаемое значение

returns of selected values


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getValue(), setSelected().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::getSize() -- Returns the select field size


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setSize().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::load() -- Loads options from different types of data sources


This method is a simulated overloaded method. The arguments, other than the first are optional and only mean something depending on the type of the first argument.

If the first argument is an array then all arguments are passed in order to loadArray(). If the first argument is a DB_Result then all arguments are passed in order to loadDbResult(). If the first argument is a string or a DB connection then all arguments are passed in order to loadQuery().


mixed &$options

Options source currently supports assoc array or DB_result

mixed $param1

(optional) See function detail

mixed $param2

(optional) See function detail

mixed $param3

(optional) See function detail

mixed $param4

(optional) See function detail

Возвращаемое значение

returns TRUE on success


throws PEAR_Error

См. также

see loadArray(), loadDbResult(), loadQuery().


since 1.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::loadArray() -- Loads the options from an associative array


The array should have the form 'option value' => 'option text'.


array $arr

Associative array of options

mixed $values

(optional) Array or comma delimited string of selected values

Возвращаемое значение

returns TRUE on success


throws PEAR_Error

См. также

see load(), addOption().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::loadDbResult() -- Loads the options from DB_result object


If no column names are specified the first two columns of the result are used as the text and value columns respectively.


object &$result

DB_result object

string $textCol

(optional) Name of column to display as the OPTION text

string $valueCol

(optional) Name of column to use as the OPTION value

mixed $values

(optional) Array or comma delimited string of selected values

Возвращаемое значение

returns TRUE on success or PEAR_Error


throws PEAR_Error

См. также

see load(), addOption().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::loadQuery() -- Queries a database and loads the options from the results


If no column names are specified the first two columns of the result are used as the text and value columns respectively.


mixed &$conn

Either an existing DB connection or a valid dsn

string $sql

SQL query string

string $textCol

(optional) Name of column to display as the OPTION text

string $valueCol

(optional) Name of column to use as the OPTION value

mixed $values

(optional) Array or comma delimited string of selected values


throws PEAR_Error

См. также

see load(), loadDbResult(), addOption().


since 1.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::setMultiple() -- Sets the select mutiple attribute


This method just adds or removes the multiple attribute of select depending on $multiple value.


boolean $multiple

Whether the select supports multi-selections


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getMultiple().


since 1.2

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::setSelected() -- Sets the default values of the select box


This method is an alias for setValue(). For multiple selects you can pass either an array or a comma delimited string of values.


mixed $values

Array or comma delimited string of selected values


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getSelected().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_select::setSize() -- Sets the select field size, only applies to 'multiple' selects


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


integer $size

Size of select field


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see getSize().


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_submit

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_submit -- HTML class for a submit type element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_submit

HTML_QuickForm_submit Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_submit()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_submit() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

Input field name attribute

string $value

Input field value

mixed $attributes

Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_text

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_text -- HTML class for a text field


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_text

HTML_QuickForm_text Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-3. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_text

constructor HTML_QuickForm_text -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Input field name attribute

string $elementLabel

(optional)Input field label

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_text::setMaxlength() -- Sets maxlength of text field


This is just a shortcut for
$element->updateAttributes(array('maxlength' => $maxlength));


string $maxlength

Maximum length of text field


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_text::setSize() -- Sets size of text field


This is just a shortcut for
$element->updateAttributes(array('size' => $size));


string $size

Size of text field


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_textarea

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_textarea -- HTML class for a textarea type field

HTML class for a textarea type field

Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_textarea

HTML_QuickForm_textarea Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_textarea()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_textarea() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

Input field name attribute

mixed $elementLabel

Label(s) for a field

mixed $attributes

Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_textarea::setCols() -- Sets width in cols for textarea element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $cols

Width expressed in cols


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_textarea::setRows() -- Sets height in rows for textarea element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $rows

Height expressed in rows


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_textarea::setWrap() -- Sets wrap type for textarea element


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $wrap

Wrap type


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_xbutton

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_xbutton -- Class for HTML 4.0 <button> element

Class for HTML 4.0 <button> element

This class is named 'xbutton' since the name 'button' was already taken by class representing an <input type="button" /> HTML element. Available since HTML_QuickForm release 3.2.3

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_xbutton

HTML_QuickForm_xbutton Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_xbutton()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_xbutton() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional) Button name

string $elementContent

(optional) Button content (HTML to add between <button></button> tags)

mixed $attributes

(optional) Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

since 3.2.3


HTML_QuickForm_xbutton::setContent() -- Sets the contents of the element


Sets the contents of the button element: HTML to add between <button></button> tags.


string $content

HTML to add between <button></button> tags


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

since 3.2.3

Custom elements

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox -- HTML class for an advanced checkbox type field
constructor HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox::getOnclickJs() -- Create the javascript for the onclick event
HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox::getPrivateName() -- Gets the private name for the element
HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox::setValues() -- Sets the values used by the hidden element
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete -- HTML class for a text field with autocompletion feature
constructor HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete::setoptions() -- Sets the options for the autocomplete input text element
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_date -- Class for a group of elements used to input dates (and times).
constructor HTML_QuickForm_date() -- Class constructor
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_header -- A pseudo-element used for adding headers to form
constructor HTML_QuickForm_header() -- Class constructor
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect -- Creates hidden elements with select's values
constructor HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect() -- Class constructor
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_hierselect -- Class to dynamically create chained HTML Select elements, each select changes the content of the next.
constructor HTML_QuickForm_hierselect() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_hierselect::setOptions() -- Sets the options for the select elements
HTML_QuickForm_hierselect::setMainOptions() -- DEPRECATED: Sets the options for the first select
HTML_QuickForm_hierselect::setSecOptions() -- DEPRECATED: Sets the options for the secondary select
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_html -- A pseudo-element used for adding raw HTML to form (deprecated)
constructor HTML_QuickForm_html() -- Class constructor
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_link -- HTML class for a link type field
constructor HTML_QuickForm_link() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_link::setHref() -- Sets the links href
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_static -- HTML class for static data
constructor HTML_QuickForm_static() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_static::setText() -- Sets the text

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox -- HTML class for an advanced checkbox type field


HTML class for an advanced checkbox type field. Basically this fixes a problem that HTML has had where checkboxes can only pass a single value (the value of the checkbox when checked). A value for when the checkbox is not checked cannot be passed, and furthermore the checkbox variable doesn't even exist if the checkbox was submitted unchecked.

It works by creating a hidden field with the passed-in name and creating the checkbox with no name, but with a javascript onclick which sets the value of the hidden field.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox

HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_checkbox

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::HTML_QuickForm_checkbox()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::exportValue()Return true if the checkbox is checked, null if it is not checked (getValue() returns false)
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::getChecked()Returns whether a checkbox is checked
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::getText()Returns the checkbox text
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::setChecked()Sets whether a checkbox is checked
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::setText()Sets the checkbox text
HTML_QuickForm_checkbox::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-3. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Input field name attribute

string $elementLabel

(optional)Input field label

string $text

(optional)Text to put after the checkbox

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array

mixed $values

(optional)Values to pass if checked or not checked


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox::getOnclickJs() -- Create the javascript for the onclick event


Create the javascript for the onclick event which will set the value of the hidden field.


string $elementName

The element name


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox::getPrivateName() -- Gets the private name for the element


This is the name that will be used by the actual checkbox.


string $elementName

The element name to make private


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox::setValues() -- Sets the values used by the hidden element


If $values is a string then it will be used for checked state. If it is an array, then $values[0] will be used for unchecked state and $values[1] for checked.


mixed $values

The values, either a string or an array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete -- HTML class for a text field with autocompletion feature


The element looks like a normal HTML input text element that at every keypressed javascript event searches the array of options for a match and autocompletes the text in case of match. This is similar to the browsers' behaviour when one enters the URL into the Address field.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete

HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_input

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_input::HTML_QuickForm_input()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_input::exportValue()We don't need values from button-type elements (except submit) and files
HTML_QuickForm_input::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_input::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_input::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_input::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_input::setType()Sets the element type
HTML_QuickForm_input::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-3. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete

constructor HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Input field name attribute

string $elementLabel

(optional)Input field label

array $options

Autocomplete options

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_autocomplete::setoptions() -- Sets the options for the autocomplete input text element


The strings in this array will be checked by the javascript function for a match with the text being typed. In case of a match the text will be autocompleted.


array $options

Array of options for the autocomplete input text element


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_date

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_date -- Class for a group of elements used to input dates (and times).


The element is basically a group of <select>s that allow to input dates and times.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_date

HTML_QuickForm_date Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_group

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_group::HTML_QuickForm_group()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_group::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_group::exportValue()As usual, to get the group's value we access its elements and call
HTML_QuickForm_group::getElementName()Returns the element name inside the group such as found in the html form
HTML_QuickForm_group::getElements()Gets the grouped elements
HTML_QuickForm_group::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_group::getGroupType()Gets the group type based on its elements Will return 'mixed' if elements contained in the group are of different types.
HTML_QuickForm_group::getName()Returns the group name
HTML_QuickForm_group::getValue()Returns the value of the group
HTML_QuickForm_group::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_group::setElements()Sets the grouped elements
HTML_QuickForm_group::setName()Sets the group name
HTML_QuickForm_group::setValue()Sets values for group's elements

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_date()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_date() -- Class constructor


The $options parameter controls the element's appearance. It is an associative array of the form 'option name' => 'option value'.

Recognised option names


Language code to use for display. Default is 'en'.

date element supports many languages. If your one is not supported, send us the translation, we'll gladly include it.


Format string for the date, based on PHP's date() function. The following characters are recognised:
D => Short names of days
l => Long names of days
d => Day numbers
M => Short names of months
F => Long names of months
m => Month numbers
Y => Four digit year
y => Two digit year
h => 12 hour format
H => 23 hour  format
i => Minutes
s => Seconds
a => am/pm
A => AM/PM
g => 12 hour format w/o leading zeroes
W => week of the year
Default is 'dMY'.


Minimum year in year select. Default is 2001.


Maximum year in year select. Default is 2010.

On 'minYear' and 'maxYear': When 'minYear' > 'maxYear' the years in the select will be displayed in descending order.


Should an empty option be added to the top of each select box? Default is FALSE. This may be set for individual fields also, if one passes an array of the form array('format char' => TRUE, ..., 'another format char' => FALSE)


The value passed by the empty option. Default is ''.


The text displayed for the empty option. Default is '&nbsp;'. This may be set for individual fields also, if one passes an array of the form array('format char' => 'some text', ..., 'another format char' => 'some other text')


Step to increase the option values by. Works for 'i' and 's' formats currently. Default is array('i' => 1, 's' => 1).


string $elementName

Element's name

mixed $elementLabel

Label(s) for an element

array $options

Options to control the element's display

mixed $attributes

Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_header

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_header -- A pseudo-element used for adding headers to form


This element is used for adding headers to the form. Unlike usual static elements, the headers are usually rendered using a special template.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_header

HTML_QuickForm_header Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_static

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_static::HTML_QuickForm_static()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_static::exportValue()We override this here because we don't want any values from static elements
HTML_QuickForm_static::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_static::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_static::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_static::setName()Sets the element name
HTML_QuickForm_static::setText()Sets the text
HTML_QuickForm_static::setValue()Sets the text (uses the standard setValue call to emulate a form element.

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_header()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_header() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

Header name

string $text

Header text


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect -- Creates hidden elements with select's values


This class takes the same arguments as a select element, but instead of creating a <select> it creates hidden elements for all values already selected with setDefaults() or setConstants(). This is useful if you have a select ring that you don't want visible, but you need all selected values to be passed.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect

HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_select

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_select::HTML_QuickForm_select()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_select::addOption()Adds a new OPTION to the SELECT
HTML_QuickForm_select::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_select::exportValue()We check the options and return only the values that _could_ have been
HTML_QuickForm_select::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_select::getMultiple()Returns the select mutiple attribute
HTML_QuickForm_select::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_select::getPrivateName()Returns the element name (possibly with brackets appended)
HTML_QuickForm_select::getSelected()Returns an array of the selected values
HTML_QuickForm_select::getSize()Returns the select field size
HTML_QuickForm_select::getValue()Returns an array of the selected values
HTML_QuickForm_select::load()Loads options from different types of data sources
HTML_QuickForm_select::loadArray()Loads the options from an associative array
HTML_QuickForm_select::loadDbResult()Loads the options from DB_result object
HTML_QuickForm_select::loadQuery()Queries a database and loads the options from the results
HTML_QuickForm_select::setMultiple()Sets the select mutiple attribute
HTML_QuickForm_select::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_select::setSelected()Sets the default values of the select box
HTML_QuickForm_select::setSize()Sets the select field size, only applies to 'multiple' selects
HTML_QuickForm_select::setValue()Sets the value of the form element

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect() -- Class constructor


Note that some parameters are unused, as the element is in fact hidden.


string $elementName

Select name attribute

mixed $elementLabel

Label(s) for the select (not used)

mixed $options

Data to be used to populate options

mixed $attributes

Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array (not used)


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_hierselect

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_hierselect -- Class to dynamically create chained HTML Select elements, each select changes the content of the next.


Class to dynamically create "chained" HTML Select elements. Choosing an option in the first <select> changes the content of the second select and so on.

This element is considered as a group. Selects will be named groupName[0], groupName[1], ...
Creating more than two select elements is just as simple.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_hierselect

HTML_QuickForm_hierselect Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_group

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_group::HTML_QuickForm_group()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_group::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_group::exportValue()As usual, to get the group's value we access its elements and call
HTML_QuickForm_group::getElementName()Returns the element name inside the group such as found in the html form
HTML_QuickForm_group::getElements()Gets the grouped elements
HTML_QuickForm_group::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_group::getGroupType()Gets the group type based on its elements Will return 'mixed' if elements contained in the group are of different types.
HTML_QuickForm_group::getName()Returns the group name
HTML_QuickForm_group::getValue()Returns the value of the group
HTML_QuickForm_group::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_group::setElements()Sets the grouped elements
HTML_QuickForm_group::setName()Sets the group name
HTML_QuickForm_group::setValue()Sets values for group's elements

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_hierselect()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_hierselect() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Input field name attribute

Замечание: If you are displaying several forms on one page, then hierselects in these forms should have unique names. In the other case the values for last hierselect with the same name will overwrite the values for the previous one. It is extremely difficult to cleanly fix this behaviour with current QuickForm architecture, therefore please rely on this workaround. See Request #5718.

string $elementLabel

(optional)Input field label in form

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array.

mixed $separator

String to separate the grouped elements


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_hierselect::setOptions() -- Sets the options for the select elements


Sets the options for the select elements within hierselect. Note that the actual number of selects that will be displayed is governed by the number of the elements in the array passed to this function.


array $options

Array of options for the elements, having the following structure:
  // options for the first element
    'key_1' => 'value 1',
    'key_2' => 'value 2',
    'key_N' => 'value N',
  // options for the second element
    'key_1' => array(
      'key_1_1' => 'value 1.1',
      'key_1_2' => 'value 1.2',
      'key_1_M1' => 'value 1.M1'
    'key_2' => array(
      'key_2_1' => 'value 2.1',
      'key_2_2' => 'value 2.2',
      'key_2_M2' => 'value 2.M2'
    'key_N' => array(
      'key_N_1' => 'value N.1',
      'key_N_2' => 'value N.2',
      'key_N_MN' => 'value N.MN'
  // options for further elements

Замечание: The options for subsequent elements should have keys for all options of the previous elements. Having a select without options is invalid HTML and will break hierselect's JavaScript. See also Bug #5218.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

since 3.2.2


HTML_QuickForm_hierselect::setMainOptions() -- DEPRECATED: Sets the options for the first select


Format is standard key/value pairs for select elements. Example is available in the docs for setSecOptions().

This method has been deprecated. Use setOptions() instead.


array $options

Array of options for the first select


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Deprecated in release 3.2.2


HTML_QuickForm_hierselect::setSecOptions() -- DEPRECATED: Sets the options for the secondary select


Sets the options for the secondary select. Options are passed as a two-dimensional array, where the first key is parent id and the second key is child id, as it is needed to know the parent option to which the secondary option relates.

This method has been deprecated. Use setOptions() instead.


array $options

Array of options for the second select


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see setMainOptions().


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Deprecated in release 3.2.2

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_html

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_html -- A pseudo-element used for adding raw HTML to form (deprecated)


A pseudo-element used for adding raw HTML to form output. Its contents are output as is, without applying any element template.


This element is deprecated. No fixes and changes to its behaviour will be done and it will be removed in the next major version of the package. If you really need to add raw html to the form, you may consider using 'static' element instead.


The element can be used with the Default Renderer only, all other Renderers completely ignore this. Consider using some template-based renderer instead of relying on this feature.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_html

HTML_QuickForm_html Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_static

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_static::HTML_QuickForm_static()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_static::exportValue()We override this here because we don't want any values from static elements
HTML_QuickForm_static::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_static::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_static::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_static::setName()Sets the element name
HTML_QuickForm_static::setText()Sets the text
HTML_QuickForm_static::setValue()Sets the text (uses the standard setValue call to emulate a form element.

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_html()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_html() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $text

raw HTML to add


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_link

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_link -- HTML class for a link type field


This is used to add <a href="...">...</a> tag within a standard element template.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_link

HTML_QuickForm_link Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_static

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_static::HTML_QuickForm_static()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_static::exportValue()We override this here because we don't want any values from static elements
HTML_QuickForm_static::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_static::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_static::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_static::setName()Sets the element name
HTML_QuickForm_static::setText()Sets the text
HTML_QuickForm_static::setValue()Sets the text (uses the standard setValue call to emulate a form element.

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_link()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_link() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


mixed $elementName

string $elementLabel

(optional)Link label

string $href

(optional)Link href

string $text

(optional)Link display text

mixed $attributes

(optional)Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array




since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_link::setHref() -- Sets the links href


This is just a shortcut for
$element->updateAttributes(array('href' => $href));


string $href




since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_static

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_static -- HTML class for static data


A static element is an element that cannot have a submit value and thus cannot change due to user input. Such elements are usually used to improve form presentation. Note that elements of HTML_QuickForm_static type are by default rendered inside the same template as the normal form elements.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_static

HTML_QuickForm_static Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_static()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_static() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

Name of the element

mixed $elementLabel


string $text

(optional)Display text


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_static::setText() -- Sets the text


This text is essentially the static element itself. Note that setValue() is an alias for setText().


string $text

text of the element


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Using groups

HTML_QuickForm::addGroup() -- Adds an element group
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_group -- HTML class for a form element group
constructor HTML_QuickForm_group() -- Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_group::getElementName() -- Returns the name of an element inside the group
HTML_QuickForm_group::getElements() -- Gets the grouped elements
HTML_QuickForm_group::getGroupType() -- Gets the group type based on its elements.
HTML_QuickForm_group::setElements() -- Sets the grouped elements

To be written.


HTML_QuickForm::addGroup() -- Adds an element group


Adds an element group.


array $elements

array of elements composing the group

string $name

(optional) group name

mixed $groupLabel

(optional) group label

mixed $separator

(optional) string or array of strings to separate elements

boolean $appendName

(optional) specify whether the group name should be used in the form element name: groupName[elementName] vs elementName

Возвращаемое значение

return reference to added group of elements


since 2.8

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_group

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_group -- HTML class for a form element group


Groups allow you to combine several individual elements into one entity and to use it as usual form element. Most of the group's methods use the methods of the grouped elements to do their job. For example, groups do not have values themselves, their setValue() and getValue() methods just call the appropriate methods of grouped elements to set and get their values.

Groups can be used both for visual grouping of the elements (e.g. putting "Submit" and "Reset" buttons on one line), grouping of the elements with the same name (e.g. groups of checkboxes and radiobuttons) and logical grouping of the elements (e.g. group for person's name consisting of two text fields for first and last name).

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_group

HTML_QuickForm_group Inherited Methods

Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element

Method NameSummary
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element()Class constructor
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept()Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion()Returns the current API version
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue()Returns a 'safe' element's value
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze()Freeze the element so that only its value is returned
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml()Returns the value of field without HTML tags
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel()Returns display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName()Returns the element name
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType()Returns element type
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue()Returns the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen()Returns whether or not the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent()Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel()Sets display text for the element
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName()Sets the input field name
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze()Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue()Sets the value of the form element
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze()Unfreezes the form element

constructor HTML_QuickForm_group()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_group() -- Class constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $elementName

(optional)Group name

array $elementLabel

(optional)Group label

array $elements

(optional)Group elements

mixed $separator

(optional)Use a string for one separator, use an array to alternate the separators.

boolean $appendName

(optional)whether to change elements' names to the form $groupName[$elementName] or leave them as is.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_group::getElementName() -- Returns the name of an element inside the group


Returns the name of an element inside the group. This is the name that will be shown in the form HTML output.


mixed $index

Element name or element index in the group

Возвращаемое значение

returns string with element name, false if not found


throws no exceptions thrown


since 3.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_group::getElements() -- Gets the grouped elements


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 2.4

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_group::getGroupType() -- Gets the group type based on its elements.


Will return 'mixed' if elements contained in the group are of different types.

Возвращаемое значение

returns group elements type


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_group::setElements() -- Sets the grouped elements


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


array $elements

Array of elements


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Working with elements' values

This section covers the methods QuickForm offers for managing form element's values and working with submitted values.

Getting, setting and processing element values

HTML_QuickForm::setConstants() -- Sets constant form values
HTML_QuickForm::setDefaults() -- Sets default form values
HTML_QuickForm::isSubmitted() -- Tells whether the form was already submitted
HTML_QuickForm::exportValue() -- Returns the element's "safe" value
HTML_QuickForm::exportValues() -- Returns "safe" elements' values
HTML_QuickForm::getElementValue() -- Returns the element's raw value
HTML_QuickForm::getSubmitValue() -- Returns the submitted element's value
HTML_QuickForm::getSubmitValues() -- Returns the values submitted by the form
HTML_QuickForm::process() -- Performs the form data processing


HTML_QuickForm::setConstants() -- Sets constant form values


Sets constant form values. These values won't be overridden by either default (set via setDefaults()) or submitted (POST or GET) values.


array $constantValues

values used to fill the form, array('element name' => 'element value')

mixed $filter

(optional) filter(s) to apply to all default values


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::setDefaults() -- Sets default form values


Sets default form values. There are overriden by either constant (set via setConstants()) or submitted (POST or GET) values.


array $defaultValues

values used to fill the form, array('element name' => 'element value')

mixed $filter

(optional) filter(s) to apply to all default values


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::isSubmitted() -- Tells whether the form was already submitted


Tells whether the form was already submitted. Using this method when $trackSubmit parameter of QuickForm's constructor is used is more reliable than checking whether form's submit values are empty.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

since 3.2.5


HTML_QuickForm::exportValue() -- Returns the element's "safe" value


This method first tries to find a cleaned-up submitted value, it will return a value set by setValue()/setDefaults()/setConstants() if submitted value does not exist for the given element.

The value that couldn't have possibly been submitted (e.g.: an option that is not present in <select> element's option list) is not considered valid and is not returned.

As the values returned by this method and by exportValues() are expected to be immediately processed and/or stored somewhere, values for file elements that obviously have special processing needs are not returned.


string $element

Name of the element

Возвращаемое значение

return element value


since 3.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::exportValues() -- Returns "safe" elements' values


Returns the values for the form elements. First it tries to return filtered submitted values, if there were none then it takes the values set by setDefaults() or setConstants().

Unlike getSubmitValues(), this will return only the values corresponding to the elements added to the form and only the values that could actually be submitted: if we have 'Yes'/'No' radiobuttons 'Maybe' will not be considered a valid submit value. You also cannot get values for file elements via this method.


mixed $elementList

Array/string of element names, whose values we want. If not set then return all elements.

Возвращаемое значение

return An assoc array of elements' values


since 3.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getElementValue() -- Returns the element's raw value


Returns the element's raw value such as submitted by the form (not filtered), set by setDefaults() or setConstants().


string $element

Element name

Возвращаемое значение

return element value


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getSubmitValue() -- Returns the submitted element's value


Returns the submitted element's value. The value is filtered.


string $element

Element name

Возвращаемое значение

return submitted element value or NULL if not set


throws no exceptions thrown


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getSubmitValues() -- Returns the values submitted by the form


Returns the values submitted by the form, possibly with uploaded files as well.


boolean $mergeFiles

Whether uploaded files should be returned too


throws no exceptions thrown


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::process() -- Performs the form data processing


Performs the form data processing. It actually calls the $callback passing the submitted values (and files, when $mergeFiles=TRUE) to it.


mixed $callback

Callback, either function name or array(&$object, 'method')

boolean $mergeFiles

Whether uploaded files should be processed too


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Validation and filters

Introduction - validation and filters -- How to process submitted data
HTML_QuickForm::addRule() -- Adds a validation rule for the given field
HTML_QuickForm::addGroupRule() -- Adds a validation rule for the given group
HTML_QuickForm::addFormRule() -- Adds a global validation rule
HTML_QuickForm::isElementRequired() -- Returns whether the form element is required
HTML_QuickForm::validate() -- Performs the server side validation
HTML_QuickForm::getElementError() -- Returns error corresponding to validated element
HTML_QuickForm::setElementError() -- Set error message for a form element
HTML_QuickForm::registerRule() -- Registers a new validation rule
HTML_QuickForm::getRegisteredRules() -- Returns registered validation rules
HTML_QuickForm::isRuleRegistered() -- Returns whether the rule is supported
HTML_QuickForm::applyFilter() -- Applies a filter for the given field(s)

QuickForm also provides validation rules support. You can code your own validation rules, register them in QuickForm and then call them in your script. By default, QuickForm can handle validation against regular expressions (preg_match style) and check for required elements. If you want client-side validation, QuickForm can generate the javascript code needed. Server-side validation is always on by default.

QuickForm can also make use of filters for data import into the form or for data processing once the form has been submitted. Filters work the same way as rules except that you don't need to register them. You write your filter functions and call them in your script. You can call any php function (ie. trim, addslashes, htmlentities, etc.) and have them applied recursively to your element values.

Introduction - validation and filters

Introduction - validation and filters -- How to process submitted data

Validation rules

QuickForm makes client-side and server-side form validation easy. It allows for validation against regular expressions or custom functions and methods. You can define your own validation rules and apply them to the elements or groups you want. In this section, we will explore the different possibilities QuickForm offers to make validation easier.

QuickForm can verify if required elements are filled when the form is submitted. This works with every type of elements or groups, integer 0 is not considered as an empty value.
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php';

$form = new HTML_QuickForm('myform', 'post');
$form->addElement('text', 'email', 'Your email:');
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit', 'Submit');

// Validation rules

$form->addRule('email', 'E-Mail is required', 'required');

// Validation

if ($form->validate()) {

On empty elements validation: If the element is empty, no validation rules other than required are checked for it. This means that empty element can be invalid only when it is required.

On required uploads: required rule does not work for file elements. Use uploadedfile.

The HTML_QuickForm::validate() method will scan through each rules in the order they have been set. If a rule is not validated, the error message corresponding to the element will be displayed and the form will be shown once again. You can use templates to set the position of this error message. The order you decide to set your validation rules is important because it will determine which error message is used.

Client-side validation

QuickForm can generate the javascript necessary to validate the form on the client side. This feature works for all standard elements and for groups. Server side validation is always performed in case the client has javascript turned off.
$form->addRule('email', 'E-Mail is required', 'required', null, 'client');

Подсказка: By setting the parameter 'client', you trigger the javascript automatic generation.

Built-in validation rules

QuickForm offers a few registered rules that are often used when validating forms. Some of the rules may need an extra $format parameter passed to addRule() / addGroupRule() to work properly.

Таблица 42-1. List of built-in validation rules

NameDescription$format parameter
requiredvalue is not empty 
maxlengthvalue must not exceed given number of charactersnumber of characters, integer
minlengthvalue must have more than given number of charactersnumber of characters, integer
rangelengthvalue must have between min and max charactersarray(min characters, max characters)
regexvalue must pass the regular expressionregular expression to check, string
emailvalue is a correctly formatted emailwhether to perform an additional domain check via checkdnsrr() function, boolean
lettersonlyvalue must contain only letters 
alphanumericvalue must contain only letters and numbers 
numericvalue must be a number 
nopunctuationvalue must not contain punctuation characters 
nonzerovalue must be a number not starting with 0 
compare The rule allows to compare the values of two form fields. This can be used for e.g. 'Password repeat must match password' kind of rule. Please note that you need to pass an array of elements' names to compare as a first parameter to addRule().

Type of comparison to perform, string:

'eq' or '=='

(default) the elements should have the same values

'neq' or '!='

the elements should have different values

'gt' or '>'

first element's value should be greater (compared as numbers)

'gte' or '>='

first element's value should be greater or equal (compared as numbers)

'lt' or '<'

first element's value should be smaller (compared as numbers)

'lte' or '<='

first element's value should be smaller or equal (compared as numbers)

callback This rule allows to use an external function/method for validation. This can be done either explicitly, by passing a callback as a format parameter or implicitly, by registering it via registerRule(). Function/method to use, callback.
Validation rules for file uploads
uploadedfilerequired file upload 
maxfilesizethe file size must not exceed the given number of bytesmaximum file size, integer
mimetypethe file must have a correct MIME typeeither a string for single allowed MIME type, or an array of allowed MIME types
filenamethe filename must match the given regexregular expression to test, string

On rules for file uploads: These rules are defined in HTML/QuickForm/file.php, and are automatically registered when a file type element is added to the form. These rules are server-side only, for obvious reasons.

Usage of builtin rules is covered in rules-builtin.php example provided with the package. The rules-custom.php example covers the usage of custom rule classes and callback type rules. It also contains a NumericRange class for checking whether a number is between a maximum and a minimum.

Validation classes

Since release 3.2 all builtin validation is performed by subclasses of HTML_QuickForm_Rule class. You can create your own subclass of it and implement validate() and getValidationScript() methods. Consult the source for the examples.

Validation functions and methods

When you need a more complex validation, QuickForm can use your own custom-made functions to validate an element or a group. QuickForm can also call a method of a class. This way, it is possible to use PEAR's Validate package or any other class. If you want to use your own functions, you basically have two options:

  1. Register the function via registerRule() using 'callback' as $type and giving the new rule a custom $ruleName. Later you add the rule with this name via addRule() like any buitin rule.

  2. Add the rule of callback type via addRule() passing the name of your function as $format. This way you'll have less characters to type, but will be unable to pass additional data to your function.

You can pass an extra parameter of the type you want to your function when set with HTML_QuickForm::addRule(). Here we used TRUE to enable the DNS check of our function.

If you use a method, you must specify the class your method is in. Use this syntax when you register your rule:
// Method checkEmail is in class Validate
$form->registerRule('checkmail', 'callback', 'checkEmail', 'Validate');

Подсказка: You can also use a javascript function to validate your form, give it the same name as your PHP function, have it return a boolean and set the 'client' parameter.

Group validation

Groups of elements can be validated the same way other elements are, or use a more complex validation scheme. To validate a group as a whole, just use HTML_QuickForm::addRule(). The group elements' values will be passed to the validation function as an array.

You can have more complex validation for your groups using the HTML_QuickForm::addGroupRule() method. This allows for a per element validation. It also makes it possible to specify the number of elements that need to be valid for the group to be valid too.

In this example, we have set rules for the elements inside our group. Instead of using their names, we could have used their index (determined by the order they were created) in the group, it would speed up the validation process.

The following example takes the same group and will validate the form only if at least one of our two elements is not empty. To achieve this, we use the howmany parameter and set it to 1.
$form->addGroupRule('id', 'Fill at least one element', 'required', null, 1);


You have seen that QuickForm makes it easy to validate your elements and groups without having to write all the usually necessary code to find the different values. It takes care of required elements, generates the javascript automatically and adds a lot of flexibility by allowing you to use your own validation functions and regular expressions. It's time to experiment...


If we add a rule like
$form->addRule('element', 'The element is required', 'required');
to the form, then any input will satisfy it, including, for example, a single space. This is because the rule simply ensures that there are one or more characters present, and a space character satisfies the rule.

Of course this can be fixed by making a custom regex rule, but there is an easier solution. We usually do not care about leading and trailing spaces at all, and we can make the element's value pass through builtin trim() function before doing any validation on it:
$form->applyFilter('element', 'trim');

Filters are applied recursively, which means that trim() on an array will work, too. You can pass any valid callback as an argument to applyFilter() method.

Use filters if you want to 'sanitize' user input and do not really care about invalid values.


HTML_QuickForm::addRule() -- Adds a validation rule for the given field


If the element is in fact a group, it will be considered as a whole, an array of group elements' values will be passed to validation function. To validate grouped elements as separate entities, use addGroupRule().


mixed $element

Form element name(s). Currently the only builtin rule that expects and correctly handles an array here is compare:
$form->addElement('password', 'cmpPasswd', 'Password:');
$form->addElement('password', 'cmpRepeat', 'Repeat password:');
$form->addRule(array('cmpPasswd', 'cmpRepeat'), 'The passwords do not match', 'compare', null, 'client');
All other builtin rules will only handle a single element name.

string $message

Message to display for invalid data

string $type

Rule type, use getRegisteredRules() to get types. You can also pass a classname for a descendant of HTML_QuickForm_Rule or an instance of such class.

string $format

(optional) Required for extra rule data

string $validation

(optional) Where to perform validation: "server", "client"

boolean $reset

For client-side validation: reset the form element to it's original value if there is an error?

boolean $force

Force the rule to be applied, even if the target form element does not exist


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::addGroupRule() -- Adds a validation rule for the given group


Adds a validation rule for the given group of elements

Only groups with a name can be assigned a validation rule. Use addGroupRule() when you need to validate elements inside the group. Also use addRule() if you need to validate the group as a whole.


string $group

Form group name

mixed $arg1

Array for multiple elements or error message string for one element. If this is the array, its structure is the following:
array (
    'element name or index' => array(
        array(rule data),
        array(rule data)
    'element name or index' => array(
        array(rule data),
        array(rule data)
rule data here matches the parameters' order and meaning for addRule() method.

Замечание: If this parameter is an array, all the subsequent parameters are ignored. You should pass all the modifiers for the rules being added within this array (see the example below).

string $type

(optional) Rule type. Use getRegisteredRules() to get types. You can also pass a classname for a descendant of HTML_QuickForm_Rule or an instance of such class.

string $format

(optional) Required for extra rule data

integer $howmany

(optional) How many valid elements should be in the group

string $validation

(optional)Where to perform validation: "server", "client"

boolean $reset

Client-side: whether to reset the element's value to its original state if validation failed.


since 2.5

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::addFormRule() -- Adds a global validation rule


This should be used when you want to add a rule involving several fields or if you want to use some completely custom validation for your form. The rule function/method should return TRUE in case of successful validation and array('element name' => 'error') when there were errors.


mixed $rule

A valid callback


since 3.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::isElementRequired() -- Returns whether the form element is required


Returns whether or not the form element is required, i.e. whether a 'required' rule was added for it.


string $element

Form element name


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::validate() -- Performs the server side validation


Performs the server side validation.

Возвращаемое значение

return TRUE if no error found


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getElementError() -- Returns error corresponding to validated element


Returns error corresponding to validated element. Errors are usually assigned to elements by validate() method.


string $element

Name of form element to check

Возвращаемое значение

return error message corresponding to checked element


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::setElementError() -- Set error message for a form element


Set error message for a form element. Errors are usually assigned to elements by validate() method. Use this if you need to explicitly set error message for an element.


string $element

Name of form element to set error for

string $message

Error message


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::registerRule() -- Registers a new validation rule


Registers a new validation rule


string $ruleName

Name of validation rule

string $type

Either: 'regex' or 'callback' ('function' is also kept for backward compatibility). If registering a subclass of HTML_QuickForm_Rule you can pass anything here, preferrably NULL or empty string.

string $data1

Name of function, regular expression, classname of HTML_QuickForm_Rule subclass or an instance of such class.

string $data2

Object parent of above function, name of the file containing the subclass of HTML_QuickForm_Rule.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getRegisteredRules() -- Returns registered validation rules


Returns an array of registered validation rules.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::isRuleRegistered() -- Returns whether the rule is supported


Returns whether or not the given rule is supported. New rules are registered via registerRule() method.


string $name

Validation rule name


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::applyFilter() -- Applies a filter for the given field(s)


Applies a data filter for the given field(s). Filter is applied recursively.


mixed $element

Form element name or array of such names. Special name '__ALL__' means all the form elements.

mixed $filter

Callback, either function name or array(&$object, 'method')


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Outputting the form

Your form can be customised in many ways. QuickForm can use different kind of renderers and provides a default one which allows for customization of the form, the elements, the error messages, the headers, the required elements note and the required elements sign. You can also write your own renderers.

Form customization and output helpers

HTML_QuickForm::freeze() -- "Freezes" the form's elements
HTML_QuickForm::isElementFrozen() -- Checks whether the element is frozen
HTML_QuickForm::isFrozen() -- Checks whether the form is frozen
HTML_QuickForm::setRequiredNote() -- Sets required note
HTML_QuickForm::setJsWarnings() -- Sets JavaScript warning messages
HTML_QuickForm::getRequiredNote() -- Returns the required note
HTML_QuickForm::getValidationScript() -- Returns the client side validation script
HTML_QuickForm::accept() -- Accepts a renderer
HTML_QuickForm::defaultRenderer() -- Returns a reference to default renderer object
HTML_QuickForm::toArray() -- Returns the form's contents in an array
HTML_QuickForm::toHtml() -- Returns an HTML version of the form
HTML_QuickForm::display() -- Outputs an HTML version of the form


HTML_QuickForm::freeze() -- "Freezes" the form's elements


Freezes the elements: elements' values will be displayed without HTML input tags.


mixed $elementList

array or string of element(s) to be frozen. If NULL then all the form's elements will be frozen.


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::isElementFrozen() -- Checks whether the element is frozen


Returns whether or not the form element is frozen.


string $element

Form element name


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::isFrozen() -- Checks whether the form is frozen


Returns whether or not the whole form is frozen.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 3.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::setRequiredNote() -- Sets required note


Sets the required note. This note is usually displayed below the form when the form contains required fields.


string $note

Message indicating some elements are required


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::setJsWarnings() -- Sets JavaScript warning messages


Sets JavaScript warning messages: the first is displayed before element errors, the second after them. Useless if the form had no rules added with 'client' modifier.


string $pref

Prefix warning

string $post

Postfix warning


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.1

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getRequiredNote() -- Returns the required note


Returns the required note. This note is usually displayed below the form when the form contains required fields.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::getValidationScript() -- Returns the client side validation script


Returns JavaScript used to validate the form on client side. Returns an empty string if no rules were added with 'client' modifier.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::accept() -- Accepts a renderer


Accepts a renderer. This method is a part of the Visitor design pattern implementation.


object &$renderer

HTML_QuickForm_Renderer object


throws no exceptions thrown


since 3.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::defaultRenderer() -- Returns a reference to default renderer object


Returns a reference to default renderer object. You can use this method to save a few keystrokes:
$renderer =& $form->defaultRenderer();
instead of
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/Default.php';

$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default();
It is also used internally to implement toHtml() and some of the deprecated methods.

Возвращаемое значение

return default renderer object


throws no exceptions thrown


since 3.0

Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTML_QuickForm::toArray() -- Returns the form's contents in an array


Returns the form's contents in an array, uses Array renderer for this.


boolean $collectHidden

Whether to collect hidden elements (passed to the Renderer's constructor)

Возвращаемое значение

return array of form contents, structure is described in renderer documentation.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 2.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::toHtml() -- Returns an HTML version of the form


Returns an HTML version of the form, uses Default renderer for this.


string $in_data

(optional) Any extra data to insert right before form is rendered. Data will be inserted via addElement('html', $in_data)

Возвращаемое значение

return Html version of the form


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm::display() -- Outputs an HTML version of the form


Outputs an HTML version of the form, uses Default renderer for this.


throws no exceptions thrown


since 1.0

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Basic renderers

These renderers are based on pre-3.0 HTML_QuickForm code and require no external classes to do their work.

Introduction - renderers

Introduction - renderers -- How to output the form

What are renderers?

Before release 3.0, form outputting logic was implemented as methods of HTML_QuickForm class. This led to two problems:

  1. Bloat of the said class (80+ methods!)

  2. Difficulties in adding new output logic (i.e. using template engines)

In release 3.0, new system was implemented. The form output logic is now contained in classes that extend HTML_QuickForm_Renderer, their behaviour is based on Visitor design pattern from the classic "Design Patterns" book. This gives the following advantages:

  1. Code for some particular output method is loaded only when the method is used.

  2. It is much easier to add new output method.

There are 8 renderers available since release 3.1.1, of which 2 are based on pre-3.0 code and 6 are new. The following template engines are directly suported: Smarty, HTML_Template_Sigma, HTML_Template_IT, HTML_Template_Flexy.

The main steps of using any available renderer are quite similar:
// include the renderer class
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/FooBar.php';
// instantiate the renderer
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_FooBar($options);
// do some customization
$renderer->adjustSomething('element1', '...');
// ...
$renderer->adjustSomething('elementN', '...');
// process the form
// output the results
Actual methods for customization and doing the output will of course depend on renderer type.

Concerning usage examples: Usage examples provided in the manual are pretty basic. More complex examples for Default renderer can be found in docs/ directory, for all other renderers - in docs/renderers/ directory of HTML_QuickForm.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default -- Default renderer


This renderer directly generates and outputs form HTML. It is based on pre-3.0 built-in form output logic.

The renderer has built-in templates for elements, their format is similar to that of HTML_Template_Sigma or HTML_Template_IT (but only placeholders and blocks are supported). When renderer's renderSomething() method is called, it finds the template for the element, makes necessary substitutions and appends the result to the form's HTML.

Usage example

It is recommended to use the Default renderer when you are not using any template engine in your application or do not need to do any customization to form output. It is the fastest way to output a form.

Подсказка: HTML_QuickForm::toHtml() method uses the Default renderer internally.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default::clearAllTemplates() -- Clears all templates


Clears all the HTML out of the templates that surround notes, elements, etc.

Useful when you want to use addElement('html', '...') to create a completely custom form look.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default::setElementTemplate() -- Sets element template


Sets element template. When called with one parameter, it sets the default element template, when called with two parameters it sets template for the concrete element. The template should include at least the {element} placeholder.

The default element template is
"\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><!-- BEGIN required --><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">*</span><!-- END required --><b>{label}</b></td>\n\t\t<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\"><!-- BEGIN error --><span style=\"color: #ff0000\">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->\t{element}</td>\n\t</tr>"


string $html

The HTML surrounding an element

string $element

(optional) Name of the element to apply template for


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default::setFormTemplate() -- Sets form template


Sets form template. The template should include {attributes} and {content} placeholders.

The default form template is
"\n<form{attributes}>\n<table border=\"0\">\n{content}\n</table>\n</form>"


string $html

The HTML surrounding the form tags


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default::setGroupElementTemplate() -- Sets template for group elements


Sets element template for elements within a group.

By default, the template is empty.


string $html

The HTML surrounding an element

string $group

Name of the group to apply template for


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default::setGroupTemplate() -- Sets template for a group wrapper


Sets template for a group wrapper

This template is contained within a group-as-element template set via setElementTemplate() and contains group's element templates, set via setGroupElementTemplate().

By default, the template is empty.


string $html

The HTML surrounding group elements

string $group

Name of the group to apply template for


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default::setHeaderTemplate() -- Sets header template


Sets header template. The template should include the {header} placeholder.

The default header template is
"\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td style=\"white-space: nowrap; background-color: #CCCCCC;\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"><b>{header}</b></td>\n\t</tr>"


string $html

The HTML surrounding the header


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default::setRequiredNoteTemplate() -- Sets the template for 'required' note


Sets the note indicating required fields template. The template should include the {requiredNote} placeholder.

The default template is
"\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td></td>\n\t<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">{requiredNote}</td>\n\t</tr>"


string $html

The HTML surrounding the required note


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default::toHtml() -- Returns the HTML


Returns the HTML generated for the form.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array -- Array representation of the form


This renderer does not output anything itself, it returns the form structure as an array. This array can later be used for generating the output. A usage example is available for this renderer and Smarty template engine, look in docs/renderers directory.

The form array structure is the following:
  'frozen'           => 'whether the form is frozen',
  'javascript'       => 'javascript for client-side validation',
  'attributes'       => 'attributes for <form> tag',
  'requirednote      => 'note about the required elements',
  // if we set the option to collect hidden elements
  'hidden'           => 'collected html of all hidden elements',
  // if there were some validation errors:
  'errors' => array(
    '1st element name' => 'Error for the 1st element',
    'nth element name' => 'Error for the nth element'
  // if there are no headers in the form:
  'elements' => array(
  // if there are headers in the form:
  'sections' => array(
      'header'   => 'Header text for the first header',
      'name'     => 'Name of the first header',
      'elements' => array(
      'header'   => 'Header text for the Mth header',
      'elements' => array(
where element_i is an array of the form:
  'name'      => 'element name',
  'value'     => 'element value',
  'type'      => 'type of the element',
  'frozen'    => 'whether element is frozen',
  'label'     => 'label for the element',
  'required'  => 'whether element is required',
  'error'     => 'error associated with the element',
  'style'     => 'some information about element style (e.g. for Smarty)',
  // if element is not a group
  'html'      => 'HTML for the element'
  // if element is a group
  'separator' => 'separator for group elements',
  'elements'  => array(

Подсказка: HTML_QuickForm::toArray() method uses the Array renderer internally.

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array() -- Constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


boolean $collectHidden

TRUE: collect all hidden elements into string; FALSE: process them as usual form elements

boolean $staticLabels

TRUE: instead of putting an array of labels into the 'label' element of resultant array, create separate keys for them named 'label_$key' where $key is the key in the array of labels (key + 1 if it is numeric). The first element of the array occupies the 'label' element.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array::setElementStyle() -- Sets a style to use for element rendering


Sets a style to use for element rendering (this style can later be checked by e.g. a template engine).


mixed $elementName

element name or array ('element name' => 'style name')

string $styleName

style name if $elementName is not an array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array::toArray() -- Returns the resultant array


Returns an array representation of the form built by the renderer.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Template-based renderers

HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty -- A renderer for 'static' Smarty templates
constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty() -- Constructor
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty::setErrorTemplate() -- Sets the way elements with validation errors are rendered
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty::setRequiredTemplate() -- Sets the way required elements are rendered
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic -- Dynamic renderer for Integrated Templates
constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic() -- Constructor
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic::setElementBlock() -- Sets the block to use for element rendering
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic::setHeaderBlock() -- Sets the name of a block to use for header rendering
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic -- Static renderer for Integrated Templates
constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic() -- Constructor
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic::setErrorTemplate() -- Sets the way elements with validation errors are rendered
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic::setRequiredTemplate() -- Sets the way required elements are rendered
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml -- Render form elements into HTML in an easy and flexible manner
constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml() -- Constructor
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml::toHtml() -- Returns the HTML
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml::elementToHtml() -- Renders a specific form element into HTML

These renderers use template engines to actually generate the HTML for the form.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty -- A renderer for 'static' Smarty templates


This renderer was written by Thomas Schulz. It is based on pre-3.0 HTML_QuickForm::toArray() code and ITStatic renderer. It can be used to output the form into the 'static' Smarty template. Usage example for this is available in docs/renderers.

The form array structure is the following:
array (
 ['frozen']       => 'whether the complete form is frozen',
 ['javascript']   => 'javascript for client-side validation',
 ['attributes']   => 'attributes for <form> tag',
 ['hidden']       => 'html of all hidden elements',
 ['requirednote'] => 'note about the required elements',
 ['errors'] => Array
         ['1st_element_name'] => 'Error for the 1st element',
         ['nth_element_name'] => 'Error for the nth element',

 ['header'] => Array
         ['1st_header_name'] => 'Header text for the 1st header',
         ['nth_header_name'] => 'Header text for the nth header'

 ['1st_element_name'] => 'Array for the 1st element',
 ['nth_element_name'] => Array for the nth element'
where an element array has the form:
         ['name']      => 'element name',
         ['value']     => 'element value',
         ['type']      => 'type of the element',
         ['frozen']    => 'whether element is frozen',
         ['label']     => 'label for the element',
         ['required']  => 'whether element is required',
// if element is not a group:
         ['html']      => 'HTML for the element',
// if element is a group:
         ['separator'] => 'separator for group elements',
         ['1st_gitem_name'] => 'Array for the 1st element in group',
         ['nth_gitem_name'] => 'Array for the nth element in group'

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty() -- Constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


object &$tpl

A Smarty object to use for form output


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty::setErrorTemplate() -- Sets the way elements with validation errors are rendered


You can use {$label} or {$html} placeholders to let the renderer know where where the element label or the element html are positionned according to the error message. They will be replaced accordingly with the right value. The error message will replace the {$error} placeholder. For example: {if $error}<span style="color: red;">{$error}</span>{/if}{$html} will put the error message in red on top of the element html.

If you want all error messages to be output in the main error block, use the {$form.errors} part of the rendered array that collects all raw error messages.

If you want to place all error messages manually, do not specify {$html} nor {$label}.

Groups can have special layouts. With this kind of groups, you have to place the formated error message manually. In this case, use {$} where you want the formated error message to appear in the form.


string $template

The element error template


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty::setRequiredTemplate() -- Sets the way required elements are rendered


You can use {$label} or {$html} placeholders to let the renderer know where where the element label or the element html are positionned according to the required tag. They will be replaced accordingly with the right value. You can use the full smarty syntax here, especially a custom modifier for I18N. For example: {if $required}<span style="color: red;">*</span>{/if}{$label|translate} will put a red star in front of the label if the element is required and translate the label.


string $template

The required element template


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic -- Dynamic renderer for Integrated Templates


The word 'dynamic' in renderer name means that exact form layout is defined at script runtime. This also means that you can create one template file for all your forms. That template should contain a block for every distinct element 'look' appearing in your forms and also some special blocks. If a special block is not set for an element, the renderer falls back to a default one.

If most of your forms tend to share the same look (a good example would be back-office interface), your best bet will be to use Dynamic renderer. If each of your forms has a really special layout, you should go with a Static one.

Template structure

This is a somewhat minimal template, but it contains all the necessary elements to render any form you are able to define with the package.
<form {qf_attributes}>
<!-- BEGIN qf_hidden_loop -->
<!-- END qf_hidden_loop -->


<!-- BEGIN qf_errors -->
            Collected errors:
                <!-- BEGIN qf_error_loop -->
                <!-- END qf_error_loop -->
<!-- END qf_errors -->

<!-- BEGIN qf_main_loop -->
    <!-- BEGIN qf_header -->
        <th colspan="2">{qf_header}</th>
    <!-- END qf_header -->

    <!-- BEGIN qf_element -->
    <tr valign="top">
        <td align="right">
            <!-- BEGIN qf_element_required --><span style="color: #FF0000;">*</span><!-- END qf_element_required -->
            <!-- BEGIN qf_element_error --><span style="color: #FF0000;">{qf_error}</span><br /><!-- END qf_element_error -->
    <!-- END qf_element -->

    <!-- BEGIN qf_group -->
    <tr valign="top">
        <td align="right">
            <!-- BEGIN qf_group_required --><span style="color: #FF0000;">*</span><!-- END qf_group_required -->
            <!-- BEGIN qf_group_error --><span style="color: #FF0000;">{qf_error}</span><br /><!-- END qf_group_error -->
            <!-- BEGIN qf_group_loop -->
                <!-- BEGIN qf_group_element -->{qf_separator}{qf_label}{qf_element}<!-- END qf_group_element -->
            <!-- END qf_group_loop -->
    <!-- END qf_group -->

<!-- END qf_main_loop -->

<!-- BEGIN qf_required_note -->
        <td align="left" valign="top">{qf_required_note}</td>
<!-- END qf_required_note -->

Blocks in the template


This block should always be present and should be a parent for all visible elements' blocks. It is used to implement "flow", to render elements one after another.


This is the default block for rendering form elements. This block should always be present, as the renderer uses the following logic to decide which block to use for an element's output:

  1. If a special block was set for an element, use that

  2. If a block qf_%element's type% (e.g. qf_password) exists, use that

  3. Use qf_element


The block will be touch'd if an element is required.


An error associated with an element will be output here.


This is the default block used to output headers. Should be present unless you have no headers in your form.


Default block to output groups. Should be present unless you do not use grouped elements.


An analog of qf_main_loop, used to render group's elements one after another. A %group's block%_loop should always be present inside %group's block%


A default block to render group's elements, %group's block%_element should always be present inside %group's block%_loop (for the same reason as the qf_element should be present in qf_main_loop)


This is used to output collected errors for the elements that do not have a %element's block%_error block.


<input type="hidden" /> elements are rendered here.

Placeholders in the template


Javascript for client-side form validation will be output here.


If there are required elements in the form, a note will be output here

Usage example

Assuming the template is in ./qform.html:
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/ITDynamic.php';
require_once 'HTML/Template/Sigma.php';

// Instantiate the template object and load the template file
$tpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma('.');

// Instantiate the renderer and process the form
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic($tpl);

// Output the results
Note that we do not show how the form is built here, that's because the example will work for virtually any form.

Template class compatibility: This renderer was developed and tested using HTML_Template_Sigma. While it probably will work with HTML_Template_IT, no warranties can be given.

Removing empty blocks: The renderer assumes that the template object was set up to remove empty blocks (this is the default behaviour). If that is not true, the results will be pretty discouraging.

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic() -- Constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


object &$tpl

HTML_Template_ITX/HTML_Template_Sigma object to use


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic::setElementBlock() -- Sets the block to use for element rendering


Sets the block to use for element rendering.


mixed $elementName

element name or array ('element name' => 'block name')

string $blockName

block name if $elementName is not an array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic::setHeaderBlock() -- Sets the name of a block to use for header rendering


Sets the name of a block to use for header rendering


string $blockName

block name


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic -- Static renderer for Integrated Templates


The word 'static' in renderer name means that exact form layout is defined before the execution of the script starts. That also means that you should have an unique template for each form you want to display with this renderer.

The IT Static renderer, as opposed to the IT Dynamic renderer, offers more flexibility in the way you display your forms but might also takes more time to implement. Therefore, if your form is using always the same pattern to display form element labels and form element html, it is recommended to use the Dynamic renderer. On the other hand, if you have many different layouts for your form elements, for example if you alternate text and form elements, you will prefer to use the Static renderer.

Usage example

With the ITStatic renderer, you have to know beforehand which elements (or group of elements) will compose your form. So we will start by defining our elements.
Now our form contains these elements:

  • One header: 'Registration form'

  • One hidden field

  • One group of two textfields: firstname and lastname

  • One textfield for the E-Mail address

  • One selectbox for the country with an empty default value

  • Two buttons: Reset and Register

  • One checkbox to subscribe to the newsletter

Now that we know which elements compose our form, it will be easy to layout the form using a WYSIWYG or an HTML editor. The idea is to use placeholders instead of labels and element html. The placeholders are named after the form and element or group names: formName_elementName or formName_groupName_elementName. Then you add _label or _html. We will save the following code in a template.html file.

As you can notice, the layout is static. This makes the Static renderer only useful if your form does not change on runtime. Nevertheless, you can still hide blocks if you use the removeEmptyBlocks option of HTML_Template_IT / HTML_Template_Sigma. Now that we have the elements and the template, we are going to use our Static renderer.

You can optionally specify the way your required elements and validation errors are rendered using respectively setRequiredTemplate() and setErrorTemplate(). In the given string, you will place either the {label} or the {html} placeholder at the position you want. If you prefer to have all your errors displayed at the same place, pass an empty string to setErrorTemplate() and add this block to your template at the position you want:
<!-- BEGIN myform_error_loop -->
<font color="red">{myform_error}</font><br />
<!-- END myform_error_loop -->

With the Static renderer, it is also possible to customize the way your groups are rendered. If you simply use a placeholder for your whole group, the group will be rendered using HTML_QuickForm default renderer. This means that if a separator string (or an array of separators) was specified, it will be used the usual way. In our form, the group called 'name' was rendered this way, using a - to separate the elements.

The problem we have is that elements inside the group don't show their label, so it is not possible to guess which textfield is firstname and which one is lastname. By replacing the layout for the element 'name' by these new placeholders, can customize the way the group will be displayed:
   <!-- BEGIN myform_name_error -->{myform_name_error}<!-- END myform_name_error -->

We need to add a new block and placeholder to let the renderer know where to display the error relative to this group. As you have noticed, every placeholder take the name of his group along with its own name.

Подсказка: Also note that if you use elements with the same name, like radios that are not in a group, you will have to add an index to the placeholder name starting at 0, like this: {myform_myradio_0_html}, {myform_myradio_1_html}...

We have seen how to use the Static renderer with standard elements and groups of elements. We have seen how to display errors and required tags. They won't show in your form because we did not add any validation rules. Feel free to try to add them as an exercise. You can also add a special placeholder to your template {myform_required_note}, it will display the note that indicates how to find required elements. This renderer usage is very easy, when you feel comfortable with it, you can move on to the Dynamic renderer which might also fit your needs in an other way.

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic() -- Constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


object &$tpl

HTML_Template_IT or other compatible Template object to use


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic::setErrorTemplate() -- Sets the way elements with validation errors are rendered


You can use {label} or {html} placeholders to let the renderer know where where the element label or the element html are positionned according to the error message. They will be replaced accordingly with the right value. The error message will replace the {error} place holder. For example: <font color="red">{error}</font>{html} will put the error message in red on top of the element html.

If you want all error messages to be output in the main error block, do not specify {html} nor {label}.

Groups can have special layouts. With this kind of groups, the renderer will need to know where to place the error message. In this case, use error blocks like: <!-- BEGIN form_group_error -->{form_group_error}<!-- END form_group_error --> where you want the error message to appear in the form.


string $template

The element error template


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITStatic::setRequiredTemplate() -- Sets the way required elements are rendered


You can use {label} or {html} placeholders to let the renderer know where where the element label or the element html are positionned according to the required tag. They will be replaced accordingly with the right value. For example: <font color="red">*</font>{label} will put a red star in front of the label if the element is required.


string $template

The required element template


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml  -- Render form elements into HTML in an easy and flexible manner


This renderer has three main distinctives: an easy way to create custom-looking forms, the ability to separate the creation of form elements from their display, and being able to use QuickForm in widget-based template systems.

All of the renderers allow you to create a custom-looking form. However, unlike the default renderer, QuickHtml is solely for creating custom forms and has the additional benefits discussed below.

It is often desirable to separate the creation of form elements and their accompanying rules from their actual display on a page. For example, in the MVC design pattern it may be useful to create the form elements and their rules in the Model classes which control how the submitted data will be saved (field lengths, allowed characters, etc.), but leave the rendering of those form elements to the View classes which only care about how to make the page look a certain way.

A widget is a chunk of re-usable html which can be used with other widgets to create a webpage. Any template system which supports widgets (and nearly all do) can be used with QuickHtml. An example widget may consist of a table with reserved places for the form elements. The form elements would be rendered into those places and then the form tags, any remaining form elements (such as hidden elements), and any accompanying javascript for validation would be wrapped around the table widget.

Usage example

The following is an example usage of the QuickHtml renderer. The "template" system we use is just a simple html widget in which the form elements are placed, but it could be replaced with a more complex template system. A more complex usage example is in docs/renderers/QuickHtml_example.php

Пример 42-1. QuickHtml renderer usage

require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php';
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/QuickHtml.php';

// Create form elements and renderer
$form =& new HTML_QuickForm('tmp_form','POST');
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml();
// Create a hidden element.  Note how we don't render it explicitly,
// rather we let QuickHtml render it for us at the beginning of the form.
// Create 2 radio elements.  Note how we have to give a value when rendering
// them since that is the only way to tell them apart.
// Create a group with a rule
$text = array();
$text[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text','',null,array('size' => 3));
$text[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text','',null,array('size' => 4));
$text[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text','',null,array('size' => 3));
$form->addGroup($text, 'tmp_phone', null, '-');
$form->addRule('tmp_phone','Phone number cannot be empty.','required',null,'client');

// Do the magic of creating the form.  NOTE: order is important here: this must 
// be called after creating the form elements, but before rendering them.

// Create a very basic template for our form
$html_template = '
<div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">QuickHtml - Basic Example</div>
<div style="text-align: center; background-color: #ccc; margin: 1px;">Phone: %phoneNumber%</div>
<div style="text-align: left; background-color: #ccc; margin: 1px;">Yes: %radioElementYes% No: %radioElementNo%</div>';

// Interpolate the form elements into our template
$html_template = str_replace('%phoneNumber%', $renderer->elementToHtml('tmp_phone'), $html_template);
$html_template = str_replace('%radioElementYes%', $renderer->elementToHtml('tmp_radio', 'Y'), $html_template);
$html_template = str_replace('%radioElementNo%', $renderer->elementToHtml('tmp_radio', 'N'), $html_template);

// The form tags, javascript, and hidden element will be wrapped around
// our html template
echo $renderer->toHtml($html_template);

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml() -- Constructor


The constructor for HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml().


throws no exceptions thrown


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml::toHtml() -- Returns the HTML


Returns the HTML generated for the form.



Any html to put inside the form tags. This would normally be the html template into which you have rendered the form elements.


throws no exceptions thrown


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml::elementToHtml() -- Renders a specific form element into HTML


Returns the HTML generated for a specific form element and marks that element as rendered.



The name of the form element that is being rendered.


The value given to the form element. This is only useful for elements that have the same name (such as a radio button), and can only be told apart based on the value assigned to them.


throws no exceptions thrown

Renderer infrastructure

HTML_QuickForm_Renderer -- Abstract base class for renderers (для разработчиков)
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::startForm() -- Start visiting a form (для разработчиков)
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::finishForm() -- Finish visiting a form (для разработчиков)
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::startGroup() -- Start visiting a group (для разработчиков)
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::finishGroup() -- Finish visiting a group (для разработчиков)
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::renderElement() -- Visit an element (для разработчиков)
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::renderHeader() -- Visit a header (для разработчиков)
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::renderHidden() -- Visit a hidden element (для разработчиков)
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::renderHtml() -- Visit a raw HTML/text element (для разработчиков)

If you want to modify an existing renderer or write a new one, this section will be of interest to you.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer -- Abstract base class for renderers (для разработчиков)


Defines the abstract methods that should be implemented by child classes.

QuickForm renderers implement the Visitor design pattern. That means that each form element has an accept() method that is called with a renderer instance as a parameter. This method does the following:

  • If the element contains other elements (HTML_QuickForm_group and HTML_QuickForm itself) then it iterates over them calling each element's accept() method and calls the methods for rendering the container itself (e.g. startForm() and finishForm()).

  • If the element is simple, then it calls the renderer's method for rendering itself (e.g. renderHeader()).

It may seem that renderer object has to have a renderConcreteElement() method for each HTML_QuickForm_concreteElement it may visit, but fortunately most of the elements have fairly similar rendering needs, so instead of separate renderTextarea() and renderCheckbox() we have a generic renderElement() method.

The renderer should take care of "accumulating" the information passed to its methods and of generating some type of output based on it. How this is implemented internally depends on the renderer type.

Creating your own renderer

The first thing you have to decide upon is how your renderer will accumulate the information. You'll probably have to create some data structures to keep it (unless you are going to pass the information to e.g. a template object at once).

Then you have to make concrete implementations for all the abstract methods defined in HTML_QuickForm_Renderer. One notable exception is renderHtml() method that is implemented only in the Default renderer and will probably stay this way.

You'll probably also want to add some public methods for customizing the output and getting the results of the renderer's work. But this depends on the type of the renderer very much.

If you want to contribute the renderer you made to QuickForm, consider the following

  • Your code should be useful to other people (e.g. renderer for some obscure private template engine is a bad contribution).

  • Your renderer should have non-trivial usage examples.

  • And last but not least, you code will have to conform to PEAR coding standards.

Подсказка: If you have examples for additional uses of an existing renderer, that will be a welcome contribution, too.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::startForm() -- Start visiting a form (для разработчиков)


Called when visiting a form, before processing any form elements


object &$form

HTML_QuickForm object being visited


throws no exceptions thrown



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::finishForm() -- Finish visiting a form (для разработчиков)


Called when visiting a form, after processing all form elements


object &$form

HTML_QuickForm object being visited


throws no exceptions thrown



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::startGroup() -- Start visiting a group (для разработчиков)


Called when visiting a group, before processing any group elements


object &$group

HTML_QuickForm_group object being visited

boolean $required

Whether a group is required

string $error

An error message associated with a group


throws no exceptions thrown



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::finishGroup() -- Finish visiting a group (для разработчиков)


Called when visiting a group, after processing all group elements


object &$group

HTML_QuickForm_group object being visited


throws no exceptions thrown



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::renderElement() -- Visit an element (для разработчиков)


Called when visiting an element


object &$element

HTML_QuickForm_element object being visited

boolean $required

Whether an element is required

string $error

An error message associated with an element


throws no exceptions thrown



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::renderHeader() -- Visit a header (для разработчиков)


Called when visiting a header element


object &$header

HTML_QuickForm_header element being visited


throws no exceptions thrown



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::renderHidden() -- Visit a hidden element (для разработчиков)


Called when visiting a hidden element


object &$element

HTML_QuickForm_hidden object being visited


throws no exceptions thrown



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer::renderHtml() -- Visit a raw HTML/text element (для разработчиков)


Called when visiting a raw HTML/text pseudo-element

Implementation of the method: HTML_QuickForm_html elements are used to directly add HTML to the form output. Thus they are useful with the Default renderer, but not with template-based one. Default renderer is currently the only one actually implementing this method, all others silently ignore HTML_QuickForm_html elements.


object &$data

HTML_QuickForm_html element being visited


throws no exceptions thrown



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction -- What is this package useful for
FAQ -- Understanding package features
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Controller -- The class implementing a PageController pattern.
constructor HTML_QuickForm_Controller() -- Class constructor.
Controller::addAction() -- Registers a handler for a specific action.
Controller::addPage() -- Adds a new page to the form
Controller::applyDefaults() -- Sets the default values for the given page
Controller::container() -- Returns a reference to the form's values container.
Controller::exportValue() -- Returns the element's value
Controller::exportValues() -- Returns the form's values
Controller::findInvalid() -- Finds the (first) invalid page
Controller::getActionName() -- Finds the names of the current page and the current action.
Controller::getNextName() -- Returns the name of the page after the given.
Controller::getPage() -- Returns a page
Controller::getPrevName() -- Returns the name of the page before the given.
Controller::handle() -- Handles an action.
Controller::isModal() -- Checks whether the form is modal.
Controller::isValid() -- Checks whether the pages of the controller are valid
Controller::run() -- Processes the request.
Controller::setConstants() -- Initializes constant form values.
Controller::setDefaults() -- Initializes default form values.
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Page -- The class represents a page of a multipage form.
constructor HTML_QuickForm_Page() -- Class constructor
Page::addAction() -- Registers a handler for a specific action.
Page::buildForm() -- Builds a form.
Page::getButtonName() -- Returns a name for a submit button that will invoke a specific action.
Page::handle() -- Handles an action.
Page::isFormBuilt() -- Checks whether the form was already built.
Page::loadValues() -- Loads the submit values from the array.
Page::setDefaultAction() -- Sets the default action invoked on page-form submit.
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action -- Class representing an action to perform on HTTP request.
Action::perform() -- Processes the request.
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Back -- The action for a 'back' button of wizard-type multipage form.
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Direct -- This action allows to go to a specific page of a multipage form.
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Display -- This action handles the output of the form.
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Jump -- The action handles the HTTP redirect to a specific page.
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Next -- The action for a 'next' button of wizard-type multipage form.
Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Submit -- The action for a 'submit' button.

This is an add-on to HTML_QuickForm package that allows (among other things) to build multipage forms.

Cool features:

  • Includes several default Actions that allow easy building of multipage forms.

  • Includes usage examples for common usage cases (single-page form, wizard, tabbed form).


Introduction -- What is this package useful for

Why "Controller"?

This package implements a PageController design pattern, which essentially means that there is a single page processing requests and actions this page performs depend on parameters passed in GET or POST data. The pattern is described in more detail on Martin Fowler's website and WACT project website.

What does this mean in application to QuickForm: we have a single script which shows and validates different forms depending on data in request. This allows to fairly easy build very complex forms consisting of several pages (think wizards and such).

The most basic implementation of the PageController pattern would look like
switch ($_REQUEST['action']) {
    case 'foo': 
    case 'bar': 
        echo 'Hello, world!';
HTML_QuickForm_Controller is a bit more complex. There are three base classes:

  • HTML_QuickForm_Controller: this class extracts the action name from request and calls the appropriate handler. It includes several Pages.

  • HTML_QuickForm_Page: this class (extending HTML_QuickForm) represents a single page of a form.

  • HTML_QuickForm_Action: this class implements the Command design pattern, i.e. is essentially an OO callback.

The action sent in request consists of a page name and an action name, it defines which Page will process the request (e.g. display or validate the form) and what exactly this Page should do.

Basic usage example

Session initialization: This simple example does not use sessions since there is no need to pass data between pages. You'll need to use sessions when dealing with a real multipage form, though. HTML_QuickForm_Controller does not start a session automatically, you should explicitly call session_start() before instantiating the controller class.

To ease understanding of this package's features, lets take an example form from HTML_QuickForm tutorial and redo it using HTML_QuickForm_Controller:

You may note that the code is more verbose than the original. That is true, but to make a three page wizard-type form you'll only need to create three subclasses of HTML_QuickForm_Page and 'process' event handler based on HTML_QuickForm_Action and add them to Controller, while without the Controller infrastructure it will require a non-trivial amount of programming.

Creating custom pages

You need to subclass HTML_QuickForm_Page and override its buildForm() method. Its contents are pretty self-explanatory (if you are familiar with QuickForm), except for a few things:
$this->_formBuilt = true;
Form building is a "heavy" operation, thus we call buildForm() only when necessary. To prevent calling it twice (and getting two sets of elements instead of one) we set $_formBuilt property.

The second notable line is
$this->addElement('submit', $this->getButtonName('submit'), 'Send');
We use getButtonName() method to set the submit button's name and thus to trigger a 'submit' action when the button is clicked.

The third thing is
The user can submit the form by pressing Enter button, not by clicking on any of the form buttons. Most browsers will not consider any submit button as clicked in this case and will not send its name. setDefaultAction() sets the action (by adding a special hidden element to the form) that will be called in this case.

Creating custom actions

You'll usually need to create handlers for two actions: 'process' and 'display'. While it is difficult to say anything about the former, as only you know how to process your form, for the latter you'll need to subclass HTML_QuickForm_Action_Display and override its _renderForm() method to call the appropriate Renderer and do form output customization.

Tying this all together

Next we instantiate the page class defined above
$page =& new FirstPage('firstForm');
and add our custom action handler to it
$page->addAction('process', new ActionProcess());
the 'process' action will be called by the default 'submit' action handler if the form is valid.

Then we instantiate the controller
$controller =& new HTML_QuickForm_Controller('tutorial');
Note that the name is a required parameter, and if you will have several Controllers in your application they should have different names, as the names are used to store values in sessions.

Then we set the defaults for the form and add the page to it
    'name' => 'Joe User'
It is perfectly legal to do call Page's setDefaults() from within buildForm(), but the former approach allows to set the defaults for the form as a whole, while the latter only for the page in question.

Finally we call the Controller's run() method
which will take care of finding the name of the current action and calling the necessary handler. That's all.

Advanced usage examples

...are available in the package archive. Along with the example similar to the provided above, there are two multipage forms:

  • Wizard: form pages contain 'Next' and 'Back' buttons and you can't go to the next page unless the current page is valid.

  • Tabbed form: form has several pages and buttons allow to go directly to the corresponding page. Form is validated only when the global 'Submit' button is pressed.


FAQ -- Understanding package features


This document is based on questions asked on PEAR general mailing list. You are encouraged to search the list archives to find more verbose answers and examples.

The package is so complex! I don't understand anything!

Sorry, HTML_QuickForm_Controller is not intended for PHP newbies. If you don't understand what classes are, if you have no prior experience with QuickForm, if you are a fan of copy-paste programming then this package is not for you.

The package is indeed complex, but so are the problems it is trying to solve. Try to rewrite any of the enclosed multipage form examples without using such a package and you'll see what we mean.

Meta-question: actions

To avoid confusion lets use the terms "action" for the string containing the name of the action and "action handler" for the subclass of HTML_QuickForm_Action.

Default actions and default action handlers

While you can invent your own action names and create custom handlers for them, you'll most certainly have to deal with the default actions and their handlers first.

Default action names


This action has a default handler, HTML_QuickForm_Action_Display, which displays the form using the Default renderer. You should subclass this handler if you want to customize the form output. This action is called automatically when the page needs to be displayed and should not be bound to buttons via getButtonName().


This action should be bound to a "global" submit button for a form. It can be the "submit" button of a single-page or tabbed multi-page form, "finish" button of a wizard. This action has a default handler, HTML_QuickForm_Action_Submit, which checks whether all the pages of the form are valid, then either calls the 'process' handler or displays the invalid page.


This action should be bound to the "Next" button of (usually) a modal multipage form (AKA wizard). This action has a default handler, HTML_QuickForm_Action_Next, which checks the validity of the current page and redirects to the next one if the current is valid (or if the form is not modal). On the last page of a modal multipage form this behaves like the default 'submit' handler.


This action should be bound to the "Back" button of (usually) a modal multipage form (AKA wizard). This action has a default handler, HTML_QuickForm_Action_Back, which redirects to the previous page if one exists. As of QFC 0.9.3, no form validation takes place on 'back' action.


This action has a default handler, HTML_QuickForm_Action_Jump, which just makes HTTP redirect to the given page of the form. This action should not be bound to buttons via getButtonName().


This is the action called by default 'submit' and 'next' (on the last page of the wizard only) handlers after successful (i.e. without validation errors) form submit. This action doesn't have a default handler, you should define the custom one yourself and implement all the necessary logic to process the form's values in it.

There is also a default handler, HTML_QuickForm_Action_Direct, that does not have a default action name. It is used to go to the specific page of the form and should be explicitly added via Page::addAction() or Controller::addAction() with the name of the target page as $actionName and bound to buttons via getButtonName() using the same name.

How to call an action handler?

You should use Page's handle() method:
Controller's handle() method will be called automatically if needed.

How to make a custom action?

Create a subclass of HTML_QuickForm_Action, add the necessary logic to its perform() method. Add it to the Page or to the Controller via addAction() with the appropriate name.

If you intend to bind this action to some button via getButtonName(), you should care about storing values in the container():

  1. Build the form.

  2. Get a reference to container.

  3. Fill the container's ['values'][$pageName] and ['valid'][$pageName] elements.

As usual, see the default action handlers' source for the examples.

Can actions be bound to something other than submit buttons?

Controller is able to properly handle actions bound to <input type="image" /> controls, too. You don't have to do anything special, just set the control's name via getButtonName().

If you want to bind an action to something like a hyperlink, you must consider the following: the form must be submitted to be able to get its values, thus you need to write some javascript that will submit the form and somehow pass the action name to the controller.

How do I reset the form?

Controller keeps the form data and validation status in session in so-called container, accessible via container() method. To reset the form you need to clear this container, which is achieved by passing TRUE to container().

How to pass additional data between pages of the form?

The answer is quite simple: you need to use the container() method of HTML_QuickForm_Controller, like this:
// Note the reference
$data =& $page->controller->container();
$data['_my_stuff'] = $stuff;
On the target page you do
$data =& $page->controller->container();
$stuff = $data['_my_stuff'];
Please use some prefix for your fields or start their names with underscore to prevent possible name conflicts with the future versions of QFC.

Please note that Controller knows nothing about your additional data, so do not expect it to return it via exportValues() method or the like. You'll have to use the container() method and extract the data yourself. However, your data will be deleted when the container is reset.

How to use template-based renderers?

First of all, please understand that HTML_QuickForm_Page is a subclass of HTML_QuickForm, thus everything that applies to the parent class will apply to the child. You are encouraged to read the section about renderers in HTML_QuickForm and the docs to the renderer you are trying to use. The usage examples are available in docs/renderers/ directory of QuickForm distribution.

As was already pointed out, you should subclass the HTML_QuickForm_Action_Display class if you want to customize the form output and add an instance of this subclass as a handler for Page's 'display' action. Its _renderForm() will contain all renderer-specific code.

The only new problem Controller introduces is the buttons bound to specific actions via getButtonName(). If you are using some kind of Dynamic renderer this will not be a problem, as you need not care about the elements names, but you need these names to output the form via Static renderer.

We'll assume using ITStatic renderer but the same can be applied to other Static renderers as well. You basically have 3 options:

  1. Manually add the buttons/placeholders with the names that should be autogenerated via getButtonName() to the form. This is not recommended, as the names should not be of interest to anyone except Controller itself and should not be used directly.

  2. Put the auto-named buttons into group. You can name the group any way you like, just be sure to set $appendName to false. When ITStatic sees {form_element_html} placeholder, it'll assign group's HTML to it.

  3. Call getButtonName() from within template. Add the following to the template
    <input type="submit" value="Bla-bla" name="func_buttonName('action')" ... />
    and the following to the _renderForm() method of your custom HTML_QuickForm_Action_Display subclass
    $tpl->setCallbackFunction('buttonName', array(&$page, 'getButtonName'));
    This code will work with HTML_Template_Sigma, HTML_Template_ITX (note the X) will require some more tweaking.

How to create a wizard with optional pages?

Thanks to Donald Lobo for this contribution.

Lets assume we have a three-page wizard:

  • Page 1 has a control that lets the user choose the next page.

  • Based on input, the user is directed to either page 2A or page 2B.

  • Both page 2A and 2B go to page 3 (this is commonly referred to as a StateMachine in programming books).

You need to create several action handlers based on QFC's default HTML_QuickForm_Action_Next and HTML_QuickForm_Action_Back. You can do this either at the Page level or at the Controller level. The Page level subclassing is simple, but if you have a complex StateMachine you will end up having multiple subclasses.

For the above example, the 'next' action on page 1 sends the 'user' to either page 2 or page 3 based on input. The handler also sets the 'valid' flag of the page that will not be visited.

The 'back' action on pages 2A and 2B sends the user back to page 1, while the 'next' action sends him to page 3.

Finally, the 'back' action handler on page 3 should examine the input on page 1 and send the user to either 2A or 2B.

The working example is available in statemachine.php file.

I use client-side validation. How do I switch it off for 'Back' button?

Client-side validation is called by form's onSubmit handler, if you remove the handler, the validation will not run. Therefore you need to remove it if user clicks on 'Back' button. This can be achieved f.e. by adding the following as the button's onClick handler:
this.form.onsubmit = null; return true;

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Controller

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Controller -- The class implementing a PageController pattern.


This class keeps track of pages and (default) action handlers for the form, it manages keeping the form values in session, setting defaults and constants for the form as a whole and getting its submit values.

Generally you don't need to subclass this.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_Controller

  • HTML_QuickForm_Controller

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Controller()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Controller() -- Class constructor.


Sets the form name and modal/non-modal behaviour. Different multipage forms should have different names, as they are used to store form values in session. Modal forms allow passing to the next page only when all of the previous pages are valid.


string $name

form name

boolean $modal

whether the form is modal


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::addAction() -- Registers a handler for a specific action.


This handler will be used if the Page that has to handle some action does not have a handler itself.


string $actionName

name of the action

object HTML_QuickForm_Action &$action

the handler for the action


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::addPage() -- Adds a new page to the form


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


object HTML_QuickForm_Page &$page


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::applyDefaults() -- Sets the default values for the given page


This is used to load Page's default and constant values from the container.


string $pageName

Name of a page


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::container() -- Returns a reference to the form's values container.


Session initialization: The package does store the data in session, but it does not start the session automatically. You must call session_start() function yourself before instantiating HTML_QuickForm_Controller.

Returns a reference to a session variable containing the form-page values and pages' validation status. This is a "low-level" method, use exportValues() if you want just to get the form's values.

The structure of the container is the following
array (
    'defaults'  => array(... default form values ...),
    'constants' => array(... constant form values ...),
    'values'    => array(
        'page1' => array(... submitted values for this page ...),
        'pageN' => array(... submitted values for this page ...)
    'valid'     => array(
        'page1' => null if the page was never validated, true if valid, false otherwise
        'pageN' => null if the page was never validated, true if valid, false otherwise


boolean $reset

If true, then reset the container: clear all default, constant and submitted values


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::exportValue() -- Returns the element's value


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $pageName

name of the page

string $elementName

name of the element in the page

Возвращаемое значение

returns value for the element


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::exportValues() -- Returns the form's values


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $pageName

name of the page, if not set then returns values for all pages


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::findInvalid() -- Finds the (first) invalid page


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns Name of an invalid page


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::getActionName() -- Finds the names of the current page and the current action.


This method searches the $_REQUEST array for an element with a special name and splits the name into page name and action. If such an element is not found, the first page will be default and 'display' the default action.

Возвращаемое значение

returns first element is page name, second is action name


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::getNextName() -- Returns the name of the page after the given.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $pageName


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::getPage() -- Returns a page


require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Controller.php';

object HTML_QuickForm_Page &HTML_QuickForm_Controller::getPage (string $pageName)


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $pageName

Name of a page

Возвращаемое значение

returns A reference to the page


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::getPrevName() -- Returns the name of the page before the given.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $pageName


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::handle() -- Handles an action.


This will be called if the page itself does not have a handler to a specific action. The method also loads and uses default handlers for common actions, if specific ones were not added.


object HTML_QuickForm_Page &$page

The page that failed to handle the action

string $actionName

Name of the action


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::isModal() -- Checks whether the form is modal.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::isValid() -- Checks whether the pages of the controller are valid


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $pageName

If set, check only the pages before (not including) that page


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::run() -- Processes the request.


This finds the current page, the current action and passes the action to the page's handle() method.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::setConstants() -- Initializes constant form values.


These values won't get overridden by POST or GET vars


array $constantValues

constant values


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Controller::setDefaults() -- Initializes default form values.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


array $defaultValues

default values


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Page

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Page -- The class represents a page of a multipage form.


Generally you'll need to subclass this and define your buildForm() method that will build the form. While it is also possible to instantiate this class and build the form manually, this is not the recommended way.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_Page

  • HTML_QuickForm

    • HTML_QuickForm_Page

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Page()

constructor HTML_QuickForm_Page() -- Class constructor


Note that unlike constructor of HTML_QuickForm there is no $action, as the form is always submitted to the current page. Note also that $formName is not optional.


string $formName

Form's name

string $method

Form's method

string $target

Form's target

mixed $attributes

Extra attributes for <form> tag


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Page::addAction() -- Registers a handler for a specific action.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $actionName

name of the action

object HTML_QuickForm_Action &$action

the handler for the action


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Page::buildForm() -- Builds a form.


Builds a form. You should override this method when you subclass HTML_QuickForm_Page, it should contain all the necessary addElement(), applyFilter(), addRule() and possibly setDefaults() and setConstants() calls. The method will be called on demand, so please be sure to set $_formBuilt property to TRUE to assure that the method works only once.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Page::getButtonName() -- Returns a name for a submit button that will invoke a specific action.


Returns a name for a submit button (or an <input type="image"> control) that will invoke a specific action. This means the following: if you do
$this->addElement('submit', $this->getButtonName('foo'), 'Foo');
inside the buildForm() method and the user later uses this button to submit the form, then the 'foo' handler (added via addAction() will be called.


string $actionName

Name of the action

Возвращаемое значение

returns "name" attribute for a submit button


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Page::handle() -- Handles an action.


This method simply calls the perform() method of an Action object registered for this action name. If an Action object for it was not registered here, controller's handle() method will be called.


string $actionName

Name of the action


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Page::isFormBuilt() -- Checks whether the form was already built.


This is used to check whether it is necessary to call buildForm() or not.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Page::loadValues() -- Loads the submit values from the array.


The method is NOT intended for general usage. It should be used to assign form values from the container instead of from actual request data.


array $values

'submit' values


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Page::setDefaultAction() -- Sets the default action invoked on page-form submit.


This is necessary as the user may just press Enter instead of clicking one of the named submit buttons and then no action name will be passed to the script.

This method adds a special hidden element to the form the contents of which will be used by Controller if no action name is found in the submitted values.


string $actionName

default action name


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action -- Class representing an action to perform on HTTP request.


The Controller will select the appropriate Action to call on the request and call its perform() method. The subclasses of this class should implement all the necessary business logic.

The default action handlers are described in the FAQ section.


Action::perform() -- Processes the request.


This method should be overriden by child classes to provide the necessary logic.


object HTML_QuickForm_Page &$page

the current form-page

string $actionName

Current action name, as one Action object can serve multiple actions


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Back

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Back -- The action for a 'back' button of wizard-type multipage form.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_Action_Back

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Direct

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Direct -- This action allows to go to a specific page of a multipage form.


Please note that the name for this action in addAction() should NOT be 'direct', but the name of the page you wish to go to.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_Action_Direct

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Display

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Display -- This action handles the output of the form.


If you want to customize the form display, subclass this class and override the _renderForm() method, you don't need to change the perform() method itself.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_Action_Display

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Jump

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Jump -- The action handles the HTTP redirect to a specific page.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_Action_Jump

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Next

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Next -- The action for a 'next' button of wizard-type multipage form.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_Action_Next

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Submit

Class Summary HTML_QuickForm_Action_Submit -- The action for a 'submit' button.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for HTML_QuickForm_Action_Submit


Replacement for the default renderer of HTML_QuickForm that uses only XHTML and CSS but no table tags, and generates fully valid XHTML output.


Introduction --  Introduction to HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless
FAQ -- Answers to most Frequently Asked Questions


Introduction --  Introduction to HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless is a replacement of the default renderer of HTML_QuickForm. It has two main goals:

Accessibility: Because of the abandonment of table tags and the addition of for attributes to the label tags and id attributes to the form elements, the generated output provides good accessibility. Challenged person might use screen readers, and unhindered persons benefit from the possibility to click on the labels to set the focus to the belonging form element.

Validity: The generated output of the renderer is fully XHTML 1.1 valid.


To use this renderer, you just need to copy (and modify if you want) the stylesheet and do something like this:

require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php';
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/Tableless.php';

$form =& new HTML_QuickForm();
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless();

// usual code, e.g. new form fields, rules, ...

echo $renderer->toHtml();

For full XHTML validity, you need to add the following line to your code:



FAQ -- Answers to most Frequently Asked Questions


This document is based on questions asked on PEAR general mailing list and other mailing lists and forums.

HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless FAQ

1. The div tag in the element template is broken, a closing quote mark is missing! Can you please fix this?
2. Why are the hidden form elements put into a div with style display: none?
3. The layout of the forms is broken in Windows Internet Explorer 7. Is there a solution for this problem?
4. The layout of the forms is broken in Firefox 1.x. Is there a solution for this problem?
5. How can I add explainations next to or after form fields with the renderer?
6. I'm having problems with the layout, the form and/or the other contents of my page are misplaced. How can I fix these problems?

1. The div tag in the element template is broken, a closing quote mark is missing! Can you please fix this?

No, it is not missing and there is no need to fix the element template.

HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless requires that HTML_QuickForm >= 3.2.6 is installed. Previous versions don't work correctly for element templates that have two error blocks.

Please use the PEAR installer to avoid such problems in the future. The installer takes care of the dependencies between packages.

2. Why are the hidden form elements put into a div with style display: none?

This might sound funny because a hidden element is obviously already hidden, but the simple reason for this is the XHTML validity.

XHTML allows input elements only within block elements. And as form is not a block element, but div is a block element, this trick is used to make the output XHTML valid.

3. The layout of the forms is broken in Windows Internet Explorer 7. Is there a solution for this problem?

Release 0.4.3 contains a fix for this problem. The solution is to remove the "height: 1px;" style from "form fieldset li" block in the stylesheet.

Warning: This breaks layout compatibility with Firefox 1.x browsers (Firefox 2.0 still works as expected). The next question contains a solution for Firefox 1.x compatibility.

4. The layout of the forms is broken in Firefox 1.x. Is there a solution for this problem?

You need to add a "float: left;" style to the "form fieldset li" block in the stylesheet. In addition, you need to add the following two blocks to your stylesheet:

* html form fieldset li {
    float: none;
*+html form fieldset li {
    float: none;

If you don't need compatibility with Windows Internet Explorer 7, you don't need the mentioned CSS hacks, but can just (re-)add the "height: 1px;" style to the "form fieldset li" block in the stylesheet.

5. How can I add explainations next to or after form fields with the renderer?

6. I'm having problems with the layout, the form and/or the other contents of my page are misplaced. How can I fix these problems?

Such problems are most likely caused by the style of the fieldsets. You can try two possible solutions.

At first, you can try to add

overflow: hidden;

to the "form fieldset" block.

If this does not solve the problems, then try to remove the following two styles from the "form fieldset" block.

clear: both;
float: left;

Important methods

HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::addStopFieldsetElements() -- Adds one or more element names that indicate the end of a fieldset (a new one will be opened when a the next header element occurs)
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::clearAllTemplates() -- Clears all the HTML out of the templates that surround notes, elements, etc.
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setElementTemplate() -- Sets element template
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setCloseFieldsetTemplate() -- Sets the template used when closing a fieldset
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setFormTemplate() -- Sets form template
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setGroupElementTemplate() -- Sets element template for elements within a group
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setGroupTemplate() -- Sets template for a group wrapper
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setHeaderTemplate() -- Sets header template
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setOpenFieldsetTemplate() -- Sets the template used when opening a fieldset
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setOpenHiddenFieldsetTemplate() -- Sets the template used when opening a hidden fieldset (i.e. a fieldset that is opened when there is no header element)
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setRequiredNoteTemplate() -- Sets the note indicating required fields template
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::toHtml() -- returns the HTML generated for the form


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::addStopFieldsetElements() -- Adds one or more element names that indicate the end of a fieldset (a new one will be opened when a the next header element occurs)


Adds one or more element names that indicate the end of a fieldset (a new one will be opened when a the next header element occurs).


mixed $element

Element name(s) (as array or string)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::clearAllTemplates() -- Clears all the HTML out of the templates that surround notes, elements, etc.


Useful when you want to use addData() to create a completely custom form look


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setElementTemplate() -- Sets element template


Sets the template for elements.


string $html

The HTML surrounding an element

string $element

(optional) Name of the element to apply template for


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setCloseFieldsetTemplate() -- Sets the template used when closing a fieldset


Sets the template used when closing a fieldset.


string $html

The HTML used when closing a fieldset


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setFormTemplate() -- Sets form template


Sets the form template.


string $html

The HTML surrounding the form tags


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setGroupElementTemplate() -- Sets element template for elements within a group


Sets element template for elements within a group.


string $html

The HTML surrounding an element

string $group

Name of the group to apply template for


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setGroupTemplate() -- Sets template for a group wrapper


This template is contained within a group-as-element template set via setTemplate() and contains group's element templates, set via setGroupElementTemplate()


string $html

The HTML surrounding group elements

string $group

Name of the group to apply template for


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setHeaderTemplate() -- Sets header template


Sets the header template.


string $html

The HTML surrounding the header


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setOpenFieldsetTemplate() -- Sets the template used when opening a fieldset


Sets the template used when opening a fieldset.


string $html

The HTML used when opening a fieldset


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setOpenHiddenFieldsetTemplate() -- Sets the template used when opening a hidden fieldset (i.e. a fieldset that is opened when there is no header element)


Sets the template used when opening a hidden fieldset (i.e. a fieldset that is opened when there is no header element).


string $html

The HTML used when opening a hidden fieldset


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::setRequiredNoteTemplate() -- Sets the note indicating required fields template


Sets the note indicating required fields template.


string $html

The HTML surrounding the required note


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless::toHtml() -- returns the HTML generated for the form


Returns the HTML generated for the form.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless is a DHTML replacement for the standard JavaScript alert window for client-side validation of forms built with HTML_QuickForm when using the HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless renderer.

In addition to the standard behaviour of HTML_QuickForm (i.e. showing the errors from client-side validation on the "onSubmit" event), this package can also show the errors on the "onBlur" and "onChange" events (see below for information on how to enable this).


To use this package you just need to do something like this:

require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php';
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/DHTMLRulesTableless.php';
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/Tableless.php';

$form = new HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless(...);
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless();

// usual code, e.g. new form fields, rules, ...

echo $renderer->toHtml();

As already said for the tableless renderer, you need to add the following line to your code to get full XHTML validity:


To enable validation on "onBlur" and "onChange" events, you need to add the following line before the $form->accept($renderer); call:



Introduction -- Creating an HTML-Table
FAQ -- Answers to most Frequently Asked Questions
HTML_Table::HTML_Table -- Constructor
HTML_Table::addCol -- Add column
HTML_Table::addRow -- Add row
HTML_Table::altRowAttributes -- Alternate row attributes
HTML_Table::apiVersion -- Return API version (DEPRECATED)
HTML_Table::display -- Output HTML code
HTML_Table::getAutoFill -- Return autoFill value
HTML_Table::getAutoGrow -- Return autoGrow flag
HTML_Table::getBody -- Return the table object for the tbody group
HTML_Table::getCellAttributes -- Return cell attributes
HTML_Table::getCellContents -- Return cell content
HTML_Table::getColCount -- Return numbers of column
HTML_Table::getFooter -- Return the table object for the tfoot group
HTML_Table::getHeader -- Return the table object for the thead group
HTML_Table::getRowAttributes -- Return row attributes
HTML_Table::getRowCount -- Return number of rows
HTML_Table::setAllAttributes -- Set attributes for all cells
HTML_Table::setAutoGrow -- Set autoGrow flag
HTML_Table::setAutoFill -- Set autoFill value
HTML_Table::setCaption -- Set table caption
HTML_Table::setCellAttributes -- Set cell attributes
HTML_Table::setCellContents -- Set cell content
HTML_Table::setColAttributes -- Set column attributes
HTML_Table::setColCount -- Set number of columns
HTML_Table::setColGroup -- Set a colgroup
HTML_Table::setColType -- Set column type
HTML_Table::setHeaderContents -- Set content of header cell
HTML_Table::setRowCount -- Set row number
HTML_Table::setRowType -- Set row type
HTML_Table::setRowAttributes -- Set row attributes
HTML_Table::toHtml -- Return HTML code
HTML_Table::updateAllAttributes -- Update attributes of all cells
HTML_Table::updateCellAttributes -- Update cell attributes
HTML_Table::updateColAttributes -- Update column attributes
HTML_Table::updateRowAttributes -- Update row attributes

API to create HTML tables


Introduction -- Creating an HTML-Table

What is HTML_Table?

HTML_Table offers an interface for create a HTML table. You can work with the table like a spreadsheet. Instead of working with HTML code and linear adding of cells, you can address and fill cells independend of there position. There is no different, whether you start with fill a cell at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the table, a row or a column.

The autoGrow and autoFill value

The autoGrow flag

Normaly, you would define a table with a constant number of rows and columns. But sometimes, you does not know, how many rows or columns you need: ie. transforming user input or the result of a database query to an HTML table.

In this case, you should enable the autoGrow feature. In this mode, HTML_Table adds new rows or columns automatically, if you use a cell address located in a not existing row or column.

The autoFill value

If you create a table of data, sometimes you have not to fill all cells with different values. Perhaps you do not know the value for a cell, or you want to insert a default value - ie. retrieving data about users. Not every user has a mobile, a email address etc., in this case, an "n/a" should be inserted into that specific cell.

So, simply define "n/a" as autoFill value and fill only the cells where data exist. You need not to fill every cell; unfilled cells contain automatically an "n/a".

Creating a table

The demonstation data

Our HTML table to create should contain the following data:
$data = array(
 '0' => array('Bakken', 'Stig', '', ''),
 '1' => array('Merz', 'Alexander', '', ''),
 '2' => array('Daniel', 'Adam', '', '')


Let us now start by creating a new instance of HTML_Table. The table should be 600 pixel wide. We do not know the quantity of the data to insert into the table - so we enable the autoGrow feature. Unfilled cells should contain an "n/a".
require_once 'HTML/Table.php';

$tableAttrs = array('width' => '600');
$table = new HTML_Table($tableAttrs);

Add data rows

Now process every data entry. Here we use also the alternate feature of HTML_Table. Every second row will be colored red.
for ($nr = 0; $nr < count($data); $nr++) {
  $table->setHeaderContents($nr+1, 0, (string)$nr); 
  for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
    if ('' != $data[$nr][$i]) {
      $table->setCellContents($nr+1, $i+1, $data[$nr][$i]);
$altRow = array('bgcolor' => 'red');
$table->altRowAttributes(1, null, $altRow);

Add header cells

Now we want to define the cells in the first row and column as header cells. It should looks like a spreadsheet application, so we want to use the color "silver" as the background colour for each header cell. The first row contains a column headline, the first column the number of the data set row.
$table->setHeaderContents(0, 0, ''); 
$table->setHeaderContents(0, 1, 'Surname');
$table->setHeaderContents(0, 2, 'Name');
$table->setHeaderContents(0, 3, 'Website');
$table->setHeaderContents(0, 4, 'EMail');
$hrAttrs = array('bgcolor' => 'silver');
$table->setRowAttributes(0, $hrAttrs, true);
$table->setColAttributes(0, $hrAttrs);

Print the table

It is done! Our table is finished, now we can output the table as HTML code.
echo $table->toHtml();
The output will look like this:
<table width="600">
         <th bgcolor="silver">&nbsp;</th>
         <th bgcolor="silver">Surname</th>
         <th bgcolor="silver">Name</th>
         <th bgcolor="silver">Website</th>
         <th bgcolor="silver">EMail</th>
         <th bgcolor="silver">0</th>
         <th bgcolor="silver">1</th>
         <td bgcolor="red">Merz</td>
         <td bgcolor="red">Alexander</td>
         <td bgcolor="red"></td>
         <td bgcolor="red"></td>
         <th bgcolor="silver">2</th>
<!-- END TABLE LEVEL: 0 -->

Using thead, tfoot and tbody

If you want to divide your tables into thead, tfoot and tbody groups, you need to get table objects using getHeader(), getFooter() and getBody(), which you can then use like the normal table object.
$table = new HTML_Table();
$head =& $table->getHeader();
$foot =& $table->getFooter();
$body =& $table->getBody();
echo $table->toHtml();
In this example, there is no content set for the tfoot group. Therefore, only thead and tbody will be rendered.

Замечание: The rendering order is thead, then tfoot and as the last group tbody. This is not a bug but intended behaviour because that's the way it is defined in the (X)HTML Standard.


FAQ -- Answers to most Frequently Asked Questions


This document is based on questions asked on PEAR general mailing list and other mailing lists and forums.


1. How can I add attributes to the thead, tfoot or tbody tags?

1. How can I add attributes to the thead, tfoot or tbody tags?

Here is an example on how to set the attribute string id="header" for the thead tag. For the other two tags the procedure is similar.

$table = new HTML_Table();
// [...]
$thead =& $table->getHeader();
$thead->setAttributes(array('id' => 'header'));
// [...]

This would give the following result:

  <thead id="header">


HTML_Table::HTML_Table -- Constructor


Class constructor


  • array $attributes - Associative array of table tag attributes

  • integer $tabOffset - Tab offset of the table

  • boolean $useTGroups - Whether to use the thead, tfoot and tbody groups or not


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTML_Table::addCol -- Add column


Adds a table column and returns the column identifier


  • array $contents - Must be an indexed array of valid cell contents.

  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of table row attributes

  • string $type - Cell type either 'th' or 'td'

Возвращаемое значение

int - the identifier for the column


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



HTML_Table::addRow -- Add row


Adds a table row and returns the row identifier


  • array $contents - Must be an indexed array of valid cell contents

  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of table row attributes. This can also be an array of attributes, in which case the attributes will be repeated in a loop.

  • string $type - Cell type either 'th' or 'td'

  • boolean $inTR - FALSE, if attributes are to be applied in TD tags; TRUE, if attributes are to be applied in TR tag

Возвращаемое значение

int - the row identifier


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



HTML_Table::altRowAttributes -- Alternate row attributes


Alternates the row attributes starting at $start


  • int $start - Row index of row in which alternating begins

  • mixed $attributes1 - Associative array or string of table row attributes

  • mixed $attributes2 - Associative array or string of table row attributes

  • boolean $inTR - FALSE, if attributes are to be applied in td tags; TRUE, if attributes are to be applied in tr tag.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::apiVersion -- Return API version (DEPRECATED)


DEPRECATED: Returns the API version of HTML_Table

Возвращаемое значение

double - the version number


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.


HTML_Table::display -- Output HTML code


Outputs the table structure as HTML


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



HTML_Table::getAutoFill -- Return autoFill value


Returns the autoFill value

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the value, which will be inserted into empty cells


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::getAutoGrow -- Return autoGrow flag


Returns the value of the autoGrow flag. If a value into an cell, which not exists, HTML_Table will automatically add a necessary row or column, if the flag is TRUE.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - the flag state


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::getBody -- Return the table object for the tbody group


Returns the table object for the tbody group

Возвращаемое значение

object - the table object for the tbody group


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::getCellAttributes -- Return cell attributes


Returns the attributes for a given cell


  • int $row - Row index

  • int $col - Column index

Возвращаемое значение

array - the attributes of the specific cell


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::getCellContents -- Return cell content


Returns the content of an existing cell


  • int $row - Row index

  • int $col - Column index

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the content of the specified cell


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::getColCount -- Return numbers of column


Returns the number of columns in the table

Возвращаемое значение

int - number of columns


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::getFooter -- Return the table object for the tfoot group


Returns the table object for the tfoot group

If the usage of the thead, tfoot and tbody groups was not activated via the third parameter of the constructor, the grouping will be activated automatically when calling this function.

Возвращаемое значение

object - the table object for the tfoot group


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::getHeader -- Return the table object for the thead group


Returns the table object for the thead group

If the usage of the thead, tfoot and tbody groups was not activated via the third parameter of the constructor, the grouping will be activated automatically when calling this function.

Возвращаемое значение

object - the table object for the thead group


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::getRowAttributes -- Return row attributes


Returns the attributes for a given row as contained in the tr tag


  • int $row - Row index

Возвращаемое значение

array - the attributes of the row


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::getRowCount -- Return number of rows


Returns the number of rows in the table

Возвращаемое значение

int - number of rows


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setAllAttributes -- Set attributes for all cells


Sets the attributes for all cells


  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of table cell attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setAutoGrow -- Set autoGrow flag


If this flag is set to TRUE, HTML_Table will automatically add new rows or columns when you insert a value into a non-existing cell.


  • bool $grow - TRUE to automatically grow


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setAutoFill -- Set autoFill value


The autoFill value will be insert into every cell not filled.


  • mixed $fill - standard value for empty cells


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setCaption -- Set table caption


Sets the caption of a table. This does not refer to the <th>-tag. The <caption>-tag defines a headline for the whole table.


  • string $caption - the caption string

  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of caption attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setCellAttributes -- Set cell attributes


Sets the cell attributes for an existing cell. If the given indices do not exist and autoGrow is TRUE then the given row and/or column is automatically added. If autoGrow is FALSE, an error is returned.


  • int $row - Row index

  • int $col - Column index

  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of table cell attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setCellContents -- Set cell content


Sets the cell contents for an existing cell. If the given indices do not exist and autoGrow is TRUE then the given row and/or column is automatically added. If autoGrow is FALSE, then an error is returned.


  • int $row - Row index

  • int $col - Column index

  • mixed $contents - May contain HTML or any object with a toHTML() method

  • string $type - Cell type either 'th' or 'td'


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setColAttributes -- Set column attributes


Sets the column attributes for an existing column


  • int $col - Column index

  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of table column attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setColCount -- Set number of columns


Sets the number of columns in the table


  • int $cols - number of columns to create


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setColGroup -- Set a colgroup


Allows to add a colgroup (with attributes)


  • mixed $colgroup - Empty string, string with attributes or an associative array of attributes for the columns

  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of colgroup attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setColType -- Set column type


Sets the type of a column to 'th' or 'td'


  • int $col - Column index

  • string $type - th or td


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setHeaderContents -- Set content of header cell


Defines the specified cell as a header cell and sets the content


  • int $row - row index

  • int $col - column index

  • mixed $contents - cell content


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setRowCount -- Set row number


Sets the number of rows in the table


  • int $rows - number of rows to create


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setRowType -- Set row type


Sets the type of a row to 'th' or 'td'


  • int $row - Row index

  • string $type - 'th' or 'td'


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::setRowAttributes -- Set row attributes


Sets the attributes for an existing row


  • int $row - Row index

  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of table row attributes. This can also be an array of attributes, in which case the attributes will be repeated in a loop.

  • boolean $inTR - FALSE, if attributes are to be applied in td tags; TRUE, if attributes are to be applied in tr tag


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::toHtml -- Return HTML code


Returns the table structure as HTML

Возвращаемое значение

string - the generated HTML code


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



HTML_Table::updateAllAttributes -- Update attributes of all cells


Updates the attributes for all cells.


  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of table row attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::updateCellAttributes -- Update cell attributes


Updates the cell attributes passed but leaves other existing attributes intact


  • int $row - Row index

  • int $col - Column index

  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of table row attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::updateColAttributes -- Update column attributes


Updates the column attributes for an existing column


  • int $col - Column index

  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of table row attributes


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Table::updateRowAttributes -- Update row attributes


Updates the row attributes for an existing row


  • int $row - Row index

  • mixed $attributes - Associative array or string of table row attributes

  • boolean $inTR - FALSE if attributes are to be applied in td tags; TRUE, if attributes are to be applied in tr tag.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction --  What HTML_Template_Flexy can do
Configuration Options --  Setting the defaults for HTML_Template_Flexy
new HTML_Template_Flexy -- constructor
$flexy->compile() -- Converts a template from markup to PHP if required
$flexy->outputObject() -- Merges a controller object with the template and outputs the result
$flexy->bufferedOutputObject() -- Merges a controller object with the template and returns the result
$flexy->getElements() -- Fetch Dynamic HTML Elements from template
new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element -- Class constructor
$element->setValue() -- Utility function to set or store values from common tag types.
$element->setOptions() -- Utility function equivilant to HTML_Select - loadArray **
$element->removeAttributes() -- Removes an attributes
$element->setAttributes() -- Sets the HTML attributes
$element->toHtml -- Output HTML and children
$element->toHtmlnoClose() -- Output Open Tag and any children and not Child tag (designed for use with <form + hidden elements>
$factory->freeze() -- freeze - freeze's an element. - just copies the value to the override.
$factory->fromArray() -- fromArray - builds a set of elements from a key=>value array (eg. DO->toArray()) the second parameter is an optional HTML_Element array to merge it into.
$factory->fromArrayPrefixed() -- fromArrayPrefixed - takes a multi dimensional array, and builds the 'xxx[sss][xx]' => value
$factory->setErrors() -- setErrors - sets the suffix of an element to a value..
$factory->setRequired() -- setRequired - sets the prefix of an element to a value..
{variable} -- creates PHP code to echo a variable
{method(arguments,#quoted arguments#)} -- creates a PHP method call, and echos the results
{foreach:variable,key,value} -- creates a PHP foreach loop
{if:variable} -- creates a PHP if statement
{end:} -- closes an if or foreach block
{else:} -- adds an PHP else in an if block
<FORM NAME="name" -- configures automatic form elements
<INPUT NAME="name"> -- creates PHP variable for input values
<TEXTAREA NAME="name"> -- creates PHP variable for textarea value
<SELECT NAME="name"> -- creates PHP variable and code for select lists
flexy:if="variable or method()" -- creates a PHP if conditional tag
flexy:foreach="variable,key,value" -- creates a PHP foreach loop using a html attribute
flexy:start="here" -- Start the output, using this tag and it's children.
flexy:startchildren="here" -- Start the output using it's children.
flexy:ignore="yes" -- Prevent Automatic form value replacement
flexy:nameuses="variable" -- Use a variable in the name for a flexy form element
<FLEXY:TOJAVASCRIPT JSVAR="PHPVAR"> ... -- Provides a simple way to pass data from PHP to Javascript

An extremely flexible Template core, with multiple engines.


Introduction --  What HTML_Template_Flexy can do


HTML_Template_Flexy started it's life as a simplification of HTML_Template_Xipe, However the long term aim of Flexy is to provide a universal Template Base API for Compiling and native PHP type templates.

Flexy currently supports a number of backends (Template Formats), and is designed to be extended to support more, The Key Formats are:

  • Standard - A rich Tokenizer driven engine, that uses {variable_placeholders}, attribute based (flexy:foreach="...."), and custom tag <flexy:tojavascript ... To rapidly create PHP code from simple markup. These templates are designed to be editable in WYSIWYG HTML editors, without breaking the tags

  • Regex - A classic templating backend, for supporting Smarty, Xipe, or Email type convertion to PHP code.

  • Raw - A non compiling backend, that enables you to create templates using PHP, Useful if you intend to redistribute your application and are concerned about compilation

Data can be assigned in two ways with flexy, depending on your prefered style of working.

  • Push - you put data into the template engine, using $flexy->setData(), and $flexy->setDataByRef(), this is similar to the way Smarty and other templates work.

  • Push/Pull - You provide the outputer with a Data Provider Object, (either a Data Object, or a Controller) that contains the data to display (and objects with methods that can be called). This has the added benefit of making the Variables in the template documentable, using PEAR standards, eg. PHPDoc comments.

With all this Flexibility, it still manages to achieve

  • Very Lightweight Simple API, which easy to learn

  • In Normal operation very little code is actually loaded (so it's fast)

How does HTML_Template_Flexy differ from other template systems

If you look around you will see there are other template systems available in PHP, they generally fall into two categories, Replacement Systems, or PHP Code builders.

Replacement systems like HTML_Template_IT, FastTemplate, PhpLib Template tend to be slower at doing block and nested block type templates and involve alot of code to add each variable to the template.

Php Code builders like Flexy, Smarty, SimpleTemplate (now HTML_Template_Xipe) tend to be better at more complex templates, and can offer a better approach to extendability. (the long term aim of Flexy is to integrate support for all of these PHP Generator templates into a simple package)

The Standard Compiling Backend uses a Tokenizer, which offers the possiblities of using HTML tags and attributes to provide looping and conditionals, and make dynamic XML_Tree like elements of HTML Forms that can be manipulated in your code. (This conversion is only done once when the template compiles)

Typical use example

Flexy template is normally called from within a Controller Class (in the Model,View,Controller paragam). You just send HTML_Template_Flexy, the name of the template, and the object to output. - any variable you want printing out just has to be set in the object being used to ouput.

Пример 42-1. Typical usage example for HTML_Template_Flexy


/* configure the application - probably done elsewhere */
require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php';
require_once 'PEAR.php';
$options = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('HTML_Template_Flexy','options');
$config = parse_ini_file('example.ini',TRUE);
$options = $config['HTML_Template_Flexy'];

/* the page controller class */

class controller_test 

    var $template = "home.html"; // name of template
    var $title;                  // this relates to {title};
    var $numbers = array();      // this relates to {numbers} , used with foreach
    var $anObject;

    var $elements = array();      // this is where the elements are stored

    /* start section - deals with posts, get variables etc.*/

    function controller_test() 

    function start() 
        // the title
        $this->title = "Hello World";

        // store an object.
        $this->anObject = new StdClass;

        // assign a value to a member.
        $this->anObject->member = 'Object Member';

        // if you need form elements - you have to include them.
        require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy/Element.php';

        // create an HTML Element for the form element.
        $this->elements['input'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element;

        // assign a value to it

        for ($i = 1;$i< 5;$i++) {
            $this->numbers[$i] = "Number $i";

    /* output section - probably best to put this in the default_controller class */

    function output() {
        $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy();

    function someMethod() {
        return "<b>Hello From A Method</b>";


/* the page controller instantaation - probably done with a factory method in your master page controller class */

new controller_test();


Now the example template,

And the output

Configuration Options

Configuration Options --  Setting the defaults for HTML_Template_Flexy

Configuration Options

templateDir directory

This is the directory where all your templates are located

compileDir directory

The directory where the compiled templates will be stored, This directory should be writable by the web server

forceCompile boolean

Normally 0, means that the template will only be compiled once (or if the template file is altered), this is only really usefull if you are developing filters and need to test the result.

debug integer

The default debugging level (default 0=off), 1= shows some debugging information

locale string

Default is 'en' - english. The language use for reading/writing templates. Currently it is only used in the compiled files filename = eg. originalname.html.en.php

Flexy uses get_text() internally if it is installed, and will replace all strings in a HTML page with the return value of get_text(). - This enables the creation of multilanguage sites with a little less pain.

A file {templatename}.strings.serial is created for each file that is parsed, you can use this with PHP's unserialize function to retrieve an array of all the strings in a file. (for translating), or just use the tool xgettext.

compiler string

Default is 'Flexy' - The Flexy Tokenizer Driver engine. Other engines available are regex (similar to Xipe's engine), Raw (For plain PHP files with no replacement or compiling) and Standard (depreciated). You can use this field to load your own engines, either based Off the core code, or totally seperate..

multiSource boolean

Default is false - Allow the same template to exist in multiple places (eg. if you have theme's and want to fall back to a default template if the themed version doesnt exist.)

templateDirOrder string

Default is '' - by default, the first matched template is used, if you have multiple paths, and want the last in the list to be used, then set this to 'reverse'

filters array|string

an array or comma seperated string of filters ONLY USED BY THE Regex backend, available filters are: BodyOnly (strip everything before and after body tag), Mail (add an extra line break after php tags.), Php (removes php code, not very reliably), SimpleTags (variable, method etc. replacement), XML (replace XML opening tag with echos.)

nonHTML boolean

default is false - if you use the Flexy compiler, it turns off parsing of HTML, (not heavily tested)

allowPHP boolean|string

default is false - allows php code in templates, normally off to help you reduce the chance of you shooting your self in the foot by forgetting to escape output.. (can be usefull for complex looping), but not normally recommended. setting to true, enables PHP code, setting to 'delete' removes php code. (although it doesnt prevent XSS attacks, so it is only suited to trusted users)

flexyIgnore boolean

default is false - setting to true, will turn off the conversion of html form elements into HTML_Template_Flexy_Element's

numberFormat string

default is ",2,'.',','" - this is the piece of code that is appended to the output engine when using the :n modifier, eg. {xxxx:n} is replaced with number_format($t->xxxx,2,'.',','); see the php manual page for number_format the default output would be: 1,200.00

url_rewrite string

when compiling the template flexy can rewrite <img src, <script src, <a href and xul stylesheet urls. The format is "match/original:new/url, match/another/original:new/url" each combo is seperated by a comma, and the colon seperates the pair. This helps previewing templates without using the engine.

compileToString boolean

default false - if set to true, the compile will return a string of the compiled template, rather than writing it to the cache file. eg. {object._myvar}

privates boolean

default false - if set to true, you can access variables prefixed with an underscore (normally private in PEAR's coding standards) eg. {someobject._myprivatevar} and {_myprivate}

globals boolean

default false - if set to true, you can access php's globals and superglobals, eg. {_POST[myvar]}, {GLOBALS[somevalue]}

globalfunctions boolean

default false - if set to true, you can access any native php function using the GLOBALS. prefix eg. {} obviously you should trust your template authors, as they can easily run exec() if this is enabled.

locale string

default 'en' - either used to search for language specific templates with {filename}.{locale}.{extension} or in conjunction with the Translation2 language translation toolkit, to set the language used to translate templates to at compile time.

Translation2 mixed

default false - you can set this to an array or an existing Translation2 object eg. Translation2 => array('driver'=>'dataobjectsimple', options=>array()));

strict boolean

default false - By default warnings about undefined variabes are hidden, this turns on all PHP warnings during the outputObject calls. Can be usefull for finding bugs hidden by method callbacks.

fatalError int

default constant HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_DIE - this determines the behaviour when compiling a template fails, normally flexy will die and report the error to the screen, you can change this to HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_RETURN, if you want to recieve a PEAR_Error object from compile().

plugins string|array

loads plugin classes, (by default from the Plugin folder), these can be used either via {plugin.nameofmethod} or as a modifier {outputstring:dateformat}, default formats are normally collected via configuration options plugin.dateformat, plugin.numberformat.decimals, plugin.numberformat.point, plugin.numberformat.thousands

new HTML_Template_Flexy

new HTML_Template_Flexy -- constructor


The Object Constructor accepts options as it's arguments. Normally, you do not need to provide any options, as they are set by the PEAR::getStaticPropery(), as described in the configuration.


  • array $options - anything you need to change from the default settings


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$flexy->compile() -- Converts a template from markup to PHP if required


If neccessary it will convert the Template markup into PHP code, and writes it to the compiledTemplate directory adding the {locale}.php to the end of the filename. The Template is only compiled if

  • No compiled file exists

  • The file modification date of the template is greater than the compiled one

  • The forceCompile Flag was set in config or when you created the template object.

It is not normally neccesary to set the forceCompile flag, unles you are working on the engine it'self.


  • string $template - Used in conjuction with the config variable 'templateDir' to locate the template to compile into PHP code.

Возвращаемое значение

string - the location of the compiled file (which could be used with include) - although it is recommended to use the outputObject methods.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$flexy->outputObject() -- Merges a controller object with the template and outputs the result


This makes the values of the supplied object (and optionally loads the HTML_Template_Flexy_Elements) available to the template when it is run.


  • object $controllerObject - The object you want to use with the template, the values of the object will relate to the $controllerObject->tag will map to {tag} on the template

  • array $elements - This is an associative array of form, or dynamic elements names (or id's) which will be merged with the one defined in the template.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$flexy->bufferedOutputObject() -- Merges a controller object with the template and returns the result


This maps the values of the supplied object and runs the compiled template, and returns the result.

This can be used in conjuction with PEAR::Cache, or in the example below, with a email template (note this still needs testing.. - the backend should eventually support a native tokenizer for email templates.)


  • object $controllerObject - The object you want to use with the template, the values of the object will relate to the $controllerObject->tag will map to {tag} on the template

  • array $elements - This is an associative array of form, or dynamic elements names (or id's) which will be merged with the one defined in the template.

Возвращаемое значение

string - the object variables overlayed on the template


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.



$flexy->getElements() -- Fetch Dynamic HTML Elements from template


All Form elements, FORM, INPUT, SELECT and any HTML tag that includes the attribute flexy:dynamic Is converted into HTML_Template_Flexy_Element's and stored serialized in the same folder as the Compiled flexy template.

You can use this array to make changes to these elements or find out what form elements exist on a page.

Note: you should put the modified result as the $elements argument of >outputObject(), you do not however have to fetch the elements to assign them, you can just create blank elements, and merge them.

Возвращаемое значение

array - of Elements contained within the template. (or an empty array if no form/dynamic elements are used)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element

new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element -- Class constructor


Flexy uses a single lightweight class to represent All HTML Tags, All the variables of the class are public, and you are encouraged to use them. And the methods provide generic assignment and conversion abilities.

To force th toHtml() method to generate XHTML, rather than standard HTML, use $element->setAttribute('flexy:xhtml','yes'); or add flexy:xhtml="true" to the attribute of the element in the template.


  • $tag - The name of the HTML Tag eg. img for <img ....

  • $attributes - Associative array of attributes, where key="value" is output when you turn it in toHtml(), If you need to represent a attribute without a value, use TRUE as the value. This also accepts a string in the format "href='/test.jpg' alt='test'", which will be parsed into the attributes array of the object.

Public Properties

string $element->tag

The name of the html element eg. img for <img...

array $element->attributes

Attributes for the element

array $element->children

All the sub elements inside this, can be any object that implements toHtml(), or a string.

string $element->override

this value of thiswill be output when toHtml() is called, rather than the tags.

string|object $element->prefix

string or object that implements toHtml() method, and is returned by toHtml() before the tag HTML

string|object $element->suffix

string or object that implements toHtml() method, and is returned by toHtml() after the tag HTML

mixed $element->value

when you create an element, that is to be merged later with a full definition, you can assign the value here, and during toHtml(), the toValue() method will be called and select options, checkboxes and input values will be correctly filled in.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.



$element->setValue() -- Utility function to set or store values from common tag types.


This is used to set the values of form elements, results depend on the type of element

  • text,password inputs, buttons Fills in the value attribute

  • checkboxs / radio buttons adds a checked tag to the matching element

  • textarea fills in the text area content

  • checkbox with arrays adds checked to the matching elements

  • selects adds selected to the


  • $value The value to assign a form element, (use arrays for multiple selects or checkbox groups)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$element->setOptions() -- Utility function equivilant to HTML_Select - loadArray **


Used with HTML Selects, to fill in the options available


  • $array the options to appear.

  • $noValue dont use the keys from the array sent as the value= part of the option tag.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$element->removeAttributes() -- Removes an attributes


use this to remove attributes from the tag when the element is rendered, It may be easier to access the attributes array directly and assign the value to false.


  • $attributes name or array of names to remove from tag




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$element->setAttributes() -- Sets the HTML attributes


Can be used to set attribute values, It is easier to set the attributes directly using the public attributes property.


  • $attributes Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$element->toHtml -- Output HTML and children


returns the HTML to represent the object. If you wish to implement your own element, you only need to implement this method, and assign it to the element array..


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$element->toHtmlnoClose() -- Output Open Tag and any children and not Child tag (designed for use with <form + hidden elements>


Used by the template to represent form tags, which only the opening tag are rendered dynamically (so, all tags inside the tag are not forced to be dynamic).


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$factory->freeze() -- freeze - freeze's an element. - just copies the value to the override.


this probably needs more thought.. - it would probably need to merge the full tag info with types, to be usefull..

$ar = HTML_Element_Factory::freeze($ar);


  • $array (return by refernce key(tag name) => HTML_Template_Flexy_Element

Возвращаемое значение

return Array of HTML_Template_Flexy_Elements


throws no exceptions thrown


Not documented yet.


$factory->fromArray() -- fromArray - builds a set of elements from a key=>value array (eg. DO->toArray()) the second parameter is an optional HTML_Element array to merge it into.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


  • $ar key(tag name) => value

  • $ret array key(tag name) => HTML_Element

Возвращаемое значение

return Array of HTML_Template_Flexy_Elements


throws no exceptions thrown


Not documented yet.


$factory->fromArrayPrefixed() -- fromArrayPrefixed - takes a multi dimensional array, and builds the 'xxx[sss][xx]' => value


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


  • $prefix

  • $ar

  • $ret

Возвращаемое значение

return Array of HTML_Template_Flexy_Elements


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$factory->setErrors() -- setErrors - sets the suffix of an element to a value..


HTML_Element_Factory::setErrors($elements,array('name','not long enough'));


  • $prefix

  • $ar

  • $ret

Возвращаемое значение

return Array of HTML_Template_Flexy_Element's


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


$factory->setRequired() -- setRequired - sets the prefix of an element to a value..




  • $prefix

  • $ar

  • $ret

Возвращаемое значение

return Array of HTML_Template_Flexy_Element's


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


{variable} -- creates PHP code to echo a variable


creates PHP code to echo a variable, with optional modifier. Modifiers are

  • No Modifier - does htmlspecialchars($variable)

  • :h - echos without any change - eg. raw

  • :u - echos urlencode($variable)

by default variables are assumed to have calling scope, and are prefixed with $t->, however if they are inside a loop (foreach), then the variables created by the loop are added to the scope and the prefix is not added.

{method(arguments,#quoted arguments#)}

{method(arguments,#quoted arguments#)} -- creates a PHP method call, and echos the results


creates an PHP method call, any with any number of arguments, as variables or literals (quoted in #). the return value is echoed, and passed by a modifier (like variables)

  • No Modifier - does htmlspecialchars($variable)

  • :h - echos without any change - eg. raw

  • :u - echos urlencode($variable)


{foreach:variable,key,value} -- creates a PHP foreach loop


creates a foreach loop, needs an {end:} tag. note that the engine will add the variable to the scope, so they will not be prefixed with $t-> when used inside the loop.


  • string variable - relates to $object->variable

  • string key - creates a variable 'key' in the current scope.

  • string value - optionally creates a variable 'value' in the current scope. (as in $key=>$value)


{if:variable} -- creates a PHP if statement


creates an if statement, with the argument as a variable or method. You must close an if statement with an {end:} statement, and you may use {else:} with it.


{end:} -- closes an if or foreach block


adds a closing brace in PHP so that blocks of conditional HTML are shown correctly. You do not need to use {end:} tags if you are using HTML tag attributes like IF="a,b", as the closing HTML tag will indicate that.


{else:} -- adds an PHP else in an if block


adds an else statement in PHP so that blocks of conditional HTML are shown correctly.

<FORM NAME="name"

<FORM NAME="name" -- configures automatic form elements


By default, all forms are converted to HTML_Template_Flexy_Elements, so they can be altered at runtime.


<INPUT NAME="name">

<INPUT NAME="name"> -- creates PHP variable for input values


fills in the form with values based on the form name and the tag name. If flexyignore is used, it is left alone (or if the body or form has a flexyignore tag it will be left alone).


<TEXTAREA NAME="name"> -- creates PHP variable for textarea value


fills in the form with values based on the form name and the tag name. If flexyignore is used, it is left alone (or if the body or form has a flexyignore tag it will be left alone).

<SELECT NAME="name">

<SELECT NAME="name"> -- creates PHP variable and code for select lists


fills in the select values based on the form name and the tag name and adds code to check if the object variable matches them. If flexyignore is used, it is left alone. If static is set, the currently defined options will be used.

flexy:if="variable or method()"

flexy:if="variable or method()" -- creates a PHP if conditional tag


creates an if condition surrounding the tag that it's included in.


  • string variable - relates to $object->variable

  • string method - relates to $object->method()

  • string object.method relates to $object->object->method()


flexy:foreach="variable,key,value" -- creates a PHP foreach loop using a html attribute


creates a foreach loop, around the tag and close tag.


  • string variable - relates to $object->variable

  • string key - creates a variable 'key' in the current scope.

  • string value - optionally creates a variable 'value' in the current scope. (as in $key=>$value)


flexy:start="here" -- Start the output, using this tag and it's children.


Tells the generator to start outputing using this tag. This can be useful if you want to edit the template in a editor that expects a head/footer, and you can list the available tags in the comments at the top of the page.

The actual value of the tag is not relivant.


flexy:startchildren="here" -- Start the output using it's children.


Tells the generator to start outputing using the children of this tag. This can be useful if you want to edit the template in a editor that expects a head/footer, normally adding this to body

The actual value of the tag is not relivant.


flexy:ignore="yes" -- Prevent Automatic form value replacement


Tells the generator not to replace form elements with PHP code. Can be used with a Form Tag, or individual elements.


flexy:nameuses="variable" -- Use a variable in the name for a flexy form element


If you have a form with multiple input boxes (eg. group members), which are dynamically generated, then this attribute can be used to generate flexy elements based on sprintf'ing the variable value into the name attribute value.



<FLEXY:TOJAVASCRIPT JSVAR="PHPVAR"> ... -- Provides a simple way to pass data from PHP to Javascript


To reduce the "WTF" effect of magically having javascript code that looks like flexy tags completely broken by the template engine, Flexy deliberately turns the parser OFF when dealing with script contents (see Configuration Options for details of PHP in script tags)

As a result of this, it is not possible to put any flexy tags within blocks of javascript code. the flexy:tojavascript tag solves this in a way that enables javascript to be tested seperatly from the application, and also serves to encourage better coding practices. (eg. seperating your code with distinct lines of communication)

This feature depends on PEAR's HTML_Javascript Library



Introduction -- Creating and Parsing templates
HTML_Template_IT::HTML_Template_IT() -- constructor
HTML_Template_IT::get() -- get a block including replacments
HTML_Template_IT::getGlobalvariables() -- returns an array of all global variables from the variable cache
HTML_Template_IT::loadTemplatefile() -- load a template file
HTML_Template_IT::parse() -- parse a block
HTML_Template_IT::parseCurrentBlock() -- parse the current block
HTML_Template_IT::setCurrentBlock() -- set the current block
HTML_Template_IT::setRoot() -- set the template root directory
HTML_Template_IT::setOption() -- sets an option
HTML_Template_IT::setTemplate() -- set a template
HTML_Template_IT::setVariable() -- set a variable
HTML_Template_IT::show() -- print a block including replacments
HTML_Template_IT::touchBlock() -- preserve empty block


Introduction -- Creating and Parsing templates


A template consists of text and special labeled blocks and placeholders. The content of blocks can be re-used and parsed multiple times with different placeholder values.


Placeholders can be defined in templates and are filled from PHP code with content. The format of placeholder up to version (1.1.x) is


Since version 1.2.x dots are allowed, too.


This means, the name of the placeholder can consist of upper- and lowercase letters, underscores and hypens. The name must be placed between curly brackets without any spaces. Valid names are i.e.:


Valid names since version 1.2.x


Non-valid names are i.e.

{ Placeholder 3 } (spaces)
{place*holder} (char isn't permitted)


The format of a block is

<!-- BEGIN [0-9A-Za-z_-]+ -->
... block content ...
<!-- END [0-9A-Za-z_-]+ -->

Since version 1.2.x dots are allowed in block definitions

<!-- BEGIN [\.0-9A-Za-z_-]+ -->
... block content ...
<!-- END [\.0-9A-Za-z_-]+ -->

The rules for the block name are the same like for placeholders. In contrast to placeholders the spaces in the block markup are required.

The nesting of blocks is permitted, but be careful while parsing. You have to set and parse the deepest inner block first and then set and parse from inner to outer.

In IT the whole template file itself is nested in a meta block called "__global__". Most block-related functions use this block name as default.


HTML_Template_IT::HTML_Template_IT() -- constructor


Constructor. Create a new instance of HTML_Template_IT and sets the search path for templates.


  • string $root - path to the directory of the template files

Возвращаемое значение

object - a new HTML_Template_IT object


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTML_Template_IT::get() -- get a block including replacments


This functions return a block with all replacements done.


  • string $block - The block to return. If not used, the whole template is returned.

Возвращаемое значение

string - the template with all replacements done.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Template_IT::getGlobalvariables() -- returns an array of all global variables from the variable cache


Gets an array of all global variables in the variable cache. Only variables that are filled using HTML_Template_IT::setVariable() are returned. The returned has two values. The first values holds an array with the names of the global variables, the second value holds an array with all the values.

Возвращаемое значение

array - An array. The key 0 holds an array with the names of all filled variables, the key 1 holds an array with names of the according values.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Template_IT::loadTemplatefile() -- load a template file


Loads a template from a file and generates internal lists for blocks and variables.


  • string $filename - file to load

  • boolean $removeUnknownVariables - if TRUE, not substituted placeholders in a block will be removed

  • boolean $removeEmptyBlocks - if TRUE, not touched blocks will be removed. Blocks can be touched with HTML_Template_IT::touchBlock().

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Template_IT::parse() -- parse a block


Parses the defined block, performs all substitutions and appends the result to already parsed blocks.


  • string $block - block to parse. When not set the complete template is used.

  • boolean $flag_recursion - Used internally. Can be ignored

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Returns TRUE if there was no placeholder to substitute, otherwise FALSE or IT_Error.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Template_IT::parseCurrentBlock() -- parse the current block


Parses the current block. The current block can be set with HTML_Template_IT::setCurrentBlock().

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Returns TRUE if there was no placeholder to substitute, otherwise FALSE or IT_Error.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Template_IT::setCurrentBlock() -- set the current block


Sets the name of the current block, where placeholder should be substituted. The current block can be parsed with HTML_Template_IT::parseCurrentTemplate().


  • string $block - block to set, if not given, the complete template is set

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE, if found and succcessful set, otherwise IT_Error will be returned.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Template_IT::setRoot() -- set the template root directory


Sets the path to the template directory where HTML_Template_IT::loadTemplatefile() searches for templates. Every filename is prefixed with the given string.


  • string $root - Path to the template directory.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Template_IT::setOption() -- sets an option


Sets an option. Please notice that changing some option might result in an unexpected behaviour of HTML_Template_IT.

Возвращаемое значение

int - Returns 1 on success, otherwise an IT_Error object.


  • mixed $option - Option identifier

  • mixed $value - New value of the option


Таблица 42-1. Possible options:

OptionDefault valueDescription
removeUnknownVariables TRUE If TRUE all template variables, which are not filled, are removed while parsing. This option is usually set by calling HTML_Template_IT::loadTemplatefile() or HTML_Template_IT::setTemplate().
removeEmptyBlocks TRUE If TRUE all blocks not containing any filled template variables are removed. This option is usually set by calling HTML_Template_IT::loadTemplatefile() or HTML_Template_IT::setTemplate().
clearCache FALSE If TRUE parsed blocks are not cached. If you don't know exactly what you do, just leave the default value.
clearCacheOnParse FALSE If TRUE the variable cache will be cleaned after parsing. If you don't know exactly what you do, just leave the default value.
openingDelimiter '{' Defines the character, every template variable has to start with. If you change this value, you have to call init() to reinitialise the template. If you don't know exactly what you do, just leave the default value.
closingDelimiter '}' Defines the character, every template variable has to end with. If you change this value, you have to call init() to reinitialise the template. If you don't know exactly what you do, just leave the default value.
blocknameRegExp '[\.0-9A-Za-z_-]+' The regular expression, thats used to parse block names. If you change this value, you have to call init() to reinitialise the template. If you don't know exactly what you do, just leave the default value.
variablenameRegExp '[\.0-9A-Za-z_-]+' The regular expression, thats used to parse template variable names. If you change this value, you have to call init() to reinitialise the template. If you don't know exactly what you do, just leave the default value.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Template_IT::setTemplate() -- set a template


Loads template from a string and controls the behavior in case of unused variables and blocks


  • string $template - The content of the template.

  • boolean $removeUnknowVariables - if TRUE, not substituted placeholders in a block will be removed

  • boolean $removeEmptyBlocks - if TRUE, not touched blocks will be removed

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Template_IT::setVariable() -- set a variable


Set the value of a variable in the current template block. If $placeholder is an array the key of an element is treated as a placeholder name while the value is treated as it's substitution.


  • mixed $placeholder - name of the placeholder to substitute or a array with the placeholder as key and the data to assign as value.

  • mixed $variable - if $placeholder is not a array, the value to assign to the placeholder.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTML_Template_IT::show() -- print a block including replacments


This functions prints a block with all replacements done.


  • string $block - The block to return. If not used, the whole template is returned.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



HTML_Template_IT::touchBlock() -- preserve empty block


Preserves an empty template block, even if $removeEmptyBlocks is TRUE and no substition of placeholders took place.


  • string $block - block to preserve

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE, if block was found, otherwise IT_Error.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction - template syntax -- Creating and editing templates
Introduction - cache -- How Sigma caches the "prepared" templates
constructor HTML_Template_Sigma() -- constructor
addBlock() -- Adds a block to the template
addBlockfile() -- Adds a block contained in the file to the template
blockExists() -- Checks if the block exists in the template
clearVariables() -- Clears the variables
errorMessage() -- Returns a textual error message for an error code
get() -- Returns a block with all replacements done.
getBlockList() -- Returns a list of blocks within a template.
getCurrentBlock() -- Returns the current block name
getPlaceholderList() -- Returns a list of placeholders within a block.
hideBlock() -- Hides the block even if it is not "empty".
loadTemplateFile() -- Loads a template file.
parse() -- Parses the given block.
parseCurrentBlock() -- Parses the current block
placeholderExists() -- Checks whether the placeholder exists
replaceBlock() -- Replaces an existing block with new content.
replaceBlockfile() -- Replaces an existing block with new content from a file.
setCacheRoot() -- Sets the directory to cache "prepared" templates in.
setCallbackFunction() -- Sets a callback function.
setCurrentBlock() -- Sets the name of the current block.
setGlobalVariable() -- Sets a global variable value.
setOption() -- Sets the option for the template class
setRoot() -- Sets the file root for templates.
setTemplate() -- Sets the template.
setVariable() -- Sets a variable value.
show() -- Prints a block with all replacements done.
touchBlock() -- Preserves the block even if empty blocks should be removed.

HTML_Template_Sigma: implementation of Integrated Templates API with template 'compilation' added.

Class Trees for HTML_Template_Sigma()

  • PEAR

    • HTML_Template_Sigma

Introduction - template syntax

Introduction - template syntax -- Creating and editing templates


The default format of placeholder is
This means, the name of the placeholder can consist of upper- and lowercase letters, underscores and hyphens. The name must be placed between curly brackets without any spaces.

Actual values for the placeholders are set using setVariable() and setGlobalVariable() methods. Placeholders for which no values were set are removed from output by default.


The format of a block is
<!-- BEGIN [0-9A-Za-z_-]+ -->
... block content ...
<!-- END [0-9A-Za-z_-]+ -->
The rules for the block name are the same like for placeholders. In contrast to placeholders the spaces in the block markup are required.

The nesting of blocks is permitted, but be careful while parsing. You have to parse() the innermost block first and then go from inner to outer.

In Sigma the whole template itself is treated as a virtual block called "__global__". Most block-related functions use this block name as default.

<!-- INCLUDE --> statements

It is possible to include a template file from within another template file using an <!-- INCLUDE filename --> statement:
... some content ...
<!-- INCLUDE filename.html -->
... some more content ...
When such a template file gets loaded, the <!-- INCLUDE filename.html --> will be replaced by contents of filename.html.

Some things to note:

  • Although this functionality is implemented using addBlockfile(), unlike addBlockfile() no new blocks are created in the template.

  • <!-- INCLUDE --> calls are processed before any variable substitution can take place. So <!-- INCLUDE {placeholder} --> will not work unless you actually have a file named {placeholder} and want to load it.

Template functions

Sigma templates can contain simple function calls. This means that the author of the template can add a special placeholder to it
... some content ...
func_h1("embedded in h1")
... some more content ...
Sigma will parse the template for these placeholders and will allow you to define a callback function for them via setCallbackFunction(). Callback will be called automatically when the block containing such function call is parse()'d.

Format of such function name is as follows
that means that it should start with a 'func_' prefix, then has a letter or an undercore and then a sequence of letters, digits or underscores. Arguments to these template functions can contain variable placeholders
func_translate('Hello, {username}')
but not blocks or other function calls.

Quoting of template function arguments

Замечание: The information in this section applies to HTML_Template_Sigma version 1.1.2 and later, please upgrade if you have problems with template function arguments in previous versions.

Quoting of function arguments is not mandatory, the following is a perfectly valid template function:
func_uppercase(Some unquoted text)
But consider the following: function arguments are contained within parentheses and separated by commas. Therefore if closing parenthesis ')' or comma ',' appears in function argument, it should be quoted.

The next thing to consider is that HTML_Template_Sigma is mostly targeted for generating HTML. Therefore a quoted string within an argument is most probably a tag attribute. The contents of such strings are not parsed for commas and parentheses. Therefore the following is also a perfectly valid template function:
func_foo(<a href="javascript:foo(bar, baz)">Do foo</a>)
But if you have an unmatched single or double quote in your argument or if the argument starts with a quote, it should be quoted.

Finally, the argument should be quoted if it is an empty string or if its leading or trailing whitespace is significant (leading and trailing whitespace will be removed from unquoted arguments).

The arguments can be quoted using either single or double quotes. If an argument contains a quote of the same type, then it should be escaped using the backslash symbol '\'. The backslash symbol itself should also be escaped,
will pass O'really and AC\DC to the relevant callbacks.

Shorthand for template functions

Since release 1.1.0, instead of using
you can write
There are 3 automatically registered template functions

Thus, if you add {var:h} placeholder to the template, var will be have unsafe characters replaced by corresponding HTML entitites.

Usage Example

Other usage examples: There are several usage examples in the package archive that cover most of its functionality. You are encouraged to review them along with the docs.

Introduction - cache

Introduction - cache -- How Sigma caches the "prepared" templates

Cache FAQ

1. What exactly is this cache feature?
2. What about data?
3. Is the cached version regenerated when the template changes?
4. Is there any TTL setting?
5. Any way to flush the cache?
6. Does this give significant performance gains?

1. What exactly is this cache feature?

This is the way to bypass RegExp parsing on template load. Instead of parsing the original template on every request, we keep its internal representation (a serialized array, essentially) and load it instead.

Think about template compilation in Smarty. Only Sigma does not compile templates to PHP code.

2. What about data?

No data caching is taking place. If you want to do this, consider using some of the PEAR's cache packages.

3. Is the cached version regenerated when the template changes?


4. Is there any TTL setting?

No. Cached version is considered valid until the source template changes.

5. Any way to flush the cache?

Yes, just delete all the files in the cache dir.

6. Does this give significant performance gains?

Yes. The answer is based on personal experience.

If you are going to perform some benchmarks, then use some real-world complex templates, not artificial ones. The performance gain will be greater with bigger and more complex (dozens of blocks) ones.

Cache usage

Caching is completely transparent. To take advantage of this feature you only have to either pass a second parameter to the constructor or call a setCacheRoot() method later.
require_once 'HTML/Template/Sigma.php';

$tpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma('./templates', './templates/prepared');


// go on


For each distinct template file in ./templates loaded with either loadTemplatefile(), addBlockfile(), replaceBlockfile() or <!-- INCLUDE --> a prepared version will be generated in ./templates/prepared.

constructor HTML_Template_Sigma()

constructor HTML_Template_Sigma() -- constructor


Constructor: builds some complex regular expressions and optionally sets the root directories.

Make sure that you call this constructor if you derive your template class from this one.


string $root

root directory for templates

string $cacheRoot

directory to cache "prepared" templates in


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


addBlock() -- Adds a block to the template


Adds a block to the template changing a variable placeholder to a block placeholder. This means that a new block will be integrated into the template in place of a variable placeholder. The variable placeholder will be removed and the new block will behave in the same way as if it was inside the original template.

The block content must not start with <!-- BEGIN blockname --> and end with <!-- END blockname -->, if it does the error will be thrown.


string $placeholder

name of the variable placeholder, the name must be unique within the template.

string $block

name of the block to be added

string $template

content of the block

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


addBlockfile() -- Adds a block contained in the file to the template


Adds a block taken from a file to the template, changing a variable placeholder to a block placeholder.


string $placeholder

name of the variable placeholder

string $block

name of the block to be added

string $filename

template file that contains the block

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure

См. также

see HTML_Template_Sigma::addBlock()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


blockExists() -- Checks if the block exists in the template


Checks if the block exists in the template


string $block

block name


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


clearVariables() -- Clears the variables


Global variables are not affected, only the ones set via setVariable(). The method is useful when you add a lot of variables via setVariable() and are not sure whether all of them appear in the block you parse(). If you clear the variables after parse(), you don't risk them suddenly showing up in other blocks.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


errorMessage() -- Returns a textual error message for an error code


Returns a textual error message for an error code. This is usually called when throwing a error, there is seldom need to call this method directly.


integer $code

error code

string $data

additional data to insert into message

Возвращаемое значение

return error message


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


get() -- Returns a block with all replacements done.


Returns a parsed block: block with all replacements done.

This method will automatically call parse(), only if called with $block='__global__' when '__global__' was not parse()'d before. In all other cases you should call parse() before calling get()


string $block

block name

boolean $clear

whether to clear parsed block contents

Возвращаемое значение

return block with all replacements done

См. также

see HTML_Template_Sigma::show()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


getBlockList() -- Returns a list of blocks within a template.


Returns a list of blocks within a template.

If $recursive is FALSE, it returns just a 'flat' array of $parent's direct subblocks. If $recursive is TRUE, it builds a tree of template blocks using $parent as root. Tree structure is compatible with PEAR::Tree's Memory_Array driver.


string $parent

parent block name

boolean $recursive

whether to return a tree of child blocks (TRUE) or a 'flat' array (FALSE)

Возвращаемое значение

return a list of child blocks


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


getCurrentBlock() -- Returns the current block name


Returns the current block name (set by HTML_Template_Sigma::setCurrentBlock())

Возвращаемое значение

return block name


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


getPlaceholderList() -- Returns a list of placeholders within a block.


Returns a list of placeholders within a block.

Only 'normal' placeholders are in the list, not ones automatically created for blocks and template functions.


string $block

block name

Возвращаемое значение

return a list of placeholders


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


hideBlock() -- Hides the block even if it is not "empty".


Hides the block even if it is not "empty".

Is somewhat an opposite to touchBlock().

Consider a block (a 'edit' link for example) that should be visible to registered/"special" users only, but its visibility is triggered by some little 'id' field passed in a large array into setVariable(). You can either carefully juggle your variables to prevent the block from appearing (a fragile solution) or simply call hideBlock()


string $block

block name

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


loadTemplateFile() -- Loads a template file.


Loads a template file. If caching is on, then it checks whether a "prepared" template exists. If it does, it gets loaded instead of the original, if it does not, then the original gets loaded and prepared and then the prepared version is saved. addBlockfile() and replaceBlockfile() implement quite the same logic.


string $filename


boolean $removeUnknownVariables

remove unknown/unused variables?

boolean $removeEmptyBlocks

remove empty blocks?

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure

См. также

see HTML_Template_Sigma::setTemplate(), HTML_Template_Sigma::$removeUnknownVariables, HTML_Template_Sigma::$removeEmptyBlocks


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


parse() -- Parses the given block.


Parses the given block. It substitutes local and global variables appearing in the block and set via setVariable() and setGlobalVariable(), calls all the callback functions and recursively processes the subblocks of the block.


string $block

block name

boolean $flagRecursion

TRUE if the function is called recursively (do not set this to TRUE yourself!)

boolean $fakeParse

TRUE if parsing a "hidden" block (do not set this to TRUE yourself!)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


parseCurrentBlock() -- Parses the current block


Parses the current block (set by HTML_Template_Sigma::setCurrentBlock())


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


placeholderExists() -- Checks whether the placeholder exists


Checks whether the placeholder exists in the template, returns the name of the (first) block that contains the specified placeholder.


string $placeholder

Name of the placeholder you're searching

string $block

Name of the block to scan. If left out (default) all blocks are scanned.

Возвращаемое значение

return Name of the (first) block that contains the specified placeholder. If the placeholder was not found an empty string is returned.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


replaceBlock() -- Replaces an existing block with new content.


Replaces an existing block with new content. This function will replace a block of the template and all blocks contained in it and add a new block instead. This means you can dynamically change your template.

Sigma analyses the way you've nested blocks and knows which block belongs into another block. This nesting information helps to make the API short and simple. Replacing blocks does not only mean that Sigma has to update the nesting information (relatively time consuming task) but you have to make sure that you do not get confused due to the template change yourself.


string $block

name of a block to replace

string $template

new content

boolean $keepContent

TRUE if the parsed contents of the block should be kept

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


replaceBlockfile() -- Replaces an existing block with new content from a file.


Replaces an existing block with new content from a file.


string $block

name of a block to replace

string $filename

template file that contains the block

boolean $keepContent

TRUE if the parsed contents of the block should be kept

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


setCacheRoot() -- Sets the directory to cache "prepared" templates in.


Sets the directory to cache "prepared" templates in, the directory should be writable for PHP.

The "prepared" template contains an internal representation of template structure: essentially a serialized array of $_blocks, $_blockVariables, $_children and $_functions, may also contain $_triggers. This allows to bypass expensive calls to HTML_Template_Sigma::_buildBlockVariables() and especially HTML_Template_Sigma::_buildBlocks() when reading the "prepared" template instead of the "source" one.

The files in this cache do not have any TTL and are regenerated when the source templates change.


string $root

directory name


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


setCallbackFunction() -- Sets a callback function.


Sets a callback function. Sigma templates can contain simple function calls. This means that the author of the template can add a special placeholder to it: func_h1("embedded in h1") Sigma will parse the template for these placeholders and will allow you to define a callback function for them. Callback will be called automatically when the block containing such function call is parse()'d.

Please note that arguments to these template functions can contain variable placeholders: func_translate('Hello, {username}'), but not blocks or other function calls.

This should NOT be used to add logic (except some presentation one) to the template. If you use a lot of such callbacks and implement business logic through them, then you're reinventing the wheel. Consider using XML/XSLT, native PHP or some other template engine.

function h_one($arg)
    return '<h1>' . $arg . '</h1>';
// ...  
$tpl = new HTML_Template_Sigma(' ... ');
// ...  
$tpl->setCallbackFunction('h1', 'h_one');
// ...
func_h1('H1 Headline')


string $tplFunction

Function name in the template

mixed $callback

A callback: anything that can be passed to call_user_func_array()

boolean $preserveArgs

If TRUE, then no variable substitution in arguments will take place before function call

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


setCurrentBlock() -- Sets the name of the current block.


Sets the name of the current block: the one in which variables will be substituted.


string $block

block name

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


setGlobalVariable() -- Sets a global variable value.


Sets a global variable value. Global variables are "special": they do not get cleared after substitution and do not make blocks not empty if substituted.


mixed $variable

variable name or array ('varname'=>'value')

string $value

variable value if $variable is not an array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


setOption() -- Sets the option for the template class


Sets the option for the template class. Currently it understands the following options:


If set to TRUE, then do not substitute variables and remove unused placeholders in data added through setVariable() and setGlobalVariable(). See also bugs #20199 and #21951. Default is FALSE, for performance reasons.


Whether to trim extra whitespace from template on cache save. Generally safe to have this on, unless you have <pre></pre> in templates or want to preserve HTML indentantion. Default is TRUE


string $option

option name

mixed $value

option value

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


setRoot() -- Sets the file root for templates.


Sets the file root for templates. The file root gets prefixed to all filenames passed to the object.


string $root

directory name


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


setTemplate() -- Sets the template.


Sets the template. You can either load a template file from disk with loadTemplateFile() or set the template manually using this function.


string $template

template content

boolean $removeUnknownVariables

remove unknown/unused variables?

boolean $removeEmptyBlocks

remove empty blocks?

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


setVariable() -- Sets a variable value.


Sets a variable value. The function can be used either like setVariable("varname", "value") or with one array $variables["varname"] = "value" given setVariable($variables)


mixed $variable

variable name or array ('varname'=>'value')

string $value

variable value if $variable is not an array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


show() -- Prints a block with all replacements done.


Prints a block with all replacements done.


string $block

block name


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see HTML_Template_Sigma::get()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


touchBlock() -- Preserves the block even if empty blocks should be removed.


Sometimes you have blocks that should be preserved although they are empty (no placeholder replaced). Think of a shopping basket. If it's empty you have to show a message to the user. If it's filled you have to show the contents of the shopping basket. Now where to place the message that the basket is empty? It's not a good idea to place it in you application as customers tend to like unecessary minor text changes. Having another template file for an empty basket means that one fine day the filled and empty basket templates will have different layouts.

So blocks that do not contain any placeholders but only messages like "Your shopping basked is empty" are intoduced. Now if there is no replacement done in such a block the block will be recognized as "empty" and by default ($removeEmptyBlocks = true) be stripped off. To avoid this you can call touchBlock()


string $block

block name

Возвращаемое значение

return SIGMA_OK on success, error object on failure

См. также

see HTML_Template_Sigma::$removeEmptyBlocks


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction --  A simple, fast and powerful template engine.

The template engine is a compiling engine, all templates are compiled into PHP-files. This will make the delivery of the files faster on the next request, since the template doesn't need to be compiled again. If the template changes it will be recompiled. There is no new template language to learn. Beside the default mode, there is a set of constructs since version 1.6 which allow you to edit your templates with WYSIWYG editors


Introduction --  A simple, fast and powerful template engine.

HTML_Template_Xipe Description

The template engine is a compiling engine, all templates are compiled into PHP-files. This will make the delivery of the files faster on the next request, since the template doesn't need to be compiled again. If the template changes it will be recompiled. There is no new template language to learn. Beside the default mode, there is a set of constructs since version 1.6 which allow you to edit your templates with WYSIWYG editors. By default the template engine uses indention for building blocks (you can turn that off). This feature was inspired by Python and by the need I felt to force myself to write proper HTML-code, using proper indentions, to make the code better readable.

Unfortunately, complete documentation is not available at the moment.


Introduction -- Usage of Pager 2.x
Pager "Jumping" vs. "Sliding" -- Feature comparison of the two pager styles
Pager::factory() -- Creates a pager instance
Pager::setOptions() -- Set or change option after the Pager object has been constructed
Pager::build() --  Generate or refresh the links and paged data after a call to setOptions()
Pager::getCurrentPageID() -- Returns current page number
Pager::getLinks() --  Returns back/next/first/last and page links, both as ordered and associative array.
Pager::getNextPageID() -- Returns next page number.
Pager::getOffsetByPageId() -- Returns offsets for given pageID.
Pager::getPageData() -- Returns an array of current pages data
Pager::getPageIdByOffset() -- Returns the page number for the given offset
Pager::getPageRangeByPageId() -- Returns offsets for given pageID.
Pager::getPreviousPageID() -- Returns previous page number.
Pager::getPerPageSelectBox() -- Returns a string with a XHTML SELECT menu, to choose how many items per page should be displayed.
Pager::isFirstPage() -- Returns whether current page is first page
Pager::isLastPage() -- Returns whether current page is last page
Pager::isLastPageComplete() -- Returns whether last page is complete
Pager::numItems() -- Returns number of items
Pager::numPages() -- Returns number of pages
Pager::Pager() -- Creates a pager instance

Data paging class which also builds links to the pages.


Introduction -- Usage of Pager 2.x

What is Pager?

Pager is a class to page an array of data. It is taken as input and it is paged according to various parameters. Pager also builds links within a specified range, and allows complete customization of the output (it even works with mod_rewrite). It is compatible with Pager v.1.x and Pager_Sliding API

Example 1

This simple example will page the array of alphabetical letters, giving back pages with 3 letters per page, and links to the previous two / next two pages:
require_once 'Pager.php';
$params = array(
    'mode'       => 'Jumping',
    'perPage'    => 3,
    'delta'      => 2,
    'itemData'   => array('a','b','c','d','e',[...omissis...],'z')
$pager = & Pager::factory($params);
$data  = $pager->getPageData();
$links = $pager->getLinks();
//$links is an ordered+associative array with 'back'/'pages'/'next'/'first'/'last'/'all' links.
//NB: $links['all'] is the same as $pager->links;

//echo links to other pages:
echo $links['all'];

//Pager can also generate <link rel="first|prev|next|last"> tags
echo $pager->linkTags;

//Show data for current page:
echo 'PAGED DATA: ' ; print_r($data);

//Results from methods:
echo 'getCurrentPageID()...: '; var_dump($pager->getCurrentPageID());
echo 'getNextPageID()......: '; var_dump($pager->getNextPageID());
echo 'getPreviousPageID()..: '; var_dump($pager->getPreviousPageID());
echo 'numItems()...........: '; var_dump($pager->numItems());
echo 'numPages()...........: '; var_dump($pager->numPages());
echo 'isFirstPage()........: '; var_dump($pager->isFirstPage());
echo 'isLastPage().........: '; var_dump($pager->isLastPage());
echo 'isLastPageComplete().: '; var_dump($pager->isLastPageComplete());
echo '$pager->range........: '; var_dump($pager->range);
In case you're wondering, $pager->range is a numeric array; its keys are the numbers of the pages in the current range, and the matching values are booleans (TRUE if its key represents currentPage, FALSE otherwise). This array can be useful to build the links manually, e.g. when using a template engine.

Example 2

This example shows how you can use this class with mod_rewite. Let's suppose we have a .htaccess like this:
RewriteEngine on
#Options FollowSymlinks

RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^articles/([a-z]{1,12})/art([0-9]{1,4})\.html$ /article.php?num=$2&amp;month=$1 [L]
It should transform an url like "/articles/march/art15.html" into "/article.php?num=15&month=march"

require_once 'Pager.php';

$month = 'september';
$params = array(
    'mode'      => 'Sliding',
    'append'    => false,
    'urlVar'    => 'num',
    'path'      => '' . $month,
    'fileName'  => 'art%d.html',  //Pager replaces "%d" with page number...
    'itemData'  => array('a','b','c',[...omissis...],'z'),
    'perPage'   => 3
$pager = & Pager::factory($params);

$data  = $pager->getPageData();
echo $pager->links;
echo 'Data for current page: '; print_r($data);

More pagers in a single page

Using more than one pager in a single page is as simple as using a different urlVar for each pager:
require_once 'Pager.php';

//first pager
$params1 = array(
    'perPage'    => 3,
    'urlVar'     => pageID_articles,  //1st identifier
    'itemData'   => $someArray
$pager1 = & Pager::factory($params1);
$data1  = $pager1->getPageData();
$links1 = $pager1->getLinks();

//second pager
$params2 = array(
    'perPage'    => 8,
    'urlVar'     => pageID_news,      //2nd identifier
    'itemData'   => $someOtherArray
$pager2 = & Pager::factory($params2);
$data2  = $pager2->getPageData();
$links2 = $pager2->getLinks();

Pager and big db resultsets

If you want to paginate db resultsets, fetching them all into an array and passing it to Pager might not be the best option. You can still leverage Pager and have good performances using a wrapper. There is a sample wrapper for each one of the PEAR db abstraction systems in the /docs/examples/ dir of the package. You may use it as-is or customize it to your needs.

Adding extra variables to the querystring

If you need to add some extra variables to the querystring, use the extraVars parameter:
$params = array(
    'extraVars' => array(
        'firstKey'  => 'firstValue',
        'secondKey' => 'secondValue',
$pager1 = & Pager::factory($params);

Important note for PHP 5 users

Since version 2.2.1, Pager works with PHP 5 too, but you must use the factory() method instead of the constructor (which is deprecated):
require_once 'Pager.php';

//$pager =& new Pager($params);

$pager =& Pager::factory($params);

//continue as you did before

If you are using a previous revision and cannot update, you must write the following code on PHP 5:
//chose your preferred mode [Jumping | Sliding]:

//require_once 'Pager/Jumping.php';
require_once 'Pager/Sliding.php';

//$pager =& new Pager_Jumping($params);
$pager =& new Pager_Sliding($params);

//continue as you did before

Pager "Jumping" vs. "Sliding"

Pager "Jumping" vs. "Sliding" -- Feature comparison of the two pager styles

What are the differences between the two styles?

Since an example is worth 1000 words:

"Jumping" Pager logic

Let's suppose that the data spans on 15 pages, and the window width is 5 page links. The links are built on "frames" of 5 pages each: [1-5] [6-10] [11-15] Pager in "Jumping" mode always shows the same 5 page links while you are on one of these pages. Here's a temporal succession of the links, starting from page 1 and moving forward. There are brakets around current page number to highlight this:
a)    {1} 2  3  4  5  =>   // first frame: [1-5]
b) <=  1 {2} 3  4  5  =>
c) <=  1  2 {3} 4  5  =>
d) <=  1  2  3 {4} 5  =>
e) <=  1  2  3  4 {5} =>   // HERE IT JUMPS TO THE NEXT FRAME
f) <= {6} 7  8  9 10  =>   // second frame: [6-10]
g) <=  6 {7} 8  9 10  =>
h) <=  6  7 {8} 9 10  =>
and so on. See what a "jumping window" frame is? When you reach a limit (in the example, you go from page 5 to page 6), it "jumps" to next frame (links from page 6 to 10).

"Sliding" Pager logic

Instead of jumping from one frame to the other, with Pager in "Sliding" mode the change is done smoothly, and the current page is always shown at the center of the "window" (except of course for the first and the last pages):
a)       {1} 2  3  4  5  => [15]
b) [1] <= 1 {2} 3  4  5  => [15]
c) [1] <= 1  2 {3} 4  5  => [15]  // HERE IT's STARTING WORKING AS DESIGNED
d) [1] <= 2  3 {4} 5  6  => [15]  // see: current page number is at the center of the window
e) [1] <= 3  4 {5} 6  7  => [15]  // and it stays there...
f) [1] <= 4  5 {6} 7  8  => [15]
g) [1] <= 5  6 {7} 8  9  => [15]
h) [1] <= 6  7 {8} 9 10  => [15]
and so on.

Other differences

Apart from the different "philosophy", there is one difference in the delta parameter: in "Jumping" mode, it's the number of page numbers to show; in "Sliding" mode it's the number of page numbers to show before and after the current one.


Pager::factory() -- Creates a pager instance


Pager::factory() method takes an associative array of parameters as input values. This is the complete list of these options:

  • itemData [array]

    Array of items to page.

  • totalItems [integer]

    Number of items to page (used only if itemData is not provided).

  • perPage [integer]

    Number of items to display on each page.

  • delta [integer]

    Number of page numbers to display before and after the current one.

  • mode [string]

    "Jumping" or "Sliding" -window - It determines pager behaviour.

  • httpMethod [string]

    Specifies the HTTP method to use. Valid values are 'GET' or 'POST'.

  • formID [string]

    Specifies which HTML form to use in POST mode.

  • importQuery [boolean]

    if true (default behaviour), variables and values are imported from the submitted data (query string) and used in the generated links, otherwise they're ignored completely

  • currentPage [integer]

    Initial page number (if you want to show page #2 by default, set currentPage to 2)

  • expanded [boolean]

    if TRUE, window size is always 2*delta+1

  • linkClass [string]

    Name of CSS class used for link styling.

  • urlVar [string]

    Name of URL var used to indicate the page number. Default value is "pageID".

  • path [string]

    Complete path to the page (without the page name).

  • fileName [string]

    name of the page, with a "%d" if append == TRUE.

  • fixFileName [boolean]

    If set to FALSE, the fileName option is not overridden. Use at your own risk.

  • append [boolean]

    If TRUE pageID is appended as GET value to the URL. If FALSE it is embedded in the URL according to fileName specs.

  • altFirst [string]

    Alt text to display on the link of the first page. Default value is "first page"; if you want a string with the page number, use "%d" as a placeholder (for instance "page %d")

  • altPrev [string]

    Alt text to display on the link of the previous page. Default value is "previous page";

  • altNext [string]

    Alt text to display on the link of the next page. Default value is "next page";

  • altLast [string]

    Alt text to display on the link of the last page. Default value is "last page"; if you want a string with the page number, use "%d" as a placeholder (for instance "page %d")

  • altPage [string]

    Alt text to display before the page number. Default value is "page ".

  • prevImg [string]

    Something to display instead of "<<". It can be text such as "<< PREV" or an <img/> as well.

  • nextImg [string]

    Something to display instead of ">>". It can be text such as "NEXT >>" or an <img/> as well.

  • separator [string]

    What to use to separate numbers. It can be an <img/>, a comma, an hyphen, or whatever.

  • spacesBeforeSeparator [integer]

    Number of spaces before the separator.

  • spacesAfterSeparator [integer]

    Number of spaces after the separator.

  • curPageLinkClassName [string]

    CSS class name for the current page link.

  • curPageSpanPre [string]

    Text before the current page link.

  • curPageSpanPost [string]

    Text after the current page link.

  • firstPagePre [string]

    String used before the first page number. It can be an <img/>, a "{", an empty string, or whatever.

  • firstPageText [string]

    String used in place of the first page number.

  • firstPagePost [string]

    String used after the first page number. It can be an <img/>, a "}", an empty string, or whatever.

  • lastPagePre [string]

    Similar to firstPagePre, but used for last page number.

  • lastPageText [string]

    Similar to firstPageText, but used for last page number.

  • lastPagePost [string]

    Similar to firstPagePost, but used for last page number.

  • clearIfVoid [boolean]

    if there's only one page, don't display pager links (returns an empty string).

  • extraVars [array]

    additional URL vars to be added to the querystring.

  • excludeVars [array]

    URL vars to be excluded from the querystring.

  • useSessions [boolean]

    if TRUE, number of items to display per page is stored in the $_SESSION[$_sessionVar] var.

  • closeSession [boolean]

    if TRUE, the session is closed just after R/W.

  • sessionVar [string]

    Name of the session var for perPage value. A value different from default can be useful when using more than one Pager istance in the page.

  • showAllText [string]

    Text to be used for the 'show all' option in the select box generated by getPerPageSelectBox()

  • pearErrorMode [constant]

    PEAR_ERROR mode for raiseError(). Default is PEAR_ERROR_RETURN.

REQUIRED options are:

  • fileName IF append==FALSE (default is TRUE)

  • itemData OR totalItems (if itemData is set, totalItems is overwritten)

Возвращаемое значение

object - a specific Pager instance or a PEAR_Error object, if fails


Pager::setOptions() -- Set or change option after the Pager object has been constructed


Remember to call build() after this method to regenerate the data and the links.


  • integer $index - an associative array of options. See Pager::factory() for the full list of options.

Возвращаемое значение

return PAGER_OK constant on success


Pager::build() --  Generate or refresh the links and paged data after a call to setOptions()


  • If you want to change an option after the Pager object has been constructed, after the call to setOptions() you have to generate or refresh the links and paged data with this method.


Pager::getCurrentPageID() -- Returns current page number

Возвращаемое значение

integer - Current page number.


Pager::getLinks() --  Returns back/next/first/last and page links, both as ordered and associative array.


  • integer $pageID - Optional pageID. If specified, linksfor that page are provided instead of current one.

Возвращаемое значение

return back/pages/next/first/last/all links, both as numeric and associative array.


Pager::getNextPageID() -- Returns next page number.


If current page is last page this function returns FALSE, otherwise returns next page number.

Возвращаемое значение

return Next page number or FALSE


Pager::getOffsetByPageId() -- Returns offsets for given pageID.


Returns offsets for given pageID. Eg, if you pass it pageID one and your perPage limit is 10 it will return (1, 10). pageID=2 would give you (11, 20).

if the method is called without parameter, pageID is set to currentPage


  • integer $pageid - PageID to get offsets for

Возвращаемое значение

return array with first and last offsets




Pager::getPageData() -- Returns an array of current pages data


  • integer $pageID - Desired page ID (optional)

Возвращаемое значение

return array of data for this page.


Pager::getPageIdByOffset() -- Returns the page number for the given offset


This method is only available in "Jumping" mode.


  • integer $index - Offset to get pageID for

Возвращаемое значение

return Page number for this offset


Pager::getPageRangeByPageId() -- Returns offsets for given pageID.


Given a PageId, it returns the limits of the range of pages displayed. While getOffsetByPageId() returns the offset of the data within the current page, this method returns the offsets of the page numbers interval.

E.g., in "Jumping" mode, if you have pageId=3 and delta=10, it will return (1, 10). pageID=8 would give you (1, 10) as well, because 1 <= 8 <= 10. pageID=11 would give you (11, 20).

In "Sliding" mode, if you have pageId=5 and delta=2, it will return (3, 7). pageID of 9 would give you (4, 8).

if the method is called without parameter, pageID is set to currentPage number


  • integer $pageid - PageID to get offsets for

Возвращаемое значение

return array with first and last offsets


Pager::getPreviousPageID() -- Returns previous page number.


If current page is first page this function returns FALSE, otherwise returns previous page number.

Возвращаемое значение

return Previous page number or FALSE.


Pager::getPerPageSelectBox() -- Returns a string with a XHTML SELECT menu, to choose how many items per page should be displayed.


  • integer $start - Min. number of items per page (optional)

  • integer $end - Max. number of items per page (optional)

  • integer $step - Increment between two options (optional)

  • boolean $showAllData - If true, perPage is set equal to totalItems (optional)

  • array $extraParams (optional)

    • 'optionText': text to show in each option. Use '%d' where you want to see the number of pages selected.

    • 'attributes': (html attributes) Tag attributes or HTML attributes (id="foo" pairs), will be inserted in the <select> tag.

    • 'checkMaxLimit': if true, Pager checks if $end is bigger than $totalItems, and doesn't show the extra select options.


Returns a string with a XHTML SELECT menu, useful for letting the user choose how many items per page should be displayed. If parameter useSessions is TRUE, this value is stored in a session var. The string isn't echoed right away so you can use it with template engines.


This example shows how you can create a select box to let your users choose the number of items to display on each page.
include 'Pager/Pager.php';

$params = array(
    'mode'       => 'Jumping',
    'perPage'    => 3,
    'delta'      => 2,
    'itemData'   => array('a','b','c','d','e',[...omissis...],'z')
$pager = & Pager::factory($params);

$selectBox = $pager->getPerPageSelectBox();

echo '<form action="' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '" method="GET">';
echo $selectBox;
echo '<input type="submit" value="submit" />';
echo '</form>';

Возвращаемое значение

return string with the XHTML SELECT menu.


Pager::isFirstPage() -- Returns whether current page is first page

Возвращаемое значение

return TRUE or FALSE, wrt it is the first page or not.


Pager::isLastPage() -- Returns whether current page is last page

Возвращаемое значение

return TRUE or FALSE, wrt it is the last page or not.


Pager::isLastPageComplete() -- Returns whether last page is complete

Возвращаемое значение

return TRUE or FALSE, wrt the last page is complete (i.e. it has perPage values in the array for the last page) or not.


Pager::numItems() -- Returns number of items

Возвращаемое значение

return integer - Number of items


Pager::numPages() -- Returns number of pages

Возвращаемое значение

return integer - Number of pages


Pager::Pager() -- Creates a pager instance


The constructor is deprecated in favour of the new factory() method, which is PHP5 compatible too.


Pager constructor takes an associative array of parameters as input values. This is the complete list of these options:

  • itemData [array]

    Array of items to page.

  • totalItems [integer]

    Number of items to page (used only if itemData is not provided).

  • perPage [integer]

    Number of items to display on each page.

  • delta [integer]

    Number of page numbers to display before and after the current one.

  • mode [string]

    "Jumping" or "Sliding" -window - It determines pager behaviour.

  • expanded [boolean]

    if TRUE, window size is always 2*delta+1

  • linkClass [string]

    Name of CSS class used for link styling.

  • urlVar [string]

    Name of URL var used to indicate the page number. Default value is "pageID".

  • path [string]

    Complete path to the page (without the page name).

  • fileName [string]

    name of the page, with a "%d" if append == TRUE.

  • append [boolean]

    If TRUE pageID is appended as GET value to the URL. If FALSE it is embedded in the URL according to fileName specs.

  • altPrev [string]

    Alt text to display for prev page, on prev link. Default value is "previous page";

  • altNext [string]

    Alt text to display for next page, on next link. Default value is "next page";

  • altPage [string]

    Alt text to display before the page number. Default value is "page ".

  • prevImg [string]

    Something to display instead of "<<". It can be text such as "<< PREV" or an <img/> as well.

  • nextImg [string]

    Something to display instead of ">>". It can be text such as "NEXT >>" or an <img/> as well.

  • separator [string]

    What to use to separate numbers. It can be an <img/>, a comma, an hyphen, or whatever.

  • spacesBeforeSeparator [integer]

    Number of spaces before the separator.

  • spacesAfterSeparator [integer]

    Number of spaces after the separator.

  • firstPagePre [string]

    String used before first page number. It can be an <img/>, a "{", an empty string, or whatever.

  • firstPageText [string]

    String used in place of first page number.

  • firstPagePost [string]

    String used after first page number. It can be an <img/>, a "}", an empty string, or whatever.

  • lastPagePre [string]

    Similar to firstPagePre, but used for last page number.

  • lastPageText [string]

    Similar to firstPageText, but used for last page number.

  • lastPagePost [string]

    Similar to firstPagePost, but used for last page number.

  • curPageLinkClassName [string]

    Name of CSS class used for current page link.

  • clearIfVoid [boolean]

    if there's only one page, don't display pager (returns an empty string).

  • useSessions [boolean]

    if TRUE, number of items to display per page is stored in the $_SESSION[$_sessionVar] var.

  • closeSession [boolean]

    if TRUE, the session is closed just after R/W.

  • sessionVar [string]

    Name of the session var for perPage value. A value different from default can be useful when using more than one Pager istance in the page.

  • pearErrorMode [constant]

    PEAR_ERROR mode for raiseError(). Default is PEAR_ERROR_RETURN.

REQUIRED options are:

  • fileName IF append==FALSE (default is TRUE)

  • itemData OR totalItems (if itemData is set, totalItems is overwritten)

Возвращаемое значение

object - a specific Pager instance or a PEAR_Error object, if fails


Introduction -- Usage of Pager_Sliding
Pager (v.1.x) vs. Pager_Sliding -- Feature comparison of the two classes
Pager_Sliding::getCurrentPageID() -- Returns current page number
Pager_Sliding::getLinks() --  Returns back/next/first/last and page links, both as ordered and associative array.
Pager_Sliding::getNextPageID() -- Returns next page number.
Pager_Sliding::getOffsetByPageId() -- Returns offsets for given pageID.
Pager_Sliding::getPageData() -- Returns an array of current pages data
Pager_Sliding::getPageIdByOffset() -- Overload PEAR::Pager method. VOID.
Pager_Sliding::getPreviousPageID() -- Returns previous page number.
Pager_Sliding::isFirstPage() -- Returns whether current page is first page
Pager_Sliding::isLastPage() -- Returns whether current page is last page
Pager_Sliding::isLastPageComplete() -- Returns whether last page is complete
Pager_Sliding::numItems() -- Returns number of items
Pager_Sliding::numPages() -- Returns number of pages
Pager_Sliding::Sliding() -- Creates a pager instance

Data paging class which also builds links to the pages.


Introduction -- Usage of Pager_Sliding

What is Pager_Sliding?

Pager_Sliding is a class to page an array of data. It is taken as input and it is paged according to various parameters. Pager_Sliding also builds links within a specified range, and allows complete customization of the output (it even works with mod_rewrite). It is compatible with PEAR::Pager's API


This package is deprecated in favour of the new Pager v.2.x.

Example 1

This simple example will page the array of alphabetical letters, giving back pages with 3 letters per page, and links to the previous two / next two pages:
require_once 'Pager/Sliding.php';
$params = array(
            'perPage'    => 3,
            'delta'      => 2,
            'itemData'   => array('a','b','c','d','e',[...omissis...],'z')
$pager = & new Pager_Sliding($params);
$data  = $pager->getPageData();
$links = $pager->getLinks();
//$links is an ordered+associative array with 'back'/'pages'/'next'/'first'/'last'/'all' links.
//NB: $links['all'] is the same as $pager->links;

//echo links to other pages:
echo $links['all']

//Show data for current page:
echo 'PAGED DATA: ' ; print_r($data);

//Results from methods:
echo 'getCurrentPageID()...: '; var_dump($pager->getCurrentPageID());
echo 'getNextPageID()......: '; var_dump($pager->getNextPageID());
echo 'getPreviousPageID()..: '; var_dump($pager->getPreviousPageID());
echo 'numItems()...........: '; var_dump($pager->numItems());
echo 'numPages()...........: '; var_dump($pager->numPages());
echo 'isFirstPage()........: '; var_dump($pager->isFirstPage());
echo 'isLastPage().........: '; var_dump($pager->isLastPage());
echo 'isLastPageComplete().: '; var_dump($pager->isLastPageComplete());
echo '$pager->range........: '; var_dump($pager->range);
In case you're wondering, $pager->range is a numeric array; its keys are the numbers of the pages in the current range, and the matching values are booleans (TRUE if its key represents currentPage, FALSE otherwise). This array can be useful to build the links manually, e.g. when using a template engine.

Example 2

This example shows how you can use this class with mod_rewite. Let's suppose we have a .htaccess like this:
RewriteEngine on
#Options FollowSymlinks

RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^articles/([a-z]{1,12})/art([0-9]{1,4})\.html$ /article.php?num=$2&amp;month=$1 [L]
It should transform an url like "/articles/march/art15.html" into "/article.php?num=15&month=march"

require_once 'Pager/Sliding.php';

$month = 'september';
$params = array(
            'append'    => false,
            'urlVar'    => 'num',
            'path'      => '' . $month,
            'fileName'  => 'art%d.html',  //Pager replaces "%d" with page number...
            'itemData'  => array('a','b','c',[...omissis...],'z'),
            'perPage'   => 3
$pager = & new Pager_Sliding($params);

$data  = $pager->getPageData();
echo $pager->links;
echo 'Data for current page: '; print_r($data);

More pagers in a single page

Using more than one pager in a single page is as simple as using a different urlVar for each pager:
require_once 'Pager/Sliding.php';

//first pager
$params1 = array(
            'perPage'    => 3,
            'urlVar'     => pageID_articles,  //1st identifier
            'itemData'   => $someArray
$pager1 = & new Pager_Sliding($params1);
$data1  = $pager1->getPageData();
$links1 = $pager1->getLinks();

//second pager
$params2 = array(
            'perPage'    => 8,
            'urlVar'     => pageID_news,      //2nd identifier
            'itemData'   => $someOtherArray
$pager2 = & new Pager_Sliding($params2);
$data2  = $pager2->getPageData();
$links2 = $pager2->getLinks();

Pager (v.1.x) vs. Pager_Sliding

Pager (v.1.x) vs. Pager_Sliding -- Feature comparison of the two classes

What are the differences with Pager?

While Pager v.1.x has a "jumping window" style, Pager_Sliding has a "sliding window" style. What does that mean? Let's see an example:

Pager v.1.x logic

Let's suppose that the data spans on 15 pages, and the window width is 5 page links. The links are built on "frames" of 5 pages each: [1-5] [6-10] [11-15] Pager v.1.x always shows the same 5 page links while you are on one of these pages. Here's a temporal succession of the links, starting from page 1 and moving forward. There are brakets around current page number to highlight this:
a)    {1} 2  3  4  5  =>   // first frame: [1-5]
b) <=  1 {2} 3  4  5  =>
c) <=  1  2 {3} 4  5  =>
d) <=  1  2  3 {4} 5  =>
e) <=  1  2  3  4 {5} =>   // HERE IT JUMPS TO THE NEXT FRAME
f) <= {6} 7  8  9 10  =>   // second frame: [6-10]
g) <=  6 {7} 8  9 10  =>
h) <=  6  7 {8} 9 10  =>
and so on. See what a "jumping window" frame is? When you reach a limit (in the example, you go from page 5 to page 6), it "jumps" to next frame (links from page 6 to 10).

Pager_Sliding logic

Instead of jumping from one frame to the other, with Pager_Sliding the change is done smoothly, and the current page is always shown at the center of the "window" (except of course for the first and the last pages):
a)       {1} 2  3  4  5  => [15]
b) [1] <= 1 {2} 3  4  5  => [15]
c) [1] <= 1  2 {3} 4  5  => [15]  // HERE IT's STARTING WORKING AS DESIGNED
d) [1] <= 2  3 {4} 5  6  => [15]  // see: current page number is at the center of the window
e) [1] <= 3  4 {5} 6  7  => [15]  // and it stays there...
f) [1] <= 4  5 {6} 7  8  => [15]
g) [1] <= 5  6 {7} 8  9  => [15]
h) [1] <= 6  7 {8} 9 10  => [15]
and so on.

Other differences

Apart from the different "philosophy", Pager_Sliding is also designed to be highly customizable.

UPDATE: since Pager 2.x release, every option once only available in Pager_Sliding is now fully implemented in Pager too, and more. As stated in the Intro, Pager_Sliding is now deprecated in favour of the new Pager v.2.x. You can have both behaviours ("Jumping" and "Sliding") in Pager v.2.x, just change the mode. Please refer to Pager docs for more details.

  • There are *many* options to change the look and feel of the links in your page. They are explained in the constructor docs.

  • It can work with Apache mod_rewrite module too, see the examples for that.

  • It is "template"-friendly, i.e. you can assign the processed links and page numbers to your custom vars and use them to draw your link bar according to your page layout, without worrying about the underlying logic.

  • You can easily extend the class; this is useful if you plan to use the class in many different pages and you don't want to set the same options everytime: just set your preferred default values in your extending class and you're done!


Pager_Sliding::getCurrentPageID() -- Returns current page number

Возвращаемое значение

integer - Current page number.


Pager_Sliding::getLinks() --  Returns back/next/first/last and page links, both as ordered and associative array.


  • integer $pageID - Optional pageID. If specified, linksfor that page are provided instead of current one.

Возвращаемое значение

return back/pages/next/first/last/all links, both as numeric and associative array.


Pager_Sliding::getNextPageID() -- Returns next page number.


If current page is last page this function returns FALSE, otherwise returns next page number.

Возвращаемое значение

return Next page number or FALSE


Pager_Sliding::getOffsetByPageId() -- Returns offsets for given pageID.


Eg, if you pass it pageID = 5 and your delta is 2 it will return you 3 and 7. PageID of 6 would give you 4 and 8

NB: The behaviour of this function could be misleading: it was left only for compatibility with PEAR::Pager. It could raise some confusion when pageID is within delta positions from an extreme: in fact this method returns also the extremes, while $this->_getPageLinks leaves them out. Pager_Sliding works this way: if pageID is NOT an extreme, show first and last page within brackets: [1] << 5 | _6_ | 7 >> [15] So when dealing with pageID within delta positions from an extreme, this method would return the extreme as well, while $this->_getPageLinks would return (for instance) 2 | _3_ | 4 | 5 even if pageID is 3 and delta is 2. Consider this method deprecated and/or subject to changes.


  • integer $pageid - PageID to get offsets for

Возвращаемое значение

return array with first and last offsets




Pager_Sliding::getPageData() -- Returns an array of current pages data


  • integer $pageID - Desired page ID (optional)

Возвращаемое значение

return array of data for this page.


Pager_Sliding::getPageIdByOffset() -- Overload PEAR::Pager method. VOID.


  • integer $index - Offset to get pageID for

Возвращаемое значение

return Page number for this offset


deprecated. It is only here for compatibility with PEAR::Pager.


Pager_Sliding::getPreviousPageID() -- Returns previous page number.


If current page is first page this function returns FALSE, otherwise returns previous page number.

Возвращаемое значение

return Previous page number or FALSE.


Pager_Sliding::isFirstPage() -- Returns whether current page is first page

Возвращаемое значение

return TRUE or FALSE, wrt it is the first page or not.


Pager_Sliding::isLastPage() -- Returns whether current page is last page

Возвращаемое значение

return TRUE or FALSE, wrt it is the last page or not.


Pager_Sliding::isLastPageComplete() -- Returns whether last page is complete

Возвращаемое значение

return TRUE or FALSE, wrt the last page is complete (i.e. it has perPage values in the array for the last page) or not.


Pager_Sliding::numItems() -- Returns number of items

Возвращаемое значение

return integer - Number of items


Pager_Sliding::numPages() -- Returns number of pages

Возвращаемое значение

return integer - Number of pages


Pager_Sliding::Sliding() -- Creates a pager instance


Pager_Sliding constructor takes an associative array of parameters as input values. This is the complete list of these options:

  • itemData [array]

    Array of items to page.

  • totalItems [integer]

    Number of items to page (used only if itemData is not provided).

  • perPage [integer]

    Number of items to display on each page.

  • delta [integer]

    Number of page numbers to display before and after the current one.

  • expanded [boolean]

    if TRUE, window size is always 2*delta+1

  • linkClass [string]

    Name of CSS class used for link styling.

  • urlVar [string]

    Name of URL var used to indicate the page number. Default value is "pageID".

  • path [string]

    Complete path to the page (without the page name).

  • fileName [string]

    name of the page, with a "%d" if append == TRUE.

  • append [boolean]

    If TRUE pageID is appended as GET value to the URL. If FALSE it is embedded in the URL according to fileName specs.

  • altPrev [string]

    Alt text to display for prev page, on prev link. Default value is "previous page";

  • altNext [string]

    Alt text to display for next page, on next link. Default value is "next page";

  • altPage [string]

    Alt text to display before the page number. Default value is "page ".

  • prevImg [string]

    Something to display instead of "<<". It can be text such as "<< PREV" or an <img/> as well.

  • nextImg [string]

    Something to display instead of ">>". It can be text such as "NEXT >>" or an <img/> as well.

  • separator [string]

    What to use to separate numbers. It can be an <img/>, a comma, an hyphen, or whatever.

  • spacesBeforeSeparator [integer]

    Number of spaces before the separator.

  • spacesAfterSeparator [integer]

    Number of spaces after the separator.

  • firstPagePre [string]

    String used before first page number. It can be an <img/>, a "{", an empty string, or whatever.

  • firstPagePost [string]

    String used after first page number. It can be an <img/>, a "}", an empty string, or whatever.

  • lastPagePre [string]

    Similar to firstPagePre, but used for last page number.

  • lastPagePost [string]

    Similar to firstPagePost, but used for last page number.

  • curPageLinkClassName [string]

    Name of CSS class used for current page link.

  • lastPagePost [boolean]

    if there's only one page, don't display pager (returns an empty string).

REQUIRED options are:

  • fileName IF append==FALSE (default is TRUE)

  • itemData OR totalItems (if itemData is set, totalItems is overwritten)

Возвращаемое значение

object - a specific Pager_Sliding instance or a PEAR_Error object, if fails

Глава 43. HTTP

Предоставляет Пакеты для работы с Протоколом Передачи ГиперТекста.


HTTP::Date -- format a date
HTTP::head -- sends a "HEAD" command
HTTP::negotiateLanguage -- Negotiate language with the user's browser
HTTP::redirect -- redirects the client

Provides a set of usefull, static functions related to the Hyper-Text-Transfer-Protocol.


HTTP::Date -- format a date


Converts a UNIX timestamp into an RFC compliant HTTP header line. This function honors the "y2k_compliance" php.ini directive.


  • integer $time - a UNIX timestamp

Возвращаемое значение

string - a RFC compliant date header line


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTTP::head -- sends a "HEAD" command


Sends a "HEAD" HTTP command to a server and returns the headers in an associative array.


  • string $url - a valid absolute URL

Возвращаемое значение

array - an array containing the header lines or a PEAR_Error.

Example output:
    [response_code] => 200
    [response] => HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    [Date] => Tue, 25 Nov 2003 22:08:57 GMT
    [Server] => Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux)
    [Last-Modified] => Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:11:55 GMT
    [ETag] => "3f80f-1b6-3e1cb03b"
    [Accept-Ranges] => bytes
    [Content-Length] => 438
    [Connection] => close
    [Content-Type] => text/html


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


HTTP::negotiateLanguage -- Negotiate language with the user's browser


Negotiate language with the user's browser through the Accept-Language HTTP header or the user's host address. Language codes are generally in the form "ll" for a language spoken in only one country, or "ll-CC" for a language spoken in a particular country. For example, U.S. English is "en-US", while British English is "en-UK". Portugese as spoken in Portugal is "pt-PT", while Brazilian Portugese is "pt-BR". Two-letter country codes can be found in the ISO 3166 standard.

Quantities in the Accept-Language: header are supported, for example:
Accept-Language: en-UK;q=0.7, en-US;q=0.6, no;q=1.0, dk;q=0.8


This example negotiates with the user agent if any of the languages, which are specified in supported, are supported on the user's system. If the negotiation has a positive result, the language code of the most preferred language is printed. Otherwise the default language code (en-US) is printed.

Being able to perform language negotiation is a big help when developing internationalized website with pages, that are available in more than one language. Using negotiation, the user will always get pages in the language which he prefers. (Assuming that their user agent is configured properly.)


  • array $supported - an associative array indexed by language codes (country codes) supported by the application. Values must evaluate to TRUE.

  • string $default - the default language that should be used if none of the other languages are found during negotiation.

Возвращаемое значение

string - a language code


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

The returned language is only a hint! Sending the accepted languages by the client is optional. The language settings of the browser do not have to meet the user's native language - for example a german traveller in a spanish internet cafe. You can improve your result by combining it with the result of the Net_Geo package. Apart from that, you should still give the user the chance to manually choose their preferred language menu.


HTTP::redirect -- redirects the client


This function redirects the client. This is done by issuing a Location: header and exiting.


  • string $url - the new URL, where to client should be redirected to.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

Avoid sending any kind of data to the client before calling redirect().

The location header requires an absolute URL. If not given, redirect() tries to build one from $url. So if the redirect fails, set the absolute URL manually as argument.


Class Summary HTTP_Client -- A simple HTTP client class.
constructor HTTP_Client::HTTP_Client() -- Constructor
HTTP_Client::attach() -- Adds a Listener to the list of listeners that are notified of the object's events
HTTP_Client::currentResponse() -- Returns the most recent HTTP response
HTTP_Client::detach() -- Removes a Listener from the list of listeners
HTTP_Client::get() -- Sends a 'GET' HTTP request
HTTP_Client::head() -- Sends a 'HEAD' HTTP request
HTTP_Client::post() -- Sends a 'POST' HTTP request
HTTP_Client::reset() -- Clears object's internal properties
HTTP_Client::setDefaultHeader() -- Sets default header(s) for HTTP requests
HTTP_Client::setMaxRedirects() -- Sets the maximum number of redirects that will be processed.
HTTP_Client::setRequestParameter() -- Sets parameter(s) for HTTP requests
Class Summary HTTP_Client_CookieManager -- Stores cookies and passes them between HTTP requests.
constructor HTTP_Client_CookieManager::HTTP_Client_CookieManager() -- Constructor
HTTP_Client_CookieManager::addCookie() -- Explicitly adds cookie to the list
HTTP_Client_CookieManager::passCookies() -- Adds cookies to the request
HTTP_Client_CookieManager::reset() -- Clears the cookies list
HTTP_Client_CookieManager::updateCookies() -- Updates cookie list from HTTP server response

Class Summary HTTP_Client

Class Summary HTTP_Client -- A simple HTTP client class.


A simple HTTP client class. The class wraps around HTTP_Request providing a higher-level API for performing multiple HTTP requests. It handles HTTP redirects, stores cookies and sets referrers between requests.

Class Trees for HTTP_Client

  • HTTP_Client

constructor HTTP_Client::HTTP_Client()

constructor HTTP_Client::HTTP_Client() -- Constructor


Sets default request parameters and default headers.


array $defaultRequestParams

Parameters to pass to HTTP_Request's constructor

array $defaultHeaders

Default headers to send on every request


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client::attach() -- Adds a Listener to the list of listeners that are notified of the object's events


The attached Listeners are notified of the following events:


sent before a HTTP request that is not a result of previous redirect.


sent upon receiving a successfull 2xx response (or 3xx response, if it is not a redirect or if redirect processing is disabled).


sent when a 3xx redirection response is received, before following a redirect


sent on 4xx, 5xx response

If $propagate is TRUE the Listener will be attached to the created HTTP_Request objects and will be notified of their events as well.


object HTTP_Request_Listener &$listener

Listener instance to attach

boolean $propagate

Whether the listener should be attached to the created HTTP_Request objects

Возвращаемое значение

returns whether the listener was successfully attached


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see detach()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client::currentResponse() -- Returns the most recent HTTP response


The returned array has the following keys: 'code', 'headers', 'body'.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client::detach() -- Removes a Listener from the list of listeners


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


object HTTP_Request_Listener &$listener

Listener instance to detach

Возвращаемое значение

returns whether the listener was successfully detached


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see attach()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client::get() -- Sends a 'GET' HTTP request


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $url


mixed $data

additional data to send

boolean $preEncoded

Whether the data is already urlencoded

Возвращаемое значение

returns HTTP response code


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client::head() -- Sends a 'HEAD' HTTP request


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $url


Возвращаемое значение

returns HTTP response code


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client::post() -- Sends a 'POST' HTTP request


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $url


mixed $data

Data to send

boolean $preEncoded

Whether the data is already urlencoded

array $files

Files to upload. Elements of the array should have the form: array(name, filename(s)[, content type]), see HTTP_Request::addFile()

Возвращаемое значение

returns HTTP response code


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client::reset() -- Clears object's internal properties


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client::setDefaultHeader() -- Sets default header(s) for HTTP requests


These are standard HTTP headers that will be sent by all created HTTP_Request objects.


mixed $name

header name or array ('header name' => 'header value')

string $value

header value if $name is not an array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client::setMaxRedirects() -- Sets the maximum number of redirects that will be processed.


Setting this value to 0 disables redirect processing. If it is not 0 and the number of redirects after a request is bigger than this number, then an error will be raised.


integer $value

Max number of redirects to process


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client::setRequestParameter() -- Sets parameter(s) for HTTP requests


These parameters will be passed to constructors of created HTTP_Request instances.


mixed $name

parameter name or array ('parameter name' => 'parameter value')

string $value

parameter value if $name is not an array


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary HTTP_Client_CookieManager

Class Summary HTTP_Client_CookieManager -- Stores cookies and passes them between HTTP requests.


Stores cookies and passes them between HTTP requests. While this class is a part of HTTP_Client package, it can be used separately.

Class Trees for HTTP_Client_CookieManager

  • HTTP_Client_CookieManager

constructor HTTP_Client_CookieManager::HTTP_Client_CookieManager()

constructor HTTP_Client_CookieManager::HTTP_Client_CookieManager() -- Constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client_CookieManager::addCookie() -- Explicitly adds cookie to the list


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


array $cookie

An array representing cookie, this function expects all of the array's fields ('name', 'value', 'domain', 'path', 'expires', 'secure') to be set.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client_CookieManager::passCookies() -- Adds cookies to the request


The method sends only the cookies that should be sent with the request and it adds them in right order.


object HTTP_Request &$request

HTTP_Request object


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see updateCookies(), addCookie()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client_CookieManager::reset() -- Clears the cookies list


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Client_CookieManager::updateCookies() -- Updates cookie list from HTTP server response


This method gets the cookies from HTTP response received by HTTP_Request instance and adds them to the object's internal list.


object HTTP_Request &$request

HTTP_Request object containing the HTTP response, i.e. its sendRequest() should already be called.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see passCookies(), addCookie()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Intro --  Introduction in usage of HTTP_Download
HTTP_Download::HTTP_Download() -- Constructor
HTTP_Download::setParams() -- Set various parameters
HTTP_Download::setFile() --  Set file path
HTTP_Download::setData() -- Set raw data
HTTP_Download::setResource() -- Set resource for download
HTTP_Download::setGzip() --  Whether to gzip the download on the fly or not. (requires ext/zlib)
HTTP_Download::setCache() --  Whether to allow caching of the download on the clients side.
HTTP_Download::setCacheControl() --  Control cache privacy and validity.
HTTP_Download::setBufferSize() --  Set size of buffer in bytes.
HTTP_Download::setThrottleDelay() --  Set throttle delay in seconds
HTTP_Download::setContentType() --  Set content type
HTTP_Download::setLastModified() --  Set "Last-Modified"
HTTP_Download::setContentDisposition() --  Set content disposition
HTTP_Download::guessContentType() -- Guess content type of file
HTTP_Download::send() -- Send file
HTTP_Download::staticSend() --  Static send
HTTP_Download::sendArchive() --  Send an archive created on the fly

Send HTTP Downloads


Intro --  Introduction in usage of HTTP_Download


HTTP_Download provides an interface to easily send any arbitrary data to HTTP clients. HTTP_Download can gain its data from variables, files or stream resources.

With this package you can easily handle (hidden) downloads. Hidden means not accessible by the public - for instance if you want to restrict access to particular downloads.

It supports HTTP compression, caching and partial downloads, resuming and sending raw data, for example from database BLOBs.

ATTENTION: You shouldn't use this package together with ob_gzhandler or zlib.output_compression enabled in your php.ini, especially if you want to send already gzipped data!


HTTP_Download::HTTP_Download() -- Constructor


Creates an instance of an HTTP_Download object and sets supplied parameters.


  • array $params - An associative array of parameters:

    • one of:

      • $params['file'] - filepath

      • $params['data'] - raw data

      • $params['resource'] - resource handle

    • and any of:

      • $params['gzip'] - whether to gzip the download

      • $params['cache'] - whether to allow client side caching of the download

      • $params['lastmodified'] - unix timestamp of last modification

      • $params['contenttype'] - content type

      • $params['contentdisposition'] - content disposition

      • $params['buffersize'] - amount of bytes read at once from files or resources

      • $params['throttledelay'] - amount of seconds to sleep after each chunk that has been sent

      • $params['cachecontrol'] - cache privacy and validity


HTTP_Download::setParams() -- Set various parameters


Set the parameters for the download.

You can use this method as an alternative to passing the parameters in the constructor or calling the setter of each parameter.


  • array $params - An associative array of parameters:

    • one of:

      • $params['file'] - filepath

      • $params['data'] - raw data

      • $params['resource'] - resource handle

    • and any of:

      • $params['gzip'] - whether to gzip the download

      • $params['cache'] - whether to allow client side caching of the download

      • $params['lastmodified'] - unix timestamp of last modification

      • $params['contenttype'] - content type

      • $params['contentdisposition'] - content disposition

      • $params['buffersize'] - amount of bytes read at once from files or resources

      • $params['throttledelay'] - amount of seconds to sleep after each chunk that has been sent

      • $params['cachecontrol'] - cache privacy and validity

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setFile() --  Set file path


Set the path to the file for the download.


  • string $file - file path

  • bool [$send_404 = true] - whether to send "HTTP 404 File Not Found", if file couldn't be found

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setData() -- Set raw data


Set $data to null if you want to unset.

Otherwise you can send any arbitrary data ie. from a database BLOB.


  • mixed [$data = null] - any arbietrary data as string to send or null to unset


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setResource() -- Set resource for download


Set the resource handle to retrieve the data for the download.

The resource handle supplied will be closed after sending the download.

Set $handle to null if you want to unset.

Замечание: This cannot be used with resources of databases that populate their BLOBs as resource handles like PostgreSQL. A possible solution would be to write a stream wrapper.

Returns a PEAR_Error if $handle is no valid resource or not null.


  • mixed [$handle = null] - (int) resource handle or null

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setGzip() --  Whether to gzip the download on the fly or not. (requires ext/zlib)


Define whether you want to send the download gzipped or not.

Returns a PEAR_Error if ext/zlib is not available.


  • bool [$gzip = false] - whether to gzip the download on the fly

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setCache() --  Whether to allow caching of the download on the clients side.


Define whether you want to allow caching of the download on the clients side.

If set to true (default), HTTP_Download will emit some caching headers like Cache-Control, Last-Modified and ETag.


  • bool [$cache = true] - whether to allow caching of the download


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setCacheControl() --  Control cache privacy and validity.


Define the contents of the Cache-Control header.

If set to set to "public", proxies are adviced to cache the response, if set to "private", proxies are adviced to do not.

The maxage paramter controls the amount of seconds an entity is suggested to be cached. Many user agents won't even send a request for subsequent requests to the same resource within the specified time frame.


  • string [$cache = "public"] - whether to allow proxy caching

  • int [$maxage = 0] - maximum age of the cached entity


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setBufferSize() --  Set size of buffer in bytes.


The amount of bytes specified as buffer size is the maximum amount of data read at once from resources or files. The default size is 2M (2097152 bytes).

Be aware that if you enable gzip compression and you set a very low buffer size that the actual file size may grow due to added gzip headers for each sent chunk of the specified size.

Returns PEAR_Error (HTTP_DOWNLOAD_E_INVALID_PARAM) if $size is not greater than 0 bytes.


  • int [$size = 2097152] - amount of bytes to buffer

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setThrottleDelay() --  Set throttle delay in seconds


Set the amount of seconds to sleep after each chunck that has been sent. One can implement some sort of throttle through adjusting the buffer size and the throttle delay. With a setting of buffersize=25600 and throttledelay=1 HTTP_Download will sleep a second after each 25 K of data sent.

Just be aware that if gzip'ing is enabled, decreasing the chunk size too much leads to proportionally increased network traffic due to added gzip header and bottom bytes around each chunk.


  • float [$seconds = 0] - amount of seconds to sleep

Возвращаемое значение

Returns void.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setContentType() --  Set content type


Set a reasonable content type for the download.


  • application/pdf

  • application/zip

  • text/css

Returns PEAR_Error if $content_type doesn't seem to be valid.


  • string [$content_type = 'application/x-octetstream'] - a reasonable content type

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setLastModified() --  Set "Last-Modified"


Set the time (unix timestamp) of last modification of the download.

This is usually determined by filemtime($file) in setFile().


  • int $last_modified - unix timestamp of last modification time


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::setContentDisposition() --  Set content disposition


Set content disposition of the download.

"Content-Disposition" is not HTTP compliant, but most browsers follow this header, so it was borrowed from MIME standard. It looks like this: "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=example.tgz".


  • string [$disposition = HTTP_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT] - the disposition of the download (either 'attachment' or 'inline')

  • string [$file_name = null] - the file name the browser's download window should show


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::guessContentType() -- Guess content type of file


Use only if you send a file.

First we try to use MIME_Type, if installed, to detect the content type, else we check if ext/mime_magic is loaded and properly configured.

Returns PEAR_Error if:

MIME_Type failed to detect a proper content type (HTTP_DOWNLOAD_E_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE)
ext/magic.mime is not installed, or not properly configured (HTTP_DOWNLOAD_E_NO_EXT_MMAGIC)
mime_content_type() couldn't guess content type or returned a content type considered to be bogus by setContentType() (HTTP_DOWNLOAD_E_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE)

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::send() -- Send file


Send the download.

Returns PEAR_Error if:

  • HTTP headers were already sent

  • HTTP Range was invalid


  • bool [$autoSetContentDisposition = true] - automatically sets the Content-Disposition to HTTP_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT header if not already set

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::staticSend() --  Static send


Send a download statically without instantiating an HTTP_Download object.


  • array $params - An associative array of parameters:

    • one of:

      • $params['file'] - filepath

      • $params['data'] - raw data

      • $params['resource'] - resource handle

    • and any of:

      • $params['gzip'] - whether to gzip the download

      • $params['cache'] - whether to allow client side caching of the download

      • $params['lastmodified'] - unix timestamp of last modification

      • $params['contenttype'] - content type

      • $params['contentdisposition'] - content disposition

      • $params['buffersize'] - amount of bytes read at once from files or resources

      • $params['throttledelay'] - amount of seconds to sleep after each chunk that has been sent

  • bool [$guess = false] - whether to call guessContentType()

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


HTTP_Download::sendArchive() --  Send an archive created on the fly


Send an archive created on the fly by Archive_Tar or Archive_Zip.

The parameter $files can be an array of files/directories or a space separated string of files/directories which should be packed to an archive.


Замечание: The usage of this method is deprecated. Use HTTP_Download_Archive::send() instead.


  • string $name - the name the archive should have

  • mixed $files - list of files/directories

  • string [$type = HTTP_DOWNLOAD_TGZ] - the format of the archive (TAR, TGZ, BZ2 or ZIP)

  • string [$add_path = ''] - path that should be prepended to the files

  • string [$strip_path = ''] - path that should be stripped from the files

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


Introduction --  Introduction to HTTP_Request
Basic Authentication --  Authentication for protected websites
Cookies --  Making use of Cookies within HTTP_Request.
File uploads --  Uploading files via HTTP
Request headers --  Adding additional headers to the HTTP request.
Proxy Authorization --  Making use of a HTTP proxy
Response Evaluation --  Evaluating the information from a HTTP response
HTTP_Request_Listener --  attaching listeners to HTTP_Request operations

The package provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests. It supports GET/POST/HEAD/TRACE/PUT/DELETE, Basic authentication, Proxy, Proxy Authentication, SSL, file uploads etc.


Introduction --  Introduction to HTTP_Request


With this package, one can easily perform HTTP request from within PHP scripts. It support GET/POST/HEAD/TRACE/PUT/DELETE, Basic authentication, Proxy, Proxy Authentication, SSL, file uploads etc.

Because of the above mentioned features HTTP_Request makes it possible to mimic big parts of web browsers such as the widely-known Mozilla browser in PHP applications. Possible application areas are:

  • Checking the validity of WWW links with the help of getResponseCode().

  • Grabbing remote web pages and parsing the result.

  • etc.

Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication --  Authentication for protected websites

Introduction to Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication is a challenge-response mechanism described in RFC 2617.


Cookies --  Making use of Cookies within HTTP_Request.

File uploads

File uploads --  Uploading files via HTTP

Request headers

Request headers --  Adding additional headers to the HTTP request.

Proxy Authorization

Proxy Authorization --  Making use of a HTTP proxy

Response Evaluation

Response Evaluation --  Evaluating the information from a HTTP response


Because HTTP is a protocol based on the Request - Response scheme, every HTTP request is followed by a HTTP response. HTTP_Request offers several methods to evaluate the information from these responses.

Response Codes

A important part of the HTTP response is the response code. The most well-known response code probably is 404, which you may have seen in your browser at several occasions. The meaning of 404 is that the requested ressource could not be found. A complete list of status codes can be found in RFC 2616.

Response Cookies

Fetching the cookies that are part of the HTTP response is described in the Cookies section.


HTTP_Request_Listener --  attaching listeners to HTTP_Request operations

Introduction to HTTP_Request_Listener

HTTP_Request_Listener is an abstract class that can be extended to capture events and respond to them as they occur. Included with HTTP_Request is an example of a console-based progress bar. To implement this, the HTTP_Request_DownloadListener class is used, which uses the Console_ProgressBar package to display a download progress meter.

Example usage of HTTP_Request_Listener

In order to use a listener, it must attach to the specific HTTP_Request or HTTP_Response object that you want to monitor. The attach code is shown at the bottom of the example. As you can see, the event listener is propagated from the HTTP_Request object to any child HTTP_Response objects, and attaching only need happen to the first HTTP_Request object.

Пример 43-1. Download progress bar with HTTP_Request_Listener

 * An example of Listener usage with HTTP_Request. This downloads and saves 
 * the file displaying the progress bar in the process.
 * Note two things:
 * 1) The file should be run in console, not in browser;
 * 2) You should turn output buffering OFF for this to work properly.

require_once 'HTTP/Request.php';
require_once 'HTTP/Request/Listener.php';
require_once 'Console/ProgressBar.php';



class HTTP_Request_DownloadListener extends HTTP_Request_Listener
    * Handle for the target file
    * @var int
    var $_fp;

    * Console_ProgressBar intance used to display the indicator
    * @var object
    var $_bar;

    * Name of the target file
    * @var string
    var $_target;

    * Number of bytes received so far
    * @var int
    var $_size = 0;

    function HTTP_Request_DownloadListener()

    * Opens the target file
    * @param string Target file name
    * @throws PEAR_Error
    function setTarget($target)
        $this->_target = $target;
        $this->_fp = @fopen($target, 'wb');
        if (!$this->_fp) {
            PEAR::raiseError("Cannot open '{$target}'");

    function update(&$subject, $event, $data = null)
        switch ($event) {
            case 'sentRequest': 
                $this->_target = basename($subject->_url->path);

            case 'gotHeaders':
                if (isset($data['content-disposition']) &&
                    preg_match('/filename="([^"]+)"/', $data['content-disposition'], $matches)) {

                } else {
                $this->_bar =& new Console_ProgressBar(
                    '* ' . $this->_target . ' %fraction% KB [%bar%] %percent%', '=>', '-', 
                    79, (isset($data['content-length'])? round($data['content-length'] / 1024): 100)
                $this->_size = 0;

            case 'tick':
                $this->_size += strlen($data);
                $this->_bar->update(round($this->_size / 1024));
                fwrite($this->_fp, $data);

            case 'gotBody':

                PEAR::raiseError("Unhandled event '{$event}'");
        } // switch

// Try using any other package if you like, but choose the bigger ones
// to be able to see the progress bar
$url = '';

$req =& new HTTP_Request($url);

$download =& new HTTP_Request_DownloadListener();

Events that can be caught

The HTTP_Request class sends these events:

  • connect - upon server connection, this event is sent

  • sentRequest - after the request was sent, this event is sent

  • disconnect - after server disconnect, this event is sent

The HTTP_Response class sends these events:

  • gotHeaders - this event is sent after receiving response headers (headers are passed in $data as an associative array)

  • tick - this event is sent on receiving a part of response body (the part is passed in $data as a string)

  • gzTick - this event is sent on receiving a part of response body that is gzip-compressed (the part is passed in $data as a string)

  • gotBody - this event is sent on after receiving the complete response body (the decoded body is passed as a string in $data if it was gzipped)

Глава 44. Изображения

Предоставляет пакеты для работы с изображениями.

Глава 45. Internationalization

Provides packages for internationalization and localization.


Class Summary I18Nv2 -- I18Nv2 - Internationalization v2
Intro -- Introduction to I18Nv2
Examples -- Usage example for I18Nv2
I18Nv2 Constants -- Constants defined in and used by I18Nv2
I18Nv2::setLocale() -- Set locale
I18Nv2::lastLocale() -- Get current/prior locale
I18Nv2::getInfo() -- Get several locale specific information
I18Nv2::autoConv() -- Automatically transform output between character sets
I18Nv2::createLocale() -- Create an I18Nv2_Locale object
I18Nv2::createNegotiator() -- Create an I18Nv2_Negotiator object
I18Nv2::langs2locales() -- Transform languages to locales
I18Nv2::locales2langs() -- Transform locales to languages
Class Summary I18Nv2_Locale -- I18Nv2_Locale
I18Nv2_Locale::I18Nv2_Locale() -- Constructor
I18Nv2_Locale::initialize() -- Initialize
I18Nv2_Locale::loadExtension() -- Loads corresponding locale extension
I18Nv2_Locale::setLocale() -- Set locale
I18Nv2_Locale::setDefaults() -- Set defaults
I18Nv2_Locale::setCustomFormat() -- Set custom format
I18Nv2_Locale::setCurrencyFormat() -- Set currency format
I18Nv2_Locale::setDateFormat() -- Set date format
I18Nv2_Locale::setNumberFormat() -- Set number format
I18Nv2_Locale::setTimeFormat() -- Set time format
I18Nv2_Locale::formatDate() -- Format a date
I18Nv2_Locale::formatTime() -- Format a time
I18Nv2_Locale::formatNumber() -- Format a number
I18Nv2_Locale::formatCurrency() -- Format currency
I18Nv2_Locale::date() -- Get local date
I18Nv2_Locale::time() -- Get local time
I18Nv2_Locale::dayName() -- Get local day name
I18Nv2_Locale::monthName() -- Get local month name
Class Summary I18Nv2_Negotiator -- I18Nv2_Negotiator
I18Nv2_Negotiator::I18Nv2_Negotiator() -- Constructor
I18Nv2_Negotiator::getCharsetMatch() -- Get character set match
I18Nv2_Negotiator::getCountryMatch() -- Get country match
I18Nv2_Negotiator::getLanguageMatch() -- Get language match
I18Nv2_Negotiator::getLocaleMatch() -- Get locale match
I18Nv2_Negotiator::getVariantInfo() -- Return variant info for passed parameter.
I18Nv2_Negotiator::singleI18NCountry() -- Create the Country helper object
I18Nv2_Negotiator::singleI18NLanguage() -- Create the Language helper object
Class Summary I18Nv2_Country -- I18Nv2_Country
I18Nv2_Country::I18Nv2_Country() -- Constructor
I18Nv2_Country::getAllCodes() -- Get all codes
I18Nv2_Country::getName() -- Get country name
I18Nv2_Country::isValidCode() -- Check if country code is valid
Class Summary I18Nv2_Language -- I18Nv2_Language
I18Nv2_Language::I18Nv2_Language() -- Constructor
I18Nv2_Language::getAllCodes() -- Get all codes
I18Nv2_Language::getName() -- Return name of the language for language code
I18Nv2_Language::isValidCode() -- Check if language code is valid

Class Summary I18Nv2

Class Summary I18Nv2 -- I18Nv2 - Internationalization v2

I18Nv2 - Internationalization v2

The static I18Nv2 class currently provides routines for unified (ment as OS independent) locale setting, retrieving locale specific information like the "thousands separator" and automatic characterset conversion for output.


This documentation is outdated and needs an overhaul.


Intro -- Introduction to I18Nv2


The work on I18Nv2 has actually started as a refactoring of I18N, but after some time I figured out that too many BC breaking changes were applied, so the release of a new major version was suggested.

Differences to I18N

I18N was modeled after Java OO practice and it provides a bunch of classes for each formatting action (numbers, currencies, dates).

I18Nv2 takes another approach and provides all formatting functionality within one class, which is I18Nv2_Locale.

I18Nv2_Locale is based upon PHPs builtin functionality of setlocale() , localeconv () and iconv related functions, while I18N completely depends on user contributed formatting rules.

I wouldn't say I18Nv2's approach is the better one, because it depends on the internationalization capabilities of the underlying operating system, but it's simpler and faster - though it is in need of user contributed date and time formatting rules.

I18N's translation functionality was dropped in favour of the new and shiny Translation2.

I18Nv2 still provides an HTTP negotiator to reveal the users preferred language/locale and charset.

I18Nv2 has translated lists of ISO country and language names for about 50 different languages. See I18Nv2_Country and I18Nv2_Language.


Examples -- Usage example for I18Nv2

API Documentation

Please see PEARs API Documentation for details on the API provided by I18Nv2.

Setting a locale

Because Un*x and Windows use different locale codes, PHPs setLocale() is not easily portable - I18Nv2::setLocale() attempts to provide this portability.

With I18Nv2 you can use standard locale codes like 'en_US' on both, Linux and Windows, though the list is far not complete yet, so if you stumble over a not covered locale (I18Nv2::$locales in I18Nv2::_main()), just drop a mail to the maintainer with the missing locale and its corresponding Win32 code.

I18Nv2 Constants

I18Nv2 Constants -- Constants defined in and used by I18Nv2


I18Nv2::setLocale()  -- Set locale


string $locale

a valid locale like en_US or de_DE

integer $cat

the locale category - usually LC_ALL

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string used system locale or false on failure.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2::lastLocale()  -- Get current/prior locale


Retrieve kinda history of locales that have been already set.

This only works, if I18Nv2::setLocale() has already been called.


integer $prior

if 0, the current otherwise n prior to the current locale

boolean $full

whether to return the array with locale, language and actually used system locale

Возвращаемое значение

Returns mixed prior locale.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.

См. также

See also I18Nv2::setLocale().


I18Nv2::getInfo()  -- Get several locale specific information


Get several locale specific information like thousands separator. The provided information debends on the local libc implementation and thus is not always reliable - especially on Microsoft Windows.



specific part of locale information

Возвращаемое значение

Returns mixed locale specific information or array all available locale specific information if called without parameter.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.

См. также

See also I18Nv2::setLocale(), PHPs localeconv().


I18Nv2::autoConv()  -- Automatically transform output between character sets


This method utilizes ob_iconv_handler(), so you should call it at the beginning of your script (prior to any output).

1   require_once 'I18Nv2.php';
2   I18Nv2::autoConv('iso-8859-1', 'utf-8');
3   // ...


string $ocs

desired output character set

string $ics

current intput character set

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.

Returns PEAR_Error if output buffering couldn't be started.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.

См. также

See also PHPs ob_iconv_handler().


I18Nv2::createLocale()  -- Create an I18Nv2_Locale object


require_once 'I18Nv2.php';

object I18Nv2_Locale &I18Nv2::createLocale ([string $locale = NULL])


Create a new I18Nv2_Locale object with the specified locale.


string $locale

a locale like en_US or de_DE

Возвращаемое значение

Returns new object I18Nv2_Locale.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.

См. также

See also I18Nv2_Locale.


I18Nv2::createNegotiator()  -- Create an I18Nv2_Negotiator object


require_once 'I18Nv2.php';

object I18Nv2_Negotiator &I18Nv2::createNegotiator ([string $defLang = 'en' [, string $defCharset = 'iso-8859-1']])


Create a new I18Nv2_Negotiator object with the specified default language and default character set.


string $defLang

default language

string $defCharset

default character set

Возвращаемое значение

Returns new object I18Nv2_Negotiator.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.

См. также

See also I18Nv2_Negotiator.


I18Nv2::langs2locales()  -- Transform languages to locales


Transforms language codes like en-US and de-DE to locale codes like en_US and de_DE.


array $languages

array of language codes

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array transformed language codes as locale codes.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.

См. также

See also I18Nv2::locales2langs().


I18Nv2::locales2langs()  -- Transform locales to languages


Transforms locale codes like en_US and de_DE to language codes like en-US and de-DE.


array $locales

array of locale codes

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array transformed loclae codes as language codes.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.

См. также

See also I18Nv2::langs2locales().

Class Summary I18Nv2_Locale

Class Summary I18Nv2_Locale -- I18Nv2_Locale


Represents a specific locale and provides routines for formatting date and time, numbers and currency.


I18Nv2_Locale::I18Nv2_Locale() -- Constructor


Instantiate a new I18Nv2_Locale object with the specified locale.


string $locale

the desired locale like en_US or de_DE

Возвращаемое значение

Returns new object I18Nv2_Locale.


I18Nv2_Locale::initialize()  -- Initialize


Initializes the I18Nv2_Locale object.

This method gets aumatically called by the constructor.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::loadExtension()  -- Loads corresponding locale extension


Load available locale extensions.

This method gets called autmatically by the constructor.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::setLocale()  -- Set locale


Transforms the I18Nv2_Locale object to the specified locale.


string $locale

the locale like en_US or de_DE

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.

Returns a PEAR_Error if the supplied locale was invalid.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::setDefaults()  -- Set defaults


Reset used formats to the default values.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::setCustomFormat()  -- Set custom format


Set a custom format.

If $format is omitted, the custom format for $type will be discarded - if both vars are omitted all custom formats will be discarded.


mixed $type

the I18Nv2 format category for which to set the custom format

mixed $format

the custom format

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::setCurrencyFormat()  -- Set currency format


Set the currency format to use.

Either I18Nv2_CURRENCY_LOCAL, I18Nv2_CURRENCY_INTERNATIONAL or a custom currency format.


integer $format

a I18Nv2_CURRENCY constant

boolean $custom

whether to use a defined custom format

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::setDateFormat()  -- Set date format


Set the date format to use.

Either a I18Nv2_DATETIME constant or a custom date format.


integer $format

a I18Nv2_DATETIME constant

boolean $custom

whether to use a defined custom format

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::setNumberFormat()  -- Set number format


Set the number format to use.

Either a I18Nv2_NUMBER constant or a custom number format.


integer $format

a I18Nv2_NUMBER constant

boolean $custom

whether to use a defined custom format

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::setTimeFormat()  -- Set time format


Set a time format to use.

Either a I18Nv2_DATETIME constant or a custom time format.


integer $format

a I18Nv2_DATETIME constant

boolean $custom

whether to use a defined custom format

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::formatDate()  -- Format a date


Format a date corresponding to the current locale.


integer $timestamp

timestamp which should be formatted

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string formatted date.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::formatTime()  -- Format a time


Format a time corresponding to the current locale.


integer $timestamp

timestamp which should be formatted

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string formatted time.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::formatNumber()  -- Format a number


Format a number corresponding to the current locale.


numeric $value

numeric value which should be formatted

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string formatted number.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::formatCurrency()  -- Format currency


Format a currecy value corresponding to the current locale.


numeric $value

numeric value which should be formatted

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string formatted currency value.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::date()  -- Get local date


Get the local date as returned by strftime('%x').


integer $timestamp

timestamp which should be formatted

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string local date.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::time()  -- Get local time


Get the local textual representation of a time as returned by strftime('%X').


integer $timestamp

timestamp which should be formatted

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string formatted time.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::dayName()  -- Get local day name


Get the local textual representation of a weekday.


integer $weekday

numerical representation of weekday (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, ...)

boolean $short

whether to return the abbreviation

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string name of weekday on success or PEAR_Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Locale::monthName()  -- Get local month name


Get the local textual representation of a month.


integer $month

numerical representation of month (0 = January, 1 = February, ...)

boolean $short

whether to return the abbreviation

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string name of month on success or PEAR_Error on failure.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary I18Nv2_Negotiator

Class Summary I18Nv2_Negotiator -- I18Nv2_Negotiator


Provides basic negotiation of user preferred locale, language and characterset.


I18Nv2_Negotiator::I18Nv2_Negotiator() -- Constructor


require_once 'I18N/Negotiator.php';

object I18Nv2_Negotiator I18Nv2_Negotiator::I18Nv2_Negotiator ([string $defaultLanguage = 'en' [, string $defaultCharset = 'iso-8859-1' [, string $defaultCountry = '']]])


Find language code, country code, charset code, and dialect or variant of locale setting in HTTP request headers.


string $defaultLanguage

default language

string $defaultCharset

default character set

string $defaultCountry

default country

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object I18Nv2_Negotiator.


I18Nv2_Negotiator::getCharsetMatch() -- Get character set match


Get a matching character set.


array $charsets

array of character sets

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string matched character set.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Negotiator::getCountryMatch()  -- Get country match


Get a matching country code.


string $lang

language code

array $countries

array of country codes

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string matching country.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Negotiator::getLanguageMatch()  -- Get language match


Get a matching language code.


array $langs

array of language codes

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string matching language code.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Negotiator::getLocaleMatch()  -- Get locale match


Get a matching locale code.

This method is a combination of I18Nv2::getLanguageMatch() and I18Nv2::getCountryMatch()


array $langs

array of language codes

array $countries

array of country codes

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string matching locale code.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Negotiator::getVariantInfo() -- Return variant info for passed parameter.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $lang


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Negotiator::singleI18NCountry()  -- Create the Country helper object


Singleton for I18Nv2_Country.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object I18Nv2_Country.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Negotiator::singleI18NLanguage()  -- Create the Language helper object


Singleton for I18Nv2_Language.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object I18Nv2_Language.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary I18Nv2_Country

Class Summary I18Nv2_Country -- I18Nv2_Country


List of two letter country code to country name mapping.


I18Nv2_Country::I18Nv2_Country() -- Constructor


Instantiate a new I18Nv2_Country object.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns object I18Nv2_Country.


I18Nv2_Country::getAllCodes()  -- Get all codes


Get all country codes as associative array indexed by their two letter codes.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array all country codes.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Country::getName()  -- Get country name


Get the corresponding country name of the supplied two letter country code.


string $code

two letter country code

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string country name.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Country::isValidCode()  -- Check if country code is valid


Check if the supplied two letter country code is valid.


string $code

two letter country code

Возвращаемое значение

Returns boolean whether the two letter country code is valid.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary I18Nv2_Language

Class Summary I18Nv2_Language -- I18Nv2_Language


List of ISO-639-1 two letter resp. ISO-639-2 three letter language code to language name mapping.


I18Nv2_Language::I18Nv2_Language() -- Constructor


require_once 'I18Nv2/Language.php';

object object I18Nv2_Language I18Nv2_Language::I18Nv2_Language ([bool $threeLetters = FALSE])


Instantiate a new I18Nv2_Language object.


boolean $threeLetters

whether to use ISO-639-2 three letters or ISO-639-1 two letters language code format.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns new object I18Nv2_Language object.


I18Nv2_Language::getAllCodes()  -- Get all codes


Get all language codes as associative array indexed by their two/three letter codes.

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array all language codes.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Language::getName()  -- Return name of the language for language code


Get the language name for the two/three letter language code.


string $code

two/three letter language code

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string name of the language.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


I18Nv2_Language::isValidCode()  -- Check if language code is valid


Check if the supplied two/three letter language code is valid.


string $code

two/three letter language code

Возвращаемое значение

Returns boolean whether the two/three letter language code is valid.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Class Summary Translation2 -- Translation2 class
Introduction -- Usage of Translation2
Admin Introduction -- Usage of Translation2_Admin
Containers Overview -- Overview of the different Translation2 containers
constructor Translation2::Translation2() -- Constructor
Translation2::factory() -- Return an instanciated Translation2 object
Translation2::get() -- Get translated string
Translation2::getDecorator() -- Return an instance of a decorator
Translation2::getLang() -- get lang info
Translation2::getLangs() -- get langs
Translation2::getPage() -- Get an entire group of strings
Translation2::getRaw() -- Get translated string (as-is)
Translation2::getRawPage() -- Get the array of strings in a page
Translation2::getStringID() -- Get the stringID for a given string
Translation2::replaceEmptyStringsWithKeys() -- Replace the array values with their keys when empty
Translation2::setCharset() -- Set the charset used to get/store the translations
Translation2::setLang() -- Set default lang
Translation2::setPageID() -- Set default page
Translation2::setParams() -- Set parameters for next string
Class Summary Translation2_Admin -- Administration utilities for translation string management
Translation2_Admin::addLang() -- Prepare the storage container for a new lang.
Translation2_Admin::updateLang() -- Update the language details.
Translation2_Admin::removeLang() -- Remove the language from the langsAvail table and drop the strings table.
Translation2_Admin::add() -- add a new translation
Translation2_Admin::remove() -- remove a translated string
Translation2_Admin::update() -- Update an existing translation.
Translation2_Admin::cleanCache() -- Clear the cache. Use with the CacheLiteFunction decorator only.
Translation2_Admin::getPageNames() -- Get a list of all the pageIDs in any table.
Translation2_Admin::getAdminDecorator() -- Return an instance of an admin decorator
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator -- Decorates a Translation2 class.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_CacheLiteFunction -- Decorator to cache fetched data using Cache_Lite_Function class
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_CacheMemory -- Decorator to cache fetched data in memory
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_DefaultText -- Decorator to provide a fallback text for empty strings.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_ErrorText -- Decorator to provide a fallback error_text message for empty strings.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_Lang -- Decorator to provide a fallback language for empty strings.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_Iconv -- Decorator to switch from/to different encodings.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_SpecialChars -- Decorator to replace special chars with the matching html entities.
Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_UTF8 -- Decorator to convert UTF-8 strings to ISO-8859-1
Package Translation2 Constants -- Constants defined in and used by Translation2

Class Summary Translation2

Class Summary Translation2  -- Translation2 class

Translation2 class

Class for multilingual applications management


Introduction -- Usage of Translation2

What is Translation2?

Translation2 is a class for multilingual applications management. It provides an easy way to retrieve all the strings for a multilingual site from a data source (i.e. db). The API is designed to be clean, simple to use, yet powerful and extensible. A Translation2_Admin class is provided to easily manage translations (add/remove a language, add/remove a string).

The following containers (data source drivers) are provided:

  • PEAR::DB


  • PEAR::MDB2

  • gettext

  • PEAR::DB_DataObject (experimental, used by PEAR:: HTML_Template_Flexy)

  • XML

Some decorator classes will help in various tasks. They can be layered/stacked one on top of the other, in any number. This approach should suit everyone's needs. Currently, the following decorators are provided:

  • CacheLiteFunction (for fast file-based caching)

  • CacheMemory (for memory-based caching)

  • DefaultText (to replace empty strings with their keys or a default text)

  • ErrorText (to replace empty strings with an "error_text" fallback message)

  • Iconv (to switch from/to different encodings)

  • Lang (resort to fallback languages for empty strings)

  • SpecialChars (replace html entities with their hex codes)

  • UTF-8 (convert UTF-8 strings to ISO-8859-1)

Usage example

This simple example will show how you can instanciate a Translation2 object and use it to retrieve your translated strings from a db, using the MDB2 driver:
// set the parameters to connect to your db
$dbinfo = array(
    'hostspec' => 'host',
    'database' => 'dbname',
    'phptype'  => 'mysql',
    'username' => 'user',
    'password' => 'pwd'

define('TABLE_PREFIX', 'mytable_');

// tell Translation2 about your db-tables structure,
// if it's different from the default one.
// NB: the default db structure is:
// Table "langs" (available languages and meta info)
// +----+------+------+----------+------------+
// | ID | name | meta | encoding | error_text |
// +----+------+------+----------+------------+
// Table "strings" (translations)
// +----+---------+----+----+----+-----+
// | ID | page_id | en | de | it | ... |
// +----+---------+----+----+----+-----+
// You can have one table per translation, instead
// of one table for all the languages
$params = array(
    'langs_avail_table' => TABLE_PREFIX.'langs_avail',
    'lang_id_col'     => 'ID',
    'lang_name_col'   => 'name',
    'lang_meta_col'   => 'meta',
    'lang_errmsg_col' => 'error_text',
    'strings_tables'  => array(
                            'en' => TABLE_PREFIX.'i18n',
                            'it' => TABLE_PREFIX.'i18n',
                            'de' => TABLE_PREFIX.'i18n'
    'string_id_col'      => 'ID',
    'string_page_id_col' => 'pageID',
    'string_text_col'    => '%s'  //'%s' will be replaced by the lang code

$driver = 'MDB2';

require_once 'Translation2.php';
$tr =& Translation2::factory($driver, $dbinfo, $params);

//always check for errors. In this examples, error checking is omitted
//to make the example concise.
if (PEAR::isError($tr)) {
    //deal with it

// you can set the charset that the database must use, for instance 'utf8'

// set primary language

// set the group of strings you want to fetch from

// add a Lang decorator to provide a fallback language
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('Lang');
$tr->setOption('fallbackLang', 'en');

// add another Lang decorator to provide another fallback language,
// in case some strings are not translated in Italian or English
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('Lang');
$tr->setOption('fallbackLang', 'de');

// fetch the string with the 'test' stringID
echo $tr->get('test');

// fetch a string not translated into Italian (test fallback language)
echo $tr->get('only_english');

// fetch the whole group of strings, without resorting to the fallback lang
// and without any "decoration"
$rawPage = $tr->getRawPage();

// fetch the whole group of strings, but applying the decorators
$page = $tr->getPage();

// you can force the lang and the group of the string you're requesting
echo $tr->get('month_01', 'calendar', 'it');

// the same is true for getRawPage() and getPage()
$page = $tr->getPage('calendar', 'de');

As you can see, the main methods are get(), getPage() and getRawPage(). The full syntax is
get($stringID, $pageID, $langID);
but if you set the pageID and the langID beforehand, you won't need to specify them at each get() invocation.

NB: you have to check for errors at least on the first invocation of one of these methods, since the db connection is only estabilished at this point, so the chances of failures are higher here.

Extracting language info

Now let's see how we can extract some meta info from the db:
$tr->getLang();     // no langID => get current lang
$tr->getLang('it'); // same as above, if the current lang is Italian

// the first parameter is the lang code,
// with the second parameter you can filter the info you need
$tr->getLang('it', 'error_text');
$tr->getLang('en', 'name');
$tr->getLang('de', 'meta');
$tr->getLang('de', 'encoding');

Using decorators

Translation2 uses decorators to filter/change the retrieved strings. You can have a chain of decorators (filters), and you can also add yours.
$tr =& Translation2::factory($driver, $dbinfo, $params);

// add a memory-based cache decorator, to do some basic prefetching and
// reduce the load on the db
$tr = & $tr->getDecorator('CacheMemory');

// add a file-based cache decorator, to cache the query results through pages
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('CacheLiteFunction');
$tr->setOption('cacheDir', 'cache/');
$tr->setOption('lifeTime', 3600*24);

// add a fallback lang decorator
$tr = & $tr->getDecorator('Lang');
$tr->setOption('fallbackLang', 'it');

// add a special chars decorator to replace special characters with the html entity
$tr = & $tr->getDecorator('SpecialChars');
// control the charset to use
$tr->setOption('charset', 'ISO-8859-2');

// add a UTF-8 decorator to automatically decode UTF-8 strings
$tr = & $tr->getDecorator('UTF8');

// add a default text decorator to deal with empty strings
$tr = & $tr->getDecorator('DefaultText');
// replace the empty string with its stringID
echo $tr->get('emptyString');
// use a custom fallback text
echo $tr->get('emptyString', 'stringGroup', 'en', 'show this default text');

Getting the stringID from a string

The getStringID() method is the reverse of get(). If you want to translate a string to another language, but you don't know the associated stringID, you can retrieve it with this method:

// translate the Italian string "gennaio" into the English "january"
$stringID = $tr->getStringID('gennaio', 'calendar');
echo $translatedString = $tr->get($stringID, 'calendar', 'en');

Parameter substitution

Translation2 can handle parametric strings, and replace them with parameters passed at runtime (they can be numeric or associative arrays).
// "hello_user" = "hello &&user&&, today is &&weekday&&, &&day&&th &&month&& &&year&&"

    0         => '',
    'user'    => 'Joe',
    'day'     => '15',
    'month'   => $tr->get('month_01', 'calendar', 'en'),
    'year'    => '2004',
    'weekday' => $tr->get('day_5', 'calendar', 'en')

echo $tr->get('hello_user');
// the above line will print "hello Joe, today is Friday, 15th January 2004"

Getting the translations from multiple "pages"

If your site structure is organized in sections, like a header, a body and a footer, you may use those units as "pages" (or groups of translations), and then fetch them one by one:
$header_trans = $tr->getPage('header');
$body_trans   = $tr->getPage('body');
$footer_trans = $tr->getPage('footer');
If you want them all in a single result, just merge them into a single array:
$translations = array_merge(

Admin Introduction

Admin Introduction -- Usage of Translation2_Admin

What is Translation2_Admin?

Translation2_Admin is a class meant to help with translation management (add/remove a language, add/remove a string).

Adding a new language

This simple example will show how you can add a new language [addLang()], using the MDB2 driver:
// set the parameters to connect to your db
$dbinfo = array(
    'hostspec' => 'host',
    'database' => 'dbname',
    'phptype'  => 'mysql',
    'username' => 'user',
    'password' => 'pwd'

// tell Translation2 about your db-tables structure,
// if it's different from the default one.
$params = array(
    'langs_avail_table' => 'langs_avail',
    'lang_id_col'       => 'id',
    'lang_name_col'     => 'name',
    'lang_meta_col'     => 'meta',
    'lang_errmsg_col'   => 'error_text',
    'lang_encoding_col' => 'encoding',
    'strings_tables'    => array(
                            'it' => 'i18n',
                            'de' => 'i18n'
    //OR, if you use only one table,
    //'strings_default_table' => 'i18n',
    'string_id_col'      => 'id',
    'string_page_id_col' => 'page_id',
    'string_text_col'    => '%s'  //'%s' will be replaced by the lang code

$driver = 'MDB2';

require_once 'Translation2/Admin.php';
$tr =& Translation2_Admin::factory($driver, $dbinfo, $params);

// set some info about the new lang
$newLang = array(
    'lang_id'    => 'en',
    'table_name' => 'i18n',
    'name'       => 'english',
    'meta'       => 'some meta info',
    'error_text' => 'not available',
    'encoding'   => 'iso-8859-1',

That's it. If you specified a new table, it will be created, if you used the same table name as the one of your other translations, it will be ALTERed to host the new language too.

Updating a language

This simple example will show how you can update an existing language [updateLang()]:
// set some info about the new lang
$langData = array(
    'lang_id'    => 'en',
    'table_name' => 'i18n',
    'name'       => 'English',
    'meta'       => 'some updated meta info',
    'error_text' => 'this text is not available in English',
    'encoding'   => 'iso-8859-15',


Removing an existing language

If you want to remove all the translated strings and the info for a certain language, all you have to do is
removeLang() can accept a 2nd parameter ($force): if you want to remove the whole strings table (regardless it being used for other languages as well), you can do it this way:
$tr->removeLang('fr', true);
Be warned it won't do any check, so you're responsible for what you do ;-)

Adding new translations

Now let's see how we can add() a new translation for a new or an existing string.
$stringArray = array(
    'en' => 'sample',
    'it' => 'esempio',

// add the English and Italian translations associated to
// the 'smallTest' stringID and to the 'testGroup' pageID

$tr->add('smallTest', 'testGroup', $stringArray);

Remove a translation

You can remove() the translations for a certain stringID:
$tr->remove('smallTest', 'testGroup');

Containers Overview

Containers Overview -- Overview of the different Translation2 containers


Translation2 supports different storage drivers; this page is meant to highlight the differences among them.


Translation2 can work with any of these database abstraction layers, just pass the appropriate connection options. These three containers are absolutely identical in what they do and in how they work (wrt Translation2, of course).
// connection options
$dbinfo = array(
    'hostspec' => 'host',
    'database' => 'dbname',
    'phptype'  => 'mysql',
    'username' => 'user',
    'password' => 'pwd'
//select the preferred driver
$driver = 'MDB2'; //switch to 'DB' or 'MDB' as needed

require_once 'Translation2.php';
$tr =& Translation2::factory($driver, $dbinfo, $params);
If your table definition is different from the default one, you need to specify it in the $params array.


The dataobjectsimple container is the natural choice for those using DB_DataObject, as it is tightly tied to the DAO. This storage driver can use all databases supported by the PEAR::DB abstraction layer to fetch data.

For this container, you can't specify a custom table definition, since this feature is not supported yet. You must create a table with the following structure:
// meta data etc. not supported
table: translations
id          // not null primary key autoincrement..
string_id   // translation id
page        // indexed varchar eg. (mytemplate.html)
lang        // index varchar (eg. en|fr|.....)
translation // the translated value in language lang.
Here's the MySQL query that can be used to create the table:
create table translations (
  id int(11) auto_increment not null primary key,
  string_id int(11), page varchar(128),
  lang varchar(10), translation text
alter table translations add index page (page);
alter table translations add index lang (lang);
alter table translations add index string_id (string_id);
then just run the dataobjects createtables script.


This is a wrapper around the gettext base functions, and thanks to File_Gettext you can retrieve an entire domain or write to an existing/new domain without calling the command line compiler utility.

The gettext container requires PEAR::File_Gettext and PEAR::I18Nv2 0.9.1 or newer, make sure you have them installed.

The construction parameters are a bit different from the db ones. To make things as simple as possible, the domain definitions and the available language list are read from two INI files.

langs.ini example:
; If one does not specify the source encoding, ISO-8859-1 is assumed
; Beware that gettext can choke on bad encodings!

name = English
encoding = iso-8859-1

name = Deutsch
encoding = iso-8859-1

name = italiano
encoding = iso-8859-1
domains.ini example:
messages = /path/to/locale
2nddomain = /path/to/locale
3rddomain = /path/to/locale

Sample code to use Translation2 with the gettext container:
require_once 'Translation2.php';

$params = array(
	'prefetch'          => false,
    'langs_avail_file'  => 'path/to/langs.ini',
    'domains_path_file' => 'path/to/domains.ini',
    'default_domain'    => 'messages',
    //'file_type'       => 'po',

// Better set prefetch to FALSE for the gettext container, so we don't need 
// to read in the whole MO file with File_Gettext on every request.
$tr =& Translation2::factory('gettext', $params);


// Note that, if there is no translation available for a string, the gettext 
// container will return the string ID!  This behaviour emulates native gettext.
echo $tr->get('mystring');



The XML container requires PEAR::XML_Serializer 0.13.0 or newer, make sure you have it installed.
$driver = 'XML';
$options = array(
    'filename'         => 'i18n.xml',
    'save_on_shutdown' => true, //set to FALSE to save in real time
require_once 'Translation2.php';
$tr =& Translation2::factory($driver, $options);

constructor Translation2::Translation2()

constructor Translation2::Translation2() -- Constructor


This constructor is deprecated in favour of the factory() method.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::factory() -- Return an instanciated Translation2 object


This is the Translation2 factory


string $storageDriver

Type of the storage driver ('db', 'mdb', 'mdb2', 'gettext', 'dataobjectsimple')

mixed $options

Additional options for the storage driver (example: if you are using DB as the storage driver, you have to pass the dsn string here)

array $params

Array of parameters for the adapter class (i.e. you can set here the mappings between your table/field names and the ones used by this class)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::get() -- Get translated string


Fetch the string from the container. If the string is empty and the DefaultText decorator is used, then return the $defaultText.


string $stringID

string $pageID

string $langID

string $defaultText

Text to display when the string is empty. NB: This parameter is only used in the DefaultText decorator


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::getDecorator() -- Return an instance of a decorator


This method is used to get a decorator instance. A decorator can be seen as a filter, i.e. something that can change or handle the values of the objects/vars that pass through.


string $decorator

Name of the decorator

object $obj [optional]

Object to decorate (the default object being $this)

Возвращаемое значение

returns object Reference of a Translation2_Decorator subclass


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::getLang() -- get lang info


Get some extra information about the language (its full name, the localized error text, ...)


string $langID

string $format

['name', 'meta', 'error_text', 'array']

Возвращаемое значение

returns [string | array], depending on $format


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::getLangs() -- get langs


Get some extra information about the languages (their full names, the localized error text, their codes...)


string $format

['ids', 'names', 'array']


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::getPage() -- Get an entire group of strings


Same as getRawPage(), but resort to fallback language and replace parameters when needed.

NB: in Translation2 lingo, a "page" is just a logical "group of strings", it doesn't have to be a "phisical" (HTML or whatever) page.


string $pageID

string $langID


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::getRaw() -- Get translated string (as-is)


Fetch the string from the container. If the string is empty return $defaultText.


string $stringID

string $pageID

string $langID

string $defaultText

Text to display when the string is empty


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::getRawPage() -- Get the array of strings in a page


Fetch the page (aka 'group of strings') from the container, without applying any formatting and without replacing the parameters.


string $pageID

string $langID


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::getStringID() -- Get the stringID for a given string


Get the stringID of the string passed as parameter


string $string

This is NOT the stringID, this is a real string. The method will return its matching stringID.

mixed $pageID


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::replaceEmptyStringsWithKeys() -- Replace the array values with their keys when empty


Replace the array values with their keys when empty, just like gettext would do.


array $strings array of strings (e.g. as returned by getPage())


Translation2::setCharset() -- Set the charset used to get/store the translations


Set the charset that shall be used when retrieving strings. Currently only used by the MDB2 container.


string $charset charset name to pass to the container (for instance, 'utf8')


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::setLang() -- Set default lang


Set the language that shall be used when retrieving strings.


string $langID language code (for instance, 'en' or 'it')


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::setPageID() -- Set default page


Set the page (aka 'group of strings') that shall be used when retrieving strings. If you set it, you don't have to state it in each get() call.


string $pageID


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2::setParams() -- Set parameters for next string


Set the replacement for the parameters in the string(s). Parameter delimiters are customizable.


array $params


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary Translation2_Admin

Class Summary Translation2_Admin  -- Administration utilities for translation string management

Administration utilities for translation string management

Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for Translation2_Admin

Translation2_Admin Inherited Methods

Таблица 45-1. Inherited from Translation2

Method NameSummary
Constructor Translation2::Translation2() Constructor (deprecated in favour of factory())
Factory Translation2::factory() Return a Translation2 instanciated object
Translation2::get() Get translated string
Translation2::getDecorator() Return an instance of a decorator
Translation2::getLang() get language info
Translation2::getLangs() get available languages
Translation2::getPage() Same as getRawPage(), but resort to fallback language and replace parameters when needed
Translation2::getRaw() Get translated string (as-is)
Translation2::getRawPage() Get the array of strings in a page
Translation2::setCharset() Set the correct charset in the database
Translation2::setLang() Set default lang
Translation2::setPageID() Set default page
Translation2::setParams() Set parameters for next string
Translation2::getStringID() Get the stringID for a given string


Translation2_Admin::addLang() -- Prepare the storage container for a new lang.


If the langsAvail table doesn't exist yet, it is created.


array $langData

    'lang_id'    => 'en',
    'table_name' => 'i18n',
    'name'       => 'english',
    'meta'       => 'some meta info',
    'error_text' => 'not available',
    'encoding'   => 'iso-8859-1',

array $options

    'charset'   => 'latin1',
    'collation' => 'latin1_bin',

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2_Admin::updateLang() -- Update the language details.


Update the language details.


array $langData

    'lang_id'    => 'en',
    'table_name' => 'i18n',
    'name'       => 'english',
    'meta'       => 'some new meta info',
    'error_text' => 'text not available',
    'encoding'   => 'iso-8859-15',

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2_Admin::removeLang() -- Remove the language from the langsAvail table and drop the strings table.


If the strings table holds other languages and $force==FALSE, then only the lang column is dropped. If $force==TRUE, the whole table is dropped without any check


string $langID

Code of the language to remove

boolean $force

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2_Admin::add() -- add a new translation


Add a new translated string (or a set of translated strings) for a given stringID. For instance, to add the English, Spanish and Italian translations for the stringID 'example', use the following code:
$stringArray = array(
    'en' => 'example',
    'es' => 'ejemplo',
    'it' => 'esempio',
$tr->add('example', 'mypage', $stringArray);


string $stringID

identificator for the string

string $pageID

destination pageID, i.e. the group of strings where this string belongs to.

array $stringArray

Associative array with string translations.

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2_Admin::remove() -- remove a translated string


Remove all the translations for the given stringID + pageID pair.


string $stringID

string $pageID

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2_Admin::update() -- Update an existing translation.


Update the language details.


string $stringID

ID of the string to translate

string $pageID

ID of the page (or group) the string to translate belongs to

array $stringArray

Associative array with string translations:
    'en' => 'sample',
    'it' => 'esempio',

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2_Admin::cleanCache() -- Clear the cache. Use with the CacheLiteFunction decorator only.


If you use the CacheLiteFunction decorator, you may want to invalidate the cache after a change in the data base.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2_Admin::getPageNames() -- Get a list of all the pageIDs in any table.


Get a list of all the pageIDs in any table.

Возвращаемое значение

returns array of pageIDs


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Translation2_Admin::getAdminDecorator() -- Return an instance of an admin decorator


This method is used to get a decorator instance. A decorator can be seen as a filter, i.e. something that can change or handle the values of the objects/vars that pass through.


string $decorator

Name of the decorator

object $obj [optional]

Object to decorate (the default object being $this)

Возвращаемое значение

returns object Reference of a Translation2_Admin_Decorator subclass


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator  -- Decorates a Translation2 class.

Decorates a Translation2 class.

Create a subclass of this class for your own "decoration". The base class acts as a proxy to these methods:

  • get()

  • getDecorator()

  • getLang()

  • getLangs()

  • getPage()

  • getRaw()

  • getRawPage()

  • getStringID()

  • replaceEmptyStringsWithKeys()

  • setCharset()

  • setContainerOptions() [protected]

  • setLang()

  • setOption()

  • setOptions() [protected]

  • setPageID()

  • setParams()

  • translate()

If you want to "decorate" any of these methods, you have to override them in your custom Decorator.

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_CacheLiteFunction

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_CacheLiteFunction  -- Decorator to cache fetched data using Cache_Lite_Function class

Cache_Lite_Function Decorator Example

This decorator provides a very efficient cache layer. It requires PEAR::Cache_Lite. It supports all the main options supported by Cache_Lite:

  • lifeTime [integer]

  • cacheDir [string]

  • fileLocking [boolean]

  • caching [boolean]

If you need to pass an option directly to the Cache_Lite object, you can use setCacheOption().
$tr = new Translation2($driver, $dbinfo, $params);
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('CacheLiteFunction');
$tr->setOption('cacheDir', '/var/tmp/');
$tr->setOption('lifeTime', 3600*24*7); //one week

//change a custom Cache_Lite option
$tr->setCacheOption($name, $value);

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_CacheMemory

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_CacheMemory  -- Decorator to cache fetched data in memory

CacheMemory Decorator Example

This decorator provides a memory cache layer. It does NOT persist through requests, only in the current execution of the script. You can turn off prefetch if you want small network load (but it will increase the number of queries to the database)
$tr = new Translation2($driver, $dbinfo, $params);
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('CacheMemory');
$tr->setOption('prefetch', true); //default value is true

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_DefaultText

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_DefaultText  -- Decorator to provide a fallback text for empty strings.

DefaultText Decorator Example

When the fetched string is empty, it replaces it with the 4th parameter of the get() method, i.e. $defaultText. If the defaultText parameter is empty too, then return "$emptyPostfix.$outputString.$emptyPrefix", the three variables being class properties you can set to a custom string.

When getPage() is called, all the empty strings in the page are replaced by their stringID value.

$tr = new Translation2($driver, $dbinfo, $params);
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('DefaultText');

// %stringID% will be replaced with the stringID
// %pageID_url% will be replaced with the pageID
// %stringID_url% will replaced with a urlencoded stringID
// %url% will be replaced with the targeted url
$tr->outputString = '%stringID%<a href="%url%">(T)</a>'; //default: '%stringID%'
$tr->url = '#';           //same as default
$tr->emptyPrefix  = '[';  //default: empty string
$tr->emptyPostfix = ']';  //default: empty string

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_ErrorText

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_ErrorText  -- Decorator to provide a fallback error_text message for empty strings.

ErrorText Decorator Example

When the fetched string is empty, it replaces it with the contents of the "error_text" column of the langs_avail table
$tr = new Translation2($driver, $dbinfo, $params);
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('ErrorText');

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_Lang

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_Lang  -- Decorator to provide a fallback language for empty strings.

Lang Decorator Example

This decorator is very useful when you want to provide a fallback language for empty strings. It is stackable, so you can have more than one default language. Use setOption() with the fallbackLang parameter to specify the fallback language of the current decorator.
$tr = new Translation2($driver, $dbinfo, $params);

//set English as the main language

//set Italian as the first fallback language
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('Lang');
$tr->setOption('fallbackLang', 'it');

//set Spanish as the second fallback language
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('Lang');
$tr->setOption('fallbackLang', 'es');

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_Iconv

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_Iconv  -- Decorator to switch from/to different encodings.

Iconv Decorator Example

Use setOption() with the encoding parameter to specify the target encoding of the current decorator.
$tr = new Translation2($driver, $dbinfo, $params);

//set Hungarian as the main language

//encode all the strings using the ISO-8859-2 charset
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('Iconv');
$tr->setOption('encoding', 'ISO-8859-2');

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_SpecialChars

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_SpecialChars  -- Decorator to replace special chars with the matching html entities.

SpecialChars Decorator Example

This decorator replaces special chars with the matching html entities. Use setOption() with the charset parameter to specify the target charset of the current decorator (the default is 'ISO-8859-1'):
$tr = new Translation2($driver, $dbinfo, $params);
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('SpecialChars');
$tr->setOption('charset', 'UTF-8');

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_UTF8

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_UTF8  -- Decorator to convert UTF-8 strings to ISO-8859-1

UTF-8 Decorator Example

This decorator calls utf8_decode() on each string
$tr = new Translation2($driver, $dbinfo, $params);
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('UTF8');

Package Translation2 Constants

Package Translation2 Constants -- Constants defined in and used by Translation2

Глава 47. Почта

Предоставляет пакеты для создания писем и работы с электронной почтой.


Introduction -- How to send a mail and the mailer backends
Mail::factory() -- creates a mailer instance
Mail::send() -- sends a mail
RFC822 - Introduction -- email address validation
Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList() -- extract the parts of a list of email addresses

An interface for sending EMails


Introduction -- How to send a mail and the mailer backends

How To send a mail

Mail supports different types of backends to send email. So two steps are necessary to send an email.

  • Step 1

    Create a new instance of a specific Mail-Backend with the factory()-method.

  • Step 2

    Send the mail using send().

The mailer backends

Mail supports three types of backends:

  • mail

    Sends a mail using PHP's built-in mail() function.

  • sendmail

    Sends a mail using a sendmail program.

  • smtp

    Sends a mail directly connecting to a smtp server.


Mail::factory() -- creates a mailer instance


Creates a instance of a backend-specific mailer class.


  • string $backend - the name of the backend "mail","smtp", "sendmail"

  • array $params - a array of backend specific parameters.

    List of parameter for the backends

    • mail

      • If safe mode is disabled, $params will be passed as the fifth argument to the PHP mail() function. If $params is an array, its elements will be joined as a space-delimited string.

    • sendmail

      • $params["sendmail_path"] - The location of the sendmail program on the filesystem. Default is /usr/bin/sendmail

      • $params["sendmail_args"] - Additional parameters to pass to the sendmail. Default is -i

    • smtp

      • $params["host"] - The server to connect. Default is localhost

      • $params["port"] - The port to connect. Default is 25

      • $params["auth"] - Whether or not to use SMTP authentication. Default is FALSE

      • $params["username"] - The username to use for SMTP authentication.

      • $params["password"] - The password to use for SMTP authentication.

      • $params["localhost"] - The value to give when sending EHLO or HELO. Default is localhost

      • $params["timeout"] - The SMTP connection timeout. Default is NULL (no timeout)

      • $params["verp"] - Whether to use VERP or not. Default is FALSE

      • $params["debug"] - Whether to enable SMTP debug mode or not. Default is FALSE

      • $params["persist"] - Indicates whether or not the SMTP connection should persist over multiple calls to the send() method.

Возвращаемое значение

object - a specific Mail instance or a PEAR_Error object, if fails


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Mail::send() -- sends a mail


Sends a mail. The send()-function is provided by the object returned from factory()


  • mixed $recipients - an array or a string with comma separated recipients.

  • array $headers - an associative array of headers. The header name is used as key and the header value as value.

  • string $body - the body of the email.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE or a PEAR_Error object, if fails


Таблица 47-1. Возможные значения PEAR_Error

Mailer driverError codeError messageReasonSolution
sendmailNULL "No from address given." The $headers array requires at least a from entry. Add a From header:
$headers['From'] = '';
sendmailNULL "From address specified with dangerous characters." The from entry in the $headers array contains one ore more characters which could be non-RFC compliant Check the given from address for characters like: spaces or ; or & or ` (backtick)
sendmailNULL "sendmail [path to sendmail] not executable" The path to sendmail program is not correct. No sendmail executable found there. Check the $param['sendmail_path'] entry in your Mail::factory() call. If you use another mailer then sendmail, ie. qmail, check installation of the mailer. Normally it should includes a sendmail wrapper.
sendmailNULL "sendmail returned error code code" Sendmail returns a error, which must be handled by use. See the documention of your mailer programm.
smtpPEAR_MAIL_SMTP_ERROR_CREATE "Failed to create a Net_SMTP object" Failure in class creation Reinstall/update the Net_SMTP package.
smtpPEAR_MAIL_SMTP_ERROR_CONNECT "Failed to connect to host:port" Connect to SMTP server failed Check $param['port'] and $param['host'] entries in your Mail::factory() call.
smtpPEAR_MAIL_SMTP_ERROR_AUTH "method authentication failure" Authentication failed Check $param['auth'], $param['username'] and $param['password'] entries in your Mail::factory() call. Ensure to use the correct authentication method for the SMTP server.
smtpPEAR_MAIL_SMTP_ERROR_FROM "No From: address has been provided" The $headers array requires at least a from entry. Add a From header:
$headers['From'] = '';
smtpPEAR_MAIL_SMTP_ERROR_SENDER "Failed to set sender: from" Setting the sender address failed Check the RFC-compliances of the sender address and the server connnectivity.
smtpPEAR_MAIL_SMTP_ERROR_RECIPIENT "Failed to add recipient: recipient " Sending of recipient address failed Check the RFC-compliances of the recipient address and the server connnectivity.
smtpPEAR_MAIL_SMTP_ERROR_DATA "Failed to send data" Body of the mail message could not send Check the RFC-compliances of the message body and the server connnectivity.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.



$recipients = '';

$headers['From']    = '';
$headers['To']      = '';
$headers['Subject'] = 'Test message';

$body = 'Test message';

$params['sendmail_path'] = '/usr/lib/sendmail';

// Create the mail object using the Mail::factory method
$mail_object =& Mail::factory('sendmail', $params);

$mail_object->send($recipients, $headers, $body);

См. также


RFC822 - Introduction

RFC822 - Introduction -- email address validation


This class performs email address checking according to the RFC822 specification.

Note that the class only checks for a proper format of the indicated email address. This means it is not guaranteed that the email address itself exists or is owned by the particular user. You may also want to send the user an email, and force them to respond.


Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList() -- extract the parts of a list of email addresses


Extracts the given addresses into their parts.


  • string $address - the address(es) to validate

  • string $defaultDomain - the default domain to use in case of absence in the given email address.

  • boolean $nestGroups - whether to return the structure with groups nested for easier viewing.

  • boolean $validate - whether to validate atoms. Turn this off if you need to run addresses through before encoding the personal names, for instance.

Возвращаемое значение

array - a nested array of anonymous objects.

If $nestGroups set to FALSE, you can jump over the next paragraph.

Every array entry contains an object per group. This object has two attributes:

groupname - the name of the group
addresses - an array of all addresses of a group

The addresses array consists of an array of anonymous objects for each address. This object comes with the following attributes:

personal - the name of the address owner
comment - an array, an entry for each comment per address
mailbox - the name of the mailbox, the part before the @
host - the name of the server, the part after the @


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


This class checks the string only. It does not check for the existence of an email address.


Mail_Mime::Mail_Mime() -- creates a new instance
Mail_Mime::addAttachment() -- add attachment
Mail_Mime::addHTMLImage() -- add image to message
Mail_Mime::get() -- build the message
Mail_Mime::headers() -- build the header lines
Mail_Mime::setHTMLBody() -- set HTML part
Mail_Mime::setTxtBody() -- set plain text part
Mail_Mime - Example -- generation and sending of a MIME mail
Mail_mimePart::Mail_mimePart() -- constructor
Mail_mimePart::addsubpart() -- add sub part to a MIME part
Mail_mimePart::encode() -- encode a mail
Mail_mimeDecode::Mail_mimeDecode() -- constructor
Mail_mimeDecode::decode() -- perform decoding
Mail_mimeDecode::uudecode() -- decode of UU-coded data
Mail_mimeDecode::getXML() -- create XML representation of MIME parts
Mail_mimeDecode - Example -- decode an email

A Package to enable easy creation of complex multipart emails. If you look for a simple API for creating such emails, then Mail_Mime class will probably suffice. Else you can use Mail_mimePart, which gives you better control about MIME creation.

Mail_mimeDecode provides a API for decode MIME data.


Mail_Mime::Mail_Mime() -- creates a new instance


Creates a new instance of Mail_Mime


  • string $crlf - the type of line end to use.


Normally, it is not necessary to set the $crlf parameter. But, if you want to send the generated MIME message using Mail then you have to set $crlf to "\n"


Mail_Mime::addAttachment() -- add attachment


Adds an attachment to a message.


  • string $file - The file name or the data itself

  • string $c_type - The content type of the image or file.

  • string $name - The suggested file name for the data. Only used, if $file contains data.

  • boolean $isfile - Whether $file is a file name or not.

  • string $encoding - Type of transfer encoding to use for the file data. Defaults is "base64". For text based files (eg. scripts/html etc.) this could be given as "quoted-printable".

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Mail_Mime::addHTMLImage() -- add image to message


If sending an HTML message with embedded images, use this function to add the image.


  • string $file - The image file name or the image data itself

  • string $c_type - The content type of the image or file.

  • string $name - The filename of the image. Only used, if $file contains the image data.

  • boolean $isfile - Whether $file is a filename or not.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Mail_Mime::get() -- build the message


This function should be called once you have added the text/html/images/attachments. It builds the message and returns it. It does not send it. To send what this function returns (in conjunction with the headers() -function) you would need to use the Mail::send()-function


  • array $param - An associative array of parameters. These parameters affect the way the message is built.

    • $param["text_encoding"] - Type of encoding to use for the plain text part of the email. Default is "7bit".

    • $param["html_encoding"] - Type of encoding for the HTML part of the email. Default is "quoted-printable".

    • $param["7bit_wrap"] - Number of characters after which text is wrapped. SMTP stipulates maximum line length of 1000 characters including CRLF. Default is 998 (CRLF is appended to make up to 1000).

    • $param["head_charset"] - The character set to use for the headers. Default is "iso-8859-1".

    • $param["text_charset"] - The character set to use for the plain text part of the email. Default is "iso-8859-1".

    • $param["html_charset"] - The character set to use for the HTML part of the email. Default is "iso-8859-1".

Возвращаемое значение

string - the body of the message


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Mail_Mime::headers() -- build the header lines


Returns an array with the headers needed to prepend to the email (MIME-Version and Content-Type). Please note that the function get() has to be called before calling headers().


  • array $headerEx - Additional headers, the format of the argument is $array["header-name"] = "header-value"

Возвращаемое значение

array - an associative array with the mime headers and the additional headers. The return value can directly passed to the second parameter of Mail::send().


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Mail_Mime::headers() has to be called after Mail_Mime::get().

См. также



Mail_Mime::setHTMLBody() -- set HTML part


Sets the HTML part of a message


  • string $data - The text to set or, if $isfile is TRUE a valid filename. An URL as argument is not allowed.

  • boolean $isfile - If TRUE, the content of given file $data is used as message text.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Mail_Mime::setTxtBody() -- set plain text part


Sets the plain text part of a message


  • string $data - The text to set or, if $isfile is TRUE a valid filename. An URL as argument is not allowed.

  • boolean $isfile - If TRUE, the content of given file $data is used as message text.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Mail_Mime - Example

Mail_Mime - Example -- generation and sending of a MIME mail



$text = 'Text version of email';
$html = '<html><body>HTML version of email</body></html>';
$file = '/home/richard/example.php';
$crlf = "\n";
$hdrs = array(
              'From'    => '',
              'Subject' => 'Test mime message'

$mime = new Mail_mime($crlf);

$mime->addAttachment($file, 'text/plain');

//do not ever try to call these lines in reverse order
$body = $mime->get();
$hdrs = $mime->headers($hdrs);

$mail =& Mail::factory('mail');
$mail->send('postmaster@localhost', $hdrs, $body);


Mail_mimePart::Mail_mimePart() -- constructor


Create a new Mail_mimePart object.


  • string $body - The body of the mime part if any. Default is an empty string.

  • array $params - An associative array of parameters:

    • $params["content_type"] - The content type for this part ie. multipart/mixed

    • $params["encoding"] - The encoding to use ie. 7bit, 8bit, base64 or quoted-printable

    • $params["cid"] - content ID to apply

    • $params["disposition"] - Content disposition inline or attachment

    • $params["dfilename"] - Optional filename parameter for content disposition

    • $params["description"] - Content description

    • $params["charset"] - Character set to use

    Default is an empty array.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Mail_mimePart::addsubpart() -- add sub part to a MIME part


Adds a sub part to the current MIME part and returns a reference to it


  • string - the body of the sub part

  • array - the parameter for the sub part. See constructor for the possible values.

Возвращаемое значение

resource - a reference to the added part


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Mail_mimePart::encode() -- encode a mail


Encodes and returns the email

Возвращаемое значение

array - an associative array containing two elements, body and headers. The headers element is itself an indexed array.

The key names are

'headers' - an array with the mail headers
'body' - a string with the mail body


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Mail_mimeDecode::Mail_mimeDecode() -- constructor


Create a new Mail_mimeDecode object.


  • string $input - the input to decode


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Mail_mimeDecode::decode() -- perform decoding


This function performs the decoding and returns a structure containing the message data.


  • array $args - an array with the function arguments

    • boolean $args['include_bodies'] - whether to include the bodies in the returned structure.

    • boolean $args['decode_bodies'] - whether to decode the returned bodies.

    • boolean $args['decode_headers'] - whether to decode the headers (RFC2047).

    • string $args['input'] - if and only if called statically, this should be used to specify the input to be decoded.

    • string $args['crlf'] - if and only if called statically, this should be used to specify the line ending type.

Возвращаемое значение

object -

  • array $return->headers - an associative array of the headers. The keys of the array are the header names (lowercased) whilst the values are the header values (original case). If there are multiple headers with the same name (eg. Received: ) then the value is a numerically indexed array of each of the header values. If the parameter decode_headers is specified as TRUE, the headers will be decoded according to RFC 2047.

  • string $return->ctype_primary - the first part of the content type (ie. before the forward slash). Eg. if the content type is multipart/mixed, ctype_primary would be "multipart".

  • string $return->ctype_secondary - the second part of the content type. Eg. If the content type is multipart/mixed, ctype_secondary would be "mixed".

  • array $return->ctype_parameters - if the content type header has any parameters (eg. boundary="=_hudfhdsalfhds8fy8329hfj") then they will be in this associative array. Keys are the parameter name (eg. boundary) whilst the values are the parameter values (eg. =_hudfhdsalfhds8fy8329hfj).

  • string $return->disposition - if the Content-Disposition header is present, its value will be given here. This is usually either "inline" or "attachment".

  • array $return->d_parameters - if any parameters are given with the Content-Disposition header, they will be given here in an associative array, keys being the parameter names and values being the parameter values. "name" and "filename" are two common examples here.

  • array $return->body - if the include_bodies parameter is given when instanciating the class, (either statically or via a concrete instance), then this will be present if the part in question has a body. MIME parts with content type multipart/* generally do not not have bodies, instead consisting of subparts. If the parameter decode_bodies is specified as TRUE then the body will be decoded.

  • array $return->parts - if a MIME part consists of subparts, then this array will be present consisting of objects with the same properties as described here.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Mail_mimeDecode::uudecode() -- decode of UU-coded data


Decodes UU-coded data. 'Unix-to-Unix'-Encoding is used to send binary files (eg. programs, graphics) over 7bit-ASCII-only media, like email.


  • string $input - data to decode

Возвращаемое значение

array - the decoded data

  • string $return[]['filename'] - the name of the UUencoded file.

  • string $return[]['fileperm'] - the file permissions of the UUencoded file, if given. The format is unix-styled, ie. "0666" or "666".

  • string $return[]['filedata'] - the decoded content of the UUencoded file.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Mail_mimeDecode::getXML() -- create XML representation of MIME parts


getXML() converts the returned array from decode () into a valid XML document.


Возвращаемое значение

string - the XML document


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

Mail_mimeDecode - Example

Mail_mimeDecode - Example -- decode an email


Пример 47-1. Decode an email

require_once 'Mail/mimeDecode.php';
$params['include_bodies'] = true;
$params['decode_bodies']  = true;
$params['decode_headers'] = true;

$decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($input);
$structure = $decoder->decode($params);

This example calls the decode function statically (ie no object, straight function call) and then passes the structure to the getXML() function.


$params['include_bodies'] = true;
$params['decode_bodies']  = false;
$params['decode_headers'] = true;
$params['input']          = $input;
$params['crlf']           = "\r\n";

$structure = Mail_mimeDecode::decode($params);
$xml = Mail_mimeDecode::getXML($structure);


Глава 48. Математика

Предоставляет пакеты для целей математических расчетов.

Глава 49. Сеть

Предоставляет пакеты для работы с сетью.


Net_CheckIP::check_ip() -- Validation of IPv4 addresses

Package to check the correct syntax of an IPv4 address.


Net_CheckIP::check_ip() -- Validation of IPv4 addresses


This function can validate if a given string has a valid IPv4 syntax.


  • string $ip - the IP address to check

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE, if syntax is valid


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Finger is a service providing information about a user of a server. The finger-protocol is deactivated on the most Internet servers due to security reasons. So it makes especially sense for intranets and local host administration.

The output of the finger command depends on the system and less standarized, because the output should be easy to read for humans and not for machines.


Net_Finger::query() -- does a finger query


Execute a finger query on a server


  • string $server - The name of the server or the IP-adress

  • string $query - The finger object to look up

Возвращаемое значение

string - the data from the finger request.


The returned PEAR_Error object in case of an error is unspecific, so you can ignore the error code and/or message. The reason for a failure could be a failed connection to the server or the server did not run a finger service.

Замечание: You will not get a PEAR_Error, if the query fails due to a not existing finger object. This can be only done by checking the data returned by query().


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Net_IPv6::checkIPv6() -- Validation of IPv6 addresses
Net_IPv6::compress() -- compress an IPv6 address
Net_IPv6::uncompress() -- Uncompresses an IPv6 address
Net_IPv6::getAddressType() -- Returns the type of an IP address
Net_IPv6::getNetmask() -- Calculates the network prefix
Net_IPv6::isInNetmask() -- Checks if an IP is in a specific address space
Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec() -- Removes the Netmask length specification
Net_IPv6::splitV64() -- splits an IPv6 address in it IPv6 and IPv4 part

Provides function to work with the 'Internet Protocol v6'


Net_IPv6::checkIPv6() -- Validation of IPv6 addresses


Checks an IP for IPv6 compatibility.


  • string $ip - the IP address to check

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE, if syntax is valid


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Net_IPv6::compress() -- compress an IPv6 address


Compresses an IPv6 address. RFC 2373 allows you to compress zeros in an address to '::'. This function expects an valid IPv6 address and compresses successive zeros to '::'
FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101 -> FF01::101
      0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1      -> ::1


  • string $ip - the IP address to compress

Возвращаемое значение

string - the compressed IP is an IPv6 address


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Net_IPv6::uncompress() -- Uncompresses an IPv6 address


Uncompresses an IPv6 address. RFC 2373 allows you to compress zeros in an address to '::'. This function expects an valid IPv6 address and expands the '::' to the required zeros.
FF01::101	->  FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101
      ::1       ->  0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1


  • string $ip - the IP address to uncompress

Возвращаемое значение

string - the uncompressed IP is an IPv6 address


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Net_IPv6::getAddressType() -- Returns the type of an IP address


RFC 1883, Section 2.3 describes several types of addresses in the IPv6 addresse space. This methods tries to find the type of address for the given IP.


Several address types are markers for reserved spaces and as consequence a subject to change.


  • string $ip - the IP address in Hex format, compressed IPs are allowed

Возвращаемое значение

int - the addresstype

The type can be one of this constants:












Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

Method available since: Release 1.1.0


Net_IPv6::getNetmask() -- Calculates the network prefix


Calculates the network prefix based on the netmask bits.


  • string $ip - the IP address in Hex format, compressed IPs are allowed

  • int $bits - if the number of netmask bits is not part of the IP, you must provide the mumber of bits

Возвращаемое значение

string - the network prefix


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

Method available since: Release 1.1.0


Net_IPv6::isInNetmask() -- Checks if an IP is in a specific address space


Checks if an (compressed) IP is in a specific address space. If the IP does not contain the number of netmask bits (for example: F8000::FFFF/16), then you have to use the $bits parameter.


  • string $ip - the IP address in Hex format, compressed IPs are allowed

  • string $netmask - the netmask (for example: F800::)

  • int $bits - if the number of netmask bits is not part of the IP, you must provide the mumber of bits

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE, if the IP is in the address space.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

Method available since: Release 1.1.0


Net_IPv6::removeNetmaskSpec() -- Removes the Netmask length specification


Removes a possible existing netmask length specification in an IP addresse.


  • string $ip - the IP address in Hex format, compressed IPs are allowed

Возвращаемое значение

string - the IP without netmask length specification.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

Method available since: Release 1.1.0


Net_IPv6::splitV64() -- splits an IPv6 address in it IPv6 and IPv4 part


Splits an IPv6 address into the IPv6 and a possible IPv4-formated part. RFC 2373 allows you to note the last two parts of an IPv6 address in the IPv4 address format.


  • string $ip - the IP address to split

Возвращаемое значение

array - key [0] contains the IPv6 part, key [1] the IPv4 formated part


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Implementation of the NNTP protocol


Константы -- предопределенные константы
Net_NNTP_Client::authenticate() -- Authenticate
Net_NNTP_Client::connect() -- Connects to a NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::connectAuthenticated() -- Connect and authenticate to a NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::count() -- Get the number of articles in the current newsgroup
Net_NNTP_Client::getDescriptions() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::first() -- Get the number of the first article in the current newsgroup
Net_NNTP_Client::getArticle() -- Fetch an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::getArticleRaw() -- Fetch an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::getGroupArticles() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::getBodyRaw() -- Fetch the body of an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::getDate() -- Get date from NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::getGroups() -- Fetch list of avaible newsgroups
Net_NNTP_Client::getHeader() -- Fetch the header of an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::getHeaderRaw() -- fetch message header
Net_NNTP_Client::getNewGroups() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::getNewNews() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::getOverview() -- Fetch newsgroup overview
Net_NNTP_Client::getReferencesOverview() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::group() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::isConnected() -- Connected?
Net_NNTP_Client::last() -- Get the number of the last article in the current newsgroup
Net_NNTP_Client::post() -- 
Net_NNTP_Client::quit() -- Close the connection to the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Client::selectGroup() -- select a newsgroup

NNTP client implementation


Константы -- предопределенные константы


default NNTP hostname: localhost


default NNTP port: 119


authentication provided by the NNTP-server


authentication provided by the NNTP-server


authentication provided by the NNTP-server


Net_NNTP_Client::authenticate() -- Authenticate


Authenticate on an already open connection


  • $user - Username to authenticate with

  • $pass - Password to authenticate with

  • $authmode - Type of authentication. Default=NET_NNTP_AUTHORIGINAL

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP_Client::connect() -- Connects to a NNTP-server


Connect to a specific NNTP-server


Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP_Client::connectAuthenticated() -- Connect and authenticate to a NNTP-server


Connect and authenticate to a specific NNTP-server


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.


Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP_Client::count() -- Get the number of articles in the current newsgroup


Retrieves the number of articles in the current newsgroup.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - number of articles in newsgroup


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP_Client::getDescriptions() -- 



Net_NNTP_Client::first() -- Get the number of the first article in the current newsgroup


Retrieves the number of the first article in the current newsgroup.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - lowest article number in newsgroup


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP_Client::getArticle() -- Fetch an article from the NNTP-server



Эта функция не документирована на данный момент.


Net_NNTP_Client::getArticleRaw() -- Fetch an article from the NNTP-server


Returns the whole article from the currently selected newsgroup


  • string $article - article number or Message-ID of the article to fetch

    boolean $implode - Determines if the resulting array is to be imploded into a string.

Возвращаемое значение

array/string - If message exists the message or a PEAR_Error, if fail.


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP_Client::getGroupArticles() -- 



Net_NNTP_Client::getBodyRaw() -- Fetch the body of an article from the NNTP-server


Returns the whole body of an article from the currently selected newsgroup


  • string $article - article number or Message-ID of the article to fetch

    boolean $implode - Determines if the resulting array is to be imploded into a string.

Возвращаемое значение

string/array - If message exists the body or a PEAR_Error, if fail.


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Замечание: getBody() makes no converting of the body content to any character set. You get the content 'as is'.


Net_NNTP_Client::getDate() -- Get date from NNTP-server


Retrieves the date from the NNTP-server.


  • $format - Tetermines which format to return.


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP_Client::getGroups() -- Fetch list of avaible newsgroups


Returns a list of all avaible newsgroups

Возвращаемое значение

array - a two dimensional, nested array indicated by the name of the newsgroup, every entry contains information about the newsgroup:

  • $groups[newsgroup_name]['group'] Name of the newsgroup

  • $groups[newsgroup_name]['last'] Number of the last article

  • $groups[newsgroup_name]['first'] Number of the first article

  • $groups[newsgroup_name]['posting'] values: y - yes, n - no, m - moderated)


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Especially public news server can provide more then 30.000 newsgroup. So this function may runs longer then the maximum execution time set in the php.ini.


Net_NNTP_Client::getHeader() -- Fetch the header of an article from the NNTP-server



Эта функция не документирована на данный момент.


Net_NNTP_Client::getHeaderRaw() -- fetch message header


Returns the whole header of an article in the currently selected newsgroup


  • string $article - article number or Message-ID of the article to fetch

    boolean $implode - Determines if the resulting array is to be imploded into a string.

Возвращаемое значение

array/string - If message exists the header or a PEAR_Error, if fail.


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP_Client::getNewGroups() -- 



Net_NNTP_Client::getNewNews() -- 



Net_NNTP_Client::getOverview() -- Fetch newsgroup overview


Returns (a certain range of) the overview of the currently selected newsgroup. selected newsgroup


  • $first - first article number, start of the range

  • $last - last article number, end of the range

Возвращаемое значение

array - a nested array indicated by the message id of the article, every entry contains the header as array
$msgs[message_id][headername] = headercontent


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Be careful with choosing the range. It could requires some time to get a huge number of message headers.


Net_NNTP_Client::getReferencesOverview() -- 



Net_NNTP_Client::group() -- 


require_once 'Net/NNTP/Client.php';

publicbooleanNet_NNTP_Client::groupstring$userstring$passinteger$authmode =


Этот метод не документирован на данный момент.


Эта функция является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОЙ. Это означает, что ее поведение, имя и ВСЕ остальное может быть изменено в будущем без каких-либо уведомлений. Вы можете использовать эту функцию только на свой страх и риск.



Net_NNTP_Client::isConnected() -- Connected?



Net_NNTP_Client::last() -- Get the number of the last article in the current newsgroup


Retrieves the number of the last article in the current newsgroup.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - highest article number in newsgroup


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP_Client::post() -- 



Net_NNTP_Client::quit() -- Close the connection to the NNTP-server


Close the connection to the NNTP-server


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Net_NNTP_Client::selectGroup() -- select a newsgroup


Selects a specific newsgroup on the NNTP-server


  • string $newsgroup - Name of the newsgroup to access


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Константы -- предопределенные константы
Net_NNTP::command() -- send a command to a newsserver
Net_NNTP::connect() -- Connects to a newsserver
Net_NNTP::connectAuthenticated() -- Connects and authenticates to a newsserver
Net_NNTP::date() -- get date from news server
Net_NNTP::first() -- get lowest message number
Net_NNTP::getArticle() -- fetch an article from a new server
Net_NNTP::getArticleRaw() -- fetch an article from a new server
Net_NNTP::getBody() -- fetch the body of an article
Net_NNTP::getBodyRaw() -- fetch the body of an article
Net_NNTP::getDate() -- get date from news server
Net_NNTP::getGroups() -- fetch list of avaible newsgroups
Net_NNTP::getHeaderRaw() -- fetch message header
Net_NNTP::getHeaders() -- fetch message headers
Net_NNTP::getOverview() -- fetch a number of message headers
Net_NNTP::getOverviewFmt() -- fetch the name of message headers
Net_NNTP::getOverviewFormat() -- fetch the name of message headers
Net_NNTP::isConnected() -- check connection status
Net_NNTP::last() -- get highest message number
Net_NNTP::max() -- get highest message number
Net_NNTP::min() -- get lowest message number
Net_NNTP::post() -- post a message
Net_NNTP::prepareConnection() -- connects to a newsgroup on a newsserver
Net_NNTP::quit() -- disconnect from a newsserver
Net_NNTP::selectGroup() -- select a newsgroup
Net_NNTP::setDebug() -- setting debug mode
Net_NNTP::splitHeaders() -- fetch message headers into in array


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

The historical Net_NNTP class


Константы -- предопределенные константы


default NNTP hostname: localhost


default NNTP port: 119


authentication provided by the NNTP-server


authentication provided by the NNTP-server


authentication provided by the NNTP-server


deprecated (never used)


deprecated (never used)


deprecated (never used)


deprecated (use NET_NNTP_AUTHORIGINAL instead)


deprecated (use NET_NNTP_AUTHSIMPLE instead)


deprecated (use NET_NNTP_AUTHGENERIC instead)


Net_NNTP::command() -- send a command to a newsserver


Command() sends a string command to a newsserver. So you can send customized and/ or non-standard commands to the newsserver.


  • string $cmd - the command to send

  • boolean $auth - if TRUE, an auth request is issued before the command

Возвращаемое значение

string - the unprocessed server response


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Command() does no checks on the given command and/ or proccesses the server response. So you should know what are you doing.


Net_NNTP::connect() -- Connects to a newsserver


Connect to a specific newsserver


  • $host - Hostname of the newsserver

  • $port - Port, where the newsserver listens

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::connectAuthenticated() -- Connects and authenticates to a newsserver


Connect and authenticate to a specific newsserver


  • $user - Username to authenticate

  • $pass - Password to authenticate

  • $host - Hostname of the NNTP-server

  • $port - Port, where the newsserver listens

  • $authmode - Type of authentication, at the moment only NET_NNTP_AUTHORIGINAL

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::date() -- get date from news server



Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Retrieves the date from the news server

Возвращаемое значение

array - a hash with the date

  • $date['y'] Year

  • $date['m'] Month

  • $date['d'] Day


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::first() -- get lowest message number


Retrieves the lowest message number in the current selected newsgroup

Возвращаемое значение

integer - lowest message number


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::getArticle() -- fetch an article from a new server


Returns the whole article from the current selected newsgroup


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Consider this method deprecated and subject to changes - use Net_NNTP::getArticleRaw() instead.


  • string $articleID - Message-ID of the message number to fetch

Возвращаемое значение

string - If message exists the message as string or a PEAR_Error, if fail.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::getArticleRaw() -- fetch an article from a new server


Returns the whole article from the current selected newsgroup


  • string $articleID - Message-ID of the message number to fetch

Возвращаемое значение

string - If message exists the message as string or a PEAR_Error, if fail.


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::getBody() -- fetch the body of an article


Returns the whole body of an article in the current selected newsgroup from the webserver


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Consider this method deprecated and subject to changes - use Net_NNTP::getBodyRaw() instead.


  • string $articleId - Message-ID or Message number

Возвращаемое значение

string - If message exists the body as string or a PEAR_Error, if fail.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Замечание: getBody() makes no converting of the body content to any character set. You get the content 'as is'.


Net_NNTP::getBodyRaw() -- fetch the body of an article


Returns the whole body of an article in the current selected newsgroup from the webserver


  • string $articleId - Message-ID or Message number

Возвращаемое значение

string - If message exists the body as string or a PEAR_Error, if fail.


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Замечание: getBody() makes no converting of the body content to any character set. You get the content 'as is'.


Net_NNTP::getDate() -- get date from news server


Retrieves the date from the news server

Возвращаемое значение

array - a hash with the date

  • $date['y'] Year

  • $date['m'] Month

  • $date['d'] Day


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::getGroups() -- fetch list of avaible newsgroups


Returns a list of all avaible newsgroups from the connected news server


  • $fetch - can be irgnored, unused

Возвращаемое значение

array - a two dimensional, nested array indicated by the name of the newsgroup, every entry contains information about the newsgroup:

  • $groups[newsgroup_name]['group'] name of the newsgroup

  • $groups[newsgroup_name]['last'] message number of the last message

  • $groups[newsgroup_name]['first'] message number of the first message

  • $groups[newsgroup_name]['posting_allowed'] values: y - yes, n - no, m - moderated)

  • $groups[newsgroup_name]['desc'] newsgroup description


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Especially public news server can provide more then 30.000 newsgroup. So this function may runs longer then the maximum execution time set in the php.ini.


Net_NNTP::getHeaderRaw() -- fetch message header


Returns all avaible header lines of a specified message in the current selected newsgroup


  • string $articleId - Message-ID or Message number

Возвращаемое значение

string - If message exists the header as string or a PEAR_Error, if fail.


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::getHeaders() -- fetch message headers


Returns all avaible header lines of a specified message in the current selected newsgroup


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Consider this method deprecated and subject to changes - use Net_NNTP::getHeaderRaw() instead.


  • string $articleId - Message-ID or Message number

Возвращаемое значение

string - If message exists the headers as string or a PEAR_Error, if fail.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::getOverview() -- fetch a number of message headers


Returns all message headers in a certain range of the current selected newsgroup


  • $first - start message id, start of the range

  • $last - last message id, end of the range

Возвращаемое значение

array - a nested array indicated by the message id of the article, every entry contains the header as array
$msgs[message_id][headername] = headercontent


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Be careful with choosing the range. It could requires some time to get a huge number of message headers.


Net_NNTP::getOverviewFmt() -- fetch the name of message headers


Returns the name of message headers, which is provided by every message

Возвращаемое значение

array - list of header names


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::getOverviewFormat() -- fetch the name of message headers


Returns the name of message headers, which is provided by every message

Возвращаемое значение

array - list of header names


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::isConnected() -- check connection status


Returns the status of the connection

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE, if connected


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::last() -- get highest message number


Retrieves the highest message number in the current selected newsgroup

Возвращаемое значение

integer - highest message number


since 0.3

Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::max() -- get highest message number



Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Retrieves the highest message number in the current selected newsgroup

Возвращаемое значение

integer - highest message number


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::min() -- get lowest message number



Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Retrieves the lowest message number in the current selected newsgroup

Возвращаемое значение

integer - lowest message number


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::post() -- post a message


Post a message to a news server


  • $subject - Subject of the message

  • $newsgroup - Post to this newsgroup

  • $from - EMail adress of sender

  • $body - Body of the message

  • $additional - String of headers to add

Возвращаемое значение

string - Server response


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


post() doesn't care about character encoding of subject and body. Make sure to set correct headers, if you are using non ASCII-127 characters.


Net_NNTP::prepareConnection() -- connects to a newsgroup on a newsserver


Connect to a specific newsserver and access the given newsgroup


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Consider this method deprecated - use Net_NNTP::connectAuthenticated() instead.


  • $nntpserver - Name of the newsserver to connect

  • $port - Port, where the newsserver listens

  • $newsgroup - Newsgroup to access

  • $user - Username to authenticate

  • $user - Username to authenticate

  • $pass - Password to authenticate

  • $authmode - Type of authentication, at the moment only PEAR_NNTP_AUTHORIGINAL

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE if successful


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Эта функция объявлена как deprecated. Это означает, что в будущих версиях пакета она может больше не поддерживаться.

Fetching data with a connection created with prepareConnection() is faster then a created connection with connect()


Net_NNTP::quit() -- disconnect from a newsserver


Close connection to a newsserver


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::selectGroup() -- select a newsgroup


Selects a specific newsgroup on the news server


  • string $newsgroup - Name of the newsgroup to access

Возвращаемое значение

array - If the newsgroup exists an array containing the message number of the first (array key: ['first']) and the last message id (array key: ['last']) or a PEAR_Error, if fail.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::setDebug() -- setting debug mode


Enables or disables debug mode for Net_NNTP


  • boolean $on - TRUE = debug on, FALSE = debug off


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_NNTP::splitHeaders() -- fetch message headers into in array


Returns all avaible header lines of a specified message of the current selected newsgroup into an array


  • string $articleId - Message-ID or Message number

Возвращаемое значение

array - if message exists the headers as array or a PEAR_Error, if fail. The array is an associative array with the header names as key.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.



Этот модуль является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫМ. Это означает, что поведение его функций, имена функций и ВСЕ остальное может быть изменено в будущем без каких-либо уведомлений. Вы можете использовать этот модуль только на свой страх и риск.

Этот пакет пока не документирован.



Этот модуль является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫМ. Это означает, что поведение его функций, имена функций и ВСЕ остальное может быть изменено в будущем без каких-либо уведомлений. Вы можете использовать этот модуль только на свой страх и риск.

Этот пакет пока не документирован.


Константы -- предопределенные константы

Low level NNTP client implementation.

Этот пакет пока не документирован.


Константы -- предопределенные константы


default NNTP hostname: localhost


default NNTP port: 119


Net_Ping::Net_Ping() -- constructor
Net_Ping::ping() -- executes a ping command
Net_Ping::setArgs() -- set arguments for a ping command

API for the Ping command


Net_Ping::Net_Ping() -- constructor


Please use Net_Ping::factory() instead of using this constructor directly.


Net_Ping::ping() -- executes a ping command


Executes a ping command


  • string $host - the name of the server or the IP-adress

Возвращаемое значение

string - the return message of the ping command


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_Ping::setArgs() -- set arguments for a ping command


Set the arguments for a ping command

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_Portscan::checkPort() -- check for available service
Net_Portscan::checkPortRange() -- check for available services
Net_Portscan::getPort() -- port number of a service
Net_Portscan::getService() -- name of the service

Provides an API for scanning ports


Net_Portscan::checkPort() -- check for available service


This function checks if there is a service available at the specified port on the specified machine.


  • string $host - address of the host to check

  • string $port - port to check

  • string $timeout - time in seconds to wait for response from host

    Важно: If you run into timeout problems despite setting this parameter to a reasonably high value, you need to make sure that the configuration directive default_socket_timeout in the php.ini configuration file does not force the maximum timeout down to a lower value.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE в случае успеха и FALSE при неудаче.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Net_Portscan::checkPortRange() -- check for available services


This function checks if there are services available at the specified ports on the specified machine.


  • string $host - address of the host to check

  • string $minPort - lowest port to test to check

  • string $maxPort - highest port to test to check

  • string $timeout - time in seconds to wait for every response from host

    Важно: If you run into timeout problems despite setting this parameter to a reasonably high value, you need to make sure that the configuration directive default_socket_timeout in the php.ini configuration file does not force the maximum timeout down to a lower value.

Возвращаемое значение

array - An associative array containing the scanning results for each port.


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Net_Portscan::getPort() -- port number of a service


This function returns the port which corresponds to service for the specified protocol as per /etc/services.


  • string $service - name of the service to check

  • string $protocol - access protocol

Возвращаемое значение

integer - port number of the service


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

The port number is retrieved from the machine where Net_Portscan is executed, not from the remote host, which you possibly used in Net_Portscan::checkPort().


Net_Portscan::getService() -- name of the service


This function returns the service associated with port for the specified protocol as per '/etc/services'.


  • integer $port - port to check

  • string $protocol - access protocol

Возвращаемое значение

string - name of service running on the port


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.

The name of the service is retrieved from the machine where Net_Portscan is executed, not from the remote host, which you possibly used in Net_Portscan::checkPort().


Net_Socket::connect() -- connects to a server
Net_Socket::disconnect() -- disconnects from a server
Net_Socket::eof() -- test for end-of-file
Net_Socket::gets() -- retrieve a string
Net_Socket::getStatus() -- retrieve information about a connection
Net_Socket::isBlocking() -- check for blocking mode
Net_Socket::read() -- retrieve data
Net_Socket::readAll() -- retrieve data until connection closes
Net_Socket::readByte() -- read a byte
Net_Socket::readInt() -- read an integer
Net_Socket::readIPAddress() -- read an IP-address
Net_Socket::readLine() -- retrieve data until line end
Net_Socket::readString() -- read a string
Net_Socket::readWord() -- read a word
Net_Socket::setBlocking() -- sets blocking mode
Net_Socket::setTimeout() -- sets timeout
Net_Socket::write() -- write data
Net_Socket::writeLine() -- write data including EOL
Example -- using Net_Socket

Net_Socket provides a generic API for communication over TCP/IP-sockets.


Net_Socket::connect() -- connects to a server


Connect to the specified port. If called when the socket is already connected, it disconnects and connects again.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Net_Socket::disconnect() -- disconnects from a server


Disconnects froms server, closes the socket.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Net_Socket::eof() -- test for end-of-file


Test for the end of data transmission.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - TRUE, if no more data avaible or connection is closed


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_Socket::gets() -- retrieve a string


Returns a string containing data from the socket connection


  • integer $size - maximum number of chars to recieve

Возвращаемое значение

string - the data or a PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Net_Socket::getStatus() -- retrieve information about a connection


Returns information about an existing socket resource.

Возвращаемое значение

array - the data as array or a PEAR_Error

The content of the array is:

  • boolean 'timed_out' - the socket timed out waiting for data

  • boolean 'blocked' - blocking mode

  • boolean 'eof' - indicates EOF event

  • integer 'unread_bytes' - number of bytes left in the socket buffer


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_Socket::isBlocking() -- check for blocking mode


Find out if the socket is in blocking mode.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - if TRUE, the connection is in blocking mode


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_Socket::read() -- retrieve data


Read a specified amount of data. This is guaranteed to return, and has the added benefit of getting everything in one fread() chunk; if you know the size of the data you're getting beforehand, this is definitely the way to go.


  • integer $size - maximum number of chars to recieve

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the data or a PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Net_Socket::readAll() -- retrieve data until connection closes


Read until the socket closes.


This function will not exit, if the socket is in blocking mode until the socket closes.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the data or a PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Net_Socket::readByte() -- read a byte


Read a byte from the socket

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the data or a PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_Socket::readInt() -- read an integer


Read an integer from the socket.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the data or a PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_Socket::readIPAddress() -- read an IP-address


Reads a IP from the socket. The function expects an integer which will converted to a IP address. This function only works with IPv4 addresses.

Возвращаемое значение

string - the data or a PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_Socket::readLine() -- retrieve data until line end


Read until either the end of the socket or a newline, whichever comes first. Strips the trailing newline from the returned data.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the data or a PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Net_Socket::readString() -- read a string


Read a zeroterminated string ("\x00") from the socket.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the data or a PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_Socket::readWord() -- read a word


Read a word from the socket.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - the data or a PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Замечание: "Word" means not a word in literary sense. A word is a statment of size for data.


Net_Socket::setBlocking() -- sets blocking mode


Sets whether the socket connection should be blocking or not. A read call to a non-blocking socket will return immediately if there is no data available, whereas it will block until there is data for blocking sockets.


  • boolean $mode - TRUE for blocking sockets, FALSE for non blocking

Возвращаемое значение

  • boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Net_Socket::setTimeout() -- sets timeout


Sets the timeout value on socket descriptor, expressed in the sum of seconds and microseconds.


  • integer $seconds - seconds part

  • integer $microseconds - microseconds part

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Net_Socket::write() -- write data


Write data to a socket connection


  • string $data - the data to write

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Net_Socket::writeLine() -- write data including EOL


Write a line of data to a socket connection, followed by a trailing "\r\n".


  • string $data - the data to write

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Example -- using Net_Socket


Provides an API for accessing Whois services


Net_Whois::query() -- does a whois query


Executes a Whois query on a server


  • string $query - the Whois database object to look up

  • string $server - the name of the server or its IP address

Возвращаемое значение

string - the data from the Whois request.

Глава 50. Числа

Предоставляет пакеты для работы с числами.

Глава 51. Финансовые транзакции

Предоставляет пакеты для работы с финансовыми протоколами.

Глава 52. PEAR

Предоставляет пакеты для работы с ядром PEAR или получения информации о нем.


Introduction -- Introduction to PEAR_Info
PEAR_Info::PEAR_Info -- Constructor
PEAR_Info::setProxy -- Sets proxy
PEAR_Info::show -- Display PEAR_Info

Displays Information about your current PEAR install. Akin to PHP's phpinfo().


Introduction -- Introduction to PEAR_Info

Introduction to PEAR_Info

PEAR_Info obtains and displays information about your current PEAR Install. The PEAR_Info page features an A-Z index for easy searching, aswell as anchors for each package in the form of pkg_Package_Name (i.e. url.tld/pearinfo.php#pkg_PEAR_Info) PEAR_Info also features a full 'PEAR Credits' page, with information about the authors of the packages you currently have installed. PEAR_Info will also display any later versions that are available from PEAR to help keep you up to date.


PEAR_Info::PEAR_Info -- Constructor




  • string $pear_dir - Full Path to PEAR Install directory


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Info::setProxy -- Sets proxy


Sets http_proxy config setting at runtime


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_Info::show -- Display PEAR_Info


Displays PEAR_Info result


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager -- PEAR :: PackageFileManager updates the <filelist></filelist> section of a PEAR package.xml file to reflect the current files in preparation for a release.
constructor PEAR_PackageFileManager::PEAR_PackageFileManager() -- Does nothing, use setOptions
PEAR_PackageFileManager::addConfigureOption() -- Add an install-time configuration option for building of source
PEAR_PackageFileManager::addDependency() -- Add a dependency on another package, or an extension/php
PEAR_PackageFileManager::addMaintainer() -- Add a maintainer to the list of maintainers.
PEAR_PackageFileManager::addPlatformException() -- Add an install-time platform conditional install for a file
PEAR_PackageFileManager::addGlobalReplacement() -- Add a replacement option for all files
PEAR_PackageFileManager::addReplacement() -- Add a replacement option for a file
PEAR_PackageFileManager::addRole() -- Add an extension/role mapping to the role mapping option
PEAR_PackageFileManager::detectDependencies() -- use PHP_CompatInfo to auto-detect PHP and extension dependencies.
PEAR_PackageFileManager::debugPackageFile() -- ALWAYS use this to test output before overwriting your package.xml!!
PEAR_PackageFileManager::getWarnings() -- Retrieve the list of warnings
PEAR_PackageFileManager::isIncludeable() -- calls for each value in include_path,
PEAR_PackageFileManager::pushWarning() -- Store a warning on the warning stack
PEAR_PackageFileManager::raiseError() -- Utility function to shorten error generation code
PEAR_PackageFileManager::setOptions() -- Set package.xml generation options
PEAR_PackageFileManager::writePackageFile() -- Writes the package.xml file out with the newly created <release></release> tag
Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager_CVS -- Generate a file list from a CVS checkout
PEAR_PackageFileManager_CVS::dirList() -- Return a list of all files in the CVS repository
Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager_File -- Retrieve the files from a directory listing
constructor PEAR_PackageFileManager_File::PEAR_PackageFileManager_File() -- Set up the File filelist generator
PEAR_PackageFileManager_File::dirList() -- Retrieve a listing of every file in $directory and all subdirectories.
PEAR_PackageFileManager_File::getFileList() -- Generate the <filelist></filelist> section of the package file.
Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager_XMLOutput -- Class for XML output
Package PEAR_PackageFileManager Constants -- Constants defined in and used by PEAR_PackageFileManager
Package PEAR_PackageFileManager Global Variables -- Global Variables defined in and used by PEAR_PackageFileManager

Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager

Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager -- PEAR :: PackageFileManager updates the <filelist></filelist> section of a PEAR package.xml file to reflect the current files in preparation for a release.

PEAR :: PackageFileManager updates the <filelist></filelist> section of a PEAR package.xml file to reflect the current files in preparation for a release.

The PEAR_PackageFileManager class uses a plugin system to generate the list of files in a package. This allows both standard recursive directory parsing (plugin type file) and more intelligent options such as the CVS browser PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cvs, which grabs all files in a local CVS checkout to create the list, ignoring any other local files.

Other options include specifying roles for file extensions (all .php files are role="php", for example), roles for directories (all directories named "tests" are given role="tests" by default), and exceptions. Exceptions are specific pathnames with * and ? wildcards that match a default role, but should have another. For example, perhaps a debug.tpl template would normally be data, but should be included in the docs role. Along these lines, to exclude files entirely, use the ignore option.

Required options for a release include version, baseinstalldir, state, and packagedirectory (the full path to the local location of the package to create a package.xml file for)

Example usage:
1      <?php
2      require_once('PEAR/PackageFileManager.php');
3      $packagexml = new PEAR_PackageFileManager;
4      $e = $packagexml->setOptions(
5      array('baseinstalldir' => 'PhpDocumentor',
6       'version' => '1.2.1',
7       'packagedirectory' => 'C:/Web Pages/chiara/phpdoc2/',
8       'state' => 'stable',
9       'filelistgenerator' => 'cvs', // generate from cvs, use file for directory
10      'notes' => 'We\'ve implemented many new and exciting features',
11      'ignore' => array('TODO', 'tests/'), // ignore TODO, all files in tests/
12      'installexceptions' => array('phpdoc' => '/*'), // baseinstalldir ="/" for phpdoc
13      'dir_roles' => array('tutorials' => 'doc'),
14      'exceptions' => array('README' => 'doc', // README would be data, now is doc
15                            'PHPLICENSE.txt' => 'doc'))); // same for the license
16     if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
17         echo $e->getMessage();
18         die();
19     }
20     $e = $test->addPlatformException('pear-phpdoc.bat', 'windows');
21     if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
22         echo $e->getMessage();
23         exit;
24     }
25     $packagexml->addRole('pkg', 'doc'); // add a new role mapping
26     if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
27         echo $e->getMessage();
28         exit;
29     }
30     // replace @PHP-BIN@ in this file with the path to php executable!  pretty neat
31     $e = $test->addReplacement('pear-phpdoc', 'pear-config', '@PHP-BIN@', 'php_bin');
32     if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
33         echo $e->getMessage();
34         exit;
35     }
36     $e = $test->addReplacement('pear-phpdoc.bat', 'pear-config', '@PHP-BIN@', 'php_bin');
37     if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
38         echo $e->getMessage();
39         exit;
40     }
41     // note use of debugPackageFile() - this is VERY important
42     if (isset($_GET['make']) || $_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'make') {
43         $e = $packagexml->writePackageFile();
44     } else {
45         $e = $packagexml->debugPackageFile();
46     }
47     if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
48         echo $e->getMessage();
49         die();
50     }
51     ?>

In addition, a package.xml file can now be generated from scratch, with the usage of new options package, summary, description, and the use of the addMaintainer() method

Class Trees for PEAR_PackageFileManager

  • PEAR_PackageFileManager

constructor PEAR_PackageFileManager::PEAR_PackageFileManager()

constructor PEAR_PackageFileManager::PEAR_PackageFileManager() -- Does nothing, use setOptions


The constructor is not used in order to be able to return a PEAR_Error from setOptions


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::addConfigureOption() -- Add an install-time configuration option for building of source


This option is only useful to PECL projects that are built upon installation


string $name

name of the option

string $prompt

prompt to display to the user

string $default

default value




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::addDependency() -- Add a dependency on another package, or an extension/php


This will overwrite an existing dependency if it is found. In other words, if a dependency on PHP 4.1.0 exists, and addDependency('php', '4.3.0', 'ge', 'php') is called, the existing dependency on PHP 4.1.0 will be overwritten with the new one on PHP 4.3.0


string $name

Dependency element name

string $version

Dependency version

string $operator

A specific operator for the version, this can be one of: 'has', 'not', 'lt', 'le', 'eq', 'ne', 'ge', or 'gt'

string $type

Dependency type. This can be one of: 'pkg', 'ext', 'php', 'prog', 'os', 'sapi', or 'zend'

boolean $optional

TRUE if dependency is optional





Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::addMaintainer() -- Add a maintainer to the list of maintainers.


Every maintainer must have a valid account at The first parameter is the account name (for instance, cellog is the handle for Greg Beaver at Every maintainer has one of four possible roles:

  • lead: the primary maintainer

  • developer: an important developer on the project

  • contributor: self-explanatory

  • helper: ditto

Finally, specify the name and email of the maintainer


string $handle

username on of maintainer

lead|developer|contributor|helper $role

role of maintainer

string $name

full name of maintainer

string $email

email address of maintainer


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::addPlatformException() -- Add an install-time platform conditional install for a file


The format of the platform string must be OS-version-cpu-extra if any more specific information is needed, and the OS must be in lower case as in "windows." The match is performed using a regular expression, but uses * and ? wildcards instead of .* and .?. Note that hpux/aix/irix/linux are all exclusive. To select non-windows, use an expression like (*ix|*ux|darwin). If using PEAR 1.3.2 and newer, use !windows.

This information is based on eyeing the source for OS/Guess.php, so if you are unsure of what to do, read that file.


string $path

relative path of file (relative to packagedirectory option)

string $platform

platform descriptor string


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::addGlobalReplacement() -- Add a replacement option for all files


This sets an install-time complex search-and-replace function allowing the setting of platform-specific variables in all installed files.

if $type is php-const, then $to must be the name of a PHP Constant. If $type is pear-config, then $to must be the name of a PEAR config variable accessible through a PEAR_Config::get() method. If type is package-info, then $to must be the name of a section from the package.xml file used to install this file.


string $type

variable type, either php-const, pear-config or package-info

string $from

text to replace in the source file

string $to

variable name to use for replacement




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::addReplacement() -- Add a replacement option for a file


This sets an install-time complex search-and-replace function allowing the setting of platform-specific variables in an installed file.

if $type is php-const, then $to must be the name of a PHP Constant. If $type is pear-config, then $to must be the name of a PEAR config variable accessible through a PEAR_Config::get() method. If type is package-info, then $to must be the name of a section from the package.xml file used to install this file.


string $path

relative path of file (relative to packagedirectory option)

string $type

variable type, either php-const, pear-config or package-info

string $from

text to replace in the source file

string $to

variable name to use for replacement




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::addRole() -- Add an extension/role mapping to the role mapping option


Roles influence both where a file is installed and how it is installed. Files with role="data" are in a completely different directory hierarchy from the program files of role="php"

In PEAR 1.3b2, these roles are

  • php (most common)

  • data

  • doc

  • test

  • script (gives the file an executable attribute)

  • src


string $extension

file extension

string $role





Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::detectDependencies() -- use PHP_CompatInfo to auto-detect PHP and extension dependencies.


Use addDependency() to add package dependencies






Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::debugPackageFile() -- ALWAYS use this to test output before overwriting your package.xml!!


This method instructs writePackageFile() to simply print the package.xml to output, either command-line or web-friendly (this is automatic based on the existence of $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see PEAR_PackageFileManager::writePackageFile() - calls with the debug parameter set based on whether it is called from the command-line or web interface


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::getWarnings() -- Retrieve the list of warnings


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::isIncludeable() -- calls for each value in include_path,


then calls when it finds the file


string $filename


throws no exceptions thrown




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::pushWarning() -- Store a warning on the warning stack


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


mixed $code

mixed $info


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::raiseError() -- Utility function to shorten error generation code


1     function raiseError($code, $i1 = '', $i2 = '')
2         {
3             return PEAR::raiseError('PEAR_PackageFileManager Error: ' .
4                         sprintf($GLOBALS['_PEAR_PACKAGEFILEMANAGER_ERRORS'][$this->_options['lang']][$code],
5                         $i1, $i2), $code);
6         }


mixed $code

mixed $i1

mixed $i2


throws no exceptions thrown




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::setOptions() -- Set package.xml generation options


The options array is indexed as follows:
1      $options = array('option_name' => <optionvalue>);

The documentation below simplifies this description through the use of option_name without quotes

Configuration options:

  • lang: lang controls the language in which error messages are displayed. There are currently only English error messages, but any contributed will be added over time. Possible values: en (default)

  • packagefile: the name of the packagefile, defaults to package.xml

  • pathtopackagefile: the path to an existing package file to read in, if different from the packagedirectory

  • packagedirectory: the path to the base directory of the package. For package PEAR_PackageFileManager, this path is /path/to/pearcvs/pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager where /path/to/pearcvs is a local path on your hard drive

  • outputdirectory: the path in which to place the generated package.xml by default, this is ignored, and the package.xml is created in the packagedirectory

  • filelistgenerator: the <filelist> section plugin which will be used. In this release, there are two generator plugins, file and cvs. For details, see the docs for these plugins

  • usergeneratordir: For advanced users. If you write your own filelist generator plugin, use this option to tell PEAR_PackageFileManager where to find the file that contains it. If the plugin is named foo, the class must be named PEAR_PackageFileManager_Foo no matter where it is located. By default, the Foo plugin is located in PEAR/PackageFileManager/Foo.php. If you pass /path/to/foo in this option, setOptions will look for PEAR_PackageFileManager_Foo in /path/to/foo/Foo.php

  • doctype: Specifies the DTD of the package.xml file. Default is

  • pearcommonclass: Specifies the name of the class to instantiate, default is PEAR_Common, but users can override this with a custom class that implements PEAR_Common's method interface

  • changelogoldtonew: True if the ChangeLog should list from oldest entry to newest. Set to false if you would like new entries first

  • simpleoutput: True if the package.xml should not contain md5sum or <provides /> for readability

  • addhiddenfiles: True if you wish to add hidden files/directories that begin with . like .bashrc. This is only used by the File generator. The CVS generator will use all files in CVS regardless of format

package.xml simple options:

  • baseinstalldir: The base directory to install this package in. For package PEAR_PackageFileManager, this is "PEAR", for package PEAR, this is "/"

  • license: The license this release is released under. Default is PHP License if left unspecified

  • notes: Release notes, any text describing what makes this release unique

  • changelognotes: notes for the changelog, this should be more detailed than the release notes. By default, PEAR_PackageFileManager uses the notes option for the changelog as well

  • version: The version number for this release. Remember the convention for numbering: initial alpha is between 0 and 1, add b<beta number> for beta as in 1.0b1, the integer portion of the version should specify backwards compatibility, as in 1.1 is backwards compatible with 1.0, but 2.0 is not backwards compatible with 1.10. Also note that 1.10 is a greater release version than 1.1 (think of it as "one point ten" and "one point one"). Bugfix releases should be a third decimal as in 1.0.1, 1.0.2

  • package: [optional] Package name. Use this to create a new package.xml, or overwrite an existing one from another package used as a template

  • summary: [optional] Summary of package purpose

  • description: [optional] Description of package purpose. Note that the above three options are not optional when creating a new package.xml from scratch

WARNING: all complex options that require a file path are case-sensitive

package.xml complex options:

  • cleardependencies: since version 1.3.0, this option will erase any existing dependencies in the package.xml if set to true

  • ignore: an array of filenames, directory names, or wildcard expressions specifying files to exclude entirely from the package.xml. Wildcards are operating system wildcards * and ?. file*foo.php will exclude filefoo.php, fileabrfoo.php and filewho_is_thisfoo.php. file?foo.php will exclude fileafoo.php and will not exclude fileaafoo.php. test/ will exclude all directories and subdirectories of ANY directory named test encountered in directory parsing. *test* will exclude all files and directories that contain test in their name

  • include: an array of filenames, directory names, or wildcard expressions specifying files to include in the listing. All other files will be ignored. Wildcards are in the same format as ignore

  • roles: this is an array mapping file extension to install role. This specifies default behavior that can be overridden by the exceptions option and dir_roles option. use addRole() to add a new role to the pre-existing array

  • dir_roles: this is an array mapping directory name to install role. All files in a directory whose name matches the directory will be given the install role specified. Single files can be excluded from this using the exceptions option. The directory should be a relative path from the baseinstalldir, or "/" for the baseinstalldir

  • exceptions: specify file role for specific files. This array maps all files matching the exact name of a file to a role as in "file.ext" => "role"

  • deps: dependency array. Pass in an empty array to clear all dependencies, and use addDependency() to add new ones/replace existing ones

  • maintainers: maintainers array. Pass in an empty array to clear all maintainers, and use addMaintainer() to add a new maintainer/replace existing maintainer

  • installexceptions: array mapping of specific filenames to baseinstalldir values. Use this to force the installation of a file into another directory, such as forcing a script to be in the root scripts directory so that it will be in the path. The filename must be a relative path to the packagedirectory

  • platformexceptions: array mapping of specific filenames to the platform they should be installed on. Use this to specify unix-only files or windows-only files. The format of the platform string must be OS-version-cpu-extra if any more specific information is needed, and the OS must be in lower case as in "windows." The match is performed using a regular expression, but uses * and ? wildcards instead of .* and .?. Note that hpux/aix/irix/linux are all exclusive. To select non-windows, use (*ix|*ux)

  • scriptphaseexceptions: array mapping of scripts to their install phase. This can be one of: pre-install, post-install, pre-uninstall, post-uninstall, pre-build, post-build, pre-setup, or post-setup

  • installas: array mapping of specific filenames to the filename they should be installed as. Use this to specify new filenames for files that should be installed. This will often be used in conjunction with platformexceptions if there are two files for different OSes that must have the same name when installed.

  • replacements: array mapping of specific filenames to complex text search-and-replace that should be performed upon install. The format is: filename => array('type' => php-const|pear-config|package-info 'from' => text in file 'to' => name of variable) if type is php-const, then 'to' must be the name of a PHP Constant. If type is pear-config, then 'to' must be the name of a PEAR config variable accessible through a PEAR_Config class->get() method. If type is package-info, then 'to' must be the name of a section from the package.xml file used to install this file.

  • globalreplacements: a list of replacements that should be performed on every single file. The format is the same as replacements (since 1.4.0)

  • configure_options: array specifies build options for PECL packages (you should probably use PECL_Gen instead, but it's here for completeness)


array $options









Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager::writePackageFile() -- Writes the package.xml file out with the newly created <release></release> tag


ALWAYS use debugPackageFile() to verify that output is correct before overwriting your package.xml


boolean $debuginterface

NULL if no debugging, TRUE if web interface, FALSE if command-line








См. также

see PEAR_PackageFileManager::debugPackageFile() - calls with the debug parameter set based on whether it is called from the command-line or web interface


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager_CVS

Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager_CVS -- Generate a file list from a CVS checkout

Generate a file list from a CVS checkout

Note that this will NOT work on a repository, only on a checked out CVS module

Class Trees for PEAR_PackageFileManager_CVS

PEAR_PackageFileManager_CVS Inherited Methods

Таблица 52-1. Inherited from PEAR_PackageFileManager_File

Method NameSummary
Constructor PEAR_PackageFileManager_File::PEAR_PackageFileManager_File()Set up the File filelist generator
PEAR_PackageFileManager_File::dirList()Retrieve a listing of every file in $directory and all subdirectories.
PEAR_PackageFileManager_File::getFileList()Generate the <filelist></filelist> section of the package file.


PEAR_PackageFileManager_CVS::dirList() -- Return a list of all files in the CVS repository


This function is like parent::dirList() except that instead of retrieving a regular filelist, it first retrieves a listing of all the CVS/Entries files in $directory and all of the subdirectories. Then, it reads the Entries file, and creates a listing of files that are a part of the CVS repository. No check is made to see if they have been modified, but newly added or removed files are ignored.


string $directory

full path to the directory you want the list of

Возвращаемое значение

returns list of files in a directory


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see _readCVSEntries()

see _recurDirList()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager_File

Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager_File -- Retrieve the files from a directory listing

Retrieve the files from a directory listing

This class is used to retrieve a raw directory listing. Use the PEAR_PackageFileManager_CVS class to only retrieve the contents of a cvs repository when generating the package.xml

constructor PEAR_PackageFileManager_File::PEAR_PackageFileManager_File()

constructor PEAR_PackageFileManager_File::PEAR_PackageFileManager_File() -- Set up the File filelist generator


'ignore' and 'include' are the only options that this class uses. See PEAR_PackageFileManager::setOptions() for more information and formatting of this option


PEAR_PackageFileManager &$parent

array $options


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager_File::dirList() -- Retrieve a listing of every file in $directory and all subdirectories.


The return format is an array of full paths to files


string $directory

full path to the directory you want the list of

Возвращаемое значение

returns list of files in a directory




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


PEAR_PackageFileManager_File::getFileList() -- Generate the <filelist></filelist> section of the package file.


This function performs the backend generation of the array containing all files in this package


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager_XMLOutput

Class Summary PEAR_PackageFileManager_XMLOutput -- Class for XML output

Class for XML output

Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Class Trees for PEAR_PackageFileManager_XMLOutput

  • PEAR_Common

    • PEAR_PackageFileManager_XMLOutput

Package PEAR_PackageFileManager Constants

Package PEAR_PackageFileManager Constants -- Constants defined in and used by PEAR_PackageFileManager

Package PEAR_PackageFileManager Global Variables

Package PEAR_PackageFileManager Global Variables -- Global Variables defined in and used by PEAR_PackageFileManager

All Global Variables

Global Variables defined in PackageFileManager.php

Таблица 52-1. Global Variables defined in PackageFileManager.php

NameValueLine Number
1     array(
2         'en' =>
3         array(
5                 'Release State (option \'state\') must by specified in PEAR_PackageFileManager setOptions (alpha|beta|stable)',
7                 'Release Version (option \'version\') must be specified in PEAR_PackageFileManager setOptions',
9                 'Package source base directory (option \'packagedirectory\') must be ' .
10                'specified in PEAR_PackageFileManager setOptions',
12                'Package install base directory (option \'baseinstalldir\') must be ' .
13                'specified in PEAR_PackageFileManager setOptions',
15                'Base class "%s" can\'t be located',
17                'Base class "%s" can\'t be located in default or user-specified directories',
19                'Failed to write package.xml file to destination directory',
21                'Destination directory "%s" is unwritable',
23                'Failed to copy package.xml.tmp file to package.xml',
25                'Failed to open temporary file "%s" for writing',
27                'package.xml file path "%s" doesn\'t exist or isn\'t a directory',
29                'Directory "%s" is not a CVS directory (it must have the CVS/Entries file)',
31                'Package source base directory "%s" doesn\'t exist or isn\'t a directory',
33                'Run $managerclass->setOptions() before any other methods',
35                'Package Name (option \'package\') must by specified in PEAR_PackageFileManager '.
36                'setOptions to create a new package.xml',
38                'Package Summary (option \'summary\') must by specified in PEAR_PackageFileManager' .
39                ' setOptions to create a new package.xml',
41                'Detailed Package Description (option \'description\') must be' .
42                ' specified in PEAR_PackageFileManager setOptions to create a new package.xml',
44                'Maintainer role must be one of "%s", was "%s"',
46                'Add maintainers to a package before generating the package.xml',
48                'No files found, check the path "%s"',
50                'No files left, check the path "%s" and ignore option "%s"',
52                'Package validation failed:%s%s',
54                'Replacement Type must be one of "%s", was passed "%s"',
56                'Invalid file role passed to addRole, must be one of "%s", was passed "%s"',
58                'addDependency had PHP as a package, use type="php"',
60                'path "%path%" contains CVS directory',
61            ),)

Глава 53. PHP

Что-то вроде общей категории.


Introduction --  The phpDocumentor package provides automatic documenting of PHP code API directly from the source.

The phpDocumentor package provides automatic documenting of php api directly from the source.


Introduction --  The phpDocumentor package provides automatic documenting of PHP code API directly from the source.


The phpDocumentor tool is a standalone auto-documentor similar to JavaDoc written in PHP. It differs from PHPDoc in that it is MUCH faster, parses a much wider range of PHP files, and comes with many customizations including 11 HTML templates, Windows help file CHM output, PDF output, and XML DocBook output that is compatible with the markup used in this manual. In addition, it can do PHPXref source code highlighting and linking.


Introduction -- Purpose and simple usage example
Components -- List of replicated components
Advanced usage -- Describe techniques for advanced usage
PHP_Compat::loadFunction() -- Load a function, or an array of functions
PHP_Compat::loadConstant() -- Load a constant, or an array of constants
PHP_Compat::loadVersion() -- Load all components, or all components until a given version of PHP

Provides missing functionality for older versions of PHP.


Introduction -- Purpose and simple usage example


PHP_Compat provides missing functionality in the form of functions and constants for older versions of PHP.

The replicated functions are designed to be interchangable with their native equivilants. They have the same signature, same return values and throw the same errors. Each function is unit tested to ensure accuracy.


Or, if you don't wish to use the class, you can load it manually.

The function is then ready to use like you would normally.

PHP_Compat is designed for ease of use. It has no dependencies and can be used completely outside the PEAR infrastructure.


Components -- List of replicated components


The following functions have been replicated:

Таблица 53-1. Functions

array_change_key_casePHP 4.2.0
array_chunkPHP 4.2.0
array_combinePHP 5.0.0
array_diff_assocPHP 4.3.0
array_diff_keyPHP 5.0.2
array_diff_ukeyPHP 5.0.2
array_intersect_assocPHP 5.0.0
array_intersect_keyPHP 5.0.2
array_intersect_uassocPHP 5.0.0
array_intersect_ukeyPHP 5.0.2
array_key_existsPHP 4.1.0
array_productPHP 5.1.0
array_searchPHP 4.0.5
array_udiffPHP 5.0.0
array_udiff_assocPHP 5.0.0
array_udiff_uassocPHP 5.0.0
array_uintersectPHP 5.0.0
array_uintersect_assocPHP 5.0.0
array_uintersect_uassocPHP 5.0.0
array_walk_recursivePHP 5.0.0
call_user_func_arrayPHP 4.0.4
bcinvertPHP 5.2.0
bcpowmodPHP 5.0.0
clonePHP 5.0.0
constantPHP 4.0.4
convert_uudecodePHP 5.0.0
convert_uuencodePHP 5.0.0
debug_print_backtracePHP 5.0.0
file_get_contentsPHP 4.3.0
file_put_contentsPHP 5.0.0
floatvalPHP 4.2.0
fprintfPHP 5.0.0
fputcsvPHP 5.0.0
get_headersPHP 5.0.0
get_include_pathPHP 4.3.0
html_entity_decodePHP 4.3.0
htmlspecialchars_decodePHP 5.1.0
http_build_queryPHP 5.0.0
ibase_timefmtPHP 5.0.0
idatePHP 5.1.0
image_type_to_mime_typePHP 4.3.0
inet_ntopPHP 5.1.0
inet_ptonPHP 5.1.0
ini_get_allPHP 4.2.0
is_aPHP 4.2.0
is_scalarPHP 4.0.5
md5_filePHP 4.2.0
mhashPHP 4.1.0
mime_content_typePHP 4.3.0
ob_cleanPHP 4.2.0
ob_flushPHP 4.2.0
ob_get_cleanPHP 4.3.0
ob_get_flushPHP 4.3.0
php_strip_whitespacePHP 5.0.0
property_existsPHP 5.1.0
pg_affected_rowsPHP 4.2.0
pg_escape_byteaPHP 4.2.0
pg_unescape_byteaPHP 4.2.0
restore_include_pathPHP 4.3.0
scandirPHP 5.0.0
set_include_pathPHP 4.3.0
str_ireplacePHP 5.0.0
str_rot13PHP 4.2.0
str_shufflePHP 4.3.0
str_splitPHP 5.0.0
str_word_countPHP 4.3.0
striposPHP 5.0.0
strpbrkPHP 5.0.0
strriposPHP 5.0.0
substr_comparePHP 5.0.0
time_sleep_untilPHP 5.1.0
var_exportPHP 4.2.0
version_comparePHP 4.1.0
vprintfPHP 4.1.0
vsprintfPHP 4.1.0

Advanced usage

Advanced usage -- Describe techniques for advanced usage

Advanced usage

In order to create portable code, it's best to assume all the native functions already exist. Littering a script with calls to PHP_Compat can become messy, and increase the work required to port the code.

To solve this there are a number of approaches. The first would be adding the load statements to a file which is included at the top of every document. The second, and prefered method is to make use of php_auto_append php.ini value. This can be set in a .htaccess file, and no modifications to the actual code are required.

If phpcompat.php was the name of the file, an example entry in a .htaccess could be php_value php_auto_append phpcompat.php. The phpcompat.php file would make use of either the loadVersion or loadFunction/loadConstant methods discussed in the next page.


PHP_Compat::loadFunction() -- Load a function, or an array of functions


Loads a function, or an array of functions.


mixed $function

The name, or an array of names, of functions to load

Возвращаемое значение


TRUE if the function was loaded.
FALSE if the function was not loaded. Either unable to be included or already defined.
If you specified an array of functions to load, an array of TRUE/FALSE values is returned.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PHP_Compat::loadConstant() -- Load a constant, or an array of constants


Loads a constant, or an array of constants.


mixed $constant

The name, or an array of names, of constants to load

Возвращаемое значение


TRUE if the constant was loaded.
FALSE if the constant was not loaded. Either unable to be included or already defined.
If you specified an array of constants to load, an array of TRUE/FALSE values is returned.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


PHP_Compat::loadVersion() -- Load all components, or all components until a given version of PHP


Load all components, or all components until a given version of PHP.


string $version

The version of PHP to load components until.

Возвращаемое значение


An associative array of boolean values. The key is the name of the component loaded. The value for whether or not the component was loaded correctly.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


Tutorial --  A short tutorial about PHPUnit
PHPUnit::run() -- runs a TestSuite and returns a TestResult object.
PHPUnit::TestCase --  A TestCase defines the fixture to run multiple tests.

Provides a simple framework for creating a test application to automate testing of functions and classes.


Tutorial --  A short tutorial about PHPUnit

A short introduction to the test framework

PHPUnit provides a simple framework for creating a test suite to automate testing of functions and classes. PHPUnit is inspired by JUnit which was created by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma as a tool for eXtreme Programming. One of the rules of XP is to test small software components as often and early as possible, this way you will not have to fix bugs and errors in the API while setting up and testing larger applications which depend on the class. While unit testing is one of the fundimental rules in XP, you don't have to switch to XP to benefit from PHPUnit. PHPUnit stands alone as a good tool for testing classes or a set of functions and will ease your development cycle and help you to avoid endless debug sessions.

Work routine

Normally, you would write a class, do some unsystematic tests using echo() or var_dump(). After this, you use the class in your application and hope everything is ok. To benefit from PHPUnit you should rethink the flow. The best way is to do this:

  • 1. design your class/API

  • 2. create a test suite

  • 3. implement the class/API

  • 4. run the test suite

  • 5. fix failures or errors and go to #4 again

It may seem that this will require a lot of time, but this impression is wrong. Creating the test suite using PHPUnit needs only a few minutes and running the test suite only seconds.

Design a class

Let's start with a small example: a string class. First we create a bunch of functions declarations to work on a string:
---- string.php ----

class String
    //contains the internal data
    var $data;

    // constructor
    function String($data) {
        $this->data = $data;

    // creates a deep copy of the string object
    function copy() {

    // adds another string object to this class
    function add($string) {

    // returns the formated string
    function toString($format) {

Creating test suite

Now we can create a test suite, which checks every function of your string class. A test suite is normal PHP class inherited from PHPUnit_TestCase containing test functions, identified by a leading 'test' in the function name. In the test function an expected value has to be compared with the result of the function to test. The result of this compare must delegate to a function of the assert*()-family, which decides if a function passes or fails the test.
---- testcase.php ----


require_once 'string.php';
require_once 'PHPUnit.php';

class StringTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase
    // contains the object handle of the string class
    var $abc;

    // constructor of the test suite
    function StringTest($name) {

    // called before the test functions will be executed
    // this function is defined in PHPUnit_TestCase and overwritten
    // here
    function setUp() {
        // create a new instance of String with the
        // string 'abc'
        $this->abc = new String("abc");

    // called after the test functions are executed
    // this function is defined in PHPUnit_TestCase and overwritten
    // here
    function tearDown() {
        // delete your instance

    // test the toString function
    function testToString() {
        $result = $this->abc->toString('contains %s');
        $expected = 'contains abc';
        $this->assertTrue($result == $expected);

    // test the copy function
    function testCopy() {
      $abc2 = $this->abc->copy();
      $this->assertEquals($abc2, $this->abc);

    // test the add function
    function testAdd() {
        $abc2 = new String('123');
        $result = $this->abc->toString("%s");
        $expected = "abc123";
        $this->assertTrue($result == $expected);

The first test run

Now, we can run a first test. Make sure that all the paths are correct and then execute this PHP program.
---- stringtest.php ----


require_once 'testcase.php';
require_once 'PHPUnit.php';

$suite  = new PHPUnit_TestSuite("StringTest");
$result = PHPUnit::run($suite);

echo $result -> toString();

If you call this script from the commandline, you will get the following output:
TestCase stringtest->testtostring() failed: expected true, actual false
TestCase stringtest->testcopy() failed: expected , actual Object
TestCase stringtest->testadd() failed: expected true, actual false
Every function fails the test, because your string functions didn't returned what we defined as the expected value.

If you want to call the script through your browser, you have to put the script in a correct html page and call $result->toHTML () instead of $result->toString().


Ok, let's start with implementation of the our string class.
---- string.php ----

class String
    //contains the internal data
    var $data;

    // constructor
    function String($data) {
        $this->data = $data;

    // creates a deep copy of the string object
    function copy() {
        $ret = new String($this->data);
        return $ret;

    // adds another string object to this class
    function add($string) {
        $this->data = $this->data.$string->toString("%ss");

    // returns the formated string
    function toString($format) {
        $ret = sprintf($format, $this->data);
        return $ret;

The implementation is complete and we can run the test again:
~> php -f stringtest.php
TestCase stringtest->testtostring() passed
TestCase stringtest->testcopy() passed
TestCase stringtest->testadd() failed: expected true, actual false
D'oh! the last test failed! We made a typing mistake. Change line 16 in string.php to
$this->data = $this->data.$string->toString("%s");
and run the test again:
~> php -f stringtest.php
TestCase stringtest->testtostring() passed
TestCase stringtest->testcopy() passed
TestCase stringtest->testadd() passed
Everything is now OK!


Does it seem like a lot of work for testing three simple functions? Don't forget, this is a small example. Think about bigger, more complex API's like database abstraction or basket classes in a shop application. PHPUnit is an excellent tool to detect errors in the implementation of your class.

Often you will want to reimplement or refactor a large class which is used in several different applications. Without a test suite the likeliness of you breaking something in one of the applications that depends on your class is very high. Thanks to unit tests, you can create a test suite for your class, and then reimplement your class with the security of knowing that as long as the new class passes the tests, applications that depend on the class will work.


PHPUnit::run() -- runs a TestSuite and returns a TestResult object.


Executes the given test suite


  • object $suite - an object of PHPUnit_TestSuite

Возвращаемое значение

&PHPUnit_Result - A reference to a PHPUnit_Result.


PHPUnit::TestCase --  A TestCase defines the fixture to run multiple tests.

To define a TestCase

  • 1) Implement a subclass of PHPUnit_TestCase.

  • 2) Define instance variables that store the state of the fixture.

  • 3) Initialize the fixture state by overriding setUp().

  • 4) Clean-up after a test by overriding tearDown().

Each test runs in its own fixture so there can be no side effects among test runs.


    class MathTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase {
      var $fValue1;
      var $fValue2;

      function MathTest($name) {

      function setUp() {
        $this->fValue1 = 2;
        $this->fValue2 = 3;

For each test implement a method which interacts with the fixture. Verify the expected results with assertions specified by calling assert with a boolean.

function testPass() {
      $this->assertTrue($this->fValue1 + $this->fValue2 == 5);

Глава 54. QA Tools

Tools to ensure the quality of something.


Introduction -- What QA_Peardoc_Coverage is good for
How it works -- The global picture
Generating coverage analysis -- Step by step

Documentation coverage analysis for the PEAR packages documentation.

Daily updated pear documentation stats can be found at


Introduction -- What QA_Peardoc_Coverage is good for

About QA_Peardoc_Coverage

A great library is almost useless without documentation. PEAR has over 300 packages, automatically generated API documentation and a manual. The PEAR manual (the one you are reading) shall provide an overview on the packages and instructions about how to use them, and give an understanding about the classes in a package, and their methods. Further information about them can looked up in the API docs.

With the amount of packages PEAR provides, it's hard to keep track of the state of documentation of the packages - a tool to track this was needed. QA_Peardoc_Coverage is it's incarnation.

QA_Peardoc_Coverage uses a CVS checkout of PEAR and PEARDOC to find out which packages are documented, which classes and method are mentioned in the docs, and which developers do a good job in documenting their code.

How it works

How it works -- The global picture

How it works

The documentation analysis report generation is split into two processes:

  1. Collect data and save it

  2. Generate different reports from saved data

This was chosen because the data collection step takes a long time (~ 1 minute), but it's needed for every single report. So if you want to generate the simple doc coverage, and the extended one, you need the same base data - you just display it in a different way.

generateCoverage() in QA_Peardoc_Coverage generates and returns the array with the computed coverage data. It can be serialized and saved, since all the Renderer classes use it as input.

Classes implementing the QA_Peardoc_Coverage_Renderer interface provide a render() method that takes the data returned by generateCoverage() and return the analysis, most times a string containing HTML code.

Generating coverage analysis

Generating coverage analysis -- Step by step

Generating coverage analysis data

  1. Make sure you have a fresh checkout of pear and peardoc directories from

  2. Configure peardoc to generate the manual.xml in there ( autoconf, ./configure).

  3. Call genData.php with the path to peardoc's manual.xml as first, and path to the pear cvs directory as second parameter.

  4. A file called doc.dat will be generated in the current working directory.

Generating HTML reports

Once the coverage data is generated and serialized, you can generate some HTML reports. For this, the packages provides four Renderer classes that all implement the QA_Peardoc_Coverage_Renderer interface:

  • QA_Peardoc_Coverage_Renderer_DeveloperList lists all developers with the number of packages they have, the number of undocumented packages and lists the undocumented ones. The list is sorted by percentage of documented packages.

  • QA_Peardoc_Coverage_Renderer_SimplePackageList lists all categories in PEAR, the packages in them and shows which of them have docs and which not. A final summary with the total number of existing and documented packages, and a percentage number is also given.

  • QA_Peardoc_Coverage_Renderer_ExtendetPackageList is similar to the simple list, but also shows the package's classes, their documentation state and their methods and their doc state. This list can be used to check which methods aren't yet covered by your documentation.

  • QA_Peardoc_Coverage_Renderer_MissingDocsPerDeveloper generates an array of developer email => array(package names) assignments that can be used as base data to send reminder emails.

All the renderers have a examples/gen*.php file that uses the doc.dat file written by examples/genData.php. They echo the html to the console, so you should redirect it into a file.

Глава 55. Наука

Предоставляет пакеты, необходимые для научных целей.

Глава 56. Streams

Provides Packages for streams API. For more information on stream wrappers see the PHP Manual.


Introduction -- Introduction to Stream_Var
Example -- Example for the usage of Stream_Var

Allows stream based access to variables.


Introduction -- Introduction to Stream_Var

Introduction to Stream_Var

Stream_Var supplies a class that can be used as a wrapper for PHP'' stream functions. This allows you to access variables with fopen(), fclose(), fwrite(), fread(), opendir() and all other filesystem functions.

You may use stream_wrapper_register() to register Stream_Var as a wrapper.

Scalar variables (strings, integers, floats) are treated as files, while arrays represent directories.

Please see the PHP Manual or the example for more information on how to register streams.

Usage scenario

Stream_Var could be used in various scenarios. Imagine you are using a class that reads data from a file but you are creating the data on-the-fly and do not want to save the data before it can be processed by the class.

This is, where Stream_Var can be used. Just register it as a wrapper for fopen() and pass var://GLOBAL/yourVar as a parameter to the class.

It will read from the variable as if it was a file.


Example -- Example for the usage of Stream_Var

Registering the wrapper

The following example shows you how to register Stream_Var as a wrapper for the stream functions.

More examples

If you want to take a look at some more examples, just install the package and they will be installed in the docs directory.

Глава 57. Structures

Provides structures-related Packages


Introduction --  Introduction to Structures_BibTex
Warnings --  Usage of warnings when using Structures_BibTex
Exporting --  Possibility to export the data using Structures_BibTex
Miscellaneous -- Miscellaneous methods in the class Structures_BibTex

Parsing BibTex Data to an array and exporting to BibTex and RTF.


Introduction --  Introduction to Structures_BibTex


This package provides methods to access information stored in a BibTex file. During parsing it is possible to let the data be validated. In addition. the creation of BibTex Strings as well as RTF Strings is also supported.


Options can be set either in the constructor or with the method setOption(). When setting in the constructor the options are given in an associative array. The options are:

  • stripDelimiter (default: true) Stripping the delimiter surrounding the entries.

  • validate (default: true) Validation while parsing.

  • unwrap (default: false) Unwrapping entries while parsing.

  • wordWrapWidth (default: false) If set to a number higher one that the entries are wrapped after that amount of characters.

  • wordWrapBreak (default: \n) String used to break the line (attached to the line).

  • wordWrapCut (default: 0) If set to zero the line will we wrapped at the next possible space, if set to one the line will be wrapped exactly after the given amount of characters.

  • removeCurlyBraces (default: false) If set to true Curly Braces will be removed.

Example of setting options in the constructor:
Example of setting options using the method setOption():

Stored Data

The data is stored in the class variable data. This is a a list where each entry is a hash table representing one bibtex-entry. The keys of the hash table correspond to the keys used in bibtex and the values are the corresponding values. Some of these keys are:

  • cite - The key used in a LaTeX source to do the citing.

  • type - The type of the entry, like techreport, book and so on.

  • author - One or more authors of the entry. This entry is also a list with hash tables representing the authors as entries. The author has table is explained later.

  • title - Title of the entry.


As described before the authors are stored in a list. Every entry representing one author as a has table. The hash table consits of four keys: first, von, last and jr. The keys are explained in the following list:

  • first - The first name of the author.

  • von - Some names have a 'von' part in their name. This is usually a sign of nobleness.

  • last - The last name of the author.

  • jr - Sometimes a author is the son of his father and has the same name, then the value would be jr. The same is true for the value sen but vice versa.


Warnings --  Usage of warnings when using Structures_BibTex


The class Structures_BibTex introduces a system to collect warnings that may happen during parsing. Warnings are things in the BibTex source which are not correct but do not cause the parser to fail. One example would be a double cite entry. These warnings should help to improve the quality of your BibTex code. Whether warnings are generated or not is controlled by the option validate. Per default warnings are generated. If you want to not generate warnings you should use the setOption() method like this.


The warnings are stored in an array called warnings which is public accessible. To check is a warning exists you can use the method hasWarning(). This method returns true if there are warnings and false otherwise.
Every warning itself is hash table with the following keys:

  • warning - Type of the warning

  • entry - The line that caused the warning

  • wholeentry - The whole entry in which the warning occurred

To print every warning with type and line that caused the warning you could do something like this:
Finally if you want to clear all warnings you can use the method clearWarnings().

Types of Warnings

The following Warnings are known:

  • WARNING_MISSING_END_BRACE - This warning is generated when the end brace in an entry is missing. Take this warning seriously!

  • WARNING_AT_IN_BRACES - A Value is delimited by Braces. Then inside a @ is not allowed.

  • WARNING_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE_INSIDE_DOUBLE_QUOTES - A Value is delimited by double quotes. Then inside no escaped double quote is allowed.

  • WARNING_UNBALANCED_AMOUNT_OF_BRACES - The amount of braces inside a value is not equal (opening and closing). The parses fails if in the complete entry this amount is not correct. But if only on an entry it is not correct then this is only a warning. As a matter of fact of the parser does not fail but there is an unbalanced amount of braces in an entry this warning has to be generated something times two.

  • WARNING_MULTIPLE_ENTRIES - Every entry is identified by a unique string. This warning is created if there are at least two entries with the same identification.

  • WARNING_LINE_WAS_NOT_CONVERTED - This warning is created if during exporting (for example in RTF or HTML) one entry was ignored because of no matching data in the entry. At least one of the following entries have to exist in the entry to get converted: title, journal, year or authors.

  • STRING_ENTRY_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED - BibTex defines some special entry types, String is one of them and is used to define abbreviations. This is not yet supported by Structres_BibTex.

  • PREAMBLE_ENTRY_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED - BibTex defines some special entry types, Preamble is one of them and is used to define formatted code. This is not yet supported by Structres_BibTex.

  • WARNING_NOT_ALLOWED_TYPE - BibTex allows to define own types. This warning is genereated when a type was detected which is not part of the standard types. The allowed or standard type are defined in the class variable allowedTypes as array.


Exporting --  Possibility to export the data using Structures_BibTex


The class Structures_BibTex provides some methods to export the data stored in the class. Currently the class exports the data in the following formats:

  • BibTeX - The whole data in BibTeX

  • RTF - The data with enough matching data as a short list in RTF format

  • HTML - The data with enough matching data as a short list in HTML format


The default is to export the name of the author in this format: "VON LAST, JR, FIRST". The corresponding placeholder will be substituted. The placeholders have to be uppercase. The format string is defined in the class variable authorstring. Changing the ouput of the author in the entries to this format "FIRST LAST" can be done like this:


This feature was introduced to enable some kind of import into Word. Word (of course also Open Office or kword) understands the RTF format. It is simply possible to save the output as 'somefile.rtf' and be opened in Word. This will satisfy the Windows users. To use it simply call the method rtf().

The default format for every entry is first the authors, then the title bold and in double quotes, then the journal italic and finally the year. To change the default format you should override the class variable rtfstring. The default rtfstring looks like this: 'AUTHORS, "{\b TITLE}", {\i JOURNAL}, YEAR'. The string AUTHORS, TITLE, JOURNAL and YEAR are substituted with the corresponding values.


Miscellaneous -- Miscellaneous methods in the class Structures_BibTex


On this page miscellaneous methods of the class Structures_BibTex are described. These methods include:

  • amount - The amount of BibTex entries

  • getStatistic - Statistics about BibTex entries


This method simply returns the amount of BibTex entries which are currently stored in the class. The value is returned as Integer value.


This methods returns an array with a statistic about all error types together with the amount. The keys are the types and the values the amount in integer.


Structures_DataGrid is a class for building, manipulating and rendering a tabular structure of data. It has the ability to allow you to render a datagrid in HTML format as well as many other formats such as an XML Document, an Excel Spreadsheet, an XUL Document and more.

It also offers paging and sorting functionality to limit the data that is presented. This concept is based on the .NET Framework DataGrid control and works very well with database and XML result sets.

Introduction and Features

Introduction -- What can I do with Structures_DataGrid?
FAQ -- Answers to most Frequently Asked Questions
Installation -- How to install the core and drivers packages
DataSources -- What is a DataSource driver?
Rendering the output -- What formats can I render the output?
Streaming -- How to stream large recordsets
Column Formatter -- What can I do with the column formatter?
Example - Quick -- Quickly retrieve data from a database table
Example - Complex -- How to build a datagrid using many of the features
Custom DataSources --  How to write your own DataSource driver.
Custom Renderers --  How to write your own Rendering driver.


Introduction -- What can I do with Structures_DataGrid?


Structures_DataGrid is a package with the purpose of rendering a data set into a tabular structure in a specific output format. Possible output formats are (X)HTML, XML, XUL, Excel .xls spreadsheets, CSV, or console tables.

The input data format is independent of the underlying data storage layer: It does not matter if the data has been selected from a database, has been harvested from plain text files or converted from a web service call. The data can be sorted and paged, and each cell of the table can have a custom look by using CSS for the HTML output.

Where to start

So to begin, you will want to find a datasource, commonly you might use a Database like MySQL or an XML document. You can then easily bind this datasource to the datagrid, to do so you have 3 options. The first, is to fetch your data into a 2 dimension array and pass it into the bind method. The second way is to bind a record set that is not already an array, such as a DB_DataObject or a DB_Result object. To do so, you can use the bindDataSource method by creating a DataSource object. The third way is to loop through your record set and add each record individually, this practice is the least efficient.

Замечание: If you bind the datagrid to a datasource that is an object such as a DB_DataObject, you do not need to fetch the data as the DataGrid will handle that for you.

Render the output

Once your datagrid has been populated with your records, you have many options on how to manipulate what is to be shown. You can sort the data, choose to show only a certain amount of data per page and also choose what format the data should be rendered into. You can render the datagrid in many formats including HTML.


FAQ -- Answers to most Frequently Asked Questions


This document is based on questions asked on PEAR general mailing list and other mailing lists and forums.

Structures_DataGrid FAQ

1. I'm using the HTML_Table Renderer. How can I use multiple grids on the same page?
2. Which DataSource drivers are recommended?
3. I'd like to add row numbers to my DataGrid. How can I do this?
4. I'm using the Excel Renderer and would like to have the € sign in the resulting Excel file, but I always get only a box or some funny characters. How can I get the right € sign?
5. Streaming is a nice feature. Why isn't streaming the default behaviour?

1. I'm using the HTML_Table Renderer. How can I use multiple grids on the same page?

The setRequestPrefix() method is the solution for this problem. Each DataGrid for the page needs such a prefix that is internally used before the GET parameters for sorting and paging. An example of the usage:
require_once 'Structures/DataGrid.php';

$datagrid1 = new Structures_DataGrid();
$datagrid2 = new Structures_DataGrid();


$datagrid1->bind('SELECT * FROM trade', array('dsn' => DSN));
$datagrid2->bind('SELECT * FROM stock', array('dsn' => DSN));


Замечание: You need to call setRequestPrefix() before calling bind().

2. Which DataSource drivers are recommended?

Currently there are four DataSource drivers that are recommended in the sense of efficiency:

  • DB_DataObject

  • DB_Table

  • DBQuery

  • MDB2

These four drivers will only fetch the needed records from the database. For example, if you have a row limit of 15 records per page, they will only fetch (up to) 15 records.

All other DataSource drivers can, of course, also be used. But there is no logic implemented (better said: implementable) to avoid fetching (or keeping in memory) unneeded records.

3. I'd like to add row numbers to my DataGrid. How can I do this?

You need a formatter for the new column that should hold the row number. The first parameter that is passed to such a formatter function contains a currRow value with the row number per page. For calculating the row number relative to the whole table, you need to take also the getCurrentRecordNumberStart() method into account.

The following code snippet shows you how to define the formatter function and how to add the column (with # as the column label and right aligned values):
function formatRowNumber($params, $recordNumberStart)
    return $params['currRow'] + $recordNumberStart;

    new Structures_DataGrid_Column(
        array('style' => 'text-align: right;'),

4. I'm using the Excel Renderer and would like to have the € sign in the resulting Excel file, but I always get only a box or some funny characters. How can I get the right € sign?

Instead of using an encoding like ISO-8859-15, you need to use Windows-1252.

5. Streaming is a nice feature. Why isn't streaming the default behaviour?

Streaming support in Structures_DataGrid is intended to be used with large datasets. But it can also be used with very small datasets without loss of performance.

As always, there is an exception to this rule: When you're using one of the DataSource drivers that fetch data from a database and you have queries that need a lot of time for computation of the results, you should not use streaming, as running such a complex query multiple times will need even more time, of course.


Installation -- How to install the core and drivers packages


If you are not familiar with PEAR, we recommend that you first read the PEAR general installation instructions

Structures_DataGrid use drivers that are provided separately. It means that installing the core package named Structures_DataGrid is not enough to get something working.

Installation steps

You will at least need one DataSource driver, for handling the input, and one Rendering driver (or Renderer), for the output.

The following commands will install the core package, as well as the MDB2 DataSource (for binding SQL queries), HTML_Table Renderer and the Pager renderer (for paging links). That should cover your most common needs.

$ pear install -o Structures_DataGrid
$ pear install -o Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_MDB2
$ pear install -o Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLTable
$ pear install -o Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Pager

Замечание: If you get an error message like Failed to download pear/Structures_DataGrid within preferred state "stable", latest release is [...], you can simply append -beta to the package name, for example:

$ pear install -o Structures_DataGrid-beta

Of course, you may want to use other input/output formats, such as XML, MS Excel, DB_DataObject, XUL, etc... Just install the corresponding drivers.

Advanced installation

It is possible to install DataSource drivers or all Renderer drivers at once. The following two commands will install Structures_DataGrid and either all DataSource or all Renderer drivers at once.

$ pear install Structures_DataGrid#datasources
$ pear install Structures_DataGrid#renderers

Please note that the individual drivers will be installed only if the requirements are fulfilled. That means that the MDB2 DataSource won't be installed if you don't have MDB2 installed. The same holds for the Excel Renderer if you don't have Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer installed.

Of course, the same holds for the uninstallation. For example:

$ pear uninstall Structures_DataGrid#datasources
$ pear uninstall Structures_DataGrid#renderers


DataSources -- What is a DataSource driver?


A DataSource has a rather self-explanatory name; however, a DataSource driver in context to the DataGrid can become a very essential key to your software. A DataSource driver will interact with your data source directly, such as a DB_DataObject or a MDB2 query and handle all of the paging and sorting code for you, resulting in very few lines of code that you will need to write.

How to use the drivers

There are two methods intended to be used for binding a DataSource driver: bind() and bindDataSource().

The bind() method is able to autodetect the right driver in many cases. For example, you can pass DB_Table or DB_DataObject instances to it. Strings can't be autodetected because they could contain CSV or XML data, for example. In such cases, you can specify the type as the third parameter in the bind() method call (e.g. 'CSV' or 'XML').

If you are building your own custom DataSource driver, using bindDataSource() is the method of choice. Just instantiate your DataSource class and pass this instance to the bindDataSource() method.

Currently available DataSource drivers

A list with the currently available DataSources can be found on the overview page.

Please also note the following FAQ entry: Which DataSource drivers are recommended?

Rendering the output

Rendering the output -- What formats can I render the output?


The DataGrid offers the ability to build out your data in a grid format in an HTML table, which is the most common method due to the nature of PHP. However, the DataGrid offers many other ways of outputting the tabular data structure such as an Excel spreadsheet or an XML document.

How do I change the renderer?

To use a different renderer other than the HTML_Table renderer, you can specify the name of the renderer (e.g. 'CSV', 'Pager' or 'XML') as the first parameter of the fill(), getOutput(), and render() methods. Another possibility is to use setRenderer() method. The old way of using the third parameter of the constructor to define the renderer is deprecated since version 0.7.0.

Currently available renderers

A list with the currently available renderers can be found on the overview page.


Streaming -- How to stream large recordsets


Large recordsets can exceed PHP's memory limit. Structures_DataGrid offers streaming support with many DataSource drivers and some Renderer drivers to avoid problems with the memory limit.

How do I use streaming?

Streaming can be enabled by calling the enableStreaming() method of the Structures_DataGrid object. An optimal parameter allows to set the number of records that should be read and written on each stream iteration. The default buffer size is 500 records.

Once streaming is enabled, only up to the number of records specified in the buffer size records will be fetched and rendered. This will be repeated until this was done for all records.

Driver support for streaming

Although streaming can be used with every DataSource driver, only the following drivers support streaming in a meaningful way: DataObject, DBQuery, DB_Table and MDB2. Streaming support is planned to be added also to the CSV and XML DataSources.

Streaming support is also compatible with every Renderer driver but can currently be used only with CSV and XML Renderers in a meaningful way. Other Renderers might be rewritten in the future for streaming support.

Column Formatter

Column Formatter -- What can I do with the column formatter?


The column formatter method can be a very powerful solution to a very common need. The need is to customize the output for a cell in the grid such as a link for a form element. This can be easily done by specifying a "callback" function. This function will then return the string that is needed to be printed.

Each callback function needs to accept at least one parameter ($params in the example above). This parameter will contain various information:

  • 'record': An array containing the complete current record

  • 'fieldName': The field name of the current column

  • 'columnName': The column name of the current column

  • 'orderBy': The 'orderBy' argument of the current column

  • 'attribs': The attributes of the current column

  • 'currRow': The number of the current row

  • 'currCol': The number of the current column

An optional second parameter ($args in the example) allows you to pass additional information to the callback functions. In the example above, an array with length information is passed when the callback function printDesc() is called for the description column. Please note that this second parameter is only passed when you specify something in the column constructor. Therefore, it is a good practice to use $args = array() in the parameter list of your callback functions.

Example - Quick

Example - Quick -- Quickly retrieve data from a database table


Binding an SQL query

To retrieve the data that the datagrid will display you can begin by passing a simple SQL statement to the bind() method.

If you are familiar with the SQL language you'll certainly find many ways to adapt the above example to your needs, using more complex queries.

You can also page through your dataset with the automatic paging feature as shown below. This feature transparently adds LIMIT clauses to your SQL statement, providing optimized database access.

Example - Complex

Example - Complex -- How to build a datagrid using many of the features


An interface to a User Management System

This example will show you how to create an interface to a User Management System using the DB_DataObject package to handle the database aspects of this example.

Warning: this example makes use of new features that will be available in the upcoming Structures_DataGrid 0.7 release. In the meantime, please use the CVS version.

Пример 57-1. User Management System Example

require_once 'Structures/DataGrid.php';
require_once 'HTML/Table.php';
require_once 'myclasses/User.php';

// Instantiate the DataObject; that's our DataSource container
$user = new User_DataObject();

// Create the DataGrid, and bind the DataSource container 
$datagrid =& new Structures_DataGrid(20); // Display 20 records per page
$test = $datagrid->bind($user);
if (PEAR::isError($test)) {
    echo $test->getMessage(); 

// Specify how the DataGrid should be sorted by default
$datagrid->setDefaultSort(array('lname' => 'ASC'));

// Define columns
$datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column(null, null, null, array('width' => '10'), null, 'printCheckbox()'));
$datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column('Name', null, 'lname', array('width' => '40%'), null, 'printFullName()'));
$datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column('Username', 'username', 'username', array('width' => '20%')));
$datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column('Role', null, null, array('width' => '20%'), null, 'printRoleSelector()'));
$datagrid->addColumn(new Structures_DataGrid_Column('Edit', null, null, array('width' => '20%'), null, 'printEditLink()'));

// Define the Look and Feel
$tableAttribs = array(
    'width' => '100%',
    'cellspacing' => '0',
    'cellpadding' => '4',
    'class' => 'datagrid'
$headerAttribs = array(
    'bgcolor' => '#CCCCCC'
$evenRowAttribs = array(
    'bgcolor' => '#FFFFFF'
$oddRowAttribs = array(
    'bgcolor' => '#EEEEEE'
$rendererOptions = array(
    'sortIconASC' => '&uArr;',
    'sortIconDESC' => '&dArr;'

// Create a HTML_Table
$table = new HTML_Table($tableAttribs);
$tableHeader =& $table->getHeader();
$tableBody =& $table->getBody();

// Ask the DataGrid to fill the HTML_Table with data, using rendering options
$test = $datagrid->fill($table, $rendererOptions);
if (PEAR::isError($test)) {
    echo $test->getMessage(); 

// Set attributes for the header row
$tableHeader->setRowAttributes(0, $headerAttribs);

// Set alternating row attributes
$tableBody->altRowAttributes(0, $evenRowAttribs, $oddRowAttribs, true);

// Output table and paging links
echo $table->toHtml();

// Display paging links
$test = $datagrid->render(DATAGRID_RENDER_PAGER);
if (PEAR::isError($test)) {
    echo $test->getMessage(); 

function printCheckbox($params)
    return '<input type="checkbox" name="idList[]" value="' . $record['id'] . '">';
function printFullName($params)
    return $record['fname'] . ' ' . $record['lname'];
function printRoleSelector($params)
    global $roleList;

    $html = '<select name="role_id">';
    foreach ($roleList as $roleId => $roleName) {
        $html .= "<option value=\"$roleId\">$roleName</option>\n";
    $html .= '</select>';
    return $html;
function printEditLink($params)
    return '<a href="edit.php?id=' . $record['id'] . '">Edit</a>';

Custom DataSources

Custom DataSources --  How to write your own DataSource driver.


Writing your own DataSource driver is the way to go when none of the existing driver suit your needs. It is actually pretty easy, and allows for great flexibility.

Of course, if you're trying to fetch data from an exotic source, writing your own driver is required. But, sometimes it's also the best way to achieve the best optimization, especially (but not only) with databases.

This document will present you the DataSource interface, and how to implement it.


A DataSource driver is a descendent of the Structures_DataGrid_DataSource class, which implements the DataSource interface.

DataSource is a synomym for DataSource driver.

The DataSource interface consists in a set of methods that drivers must or may overload and protected properties that drivers can use, as well as recommended practices.

A DataSource container is a constant or a variable of any type (string, array, object, etc...) that either contains data or describes how to retrieve data.

Every DataSource driver is specific to, and knows how to handle, a given DataSource container type.

The DataSource interface

Properties available to drivers

array $_options - Data binding options as an associative array. You can read the content of this property but you shouldn't change it directly.

Testing your driver

Before going live, it is very recommended to test your driver with the dump() method.

That should output a nicely formated ascii table like:

There are 23 cats in the farm.

Here are the 5 lightest ones:
| name    | species | birthDate | weight |
| sarge   | cat     | 20021220  | 1.8    |
| etch    | cat     | 20000509  | 2.5    |
| potato  | cat     | 19980128  | 3.8    |
| sid     | cat     | 20011101  | 4.1    |
| woody   | cat     | 19970712  | 6.0    |

Using your new driver

Okay, so you have written a driver that's tailored to your needs, and tested it. It is now time to connect it to Structures_DataGrid.

For this purpose we're going to use the bindDataSource() method.

That should output a sortable HTML table.

Of course, the usual features of Structures_DataGrid are now available to you: paging, other output formats as XML, MS-Excel, etc...

Custom Renderers

Custom Renderers --  How to write your own Rendering driver.


Writing your own Renderer allows you to fine tune every aspect of Structures_DataGrid output.

You may need to output the datagrid in a completely unsupported format. Then writing your own Renderer is the only option

But you may also need a unsupported variant of an existing renderer, say, for example, a very specific HTML output. In this case, you generally have two options : either writing a Rendering driver from scratch, or customizing (subclassing) an existing one.

This document will present you the Rendering driver interface, and how to implement it. You will certainly see how flexible Structures_DataGrid can become with custom Renderers, but also how easy we have to tried to make this process.


A Rendering driver is a descendent of the Structures_DataGrid_Renderer class, which implements the Renderer interface.

Renderer is a synomym for Rendering driver.

The Renderer interface consists in a set of methods that drivers must or may overload and protected properties that drivers can use, as well as recommended practices.

A Rendering container is either an object that contain a sort of rendering engine, or a variable of any type (string, array, object, etc...) that can contain the output of a Renderer.

A Renderer with Container Support driver is specific to, and knows how to handle, a given type of Rendering container.

A driver is said to provide Container Support when it is able to handle a given type of Rendering container. Drivers with Container Support must implement the setContainer() and getContainer() public methods. They must be able to use a Rendering container provided by the user with setContainer(). They must also be able to create and intialize a Rendering container if the user does not provide any.

A driver is said to provide Output Buffering when it buffers the output that it generates, implements the flatten() method and is able to return the generated output from flatten().

A Direct Rendering driver is the simplest form of Renderer. It directs all of its output to standard output. By definition, a such driver neither provide Container support nor Output Buffering

The Renderer interface

Protected properties available to drivers

All of the following properties are read-only : drivers can access their content but must not change it directly.

array $_options -Common and driver-specific options

array $_columns - Columns fields names and labels

int $_columnsNum - Number of columns

array $_records - Records content

int $_recordsNum - Number of records in the current page

int $_totalRecordsNum - Total number of records as reported by the datasource

int $_firstRecord - First record number (starting from 1), in the current page

int $_lastRecord - Last record number (starting from 1), in the current page

int $_page - Current page number (starting from 1)

int $_pageLimit - Number of records per page

int $_pagesNum - Number of pages

string $_requestPrefix - GET/POST/Cookie parameters prefix

array $_currentSort - Fields/directions the data is currently sorted by

array $_sortableFields - Which fields the datagrid may be sorted by

A simple driver


Testing your driver


Using your new driver


Class Structures_DataGrid

constructor Structures_DataGrid::Structures_DataGrid() -- Constructor
Structures_DataGrid::addColumn() -- Add a column, with optional position
Structures_DataGrid::attachRenderer() -- Attach an already instantiated Rendering driver
Structures_DataGrid::bind() -- A simple way to add a record set to the datagrid
Structures_DataGrid::bindDataSource() -- Bind an already instantiated DataSource driver
Structures_DataGrid::build() -- Build the datagrid
Structures_DataGrid::dataSourceFactory() -- Datasource driver Factory
Structures_DataGrid::dump() --  Method used for debugging purposes only. Displays a dump of the DataGrid object.
Structures_DataGrid::enableStreaming() --  Enable streaming support for reading from DataSources and writing with Renderers and set the buffer size (number of records)
Structures_DataGrid::fill() -- Fill a rendering container with data
Structures_DataGrid::generateColumns() -- Generate columns from a fields list
Structures_DataGrid::getColumnByField() -- Find a column by field name
Structures_DataGrid::getColumnByName() -- Find a column by name (label)
Structures_DataGrid::getColumnCount() -- Returns the number of columns
Structures_DataGrid::getColumns() -- Return the current columns
Structures_DataGrid::getCurrentPage() -- Retrieves the current page number when paging is implemented
Structures_DataGrid::getCurrentRecordNumberEnd() -- Returns the number of the last record of the current page
Structures_DataGrid::getCurrentRecordNumberStart() -- Returns the number of the first record of the current page
Structures_DataGrid::getDataSource() -- Get the currently loaded DataSource driver
Structures_DataGrid::getOutput() -- Return the datagrid output
Structures_DataGrid::getPageCount() -- Returns the total number of pages
Structures_DataGrid::getRecordCount() -- Returns the total number of records
Structures_DataGrid::getRenderer() -- Get the current or default Rendering driver
Structures_DataGrid::removeColumn() -- Remove a column
Structures_DataGrid::render() -- Render the datagrid
Structures_DataGrid::setCurrentPage() -- Define the current page number.
Structures_DataGrid::setDataSourceOption() -- Set a single datasource option
Structures_DataGrid::setDataSourceOptions() -- Set multiple datasource options
Structures_DataGrid::setDefaultSort() -- Set default sorting specification
Structures_DataGrid::setRenderer() -- Set Renderer
Structures_DataGrid::setRendererOption() -- Set a single renderer option
Structures_DataGrid::setRendererOptions() -- Set multiple renderer options
Structures_DataGrid::setRequestPrefix() -- Set the global GET/POST variables prefix
Structures_DataGrid::sortRecordSet() -- Sorts the records by the defined field.

constructor Structures_DataGrid::Structures_DataGrid()

constructor Structures_DataGrid::Structures_DataGrid()  -- Constructor


Builds the DataGrid class. The Core functionality and Renderer are seperated for maintainability and to keep cohesion high.


string $limit

The number of records to display per page.

integer $page

The current page viewed. In most cases, this is useless. Note: if you specify this, the "page" GET variable will be ignored.

string $rendererType

The type of renderer to use. You may prefer to use the $type argument of render() , fill() or getOutput()


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::addColumn()  -- Add a column, with optional position


Этот пакет пока не документирован.



string $position

One of: "last", "first", "after" or "before" (default: "last")

string $relativeTo

The name (label) or field name of the relative column, if $position is "after" or "before"

object $column

The Structures_DataGrid_Column object (reference to)

Возвращаемое значение

returns PEAR_Error on failure, void otherwise


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::attachRenderer()  -- Attach an already instantiated Rendering driver


Этот пакет пока не документирован.



object $renderer

Driver object, subclassing Structures_DataGrid_Renderer

Возвращаемое значение

returns Renderer instance or a PEAR_Error object


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see Structures_DataGrid::setRenderer


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::bind()  -- A simple way to add a record set to the datagrid


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


mixed $container

The record set in any of the supported data source types

array $options

Optional. The options to be used for the data source

string $type

Optional. The data source type

Возвращаемое значение

returns True if successful, otherwise PEAR_Error.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::bindDataSource()  -- Bind an already instantiated DataSource driver


Этот пакет пока не документирован.



mixed $source

The data source driver object

Возвращаемое значение

returns True if successful, otherwise PEAR_Error


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::build()  -- Build the datagrid


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns Either true or a PEAR_Error object


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::dataSourceFactory()  -- Datasource driver Factory


A clever method which loads and instantiate data source drivers.

Can be called in various ways:

Detect the source type and load the appropriate driver with default options:
$driver =& Structures_DataGrid::dataSourceFactory($source);

Detect the source type and load the appropriate driver with custom options:
$driver =& Structures_DataGrid::dataSourceFactory($source, $options);

Load a driver for an explicit type (faster, bypasses detection routine):
$driver =& Structures_DataGrid::dataSourceFactory($source, $options, $type);


mixed $source

The data source respective to the driver

array $options

An associative array of the form: array(optionName => optionValue, ...)

string $type

The data source type constant (of the form DATAGRID_SOURCE_*)

Возвращаемое значение

returns driver object or PEAR_Error on failure


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see Structures_DataGrid::_detectSourceType()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::dump()  --  Method used for debugging purposes only. Displays a dump of the DataGrid object.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::enableStreaming()  --  Enable streaming support for reading from DataSources and writing with Renderers and set the buffer size (number of records)


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


integer $bufferSize

Number of records that should be buffered


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::fill()  -- Fill a rendering container with data


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


object &$container

A rendering container of any of the supported types (example: an HTML_Table object, a Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer object, etc...)

array $options

Options for the corresponding rendering driver

string $type

Explicit type in case the container type can't be detected

Возвращаемое значение

returns Either true or a PEAR_Error object


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::generateColumns()  -- Generate columns from a fields list


This is a shortcut for adding simple columns easily, instead of creating them manually and calling addColumn() for each.

The generated columns are appended to the current column set.


array $fields

Fields and labels. Array of the form: array(field => label, ...) The default is an empty array, which means: all fields fetched from the datasource


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getColumnByField()  -- Find a column by field name


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $fieldName

The field name of the column to look for

Возвращаемое значение

returns the column object (reference to) or false if there is no such column


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getColumnByName()  -- Find a column by name (label)


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $name

The name (label) of the column to look for

Возвращаемое значение

returns the column object (reference to) or false if there is no such column


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getColumnCount()  -- Returns the number of columns


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the number of columns


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getColumns()  -- Return the current columns


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns Structures_DataGrid_Column objects (references to). This is a numerically indexed array (starting from 0).


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getCurrentPage()  -- Retrieves the current page number when paging is implemented


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the current page number


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getCurrentRecordNumberEnd()  -- Returns the number of the last record of the current page


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the number of the last record currently shown


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getCurrentRecordNumberStart()  -- Returns the number of the first record of the current page


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the number of the first record currently shown, or: 0 if there are no records, 1 if there is no row limit


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getDataSource()  -- Get the currently loaded DataSource driver


Retrieves the DataSource object as a reference

Возвращаемое значение

returns object reference or null if no driver is loaded


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getOutput()  -- Return the datagrid output


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


integer $type

Renderer type (optional)

array $options

An associative array of the form: array(optionName => optionValue, ...)

Возвращаемое значение

returns The datagrid output (Usually a string: HTML, CSV, etc...) or a PEAR_Error


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getPageCount()  -- Returns the total number of pages


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the total number of pages or 1 if there are no records or if there is no row limit


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getRecordCount()  -- Returns the total number of records


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns the total number of records


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::getRenderer()  -- Get the current or default Rendering driver


Retrieves the renderer object as a reference

Возвращаемое значение

returns object reference


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::removeColumn()  -- Remove a column


Этот пакет пока не документирован.



object $column

The Structures_DataGrid_Column object (reference to)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::render()  -- Render the datagrid


You can call this method several times with different renderers.


mixed $renderer

Renderer type or instance (optional)

array $options

An associative array of the form: array(optionName => optionValue, ...)

Возвращаемое значение

returns True or PEAR_Error


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::setCurrentPage()  -- Define the current page number.


This method is used when paging is implemented


mixed $page

The current page number (as string or int).


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::setDataSourceOption()  -- Set a single datasource option


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $name

Option name

mixed $value

Option value


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::setDataSourceOptions()  -- Set multiple datasource options


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


array $options

An associative array of the form: array("option_name" => "option_value",...)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::setDefaultSort()  -- Set default sorting specification


If there is no sorting query in the HTTP request, and if the sortRecordSet() method is not called, then the specification passed to setDefaultSort() will be used.

This is especially useful if you want the data to already be sorted when a user first see the datagrid.


array $sortSpec

Sorting specification Structure: array(fieldName => direction, ...)

Возвращаемое значение

returns Either true or a PEAR_Error object


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::setRenderer()  -- Set Renderer


Defines which renderer to be used by the DataGrid based on given $type and $options. To attach an existing renderer instance, use attachRenderer() instead.


string $type

The defined renderer string

array $options

Rendering options

Возвращаемое значение

returns Renderer instance or PEAR_Error


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see Structures_DataGrid::attachRenderer


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::setRendererOption()  -- Set a single renderer option


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $name

Option name

mixed $value

Option value


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::setRendererOptions()  -- Set multiple renderer options


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


array $options

An associative array of the form: array("option_name" => "option_value",...)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::setRequestPrefix()  -- Set the global GET/POST variables prefix


If you need to change the request variables, you can define a prefix. This is extra useful when using multiple datagrids.


string $prefix

The prefix to use on request variables;


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid::sortRecordSet()  -- Sorts the records by the defined field.


Do not use this method if data is coming from a database as sorting is much faster coming directly from the database itself.


array $sortSpec

Sorting specification Structure: array(fieldName => direction, ...)

string $direction

Deprecated. Put the direction(s) into $sortSpec


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Structures_DataGrid_Column

Class Summary Structures_DataGrid_Column -- Structures_DataGrid_Column Class
constructor Structures_DataGrid_Column::Structures_DataGrid_Column() -- Constructor
Structures_DataGrid_Column::format() -- Choose a format preset
Structures_DataGrid_Column::formatter() -- Formatter
Structures_DataGrid_Column::getAttributes() -- Get the column XML/HTML attributes
Structures_DataGrid_Column::getAutoFillValue() -- Get auto fill value
Structures_DataGrid_Column::getDefaultDirection() -- Return the default direction to order this column by
Structures_DataGrid_Column::getField() -- Get name of the field for the column to be mapped to
Structures_DataGrid_Column::getLabel() -- Get column label
Structures_DataGrid_Column::getOrderBy() -- Get the field name or the expression to order the data by
Structures_DataGrid_Column::setAttributes() -- Set the column XML/HTML attributes
Structures_DataGrid_Column::setAutoFillValue() -- Set auto fill value
Structures_DataGrid_Column::setDefaultDirection() -- Set the default direction to order this column by
Structures_DataGrid_Column::setField() -- Set name of the field for the column to be mapped to
Structures_DataGrid_Column::setFormatter() -- Set Formatter Callback
Structures_DataGrid_Column::setLabel() -- Set column label
Structures_DataGrid_Column::setOrderBy() -- Set the field name or the expression to order the data by

Class Summary Structures_DataGrid_Column

Class Summary Structures_DataGrid_Column -- Structures_DataGrid_Column Class

Structures_DataGrid_Column Class

This class represents a single column for the DataGrid.

Class Trees for Structures_DataGrid_Column

  • Structures_DataGrid_Column

constructor Structures_DataGrid_Column::Structures_DataGrid_Column()

constructor Structures_DataGrid_Column::Structures_DataGrid_Column()  -- Constructor


Creates default table style settings


string $label

The label of the column to be printed

string $field

The name of the field for the column to be mapped to

string $orderBy

The field or expression to order the data by

array $attributes

The attributes for the XML or HTML TD tag; form: array(name => value, ...)

string $autoFillValue

The value to use for the autoFill

mixed $formatter

Formatter callback. See setFormatter()

array $formatterArgs

Associative array of arguments passed as second argument to the formatter callback


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::format()  -- Choose a format preset


EXPERIMENTAL: the behaviour of this method may change in future releases.

This method allows to associate an "automatic" predefined formatter to the column, for common needs as formatting dates, numbers, ...

The currently supported predefined formatters are :

  • dateFromTimestamp: format a UNIX timestamp according to the date()-like format string passed as second argument

  • dateFromMysql : format a MySQL DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP MySQL according to the date() like format string passed as second argument

  • number: format a number, according to the same optional 2nd, 3rd and 4th arguments that the number_format() PHP function accepts.

  • printf: format using the printf expression passed as 2nd argument.

  • printfURL: url-encode and format using the printf expression passed as 2nd argument



mixed $type,...

Predefined formatter name, followed by formatter-specific parameters


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::formatter()  -- Formatter


This method is not meant to be called by user-space code.

Calls a predefined function to develop custom output for the column. The defined function can accept parameters so that each cell in the column can be unique based on the record. The function will also automatically receive the record array as a parameter. All parameters passed into the function will be in one array.






throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::getAttributes()  -- Get the column XML/HTML attributes


Return the attributes applied to all cells in this column. This only makes sense for HTML or XML rendering

Возвращаемое значение

returns Attributes; form: array(name => value, ...)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::getAutoFillValue()  -- Get auto fill value


Returns the value to be printed if a cell in the column is null.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::getDefaultDirection()  -- Return the default direction to order this column by


Этот пакет пока не документирован.



Возвращаемое значение

returns "ASC" or "DESC"


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::getField()  -- Get name of the field for the column to be mapped to


Returns the name of the field for the column to be mapped to


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::getLabel()  -- Get column label


The label is the text rendered into the column header.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::getOrderBy()  -- Get the field name or the expression to order the data by


Returns the name of the field to order the data by. With SQL based datasources, this may be an SQL expression (function, etc..).


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::setAttributes()  -- Set the column XML/HTML attributes


Set the attributes to be applied to all cells in this column. This only makes sense for HTML or XML rendering


array $attributes

form: array(name => value, ...)


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::setAutoFillValue()  -- Set auto fill value


Defines a value to be printed if a cell in the column is null.


string $str

The value to use for the autoFill


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::setDefaultDirection()  -- Set the default direction to order this column by


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $str

"ASC" or "DESC"


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::setField()  -- Set name of the field for the column to be mapped to


Defines the name of the field for the column to be mapped to


string $str

The name of the field for the column to be mapped to


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::setFormatter()  -- Set Formatter Callback


Define a formatting callback function with optional arguments for this column.


mixed $formatter

Callback PHP pseudo-type (Array or String)

array $arguments

Associative array of parameters passed to as second argument to the callback function

Возвращаемое значение

returns PEAR_Error on failure


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::setLabel()  -- Set column label


The label is the text rendered into the column header.


string $str

Column label


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Structures_DataGrid_Column::setOrderBy()  -- Set the field name or the expression to order the data by


Set the name of the field to order the data by. With SQL based datasources, this may be an SQL expression (function, etc..).


string $str

field name or expression


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

DataSource drivers

Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_Array -- Array Data Source Driver
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_CSV -- Comma Seperated Value (CSV) Data Source Driver
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DataObject -- PEAR::DB_DataObject Data Source Driver
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DB -- PEAR::DB Data Source Driver
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DBQuery -- PEAR::DB SQL Query Data Source Driver
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DBTable -- PEAR::DB_Table Data Source Driver
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_Excel -- Excel Spreadsheet Data Source Driver
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_MDB2 -- PEAR::MDB2 SQL Query Data Source Driver
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_RSS -- RSS data source driver
Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_XML -- XML data source driver


Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_Array -- Array Data Source Driver


This class is a data source driver for a 2D Array


Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_CSV -- Comma Seperated Value (CSV) Data Source Driver


This class is a data source driver for a CSV File. It will also support any other delimiter.


Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DataObject -- PEAR::DB_DataObject Data Source Driver


This class is a data source driver for a PEAR::DB::DB_DataObject object


Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DB -- PEAR::DB Data Source Driver


This class is a data source driver for the PEAR::DB::DB_Result object


Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DBQuery -- PEAR::DB SQL Query Data Source Driver


This class is a data source driver for the PEAR::DB object

General notes

You need to specify either a DB instance or a DB compatible dsn string as an option to use this driver.

If you use complex queries (e.g. with complex joins or with aliases), $datagrid->getRecordCount() might return a wrong result. For the case of GROUP BY, UNION, or DISTINCT in your queries, this driver already has special handling. However, if you observe wrong record counts, you need to specify a special query that returns only the number of records (e.g. 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ...') as an additional option 'count_query' to the bind() call.

You can specify a ORDER BY statement in your query. Please be aware that this sorting statement is then used in *every* query before the sorting options that come from a renderer (e.g. by clicking on the column header when using the HTML_Table renderer which is sent in the HTTP request). If you want to give a default sorting statement that is only used if there is no sorting query in the HTTP request, then use $datagrid->setDefaultSort().


Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DBTable -- PEAR::DB_Table Data Source Driver


This class is a data source driver for the PEAR::DB_Table object

General notes

If you use aliases in the select part of your view, the count() method from DB_Table and, therefore, $datagrid->getRecordCount() might return a wrong result. To avoid this, DB_Table uses a special query for counting if it is given via a view that needs to be named as '__count_' followed by the name of the view that this counting view belongs to. (For example: if you have a view named 'all', the counting view needs to be named as '__count_all'.)

To use update() and delete() methods, it is required that the indexes are properly defined in the $idx array in your DB_Table subclass. If you have, for example, created your database table yourself and did not setup the $idx array, you can use the 'primary_key' option to define the primary key field.


Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_Excel -- Excel Spreadsheet Data Source Driver


This class is a data source driver for an Excel spreadsheet.

General notes

This class expects the file reader.php in the directory Spreadsheet/Excel/.

Please note that the current version (2i) of Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader contains a die() statement in the read() method in reader.php (line 171). This makes a reasonable PEAR error handling for the "file not found" error impossible.

It is therefore recommended that you replace the die() statement by something like this:
return PEAR::raiseError('The filename ' . $sFileName . ' is not readable');
This class is optimized for the changed code (but will work also with the die() in the reader class, of course), and provides then a reasonable error handling.


Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_MDB2 -- PEAR::MDB2 SQL Query Data Source Driver


This class is a data source driver for the PEAR::MDB2 object

General notes

You need to specify either a MDB2 instance or a MDB2 compatible dsn string as an option to use this driver.

If you use complex queries (e.g. with complex joins or with aliases), $datagrid->getRecordCount() might return a wrong result. For the case of GROUP BY, UNION, or DISTINCT in your queries, this driver already has special handling. However, if you observe wrong record counts, you need to specify a special query that returns only the number of records (e.g. 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ...') as an additional option 'count_query' to the bind() call.

You can specify a ORDER BY statement in your query. Please be aware that this sorting statement is then used in *every* query before the sorting options that come from a renderer (e.g. by clicking on the column header when using the HTML_Table renderer which is sent in the HTTP request). If you want to give a default sorting statement that is only used if there is no sorting query in the HTTP request, then use $datagrid->setDefaultSort().


Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_RSS -- RSS data source driver


Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_XML -- XML data source driver


This driver accepts the following options:

Renderer drivers

Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Console -- Console Table Rendering Driver
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_CSV -- CSV Rendering Driver
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLEditForm -- HTML form to edit a record
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLSortForm -- Multiple fields sorting form rendering driver
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLTable -- HTML Table Rendering Driver
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Pager -- Pager rendering driver
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Smarty -- Smarty Rendering Driver
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XLS -- Excel Spreadsheet Rendering Driver
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XML -- XML Rendering Driver
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XUL -- XUL Rendering Driver


Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Console -- Console Table Rendering Driver


This renderer generates nicely formatted and padded ASCII tables.


Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_CSV -- CSV Rendering Driver


This driver accepts the following options:

Таблица 57-2. Options for this driver

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
buildFooterboolWhether to build the footer.true
buildHeaderboolWhether to build the header.true
defaultCellValuestringWhat value to put by default into empty cells.null
defaultColumnValuesarrayPer-column default cell value. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => value, ...).array()
delimiterstringField delimiter','
enclosurestringField enclosure'"'
encodingstringThe content encoding. If the mbstring extension is present the default value is set from mb_internal_encoding(), otherwise it is ISO-8859-1.'ISO-8859-1'
excludeVarsarrayVariables to be removed from the generated HTTP queries.array()
extraVarsarrayVariables to be added to the generated HTTP queries.array()
filenamestringFilename of the generated CSV file; boolean false means that no filename will be sentfalse
fillWithEmptyRowsboolEnsures that all pages have the same number of rows.false
hideColumnLinksarrayBy default sorting links are enabled on all columns. With this option it is possible to disable sorting links on specific columns. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName, ...). This option only affects drivers that support sorting.array()
lineBreakstringThe character(s) to use for line breaks'\n'
numberAlignboolWhether to right-align numeric values.true
saveToFilebooleanWhether the output should be saved on the local filesystem. Please note that the 'filename' option must be given if this option is set to true.false
useQuotesmixedWhether or not to encapsulate the values with the enclosure value. true: always, false: never, 'auto': when needed'auto'


Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLEditForm -- HTML form to edit a record



Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLSortForm -- Multiple fields sorting form rendering driver


This driver renders a form (using HTML_QuickForm) so that the user can select several fields and directions to sort the datagrid by.


This driver accepts the following options:

Таблица 57-2. Options for this driver

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
buildFooterboolWhether to build the footer.true
buildHeaderboolWhether to build the header.true
defaultCellValuestringWhat value to put by default into empty cells.null
defaultColumnValuesarrayPer-column default cell value. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => value, ...).array()
directionStylestringWhether to render the direction form elements as 'select' or 'radio' elements'select'
encodingstringThe content encoding. If the mbstring extension is present the default value is set from mb_internal_encoding(), otherwise it is ISO-8859-1.'ISO-8859-1'
excludeVarsarrayVariables to be removed from the generated HTTP queries.array()
extraVarsarrayVariables to be added to the generated HTTP queries.array()
fillWithEmptyRowsboolEnsures that all pages have the same number of rows.false
hideColumnLinksarrayBy default sorting links are enabled on all columns. With this option it is possible to disable sorting links on specific columns. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName, ...). This option only affects drivers that support sorting.array()
numberAlignboolWhether to right-align numeric values.true
sortFieldsNumintHow many fields the user will be able to sort by. This has no effect if the backend does not support sorting by multiple fields.3
textAscendingstringLabel for the ASC direction'Ascending'
textChoosestringWhat to display in the select box when no field is selected (first option)'Choose...'
textDescendingstringLabel for the DESC direction'Descending'
textSortBystringLabel for the first field'Sort by:'
textSubmitstringLabel for the submit button'Submit'
textThenBystringLabel for the second and following fields'Then by:'


Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLTable -- HTML Table Rendering Driver


Driver for rendering the DataGrid as an HTMLTable


This driver accepts the following options:

Таблица 57-2. Options for this driver

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
buildFooterboolWhether to build the footer.true
buildHeaderboolWhether to build the header.true
columnAttributesarrayColumn cells attributes. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => array(attribute => value, ...) ...) This option is only used by XML/HTML based drivers.array()
convertEntitiesboolWhether or not to convert html entities. This calls htmlspecialchars().true
defaultCellValuestringWhat value to put by default into empty cells.null
defaultColumnValuesarrayPer-column default cell value. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => value, ...).array()
emptyRowAttributesarrayAn associative array containing the attributes for empty rows.array()
encodingstringThe content encoding. If the mbstring extension is present the default value is set from mb_internal_encoding(), otherwise it is ISO-8859-1.'ISO-8859-1'
evenRowAttributesarrayAn associative array containing each attribute of the even rows.array()
excludeVarsarrayVariables to be removed from the generated HTTP queries.array()
extraVarsarrayVariables to be added to the generated HTTP queries.array()
fillWithEmptyRowsboolEnsures that all pages have the same number of rows.false
headerAttributesarrayAttributes for the header row. This is an array of the form: array(attribute => value, ...)array()
hideColumnLinksarrayBy default sorting links are enabled on all columns. With this option it is possible to disable sorting links on specific columns. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName, ...). This option only affects drivers that support sorting.array()
numberAlignboolWhether to right-align numeric values.true
oddRowAttributesarrayAn associative array containing each attribute of the odd rows.array()
selfPathstringThe complete path for sorting and paging links.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
sortIconASCstringThe icon to define that sorting is currently ascending. Can be text or HTML to define an image.''
sortIconDESCstringThe icon to define that sorting is currently descending. Can be text or HTML to define an image.''
sortingResetsPagingboolWhether sorting HTTP queries reset paging.true


Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Pager -- Pager rendering driver


This driver provides generic paging. This driver has full container support. You can use the Structures_DataGrid::fill() method with it. It buffers output, you can use Structures_DataGrid::getOutput()


This driver accepts the following options:

Таблица 57-2. Options for this driver

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
buildFooterboolWhether to build the footer.true
buildHeaderboolWhether to build the header.true
defaultCellValuestringWhat value to put by default into empty cells.null
defaultColumnValuesarrayPer-column default cell value. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => value, ...).array()
encodingstringThe content encoding. If the mbstring extension is present the default value is set from mb_internal_encoding(), otherwise it is ISO-8859-1.'ISO-8859-1'
excludeVarsarrayVariables to be removed from the generated HTTP queries.array()
extraVarsarrayVariables to be added to the generated HTTP queries.array()
fillWithEmptyRowsboolEnsures that all pages have the same number of rows.false
hideColumnLinksarrayBy default sorting links are enabled on all columns. With this option it is possible to disable sorting links on specific columns. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName, ...). This option only affects drivers that support sorting.array()
numberAlignboolWhether to right-align numeric values.true
pagerOptionsarrayOptions passed to Pager::factory(). Basic defaults are: mode: Sliding, delta: 5, separator: "|", prevImg: "&lt;&lt;" (<<), nextImg: "&gt;&gt;" (>>). The extraVars and excludeVars options are populated according to the Renderer common extraVars and excludeVars options. You may also specify some variables to be added or excluded here. The totalItems, perPage, urlVar, and currentPage options are set accordingly to the data statistics reported by the DataGrid and DataSource. You may overload these values here if you know what you are doing. 


Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Smarty -- Smarty Rendering Driver


This driver accepts the following options:

Таблица 57-2. Options for this driver

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
buildFooterboolWhether to build the footer.true
buildHeaderboolWhether to build the header.true
columnAttributesarrayColumn cells attributes. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => array(attribute => value, ...) ...) This option is only used by XML/HTML based drivers.array()
convertEntitiesboolWhether or not to convert html entities. This calls htmlspecialchars().true
defaultCellValuestringWhat value to put by default into empty cells.null
defaultColumnValuesarrayPer-column default cell value. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => value, ...).array()
encodingstringThe content encoding. If the mbstring extension is present the default value is set from mb_internal_encoding(), otherwise it is ISO-8859-1.'ISO-8859-1'
excludeVarsarrayVariables to be removed from the generated HTTP queries.array()
extraVarsarrayVariables to be added to the generated HTTP queries.array()
fillWithEmptyRowsboolEnsures that all pages have the same number of rows.false
hideColumnLinksarrayBy default sorting links are enabled on all columns. With this option it is possible to disable sorting links on specific columns. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName, ...). This option only affects drivers that support sorting.array()
numberAlignboolWhether to right-align numeric values.true
selfPathstringThe complete path for sorting and paging links.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
sortingResetsPagingboolWhether sorting HTTP queries reset paging.true

General notes

This driver does not support the render() method, it only is able to "fill" a Smarty object, by calling Smarty::assign() and Smarty::register_function().

It's up to you to called Smarty::display() after the Smarty object has been filled.

This driver assigns the following Smarty variables: - $columnSet: array of columns specifications structure: array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => field name, 'label' => column label, 'link' => sorting link, 'attributes' => attributes string, ), ... ) - $recordSet: array of records values - $currentPage: current page (starting from 1) - $recordLimit: number of rows per page - $pagesNum: number of pages - $columnsNum: number of columns - $recordsNum: number of records in the current page - $totalRecordsNum: total number of records - $firstRecord: first record number (starting from 1) - $lastRecord: last record number (starting from 1) - $currentSort: array with column names and the directions used for sorting

This driver also registers a Smarty custom function named getPaging that can be called from Smarty templates with {getPaging} in order to print paging links. This function accepts any of the Pager::factory() options as parameters.

Template example, featuring sorting and paging:

<!-- Show paging links using the custom getPaging function -->
{getPaging prevImg="<<" nextImg=">>" separator=" | " delta="5"}

<p>Showing records {$firstRecord} to {$lastRecord}
from {$totalRecordsNum}, page {$currentPage} of {$pagesNum}</p>

<table cellspacing="0">
    <!-- Build header -->
        {section name=col loop=$columnSet}
            <th {$columnSet[col].attributes}>
                <!-- Check if the column is sortable -->
                {if $columnSet[col].link != ""}
                    <a href="{$columnSet[col].link}">{$columnSet[col].label}</a>

    <!-- Build body -->
    {section name=row loop=$recordSet}
        <tr {if $smarty.section.row.iteration is even}bgcolor="#EEEEEE"{/if}>
            {section name=col loop=$recordSet[row]}
                <td {$columnSet[col].attributes}>{$recordSet[row][col]}</td>

This template can be used with code similar to this prototype:

$smarty = new Smarty(...);
$datagrid =& new Structures_DataGrid(...);
$smarty->display(PATH TO YOUR TEMPLATE);


Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XLS -- Excel Spreadsheet Rendering Driver


This driver accepts the following options:

Таблица 57-2. Options for this driver

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
bodyFormatmixedThe format for body cells (either 0 [= "no format"] or a Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format object) Please see the NOTE ABOUT FORMATTING below.0
borderintBorder drawn around the whole datagrid: 0 => none, 1 => thin, 2 => thick (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)0
buildFooterboolWhether to build the footer.true
buildHeaderboolWhether to build the header.true
defaultCellValuestringWhat value to put by default into empty cells.null
defaultColumnValuesarrayPer-column default cell value. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => value, ...).array()
encodingstringThe content encoding. If the mbstring extension is present the default value is set from mb_internal_encoding(), otherwise it is ISO-8859-1.'ISO-8859-1'
excludeVarsarrayVariables to be removed from the generated HTTP queries.array()
extraVarsarrayVariables to be added to the generated HTTP queries.array()
filenamestringThe filename of the spreadsheet'spreadsheet.xls'
fillWithEmptyRowsboolEnsures that all pages have the same number of rows.false
headerBorderintBorder between the header and body: 0 => none, 1 => thin, 2 => thick (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)0
headerFormatmixedThe format for header cells (either 0 [= "no format"] or a Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format object) Please see the NOTE ABOUT FORMATTING below.0
hideColumnLinksarrayBy default sorting links are enabled on all columns. With this option it is possible to disable sorting links on specific columns. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName, ...). This option only affects drivers that support sorting.array()
numberAlignboolWhether to right-align numeric values.true
sendToBrowserboolShould the spreadsheet be send to the browser? (true = send to browser, false = write to a file)true
startColintThe Worksheet column number to start rendering at0
startRowintThe Worksheet row number to start rendering at0
worksheetobjectOptional reference to a Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet object. You can leave this to null except if your workbook contains several worksheets and you want to fill a specific one.null

General notes

This driver does not support the flatten() method. You can not retrieve its output with DataGrid::getOutput(). You can either render it directly to the browser or save it to a file. See the "sendToBrowser" and "filename" options.

This driver has container support. You can use Structures_DataGrid::fill() with it; that's even recommended.


You can specify some formatting with the 'headerFormat' and 'bodyFormat' options, or with setBodyFormat() and setHeaderFormat().

But beware of the following from the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer manual: "Formats can't be created directly by a new call. You have to create a format using the addFormat() method from a Workbook, which associates your Format with this Workbook (you can't use the Format with another Workbook)."

What this means is that if you want to pass a format to this driver you have to "derive" the Format object out of the workbook used in the driver.

The easiest way to do this is:

// Create a workbook
$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer();

// Specify that spreadsheet must be sent the browser

// Create your format
$format_bold =& $workbook->addFormat();

// Fill the workbook, passing the format as an option
$options = array('headerFormat' => &$format_bold);
$datagrid->fill($workbook, $options);


Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XML -- XML Rendering Driver


This driver accepts the following options:

Таблица 57-2. Options for this driver

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
buildFooterboolWhether to build the footer.true
buildHeaderboolWhether to build the header.true
columnAttributesarrayColumn cells attributes. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => array(attribute => value, ...) ...) This option is only used by XML/HTML based drivers.array()
defaultCellValuestringWhat value to put by default into empty cells.null
defaultColumnValuesarrayPer-column default cell value. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => value, ...).array()
encodingstringThe content encoding. If the mbstring extension is present the default value is set from mb_internal_encoding(), otherwise it is ISO-8859-1.'ISO-8859-1'
excludeVarsarrayVariables to be removed from the generated HTTP queries.array()
extraVarsarrayVariables to be added to the generated HTTP queries.array()
fieldAttributestringThe name of the attribute for the field name. null stands for no attributenull
fieldTagstringThe name of the tag for each field inside a row, without brackets. The special value '{field}' is replaced by the field name.'{field}'
filenamestringFilename of the generated XML file; boolean false means that no filename will be sentfalse
fillWithEmptyRowsboolEnsures that all pages have the same number of rows.false
hideColumnLinksarrayBy default sorting links are enabled on all columns. With this option it is possible to disable sorting links on specific columns. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName, ...). This option only affects drivers that support sorting.array()
labelAttributestringThe name of the attribute for the column label. null stands for no attributenull
numberAlignboolWhether to right-align numeric values.true
outerTagstringThe name of the tag for the datagrid, without brackets'DataGrid'
rowTagstringThe name of the tag for each row, without brackets'Row'
saveToFilebooleanWhether the output should be saved on the local filesystem. Please note that the 'filename' option must be given if this option is set to true.false
useXMLDeclboolWhether the XML declaration string should be added to the output. The encoding attribute value will get set from the common "encoding" option. If you need to further customize the XML declaration (version, etc..), then please set "useXMLDecl" to false, and add your own declaration string.true


Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XUL -- XUL Rendering Driver

General notes

This renderer class will render a XUL listbox. For additional information on the XUL Listbox, refer to this url:

You have to setup your XUL document, just as you would with an HTML document. This driver will only generated the <listbox> element and content.

Basic example:
header('Content-type: application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml');

echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
echo "<?xml-stylesheet href=\"myStyle.css\" type=\"text/css\"?>\n";

echo "<window title=\"MyDataGrid\"

// Instantiate your datagrid and setup its datasource, then call:

echo "</window>\n";


Introduction --  Basic usage of Games_Chess

Games_Chess is like a brilliant helper who can tell you anything you need to know about an abstract chess game. The only thing Games_Chess cannot do is play against you - it is not a chess engine. Games_Chess handles the logic a chessboard and parsing standard FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) for describing a position as well as SAN (Standard Algebraic Notation) for describing individual moves. This package can be used as a backend driver for playing chess, or for validating and/or creating PGN files using the File_ChessPGN package (when it is completed)


Introduction --  Basic usage of Games_Chess

What is Games_Chess?

Games_Chess provides a basic interface for validating and playing chess. Games_Chess has facilities for calculating all of the important chess rules including check, checkmate, stalemate, basic draws such as bishop+king versus king, 50 move draw, en passant pawn captures, castling, double space first pawn move and basic piece movement. In addition, Games_Chess can set up a board to a position using the Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) and can output a list of moves in Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN) as well as parse any valid SAN move, no matter how obscure (Qa3xf3, for instance), as well as simple "move the piece on a3 to h3" commands.

How do I use Games_Chess?

The Games_Chess package comes with a demonstration file, which has highlighted source at This location.

The Games_Chess package provides three different drivers, one for playing a standard chess game, and two for playing interesting variant games that are popular on the Internet Chess Club (ICC).

  1. Crazyhouse. basic rules in Crazyhouse chess allow you to place pieces you have captured from your opponent on the board as new pieces for your own army. This is a wild and highly tactical game.

  2. Loser's Chess. Loser's chess is similar to checkers in that if a capture is possible, it must be executed. For this reason, most of the moves are forcing moves in this game, and it results in very fast games.

To use Games_Chess on the most basic level is simple. Here is a sample script showing the initialization of the three drivers:

require_once 'Games/Chess/Standard.php';
require_once 'Games/Chess/Crazyhouse.php';
require_once 'Games/Chess/Losers.php';
$standard = new Games_Chess_Standard;
$crazyhouse = new Games_Chess_Crazyhouse;
$losers = new Games_Chess_Losers;
By default, a Games_Chess driver is created with a blank board. To set up a new starting position, use this code:
require_once 'Games/Chess/Standard.php';
$standard = new Games_Chess_Standard;
If you wish to load a particular starting position in FEN notation, pass the FEN string to resetGame() like so:
require_once 'Games/Chess/Standard.php';
$standard = new Games_Chess_Standard;
$standard->resetGame('rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq c6 0 2');

How to move pieces with Games_Chess

There are two basic methods for performing moves with Games_Chess, moveSAN and moveSquare. Both of these methods either return TRUE or a PEAR_Error class upon error, so the proper way to handle for a return value is:
require_once 'Games/Chess/Standard.php';
$standard = new Games_Chess_Standard;
$err = $standard->moveSAN('Nf9');
if ($standard->isError($err)) {
    echo $err->getMessage();
Note that Games_Chess->isError() should be used as the PEAR_Error class is only loaded when needed, to help with efficiency. If this is not a concern (and it will only be for sites serving thousands of pages per second), it is simpler to set a PEAR_Error callback, which is demonstrated in the next example.

The example below demonstrates the two ways that Games_Chess should be called to make moves on the chess board, including the way to represent a placement move in the Crazyhouse variant:
require_once 'PEAR.php'; // for the PEAR_Error class
function showerror($err)
    echo $err->getMessage();
require_once 'Games/Chess/Standard.php';
require_once 'Games/Chess/Crazyhouse.php';
PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, 'showerror');
$standard = new Games_Chess_Standard;
$crazyhouse = new Games_Chess_Crazyhouse;

$standard->moveSAN('e4'); // 'e2' to 'e4' if using moveSquare
$standard->moveSquare('d7', 'd5'); // 'd5' if using moveSAN

$crazyhouse->moveSquare('e2', 'e4'); // same as moveSAN() above
$crazyhouse->moveSAN('d5'); // save as moveSquare above
$crazyhouse->moveSAN('P@d7'); // dumb move, but demonstrates piece placement
Note that if promoting a pawn, moveSquare() requires that the newly promoted piece type be passed in. Options are Q for queen, R for rook, B for bishop and N for knight.
require_once 'PEAR.php'; // for the PEAR_Error class
function showerror($err)
    echo $err->getMessage();
require_once 'Games/Chess/Crazyhouse.php';
PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, 'showerror');
$crazyhouse = new Games_Chess_Crazyhouse;
// $crazyhouse->moveSAN('d8=Q'); // normal way to do this
$crazyhouse->moveSquare('d7', 'd8', 'Q'); // using moveSquare to do this
// dumb moves, but demonstrates pawn promotion to queen

Retrieving information on the game in progress

To retrieve necessary information such as the current move list, current FEN, list of captured pieces (Crazyhouse only), determine whether the game is over and so on, you'll want to use one of the following methods:

  • gameOver(). This method can be used to determine if the game has concluded, and simply returns an abbreviation of W if the white pieces have won (checkmate), B if the black pieces have won (checkmate), D if there is a draw, or false if the game is still in progress.

  • renderFen().

    This method returns a Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) representation of the current game state. Note that the FEN standard does not contain a way to represent captured pieces, and so cannot be used to exactly replicate a Crazyhouse game in progress, although it can be close.

  • toArray().

    For the Standard and Loser's chess drivers, this returns an associative array of algebraic square name (a1 to h8) mapped to its contents. If the square is unoccupied, it will contain its algebraic square name (a1 will map to a1), otherwise it will contain the piece name, one of P, R, N, B, Q or K. If the piece is a white piece, it will be in upper case, like P, and if the piece is a black piece, it will be in lower case like p.

    For the Crazyhouse driver, this returns an associative array with two indices, board and captured. The board element is identical to the return for Standard/Loser's chess drivers described in the previous paragraph. The captured sub-array contains an array of this format:
    $captured =
            'W' =>
                    'P' => 6, // 6 black pawns captured by white
                    'R' => 0,
                    'N' => 0,
                    'B' => 0,
                    'Q' => 0,
            'B' =>
                    'P' => 4, // 4 white pawns captured by black
                    'R' => 0,
                    'N' => 0,
                    'B' => 0,
                    'Q' => 0,
    Each segment represents white's or black's pieces (W and B), and each sub-element represents the number of captured pieces of that type. In the example above, white can choose to place a pawn for up to the next 6 moves in a row, whereas black can choose to place a pawn for up to the next 4 moves in a row.

  • toMove().

    This methods simply returns the color of the pieces that have the next move. W is returned for white, B is returned for black.


Introduction --  Graph datastructure manipulation library

Graph datastructure manipulation library


Introduction --  Graph datastructure manipulation library

Structures_Graph Description

Structures_Graph is a package for creating and manipulating graph datastructures. It allows building of directed and undirected graphs, with data and metadata stored in nodes. The library provides functions for graph traversing as well as for characteristic extraction from the graph topology.

The full online documentation is available here


Introduction --  Generic tree management, currently supports DB and XML as data sources

Generic tree management, currently supports DB and XML as data sources


Introduction --  Generic tree management, currently supports DB and XML as data sources

Structures_Tree Description

Provides methods to read and manipulate trees, which are stored in the DB or an XML file. The trees can be stored in the DB either as nested trees. Or as simple trees ('brain dead method'), which use parentId-like structure. Currently XML data can only be read from a file and accessed. The package offers a big number of methods to access and manipulate trees. For example methods like: getRoot, getChild[ren[Ids]], getParent[s[Ids]], getPath[ById] and many more.

Unfortunately, complete documentation is not available at the moment.

Глава 58. System

System Utilities


Introduction --  Get system folder locations.
Example --  How to use System_Folders

Returns locations of system folders like home, desktop, documents and others.


Introduction --  Get system folder locations.


  • Christian Weiske


System_Folders provides methods to get the locations of various system folders like home directory, desktop folder and "My documents". You can use it on nearly every operating system: It works on Linux, Windows and Mac OS; allowing you to write OS independent programs.

The methods return a string of the directory (with trailing slash) if the directory can be determined, and NULL if it fails or isn't available on the system. For example, the "Shared Documents" folder exists on Windows only. If you run getSharedDocuments() on a Mac or Linux, the method will return NULL.

The class does heavy use of environment variables. That means it is very likely that the methods fail when running in a php server module (e.g. apache) because there is user information available. Using them on command line (cli) scripts gives best results, as the class is meant to be used for such ones.


On every getXXX() call, the whole procedure of looping through environment variables, checking the existence of the folders and trying some common locations is executed. So if you call the same method again and again, it will cost you the same amount of cpu cycles every time and perhaps be a slowdown in your application.

Another problem might be that some methods fail or don't return the correct path, e.g. because the user has an unusual installation or unusual preferences.

Both issues are addressed with System_Folders_Cached. It provides a cached version of the getXXX() methods, meaning that the result of the first method calls are stored locally and returned on every further call, which speeds up consecutive calls to the same method a lot.

Further, the class provides methods to set the folder locations and save this settings into an ini file. Saving them can be done with saveToFile() and they can be loaded with loadFromFile(). This allows customization of the folder locations, and persistency across sessions.


Example --  How to use System_Folders


Intro -- Introduction to System::ProcWatch
Constants -- Constants defined in and used by System_ProcWatch
System_ProcWatch -- System_ProcWatch
System_ProcWatch::System_ProcWatch() -- Constructor
System_ProcWatch::run() -- Run once
System_ProcWatch::daemon() -- Run in daemon mode
System_ProcWatch::setConfig() -- Set configuration
System_ProcWatch_Config -- System_ProcWatch_Config
System_ProcWatch_Config::fromXml() -- Get config array from XML string
System_ProcWatch_Config::fromXmlFile() -- Get config array from XML file
System_ProcWatch_Config::fromIniFile() -- Get config array from INI file
System_ProcWatch_Config::fromArray() -- Get config array from an array
System_ProcWatch_Parser -- System_ProcWatch_Parser
System_ProcWatch_Parser::System_ProcWatch_Parser() -- Constructor
System_ProcWatch_Parser::getParsedData() -- Get parsed data
System_ProcWatch_Parser::fetch() -- Fetch ps' data
System_ProcWatch_Parser::parse() -- Parse
System_ProcWatch_Parser::getProcByPid() -- Get info about a process by its PID
System_ProcWatch_Parser::getProcInfo() -- Get information about processes

The package provides methods to monitor system process on Unix-like systems.


Intro -- Introduction to System::ProcWatch

What is System::ProcWatch?

System::ProcWatch is a small collection of classes to ease monitoring of system processes based on the Unix program procps (ps).

To use System::ProcWatch you simply have to define a ruleset on which based System::ProcWatch operates. A rule (or job, watch) defines what actions should happen if a condition evaluates to true.

To be continued...

Shell Scripts

You can use System::ProcWatch out of the box, by utilizing the shipped shell scripts procwatch and procwatch-lint.


The procwatch command is meant to be used for system diagnosis - run as daemon or by cron.

The usage is best described by the output of procwatch -h:
$ procwatch (-x|-i) <file> [-d [-s <sec>]] [-a <args>] [-p <file>]

    -x | --xml=         path to XML configuration file
    -i | --ini=         path to INI configuration file

    -d | --daemon       run procwatch in daemon mode
    -s | --sleep=       seconds to sleep in daemon mode (default=1800)

    -a | --args=        arguments that should be passed to ps (default=aux)
    -p | --php=         php file that should be included

    -h | --help         this help message

    $ procwatch -x /etc/procwatch.xml -d -s 3600

    This command will run procwatch in daemon mode with an interval
    of an hour using the configuration file '/etc/procwatch.xml'


The procwatch-lint is meant to validate procwatchs configurtation files written in XML by utilizing XML::DTD::XmlValidator.

Once again synopsis is best described by the output of procwatch-lint -h:
$ procwatch-lint -c <file> [-d <dtd>] [-v]

    -c | --conf=        path to XML configuration file
    -d | --dtd=         path to DTD
    -v | --verbose      verbose output on errors

    -h | --help         this help message

    procwatch-lint -c /etc/procwatch.xml

    This command will validate the configuration file '/etc/procwatch.xml'
    using the DTD at '/usr/share/pear/data/System_ProcWatch/procwatch-1.0.dtd'


There are three methods to configure your System::ProcWatch application:

  • XML string/file

  • INI file

  • PHP array

Xml string/file

Configuring System::ProcWatch by XML is the preferred way. It is as simple as powerful.

Ruleset: The Root Element

The root element of an XML configuration file/string is the procwatch element. It has one implicit attribute, the version attribute, set to "1.0".

The procwatch element symbolizes our ruleset, and the childs of the root are our rules.

Rules: The Childs of the Root

The direct descendants of the root element procwatch, are the watch elements, which can occur 1 time or more often.

The watch element has one required attribute, the name attribute, which gives the watch (or job, rule) a descriptive name like "httpd-count".

Each watch element symbolizes a single rule, containing a regular expression to search for, one or more conditions to evaluate and one or more actions to be taken.

A Rule

A rule consists of three child elements:

  • pattern

  • condition

  • execute

Rule Element: pattern

The pattern element describes the perl compatible regular expression which should be evaluated against a column of the output of ps.

There is one required attribute, the match attribute, defining the column name of the output of ps in lowercase like "command" or "vsz".

This makes System::ProcWatch highliy versatile and should make it usable with any platforms procps program.

The pattern elements content solely consists of the perl compatible regular expression to match against the column defined in the match attribute. The PCRE MUST contain the start and end delimiter and MAY contain any PCRE modifiers.

Example: <pattern match="command">/sbin\/httpd/</pattern>

Rule Element: condition

The condition element defines conditions that MUST evaluate to TRUE at all so that later defined actions will be executed.

The condition element has one required and one optional attribute, the required one being type, which MUST be one of "presence" or "attr", and the optional one being attr. However, if the type attribute equals to "attr" the attr attribute MUST be present.

The attr attribute represents a column of procps' output like "user" or "%mem".


Dependent on the content of the type attribute, syntax and behavior of the condition element differ.

A condition with type "presence" MAY be empty, thus always evaluating to true.

Child Elements of condition may be:

  • min

    Found value MUST exceed defined value.

  • max

    Found value MUST NOT exceed defined value.

  • is

    Found value MUST be equal to defined value.

  • isnot

    Found value MUST NOT be equal to defined value.

  • sum

    The sum of found values MUST NOT exceed defined sum.

You may combine them to define for instance a range from min to max.

Rule Element: execute

The execute element defines actions that should be taken if the condition applies.

It has one required attribute, the type attribute, which MUST equal to one of "shell" or "php".

Obviously the content of the execute element is executed either on the shell through shell_exec() or directly in PHP through eval().

The execute element MAY occur any times.

There are some special variables that will automagically be available in execute statements:

  • $msg

    This contains a general message, what has happened. It is quoted in single quotes for save usage and is available in shell and php executes.

  • $pids

    This contains all PIDs of the processes that have been found. They are enclosed by single quotes and parenthesis.

    Example: '(433, 444, 455, 466)'

  • $procs

    This is a serialized php array in string format containing all information gained from ps and looks like: array(array('pid' => 344, 'command' => '/usr/sbin/httpd' ...))

    It is only available in php executes and can easily be used in function callbacks:

    <execute type="php">get_procs($procs);</execute>

Example XML configuration file

Пример 58-1. XML configuration file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE procwatch SYSTEM "/usr/share/pear/data/System_ProcWatch/procwatch-1_0.dtd">


    This job looks for the count of running httpd processes by
    matching the PCRE "/httpd/" against the COMMAND column of ps.

    If there are less than 10 or more than 30 httpd processes found
    the speicified string is executed on the shell.
  <watch name="httpd-count">
    <pattern match="command">/httpd/</pattern>
    <condition type="presence">
    <execute type="shell">echo $msg $pids &gt;&gt; /var/log/procwatch</execute>

  This job looks for the amount of physical memory all httpd processes use
  together by matching the PCRE "/httpd/" against the COMMAND column of ps.

  It adds all %MEM columns of ps that match the pattern together and compares
  the reslut to the specified sum. If the result exceeds the sum the specified
  string is executet on the shell.
  <watch name="httpd-usage">
    <pattern match="command">/httpd/</pattern>
    <condition type="attr" attr="%mem">
    <execute type="shell">echo $msg $pids &gt;&gt; /var/log/procwatch</execute>

  This job looks for zombie processes.

  It matches the PCRE "/Z/" against the STAT column of ps and executes the
  specified string on the shell if more than 0 zombies have been found.
  <watch name="ZOMBIES">
    <pattern match="stat">/Z/</pattern>
    <condition type="presence">
    <execute type="shell">echo $msg $pids &gt;&gt; /var/log/procwatch</execute>

  This job looks for running processes.

  It matches the PCRE pattern "/R/" against the STAT column of ps and executes
  the specified string on the shell if any running processes have been found.
  <watch name="running">
    <pattern match="stat">/R/</pattern>
    <condition type="presence" />
    <execute type="shell">echo $msg $pids &gt;&gt; /var/log/procwatch</execute>


INI file

Configuring by INI file is effectively the same except that only executes of type "shell" can be defined.

PHP array

A valid array to configure System::ProcWatch may look similar to the following example.


Constants -- Constants defined in and used by System_ProcWatch


System_ProcWatch -- System_ProcWatch


Monitor processes

1  require_once 'System/ProcWatch.php';
2  require_once 'System/ProcWatch/Config.php';
4  $cf = System_ProcWatch_Config::fromXmlFile('/etc/procwatch.xml');
5  $pw = &new System_ProcWatch($cf);
6  $pw->run();


System_ProcWatch::System_ProcWatch() -- Constructor


Instantiate a new System_ProcWatch object configured by the supplied configuration array.


array $config

config array from System_ProcWatch_Config


System_ProcWatch::run() -- Run once


Run once.


string $ps_args

arguments that should be passed to ps


Throws no exception.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch::daemon() -- Run in daemon mode


Runs System_ProcWatch in daemon mode with the defined interval of seconds to sleep.


integer $interval

seconds to sleep

string $ps_args

ps' arguments


Throws no exception.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch::setConfig() -- Set configuration


Configure System_ProcWatch with an config array from System_ProcWatch_Config.


array $config

config array from System_ProcWatch_Config


Throws no exception.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch_Config -- System_ProcWatch_Config


Build a configuration array for System_ProcWatch

1  $cf = System_ProcWatch_Config::fromXmlFile('/etc/procwatch.xml');
2  $pw = &new System_ProcWatch($cf);


System_ProcWatch_Config::fromXml() -- Get config array from XML string


Parses an XML string into an config array to configure System_ProcWatch with.


string $xml

XML string

Возвращаемое значение

Returns config array on success or PEAR_Error on failure.


Throws PEAR_Error if XML file does not exist or problems parsing the XML string have occured.

См. также

Configuration by XML file


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch_Config::fromXmlFile() -- Get config array from XML file


Parses an XML file into an config array to configure System_ProcWatch with.


string $file

path to XML file

Возвращаемое значение

Returns config array on success or PEAR_Error on failure.


Throws PEAR_Error if XML file does not exist, or problems parsing the XML file have occured.

См. также

Configuration by XML file


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch_Config::fromIniFile() -- Get config array from INI file


Parses an INI file into an array to configure System_ProcWatch with.


string $file

path to INI file

Возвращаемое значение

Returns config array on success or PEAR_Error on failure.


Throws PEAR_Error if INI file doesn't exist.

См. также

Configuration by INI file


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch_Config::fromArray() -- Get config array from an array


This method in fact does a sanity check on the supplied config array and should only be used for testing purposes.


array $array

config array to check

Возвращаемое значение

Returns the same array on success or PEAR_Error on failure.


Throws PEAR_Error if an invalid configuration array was supplied.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch_Parser -- System_ProcWatch_Parser


Fetches output from `ps` and parses it into an associative array

1   $ps = &new System_ProcWatch_Parser();
2   $pd = &$ps->getParsedData();


System_ProcWatch_Parser::System_ProcWatch_Parser() -- Constructor


Instantiates a new System_ProcWatch parser object with the supplied arguments to pass to ps.


string $ps_args

ps' arguments


Throws no exception.


System_ProcWatch_Parser::getParsedData() -- Get parsed data


This is the main method of this class. It fetches to output of ps, executed on the shell, and returns the parsed data as an 2 dimensional indexed and associatve array.


string $ps_args

ps' arguments

boolean $refresh

whether to refresh our data

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array of processes parsed from ps' output.


Throws no exception.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch_Parser::fetch() -- Fetch ps' data


Fetches the output of ps, executed on the shell.


string $ps_args

ps' arguments

Возвращаемое значение

Returns string ps' output.


Throws no exception.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch_Parser::parse() -- Parse


Parses the output of ps.


string $data

output of ps

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array of processes.


Throws no exception.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch_Parser::getProcByPid() -- Get info about a process by its PID


Get information about a process by its PID.


integer $pid

the PID of the process

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array with information about the process with the supplied PID.


Throws no exception.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


System_ProcWatch_Parser::getProcInfo() -- Get information about processes


Get information about processes matching the defined search.


string $pattern

PCRE to match for process

string $search

the ps field/column to search in

Возвращаемое значение

Returns array of processes matching the search.


Throws no exception.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction --  Enumerating drives on Windows systems
Example --  How to use System_WinDrives
Constants --  Constants defined and used in System_WinDrives
System_WinDrives() -- Outputs short description of the method
System_WinDrives::getDriveList() -- Gets array with path of all drives
System_WinDrives::getDriveName() -- Returns the user-defined name for a drive
System_WinDrives::getDrivesInformation() -- Gets information about all drives
System_WinDrives::getDriveType() -- Gets the type of a drive
System_WinDrives::getReadName() -- Returns if drive names shall be read or not
System_WinDrives::getTypeTitle() -- Gets the readable name to a drive type
System_WinDrives::guessDriveList() -- Tries to guess the drive list
System_WinDrives::isApiAvailable() -- Checks if the API is available
System_WinDrives::setReadName() -- Sets the readName setting

Provides functions to enumerate root directories ("Drives") on Windows systems by using win32 api calls.


Introduction --  Enumerating drives on Windows systems


  • Christian Weiske


System_WinDrives uses win32 api calls to get a list of all installed roots ("Drives") on the current Windows operating system (The folders "A:\" until "Z:\").

Additional to the list of drives, detail information like the name and the drive type (network, harddisk, removable etc) is given.

The win32 api functions are used to access the Windows application programming interface. This means that the extension php_w32api.dll on PHP4 and php_ffi.dll on PHP5 have to be installed to use all functions. If no dll is available, the drives are guessed, but drive types and drive names can't be determined.


Example --  How to use System_WinDrives


Constants --  Constants defined and used in System_WinDrives


System_WinDrives() -- Outputs short description of the method


Constructor. Creates a new System_WinDrives instance.


boolean $bReadName

If the titles/names of drives shall be read. It is disabled by default, because it might cause PHP to crash.

См. также



System_WinDrives::getDriveList() -- Gets array with path of all drives


Returns an array with all drive paths (e.g. A:\, C:\).

If no API is available, the drive list is guessed. To get more data (like drive type and name), you should use getDrivesInformation().

Возвращаемое значение

array - array with all the drives


System_WinDrives::getDriveName() -- Returns the user-defined name for a drive


Returns the user-given name for the given drive. The function does not work on PHP5 and returns an empty string ''.


string $strDrive

The drive path, whose name shall be read.

Возвращаемое значение

string - The drive label


System_WinDrives::getDrivesInformation() -- Gets information about all drives


Returns an array with all pieces of information one can get for the drives.

Возвращаемое значение

array - Array of little objects. Key is the drive path, the value is an object with the following values: type, name and typetitle.


System_WinDrives::getDriveType() -- Gets the type of a drive


string $strDrive

The drive that type shall be returned.

Возвращаемое значение

integer - the type (use the constants for comparison)

См. также



System_WinDrives::getReadName() -- Returns if drive names shall be read or not


Returns of drive names should be read or not.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - true if they shall be read, false if not.

См. также



System_WinDrives::getTypeTitle() -- Gets the readable name to a drive type


Gets the readable name to a drive type, e.g. "Harddisk" for the type 3 (SYSTEM_WINDRIVE_FIXED).


string $nType

The type whose name shall be returned

Возвращаемое значение

string - the name for the type


System_WinDrives::guessDriveList() -- Tries to guess the drive list


Tries to guess the drive list by brute-force checking all letters.

Возвращаемое значение

array - Array with all found drive paths.


System_WinDrives::isApiAvailable() -- Checks if the API is available


Checks if the API methods to read the drive list are available, and returns that.

They may not be available if the necessary extensions (win32api on PHP4, php_ffi on PHP5) are not installed on the system.

If the API is not available, the drive list is brute-force guessed. Drive types are not available in that case.

Возвращаемое значение

boolean - true if they are there, false if not.


System_WinDrives::setReadName() -- Sets the readName setting


Set, if drive names shall be read or not. Drive name reading may crash PHP, so this is disabled by default. You can enable label reading with this method.


boolean $bReadName

If the names shall be read or not

Глава 59. Текст

Пакеты для анализа и манипуляций с текстом.


Введение --  Введение в Text_Password
Поддерживаемые типы паролей --  Введение в поддерживаемые виды паролей и примеры их использования.

Создание паролей при помощи PHP.


Введение --  Введение в Text_Password


Работа с паролями - очень частое задание при написании веб-приложений. Этот пакет предоставляет легкоиспользуемый и интуитивный API для создания:

В пакете используется множество простых алгоритмов запутывания паролей"(obfuscation)".

Поддерживаемые типы паролей

Поддерживаемые типы паролей --  Введение в поддерживаемые виды паролей и примеры их использования.

Пароль основанный на имеющейся строке

Text_Password предлагает возможность создавать пароли, основанные на заданных строках. В большинстве случаев эта строка является существующим именем пользователя для аутентификации в системе.

Пример 59-3. Создание пароля, основанного на заданной строке:

require_once "Text/Password.php";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из строки 'olivier', тип 'reverse':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'reverse') . "\n\n";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из строки 'olivier', тип 'rot13':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'rot13') . "\n\n";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из строки 'olivier', тип 'rotx':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'rotx', 13) . "\n\n";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из строки 'olivier', тип 'rotx++':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'rotx++', 13) . "\n\n";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из строки 'olivier', тип 'rotx--':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'rotx--', 13) . "\n\n";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из строки 'olivier', тип 'xor':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'xor', 5) . "\n\n";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из строки 'olivier', тип 'ascii_rotx':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'ascii_rotx', 5) . "\n\n";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из строки 'olivier', тип 'ascii_rotx++':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'ascii_rotx++', 5) . "\n\n";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из строки 'olivier', тип 'ascii_rotx--':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'ascii_rotx--', 5) . "\n\n";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из строки 'olivier', тип is 'shuffle':\t";
echo Text_Password::createFromLogin('olivier', 'shuffle', 1) . "\n\n";

echo "\nСоздание пароля из массива строк 'olivier', 'martin', 'vanhoucke', 'jansen', тип 'reverse':\n";
$logins = array('olivier', 'martin', 'vanhoucke', 'jansen');
print_r(Text_Password::createMultipleFromLogin($logins, 'reverse'));

На данный момент поддерживаются следующие алгоритмы запутывания:

  • xor

  • rotx

  • rotx++

  • rotx--

  • ascii_rotx

  • ascii_rotx++

  • ascii_rotx--

  • shuffle

  • reverse

Глава 60. Tools and Utilities


VersionControl_SVN is a simple Object-Oriented interface for the svn command-line application that makes up the core of Subversion, a free/open-source version control system.


Subversion can be used to manage trees of source code, text files, image files -- just about any collection of files.

VersionControl_SVN's features include:

The power of a version control system like Subversion, when accessed through VersionControl_SVN, can be extended far beyond typical "source code" repositories.

For example, what content management system (CMS) couldn't benefit from version control functionality? For many non-programmers, version control is a confusing subject to get a firm grasp on. With VersionControl_SVN, developers are now able to customize the interface to Subversion with the ease-of-use goals of their particular audience in mind. VersionControl_SVN lets you leverage the strengths of version control without burdening end-users with the learning curve of change control fundamentals.

A Simple Example

So you've got Subversion repository set up somewhere, and you want to take a look at what's inside with a PHP script. With the VersionControl_SVN::VersionControl_SVN_List() command, you're just a few steps away.

If your example repository above happened to have the VersionControl_SVN source in it, your output would be something like this:

    [0] => Array
            [name] => docs
            [type] => D

    [1] => Array
            [name] => package.xml
            [type] => F

    [2] => Array
            [name] => SVN.php
            [type] => F

    [3] => Array
            [name] => SVN
            [type] => D

    [4] => Array
            [name] => tests
            [type] => D


Note that in the above output, directories are flagged as type D, and files are flagged as type F.

One Factory To Rule Them All

Have a script that needs to utilize several VersionControl_SVN subclasses? At the expense of a little overhead, you can be sure your $svn objects are fully-loaded by using the VersionControl_SVN::factory() command keyword __ALL__.

For example, in a basic script to get the list of current files in a repository, you just need the VersionControl_SVN::VersionControl_SVN_List() subclass.

However, if you need to get a recursive list of files in a repository, look up the recent log activity for those files, and view the annotated source for those files, you've got two options.

Further Reading

If you are interested in learning more about Subversion, see the following:

  • Version Control with Subversion - The primary reference manual for all things related to Subversion, from general use to repository administration.

  • Subversion Website - The official Subversion website offers a FAQ, mailing list, and of course, the Subversion source code. Also included are links to GUI Subversion applications.

Глава 61. Validate

Validate offers a set of packages to validate common or specific data. The main package validates the common data. Specific data are localised or thematic.

Localized validation class

  • Argentina: Validate_AR

  • Austria: Validate_AT

  • Australia : Validate_AU

  • Belgium: Validate_BE

  • Brasil: Validate_PTBR

  • Canada: Validate_CA

  • Denmark: Validate_DK

  • France: Validate_FR

  • Germany: Validate_DE

  • Iceland: Validate_IS

  • Netherlands: Validate_NL

  • New Zealand: Validate_NZ

  • Polands: Validate_PL

  • Republic of India: Validate_IN

  • South Africa: Validate_ZA

  • Spain: Validate_ES

  • Switzerland: Validate_CH

  • United Kingdom: Validate_UK

  • United States: Validate_US

Thematic validation class

  • Financial: Validate_Finance

  • Credit Cards: Validate_Finance_CreditCard

  • International Standard Product Numbers : Validate_ISPN


Introduction -- introduction to Validate_AU
List of available validations -- available validation in Validate_AU
Package Validate_AU Constants -- Constants defined in and used by Validate_AU
Validate_AU::abn() -- Australian Business Number (ABN).
Validate_AU::acn() -- Validate an Australian Company Number (ACN)
Validate_AU::phoneNumber() -- Validate a telephone number.
Validate_AU::postalCode() -- Validate Austrialian postal codes.
Validate_AU::region() -- Validates Australian Regional Codes
Validate_AU::ssn() -- Social Security Number.
Validate_AU::tfn() -- Tax File Number (TFN)


This package is in alpha state

Package contains locale validation for Australia such as:

  1. Tax File Number

  2. Postal Code

  3. Phone Number

  4. Australian Business Number

  5. Australian Company Number

  6. Regions (States)

See also :


Introduction -- introduction to Validate_AU


The package offers some methods to validate specific data for Australia


General usage

Every module of Validate follows the same philosophy. Propose some validation method which returns a boolean result. Some methods have some optional parameters to set stronger checks.



// Include the package
require_once 'Validate/AU.php';

List of available validations

List of available validations -- available validation in Validate_AU

Validate a Australian TFN / SSN

Most Australian's will have a TFN (Tax File Number) however not all, it is the closet equivalent we have to a Social Security Number. Note that this validation routine can be accessed through both Validate_AU::tfn() and Valdiate::ssn() methods.



// Include the package

$badTFN = '23 456 782';
$result = Validate_AU::tfn($badTFN);
echo 'Test ' . $badTFN .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodTFN = '123 456 782';
$result = Validate_AU::tfn($goodTFN);
echo 'Test ' . $goodNationalId .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 23 456 782 :

Test 123 456 782 :

Validate a Australian postcode

Australian post code are 4 digit formed.

First parameter is the post code to validate.

An optional parameter for activate strong checks using a list of postcodes.



// Include the package

$badPostCode = 'ABCD';
$result = Validate_AU::postalCode($badPostCode);
echo 'Test ' . $badPostCode .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodPostCode = '3000';
$result = Validate_AU::postalCode($goodPostCode);
echo 'Test ' . $goodPostCode .' : <br />';

Output :

Test ABCD :

Test 3000 :

sample using strong parameter

1234 appears to be a valid 4 digit postcode, however it does not appear in the official list.

// Include the package

$badPostCode = '1234';
$goodPostCode = '7930';

$result = Validate_AU::postalCode($badPostCode);
echo 'Test ' . $badPostCode .' : <br />';

$result = Validate_AU::postalCode($badPostCode, false);
echo '<br /><br />Test ' . $badPostCode .' : <br />';

$result = Validate_AU::postalCode($badPostCode, true);
echo '<br /><br />Test ' . $badPostCode .' : <br />';

$result = Validate_AU::postalCode($goodPostCode, true);
echo '<br /><br />Test ' . $goodPostCode .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 1234 :

Test 1234 :

Test 1234 :

Test 7930 :

Validate an ABN

Validate an Australian Business Number.



// Include the package

$badABN = '00 043 145 470';
$result = Validate_AU::abn($badABN);
echo 'Test ' . $badRegion .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodABN = '28 043 145 470';
$result = Validate_AU::abn($goodABN);
echo 'Test ' . $goodRegion .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 00 043 145 470 :

Test 28 043 145 470 :

Validate a Region / State

Validates a 2/3 region (state) code.



// Include the package

$badRegion = 'asdf';
$result = Validate_AU::region($badVAT);
echo 'Test ' . $badRegion .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodRegion = 'VIC';
$result = Validate_AU::region($goodRegion);
echo 'Test ' . $goodRegion .' : <br />';

Output :

Test asdf :

Test VIC :

Validate a phonenumber

Validate an Australian phone number passed as first param. Second parameter can be used to specify flags that signify the type of number to be validated.

Flags can be any combination of the bitwise constants VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_* as follows:



// Include the package

$nationalPhone       = '03 9999 9999';
$nationalStrictPhone = '0399999999';
$indialPhone         = '1300 131 121';
$internationalSyntax = '+61.3 8779 7212';

echo 'Test ' . $goodPhone .' : <br />';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($nationalPhone); // the flag VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_NATIONAL is default
var_export($result) . '-';
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($nationalPhone, VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_INDIAL);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($nationalPhone, VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_INTERNATIONAL);
var_export($result) . '-';

echo '<br /><br />';
echo 'Test ' . $nationalStrictPhone .' : <br />';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($nationalStrictPhone);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($nationalStrictPhone, VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_NATIONAL | VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_STRICT);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($nationalStrictPhone, VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_INDIAL);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($nationalStrictPhone, VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_INTERNATIONAL);
var_export($result) . '-';
var_export($result) . '-';

echo '<br /><br />';
echo 'Test ' . $indialPhone .' : <br />';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($indialPhone);
var_export($result) . '-';
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($indialPhone, VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_INDIAL);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($indialPhone, VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_INTERNATIONAL);
var_export($result) . '-';
var_export($result) . '-';
echo '<br /><br />';

echo 'Test ' . $internationalSyntax .' : <br />';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($internationalSyntax);
var_export($result) . '-';
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($internationalSyntax, VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_INDIAL);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_AU::phoneNumber($internationalSyntax, VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_INTERNATIONAL);
var_export($result) . '-';
var_export($result) . '-';


Output :

Test 03 9999 9999 :
true - false - false - false - true

Test 0399999999 :
true - true - false - false - true

Test 1300 131 121 :
false - false - true - false - true

Test +61.3 8779 7212 :
false - false - true - true - true

Package Validate_AU Constants

Package Validate_AU Constants -- Constants defined in and used by Validate_AU


Validate_AU::abn() -- Australian Business Number (ABN).


Validates an ABN using a modulus calculation


string $abn

ABN to validate

Возвращаемое значение

returns Returns true on success, otherwise false


throws no exceptions thrown


author Byron Adams <>


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Validate_AU::acn() -- Validate an Australian Company Number (ACN)


The ACN is a nine digit number with the last digit being a check digit calculated using a modified modulus 10 calculation.


string $acn

ACN number to validate

Возвращаемое значение

returns Returns true on success, false otherwise


throws no exceptions thrown


author Byron Adams <>

author Daniel O'Connor <>


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Validate_AU::phoneNumber() -- Validate a telephone number.


Note that this function supports the following notations:

  • Landline: 03 9999 9999

  • Mobile: 0400 000 000 (as above, but usually notated differently)

  • Indial: 131 812 / 1300 000 000 / 1800 000 000 / 1900 000 000

  • International: +61.3 9999 9999

For International numbers, only +61 will be valid, as this is Australia's dial code, and the format MUST be +61.3, where 3 represents the state dial code, in this case, Victoria.

Note: If the VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_STRICT flag is not supplied, then all spaces, dashes and parenthesis are removed before validation. You will have to strip these yourself if your data storage does not allow these characters.


string $number

The telephone number

integer $flags

Can be a combination of the following flags:

  • VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_STRICT: if supplied then no spaces, parenthesis or dashes (-) will be removed.

  • VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_NATIONAL: when supplied valid national numbers (eg. 03 9999 9999) will return TRUE.

  • VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_INDIAL: when supplied valid indial numbers (eg. 13/1300/1800/1900) will return TRUE.

  • VALIDATE_AU_PHONENUMBER_INTERNATIONAL: when supplied valid international notation of Australian numbers (eg. +61.3 9999 9999) will return TRUE.


todo Check that $flags contains a valid flag.


throws no exceptions thrown


author Alex Hayes <>

author Daniel O'Connor <>


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Validate_AU::postalCode() -- Validate Austrialian postal codes.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $postcode

postcode to validate

boolean $strong

strong checks against a list of postcodes

Возвращаемое значение

returns true if postcode is ok, false otherwise


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Validate_AU::region() -- Validates Australian Regional Codes


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $region

region code to validate

Возвращаемое значение

returns returns true on success, false otherwise


throws no exceptions thrown


author Byron Adams <>


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Validate_AU::ssn() -- Social Security Number.


Australia does not have a social security number system, the closest equivalent is a Tax File Number


string $ssn

ssn number to validate

Возвращаемое значение

returns Returns true on success, false otherwise


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see Validate_AU::tfn()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Validate_AU::tfn() -- Tax File Number (TFN)


Australia does not have a social security number system, the closest equivalent is a Tax File Number.


string $tfn

Tax File Number

Возвращаемое значение

returns Returns true on success, false otherwise


throws no exceptions thrown


author Byron Adams <>


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction -- Introduction to validate_BE
List of aivailable validations -- aivailable validation in validate_be


This package is in beta state

This package offers methods to validate specific values from Belgium

See also :


Introduction -- Introduction to validate_BE


The package offers some methods to validate specific data for Belgium


General usage

Every module of Validate follows the same philosophy. Propose some validation method retuning boolean result. Some methods have some optional parameters to set a stronger check.



// Include the package
require_once 'Validate/BE.php';

List of aivailable validations

List of aivailable validations -- aivailable validation in validate_be

Validate a Belgian nationalId

The belgian nationalId on the identity card of all belgian.

A check digit is the last one, computed the standard _get_control_number function.



// Include the package

$badNationalId = '730111-361-99';
$result = Validate_BE::nationalId($badNationalId);
echo 'Test ' . $badNationalId .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodNationalId = '730111 361 73';
$result = Validate_BE::nationalId($goodNationalId);
echo 'Test ' . $goodNationalId .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 730111-361-99 :

Test 730111 361 73 :

Validate a Belgian social security number

The belgian social security number is on the SIS card of all belgian.

A check digit is the last one, computed the standard _get_control_number function.



// Include the package

$badSsn = '72011136173';
$result = Validate_BE::ssn($badSsn);
echo 'Test ' . $badSsn .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodSsn = '73011136173';
$result = Validate_BE::ssn($goodSsn);
echo 'Test ' . $goodSsn .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 72011136173 :

Test 73011136173 :

Validate a Belgian postcode

Belgian post code are 4 digit formed.

First parameter is the post code to validate.

An optional parameter for activate strong checks using a list of postcodes.



// Include the package

$badPostCode = 'ABCD';
$result = Validate_BE::postalCode($badPostCode);
echo 'Test ' . $badPostCode .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodPostCode = '7930';
$result = Validate_BE::postalCode($goodPostCode);
echo 'Test ' . $goodPostCode .' : <br />';

Output :

Test ABCD :

Test 7930 :

sample unsing strong parameter

1234 like a good post code, but dont exit in the official list.

// Include the package

$badPostCode = '1234';
$goodPostCode = '7930';

$result = Validate_BE::postalCode($badPostCode);
echo 'Test ' . $badPostCode .' : <br />';

$result = Validate_BE::postalCode($badPostCode,false);
echo '<br /><br />Test ' . $badPostCode .' : <br />';

$result = Validate_BE::postalCode($badPostCode,true);
echo '<br /><br />Test ' . $badPostCode .' : <br />';

$result = Validate_BE::postalCode($goodPostCode);
echo '<br /><br />Test ' . $goodPostCode .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 1234 :

Test 1234 :

Test 1234 :

Test 7930 :

Validate a Belgian bank account number

Belgian bankcodes consist of

  • 3 figure number for the bank society

  • 7-figure number for the account number

  • 2-figure number for mod 97



// Include the package
$badBankCode = '310164533227';
$result = Validate_BE::bankCode($badBankCode);
echo 'Test ' . $badBankCode .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodBankCode = '310164533207';
$result = Validate_BE::bankCode($goodBankCode);
echo 'Test ' . $goodBankCode .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 310164533227 :

Test 310164533207 :

Validate a Belgian transfert message

Belgian transfert (virement) can be done with a structured message 12 figures

  • 10-figure number for the message

  • 2-figure number for mod 97



// Include the package

$badBankTransferMessage = '053/3140/16211';
$result = Validate_BE::bankTransferMessage($badBankTransferMessage);
echo 'Test ' . $badBankTransferMessage .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodBankTransferMessage = '054/3140/16211';
$result = Validate_BE::bankTransferMessage($goodBankTransferMessage);
echo 'Test ' . $goodBankTransferMessage .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 053/3140/16211 :

Test 054/3140/16211 :

Validate a VAT account number

Belgian VAT consist of 3-figure number.

Actually no doc was found about a checksum.



// Include the package

$badVAT = '102.239.951';
$result = Validate_BE::vat($badVAT);
echo 'Test ' . $badVAT .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodVAT = '202-239-951';
$result = Validate_BE::vat($goodVAT);
echo 'Test ' . $goodVAT .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 102.239.951 :

Test 202-239-951 :

Validate a phonenumber

Validate a belgian phone number passed as first param second specify if it's would be a mobile or a traditional line or both. "/" (slash), "-" (dash), "." (dot), and white spaces are ignored. "+" are use a exit code : 0 in Belgium.

NOTE : this validate want a BELGIAN phonenumber to return true, not a valid number to call FROM belgium



// Include the package

$badPhone = '00 32 12 123 45 67';
$result = Validate_BE::phoneNumber($badPhone);
echo 'Test ' . $badPhone .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodPhone = '00 32 45 12 34 56';
$result = Validate_BE::phoneNumber($goodPhone);
echo 'Test ' . $goodPhone .' : <br />';

Output :

Test '00 32 12 123 45 67' :

Test '00 32 45 12 34 56' :


See now with the parameter


// Include the package

$goodPhone = '00 32 45 12 34 56';
$mobilePhone = '00 32 485 34 56';

echo 'Test ' . $goodPhone .' : <br />';
$result = Validate_BE::phoneNumber($goodPhone);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_BE::phoneNumber($goodPhone,VALIDATE_BE_PHONENUMBER_TYPE_ANY);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_BE::phoneNumber($goodPhone,VALIDATE_BE_PHONENUMBER_TYPE_NORMAL);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_BE::phoneNumber($goodPhone,VALIDATE_BE_PHONENUMBER_TYPE_MOBILE);
var_export($result) . '-';

echo '<br /><br />';
$result = Validate_BE::phoneNumber($mobilePhone);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_BE::phoneNumber($mobilePhone,VALIDATE_BE_PHONENUMBER_TYPE_ANY);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_BE::phoneNumber($mobilePhone,VALIDATE_BE_PHONENUMBER_TYPE_NORMAL);
var_export($result) . '-';
$result = Validate_BE::phoneNumber($mobilePhone,VALIDATE_BE_PHONENUMBER_TYPE_MOBILE);


Output :

Test 00 32 45 12 34 56 :
true - true - true - false

Test 00 32 485 34 56 :
false - false - false - false


Introduction -- Introduction to validate_CA
List of aivailable validations -- aivailable validation in validate_ca


This package is in alpha state

Package contains locale validation for Canada such as:

  1. Social Inurance Numbers (SIN)

  2. Regions (Provinces)

  3. Postal Codes

  4. Phone Numbers

See also :


Introduction -- Introduction to validate_CA


The package offers some methods to validate specific data for Canada


General usage

Every module of Validate follows the same philosophy. Propose some validation method retuning boolean result. Some methods have some optional parameters to set a stronger check.



// Include the package
require_once 'Validate/CA.php';

List of aivailable validations

List of aivailable validations -- aivailable validation in validate_ca

Validate a canadian social security number

The canadian social security number is on the SIS card of all canadian.

A check digit is the last one, computed the standard _get_control_number function.



// Include the package

$badSsn = '012345674';
$result = Validate_CA::ssn($badSsn);
echo 'Test ' . $badSsn .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodSsn = '123456782';
$result = Validate_CA::ssn($goodSsn);
echo 'Test ' . $goodSsn .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 012345674 :

Test 123456782 :

Validate a canadian postcode

The postal code is a six-character, uniformly structured alphanumeric code in the form of ANA NAN where "A" represents an alphabetic character and "N" represents a numeric character.

The postal code is made up of two segments:

The first, the Forward Sortation Area (FSA), is a combination of three characters (alpha - numeric - alpha).

It identifies a major geographic area in an urban or a rural location.

The third character of the FSA segment (M4B), in conjunction with the first two characters, describes an exact area of a city or town or other geographic area.

The second segment, Local Delivery Unit (LDU), is a combination of three characters (numeric - alpha - numeric).

It identifies the smallest delivery unit within a forward sortation area.

The LDU, identified by the last three characters of the postal code, allows for a final sort within an FSA.

In Urban Areas, the last three digits may indicate a specific city block (one side of a street between two intersecting streets), a single building or, in some cases, a large volume mail receiver.

In Rural Areas, the last three digits (LDU), together with the FSA, identify a specific Rural community.

First parameter of the method is the post code to validate.

An optional parameter for limite the request to a province.



// Include the package

$badPostCode = '48103';
$result = Validate_CA::postalCode($badPostCode);
echo 'Test ' . $badPostCode .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$goodPostCode = 'H2M 2J1';
$result = Validate_CA::postalCode($goodPostCode);
echo 'Test ' . $goodPostCode .' : <br />';

Output :

Test 48103 :

Test H2M 2J1 :

sample using province parameter

H2M 2J1 like a good post code, but province don't exit.

// Include the package

$postalCode = 'H2M 2J1'; // in Montreal area

$result = Validate_CA::postalCode($postalCode);
echo 'Test ' . $postalCode .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$result = Validate_CA::postalCode($postalCode,'QC');
// QC for Montreal
echo 'Test ' . $postalCode .' in QC: <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$result = Validate_CA::postalCode($postalCode,'AB');
// AB for Toronto
echo 'Test ' . $postalCode .' in AB: <br />';


Output :

Test H2M 2J1 :

Test H2M 2J1 in QC:

Test H2M 2J1 in AB:

Validate a phonenumber

Canada and the United States share the same numbering plan, hence you can also call Validate_US::phoneNumber()

Can allow only seven digit numbers.

Also allows the formats, (xxx) xxx-xxxx, xxx xxx-xxxx, and now x (xxx) xxx-xxxx or various combination without spaces or dashes.


// Include the package

$phoneNumber = '467875098x';
$result = Validate_CA::phoneNumber($phoneNumber);
echo 'Test ' . $phoneNumber .' : <br />';
echo '<br />';

$phoneNumber = '4678750987';
$result = Validate_CA::phoneNumber($phoneNumber);
echo 'Test ' . $phoneNumber .' : <br />';


Output :

Test 467875098x :
Test 4678750987 :


See now with the parameter

// Include the package

$phoneNumber = '8750987';
$result = Validate_CA::phoneNumber($phoneNumber,false);
echo 'Test ' . $phoneNumber .' : <br />';

echo '<br /><br />';
$phoneNumber = '8750987';
echo 'Test ' . $phoneNumber .' : <br />';
echo 'With $requireAreaCode false <br />';
$result = Validate_CA::phoneNumber($phoneNumber,false);
echo '<br />';
echo 'With $requireAreaCode true<br />';
$result = Validate_CA::phoneNumber($phoneNumber,true);

echo '<br /><br />';
$phoneNumber = '(467)8750987';
echo 'Test ' . $phoneNumber .' : <br />';
echo 'With $requireAreaCode false <br />';
$result = Validate_CA::phoneNumber($phoneNumber,false);
echo '<br />';
echo 'With $requireAreaCode true<br />';
$result = Validate_CA::phoneNumber($phoneNumber,true);


Output :

Test 8750987 :

Test 8750987 :
With $requireAreaCode false
With $requireAreaCode true

Test (467)8750987 :
With $requireAreaCode false
With $requireAreaCode true

Глава 62. Web Services


Introduction -- Introduction to Services_Delicious
Example -- Basic examples of Services_Delicious

Object-oriented abstraction for XML API.


Introduction -- Introduction to Services_Delicious

Introduction to Services_Delicious

Services_Delicious is an abstraction for the webservice of the social bookmarking site allows you to easily add sites you like to your personal collection of links, to categorize those sites with keywords, and to share your collection not only between your own browsers and machines, but also with others. is using "tags" to categorize your bookmarks and allows other users to browse bookmarks by topic.

Services_Delicious enables you to access, add and even delete your social bookmarks by using a Services_Delicious class that provides functions like getAllPosts(), addPost() or deletePost().


Example -- Basic examples of Services_Delicious


Introduction -- Introduction to Services_Ebay
Getting started -- Getting started with the eBay webservice
XML encoding -- XML encoding in Services_Ebay
Error Handling -- Error Handling in Services_Ebay
Architecture -- The architecture of Services_Ebay
Example -- Basic example of Services_Ebay

Object-oriented abstraction for eBay's XML API.


Introduction -- Introduction to Services_Ebay

Introduction to Services_Ebay

Services_Ebay is an object-oriented abstraction layer for eBay's XML API. In addition to a SOAP-service, eBay provides an API, that does not follow any standards except wrapping all webservice calls and parameters in XML. This webservice still is more powerful than eBay's SOAP server and in addition has been heavily tested by real-life applications.

eBay's webservice enables you to use all of eBay's features (except bidding on items) in your own PHP applications. The features range from adding new items to managing the transaction, payment and shipping. Currently there are about 70 method calls available, all accept a range of parameters.

Services_Ebay (as of version 0.7.0) already provides wrappers for 50 methods as well as some model classes which help you working with the results from the calls.

To use this package you will need PHP5 with cURL support enabled and should be familiar with PHP5's exception handling.

Getting started

Getting started -- Getting started with the eBay webservice

Developing eBay applications

The eBay webservice is of course not free to use by the public. To develop and test your applications, you will have to register as an eBay developer (which is free of charge). Furthermore, you will not be able to test and develop on the eBay site, before your application has been certified.

The eBay sandbox

The eBay Developers Program Sandbox is a test environment that represents a "mini" eBay site. The Sandbox provides the most important features of the eBay site, allowing you to build and test your application in a non-production environment. The eBay Sandbox supports both API testing as well as site testing via the GUI interface.

While developing your application, you will always be using the eBay sandbox, which can be accessed via web at This site looks and behaves like any eBay website you are being used to.

Using the sandbox

To develop applications in the sandbox you will have to register at the eBay developers program. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Register as an eBay user:

    In order to register as an eBay developer, you'll have to be an eBay user. As eBay users are valid on all international sites, it is sufficient if you have an eBay user id for your local eBay site, like or

  2. Register as an eBay developer:

    Next, you will have to register as an eBay developer at the eBay developer program. This procedure can take some time, as they require you to enter a lot of information, so you should do this carefully. If you are developing an open source application using Services_Ebay, you should apply for an Individual license.

    After the registration has been finisehd, you will recieve three keys that you will need to authenticate your eBay application: DevID, AppID and CertID. You will need these keys later so you should save them somewhere.

  3. Create one or more test users:

    As the sandbox does not share any data with the eBay sites, you will have to create new users that you can use to add items, make transactions and give feedback. You can create as many users as you need for testing purposes, just use the registration form in the sandbox.

    You will need a valid email address for each of your users, as well as a valid US address and telephone number, you can easily get on by using YellowPages. A credit card is not required, your test users will receive money from eBay they can spend in the sandbox. Of course, this is no real money, which has not use outside of the sandbox.

  4. Validate your test users:

    If you want your test users to sell items on eBay, you will need to validate them. This can be done using the ValidateTestUserRegistration() API call, which is already supported by Services_Ebay.

Authentication and Authorization

eBay's Auth&Auth process is quite complex and can be the biggest hurdle for getting started with the webservice. To make an API call the following information is required:

  • DevID (received after registration, unique per developer)

  • AppID (received after registration, unique per application)

  • CertID (received after registration, unique per application)

  • Authentication Token, unique for each user of your application

While you already are in possession of the first three tokens, you still need the last one to make an API call. If your application is used by more than one user (which is the case for web applications), eBay does not want your application to receive the usernames and passwords of your users. If a user authenticates, your application is supposed to redirect him to the eBay login page and pass an additional parameter (a so called RuName). The user will then enter his login information as he is used to on the eBay website and then authorize your application to make API calls on his behalf.

After that, eBay will redirect the user back to your application and pass a unique token, which can be used to identify this user when your application is making API calls. This technique has several advantages:

  • Single sign-on system for eBay applications

  • When your application is hacked, no passwords are revealed

  • The user only sees the login screen he is used to.

As this authentication procedure is quite complex and requires various API calls to function there is an easier way, which can be used for testing. eBay provides the so called Single-User-Tool, an HTML-based tool, which creates tokens that you can use to authenticate a user. All you need to do is submit your DevID, AppID and CertID and select whether the token will be used in the sandbox or production environment.

Getting started with Services_Ebay

Services_Ebay provides a lot of examples, which demonstrate how the API calls have to be used. After installing Services_Ebay, they will be located in the docs/ directory of your PEAR installation. In order to run the examples, you will have to supply the authentication credentials you received from eBay. The easiest way to do this, is to modify the config.php file, which is located in the examples folder.

XML encoding

XML encoding -- XML encoding in Services_Ebay

XML encoding in Services_Ebay

Since mid-2005, the eBay API will only accept UTF-8 encoded XML-documents. As encoding all data to UTF-8 is tedious, Services_Ebay will take care of this for you. All you need to do is specify the encoding you want to use in your script when creating a session object.

The umlaut characters contained in the description of the item will be automatically converted to UTF-8 when the XML-document is created. Furthermore the result document which is returned by the eBay API will be decoded again to ISO-8859-1 so you do not have to worry about UTF-8 at all.

Of course, it is also possible to supply UTF-8 encoded data to Services_Ebay. All you have to do is change the encoding type, when creating the session object.

In this example you are using utf8_encode() to encode the data prior to passing it to Services_Ebay. To avoid duplicated encoding, you need to set the encoding to UTF-8.

Error Handling

Error Handling -- Error Handling in Services_Ebay

Exceptions in Services_Ebay

As Services_Ebay is a PHP 5 only package, it uses exception handling and the PEAR_Exception class as base class for all exceptions. Exceptions can be thrown, whenever you try to call any of the API calls provided by Services_Ebay, which means you should always nest those in a try/catch-block:

When calling a non-existent API call or passing the wrong parameters to the API, eBay will abort the API call and return an XML-document that contains error information. Services_Ebay will automatically convert this into an exception that can be easily handled by your PHP application.

Warnings in Services_Ebay

In some cases, the eBay API will still process your request, even if you passed invalid parameters and include error information in the resulting XML-document alongside the actual response of your request.

In this case, the errors will be tagged as warnings, as they were not serious errors. Services_Ebay will not convert these errors to exceptions, but only to instances of Services_Ebay_Error. These objects will be stored in the Services_Ebay_Session and can be retrieved by your application at a later point.


Architecture -- The architecture of Services_Ebay

Overview of Services_Ebay architecture

Services_Ebay consists of a lot of small classes, which keeps the used codebase small, as only the functionality that you use in your applications are loaded and parsed.

This will give you a short overview of the different types of objects that are provided and for which tasks they are used.


The Services_Ebay class is used for the following tasks:

  1. Provides factory methods.

    The Services_Ebay provides methods to load and instantiate all of the other classes, that are included in the Services_Ebay distribution. That means that this is the only class you should include and instantiate yourself. Factory methods include loadApiCall(), getSession() and loadModel().

  2. Provides constants.

    This class also defines some constants like the eBay site ids that you will need in your applications, constants include Services_Ebay::SITEID_ID, Services_Ebay::AUTH_TYPE_TOKEN or Services_Ebay::FEEDBACK_BRIEF. Whenever the eBay webservice expects an integer value in an XML tag, Services_Ebay tries to provide a matching constant.

  3. Provides static helper methods.

    The class also provides some helper methods, which can be called statically like getAvailableApiCalls().

  4. Acts as a proxy class.

    The most important usage is that Services_Ebay acts as a proxy class for the API calls, that means you can call methods on the class which will then be redirected to the appropriate call object.


The Services_Ebay_Session class is used to handle the serialization and unserialization of the incoming and outgoing XML streams. Furthermore it builds the HTTP headers that are needed and manages all user authentication.

You will probably always use the session indirectly by at first passing it to the Services_Ebay object which will then use the session for making API calls.


The Services_Ebay_Transport classes are used to build up network connections to the eBay webservices and send and recieve the raw data which has been created by Services_Ebay_Session.

Theoretically there may be different transport classes, but due to bugs in PHP's stream functions and some SSL libraries, the only working transport class is Services_Ebay_Transport_Curl, which uses PHP's curl extension.


The Services_Ebay_Call classes contain information about the API calls that the eBay webservice offers. Each API call is encapsulated in an object that contains information about the API call, which XML tags have to be used and what the call is expected to return.

There are two ways in which the call objects can be used:

  1. Instantiate them directly (best via the factory method of Services_Ebay), pass all parameters and invoke Services_Ebay_Call::call() while passing the session object to this method.

  2. Use Services_Ebay as a proxy object which is able to do all the work by using PHP5's new object overloading features.

It is recommended to use Services_Ebay as a proxy instead of working directly on the Call objects. Services_Ebay will instantiate the class, pass the parameters and invoke the call method on the Call object.


The Services_Ebay_Model classes act as local containers for the remote data stored on the eBay server. For example, when calling Services_Ebay::getItem(), the method will return an instance of Services_Ebay_Model_Item, which contains information about the item as well as some helper methods like Services_Ebay_Model_Item::addToDescription() which encapsulates a new API call.

Currently Services_Ebay provides models for accounts, disputes (single dispute and a list of disputes), user feedback (summary and a single feedback entry), items and list of items, MyeBay, orders, preferences, search results, shipments, eBay stores, transactions and users.


The Services_Ebay_Cache classes allow you to locally cache information that you retrieved from the eBay webservice without changing anything in your scripts. After registering a cache instance for any model type, Services_Ebay will query the cache before making a time-consuming API call.

The cache classes use a very high abstraction and allow you to create new cache containers, so you could store the data in a database, shared memory or wherever you like. Currently there is only one container available, which stores the data in the local filesystem.

To determine, whether a cache is still valid an instance of Services_Ebay_Cache_ExpiryCheck is used, which allows you to build "intelligent" caches that have a shorter expiry time the nearer the end of an auction is.


Example -- Basic example of Services_Ebay


Introduction and Quick Start -- Overview of Services_Technorati

A class for interacting with the Technorati API

Introduction and Quick Start

Introduction and Quick Start -- Overview of Services_Technorati


Technorati is a blog search engine. By indexing blogs and exploring links between them, they provide tools for monitoring online conversations taking place on and between blogs. By far the richest source of this information is through their REST-based API, to which this module provides an OO PHP interface. Full documentation for Technorati's API is available on their developers' wiki. To use the API you will need an API key.

To protect against future changes to the underlying API it is accessed using a factory method:
$tapi =& Services_Technorati::factory($api_key);

The Technorati API limits you to 500 queries per day so those wishing to use it in a high-demand environment will want to employ some caching. Services_Technorati provides support for any caching system with a Cache_Lite-like API. To use a cache, you will need to create it and then pass it to the class in the factory:
$tapi =& Services_Technorati::factory($api_key, $cache_object);

Once you have instantiated the object you can start passing in queries. Each call takes the form of methodName(keyParameter, options) where options is an array.

(NB. Support for Technorati's attention. XML services is also included in accordance with the spec, but those services are currently in a state of flux so cannot be relied upon.)

The value returned from each query will be either an array representing the unserialized XML or a PEAR Error.

Пример 62-1. An example return from the blogInfo query (for 'jystewart') is:

    [version] => 1.0
    [document] => Array
            [result] => Array
                    [username] => jystewart
                    [firstname] => James
                    [lastname] => Stewart

            [item] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [weblog] => Array
                                    [name] => little more than a placeholder
                                    [url] =>
                                    [rssurl] =>
                                    [atomurl] =>
                                    [inboundblogs] => 52
                                    [inboundlinks] => 82
                                    [lastupdate] => 2005-08-27 09:01:42 GMT
                                    [rank] => 7483
                                    [lat] => 0
                                    [lon] => 0
                                    [lang] => 26110
                                    [foafurl] =>


                    [1] => Array
                            [weblog] => Array
                                    [name] => something approaching a photo album
                                    [url] =>
                                    [rssurl] =>
                                    [atomurl] =>
                                    [inboundblogs] => 1
                                    [inboundlinks] => 1
                                    [lastupdate] => 2004-08-13 17:40:02 GMT
                                    [rank] => 240760
                                    [lat] => 0
                                    [lon] => 0
                                    [lang] => 0


                    [2] => Array
                            [weblog] => Array
                                    [name] => : wireless internet (wifi) in grand rapids, michigan
                                    [url] =>
                                    [rssurl] =>
                                    [atomurl] =>
                                    [inboundblogs] => 9
                                    [inboundlinks] => 11
                                    [lastupdate] => 2005-04-15 19:44:46 GMT
                                    [rank] => 50688
                                    [lat] => 0
                                    [lon] => 0
                                    [lang] => 26110


                    [3] => Array
                            [weblog] => Array
                                    [name] => a work on process
                                    [url] =>
                                    [rssurl] =>
                                    [atomurl] =>
                                    [inboundblogs] => 3
                                    [inboundlinks] => 3
                                    [lastupdate] => 2005-08-31 20:44:38 GMT
                                    [rank] => 132735
                                    [lat] => 0
                                    [lon] => 0
                                    [lang] => 26110
                                    [foafurl] =>

Full details of the XML returned by Technorati is included on the developers' wiki


Class Summary Services_Weather -- PEAR::Services_Weather
Services_Weather::apiVersion() -- For your convenience, when I come up with changes in the API...
Services_Weather::isError() -- Checks for an error object, same as in PEAR
Services_Weather::service() -- Factory for creating the services-objects
Class Summary Services_Weather_Common -- PEAR::Services_Weather_Common
Services_Weather_Common::calculateDewPoint() --  Calculate dewpoint from temperature and humidity This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula
Services_Weather_Common::calculateHumidity() --  Calculate humidity from temperature and dewpoint This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula
Services_Weather_Common::calculateWindChill() -- Calculate windchill from temperature and windspeed (enhanced formula)
Services_Weather_Common::convertDistance() -- Convert distance between km, ft and sm
Services_Weather_Common::convertPressure() -- Convert pressure between in, hpa, mb, mm and atm
Services_Weather_Common::convertSpeed() -- Convert speed between mph, kmh, kt, mps and fps
Services_Weather_Common::convertTemperature() -- Convert temperature between f and c
Services_Weather_Common::getUnitsFormat() -- Returns the selected units format
Services_Weather_Common::polar2cartesian() -- Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
Services_Weather_Common::setCache() -- Enables caching the data, usage strongly recommended
Services_Weather_Common::setDateTimeFormat() -- Changes the representation of time and dates (see
Services_Weather_Common::setHttpTimeout() -- Sets the timeout in seconds for HTTP requests
Services_Weather_Common::setUnitsFormat() -- Changes the representation of the units (standard/metric)
Class Summary Services_Weather_Ejse -- PEAR::Services_Weather_Ejse
Services_Weather_Ejse::getForecast() -- Get the forecast for the next days
Services_Weather_Ejse::getLocation() -- Returns the data for the location belonging to the ID
Services_Weather_Ejse::getUnits() -- Returns the units for the current query
Services_Weather_Ejse::getWeather() -- Returns the weather-data for the supplied location
Services_Weather_Ejse::searchLocation() -- EJSE offers no search function to date, so this function is disabled.
Services_Weather_Ejse::searchLocationByCountry() -- EJSE offers no search function to date, so this function is disabled.
Class Summary Services_Weather_Globalweather -- PEAR::Services_Weather_Globalweather
Services_Weather_Globalweather::getForecast() --  GlobalWeather has no forecast per se, so this function is just for compatibility purposes.
Services_Weather_Globalweather::getLocation() -- Returns the data for the location belonging to the ID
Services_Weather_Globalweather::getUnits() -- Returns the units for the current query
Services_Weather_Globalweather::getWeather() -- Returns the weather-data for the supplied location
Services_Weather_Globalweather::searchLocation() --  Searches IDs for given location, returns array of possible locations or single ID
Services_Weather_Globalweather::searchLocationByCountry() --  Returns IDs with location-name for a given country or all available countries, if no value was given
Class Summary Services_Weather_Metar -- PEAR::Services_Weather_Metar
Services_Weather_Metar::getForecast() --  METAR has no forecast per se, so this function is just for compatibility purposes.
Services_Weather_Metar::getLocation() -- Returns the data for the location belonging to the ID
Services_Weather_Metar::getUnits() -- Returns the units for the current query
Services_Weather_Metar::getWeather() -- Returns the weather-data for the supplied location
Services_Weather_Metar::searchAirport() --  Searches the nearest airport(s) for given coordinates, returns array of IDs or single ID
Services_Weather_Metar::searchLocation() --  Searches IDs for given location, returns array of possible locations or single ID
Services_Weather_Metar::searchLocationByCountry() --  Returns IDs with location-name for a given country or all available countries, if no value was given
Services_Weather_Metar::setMetarDB() --  Sets the parameters needed for connecting to the DB, where the location- search is fetching its data from. You need to build a DB with the external tool buildMetarDB first, it fetches the locations and airports from a NOAA-website.
Services_Weather_Metar::setMetarSource() -- Sets the source, where the class tries to locate the METAR data
Class Summary Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom -- PEAR::Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom
Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::getForecast() -- Get the forecast for the next days
Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::getLocation() -- Returns the data for the location belonging to the ID
Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::getUnits() -- Returns the units for the current query
Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::getWeather() -- Returns the weather-data for the supplied location
Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::searchLocation() --  Searches IDs for given location, returns array of possible locations or single ID
Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::searchLocationByCountry() --  Returns only false, as offers no country listing via its XML services
Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::setAccountData() --  Sets the neccessary account-information for, you'll receive them after registering for the XML-stream
Package Services_Weather Constants -- Constants defined in and used by Services_Weather

Class Summary Services_Weather

Class Summary Services_Weather  -- PEAR::Services_Weather


This class acts as an interface to various online weather-services.

Services_Weather searches for given locations and retrieves current weather data and, dependant on the used service, also forecasts. Up to now, SOAP services from CapeScience and EJSE, XML from and METAR from are supported, further services will get included, if they become available and are properly documented.

Class Trees for Services_Weather

  • Services_Weather


Services_Weather::apiVersion()  -- For your convenience, when I come up with changes in the API...


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather::isError()  -- Checks for an error object, same as in PEAR


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


PEAR_Error|mixed $value


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather::service()  -- Factory for creating the services-objects


Usable keys for the options array are:

  • debug enables debugging output

--- Common Options

  • cacheType defines what type of cache to use

  • cacheOptions passes cache options

  • unitsFormat use (US)-standard, metric or custom units

  • customUnitsFormat defines the customized units format

  • httpTimeout sets timeout for HTTP requests

  • dateFormat string to use for date output

  • timeFormat string to use for time output

--- EJSE Options

  • none

--- GlobalWeather Options

  • none

--- METAR Options

  • dsn String for defining the DB connection

  • dbOptions passes DB options

  • source http, ftp or file - type of data-source

  • sourcePath where to look for the source, URI or filepath

--- Options

  • partnerID You'll receive these keys after registering

  • licenseKey with the XML-service


string $service

array $options


throws PEAR_Error



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary Services_Weather_Common

Class Summary Services_Weather_Common  -- PEAR::Services_Weather_Common


Parent class for weather-services. Defines common functions for unit conversions, checks for cache enabling and does other miscellaneous things.


Services_Weather_Common::calculateDewPoint()  --  Calculate dewpoint from temperature and humidity This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula


Temperature has to be entered in deg C!


float $temperature

float $humidity


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::calculateHumidity()  --  Calculate humidity from temperature and dewpoint This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula


Temperature and dewpoint have to be entered in deg C!


float $temperature

float $dewPoint


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::calculateWindChill()  -- Calculate windchill from temperature and windspeed (enhanced formula)


Temperature has to be entered in deg F, speed in mph!


float $temperature

float $speed


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::convertDistance()  -- Convert distance between km, ft and sm


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


float $distance

string $from

string $to


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::convertPressure()  -- Convert pressure between in, hpa, mb, mm and atm


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


float $pressure

string $from

string $to


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::convertSpeed()  -- Convert speed between mph, kmh, kt, mps and fps


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


float $speed

string $from

string $to


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::convertTemperature()  -- Convert temperature between f and c


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


float $temperature

string $from

string $to


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::getUnitsFormat()  -- Returns the selected units format


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $unitsFormat


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::polar2cartesian()  -- Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


float $latitude

float $longitude


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::setCache()  -- Enables caching the data, usage strongly recommended


Requires Cache to be installed


string $cacheType

array $cacheOptions




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::setDateTimeFormat()  -- Changes the representation of time and dates (see


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $dateFormat

string $timeFormat


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::setHttpTimeout()  -- Sets the timeout in seconds for HTTP requests


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


integer $httpTimeout


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Common::setUnitsFormat()  -- Changes the representation of the units (standard/metric)


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $unitsFormat

array $customUnitsFormat


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary Services_Weather_Ejse

Class Summary Services_Weather_Ejse  -- PEAR::Services_Weather_Ejse


This class acts as an interface to the soap service of EJSE. It retrieves current weather data and forecasts based on postal codes (ZIP).

Currently this service is only available for US territory.

For a working example, please take a look at docs/Services_Weather/examples/ejse-basic.php

Class Trees for Services_Weather_Ejse

Services_Weather_Ejse Inherited Methods

Таблица 62-1. Inherited from Services_Weather_Common

Method NameSummary
Services_Weather_Common::calculateDewPoint() Calculate dewpoint from temperature and humidity This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula
Services_Weather_Common::calculateHumidity() Calculate humidity from temperature and dewpoint This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula
Services_Weather_Common::calculateWindChill() Calculate windchill from temperature and windspeed (enhanced formula)
Services_Weather_Common::convertDistance() Convert distance between km, ft and sm
Services_Weather_Common::convertPressure() Convert pressure between in, hpa, mb, mm and atm
Services_Weather_Common::convertSpeed() Convert speed between mph, kmh, kt, mps and fps
Services_Weather_Common::convertTemperature() Convert temperature between f and c
Services_Weather_Common::getUnitsFormat() Returns the selected units format
Services_Weather_Common::polar2cartesian() Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
Services_Weather_Common::setCache() Enables caching the data, usage strongly recommended
Services_Weather_Common::setDateTimeFormat() Changes the representation of time and dates (see
Services_Weather_Common::setHttpTimeout() Sets the timeout in seconds for HTTP requests
Services_Weather_Common::setUnitsFormat() Changes the representation of the units (standard/metric)


Services_Weather_Ejse::getForecast()  -- Get the forecast for the next days


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


mixed $id

integer $days

Values between 1 and 9

string $unitsFormat

string $int


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Ejse::getLocation()  -- Returns the data for the location belonging to the ID


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Ejse::getUnits()  -- Returns the units for the current query


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id

string $unitsFormat


No exceptions thrown.




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Ejse::getWeather()  -- Returns the weather-data for the supplied location


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id

string $unitsFormat


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Ejse::searchLocation()  -- EJSE offers no search function to date, so this function is disabled.


Maybe this is the place to interface to some online postcode service...


string $location

boolean $useFirst


No exceptions thrown.




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Ejse::searchLocationByCountry()  -- EJSE offers no search function to date, so this function is disabled.


Maybe this is the place to interface to some online postcode service...


string $country


No exceptions thrown.




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary Services_Weather_Globalweather

Class Summary Services_Weather_Globalweather  -- PEAR::Services_Weather_Globalweather


This class acts as an interface to the soap service of It searches for given locations and retrieves current weather data.

GlobalWeather is a SOAP frontend for METAR data, provided by CapeScience. If you want to use METAR, you should try this class first, as it is much more comfortable (and also a bit faster) than the native METAR-class provided by this package.

For a working example, please take a look at docs/Services_Weather/examples/globalweather-basic.php

Class Trees for Services_Weather_Globalweather

Services_Weather_Globalweather Inherited Methods

Таблица 62-1. Inherited from Services_Weather_Common

Method NameSummary
Services_Weather_Common::calculateDewPoint() Calculate dewpoint from temperature and humidity This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula
Services_Weather_Common::calculateHumidity() Calculate humidity from temperature and dewpoint This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula
Services_Weather_Common::calculateWindChill() Calculate windchill from temperature and windspeed (enhanced formula)
Services_Weather_Common::convertDistance() Convert distance between km, ft and sm
Services_Weather_Common::convertPressure() Convert pressure between in, hpa, mb, mm and atm
Services_Weather_Common::convertSpeed() Convert speed between mph, kmh, kt, mps and fps
Services_Weather_Common::convertTemperature() Convert temperature between f and c
Services_Weather_Common::getUnitsFormat() Returns the selected units format
Services_Weather_Common::polar2cartesian() Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
Services_Weather_Common::setCache() Enables caching the data, usage strongly recommended
Services_Weather_Common::setDateTimeFormat() Changes the representation of time and dates (see
Services_Weather_Common::setHttpTimeout() Sets the timeout in seconds for HTTP requests
Services_Weather_Common::setUnitsFormat() Changes the representation of the units (standard/metric)


Services_Weather_Globalweather::getForecast()  --  GlobalWeather has no forecast per se, so this function is just for compatibility purposes.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


mixed $id

integer $days

string $unitsFormat

string $int


No exceptions thrown.




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Globalweather::getLocation()  -- Returns the data for the location belonging to the ID


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Globalweather::getUnits()  -- Returns the units for the current query


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id

string $unitsFormat


No exceptions thrown.




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Globalweather::getWeather()  -- Returns the weather-data for the supplied location


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id

string $unitsFormat


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Globalweather::searchLocation()  --  Searches IDs for given location, returns array of possible locations or single ID


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $location

boolean $useFirst

If set, first ID of result-array is returned





Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Globalweather::searchLocationByCountry()  --  Returns IDs with location-name for a given country or all available countries, if no value was given


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $country





Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary Services_Weather_Metar

Class Summary Services_Weather_Metar  -- PEAR::Services_Weather_Metar


This class acts as an interface to the metar service of It searches for locations given in ICAO notation and retrieves the current weather data.

Of course the parsing of the METAR-data has its limitations, as it follows the Federal Meteorological Handbook No.1 with modifications to accomodate for non-US reports, so if the report deviates from these standards, you won't get it parsed correctly. Anything that is not parsed, is saved in the "noparse" array-entry, returned by getWeather(), so you can do your own parsing afterwards. This limitation is specifically given for remarks, as the class is not processing everything mentioned there, but you will get the most common fields like precipitation and temperature-changes. Again, everything not parsed, goes into "noparse".

If you think, some important field is missing or not correctly parsed, please file a feature- request/bugreport at and be sure to provide the METAR report with a _detailed_ explanation!

For a working example, please take a look at docs/Services_Weather/examples/metar-basic.php

Class Trees for Services_Weather_Metar

Services_Weather_Metar Inherited Methods

Таблица 62-1. Inherited from Services_Weather_Common

Method NameSummary
Services_Weather_Common::calculateDewPoint() Calculate dewpoint from temperature and humidity This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula
Services_Weather_Common::calculateHumidity() Calculate humidity from temperature and dewpoint This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula
Services_Weather_Common::calculateWindChill() Calculate windchill from temperature and windspeed (enhanced formula)
Services_Weather_Common::convertDistance() Convert distance between km, ft and sm
Services_Weather_Common::convertPressure() Convert pressure between in, hpa, mb, mm and atm
Services_Weather_Common::convertSpeed() Convert speed between mph, kmh, kt, mps and fps
Services_Weather_Common::convertTemperature() Convert temperature between f and c
Services_Weather_Common::getUnitsFormat() Returns the selected units format
Services_Weather_Common::polar2cartesian() Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
Services_Weather_Common::setCache() Enables caching the data, usage strongly recommended
Services_Weather_Common::setDateTimeFormat() Changes the representation of time and dates (see
Services_Weather_Common::setHttpTimeout() Sets the timeout in seconds for HTTP requests
Services_Weather_Common::setUnitsFormat() Changes the representation of the units (standard/metric)


Services_Weather_Metar::getForecast()  --  METAR has no forecast per se, so this function is just for compatibility purposes.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


mixed $id

integer $days

string $unitsFormat

string $int


No exceptions thrown.




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Metar::getLocation()  -- Returns the data for the location belonging to the ID


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Metar::getUnits()  -- Returns the units for the current query


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id

string $unitsFormat


No exceptions thrown.




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Metar::getWeather()  -- Returns the weather-data for the supplied location


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id

string $unitsFormat


throws PHP_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Metar::searchAirport()  --  Searches the nearest airport(s) for given coordinates, returns array of IDs or single ID


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


float $latitude

float $longitude

integer $numResults






Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Metar::searchLocation()  --  Searches IDs for given location, returns array of possible locations or single ID


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string|array $location

boolean $useFirst

If set, first ID of result-array is returned






Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Metar::searchLocationByCountry()  --  Returns IDs with location-name for a given country or all available countries, if no value was given


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $country






Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Metar::setMetarDB()  --  Sets the parameters needed for connecting to the DB, where the location- search is fetching its data from. You need to build a DB with the external tool buildMetarDB first, it fetches the locations and airports from a NOAA-website.


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $dsn

array $dbOptions

См. также

see DB::parseDSN


throws DB_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Metar::setMetarSource()  -- Sets the source, where the class tries to locate the METAR data


Source can be http, ftp or file. An alternate sourcepath can be provided.


string $source

string $sourcePath


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Class Summary Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom

Class Summary Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom  -- PEAR::Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom


This class acts as an interface to the xml service of It searches for given locations and retrieves current weather data as well as forecast for up to 10 days.

For using the xml-service please visit and follow the link to sign up, it's free! You will receive an email where to download the SDK with the needed images and guidelines how to publish live data from Unfortunately the guidelines are a bit harsh, that's why there's no actual data-representation in this class, just the raw data. Also demands active caching, so I'd strongly recommend enabling the caching implemented in this class. It obeys to the times as written down in the guidelines.

For a working example, please take a look at docs/Services_Weather/examples/

Class Trees for Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom

Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom Inherited Methods

Таблица 62-1. Inherited from Services_Weather_Common

Method NameSummary
Services_Weather_Common::calculateDewPoint() Calculate dewpoint from temperature and humidity This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula
Services_Weather_Common::calculateHumidity() Calculate humidity from temperature and dewpoint This is only an approximation, there is no exact formula, this one here is called Magnus-Formula
Services_Weather_Common::calculateWindChill() Calculate windchill from temperature and windspeed (enhanced formula)
Services_Weather_Common::convertDistance() Convert distance between km, ft and sm
Services_Weather_Common::convertPressure() Convert pressure between in, hpa, mb, mm and atm
Services_Weather_Common::convertSpeed() Convert speed between mph, kmh, kt, mps and fps
Services_Weather_Common::convertTemperature() Convert temperature between f and c
Services_Weather_Common::getUnitsFormat() Returns the selected units format
Services_Weather_Common::polar2cartesian() Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
Services_Weather_Common::setCache() Enables caching the data, usage strongly recommended
Services_Weather_Common::setDateTimeFormat() Changes the representation of time and dates (see
Services_Weather_Common::setHttpTimeout() Sets the timeout in seconds for HTTP requests
Services_Weather_Common::setUnitsFormat() Changes the representation of the units (standard/metric)


Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::getForecast()  -- Get the forecast for the next days


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id

integer $days

Values between 1 and 10

string $unitsFormat


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::getLocation()  -- Returns the data for the location belonging to the ID


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::getUnits()  -- Returns the units for the current query


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id

string $unitsFormat


No exceptions thrown.




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::getWeather()  -- Returns the weather-data for the supplied location


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $id

string $unitsFormat


throws PEAR_Error


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::searchLocation()  --  Searches IDs for given location, returns array of possible locations or single ID


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $location

boolean $useFirst

If set, first ID of result-array is returned





Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::searchLocationByCountry()  --  Returns only false, as offers no country listing via its XML services


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $country


No exceptions thrown.




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Services_Weather_Weatherdotcom::setAccountData()  --  Sets the neccessary account-information for, you'll receive them after registering for the XML-stream


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


string $partnerID

string $licenseKey


No exceptions thrown.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

Package Services_Weather Constants

Package Services_Weather Constants -- Constants defined in and used by Services_Weather


Introduction --  Introduction to Services_Yahoo
Examples --  Using Services_Yahoo
Design --  Services_Yahoo's design

Interface to the Yahoo! Search API.

The package provides an object oriented model to communicate with Yahoo's services via their REST-based XML interface.


Introduction --  Introduction to Services_Yahoo


The package provides an object oriented model to communicate with Yahoo's web services via their REST-based XML interface.

Currently the package only supports the Yahoo! Search Web Services, which is natural because Yahoo! does not expose other services via their API at the moment. Due to the modular layout of the package it is easy to add support for other services at a later point though. More information about the design of the package is available in a separate section.



Services_Yahoo requires PHP 5 and a bunch of PEAR packages. For a complete list of dependencies please see the download page.


The Services_Yahoo package can be installed using the PEAR installer command pear install Services_Yahoo. If the installation fails due to missing dependencies, one either needs to install them manually or can make the installer fetch all dependencies automatically: pear install -a Services_Yahoo.

Alternative installation methods for situations where one has no access to the pear installer command can be found in the general installation chapter.


Uninstalling the package can be done with pear uninstall Services_Yahoo.


Examples --  Using Services_Yahoo

About the examples

The following sections provide you with examples of using the different feature sets of Services_Yahoo. Currently this includes documentation for the interfaces to Yahoo! Search and Content Analysis.

All public methods in Services_Yahoo have in common that exceptions will be raised when something goes wrong. This is why try { ... } catch { } blocks are wrapped around all examples.

Замечание: The examples are designed to be run from a command line shell. If you would like to test them in a web browser you should replace \n with <br /> for better readability.

Speaking to Yahoo! Search

The following examples will communicate with Yahoo! Search.

Замечание: In order to query the Image, News, Video or Local search, one only needs to replace the argument "web" in the call of the factory() method with one of "image", "news", "video", or "local".

Using the Yahoo! Content Analysis services

The following examples will show you how to use the Content Analysis Services provided by Yahoo!.


Design --  Services_Yahoo's design


Services_Yahoo is split up into chunks that group similar functionality. Currently there are chunks for the interfaces to Yahoo Search and to the Content Analysis functions.

Each chunk basically contains two top-level element in the source tree: A .php file and a directory that holds the implementation of the chunk. The file is a class that contains only one method which implements that factory pattern. This method dynamically loads the right file from the related directory and returns an instance of the class that implements the desired function.

Due to this modular layout Services_Yahoo can easily be extended when Yahoo adds new functions to their API.

More information

If you would like to study the code of the package, you can do so by either downloading a release from the package homepage or by browsing the code in CVS.

Also the automatically generated API documentation should help you.


Introduction -- Introduction to Services_YouTube
Example -- Basic examples of Services_YouTube

Object-oriented abstraction for YouTube API.


Introduction -- Introduction to Services_YouTube

Introduction to Services_YouTube

Services_YouTube is an abstraction for the webservice of YouTube APIs. Using YouTube APIs, you can easily integrate online videos from YouTube's rapidly growing repository of videos into your application. To use YouTube API and this package, create a YouTube account and create a YouTube developer profile.

YouTube APIs currently allow read-only access to key parts of the YouTube video respository and user community. Services_YouTube provides functions for YouTube APIs using O-O abstraction access.


Example -- Basic examples of Services_YouTube

Basic examples of Services_YouTube

The following examples show how to use some basic features of Services_YouTube:


Introduction --  UDDI implementation for PHP

UDDI implementation for PHP


Introduction --  UDDI implementation for PHP

UDDI Description

Implementation of the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration API for locating and publishing Web Services listings in a UBR (UDDI Business Registry)

The full online documentation is available here


Introduction -- 
Support -- Getting support for XML_RPC
Examples -- Usage examples for the XML_RPC package
API -- Class documentation of the package

PHP implementation of the XML-RPC protocol.

This is a PEAR-ified version of Useful inc's XML-RPC for PHP. It has support for HTTP transport, proxies and authentication.


Introduction -- 

General introduction

XML-RPC is a format devised by Userland Software for achieving remote procedure call via XML. XML-RPC has its own web site,

The most common implementations of XML-RPC available at the moment use HTTP as the transport. A list of implementations for other languages such as Perl and Python can be found on the

This collection of PHP classes provides a framework for writing XML-RPC clients and servers in PHP.


This package has been orginially written by Edd Dumbill of Useful Information Company, so he deservers most of the credits. Apart from that following people have contributed to the initial codebase that is still being maintained by Edd:

Manifest - Files in the package


the XML-RPC server class. include() this to get server functionality.


the XML-RPC client classes. include() this to get client functionality.


Support -- Getting support for XML_RPC

Online Support

The package is offered "as-is" without any warranty or commitment to support. However, informal advice and help is available via the PEAR user mailing list and

  • The PEAR user mailing list can be contacted for questions concerning the usage of the package. More details can be found here.

  • For more general XML-RPC questions, there is a Yahoo! Groups XML-RPC mailing list.

  • The discussion group is a useful place to get help with using XML-RPC. This group is also gatewayed into the Yahoo! Groups mailing list.

The Jellyfish Book

Together with Simon St.Laurent and Joe Johnston, Edd Dumbill wrote a book on XML-RPC for O'Reilly and Associates on XML-RPC. It features a rather fetching jellyfish on the cover.

Complete details of the book are available from O'Reilly's web site.

Edd is responsible for the chapter on PHP, which includes a worked example of creating a forum server, and hooking it up the O'Reilly's Meerkat service in order to allow commenting on news stories from around the Web.

If you've benefitted from the effort he has put into writing this software, then please consider buying the book!


Examples -- Usage examples for the XML_RPC package

A Complete Client and Server Combination

Пример 62-2.

Here is the server script. It's named xmlrpc.php and located in the document root of the web server at localhost:

require_once 'XML/RPC/Server.php';

 * Declare the functions, etc.
function returnTimes2($params) {
    $obj = new some_class_name;
    return $obj->returnTimes2($params);

class some_class_name {
    function returnTimes2($params) {
        $param = $params->getParam(0);

        // This error checking syntax was added in Release 1.3.0
        if (!XML_RPC_Value::isValue($param)) {
            return $param;

        $val = new XML_RPC_Value($param->scalarval() * 2, 'int'); 
        return new XML_RPC_Response($val);

$some_object = new some_class_name;

 * Establish the dispatch map and XML_RPC server instance.
$server = new XML_RPC_Server(
        'function_times2' => array(
            'function' => 'returnTimes2'
        'class_paamayim_nekudotayim_times2' => array(
            'function' => 'some_class_name::returnTimes2'
        'class_times2' => array(
            'function' => array('some_class_name', 'returnTimes2')
        'object_times2' => array(
            'function' => array($some_object, 'returnTimes2')
    1  // serviceNow

And here is the client script:

require_once 'XML/RPC.php';

$input = 8;
$params = array(new XML_RPC_Value($input, 'int'));
$msg = new XML_RPC_Message('function_times2', $params);

$cli = new XML_RPC_Client('/xmlrpc.php', 'localhost');
// $cli->setDebug(1);
$resp = $cli->send($msg);

if (!$resp) {
    echo 'Communication error: ' . $cli->errstr;

if (!$resp->faultCode()) {
    $val = $resp->value();
    echo $input . ' times 2 is ' . $val->scalarval();
} else {
     * Display problems that have been gracefully cought and
     * reported by the xmlrpc.php script.
    echo 'Fault Code: ' . $resp->faultCode() . "\n";
    echo 'Fault Reason: ' . $resp->faultString() . "\n";


API -- Class documentation of the package


This is the basic class used to represent a client of an XML-RPC server.


This class supports the following methods.


This method takes the form:

Where $xmlrpc_message is an instance of XML_RPC_Message and $response is an instance of XML_RPC_Response (see XML_RPC_Response).

The $timeout is optional, and will be set to 0 (wait forever) if omitted. This timeout value is passed to fsockopen().

If the value of $response is 0 rather than an XML_RPC_Response object, then this signifies an I/O error has occured. You can find out what the I/O error was from the values $client->errno and $client->errstring.

In addition to low-level errors, the XML-RPC server you were querying may return an error in the XML_RPC_Response object. See XML_RPC_Response for details of how to handle these errors.


This class provides a representation for a request to an XML-RPC server. A client sends an XML_RPC_Message to a server, and receives back an XML_RPC_Response.


This is where a lot of the hard work gets done. This class enables the creation and encapsulation of values for XML-RPC.

Ensure you've read the XML-RPC spec at$7 before reading on as it will make things clearer.

The XML_RPC_Value class can store arbitrarily complicated values using the following types: i4, int, boolean, string, double, dateTime.iso8601, base64, array or struct. You should refer to the spec for more information on what each of these types mean.

Notes on types


The type i4 is accepted as a synonym for int. The value parsing code will always convert i4 to int: int is regarded by this implementation as the canonical name for this type.


Base 64 encoding is performed transparently to the caller when using this type. Therefore you ought to consider it as a binary data type, for use when you want to pass none 7-bit clean data. Decoding is also transparent.


The values true and 1 map to true. All other values (including the empty string) are converted to false.


The characters <, >, " and & are converted to their entity equivalents &lt;, &gt;, &quot; and &amp; for transport through XML-RPC. The current XML-RPC spec recommends only encoding < and & but this implementation goes further, for reasons explained by the XML 1.0 recommendation.

TODO: &apos; entity is not yet supported



The current implementation of this class has been kept as simple as possible. The constructor for the server basically does all the work. Here's a minimal example:

function foo ($params) {

$s = new XML_RPC_Server(array("examples.myFunc" => array("function" => "foo")));

This performs everything you need to do with a server. The single argument is an associative array from method names to function names. The request is parsed and despatched to the relevant function, which is reponsible for returning a XML_RPC_Response object, which gets serialized back to the caller.

Here is a more detailed look at what the handler function foo() may do:

function foo ($params) {
    global $XML_RPC_erruser; // import user errcode value

    // $params is the received XML_RPC_Message object.
    if ($err) {
        // this is an error condition
        return new XML_RPC_Response(0, $XML_RPC_erruser+1, // user error 1
           "There's a problem, Captain");
    } else {
        // this is a successful value being returned
        return new XML_RPC_Response(new XML_RPC_Value("All's fine!", "string"));

The dispatch map

The first argument to the XML_RPC_Server() constructor is an array, called the dispatch map. In this array is the information the server needs to service the XML-RPC methods you define.

The dispatch map takes the form of an associative array of associative arrays: the outer array has one entry for each method, the key being the method name. The corresponding value is another associative array, which can have the following members:

  • function - this entry is mandatory. It must be a name of a function in the global scope which services the XML-RPC method.

    It is possible to use regular functions, class names with method names and objects with method names. The Examples page of this manual demonstrates the appropriate syntax for all of these approaches.

  • signature - this entry is an array containg the possible signatures (see Signatures) for the method. If this entry is present then the server will check that the correct number and type of parameters have been sent for this method before dispatching it.

  • docstring - this entry is a string containing documentation for the method. The documentation may contain HTML markup.

Method signatures

A signature is a description of a method's return type and its parameter types. A method may have more than one signature.

Within a server's dispatch map, each method has an array of possible signatures. Each signature is an array of types. The first entry is the return type.

Let's run through an example. Imagine you wanted to write a regular PHP function like this:
function is_8($input, $strict = false) {
    if ($strict) {
       return ($input === 8);
    } else {
       return ($input == 8);

To get it to work in an XML_RPC server, you would have to write it like this:
function is_8($params) {
    // This parameter is required.
    $param = $params->getParam(0);
    if (!XML_RPC_Value::isValue($param)) {
        return $param;
    $input = $param->scalarval();

    // This parameter is optional.
    $param = $params->getParam(1);
    if (!XML_RPC_Value::isValue($param)) {
        $strict = false;
    } else {
        $strict = $param->scalarval();

    if ($strict) {
       $answer = ($input === 8);
    } else {
       $answer = ($input == 8);

    $val = new XML_RPC_Value($answer, 'boolean');
    return new XML_RPC_Response($val);

Here is a signature covering all of the possible permutations:
    array('boolean', 'int'),
    array('boolean', 'int', 'boolean'),
    array('boolean', 'string'),
    array('boolean', 'string', 'boolean'),

The server could be instatiated like this:
$server = new XML_RPC_Server(
        'isan8' =>
                'function' => 'is_8',
                'signature' =>
                         array('boolean', 'int'),
                         array('boolean', 'int', 'boolean'),
                         array('boolean', 'string'),
                         array('boolean', 'string', 'boolean'),
                'docstring' => 'Is the value an 8?'

The strings representing the XML-RPC types have been encoded as global variables for your convenience:

$GLOBALS['XML_RPC_I4']       = 'i4';
$GLOBALS['XML_RPC_Int']      = 'int';
$GLOBALS['XML_RPC_Boolean']  = 'boolean';
$GLOBALS['XML_RPC_Double']   = 'double';
$GLOBALS['XML_RPC_String']   = 'string';
$GLOBALS['XML_RPC_DateTime'] = 'dateTime.iso8601';
$GLOBALS['XML_RPC_Base64']   = 'base64';
$GLOBALS['XML_RPC_Array']    = 'array';
$GLOBALS['XML_RPC_Struct']   = 'struct';

Delaying the server response

You may want to construct the server, but for some reason not fulfill the request immediately (security verification, for instance). If you pass the constructor a second argument of 0 this will have the desired effect. You can then use the service() method of the server class to service the request. For example:

$s = new XML_RPC_Server($myDispMap, 0);

// ... some code that does other stuff here


Fault reporting

Fault codes for your servers should start at the value indicated by the global $xmlrpcerruser + 1.

Standard errors returned by the server include:

1 Unknown method

Returned if the server was asked to dispatch a method it didn't know about

2 Invalid return payload

This error is actually generated by the client, not server, code, but signifies that a server returned something it couldn't understand.

3 Incorrect parameters

This error is generated when the server has signature(s) defined for a method, and the parameters passed by the client do not match any of signatures.

4 Can't introspect: method unknown

This error is generated by the builtin system.*() methods when any kind of introspection is attempted on a method undefined by the server.

5 Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server

This error is generated by the client when a remote server doesn't return HTTP/1.1 200 OK in response to a request. A more detailed error report is added onto the end of the phrase above.

100- XML parse errors

Returns 100 plus the XML parser error code for the fault that occurred. The faultString returned explains where the parse error was in the incoming XML stream.


This class generates string representations of the data in XML_RPC_Value objects.


PHP5 implementation of the XML-RPC protocol.

This is a "PHP5 only" implementation of the XMLRPC protocol. This package provides the client and the server side of the protocol. An optimized cache is also available for both parts.

As a client library, XML_RPC2 is capable of creating a proxy class which exposes the methods exported by the server. As a server library, XML_RPC2 is capable of exposing methods from a class or object instance, seamlessly exporting local methods as remotely callable procedures.


Introduction -- 


XML_RPC2 is a "PHP5 only" implementation of the XMLRPC protocol. This package provides the client and the server side of the protocol. An optimized cache is also available for both parts.

As a client library, XML_RPC2 is capable of creating a proxy class which exposes the methods exported by the server. So it's very easy and natural to call XMLRPC exported methods. Like in Python language, the classic way to use XML_RPC2 client side is :

  • We make a XML_RCP2_Client object with server informations as arguments.

  • In a classic way, we call a method of this object.

  • Then, the method call is XMLRPC encoded, sent to the server, the response is decoded into PHP native types and we get the result of the call (all this logic is made by the library in a completely transparent way).

As a server library, XML_RPC2 is capable of exposing methods from a class or object instance, seamlessly capable of exposing methods from a class or object instance, seamlessly exporting local methods as remotely callable procedures. Method signatures are automatically determined and checked by using the reflection API and PHPDOC comments. An automatic documentation about XMLRPC exported methods is dynamically built and available at the server URL (with a simple HTTP GET).

For both sides, an optimized cache based on Cache_Lite can be set. It can be really usefull especially on public XMLRPC servers.


XML_RCP2 need PHP5 and the CURL extension. To avoid in next version, the CURL dependency, we are waiting for a PHP5 E_STRICT PEAR module for HTTP_Request.

If you want to use the integrated cache, you will also need the Cache_Lite PEAR module but it's of course an optional dependency.

XML_RPC2 can use two backends for the XMLRPC encoding/decoding :

  • XMLRPCEXT, which of course need this PHP extension (probably the better choice but it's an additional dependency) ;

  • PHP, which doesn't need the XMLRPCEXT extension at all (this is full PHP but slower).

A first example of the client side use

Let's start with a XMLRPC call to the XMLRPC server :

require_once 'XML/RPC2/Client.php';

$options = array(
	'prefix' => 'package.'

// We make the XML_RPC2_Client object (as the backend is not specified, XMLRPCEXT
// will be used if available (full PHP else))
$client = XML_RPC2_Client::create('', $options);

try {

    // Because of the prefix specified in the $options array, indeed,  we will call
    // the method with a single argument (the string 'XML_RPC2')
    $result = $client->info('XML_RPC2');

    // $result is a complex PHP type (no XMLRPC decoding needed, it's already done)

} catch (XML_RPC2_FaultException $e) {

    // The XMLRPC server returns a XMLRPC error
    die('Exception #' . $result->getFaultCode() . ' : ' . $e->getFaultString());

} catch (Exception $e) {

    // Other errors (HTTP or networking problems...)
    die('Exception : ' . $e->getMessage());



A first example of the server side use

Let's build a XMLRPC "echo server" :

require_once 'XML/RPC2/Server.php';

// Let's define a class with public static methods
// PHPDOC comments are really important because they are used for automatic
// signature checking

class EchoServer {

     * echoes the message received
     * @param string  Message
     * @return string The echo
    public static function echoecho($string) {
        return $string;


$options = array(
    'prefix' => 'test.' // we define a sort of "namespace" for the server

// Let's build the server object with the name of the Echo class 
$server = XML_RPC2_Server::create('EchoServer', $options);

If you do a simple HTTP GET on the server URL, you will get an automatic HTML documentation about the echoecho function. If you make a XMLRPC client request on the same URL about the "test.echoecho()" method (with one argument), you will get your argument as a response. If you call another method or with a bad arguments number, you will get an error (because of automatic method signature checking).

A first example of the client side use (with integrated cache)

As the caching process is completely transparent, this is very similar to the standard client side use :

require_once 'XML/RPC2/CachedClient.php';

$options = array(
    'prefix' => 'package.',
    'cacheDebug' => false, // with cacheDebug set to true, it's very easy
                           // to get an indication about the cache using (or not)
    'cacheOptions' => array(
        'cacheDir' => '/tmp/',
        'lifetime' => 3600,      // during this lifetime, the local cache will be used 
        'cacheByDefault' => true // all methods call will be cached
                                 // (but a more precise way is possible)

// We make the XML_RPC2_CachedClient object (same syntax than XML_RPC2_Client)
$client = XML_RPC2_CachedClient::create('', $options);

try {

    // First call, the cache won't be used
    $result = $client->info('XML_RPC2');

    // Second call, the cache will be used  (in a transparent way) and no
    // additional HTTP request will be sent to the server
    $result = $client->info('XML_RPC2');

} catch (XML_RPC2_FaultException $e) {

    // The XMLRPC server returns a XMLRPC error
    die('Exception #' . $result->getFaultCode() . ' : ' . $e->getFaultString());

} catch (Exception $e) {

    // Other errors (HTTP or networking problems...)
    die('Exception : ' . $e->getMessage());



A first example of the server side use (with integrated cache)

As the caching process is completely transparent, this is very similar to the standard server side use :

require_once 'XML/RPC2/CachedServer.php';

// Let's define a class with public static methods
// PHPDOC comments are really important because they are used for automatic
// signature checking

// IMPORTANT : note the @xmlrpc.caching PHPDOC tags to indicate
// that the method has to be cached

class EchoServer {

     * echoes the message received
     * @param string  Message
     * @return string The echo
     * @xmlrpc.caching true
    public static function echoecho($string) {
        return $string;


$options = array(
    'prefix' => 'test..',
    'cacheDebug' => false, // with cacheDebug set to true, it's very easy
                           // to get an indication about the cache using (or not)
    'cacheOptions' => array(
        'cacheDir' => '/tmp/',
        'lifetime' => 3600,
        'cacheByDefault' => false // we don't cache by default (only methods with @xmlrpc.caching true)

$server = XML_RPC2_CachedServer::create('EchoServer', $options);  


Client Side

Client Side -- 

Introduction about the XML_RPC2 client side usage

Thanks to PHP5, it's really easy to do XMLRPC client requests with XML_RPC2. The usage is really straightforward.

First, you include 'XML/RPC2/Client.php' file (only this one).
require_once 'XML/RPC2/Client.php';

Second, you make an assocative arrays of options to tune XML_RPC2 (prefix, proxy, manual backend choice...).
$options = array(
    'prefix' => 'package.'

Third, you make a XML_RPC2_Client object with the server URL and the with the options array.
$client = XML_RPC2_Client::create('', $options);

Then, you send your request by calling the server method as it was a local method of the $client object.
$result = $client->info('XML_RPC2');
This single line will encode a XMLRPC client request for the (prefix + method name) method with a single argument (the string 'XML_RPC2'), will send the request over HTTP to the server and will decode the response into PHP native types. With a single line !

Of course, to catch server errors, you have to add a few lines around you client call like for example :
try {
    $result = $client->info('XML_RPC2'); 
} catch (XML_RPC2_FaultException $e) {
    // The XMLRPC server returns a XMLRPC error
    die('Exception #' . $result->getFaultCode() . ' : ' . $e->getFaultString());
} catch (Exception $e) {  
    // Other errors (HTTP or networking problems...)
    die('Exception : ' . $e->getMessage());

Making the XML_RPC2_Client object

It's really easy to make the XML_RPC2_Client object. Use the following syntax :
// $XMLRPCServerURL is a string : '' (for example)
// $options is an optional array : see previous section for more informations
$client = XML_RPC2_Client::create($XMLRPCServerURL, $options);
Don't try to call the XML_RPC2_Client constructor directly, use the call() static method.

Call the XMLRPC exported method

When the XML_RPC2_Client object is created, you can directly call the remote method as it was local. For example :
// We call the remote foo() method without any arguments
$result1 = $client->foo();

// We call the remote bar() method with two arguments (an integer : 123, a string : 'foo')
$result2 = $client->bar(123, 'foo');

// We call the remote foobar() method with complex data types (2 integer, a string, a structure)
$result3 = $client->foobar(1, 2, 'foo', array('foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2));

Be carefull, XMLRPC spec allows some remote method names with some special characters like "." or "/"... which are not available as PHP method names. To deal with them, you have to fix a prefix in a the options array. For example :
$options = array('prefix' => 'foo.');
$client = XML_RPC2_Client::create('http://...', $options);

// We call the method because of the prefix 'foo.' fixed in $options array
$result = $client->bar();

In most cases, XML_RPC2 transforms automatically PHP native types into XMLRPC types (as described in the SPEC) for the request. In most cases too, XML_RPC2 transforms the XML server response into PHP native types too. Yet, there are two exceptions : 'dateTime.iso8601' and 'base64' which doesn't really exist in PHP.

To manipulate explicitely these two types, you have to use special objects. Let's see a complete example :

// Classic usage
require_once 'XML/RPC2/Client.php';

// To manipulate these types, we need to include this file too
require_once 'XML/RPC2/Value.php';

// To get a 'dateTime.iso8601' object, you have first to set a string with an iso8601 encoded date :
$tmp = "20060116T19:14:03";

// Then, you call this static method to get your 'dateTime.iso8601' object
$time = XML_RPC2_Value::createFromNative($tmp, 'datetime');

// For 'base64', you call the same static method with your string to get a 'base64' object
$base64 = XML_RPC2_Value::createFromNative('foobar', 'base64');

// Then, you can use XML_RPC2_Client as usual :
$options = array('prefix' => 'validator1.');
$client = XML_RPC2_Client::create('', $options);
$result = $client->manyTypesTest(1, true, 'foo', 3.14159, $time, $base64);

// The remote validator1.manyTypesTest() method returns an array with the 6 given arguments
$result_datetime = $result[4]; // a 'dateTime.iso8601' object
$result_base64 = $result[5];   // a 'base64' object

// To transform these objects into PHP native types, you have to use public properties of
// these objects as follow :
var_dump($result_datetime->scalar);      // will return string(17) "20060116T19:14:03"
var_dump($result_datetime->xmlrpc_type); // will return string(8) "datetime"
var_dump($result_datetime->timestamp);   // will return int(1137435243)
var_dump($result_base64->scalar);        // will return string(6) "foobar"
var_dump($result_base64->xmlrpc_type);   // will return string(6) "base64"


Server Side

Server Side -- 

to be written

to be written

Client Side with cache

Client Side with cache -- 

Introduction about the XML_RPC2 "cached client side" usage

Thanks to PHP5 and PEAR/Cache_Lite, it's really easy to do XMLRPC "cached client" requests with XML_RPC2. The usage is really straightforward.

First, you include 'XML/RPC2/CachedClient.php' file (only this one).
require_once 'XML/RPC2/CachedClient.php';

Second, you make an assocative arrays of options to tune XML_RPC2 (prefix, proxy, manual backend choice...).
$options = array(
    'prefix' => 'package.',
    'cacheOptions' => array(
        'cacheDir' => '/tmp/',
        'lifetime' => 3600

Third, you make a XML_RPC2_CachedClient object with the server URL and the with the options array.
$client = XML_RPC2_CachedClient::create('', $options);

Then, you send your request by calling the server method as it was a local method of the $client object.
$result = $client->info('XML_RPC2');
This single line will encode a XMLRPC client request for the (prefix + method name) method with a single argument (the string 'XML_RPC2'), will send the request over HTTP to the server and will decode the response into PHP native types. With a single line ! Moreover, the result will be cached into a file for the given lifetime. So the next call will not send any HTTP request and it will be really fast.

Of course, to catch server errors, you have to add a few lines around you client call like for example :
try {
    $result = $client->info('XML_RPC2'); 
} catch (XML_RPC2_FaultException $e) {
    // The XMLRPC server returns a XMLRPC error
    die('Exception #' . $result->getFaultCode() . ' : ' . $e->getFaultString());
} catch (Exception $e) {  
    // Other errors (HTTP or networking problems...)
    die('Exception : ' . $e->getMessage());

Making the XML_RPC2_CachedClient object

It's really easy to make the XML_RPC2_CachedClient object. Use the following syntax :
// $XMLRPCServerURL is a string : '' (for example)
// $options is an optional array : see previous section for more informations
$client = XML_RPC2_CachedClient::create($XMLRPCServerURL, $options);
Don't try to call the XML_RPC2_CachedClient constructor directly, use the call() static method.

Call the XMLRPC exported method

See "non cached client side" documentation, there is no difference.

The caching process is completly embedded and automatic. If a cache is available, result will be get from cache and no HTTP request will be sent. If there is no cache available for this particular call (method name and arguments), the classical XMLRPC communication will be used (and the result will be stored into a cache file for the next use).

Server Side with cache

Server Side with cache -- 

to be written

to be written

Глава 63. XML

Предоставляет пакеты для создания и работы с XML


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Beautifier
Example -- Example for the usage of XML_Beautifier
Options -- List of all XML_Beautifier options
XML_Beautifier::XML_Beautifier() -- create new instance
XML_Beautifier::setOption() -- set an option
XML_Beautifier::setOptions() -- set several options
XML_Beautifier::resetOptions() -- reset options to default
XML_Beautifier::apiVersion() -- return API version
XML_Beautifier::formatFile() -- beautify a file
XML_Beautifier::formatString() -- beautify a string

Package to "beautify" XML documents. This package will add line breaks, indentation and other layout elements to an XML document, so it can be easier read by humans.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Beautifier

Introduction to XML_Beautifier

XML_Beautifier is a package, that helps you making XML documents easier to read for human beings.

It is able to add line-breaks, indentation, sorts attributes, convert tag cases and wraps long comments. It recognizes tags, character data, comments, XML declarations, processing instructions and external entities and is able to format these tokens nicely.

The document is split into these tokens using the XML_Beautifier_Tokenizer class and the expat parser. Then a renderer is used to create the string representation of the document and formats it using the specified options.

Currently only one renderer is available, but as XML_Beautifier uses a driver-based architecture, other renderers (like syntax-highlighting) will follow soon.


Example -- Example for the usage of XML_Beautifier

Basic example

Let's assume, you've got an XML document that is really badly formatted:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE page [
    <!ENTITY foo SYSTEM "foo.xml">
    <!ENTITY bar SYSTEM "bar.xml">
<document title="Current News">
<meta project="none" foo="bar">
<author>Stephan Schmidt</author>
<page label="PHP Application Tools" sublabel="Current News">
    for($i = 0; $i < count($_GET); $i++) {
        echo    $_GET[$i]."<br>";
   <!-- This Comment
has more
    than one line.
        <introtitle>Welcome to PHP
Application Tools &amp; PEAR!</introtitle>
        If you're new to pat, and would like
        <!-- This is a comment in a single line that contains an &amp; -->
         to know
         what we do
         here, take a look at
         <link url=
         "About Pat"</link> 
check out the
<link url="/about/projectsOverview.xml">"projects overview"</link>. Otherwise, you probably know your way 
the site already <smiley type="smile"/>

All you have to do is to use XML_Beautifier, pass the filename of the original file and the filename for the new file:

require_once "XML/Beautifier.php";
$fmt = new XML_Beautifier();
$result = $fmt->formatFile('originalFile.xml', 'beautifiedFile.xml');

if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
    echo $result->getMessage();
echo "File beautified, awaiting orders!<br />";

And voila, your document looks nice:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE page [
    <!ENTITY foo SYSTEM "foo.xml">
    <!ENTITY bar SYSTEM "bar.xml">
<document title="Current News">
    <meta foo="bar" project="none">
        <keywords />
        <description />
        <author>Stephan Schmidt</author>
        <getMetaNav />
    <page label="PHP Application Tools" sublabel="Current News">
        for($i = 0; $i < count($_GET); $i++) {
                echo    $_GET[$i]."<br>";
                This Comment
                has more
                than one line.
            <introtitle>Welcome to PHP Application Tools &amp; PEAR!</introtitle>
                If you&apos;re new to pat, and would like
                <!-- This is a comment in a single line that contains an &amp; -->
                to know what we do here, take a look at
                <link url="/about/project.xml">&quot;About Pat&quot;</link>
                or check out the
                <link url="/about/projectsOverview.xml">&quot;projects overview&quot;</link>
                . Otherwise, you probably know your way around the site already
                <smiley type="smile" />


Options -- List of all XML_Beautifier options

Introduction to options

Options let you influence the beautifiying process. They are passed to the renderer and thus, you have to check, whether the renderer you are using supports the options you want to use.

As there currently is only one renderer (Plain) available, you should not worry about this too much.

Options can be passed as an associative array to the constructor of XML_Beautifier. You may also use setOption(), or setOptions() to set one or more options after the instance of XML_Beautifier has been created.


XML_Beautifier::XML_Beautifier() -- create new instance


Creates a new instance of XML_Beautifier.


  • array $options - options are used to influence to beautifying process. You may set the indent string, specify whether case folding should be enabled, etc...

    See XML_Beautifier options for more information.

Возвращаемое значение

object XML_Beautifier object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Beautifier::setOption() -- set an option


Set an option for the beautifying process.

See XML_Beautifier options for more information.


  • string $option - name of the option

  • mixed $value - value of the option

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Beautifier::setOptions() -- set several options


Set several options for the beautifying process.

See XML_Beautifier options for more information.


  • array $options - associative array containing options and their values, like you would pass it to the constructor.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Beautifier::resetOptions() -- reset options to default


Reset all options to their default values.

See XML_Beautifier options for more information.


This method does not accept any parameters.

Возвращаемое значение



Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Beautifier::apiVersion() -- return API version


Returns API version of XML_Beautifier.

Возвращаемое значение

string API version


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


XML_Beautifier::formatFile() -- beautify a file


Beautifies a file.


  • string $file - filename of the original file

  • string $newFile - filename for the beautified file. If no file is given, the method will return the resulting XML document. To overwrite the original file, pass XML_BEAUTIFIER_OVERWRITE.

  • string $renderer - renderer to use, currently only a "Plain" XML renderer can be used.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed Either true, if file has been written or the XML document string.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Beautifier::formatString() -- beautify a string


Beautifies an XML string. Use this method to beautify an XML document that has been generated on-the-fly.


  • string $string - string containing an XML document.

  • string $renderer - renderer to use, currently only a "Plain" XML renderer can be used.

Возвращаемое значение

string beautified XML document


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_DTD

Parses DTD files and does DTD validation of XML documents.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_DTD

Introduction to XML_DTD

XML_DTD is able to parse a document type definition (DTD) file and validate XML documents according to this DTD. A DTD is the grammar of an XML application, it consist of rules that declare how tags have to be nested and which attributes may be used in the tags.

If you want to learn how to create a DTD, you should take a look at the W3C.

XML_DTD consits of two parts:

  • XML_DTD_Parser, which will parse a DTD file and return an XML_DTD_Tree object

  • XML_DTD_XmlValidator, which validates an XML document using a DTD file

If you validate an XML_Document using XML_DTD_XmlValidator, it will automatically parse the DTD file and create an XML_DTD_Tree from it.


Introduction and Quick Start -- Overview of XML_Feed_Parser
XML_Feed_Parser and Extensions -- Handling extensions with XML_Feed_Parser

XML_Feed_Parser is a parser for (the various) RSS and Atom format XML feeds. It provides a somewhat unified API while still allowing access to the full details of each feed type.

Introduction and Quick Start

Introduction and Quick Start -- Overview of XML_Feed_Parser


XML_Feed_Parser provides a generic interface to a number of the most popular XML-based syndication formats (Atom, RSS1, RSS2, etc). In order to focus on its core competencies, it does not provide any HTTP or feed creation features, but instead parses a wide range of formats quickly and simply.

Presuming the XML for a feed is stored in the variable $xml_source, the simplest way to create an instance of the parser is:
try {
    $feed = new XML_Feed_Parser($xml_source);
} catch (XML_Feed_Parser_Exception $e) {
    die('Feed invalid: ' . $e->getMessage());

The constructor accepts a number of parameters, as follows:
/* The file you wish to parse */
$source = 'my_source.xml';

/* Where Relax NG is available, we can force validation of the feed */
$validate = true;

/* Whether or not to suppress non-fatal warnings */
$suppress_warnings = false;

/* If the feed is not valid XML and the tidy extension is installed we can
 * attempt to use it to fix the feed */
$use_tidy = true;

$feed = new XML_Feed_Parser($source, $validate, $suppress_warnings, $use_tidy);

Once you have an instance of the parser you can extract feed-level data by querying it directly. eg.
$title = $feed->title;

You can also access elements by iterating over the feed, or directly by offset or id.
foreach ($feed as $entry) {
    print $entry->title . "\n";

$first_entry = $feed->getEntryByOffset(0);

$particular_entry = $feed->getEntryById('');

XML_Feed_Parser and Extensions

XML_Feed_Parser and Extensions -- Handling extensions with XML_Feed_Parser


Using XML namespaces, the various syndication formats are very easy to extend and the number of extensions in use is enormous.

XML_Feed_Parser focuses on core functionality shared between the various syndication formats. Some of the most common extensions are handled natively—particularly when they provide one format with features to bring it into line with others, such as the content extension for RSS2—but the majority provide specialist content and providing support for them would quickly result in a bloated package.

It is possible that a proper extensions mechanism may be introduced in a future version, but as an alternative the DOM models in use within the classes are publicly accessible, allowing the package to be wrapped with special handlers.

For example, to make use of the 'pheed' extension (namespace we might use:
$feed = new XML_Feed_Parser($xml_source);
$entry = $feed->getEntryByOffset(0);
$eModel = $entry->model;

$thumbnails = $eModel->getElementsByTagNameNS(
    '', 'thumbnail');

if ($thumbnails->length) {
    $thumbnail_url = $thumbnails->item(0)->nodeValue;


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Parser
Example -- Example for the usage of XML_Parser
Modes -- Explanation of possible parsing modes
Choosing input -- Explanation of different types of input data

Object-oriented abstraction for PHP's xml extension.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Parser

Introduction to XML_Parser

XML_Parser provides an object-oriented abstraction to PHP's ext/xml. It helps you processing XML documents by supplying methods that are needed when working with XML documents, like automatic error handling, parsing from a file, URL or string as well as an easy way to register callbacks.

XML_Parser uses SAX-based parsing, which is a simple API to retrieve information from XML documents. While the parser reads the document, it will call methods for the different nodes that are found. These nodes range from opening and closing tags to character data and processing instructions.

You will not be able to use XML_Parser directly to parse your documents, but you have to create a new class that extends XML_Parser and implement handlers for the tags and all other elements you need to process.

Several of PEAR's XML packages use this approach and thus rely on XML_Parser. If you would like to take a look at real-life examples, just install XML_RDDL, XML_Beautifier, XML_Statistics or XML_Serializer.

A tutorial that explains nearly every feature of XML_Parser is available at


Example -- Example for the usage of XML_Parser

Basic example

This example shows you how to create a very simple parser that handles start, end elements (i.e. opening and closing tags), and character data (the "content" between the tags).

require_once 'XML/Parser.php';

class myParser extends XML_Parser
  function myParser()

  * handle start element
  * @access private
  * @param  resource  xml parser resource
  * @param  string    name of the element
  * @param  array     attributes
  function startHandler($xp, $name, $attribs)
    printf('handle start tag: %s<br />', $name);

  * handle start element
  * @access private
  * @param  resource  xml parser resource
  * @param  string    name of the element
  function endHandler($xp, $name)
    printf('handle end tag: %s<br />', $name);

  * handle character data
  * @access private
  * @param  resource  xml parser resource
  * @param  string    character data
  function cdataHandler($xp, $cdata)
    // does nothing here, but might e.g. print $cdata

$p = &new myParser();

$result = $p->setInputFile('xml_parser_file.xml');
$result = $p->parse();

This parser will just output the names of the opening and closing tags that are found while parsing the document.


Modes -- Explanation of possible parsing modes

Parser modes of XML_Parser

XML_Parser provides two modes for parsing:

  • func

  • event

In the 'event' mode, XML_Parser will always call the methods startHandler() and endHandler(), independent of the tag name. In these methods you'll have to check for the tagname, which is passed as the second parameter and decide what you need to do. In most cases, this is done with a switch/case statement.

In the 'func' mode, XML_Parser will call different methods based on the name of the tag. This allows you to dispatch different tags to different methods. The methods to handle the start tag have to be called xmltag_[tagname](), where [tagname] has to be substituted by the name of the element that you wish to process. That means if you wish to write a method to process all opening <title> tags, it has to be called xmltag_title.

Methods to handle closing tags have to be named xmltag_[tagname]_() (distinguishes from the start element handler using a traling underscore).

As XML tags may contain chars like ".", ":" and "-" and those chars are not allowed in PHP function names, XML_Parser will replace them with "_" when building the name of the callback function.

If a method does not exist, XML_Parser will skip the tag without handling the element, unless you implemented the methods xmltag() and xmltag_(), which will be used as fallback methods.

Setting the mode

There are two ways of setting the mode:

  • Specifying the mode in the constructor as the second parameter.

    In the subclass of XML_Parser that you implemented to process the XML documents, you will have to call XML_Parser::XML_Parser() in the constructor. This method accepts the mode as its second parameter.

  • Setting the mode using XML_Parser::setMode().

Choosing input

Choosing input -- Explanation of different types of input data

Selecting the input for XML_Parser

XML_Parser is able to parse from several inputs:

  • filesystem or anything that can be accessed via stream

  • strings

  • resources

You will have to set the input using setInputFile(), setInputString() or setInput() and then call parse() to start the XML processing.

Parsing from a file

To parse from a file or URL, you'll have to set the name or URI using XML_Parser::setInputFile(). You may not only use files located on the filesystem, but any location that can be opened using fopen(). You may combine this functionality with the stream functions or PEAR's Streams packages to parse documents from shared memory, databases or anything else.

You may also use any of PHP's built-in wrappers to open HTTP or FTP locations as well as STDIN.

Parsing from a string

To parse an XML string, pass the string to XML_Parser (or your subclass of XML_Parser) using XML_Parser::setInputString(). A big advantage of SAX-based parsing is that the parser does not have to read the whole XML document to process it. If you are parsing very large documents, you should aboid setInputString() and use setInput() or setInputFile() instead.

Parsing from any resource

There's a third, but seldomly used way to specify XML_Parser's input. XML_Parser allows you to pass a PHP resource, like a file pointer that has been returned by fopen(). This can be useful, if you are generating the document on-the-fly and already opened it before. Instead of closing the file and passing its name to XML_Parser, you may simply use XML_Parser::setInput() to pass the resource. Make sure that the file pointer is at the correct location in your file using fseek().


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_RDDL
Example -- Example for the usage of XML_RDDL
XML_RDDL::XML_RDDL() -- Constructor
XML_RDDL::parseRDDL() -- parse a document that contains RDDL resources
XML_RDDL::getAllResources() -- return all resources that have been found
XML_RDDL::getResourceById() -- get one resource from the document
XML_RDDL::getResourcesByNature() -- selects all resources of a specified nature
XML_RDDL::getResourcesByPurpose() -- selects all resources of a specified nature
XML_RDDL::getResourcesByLanguage() -- selects all resources of a specified language
XML_RDDL::apiVersion() -- return API version

Class to read RDDL (Resource Directory Description Language) documents.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_RDDL

Introduction to XML_RDDL

XML_RDDL is a class that allows the extraction of RDDL resources from an XML document.

The Resource Directory Description Language is an extension of XHTML Basic 1.0 with an added element named resource. This element serves as an XLink to the referenced resource, and contains a human-readable description of the resource and machine readable links which describe the purpose of the link and the nature of the resource being linked to. The nature of the resource being linked to is indicated by the xlink:role attribute and the purpose of the link is indicated by the xlink:arcrole attribute.

For more information on RDDL, visit the RDDL website.


Example -- Example for the usage of XML_RDDL


XML_RDDL::XML_RDDL() -- Constructor


Creates a new instance of XML_RDDL that can be used to parse RDDL documents.

When instantiating you may specifiy RDDL and XLINK namespaces. This may change, when XML_Parser supports namespaces and XML_RDDL will be able to extract the correct namespace abbrevations.


  • string $rddlNamespace - abbrevation for the RDDL namespace.

  • string $xlinkNamespace - abbrevation for the XLink namespace.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RDDL::parseRDDL() -- parse a document that contains RDDL resources


Parses an XML or XHTML document that contains RDDL resources and stores information about them for retrieval by the other methods.


  • string $input - input to parse, either a string or a file. If it's a file, you have to set $isFile to true.

  • boolean $isFile - flag to indicate whether the $input parameter should be treated as a filename.

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RDDL::getAllResources() -- return all resources that have been found


Returns an array containing all reources that have been found. You have to call XML_RDDL::parseRDDL() first.

Возвращаемое значение

array array containing all resources


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RDDL::getResourceById() -- get one resource from the document


Gets one resource from a document. You have to call XML_RDDL::parseRDDL() first.


  • string $id - ID of the resource you want to get.

Возвращаемое значение

array array containing all information about the specified resource or a PEAR_Error if the resource does not exist.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RDDL::getResourcesByNature() -- selects all resources of a specified nature


Gets all resources of a given nature from an RDDL document. You have to call XML_RDDL::parseRDDL() first. The nature of a resource is specified by the 'xlink:role' attribute. A nature can be a stylesheet, a DTD, a HTML document, etc. You can find a list of well known natures at


  • string $nature - nature of the resources you want to get.

Возвращаемое значение

array array containing all resources with the specified nature.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RDDL::getResourcesByPurpose() -- selects all resources of a specified nature


Gets all resources of a given purpose from an RDDL document. You have to call XML_RDDL::parseRDDL() first. The purpose of a resource is specified by the 'xlink:arcrole' attribute. The purpose of a resource link determines what the link will be used for. Frequently the purpose of a link can be determined from the nature of the referenced resource. For example the purpose of an XML Schema is typically schema validation, yet a schema may be comprised of a number of included modules and even when included modules are themselves an XML Schema, the purpose is as a module. You can find a list of well known purposes at


  • string $purpose - purpose of the resources you want to get.

Возвращаемое значение

array array containing all resources with the specified purpose.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RDDL::getResourcesByLanguage() -- selects all resources of a specified language


Gets all resources of a given language from an RDDL document. You have to call XML_RDDL::parseRDDL() first. If a resource has no xml:lang attribute, the xml:lang attribute of the root of the document is used.


  • string $language - language of the resources you want to get.

Возвращаемое значение

array array containing all resources with the specified language.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RDDL::apiVersion() -- return API version


Returns API version of XML_RDDL.

Возвращаемое значение

string API version


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_RSS
Requirements -- Requirements for running XML_RSS
Example -- Example for the usage of XML_RSS
XML_RSS::XML_RSS -- Constructor
XML_RSS::getStructure -- Get complete structure of RSS file
XML_RSS::getChannelInfo -- Get general information about current channel
XML_RSS::getItems -- Get items from RSS file
XML_RSS::getImages -- Get images from RSS document
XML_RSS::getTextinputs -- Get text input fields from RSS document

Parser for Resource Description Framework (RDF) Site Summary (RSS) documents.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_RSS


Requirements -- Requirements for running XML_RSS


To parse the XML files that contain the RSS feeds, XML_RSS requires that the package XML_Parser is installed. However this dependency will be automatically handled by the installer during the installation phase of XML_RSS.

allow_url_fopen configuration value

Since most RSS feeds are located on remote hosts, one has to ensure that the PHP configuration value "allow_url_fopen" is set to "On" before running XML_RSS.

To find out the current value of "allow_url_fopen", one can use the function ini_get(). To set a new value of "allow_url_fopen", you must modify the php.ini configuration file of PHP.


Example -- Example for the usage of XML_RSS


XML_RSS::XML_RSS -- Constructor




  • mixed $handle - file pointer or name of the RDF file.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RSS::getStructure -- Get complete structure of RSS file


Get complete structure of RSS file

Возвращаемое значение

array - the array depends on the structure of the RSS document.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RSS::getChannelInfo -- Get general information about current channel


Get general information about current channel. This function returns an array containing the information that has been extracted from the <channel>-tag while parsing the RSS document.

Возвращаемое значение

array - an array of strings. The keys of the array are

  • 'title' - name of the channel

  • 'link' - URL to the channel site

  • 'description' - description of the channel


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RSS::getItems -- Get items from RSS file


Get items from RSS document. This function returns an array containing the set of items that are provided by the RSS document.

Возвращаемое значение

array - a two-dimensional array. Every inner array contains information about a site. Use the array key 'title' to get the article title and the key 'link' for the URL of the site.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RSS::getImages -- Get images from RSS document


Get images from RSS document. This function returns an array containing the set of images that are provided by the RSS document.

Возвращаемое значение

array - a two-dimensional array. Every inner array contains information about an image of a site.

  • 'title' - name of the channel

  • 'link' - URL to the site

  • 'url' - URL of the image


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_RSS::getTextinputs -- Get text input fields from RSS document


Get text input fields from RSS document.

Возвращаемое значение

array - an hash containing the data of an input field

  • 'title' - name of the input field

  • 'description' - description of the inout field

  • 'link' - URL for the request

  • 'name' - name of the request parameter


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Serializer
Package XML_Serializer Constants -- Constants defined in and used by XML_Serializer
Class Summary XML_Serializer -- XML_Serializer - class that serializes various structures into an XML document
constructor XML_Serializer::XML_Serializer() -- constructor
XML_Serializer::apiVersion() -- return API version
XML_Serializer::serialize() -- serialize data
XML_Serializer::getSerializedData() -- get the result of the serialization
XML_Serializer::resetOptions() -- reset all options to default options
XML_Serializer::setOption() -- set an option
Example -- Example for the usage of XML_Serializer
Class Summary XML_Unserializer -- XML_Unserializer - class to unserialize (read) XML documents
XML_Unserializer Options -- List of all XML_Unserializer options
XML_Unserializer::XML_Unserializer() -- Constructor for XML_Unserializer
XML_Unserializer::apiVersion() -- return API version
XML_Unserializer::unserialize() -- unserialize data
XML_Unserializer::getUnserializedData() -- get the result of the unserialization
XML_Unserializer::getRootName() -- get the name of the root tag of the parsed document.
XML_Unserializer::setOption() -- set an option
XML_Unserializer::setoptions() -- set several options
XML_Unserializer::resetOptions() -- reset all options to default options


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Serializer

Introduction to XML_Serializer

XML_Serializer serializes complex data structures like arrays or object as XML documents. This class helps you generating any XML document you require without the need for DOM.

Currently there are two ways in which XML_Serializer can be used in your applications:

  • use XML_Serializer's functionality to create XML documents in a specific XML application (e.g. RDF) that is being processed by an existing script)

  • use XML_Serializer's functionality to serialize data structures that have to be unserialized at a later point. This is possible by adding type information to all XML elements.

The package not only contains a serializer class but also a matching XML_Unserializer, which is able to virtually read any XML document and return an array or object structure that represents the data stored in the document.

Tutorials on XML_Serializer

There are several tutorials on XML_Serializer available, that help you get started.

Package XML_Serializer Constants

Package XML_Serializer Constants -- Constants defined in and used by XML_Serializer

Class Summary XML_Serializer

Class Summary XML_Serializer -- XML_Serializer - class that serializes various structures into an XML document

XML_Serializer - class that serializes various structures into an XML document

This class can be used in two modes:

  1. Create an XML document from an array or object that is processed by other applications.

  2. This classes can be used to serialize any data structure in a way that it can later be unserialized again. XML_Serializer will store the type of the value and additional meta information in attributes of the surrounding tag. This meta information can later be used to restore the original data structure in PHP.

constructor XML_Serializer::XML_Serializer()

constructor XML_Serializer::XML_Serializer() -- constructor


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


mixed $options

array containing options for the serialization


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Serializer::apiVersion() -- return API version


Этот пакет пока не документирован.

Возвращаемое значение

returns API version


throws no exceptions thrown




Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Serializer::serialize() -- serialize data


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


mixed $data

data to serialize

mixed $options

Возвращаемое значение

returns true on success, pear error on failure


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Serializer::getSerializedData() -- get the result of the serialization


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Serializer::resetOptions() -- reset all options to default options


Этот пакет пока не документирован.


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see XML_Serializer::setOption(), XML_Unserializer()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Serializer::setOption() -- set an option


You can use this method if you do not want to set all options in the constructor


mixed $name

mixed $value


throws no exceptions thrown

См. также

see resetOption(), XML_Serializer::XML_Serializer()


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


Example -- Example for the usage of XML_Serializer

Build a simple XML document

Example that uses the returnResult option to directly return the serialized XML document in the serialize() method.

In this example look at theses 3 lines.

$serializer = &new XML_Serializer($options);
$foo = PEAR::raiseError('Just a test', 1234);
$result = $serializer->serialize($foo);
require_once 'XML/Serializer.php';
$options = array(

$serializer = &new XML_Serializer($options);

$foo = PEAR::raiseError('Just a test', 1234);

$result = $serializer->serialize($foo);

echo '<pre>';
echo htmlspecialchars($result);
echo '</pre>';

And this is the result

    <error_message_prefix />
    <message>Just a test</message>
    <userinfo />
                <XML_Serializer_Tag>Just a test</XML_Serializer_Tag>
                <XML_Serializer_Tag />
                <XML_Serializer_Tag>Just a test</XML_Serializer_Tag>
    <callback />

You can find the last version of this source code in the package : serializeAndReturn.php

Build a RDF document

This example shows how to create an RDF document with a few lines of code. This can also be done with mode => simplexml.

In this example look at theses 3 lines.

$serializer = new XML_Serializer($options);
    $result = $serializer->serialize($rdf);
    echo    htmlentities($serializer->getSerializedData());
   * @see    serializeIndexedArray.php

    require_once 'XML/Serializer.php';

    $options = array(
      "indent"          => "    ",
      "linebreak"       => "\n",
      "typeHints"       => false,
      "addDecl"         => true,
      "encoding"        => "UTF-8",
      "rootName"        => "rdf:RDF",
      "rootAttributes"  => array("version" => "0.91"),
      "defaultTagName"  => "item",
      "attributesArray" => "_attributes"
    $serializer = new XML_Serializer($options);

    $rdf = array(
      "channel" => array(
        "title" => "Example RDF channel",
        "link"  => "",
        "image" => array(
          "title" => "Example image",
          "url"   => "",
          "link"  => ""
        "_attributes" => array( "rdf:about" => "" ),
          "title"       => "Example item",
          "link"	=> "",
          "_attributes" => array( "rdf:about" => "" )
          "title"	=> "Another item",
          "link"	=> "",
          "_attributes" => array( "rdf:about" => "" )
          "title"	=> "I think you get it...",
          "link"	=> "",
          "_attributes" => array( "rdf:about" => "" )
    $result = $serializer->serialize($rdf);
    if( $result === true ) {
        echo    "<pre>";
        echo    htmlentities($serializer->getSerializedData());
        echo    "</pre>";

And this is the result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rdf:RDF version="0.91">
    <channel rdf:about="">
        <title>Example RDF channel</title>
            <title>Example image</title>
        <item rdf:about="">
            <title>Example item</title>
        <item rdf:about="">
            <title>Another item</title>
        <item rdf:about="">
            <title>I think you get it...</title>

You can find the last version of this source code in the package : serializeRDF.php

Note : if you search how to parse (read) an RDF/RSS document, look at XML_RSS package.

Build a XML document with a DTD

This example shows how to add a DocType Declaration to the XML document

In this example look at theses 3 lines.

$serializer = new XML_Serializer($options);
    $result = $serializer->serialize($rdf);
    echo    htmlentities($serializer->getSerializedData());

    require_once 'XML/Serializer.php';

    $options = array(
      "indent"     => "    ",
      "linebreak"  => "\n",
      "addDecl"    => true,
      "addDoctype" => true,
      "doctype"    => array(
        'uri' => '',
        'id'  => '-//PHP//PEAR/DTD PACKAGE 0.1'
    $serializer = new XML_Serializer($options);

    $foo    =   PEAR::raiseError("Just a test", 1234);    
    $result = $serializer->serialize($foo);
    if( $result === true ) {
        echo '<pre>';
        echo htmlentities($serializer->getSerializedData());
        echo '</pre>';

And this is the result

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE pear_error PUBLIC "-//PHP//PEAR/DTD PACKAGE 0.1" "">
    <error_message_prefix />
    <message>Just a test</message>
    <userinfo />
                <XML_Serializer_Tag>Just a test</XML_Serializer_Tag>
                <XML_Serializer_Tag />
                <XML_Serializer_Tag>Just a test</XML_Serializer_Tag>
    <callback />

You can find the last version of this source code in the package : serializeWithDTD.php

Class Summary XML_Unserializer

Class Summary XML_Unserializer -- XML_Unserializer - class to unserialize (read) XML documents

XML_Unserializer - class to unserialize (read) XML documents

Class to unserialize XML documents that have been created with XML_Serializer. To unserialize an XML document you have to add type hints to the XML_Serializer options.

If no type hints are available, XML_Unserializer will guess how the tags should be treated, that means complex structures will be arrays and tags with only CData in them will be strings.

XML_Unserializer Options

XML_Unserializer Options -- List of all XML_Unserializer options

Introduction to options

Options let you influence, how XML_Unserializer treats the parsed XML. It allows you to define, whether attributes should be parsed, whether to use associative arrays or objects for complex data types and more.

Options can be passed as an associative array to the constructor of XML_Unserializer. You may also use setOption(), or setOptions() to set one or more options after the instance of XML_Unserializer has been created.

All available options

Here is a list of all options supported by XML_Unserializer.

Таблица 63-1. XML_Unserializer options

OptionPossible valuesDefaultDescription
complexType'array' or 'object''array'Defines, whether nested tags should be returned as associative arrays or objects
tagAsClassTRUE or FALSETRUE Defines, whether the tag name should be used as the class name if complexType is set to 'object'. If no class with the name of the tag exists, that class defined by 'defaultClass' is used.
defaultClassany stringstdClassDefines the class that is used to create objects, if the complexType option is set to 'object'.
keyAttributeany string or array'_originalKey' If the attribute specified in this option exists for a tag, the value will be used as key or property name in the parent object or array. You may also specify an associative array if you want to use differnt key attributes for different tags. In this case, the array key contains the tag name and the array vallue the corresponding attribute name.
typeAttributeany string'_type'If this attribute exists for a tag, the tag content will be converted to the specified type. Possible types are: string, integer, float, boolean, array and object
classAttributeany string'_class' If XML_Unserializer creates an object, it will be an instance of the value specified with the defaultClass option, unless the tag has the attribute specified in this option. If it is set, the classname stored in the attribute value will be used.
parseAttributesTRUE or FALSEFALSEWith this option, you may tell XML_Unserializer to also parse the attributes of the tags. The next two options define how to treat the parsed attributes.
attributesArrayFALSE or any stringFALSEIf set to false, the attributes will be treated like nested tags. If you set it to a string, a new aray will be created and stored in the parent structure using key you specified in this option
prependAttributesany string''Allows you to specify a prefix for attribute names.
contentNameany string'_content'If you decide to parse attributes or a tag contains cdata and tags, then the cdata will be stored in the index specified here.
tagMapassociative arrayarray()This allows you to map tag names to PHP classes. The names of the tags have to be in the keys and the values contain the class names to use for each tag.
forceEnumindexed arrayarray() This allows you to specify a list of tags which will automatically be converted to an indexed array, independent of the number of repetitions of the tag. This can save you a some if conditions in your code.
encodingany valid encoding stringnull Defines the encoding of the original document.
targetEncodingany valid encoding stringnull Defines the target encoding of the resulting data.
decodeFunctionany valid PHP callbacknull This option allows you to define a callback function or method, that will be applied to all character data and attributes in the document before they are stored in the result. This allows you to decode any decoded data in the XML or convert all content to lowercase.
returnResultTRUE or FALSEFALSE If set to TRUE XML_Unserializer::unserialize()() will return the result if the document could be unserialized instead of just TRUE.


XML_Unserializer::XML_Unserializer() -- Constructor for XML_Unserializer


Creates a new instance of XML_Unserializer.



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XML_Unserializer::apiVersion() -- return API version


Returns API version of XML_Unserializer. This may be useful to check if the needed functionality exists.

Возвращаемое значение

string API version


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


XML_Unserializer::unserialize() -- unserialize data


Unserialize an XML document from a string or a file.

The way the document is unserialized is influenced by the options you set in the constructor or with setOptions().


  • string $data - either the file name of an XML document or a string containing the XML document.

  • boolean $isFile - indicates whether the first parameter should is a filename (TRUE) or an XML string (FALSE).

  • array $options - Options to override the options that have been set previously. The options will only be used for this unserialization and then reset the the options you set before.

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


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XML_Unserializer::getUnserializedData() -- get the result of the unserialization


This method returns the result of the last unserialization. You have to call XML_Unserializer::unserialize() first.

Возвращаемое значение

mixed result of the unserialization. May either be an array or an object.


throws PEAR_Error object, if not document has been parsed.


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XML_Unserializer::getRootName() -- get the name of the root tag of the parsed document.


This method will return the name of the root tag, after a document has been unserialized. This can be extremely useful when returning an array. You have to call XML_Unserializer::unserialize() first.

Возвращаемое значение

string name of the root tag


throws PEAR_Error object, if not document has been parsed.


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XML_Unserializer::setOption() -- set an option


Options influence the behaviour of XML_Unserializer and are the most important part of XML_Unserializer.

You can use this method if you do not want to set all options in the constructor.


  • string $option - name of the option

  • mixed $value - value of the option

См. также

see XML_Unserializer::resetOptions()


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XML_Unserializer::setoptions() -- set several options


Options influence the behaviour of XML_Unserializer and are the most important part of XML_Unserializer.

You can use this method if you do not want to set all options in the constructor.


  • array $options - assoc array containing all options


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XML_Unserializer::resetOptions() -- reset all options to default options


Resets all XML_Unserializer options to the default options.

См. также

see XML_Unserializer::setOption() and XML_Unserializer::XML_Unserializer() on how to set options.


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Introduction -- Simple transformations
Introduction -- Passing the data to transform
Introduction -- Using XPath
XML_sql2xml::XML_sql2xml -- Constructor
XML_sql2xml::add -- General method for adding new result sets
XML_sql2xml::addXmlFile -- Adds a XML file
XML_sql2xml::addXmlString -- Adds XML string
XML_sql2xml::addResult -- Adds an PEAR::DB result set
XML_sql2xml::addSql -- Adds an result set from a SQL statement
XML_sql2xml::addArray -- Adds an aditional result set from an array
XML_sql2xml::getXML -- Returns a XML representation of the result set.
XML_sql2xml::getXMLObject -- return an XML DomDocument object
XML_sql2xml::setOptions -- set options for the instance
XML_sql2xml::setEncoding -- set encoding charset
XML_sql2xml::getXpathValue -- return match of a XPath expression
XML_sql2xml::getXpathChildValues -- return child tags from match of a XPath expression

Translates SQL-Queries to XML-Resultsets.

XML_sql2xml takes an existing result set or a SQL statment and transforms it to an XML representation


Introduction -- Simple transformations

Example database

In this tutorial, the examples refers to this database tables:
mysql> select * from bands;
| id | name         | birth_year | birth_place | genre       |
|  1 | The Blabbers |       1998 | London      | Rock'n'Roll |
|  2 | Only Stupids |       1997 | New York    | Hip Hop     |

mysql> select * from albums;
| id | bandsID | title            | year | comment         |
|  1 |       1 | BlaBla           | 1998 | Their first one |
|  2 |       1 | More Talks       | 2000 | The second one  |
|  3 |       2 | All your base... | 1999 | The Classic     |

Transformations based on Join queries

If your query result base on joined tables, a nested XML data structure can represent how the DBMS joins the tables. To enable or to disable this behavoir use setOptions() with the option key 'nested'. The default value is TRUE - the nesting is enabled.

If you disable the nesting, the XML structure of rows is flat.


Introduction -- Passing the data to transform


There are three ways to pass the data for transforming to the object:

  • with a direct query

    This way you see in the first part of the introduction already.

  • with an existing DB_result object

    If you need the full power of the PEAR::DB or PEAR::MDB API, you should choose this way.

  • with an array

    This is not directly an SQL to XML transformation; if you pass an indice array to the instance, the keys of the array are transformed into XML tags, their values into the tag content. This feature his helpful for adding data to an XML transformed result set.

Direct query

This behavoir does connecting to the DBMS, quering and fetching he result automatically. XML_sql2xml requires an valid DSN as construtor parameter. The query has to be passed to the getXML() or add() method.

Take a look into the first part of the introduction for examples.

Passing an DB_Result object

PEAR::DB and PEAR::MDB return the result set of a query as DB_result object. You have to provide a DB_common instance to the construtor and the DB_result instance to getXML() or add().

The XML output in $xmlstring is equal to the example in "The typical using".

This way is the only one, if you want to benefit from all the features of the database APIs.

Passing more then one result set

You can call add() several result sets to XML document. Just call the method for every result set; if you have added all result sets, call getXml() without any arguments to get the XML document.


Introduction -- Using XPath

Why XPath support?

The XPath support was introduced to provide an access to the result set after doing the SQL query. This allows further proccessing of the result set without quering the database again.

XPath is a W3-Standard and for further information about that, ask your preferred XSL/XML book, or


XML_sql2xml::XML_sql2xml -- Constructor


The Constructor can take a Pear::DB Data Source Name (DSN) and will then connect to the database; or a PEAR::DB object handle, if you already connected the database before. Providing sql-strings will not work.

If you provide only a DSN, you have to add a DB_result object, SQL statment or an array later.

The $root parameter is used, if you want to provide another name for your root-tag than <root>. If you give an empty string (""), there will be no root element created here, but only when you add a resultset, array or SQL Statment. And the first tag of this result is used as the root tag.


  • mixed $dsn - PEAR::DB "data source name" or DB_common object

  • string $root - the name of the XML-root element.


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См. также



XML_sql2xml::add -- General method for adding new result sets


General method for adding new result sets to the object. Give a SQL statment, a PEAR::DB_result object or an array as input parameter and the method calls the appropriate method for this input.


  • string $resultset - SQL statment, an DB_result object or an array

  • mixed $params - parameters for the following functions


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XML_sql2xml::addXmlFile -- Adds a XML file


Adds the content of a XML file on the same level as a normal result set (mostly just below <root>).


  • string $file - file name

  • mixed $xpath - either a string with the XPath expression or an array with the keys "xpath"=>XPath expression and "root"=>tag/subtag/etc, which are the tags to be inserted before the result.


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См. также



XML_sql2xml::addXmlString -- Adds XML string


Adds the content of a xml-string on the same level as a normal result set (mostly just below <root>)


  • string $string - XML string

  • mixed $xpath - either a string with the XPath expression or an array with the keys "xpath"=>XPath expression and "root"=>tag/subtag/etc, which are the tags to be inserted before the result.


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См. также



XML_sql2xml::addResult -- Adds an PEAR::DB result set


Adds an additional PEAR::DB_result result set



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См. также



XML_sql2xml::addSql -- Adds an result set from a SQL statement


Adds an aditional result set generated from an SQL statement. The function executes the statment and transform it into XML. You have to pass an DSN to the constructor.


  • string $sql - a string containing an SQL statement.


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XML_sql2xml::addArray -- Adds an aditional result set from an array


Adds an aditional result set generated from an array. The XML represents the nesting of the array.


  • array $array - data array


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См. также



XML_sql2xml::getXML -- Returns a XML representation of the result set.


Returns an XML string with a XML representation of the result set. The result set can be directly provided here, or if you need more than one in your XML, then you have to provide each of them with add() before you call getXML(), but the last one can also be provided here.


  • mixed $result - a DB_result object from a DB query or a SQL query

Возвращаемое значение

string - the XML string


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XML_sql2xml::getXMLObject -- return an XML DomDocument object


Returns an XML DomDocument object with a XML representation of the result sets. The result set can be directly provided here, or if you need more than one in your XML, then you have to provide each of them with add() before you call getXMLObject(), but the last one can also be provided here.


Возвращаемое значение

Object - DomDocument object


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XML_sql2xml::setOptions -- set options for the instance


This method sets the options for the class instance.


  • array $options - array of options. The array key defines the option to set. Avaible options are:

    • boolean $options['nested'] - if TRUE the result of an join query will be nested. The default value is FALSE.

    • boolean $options['tagNameRow'] - name for the row mark up tag. Default is >row<

    • boolean $options['tagNameResult'] - name for the result-set mark up tag. Default is >result<

  • constant $delete - the old sub options should be deleted


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XML_sql2xml::setEncoding -- set encoding charset


Sets the encoding for the db2xml transformation. The $encoding_from value depends on your database system; check the DBMS manual which encoding your system use to deliever result sets.

The $encoding_to sets the charset for the created XML document.


  • string $encoding_from - encoding to transform from

  • string $encoding_to - encoding to transform to


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XML_sql2xml::getXpathValue -- return match of a XPath expression


Returns the content of the first match of the XPath expression.


  • string $expr - XPath expression

Возвращаемое значение

mixed - content of the evaluated XPath expression


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XML_sql2xml::getXpathChildValues -- return child tags from match of a XPath expression


Returns the values from the child tags from the first match of the XPath.


  • string $expr - XPath expression

Возвращаемое значение

array - the content of the child tags. The child tag name is assigned as key, the content as value.


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Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Statistics
Example -- Example for the usage of XML_Statistics
XML_Statistics::apiVersion() -- return API version
XML_Statistics::analyzeFile() -- Analyze an XML file
XML_Statistics::analyzeString() -- Analyze an XML string
XML_Statistics::countTag() -- count the occurences of a tag
XML_Statistics::countTagsInDepth() -- count the tags in a certain depth
XML_Statistics::countPI() -- count the occurences of a processing instruction
XML_Statistics::countExternalEntity() -- count the occurences of an external entitity
XML_Statistics::getMaxDepth() -- get the maximum nesting level
XML_Statistics::countAttribute() -- count the occurences of an attribute
XML_Statistics::countDataChunks() -- count the occurences of a data blocks
XML_Statistics::getCDataLength() -- get the combined length of all CData sections

Package to statistically analyze an XML document.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Statistics

Introduction to XML_Statistics

XML_Statistics is a package that allows you to analyze XML documents, which can be files or strings.

XML_Statistics is able to count tags, attributes, processing instructions, external entities and cdata blocks. Furthermore you can apply filters so you are able to count only the tags in a specific depth or only the attributes of a specific tag.


Example -- Example for the usage of XML_Statistics


XML_Statistics::apiVersion() -- return API version


Returns API version of XML_Statistics.

Возвращаемое значение

string API version


Эта функция может быть вызвана статически.


XML_Statistics::analyzeFile() -- Analyze an XML file


Analyzes an XML document by reading from a file. You have to analyze a document before you can extract any statistical information.

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


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XML_Statistics::analyzeString() -- Analyze an XML string


Analyzes an XML document directly from a string. This can be useful if your documents are created on the fly by any other application. You have to analyze a document before you can extract any statistical information.

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


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XML_Statistics::countTag() -- count the occurences of a tag


Counts how often a certain tag is used in the document. If no tagname is specified ot will count the total number of tags.


  • string $tagname - name of the tag to count

Возвращаемое значение

integer occurences of the tag


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XML_Statistics::countTagsInDepth() -- count the tags in a certain depth


Thru nesting a tag can be at a certain depth. The root tag is at depth zero. By counting the amount of tags in a depth you can count the number of recordsets in an XML document.


  • integer $depth - tag depth (0 is root)

Возвращаемое значение

integer number of tags in this depth


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См. также



XML_Statistics::countPI() -- count the occurences of a processing instruction


Counts how often a certain processing instruction (e.g. <?PHP) is used in the document. The target is the 'language' of the processing instruction. You only need to specify the name, without the leading question mark. If no target is specified it will count the total number of processing instructions.


  • string $target - target of the processing instruction

Возвращаемое значение

integer occurences of the processing instruction


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XML_Statistics::countExternalEntity() -- count the occurences of an external entitity


Counts how often a certain external is used in the document. If no name is specified ot will count the total number of external entities.


  • string $name - name of the external entity, without '&' and ';'

Возвращаемое значение

integer occurences of the external entity


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XML_Statistics::getMaxDepth() -- get the maximum nesting level


The nesting level of a document tells you the maximum depth of the tags in the document.


This method does not accept any parameters.

Возвращаемое значение

integer maximum nesting level.


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XML_Statistics::countAttribute() -- count the occurences of an attribute


Counts how often a certain attribute is used in the document. If no attribute is specified ot will count the total number of tags.

With the second parameter you may limit the search to a special tag.


  • string $attribute - if no attribute name is supplied, all attributes are counted

  • string $tagname - this allows you to limit your search to a tag

Возвращаемое значение

integer occurences of the attribute or a PEAR_Error if the attribute could not be found.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



XML_Statistics::countDataChunks() -- count the occurences of a data blocks


This is influenced by the 'ignoreWhitespace' option. Furthermore a new chunk is counted when the parser find a linebreak or internal entity.


This method does not accept any parameters.

Возвращаемое значение

integer number of data chunks in the document


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XML_Statistics::getCDataLength() -- get the combined length of all CData sections


If you need to know how many chars you have between your tags, this is the method that gets it.


This method does not accept any parameters.

Возвращаемое значение

integer total length of all CData blocks in the XML document


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XML Transformations in PHP.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Transformer

Introduction to XML_Transformer

With the XML Transformer class one can easily bind PHP functionality to XML tags, thus transforming the input XML tree into an output XML tree without the need for XSLT. Single XML elements can be overloaded with PHP functions, methods and static method calls, XML namespaces can be registered to be handled by PHP classes.


XML_Transformer::XML_Transformer -- 


Constructor of the XML_Transformer class. It can be passed an associative array that may have the following keys:

  • caseFolding: If TRUE, XML attribute and element names will be case-folded.

    caseFoldingTo: May be either CASE_UPPER or CASE_LOWER and sets the target case for the case-folding.

    debug: May be either TRUE or FALSE, thus enabling or disabling complete debugging information. May also be an array containing the names of elements to which the generated debugging information shall be limited. The special keywords "&CDATA" and "&RECURSE" may be used to enable debugging information for CDATA and recursion events.

    recursiveOperation: If TRUE, the transformation will continue recursively until the XML contains no more overloaded elements. Can be overrided on a per-element basis.

    overloadedElements: Associative array with pre-defined set of overloaded elements.

    overloadedNamespaces: Associative array with pre-defined set of overloaded elements.


XML_Transformer::overloadElement -- 


Overloads an XML element and binds its opening and closing tags to a PHP callback. A PHP callback can be one of the following:

  • A PHP Function.

  • A PHP Method on an object.

  • A static PHP Method.

The optional fourth parameter can be used to override the global setting for recursive operation.


XML_Transformer::overloadNamespace -- 


Overloads an XML Namespace and binds all its elements to a PHP object, that must provide startElement($element, $attributes)() and endElement($element, $cdata)() methods.

If the PHP object provides a initObserver($namespacePrefix, $transformer)() method it is automatically called with the registered namespace prefix and a reference to the XML_Transformer object.


XML_Transformer::isOverloadedElement -- 


Returns TRUE if the given element is overloaded, FALSE otherwise.


XML_Transformer::isOverloadedNamespace -- 


Returns TRUE if the given namespace is overloaded, FALSE otherwise.


XML_Transformer::unOverloadElement -- 


Reverts overloading of the given element.


XML_Transformer::unOverloadNamespace -- 


Reverts overloading of the given namespace.


XML_Transformer::start -- 


Starts the transformation, if it has not yet been started, for instance by the constructor.


XML_Transformer::transform -- 


Transforms a given XML string.


XML_Transformer::setCaseFolding -- 


Sets the XML parser's case-folding option.


XML_Transformer::setDebug -- 


Enables or disables debugging to error.log.

The parameter may be either TRUE or FALSE, thus enabling or disabling complete debugging information. May also be an array containing the names of elements to which the generated debugging information shall be limited. The special keywords "&CDATA" and "&RECURSE" may be used to enable debugging information for CDATA and recursion events.


XML_Transformer::setDebug -- 


Enables or disables the recursive operation.


XML_Transformer::stackdump -- 


Returns a stack dump as a debugging aid.


XML_Transformer::attributesToString -- 


Returns string representation of attributes array.


XML_Transformer::canonicalize -- 


Canonicalizes XML attribute arrays and element names.


XML_Tree::XML_Tree -- Constructor
XML_Tree::&addRoot -- add root node
XML_Tree::&insertChild -- inserts a child/tree
XML_Tree::&removeChild -- remove child from tree
XML_Tree::&getTreeFromFile -- map XML file to tree
XML_Tree::clone -- copy tree
XML_Tree::dump -- print XML tree.
XML_Tree::&get -- get XML tree.
XML_Tree::&getName -- get namespace.
XML_Tree::registerName -- register namespace.

Build XML documents using a tree representation

The XML_Tree package allows one to build XML data structures using a tree representation, without the need for an extension like DOMXML.


XML_Tree::XML_Tree -- Constructor




  • string $filename - name of the file to parse

  • string $version - XML version to use


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XML_Tree::&addRoot -- add root node


Adds a new root node to the XML datastructure.


  • string $name - name of root element

  • string $content - data between the opening and closing tag

  • array $attributes - additional attributes for the tag. The attribute name is represented as the array key and the attribute value as entry for the key.

Возвращаемое значение

object XML_Tree_Node - reference to root node


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XML_Tree::&insertChild -- inserts a child/tree


Inserts a child or tree into the tree in the path $path on position $pos and maintains namespace integrity


  • array $path - path to parent of child to insert

  • integer $pos - position of child to be inserted in its parents children-list

  • mixed $child - child-node (by XML_Tree, XML_Node or Name)

  • string $content - content (text) for new node

  • array $attributes - attribute-hash for new node

Возвращаемое значение

object XML_Tree_Node - inserted child (node)


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См. также



XML_Tree::&removeChild -- remove child from tree


Removes a child ($path,$pos) from tree and maintains namespace integrity


  • array $path - path to parent of child to remove

  • integer $pos - position of child in parents children-list

Возвращаемое значение

object XML_Tree_Node - parent whichs child was removed


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См. также



XML_Tree::&getTreeFromFile -- map XML file to tree


Maps a XML file to an object tree

Возвращаемое значение

object XML_Tree - the object tree


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См. также



XML_Tree::clone -- copy tree


Get a copy of this tree instance.

Возвращаемое значение

object XML_Tree - the copied object


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.


XML_Tree::dump -- print XML tree.


Print text representation of XML tree.


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



XML_Tree::&get -- get XML tree.


Get text representation of XML tree.

Возвращаемое значение

string - XML document


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



XML_Tree::&getName -- get namespace.


Get the current namespace.


  • string $name - namespace

Возвращаемое значение

string - namespace


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



XML_Tree::registerName -- register namespace.


Registers a namespace.


  • string $name - namespace

  • string $path - path


Эта функция не должна вызываться статически.

См. также



Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Util
Example -- Example for the usage of XML_Util
XML_Util::apiVersion() -- return API version
XML_Util::attributesToString() -- create XML attribute string
XML_Util::collapseEmptyTags() -- collapse empty XML tags in a string
XML_Util::createTag() -- create a tag
XML_Util::createTagFromArray() -- create a tag from an array
XML_Util::createStartElement() -- create a start element
XML_Util::createEndElement() -- create an end element
XML_Util::createCDataSection() -- create a CData section
XML_Util::createComment() -- create an XML comment
XML_Util::getDocTypeDeclaration() -- build a document type declaration
XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration() -- build an xml declaration
XML_Util::isValidName() -- verify an XML name
XML_Util::replaceEntities() -- replace XML entities
XML_Util::reverseEntities() -- replace XML entities
XML_Util::splitQualifiedName() -- split qualified name

Collection of often needed methods that help you creating XML documents.


Introduction -- Introduction to XML_Util

Introduction to XML_Util

XML_Util is a utility class that helps you working with (and especially creating) XML documents.

All methods of XML_Util can be called statically, that means you do not have to instantiate an XML_Util object to use the provided methods.

The funcionality of XML_Util ranges from validating an XML tag name (as there are strict rules for tag and attribute names) to the creation of namespaced XML tags.


Example -- Example for the usage of XML_Util


XML_Util::apiVersion() -- return API version


Returns API version of XML_Util.

Возвращаемое значение

string API version


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::attributesToString() -- create XML attribute string


create string representation of an attribute list


  • array $attributes - assoc array containg attributes

  • boolean $sort - whether to sort the attributes alphabetically

  • boolean $multiline - whether to display the attributes on more than one line (makes it easier to read)

  • string $indent - indentation characters, only used when multiline is set to TRUE

  • string $linebreak - linebreak character, only used when multiline is set to TRUE

  • integer $entities - define, which entities should be replaced in the attribute values. One of XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_NONE, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML, XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_XML_REQUIRED or XML_UTIL_ENTITIES_HTML

Возвращаемое значение

string string representation of the attributes


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::collapseEmptyTags() -- collapse empty XML tags in a string


This method collapses empty tags like <foo></foo> with the short version <foo/> by applying a regular expression. This is especially helpful when dealing with XHTML-documents, as there is an important difference in rendering these tags in the browser.

This method has been added in XML_Util 1.1.0.


  • string $string - string, in which empty tags should be collapsed

  • integer $mode - collapse all empty tags (XML_UTIL_COLLAPSE_ALL) or only XHTML tags (XML_UTIL_COLLAPSE_XHTML_ONLY).

Возвращаемое значение

string string with collapsed empty tags


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::createTag() -- create a tag


create a tag with attributes, namespace and adds 'xmlns' if needed.


  • string $qname - qualified tag name

  • array $attributes - assoc array with attributes

  • string $content - string content of the tag

  • string $namespaceUri - URI of the namespace if xmlns attribute should be added

  • integer $replaceEntities - whether to replace XML entities in content, embedd it in a CData section or leave it untouched. Possible values are FALSE, XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES or XML_UTIL_CDATA_SECTION.

Возвращаемое значение

string xml tag


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::createTagFromArray() -- create a tag from an array


create a tag from an array. This is similar to XML_Util::createTag(), but more flexible.


  • array $tag - array containing information about the tag

  • integer $replaceEntities - whether to replace XML entities in content, embedd it in a CData section or leave it untouched. Possible values are FALSE, XML_UTIL_REPLACE_ENTITIES or XML_UTIL_CDATA_SECTION.

Возвращаемое значение

string xml tag


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::createStartElement() -- create a start element


create a start element with attributes, namespace and adds 'xmlns' if needed. (<pear foo="bar">)


  • string $qname - qualified tag name

  • array $attributes - assoc array with attributes

  • string $namespaceUri - URI of the namespace if xmlns attribute should be added

Возвращаемое значение

string opening xml tag


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::createEndElement() -- create an end element


create an end element (</foo>)


  • string $qname - qualified tag name

Возвращаемое значение

string closing xml tag


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::createCDataSection() -- create a CData section


Creates a CData section, by embedding the data in <!CDATA[ and ]]>. If you use a CData section inside an XML document, entities do not have to be replaced in this sections.


  • string $data - data for the CData section.

Возвращаемое значение

string CData section


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::createComment() -- create an XML comment


Creates an XML comment, by embedding the supplied data in <!-- and -->.


  • string $data - data for the comment.

Возвращаемое значение

string comment


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::getDocTypeDeclaration() -- build a document type declaration


Returns a document type declaration based on parameters.


  • string $root - root tag

  • mixed $uri - URI of the document type definition or array containing the public id and the URI of the DTD

  • mixed $internalDtd - internal definitions

Возвращаемое значение

string document type declaration


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::getXMLDeclaration() -- build an xml declaration


Returns an XML declaration based on parameters.


  • string $version - XML version

  • string $encoding - XML encoding

  • boolean $standalone - whether document is standalone

Возвращаемое значение

string XML declaration


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::isValidName() -- verify an XML name


Checks, whether a string is a valid XML name. In XML the names of tags and attributes must follow strict rules. This method can be used to validate the names you are using.


  • string $string - string to be checked

Возвращаемое значение

Возвращает TRUE при удаче и PEAR_Error в обратном случае.


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::replaceEntities() -- replace XML entities


In XML documents you are not allowed to use & and <. The have to be replaced with their respective entities. This method does this for you and furthermore replaces all other predefined XML entities.


  • string $string - string, in which entities have to be replaced

Возвращаемое значение

string string with entities replaced


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::reverseEntities() -- replace XML entities


This is the reverse function to XML_Util::replaceEntities()(). It replaces all XML (or HTML) entities in a string by their corresponding characters. This can be useful when working with XML documents without using an XML parser.

This method has been added in XML_Util 1.0.0.


  • string $string - string, in which entities have to be removed

Возвращаемое значение

string string with entities removed


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.


XML_Util::splitQualifiedName() -- split qualified name


Splits a qualified name and returns array with namespace and local part.


  • string $qname - qualified tag name (e.g. xsl:stylsheet)

  • string $defaultNs - default namespace, will be used in return value, if qualified name contains only a local part

Возвращаемое значение

array assoc array containing namespace and local part of the tag


Эта функция должна вызываться статически.

VII. PECL Пакеты программ

I. Imagick


This documention is outdated, it refers to an version older then 18 months. Please ask the maintainer of this package to update this documentation.


Этот модуль является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫМ. Это означает, что поведение его функций, имена функций и ВСЕ остальное может быть изменено в будущем без каких-либо уведомлений. Вы можете использовать этот модуль только на свой страх и риск.





Documentation -- 

Documentation moved

The documentation is now part of the PHP manual.

III. Radius


Documentation -- 

Documentation moved

The documentation is now part of the PHP manual.

IV. Net_Gopher


Documentation -- 

Documentation moved

The documentation is now part of the PHP manual.

V. PostScript document creation


Documentation -- 

Documentation moved

The documentation is now part of the PHP manual.

OrbitObject -- Access CORBA objects
OrbitEnum -- Use CORBA enums
OrbitStruct -- Use CORBA structs
satellite_caught_exception --  See if an exception was caught from the previous function
satellite_exception_id -- Get the repository id for the latest exception.
satellite_exception_value --  Get the exception struct for the latest exception
satellite_object_to_string --  Convert an object to its string representation
satellite_load_idl --  Instruct the type manager to load an IDL file
satellite_get_repository_id --  NOT IMPLEMENTED


OrbitObject -- Access CORBA objects


OrbitEnum -- Use CORBA enums


OrbitStruct -- Use CORBA structs


satellite_caught_exception --  See if an exception was caught from the previous function


satellite_exception_id -- Get the repository id for the latest exception.



Эта функция является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОЙ. Это означает, что ее поведение, имя и ВСЕ остальное может быть изменено в будущем без каких-либо уведомлений. Вы можете использовать эту функцию только на свой страх и риск.

Return a repository id string. (E.g. "IDL:MyException:1.0".) For example usage see satellite_caught_exception().


satellite_exception_value --  Get the exception struct for the latest exception



Эта функция является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОЙ. Это означает, что ее поведение, имя и ВСЕ остальное может быть изменено в будущем без каких-либо уведомлений. Вы можете использовать эту функцию только на свой страх и риск.

Return an exception struct. For example usage see satellite_caught_exception().


satellite_object_to_string --  Convert an object to its string representation


satellite_load_idl --  Instruct the type manager to load an IDL file


satellite_get_repository_id --  NOT IMPLEMENTED

VII. PostgreSQL Session Save Handler


Этот модуль является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫМ. Это означает, что поведение его функций, имена функций и ВСЕ остальное может быть изменено в будущем без каких-либо уведомлений. Вы можете использовать этот модуль только на свой страх и риск.

session_pgsql_status -- Get current save handler status


session_pgsql_status -- Get current save handler status



Эта функция является ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОЙ. Это означает, что ее поведение, имя и ВСЕ остальное может быть изменено в будущем без каких-либо уведомлений. Вы можете использовать эту функцию только на свой страх и риск.

No description yet.

calcul_hmac -- Obtain a hmac key (needs 8 arguments)
calculhmac -- Obtain a hmac key (needs 2 arguments)
nthmac -- Obtain a nthmac key (needs 2 arguments)
signeurlpaiement -- Obtain the payment url (needs 2 arguments)


calcul_hmac -- Obtain a hmac key (needs 8 arguments)


calculhmac -- Obtain a hmac key (needs 2 arguments)


nthmac -- Obtain a nthmac key (needs 2 arguments)


signeurlpaiement -- Obtain the payment url (needs 2 arguments)

IX. Net_Gopher


Documentation -- 

Documentation moved

The documentation is now part of the PHP manual.

X. oggvorbis


Documentation -- 

Documentation moved

The documentation is now part of the PHP manual.

HIVE: All information for read only. Please respect copyright!