
Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Pager -- Pager rendering driver


This driver provides generic paging. This driver has full container support. You can use the Structures_DataGrid::fill() method with it. It buffers output, you can use Structures_DataGrid::getOutput()

Supported operations modes

This driver supports the following operation modes:

Таблица 57-1. Supported operations modes of this driver

Container Supportyes
Output Bufferingyes
Direct Renderingno


This driver accepts the following options:

Таблица 57-2. Options for this driver

OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
buildFooterboolWhether to build the footer.true
buildHeaderboolWhether to build the header.true
defaultCellValuestringWhat value to put by default into empty cells.null
defaultColumnValuesarrayPer-column default cell value. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName => value, ...).array()
encodingstringThe content encoding. If the mbstring extension is present the default value is set from mb_internal_encoding(), otherwise it is ISO-8859-1.'ISO-8859-1'
excludeVarsarrayVariables to be removed from the generated HTTP queries.array()
extraVarsarrayVariables to be added to the generated HTTP queries.array()
fillWithEmptyRowsboolEnsures that all pages have the same number of rows.false
hideColumnLinksarrayBy default sorting links are enabled on all columns. With this option it is possible to disable sorting links on specific columns. This is an array of the form: array(fieldName, ...). This option only affects drivers that support sorting.array()
numberAlignboolWhether to right-align numeric values.true
pagerOptionsarrayOptions passed to Pager::factory(). Basic defaults are: mode: Sliding, delta: 5, separator: "|", prevImg: "&lt;&lt;" (<<), nextImg: "&gt;&gt;" (>>). The extraVars and excludeVars options are populated according to the Renderer common extraVars and excludeVars options. You may also specify some variables to be added or excluded here. The totalItems, perPage, urlVar, and currentPage options are set accordingly to the data statistics reported by the DataGrid and DataSource. You may overload these values here if you know what you are doing. 

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