Pager_Sliding is a class to page an array of data. It is taken as input and it is paged according to various parameters. Pager_Sliding also builds links within a specified range, and allows complete customization of the output (it even works with mod_rewrite). It is compatible with PEAR::Pager's API
This simple example will page the array of alphabetical letters, giving back pages with 3 letters per page, and links to the previous two / next two pages:
require_once 'Pager/Sliding.php'; $params = array( 'perPage' => 3, 'delta' => 2, 'itemData' => array('a','b','c','d','e',[...omissis...],'z') ); $pager = & new Pager_Sliding($params); $data = $pager->getPageData(); $links = $pager->getLinks(); //$links is an ordered+associative array with 'back'/'pages'/'next'/'first'/'last'/'all' links. //NB: $links['all'] is the same as $pager->links; //echo links to other pages: echo $links['all'] //Show data for current page: echo 'PAGED DATA: ' ; print_r($data); //Results from methods: echo 'getCurrentPageID()...: '; var_dump($pager->getCurrentPageID()); echo 'getNextPageID()......: '; var_dump($pager->getNextPageID()); echo 'getPreviousPageID()..: '; var_dump($pager->getPreviousPageID()); echo 'numItems()...........: '; var_dump($pager->numItems()); echo 'numPages()...........: '; var_dump($pager->numPages()); echo 'isFirstPage()........: '; var_dump($pager->isFirstPage()); echo 'isLastPage().........: '; var_dump($pager->isLastPage()); echo 'isLastPageComplete().: '; var_dump($pager->isLastPageComplete()); echo '$pager->range........: '; var_dump($pager->range); |
This example shows how you can use this class with mod_rewite. Let's suppose we have a .htaccess like this:
--------- RewriteEngine on #Options FollowSymlinks RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^articles/([a-z]{1,12})/art([0-9]{1,4})\.html$ /article.php?num=$2&month=$1 [L] --------- |
require_once 'Pager/Sliding.php'; $month = 'september'; $params = array( 'append' => false, 'urlVar' => 'num', 'path' => '' . $month, 'fileName' => 'art%d.html', //Pager replaces "%d" with page number... 'itemData' => array('a','b','c',[...omissis...],'z'), 'perPage' => 3 ); $pager = & new Pager_Sliding($params); $data = $pager->getPageData(); echo $pager->links; echo 'Data for current page: '; print_r($data); |
Using more than one pager in a single page is as simple as using a different urlVar for each pager:
require_once 'Pager/Sliding.php'; //first pager $params1 = array( 'perPage' => 3, 'urlVar' => pageID_articles, //1st identifier 'itemData' => $someArray ); $pager1 = & new Pager_Sliding($params1); $data1 = $pager1->getPageData(); $links1 = $pager1->getLinks(); //second pager $params2 = array( 'perPage' => 8, 'urlVar' => pageID_news, //2nd identifier 'itemData' => $someOtherArray ); $pager2 = & new Pager_Sliding($params2); $data2 = $pager2->getPageData(); $links2 = $pager2->getLinks(); |
Пред. | Начало | След. |
Pager_Sliding | Уровень выше | Pager (v.1.x) vs. Pager_Sliding |
HIVE: All information for read only. Please respect copyright! |