This renderer does not output anything itself, it returns the form structure as an array. This array can later be used for generating the output. A usage example is available for this renderer and Smarty template engine, look in docs/renderers directory.
The form array structure is the following:
array( 'frozen' => 'whether the form is frozen', 'javascript' => 'javascript for client-side validation', 'attributes' => 'attributes for <form> tag', 'requirednote => 'note about the required elements', // if we set the option to collect hidden elements 'hidden' => 'collected html of all hidden elements', // if there were some validation errors: 'errors' => array( '1st element name' => 'Error for the 1st element', ... 'nth element name' => 'Error for the nth element' ), // if there are no headers in the form: 'elements' => array( element_1, ... element_N ) // if there are headers in the form: 'sections' => array( array( 'header' => 'Header text for the first header', 'name' => 'Name of the first header', 'elements' => array( element_1, ... element_K1 ) ), ... array( 'header' => 'Header text for the Mth header', 'elements' => array( element_1, ... element_KM ) ) ) ); |
array( 'name' => 'element name', 'value' => 'element value', 'type' => 'type of the element', 'frozen' => 'whether element is frozen', 'label' => 'label for the element', 'required' => 'whether element is required', 'error' => 'error associated with the element', 'style' => 'some information about element style (e.g. for Smarty)', // if element is not a group 'html' => 'HTML for the element' // if element is a group 'separator' => 'separator for group elements', 'elements' => array( element_1, ... element_N ) ); |
Подсказка: HTML_QuickForm::toArray() method uses the Array renderer internally.
Пред. | Начало | След. |
HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default::toHtml() | Уровень выше | constructor HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array() |
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