This class takes the same arguments as a select element, but instead of creating a <select> it creates hidden elements for all values already selected with setDefaults() or setConstants(). This is useful if you have a select ring that you don't want visible, but you need all selected values to be passed.
HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect Inherited Methods
Таблица 42-1. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_select
Method Name | Summary |
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_select::HTML_QuickForm_select() | Class constructor |
HTML_QuickForm_select::addOption() | Adds a new OPTION to the SELECT |
HTML_QuickForm_select::apiVersion() | Returns the current API version |
HTML_QuickForm_select::exportValue() | We check the options and return only the values that _could_ have been |
HTML_QuickForm_select::getFrozenHtml() | Returns the value of field without HTML tags |
HTML_QuickForm_select::getMultiple() | Returns the select mutiple attribute |
HTML_QuickForm_select::getName() | Returns the element name |
HTML_QuickForm_select::getPrivateName() | Returns the element name (possibly with brackets appended) |
HTML_QuickForm_select::getSelected() | Returns an array of the selected values |
HTML_QuickForm_select::getSize() | Returns the select field size |
HTML_QuickForm_select::getValue() | Returns an array of the selected values |
HTML_QuickForm_select::load() | Loads options from different types of data sources |
HTML_QuickForm_select::loadArray() | Loads the options from an associative array |
HTML_QuickForm_select::loadDbResult() | Loads the options from DB_result object |
HTML_QuickForm_select::loadQuery() | Queries a database and loads the options from the results |
HTML_QuickForm_select::setMultiple() | Sets the select mutiple attribute |
HTML_QuickForm_select::setName() | Sets the input field name |
HTML_QuickForm_select::setSelected() | Sets the default values of the select box |
HTML_QuickForm_select::setSize() | Sets the select field size, only applies to 'multiple' selects |
HTML_QuickForm_select::setValue() | Sets the value of the form element |
Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element
Method Name | Summary |
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element() | Class constructor |
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept() | Accepts a renderer |
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion() | Returns the current API version |
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue() | Returns a 'safe' element's value |
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze() | Freeze the element so that only its value is returned |
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml() | Returns the value of field without HTML tags |
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel() | Returns display text for the element |
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName() | Returns the element name |
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType() | Returns element type |
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue() | Returns the value of the form element |
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen() | Returns whether or not the element is frozen |
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent() | Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element |
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel() | Sets display text for the element |
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName() | Sets the input field name |
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze() | Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not |
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue() | Sets the value of the form element |
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze() | Unfreezes the form element |
Пред. | Начало | След. |
constructor HTML_QuickForm_header() | Уровень выше | constructor HTML_QuickForm_hiddenselect() |
HIVE: All information for read only. Please respect copyright! |