Groups allow you to combine several individual elements into one entity and to use it as usual form element. Most of the group's methods use the methods of the grouped elements to do their job. For example, groups do not have values themselves, their setValue() and getValue() methods just call the appropriate methods of grouped elements to set and get their values.
Groups can be used both for visual grouping of the elements (e.g. putting "Submit" and "Reset" buttons on one line), grouping of the elements with the same name (e.g. groups of checkboxes and radiobuttons) and logical grouping of the elements (e.g. group for person's name consisting of two text fields for first and last name).
Таблица 42-1. Classes that extend HTML_QuickForm_group
Class | Summary |
HTML_QuickForm_date | Class for a group of elements used to input dates (and times). |
HTML_QuickForm_hierselect | Class to dynamically create two HTML Select elements The first select changes the content of the second select. |
HTML_QuickForm_group Inherited Methods
Таблица 42-2. Inherited from HTML_QuickForm_element
Method Name | Summary |
Constructor HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element() | Class constructor |
HTML_QuickForm_element::accept() | Accepts a renderer |
HTML_QuickForm_element::apiVersion() | Returns the current API version |
HTML_QuickForm_element::exportValue() | Returns a 'safe' element's value |
HTML_QuickForm_element::freeze() | Freeze the element so that only its value is returned |
HTML_QuickForm_element::getFrozenHtml() | Returns the value of field without HTML tags |
HTML_QuickForm_element::getLabel() | Returns display text for the element |
HTML_QuickForm_element::getName() | Returns the element name |
HTML_QuickForm_element::getType() | Returns element type |
HTML_QuickForm_element::getValue() | Returns the value of the form element |
HTML_QuickForm_element::isFrozen() | Returns whether or not the element is frozen |
HTML_QuickForm_element::onQuickFormEvent() | Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element |
HTML_QuickForm_element::setLabel() | Sets display text for the element |
HTML_QuickForm_element::setName() | Sets the input field name |
HTML_QuickForm_element::setPersistantFreeze() | Sets wether an element value should be kept in an hidden field when the element is frozen or not |
HTML_QuickForm_element::setValue() | Sets the value of the form element |
HTML_QuickForm_element::unfreeze() | Unfreezes the form element |
Пред. | Начало | След. |
HTML_QuickForm::addGroup() | Уровень выше | constructor HTML_QuickForm_group() |
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