
Introduction -- Introduction to Cache_Lite
constructor Cache_Lite::Cache_Lite() -- Constructor
Cache_Lite::get() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it
Cache_Lite::save() -- Save some data in a cache file
Cache_Lite::remove() -- Remove a cache file
Cache_Lite::clean() -- Clean the cache
Cache_Lite::setToDebug() -- Set to debug mode
Cache_Lite::setLifeTime() -- Set a new life time
Cache_Lite::saveMemoryCachingState() -- 
Cache_Lite::getMemoryCachingState() -- 
Cache_Lite::lastModified() -- Return the cache last modification time
Cache_Lite::raiseError() -- Trigger a PEAR error
Cache_Lite::extendLife() -- Extend the life of a valid cache file
constructor Cache_Lite_Output::Cache_Lite_Output() -- Constructor
Cache_Lite_Output::start() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it to the browser. Else, the output buffering is activated.
Cache_Lite_Output::end() -- Stop the output buffering started by the start() method and store the output to a cache file
constructor Cache_Lite_Function::Cache_Lite_Function() -- Constructor
Cache_Lite_Function::call() -- Calls a cacheable function or method (or not if there is already a cache for it)
Cache_Lite_Function::drop() -- Drop a cache file
constructor Cache_Lite_File::Cache_Lite_File() -- Constructor
Cache_Lite_File::get() -- Test if a cache is available and (if yes) return it

Cache_Lite provides a fast, light and safe cache system. It's optimized for file containers and protected against cache corruptions (because it uses file locking and/or hash tests).

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