Net_IPv6::splitV64() (Previous) (Next) Константы

Last updated: Sun, 16 May 2004


Константы -- предопределенные константы
Net_NNTP::command() -- send a command to a newsserver
Net_NNTP::connect() -- Connects to a newsserver
Net_NNTP::connectAuthenticated() -- Connects and authenticates to a newsserver
Net_NNTP::date() -- get date from news server
Net_NNTP::first() -- get lowest message number
Net_NNTP::getArticle() -- fetch an article from a new server
Net_NNTP::getArticleRaw() -- fetch an article from a new server
Net_NNTP::getBody() -- fetch the body of an article
Net_NNTP::getBodyRaw() -- fetch the body of an article
Net_NNTP::getDate() -- get date from news server
Net_NNTP::getGroups() -- fetch list of avaible newsgroups
Net_NNTP::getHeaderRaw() -- fetch message header
Net_NNTP::getHeaders() -- fetch message headers
Net_NNTP::getOverview() -- fetch a number of message headers
Net_NNTP::getOverviewFmt() -- fetch the name of message headers
Net_NNTP::getOverviewFormat() -- fetch the name of message headers
Net_NNTP::isConnected() -- check connection status
Net_NNTP::last() -- get highest message number
Net_NNTP::max() -- get highest message number
Net_NNTP::min() -- get lowest message number
Net_NNTP::post() -- post a message
Net_NNTP::prepareConnection() -- connects to a newsgroup on a newsserver
Net_NNTP::quit() -- disconnect from a newsserver
Net_NNTP::selectGroup() -- select a newsgroup
Net_NNTP::setDebug() -- setting debug mode
Net_NNTP::splitHeaders() -- fetch message headers into in array
Константы -- предопределенные константы
Net_NNTP_Realtime::connect() -- Connects to a NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Realtime::connectAuthenticated() -- Connect and authenticate to a NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Realtime::count() -- Get the number of articles in the current newsgroup
Net_NNTP_Realtime::first() -- Get the number of the first article in the current newsgroup
Net_NNTP_Realtime::getArticle() -- Fetch an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Realtime::getArticleRaw() -- Fetch an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Realtime::getBodyRaw() -- Fetch the body of an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Realtime::getDate() -- Get date from NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Realtime::getGroups() -- Fetch list of avaible newsgroups
Net_NNTP_Realtime::getHeader() -- Fetch the header of an article from the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Realtime::getHeaderRaw() -- fetch message header
Net_NNTP_Realtime::getOverview() -- Fetch newsgroup overview
Net_NNTP_Realtime::last() -- Get the number of the last article in the current newsgroup
Net_NNTP_Realtime::quit() -- close the connection to the NNTP-server
Net_NNTP_Realtime::selectGroup() -- select a newsgroup
Константы -- предопределенные константы

Accessing news server, sending and fetching newsgroup postings

Net_IPv6::splitV64() (Previous) (Next) Константы

Download Documentation Last updated: Sun, 16 May 2004
HIVE: All information for read only. Please respect copyright!