#! /bin/sh # $Id: fols,v 1.9 92/07/24 17:36:00 jerry book2 $ ### fols - Show list of folders, in columns, current folder marked ### Usage: fols [ -recurse ] << (just -r is enough...) ## ## THE folder -fast PROGRAM GIVES A LIST OF YOUR TOP-LEVEL FOLDERS ## IN ONE COLUMN. IF YOU HAVE A LOT OF FOLDERS, THIS CAN BE A PAIN ## BECAUSE THE LIST CAN SCROLL OFF YOUR SCREEN. fols REFORMATS THE ## folder -fast OUTPUT INTO FOUR COLUMNS. IT MARKS THE CURRENT FOLDER ## WITH A +. IF ANY FOLDER NAMES ARE TOO LONG FOR A COLUMN, IT ## CUTS OUT THE MIDDLE OF THE NAME AND REPLACES IT WITH AN "=". ## ## BY DEFAULT, fols ONLY SHOWS THE TOP-LEVEL FOLDERS. THE -r SWITCH ## MAKES IT RECURSIVE, LIKE folder -recurse -fast. ## ## HERE'S AN EXAMPLE. THE EXAMPLE WITH -r SHOWS A SET OF SUB-FOLDERS ## NINE LEVELS DEEP, STARTING WITH A SUB-FOLDER NAMED test/l1: ## ## % fols ## drafts haha inbox+ scans ## scantest test test2 test3 ## % fols -r ## drafts haha haha/sub inbox+ ## scans scantest test test/MaIlSoRt9818 ## test/haha test/l1 test/l1/l2 test/l1/l2/l3 ## test/l1/l2/l3/l4 test/l1/=/l3/l4/l5 test/l1/=/l4/l5/l6 test/l1/=/l5/l6/l7 ## test/l1/=/l6/l7/l8 test/l1/=/l7/l8/l9 test2 test3 ## ## NOTE TO HACKERS: TABSTOPS ARE SET AT 4 IN THIS CODE folopts="-fast -nolist -nototal -nopack" # OVERRIDE MH PROFILE rec= case "$#$1" in 0"") ;; 1-r*) rec=-recurse ;; *) echo "Usage: `basename $0` [ -recurse ]" 1>&2; exit 1 ;; esac # USE BACKQUOTES TO "PASTE" THE CURRENT FOLDER NAME # INTO THE sed EXPRESSION THAT ADDS A + TO END. # THEN, IN ANY LINE WHICH HAS AT LEAST 19 CHARACTERS, # SAVE FIRST 8 AND LAST 9 CHARACTERS AND REPLACE # MIDDLE CHARACTER(S) WITH AN = SIGN. FINALLY, GIVE # TO pr WITH LINE LENGTH OF 1 TO MAKE INTO 4 COLUMNS: folders $rec $folopts | sed -e "s@^`$mh/folder $folopts`\$@&+@" \ -e 's/^\(........\)...*\(.........\)$/\1=\2/' | pr -l1 -4 -w78 -t
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This file is from the third edition of the book MH & xmh: Email for Users & Programmers, ISBN 1-56592-093-7, by Jerry Peek. Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995 by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. This file is freely-available; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For more information, see the file copying.htm.
Suggestions are welcome: Jerry Peek <jerry@ora.com>
HIVE: All information for read only. Please respect copyright! |