Color Resources
[table of contents] [index]
The Tk toolkit allows color to be controlled with X resource database
The app-defaults-color file defines a grey family for the Tk
widget set that provides a nice background for the color highlights
used by exmh.
Some colors are named symbolically.
For others, hexadecimal numbers specify the red, green, and blue
components of the colors, with two hex digits for each component.
A family of greys are defined -- ranging from light grey, #efefef,
to a 50% grey, #7f7f7f.
The basic widget settings are shown below.
- activeBackground
The background of a button when the mouse is over it.
Default is white.
- activeForeground
The foreground of a button when the mouse is over it.
Default is black.
- selector
The color of the selector in radio and check buttons.
Default is black.
- background
The standard background color for widgets.
Default is #efefef (a light grey).
- foreground
The standard foreground color for widgets.
Default is black.
- selectBackground
Background for selected text.
Default is #bfdfff (a light blue).
- Scrollbar.foreground
The foreground for scrollbars.
Default is #dfdfdf (grey).
- Scrollbar.activeForeground
The foreground for scrollbars when the mouse is over them.
Default is white.
- Button.disabledForeground
The foreground for buttons that are disabled.
Default is #7f7f7f (50% grey).
- Menu.disabledForeground
The foreground for menu entries that are disabled.
Default is #7f7f7f.
- Entry.background
The background for text entry widgets used in dialogs.
Default is white.
- Entry.foreground
The foreground for text entry widgets.
Default is black.
- Label.foreground
The foreground for text labels.
Default is blue.
If you use a monochrome screen and want reverse video,
put the following resource definitions in your ~/.exmh-defaults-mono
*Background: black
*Foreground: white
*c_background: black
*c_foreground: white
The remaining resources are special resources introduced by
exmh that define the color highlights.
These resources control the appearance of the table of contents and
folder label display.
The trailing Bg or Fg in some resource names is purely
historical accident.
Originally you could specify only the foreground (for current
and unseen) or the background (for moved and deleted).
Now, for the benefit of users with greyscale monitors,
you can specify all of them.
The fdispColor.tcl and ftocColor.tcl
files have good examples of the use of these resources.
- c_current
The color for the current message and current folder.
Default is violet red.
- c_currentBg
The background color for the current message.
Default is white.
- c_unseen
The color for unseen messages and folders that contain unseen messages.
Default is blue.
- c_unseenBg
The background color for unseen messages.
Default is normal background
(same as text widget default background).
- c_moved
The background color for messages that are marked for refiling,
and the background label color for the target folder for refiling.
Default is yellow.
- c_movedFg
The foreground color for messages that are marked for refiling.
The default is normal foreground.
- c_deletedFg
The foreground color for messages marked for deletion.
Default is normal foreground.
- c_foreground
The foreground color for labels in the folder display.
Default is black.
- c_background
The background color for labels in the folder display.
Default is white.
- c_popup
The color for the popups that display nested folders.
Default is grey.
- c_st_normal
The color for normal status messages.
Default is blue.
- c_st_error
The color for error messages.
Default is purple.
- c_st_warn
The color for warning messages.
Default is red.
- c_st_background
The color for messages from the background process.
Default is medium sea green.
[Table of Contents] [Index]
[Previous: Button Groups]
[Next: Colorizing Header Fields]
(This section was written by Brent Welch.)
Last change $Date: 1996/06/06 15:09:18 $
This file is from the third edition of the book MH & xmh: Email
for Users & Programmers, ISBN 1-56592-093-7, by Jerry Peek.
Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995 by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
This file is freely-available; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation. For more information, see
the file copying.htm.
Suggestions are welcome:
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