
Introduction -- Simple transformations
Introduction -- Passing the data to transform
Introduction -- Using XPath
XML_sql2xml::XML_sql2xml -- Constructor
XML_sql2xml::add -- General method for adding new result sets
XML_sql2xml::addXmlFile -- Adds a XML file
XML_sql2xml::addXmlString -- Adds XML string
XML_sql2xml::addResult -- Adds an PEAR::DB result set
XML_sql2xml::addSql -- Adds an result set from a SQL statement
XML_sql2xml::addArray -- Adds an aditional result set from an array
XML_sql2xml::getXML -- Returns a XML representation of the result set.
XML_sql2xml::getXMLObject -- return an XML DomDocument object
XML_sql2xml::setOptions -- set options for the instance
XML_sql2xml::setEncoding -- set encoding charset
XML_sql2xml::getXpathValue -- return match of a XPath expression
XML_sql2xml::getXpathChildValues -- return child tags from match of a XPath expression

Translates SQL-Queries to XML-Resultsets.

XML_sql2xml takes an existing result set or a SQL statment and transforms it to an XML representation

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